Nov 30, 2004 - Despite the emergence of numerous distributed programming technologies, such as workflow systems, Web Services ..... To solve this problem the MPICH2 daemon Python code was also ... WIN32/ myprogram.exe. ClassLoader cl = this.getClass(). ..... Available at
Failure Resilient Heterogeneous Parallel Computing Across Multidomain Clusters Dawid Kurzyniec, Peter Hwang and Vaidy Sunderam {dawidk,vss} Dept. of Math and Computer Science Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA 30th November 2004 Abstract We propose lightweight middleware solutions that facilitate and simplify the execution of failure-resilient MPI programs across multidomain clusters. The system described in this paper leverages H2O, a distributed metacomputing framework, to route MPI message passing across heterogeneous aggregates located in different administrative or network domains. MPI programs instantiate a specially written H2O pluglet; messages that are destined for remote sites are intercepted and transparently forwarded to their final destinations. We demonstrate that the proposed technique is indeed effective in enabling communication by MPI programs across distinct clusters and across firewalls. Only minimally lowered performance was observed in our tests, and we believe the substantially increased functionality would compensate for this overhead in most situations. In addition to enabling multi-cluster communications, we note that with the increasing size and distribution of metacomputing environments, fault tolerance aspects become critically important. We argue that the fault tolerance model proposed by FT-MPI fits well in geographically distributed environments, even though its current implementation is confined to a single administrative domain. We describe extensions to overcome these limitations by combining FT-MPI with the H2O framework. Our approach allows users to run fault tolerant MPI programs on heterogeneous, geographically distributed shared machines, without sacrificing performance and with minimal involvement of resource providers.
Recently, the popularity of clusters has grown as the high performance computing architecture of choice, coupled with their continuous increase in size – currently measured in thousands of nodes per installation [31]. Additionally, there is a trend towards aggregating such supercomputing resources across multiple networks that are geographically and administratively separate, and heterogeneous in terms of architecture, software, and capabilities. In such “multidomain” systems, some parts of the resource collection may also be behind firewalls, or on a non-routable private network, leading to difficulties in access to and from a counterpart entity in another portion of the system. Despite the emergence of numerous distributed programming technologies, such as workflow systems, Web Services [32], or problem solving environments [2], MPI [11] arguably remains the most popular programming paradigm for high performance applications. In the MPI model, individual processes may send and receive messages to and from any other process, and to spawn processes on any other host, irrespective of its physical location. It is easy to see that this model 1
does not translate very effectively to multidomain systems in which communication from one domain to another is not straightforward, and process control is subject to domain-specific security policies. The situation is further exacerbated by the heterogeneity of multi-domain environments which are based on diverse hardware platforms, operating systems, access policies, and middleware systems. Last but not least, the probability of failures, disconnects, and network partitions increases tremendously, both due to size and the uncoordinated, unpredictable nature of such aggregates. It has been demonstrated [3] that MPI can provide capabilities for solving very large scientific problems on heterogeneous computational grids, under tightly controlled circumstances, using grid-enabled MPI implementations [19]. However, current solutions require tedious and timeconsuming configuration by resource providers [7, 29], and they lack fault tolerance facilities. To realize the importance of the latter, we note that current 10-20 Tflops machines experience a partial failure every 10-40 hours, even if individual components are of very high reliability [28]. In geographically distributed setups, situation is much worse: unpredictability of wide-area networks causes estimated mean time between failures (MTBF) to drop to the order of minutes. It is obvious that scientific applications, whose execution times routinely reach weeks, or even months, will not be able to run in such setups unless appropriate provisions of the environment allow them to withstand and recover from partial failures. In the context of the Harness and H2O projects, we are devising lightweight schemes to address the above obstacles by exploiting and enhancing established MPI implementations [16, 10]. Our approach to enable communication between domains involves the instantiation of customizable agents at selected locations; by leveraging the security and reconfigurability features of H2O, such ”pluglets” serve as proxies that relay messages between individual domains as appropriate, transparently performing address and other translations that may be necessary. Fault tolerance is addressed by leveraging appropriate features of the FT-MPI [10] implementation, extending them to geographically distributed environments spanning multiple administrative domains. We present the overall architecture and design of this system, describing how it enables MPI programs to operate across firewalls and private networks, with preliminary performance results. Finally, we demonstrate how multi-domain computing is facilitated by enabling dynamic staging of applications and of the MPI runtime on shared resources.
Background and Related Work
Aspects of heterogeneity, fault-tolerance, and support for geographically distributed environments, in the context of MPI, have been addressed individually by several other projects. We discuss these related projects in this section, along with frameworks and MPI implementations that were used as a foundation for our work.
The H2O Metasystem Framework
Among general purpose distributed software infrastructures considered most promising today are “grid” [27, 14] and “metacomputing” frameworks. These infrastructures primarily aim to aggregate or cross-access varied resources, often spanning different administrative domains, networks, and institutions [13]. Our ongoing work (upon which the research described in this paper is based) has pursued alternative approaches to metasystem middleware; its mainstay is the H2O substrate [24] for lightweight and flexible cooperative computing. In the H2O system, a software backplane architecture supporting component-based services hosts pluggable components
Registration and Discovery
e-mail, phone, ...
Find Deploy
A code
A Client
Legacy App
Repository A Reseller
B Developer
Figure 1: H2O component model illustrating pluglets deployable by clients, providers, or thirdparty resellers, and different modes of operation, including client-side aggregation. that provide composable services. Such components may be uploaded by resource providers but also by clients or third-parties who have appropriate permissions. Resource owners retain complete and fine-grained control over sharing policies; yet, authorized clients have much flexibility in configuring and securely using compute, data, and application services. By utilizing a model in which service providers are central and independent entities, global distributed state is significantly reduced at the lower levels of the system, thereby resulting in increased failure resilience and dynamic adaptability. Further, since providers themselves can be clients, a distributed computing environment can be created that operates in true peer-to-peer mode, but effectively facilitate the farm computing, private (metacomputing) virtual machine, and grid paradigms for resource sharing. H2O assumes that each individual resource may be represented by a software component that provides services through well defined remote interfaces. Providers supply a runtime environment in the form of a component container. The containers proposed in H2O are similar to those in other environments (e.g. J2EE), but which are capable of hosting dynamic components that are supplied and deployed by (authorized) external entities, thereby facilitating (re)configuration of services according to client needs. A comprehensive depiction of the H2O architecture is shown in Figure 1. Components, called pluglets, follow a standardized paradigm and implement composable functionality; details may be found in the H2O programming guide and other papers [17].
Grid-enabled and fault-tolerant MPI
The popularity of MPI and of grid software toolkits has motivated a number of efforts to marry the two. One of the earliest attempts was the MPICH-G project [12], that successfully demonstrated the deployment of MPI programs on multiple clusters interconnected by TCP/IP links. Based on the MPICH implementation of MPI, this project leveraged the Globus toolkit to spawn MPI jobs across different clusters, delivering single sign-on, executable staging, and process control facilities. MPICH-G mainly concentrated on resource allocation and process spawning issues, although heterogeneity and multinetwork systems were catered for. A more basic approach is adopted by Madeleine-III [4] whose goal is to provide a true multi-protocol implementation of MPI on top of a generic and multi-protocol communication layer called Madeleine. A number
MPI daemon
H2O proxy pluglet H2O kernel
MPI program
MPI program
MPI daemon
H2O proxy pluglet H2O kernel
Figure 2: Simplified H2O MPI Firewall architecture of projects have focused on the message passing substrate, providing optimized implementations of collective communication primitives: these include PACX-MPI [21], MPICH-G2 [19] (a recent incarnation of MPICH-G), StaMPI [18] which is now being extended to include MPI-IO, and MagPie [23]. These efforts have been quite successful, however, they provide few fault tolerance facilities and are therefore not scalable to very large distributed setups. On the other hand, efforts to support fault tolerant MPI have thus far been confined to single administrative domains. Solutions based on coordinated checkpointing [30, 1, 6] and message logging [5, 26, 8] are attractive due to transparency for the application developer; however, they suffer from certain inherent limitations related to the checkpoint/restart approach [25] reducing support for heterogeneity. Also, in order to withstand network partitioning in geographically distributed setups, they would necessarily have to transmit large amounts of data over low-bandwidth links that are prone to partitioning. FT-MPI [9, 10] adopts a different approach, addressing fault tolerance at the API level. FT-MPI survives the crash of n-1 processes in an n process job, and can restart them. However, failure recovery is not transparent: the process state must be reconstructed by the application. In exchange, FT-MPI maintains support for heterogeneity (e.g. by allowing failed process to be restarted on a different architecture) and minimizes communication and computation overheads, resulting in high communication performance and scalability. Our ongoing project seeks to build upon these experiences, leveraging features of existing MPI implementations. The project aims to (1) comprehensively support machine, interconnection network, and operating system heterogeneity; non-routable and non-IP networks; operation across firewalls; and failure resilience, and (2) leverage the component architecture of H2O to enable collaborations and sharing across administrative boundaries, by providing support for dynamic and secure staging of application components, application data, and also MPI runtime libraries, under strict control of the resource providers’ security policies. We describe our design and prototype implementations in the remainder of this paper.
Multi-domain computing with MPICH2
Initially, our approach to enabling multi-domain MPI was focused on communication across firewalls, and was based on one of the most widespread implementation of MPI, viz. MPICH2. To achieve our goals, we made appropriate modifications to the MPICH2 implementation and coupled them with the H2O proxy mechanism. The design of these extensions and experiences from
Resource 1
2.1. login H2O proxy pluglet startup program
H2O proxy pluglet H2O kernel
3.n. 4.n. return handle 5.n. initialize
3.1. 4.1. return handle 5.1. initialize
1. read Resource n Kernel references
2.n. login
kernel 1 ... kernel n
H2O proxy pluglet H2O kernel
Figure 3: Startup sequence initial experiments are described in this section.
The H2O Proxy Pluglet
The H2O proxy pluglet essentially served as a forwarding and demultiplexing engine at the edge of each resource in a multidomain system. This way, the necessity to handle wide-area communication and the responsibility to address firewall-related issues was confined to H2O proxy pluglets, as illustrated in Figure 2. From an operational viewpoint, H2O proxy pluglets were loaded onto H2O kernels by kernel owners, end-users, or other authorized third-parties, by exploiting the hot-deployment feature of H2O. A startup program was provided to help loading H2O proxy pluglets into H2O kernels. The proxy pluglets leveraged H2O communication facilities to forward messages across clusters. The fact that H2O uses well-known port numbers and is capable of tunneling communication via HTTP, made it possible to configure firewalls appropriately to allow the H2O forwarding. The startup program took two arguments: a filename of kernel references corresponding to the H2O kernels where the proxy pluglets was to be loaded, and a codebase URL where the proxy pluglet binaries were to be found. The startup program (1) read the kernel references from the argument file; (2) logged in to each of the H2O kernels referenced in the file; (3) loaded the proxy pluglets onto the kernels; (4) obtained a handle to each proxy pluglet; and (5) distributed handle data to each proxy pluglet, as shown in the sequence diagram of Figure 3.
Changes to MPICH2
One of our design goals was to isolate any changes to the used MPI implementation so that evolutionary changes might be made easily. The core modifications to the library involved the re-routing of all messages through the H2O proxy pluglet rather than communicating directly with the remote MPI process – an action that would not work across firewalls and non-routable networks. This goal was addressed by locating the proxy protocol at the level of socket connections, which was low enough to allow us keep the number and extent of changes to a minimum, and standard enough to ensure portability. We needed to modify only two socket functions to reroute all MPI program communications through the H2O Proxy: sock post connect(host, port) – which
Resource 1
Resource 2 MPI process (source)
4. connect
MPI process (target)
6. conn_req 10. conn_ack 5. accept
8. connect
1. listen H2O proxy pluglet
3. read
7. forward 9. ack
H2O proxy pluglet
2. /tmp/ h2oMPICH.dat
Figure 4: Establishing a connection via proxy asynchronously connects to a host and port, and sock handle connect() – which handles newly formed connections. The first function was modified to connect to the proxy pluglet (that listened on a well-known local port) instead of the final destination; the second function was augmented to forward the destination address to the proxy and let it establish the routed connection. Steps in the interaction between MPI and the H2O proxy pluglet are listed below, and are shown diagrammatically in Figure 4. The proxy pluglet enables outgoing connections using a locally published port (steps 1, 2, 3); spawns a connection handler thread to service the connection request (4,5); establishes a mapping to the destination pluglet (6,7); connects to the destination user process (8); and sets up direct channels via helper threads (9,10). After MPI programs were set up to successfully communicate over H2O channels, tests showed that MPI was still unable to completely communicate through firewalls. This was due to the fact that MPICH2 daemons, through which processes are initially spawned, had unresolved connections that were blocked by the firewall. To solve this problem the MPICH2 daemon Python code was also modified to reroute its communication in an analogous manner by modifying the lowest level socket function mpd get inet socket and connect(host, port). A few other issues are worthy of mention. First, due to the use of lazy connections, overheads were confined to only those communication channels that were required, at the relatively low expense of first-time delay. The second issue involves connecting to the proxy pluglet. Since rerouting all communications to the H2O proxy pluglet requires changing the host and port parameters of the MPI connect() call, a locally published connection endpoint scheme was used, again resulting in isolating all changes to the sock post connect(host, port) function. Also, in order to ensure that connection to the remote MPI program through the H2O proxy pluglets is established before any communications are conducted, a handshake protocol was devised. After the MPICH2 socket is connected and the host and port are sent to the H2O proxy pluglet, an acknowledgment is received in confirmation.
Preliminary Results
With the described proxy-based approach, some degradation of performance is inevitable because all direct TCP/IP connections (in MPICH2) now become three-stage channels that are routed through the H2O proxy pluglet. To measure the overhead, we utilized a test suite included with MPICH2, aimed at providing reproducible and reliable benchmarks for any MPI implementation. Mpptest provides both point-to-point and collective operations tests; and goptest is used to study
Figure 5: Results of mpptest from MPICH2 package
the scalability of collective routines as a function of number of processors [15]. The results for MPICH2 and MPICH2 over H2O on Intel PCs running Linux on 100MBit Ethernet are presented. Mpptest results are shown in Figure 5. MPICH throughput plateaus at 11.2 MB/sec (near the theoretical bandwidth limit) and MPICH over H2O plateaus at 8.8 MB/sec showing a 26.8% decrease. The anomalous drop in performance around message sizes of 50 KB for MPICH over H2O is sometimes seen in parallel computing performance evaluations, and is likely due to a benchmark dependent maximum buffer size. Goptest shows the scalability of calling collective routines such as scatter and broadcast with respect to the number of processes. MPICH2 and MPICH2-over-H2O scalability with different message sizes are shown in Figure 6. A scalability comparison between MPICH2 and MPICH2 over H2O of the 256-byte message size is shown in Figure 7. Very little difference between MPICH2 and MPICH2 over H2O exists because the added communication is outweighed by the synchronization time of collective routines.
Towards Fault-Tolerant Wide-Area MPI
Positive experiences with extending MPICH2 to enable communication across firewalls, described in the previous section, encouraged us to seek a more thorough solution to multi-domain MPI computing. First, individual users have different levels of access rights on shared resources in domains that they do not control. The software infrastructure should relieve users of the logistical burdens of using such environments, including problems related to deployment of MPI runtime libraries, program executables, and data files, among computational resources that belong to distinct administrative domains. Second, it should address issues of fragility that characterize such geographically distributed multidomain environments. Motivated by its scalability and performance characteristics [10], as well as its support for
Figure 6: Results of scatter goptest from MPICH2 suite
Figure 7: Scalability comparison between MPICH2 and MPICH2-over-H2O
kernel repository pluglet
Pluglet.class LINUX/ myprogram WIN32/ myprogram.exe
ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); String rname = “$pvmarch{}/$executable{myprogram}; URL source = cl.getResource(rname); File cmd = runtimeCxt.stageResource(source, “$executable{myprogram}”); Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd.getAbsolutePath());
Figure 8: Resource staging in the H2O framework. heterogeneous environments, we chose FT-MPI as the base MPI implementation to support the above facilities. This choice allowed us to leverage the fairly sophisticated and thorough support provided in FT-MPI to survive process failures. As mentioned in the previous section, our design to enable multidomain MPICH2 necessitated only minimal and isolated changes; therefore, porting those changes to FT-MPI was straightforward, and we could immediately focus on the new extensions. This section presents features of H2O related to resource staging, and describes how we applied them to extend FT-MPI functionality to multi-domain setups. We outline the security aspects of our proposed extensions and discuss communication mechanisms implemented to support interconnection between isolated private networks.
Staging in H2O
One of the main design goals of the H2O resource sharing framework was to achieve maximum, preferably binary, compatibility across heterogeneous platforms. Also, it has been considered essential to provide fine-grained access control infrastructure that would, for example, allow remote users to utilize a local CPU but prevent them from accessing a file system. These goals motivated the use of Java as the foundation technology. Nonetheless, H2O provides extensive support for platform-dependent functionality, and provides features that allow the hiding of heterogeneity from the user. For instance, a H2O service (i.e. pluglet) may request the JVM to link a dynamic native library. The pluglet may carry multiple versions of the library precompiled for different platforms; the appropriate version is transparently resolved and linked at run time. The following scheme is used: first, the system obtains the “library path” attribute associated with the pluglet, then it resolves the actual resource name by combining information about the library path, requested library name, and detected platform type, then it stages the resource to a temporary local file, and finally it loads the library from that file. In fact, the same mechanism can be used explicitly, by the pluglet or by its client, to stage arbitrary resources. These resources may be either platform-specific or not, and they may originate from client’s filesystem, pluglet’s class path, or an arbitrary URL. Figure 8 shows how pluglets can stage native executables and then invoke them. Automatic platform type detection is based on the classification introduced by PVM, and also adapted by FT-MPI. Detection involves inspecting Java system properties, analyzing results from the “uname” command (if present), and verifying the presence of certain system-specific files.
host kernel
User startup pluglet
FT-MPI binary repository StartupPluglet.class LINUX/ startup_d SUN4SOL2/ startup_d ...
Figure 9: Staging the FT-MPI runtime using the H2O framework.
FT-MPI Runtime Setup
The contents of the binary FT-MPI distribution can be divided into three categories: • server side: service daemons and the FT-MPI runtime library; • client side: ftmpirun and console; • developer tools: ftmpicc, code examples, and tests. As the above classification suggests, the only files that must be present at the computing nodes are: the FT-MPI startup daemon (and optionally a notifier daemon and a watchdog daemon), the FT-MPI runtime library, and the application itself. Importantly, since FT-MPI does not have any external dependencies except for the standard C library, precompiled versions of these files are widely portable within a single platform type. We have applied the staging mechanism of H2O to automate the process of MPI runtime deployment, as illustrated in Figure 9. FT-MPI service daemons have been wrapped into H2O pluglets. To set up the MPI runtime, users simply deploy these pluglets to remote H2O kernels. It is necessary that providers authorize the deployment (e.g. by indicating that they trust the code signer) but they do not have to configure the MPI runtime themselves. The pluglets stage and start up appropriate platform-specific versions of FT-MPI service daemons, fetching them from a network repository. Importantly, this scheme allows users to set up the MPI runtime, and thus execute MPI programs, on machines where they do not have a login account but instead, only restricted H2O access. The setup hides heterogeneity from users and releases providers from the responsibility to install or configure additional software except for the H2O kernel itself.
Application staging
By default, FT-MPI can launch only those applications that are stored in the node file system. The startup daemon designates a directory where all application binaries must be stored; the user supplies only the file name. We have extended this model to allow for applications to be staged from arbitrary locations. Our scheme is analogous to Java remote class loading. Instead of the aforementioned predefined base directory, we use a URL code base that the user may specify
Providers kernel – cluster 1 startup pluglet2 kernel – cluster startup pluglet
stage, run
Application repository LINUX/ myapp1 myapp2 SUN4SOL2/ myapp1 myapp2 ...
kernel – cluster n startup pluglet Distributed Virtual Machine
User ftmpirun -np 512 -codebase ”” myapp1
Figure 10: Launching MPI application from a network repository. along with the executable name. As illustrated in Figure 10, an execution request is handled by the startup pluglet which uses the H2O staging mechanism to fetch a platform-specific version of the application and save it in a local file. Then, the startup pluglet invokes the FT-MPI startup daemon instructing it to launch the application from the local file. Taking the Java class loading analogy even further, we advocate using the popular JAR archive format as a deployment technology for multi-platform MPI applications stored in network repositories, and JAR URLs as a means to refer to their contents. Below we list the features of the JAR file format that prove useful in this usage scenario: • Compression and indexing: reduces download sizes, sometimes significantly. • Metadata: can be used to specify application requirements and dependencies. • Digital signatures: support code source authentication, essential for assessing the trustworthiness of code downloaded from remote repositories. These features are backed by a readily available toolkit (e.g. command-line tools to sign the code or to verify signatures) that can be directly applied to perform appropriate application deployment.
Access Control
To provide protection against malicious code, startup daemon must assess whether the application that it is asked to launch can be trusted. The usual approach is to base the decision upon the code source and/or principal who requested the execution. FT-MPI includes limited support for both: the code source is restricted to a designated place in a local filesystem which is assumed to be trusted, and additionally, optional X.509-based user authentication is provided. Application staging, however, requires more sophisticated measures to ensure adequate security. In H2O-FT-MPI, the notion of a code source has been extended to follow the Java model:
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
App Startup_d
Communication within cluster
App Startup pluglet
Startup pluglet
H2O proxy
H2O proxy
Communication across clusters
App Startup_d
Figure 11: Interconnecting non-routable private networks. it is comprised of a URL base path and code signers. Information about the principal is acquired from the H2O framework, which uses flexible authentication mechanisms to establish user identity. The startup pluglet maintains a security policy that defines access rules, e.g. equivalent to “allow Dr. X to execute any application he likes” or “allow all users in group Y to execute applications coming from ’https://vendorZ/apps/’ or signed by ’VendorZ’ ”, etc.
Connectivity among Heterogeneous Clusters
FT-MPI uses TCP/IP as the underlying transport, assuming that nodes have unique IP addresses and that they are accessible to each other through these addresses. However, it is common for a cluster interconnect to be a private non-routable network. Consequently, nodes belonging to two such clusters cannot directly communicate via IP. FT-MPI can be used inside a single such cluster, but it is incapable of interconnecting a collection of them. To address this limitation, we adopted the and extended the proxy-based approach presented in Section 3, and illustrated here in Figure 11. As before, proxies are deployed on clusters’ front-ends, which are assumed to have global IP addresses as well as direct connectivity with their individual nodes. Since actual node IP addresses may be private and thus non-unique, we instead assign to each node a virtual class A private IP address, unique within a given distributed virtual machine. To ensure uniqueness, each cluster’s proxy is granted a distinct range of virtual addresses that it can assign to the nodes. Since proxies are created upon instantiation of the virtual machine, it is possible to let each proxy know the virtual IP ranges of all other proxies. We modified the low-level communication layer of FT-MPI (in a manner similar to that described previously for MPICH2) so that when a process want to establish a connection with another process, it contacts its local proxy first, specifying the requested target’s virtual IP address. Based on that IP address, the proxy either sets up a routed connection to the destination (through the destination’s proxy), or returns the physical target IP so that the source process can follow with a direct connection. We reemphasize that implementing proxies at the socket level allows us to minimize changes to the MPI implementation, and simplifies future maintainancemaintenance. However, further development is needed in order to optimize the performance of collective operations [20, 18, 23, 22].
4.5 4
direct route proxy route
70 60
throughput [MB/s]
throughput [MB/s]
2.5 2 1.5
50 40 30 20
0.5 0
direct route proxy route
400 600 message size [B]
0 3 10
10 message size [B]
Figure 12: Throughput of routed connection versus direct connection, for small and large messages.
Performance Evaluation
Most of the functionality resulting from coupling FT-MPI with H2O is related only to the application and environment startup and thus has no effect on the FT-MPI communication performance, which is discussed elsewhere [10]. The only exception is the communication proxy infrastructure that enables FT-MPI applications to communicate across clusters. In case of intra-cluster communications, resolution of virtual addresses introduces a small overhead at socket creation time but causes no penalty thereafter. To measure the performance of a routed communication, we performed a comparison experiment on two Pentium 4 2.4 GHz nodes interconnected by a Gigabit Ethernet switch. The machines had 1 GB RAM each and were running Mandrake Linux 10.0. We used the standard communication benchmark “bmtest” from the FT-MPI distribution to compare performance of a direct TCP/IP connection versus a route through two proxies, one at each machine. Results, shown in Figure 12 indicate that the routed connection achieved about 65% of the throughput of a direct link consistently for all message sizes, reaching 50 MB/s for 1 MB messages. These results, consistent with earlier experiments with MPICH2, lead us to the conclusion that proxies themselves are unlikely to cause a performance bottleneck if the communication channel between them (e.g. the Internet) is slower than the cluster interconnect thus constraining the available bandwidth.
Discussion and Future Work
In this paper, we have discussed effects and issues of extending the MPI paradigm to heterogeneous collections of distributed resources spanning administrative domains. We described our initial efforts in supporting the operation of the standard MPI model over multidomain systems, exemplified by aggregates of multiple clusters behind firewalls. This exercise demonstrated the substantially improved functionality that could be attained with minimal changes to the underlying MPI implementation and with only marginally lowered performance. We then extended this subsystem to comprehensive multidomain systems, and also supported the FTMPI interface.
The fault tolerance model introduced by FT-MPI fits well in such environments; but the standard implementation was not directly applicable due to certain limitations. We have applied the H2O metacomputing framework to address these shortcomings. Our approach allows users to run fault tolerant MPI programs on heterogeneous, geographically distributed shared machines, without sacrificing performance and without requiring resource providers to install and configure MPI software. In the course of future work, we plan to implement optimizations to collective communication routines by taking advantage of a hierarchical interconnect topology, typical in geographically distributed environments.
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