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of neuroimaging, neuropsychological & neuro-pharmacological techniques of studying the brain and their ... Visual memory form chapter six of the textbook. Starting with ... face memory, cognitive maps and mnemonics. Chapter seven covers.
MEMORY: FOUNDATIONS AND APPLICATIONS BENNETT L. SCHWARTZ (2 EDS) Los Angeles: Sage Publication, Inc, 2013 480 pages ($80.85 paperback) ISBN: 978-1-4522-5911-6 (paperback) Memory is an essential component of human cognition. No cognitive process can function without the inclusion of memory in some form (retroactive / prospective). Memory helps us navigate our socially complex environments day after day with such ease that only in the event of memory failures we can appreciate the need of memory in our lives. “Memory: Foundations and Applications” is written with the idea of emphasizing the role of memory in our everyday lives. The book successfully investigates topics dealing with human memory and explains each topic with simplicity & without comprising on the technical aspects of memory research. The present book is a refreshing combination of theories and experiments in memory and current day cutting edge memory research. The author of the book have done exceptional work in laying down the principles of human memory in easy to understand language. Unlike other books in the area, this books integrates Neuroscience aspects of each topic within the text. This makes the reader feel a sense of completion as they not only encounter basic principles and theories but also neuro-scientific evidences to the subject matter. Another interesting aspect of the book is inclusion of pointers on how to use the concepts they learn in every day for improving their learning and memory. The book includes a whole chapter dedicated to improving memory and learning efficiency. Discussions on retrieval practices and appropriate warning on stability bias help in improving learning and memory efficiency of the readers. Each chapter in the present book has links to online recourses which help student self-learn additions information on the subject matters. Each chapter in the book has important terms and concepts marked in bold, memory improvement tips, interim summaries and review questions each of which improve the readability and comprehension of the present book. The entire book can be divided into three broad sections. The first section of the book has an introductory chapter that discuss the science of memory, a brief history of memory and methods of studying and measuring memory. Chapter two in this section on memory from the view point of brain. This chapter starts with a brief introduction on function and structural systems of the brain. An introduction of neuroimaging, neuropsychological & neuro-pharmacological techniques of studying the brain and their relation to memory leads to completion of this section. In the second section different memory types are discussed in detail. Working memory with its theoretical foundations, subtypes and applications is the third chapter. This is followed by chapter on episodic memory foundations, theories, methods and application. Semantic and lexical memory is dealt in the next chapter. Lexical memory as semantic memory is given due justice by the author unlike many other books on memory. Visual memory form chapter six of the textbook. Starting with imagery studies the chapter progresses with discussion on face memory, cognitive maps and mnemonics. Chapter seven covers autobiographical memory & flashbulb memories and their applications. False

memory is dealt as special chapter, unlike most memory text which this gets classified under episodic memory. The chapter explains concepts like source monitoring, eye witness testimony, recovered memories and cognitive interviewing as methods of lowering false memory effect. Chapter nine the last in this section deals with meta-memory. Very few memory text book deals with meta-memory as separate section. In this chapter the theories of meta-memory, meta-memory judgments and control process are dealt with. The chapter ends with discussion on déjà vu experience and retrospective confidence as special cases of meta-memory. Section three covers applicative nature of human memory. Chapter ten, the first in this section focusses on memory disorders - amnesia & Alzheimer. A complete investigation of nature & type of amnesia, nature of Alzheimer and brief focus on memory rehabilitation is the subject matter of this chapter. Chapter eleven and twelve deals with specific cases of memory in childhood and older adults. these chapters cover in details specific issues and instances of childhood and older adult memory like infant memory, age-related changes in working memory, false & meta-memory processes to name a few. The last chapter in this section is very unique. The author has done some excellent work in preparing a user guide to memory improvement in this chapter. Issues like retrieval strategies, metamemory use, practice type and meaning related processing which are believed to improve memory is discussed in detail here. This concludes the subject matter of the book which is followed by glossary section and references. Some minor refinements that can help the book achieve the goal of being a comprehensive review of human memory can be suggested. A few more examples of the various topics under review would add to the understanding of the book. Also some more figures and tables showing comparisons of various theories at one place can help readers comprehend the pros and cons of each theory against others. Lastly a few multiple choice questions can follow each chapter. Many text book exists on memory that cater to student needs. Memory: Foundations and Applications may fall into being more theoretical and detailed in few place but it provides a comprehensive and informative introduction to memory for students and trainees who what to get systematic overview of topics and get exposed to various skills in this area. Teaching instructors or people well versed with the memory literature may although learn less from the book but however get benefitted by the presentation of concepts, interim summaries, mnemonic tips for improving memory and lastly the concluding users guide to improve memory.

Reviewed by Naveen Kashyap, PhD Department of HSS, IIT Guwahati, India