Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences Foundations and Applications
Edited b y
L. Douglas Kiel and Euel Elliott
Ann Arbor
First paperback edition 1997 Copyright © by the University of Michigan 1996 All rights reserved Published in the United States of America by The University of Michigan Press Manufactured in the United States of America © Printed on acid-free paper 2004
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No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher. A CIP catalog record for this book is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Chaos theory in the social sciences : foundations and applications / edited by L. Douglas Kiel and Euel Elliott, p. cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. ). ISBN 0-472-10638-4 (he : alk. paper) 1. Social sciences—Mathematical models. 2. Chaotic behavior in systems. I. Kiel, L. Douglas, 1956- . II. Elliott, Euel W., 1951- . H61.25.C48 1995 300'. 1'51—dc20 95-35470 CIP ISBN 0-472-08472-0 (pbk. : alk. paper)
To Our Parents
Introduction Euel Elliott and L . Douglas
Part 1. Chaotic Dynamics in Social Science Data 1. Exploring Nonlinear Dynamics with a Spreadsheet: A Graphical V i e w o f Chaos for Beginners L . Douglas Kiel and Euel Elliott 2. Probing the Underlying Structure in Dynamical Systems: A n Introduction to Spectral Analysis Michael McBurnett 3. Measuring Chaos Using the Lyapunov Exponent Thad A. Brown 4. The Prediction Test for Nonlinear Determinism Ted Jaditz 5. From Individuals to Groups: The Aggregation o f Votes and Chaotic Dynamics Diana Richards Part 2. Chaos Theory and Political Science 6. Nonlinear Politics Thad A. Brown 7. The Prediction o f Unpredictability: Applications o f the New Paradigm o f Chaos i n Dynamical Systems to the O l d Problem o f the Stability o f a System o f Hostile Nations Alvin M. Saperstein 8. Complexity in the Evolution o f Public Opinion Michael McBurnett Part 3. Chaos Theory and Economics 9. Chaos Theory and Rationality in Economics J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.
Contents 10. L o n g Waves 1790-1990: Intermittency, Chaos, and Control Brian J. L . Berry and Heja Kim 11. Cities as Spatial Chaotic Attractors Dimitrios S. Dendrinos
Part 4. Implications for Social Systems and Social Science
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12. Field-Theoretic Framework for the Interpretation o f the Evolution, Instability, Structural Change, and Management o f Complex Systems Kenyon B. De Greene 13. Social Science as the Study o f Complex Systems David L . Harvey and Michael Reed
273 295
Introduction Eue I Elliott and L . Douglas Kiel
The social sciences, historically, have emulated both the intellectual and methodological paradigms o f the natural sciences. From the behavioral revo lution, to applications such as cybernetics, to a predominant reliance on the certainty and stability o f the Newtonian paradigm, the social sciences have followed the lead o f the natural sciences. This trend continues as new discov eries in the natural sciences have led to a reconsideration o f the relevance o f the Newtonian paradigm to all natural phenomena. One o f these new discov eries, represented by the emerging field o f chaos theory, raises questions about the apparent certainty, linearity, and predictability that were previously seen as essential elements o f a Newtonian universe. The increasing recogni tion by natural scientists o f the uncertainty, nonlinearity, and unpredictability in the natural realm has piqued the interest o f social scientists in these new discoveries. Chaos theory represents the most recent effort by social scientists to incorporate theory and method from the natural sciences. Most importantly, chaos theory appears to provide a means for understanding and examining many o f the uncertainties, nonlinearities, and unpredictable aspects o f social systems behavior (Krasner 1990). Chaos theory is the result o f natural scientists' discoveries in the field o f nonlinear dynamics. Nonlinear dynamics is the study o f the temporal evolu tion o f nonlinear systems. Nonlinear systems reveal dynamical behavior such that the relationships between variables are unstable. Furthermore, changes in these relationships are subject to positive feedback in which changes are amplified, breaking up existing structures and behavior and creating unex pected outcomes in the generation o f new structure and behavior. These changes may result in new forms o f equilibrium; novel forms o f increasing complexity; or even temporal behavior that appears random and devoid o f order, the state o f "chaos" in which uncertainty dominates and predictabil ity breaks d o w n . Chaotic systems are often described as exhibiting lowdimensional or high-dimensional chaos. The former exhibit properties that may allow for some short-term prediction, while the latter may exhibit such
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variation as to preclude any prediction. I n all nonlinear systems, however, the relationship between cause and effect does not appear proportional and deter minate but rather vague and, at best, difficult to discern. These discoveries have given rise to a new mathematics that belies pre vious scientific commitment to prediction and certainty. Natural scientists have now applied this mathematics to numerous fields o f inquiry. A brief and partial listing o f the fields includes meteorology (Lorenz 1963), population biology ( M a y 1976), and human anatomy (West and Goldberger 1987). These studies consistently show that nonlinearity, instability, and the resulting uncer tainty are essential components in the evolutionary processes o f natural sys tems. Moreover, these inquiries have given precedence to a greater concern for the extent o f and challenges o f understanding the inherent complexity o f natural systems. The emerging paradigm o f chaos thus has profound implications for the previously dominant Newtonian view o f a mechanistic and predictable uni verse. W h i l e a Newtonian universe was founded on stability and order, chaos theory teaches that instability and disorder are not only widespread in nature, but essential to the evolution o f complexity in the universe. Thus, chaos theory, as relativity theory and quantum theory before i t , presents another strike against a singular commitment to the determinism o f a Newtonian view o f the natural realm. This understanding also suggests that the relative successes in knowledge acquisition by the natural sciences are the result o f a focus on "simple" systems that function in an orderly and consistent manner. As natural scien tists have shifted their investigative focus to more complex systems, the previous quest for certainty has given way to a greater appreciation o f uncer tainty and the enormity o f potential generated by the uncertainty o f disorder and disequilibrium. W i t h the focus o f chaos theory on nonlinearity, instability, and uncer tainty, the application o f this theory to the social sciences was perhaps a predictable eventuality. As Jay W. Forrester (1987, 104) has noted, "We live in a highly nonlinear w o r l d . " The social realm is clearly nonlinear, where instability and unpredictability are inherent, and where cause and effect are often a puzzling maze. The obvious fact that social systems are historical and temporal systems also stresses the potential value o f chaos theory to the social sciences. Social systems are typified by the changing relationships between variables. The obvious metaphorical value o f applying a theory o f chaos to the social realm has served as an impetus for the emergence o f the application o f this theory to social phenomena. Yet chaos theory is founded on the mathe matics o f nonlinear systems. Thus, social scientists, in their efforts to match the mathematical rigor o f the natural sciences, are increasingly applying this
mathematics to a variety o f social phenomena. Time-series analysis is essen tial to these efforts, as researchers strive to examine how nonlinear and cha otic behavior occurs and changes over time. Clearly, the fundamental gap between the clear success o f knowledge acquisition in the natural sciences versus the rather minimal successes in understanding the dynamics o f the social realm is the inherent nonlinearity, instability, and uncertainty o f social systems behavior. The seeming "chaos" of social phenomena has always been a stumbling block to knowledge acqui sition i n the social sciences. Social scientists have long argued that this rela tive knowledge gap was due to the relative complexity o f the phenomena examined by the two scientific cultures. Yet chaos theory teaches that the "gap" between the t w o sciences may have largely been artificial. As natural scientists more intensively investigate complex natural phenomena, they too must contend with the challenges that have long served to keep the social sciences in the position o f a scientific stepchild. Chaos theory seems to repre sent a promising means for a convergence o f the sciences that w i l l serve to enhance understanding o f both natural and social phenomena. Chaos theory has now been applied to a wide variety o f social phenom ena ranging across the subject matter o f the traditional social science disci plines o f economics (Grandmont 1985; Baumol and Benhabib 1989; Arthur 1990) and political science (Saperstein and Mayer-Kress 1989; Huckfeldt 1990; K i e l and Elliott 1992). Economists and political scientists have applied phaos theory w i t h considerable methodological rigor and success to the tem poral dynamics o f a variety o f phenomena in their fields. Chaos theory has also been applied to sociology. In this field, however, more than in economics and political science, such efforts have tended toward metaphorical and post modernist or poststructuralist usages (Young 1991, 1992). Thus, while this volume does not include rigorous mathematical assessments o f chaotic dy namics in the subject matter o f sociology, the applications in political science and economics should serve as foundations for the development o f such research in sociology. W h i l e no specific chapter contends solely w i t h these postmodernist and poststructuralist issues, David Harvey and Michael Reed's concluding chapter examines the relevance o f these elements to chaos re search and social science inquiry. The increasingly evident value o f chaos theory in the social sciences is thus its promise as an emerging means for enhancing both the methodological and theoretical foundations for exploring the complexity o f social phenomena. Exploring this emergent and potential value is the purpose o f this book. B y examining applications o f chaos theory to a range o f social phenomena and by providing means for exploring chaotic dynamics, the chapters in this book afford the reader a comprehensive vision o f the promise and pitfalls o f chaos theory in the social sciences.
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This book seeks to provide knowledge to both social scientists new to this area o f study and the well-informed chaos researcher. Chapters range from the mathematically and methodologically sophisticated to chapters with a strictly theoretical emphasis. The book is organized by both disciplinary area and general methodology. The disciplinary sections examine chaos theory i n political science and economics. The first section o f the book exam ines methods for exploring and examining the existence o f chaotic dynamics in time-series data, which cut across the disciplines. First, though, an initial primer on chaos and nonlinear behavior is necessary to provide the basics o f this theory and an introduction to the unique vocabulary it utilizes. The M a t h e m a t i c s and Behavior of Chaos A brief examination o f the mathematics and behavior o f chaotic systems provides a means for understanding the relevance o f this theory to the com plexity o f social phenomena. Distinguishing between linear and nonlinear equations also reveals both the relevance and the challenge o f contending with the nonlinear mathematics o f nonlinear systems. Linear equations are typified by the superposition principle. This principle, simply stated, means that two solutions o f a linear equation can be combined, or added together, to generate a new solution. This means that linear equations allow problems to be broken down into smaller pieces that may generate several separate solutions. In such linear mathematics, the individual solutions can be added back together to form a complete solution to the entire problem. The superposition principle, however, does not hold for nonlinear equa tions. A nonlinear equation cannot be broken down into bits and then refor mulated to obtain a solution. Nonlinear differential equations, and the phe nomena or problems they describe, must be seen as a totality, that is, as nondecomposable. This further means that nonlinear equations are partic ularly intractable for the analyst. The inherent nonlinearity o f many social phenomena and the intractability o f the relevant mathematics thus must ex plain, in part, the challenges social scientists face when attempting to under stand the complexity o f social dynamics. Another element o f the mathematics o f nonlinear equations is the fact that a simple deterministic equation can generate seemingly random or chaotic behavior over time. One nonlinear differential equation, the logistic map, is such an example. The logistic map is described in detail in the chapters in this edition by K i e l and Elliott (chap. 1), Diana Richards (chap. 5), and A l v i n Saperstein (chap. 7). These examples o f the logistic map also detail an essen tial element o f chaotic behavior. Chaotic behavior occurs within denned pa rameters. The logistic map shows that a simple system can create very com plex and chaotic behavior. This realization has obvious impact for the social
sciences. Social systems o f initial relative simplicity may result over time in very complex behavior. The varying mathematics o f linear and nonlinear systems also result in divergent temporal behavior for these types o f systems. Linear systems, char acterized by stable relationships between variables, respond to changes in their parameters, or to external "shocks," in a smooth and proportionate manner. Consequently, linear systems w i l l exhibit smooth, regular, and w e l l behaved motion. Even large waves or pulses in a linear system w i l l be dis persed over time, generally resulting in a move back to the typical behavior o f the system. Nonlinear systems may be characterized by periods o f both linear and nonlinear interactions. During some time periods behavior may reveal linear continuity. However, during other time periods relationships between vari ables may change, resulting in dramatic structural or behavioral change. Such dramatic change from one qualitative behavior to another is referred to as a "bifurcation." Nonlinear systems are consequently capable o f generating very complex behavior over time. Studies o f nonlinear systems evidence three types o f temporal behavior. Nonlinear systems may evidence behavior that (1) is stable (a mathematical equilibrium or fixed point); (2) oscillates between mathematical points in a stable, smooth, and periodic manner; or (3) is cha otic and seemingly random, devoid o f pattern (nonperiodic behavior). Chapter one presents graphical images o f these three temporal regimes. These behav iors may occur intermittently throughout the " l i f e " o f a nonlinear system. One regime may dominate for some time periods while other regimes dominate at other times. It is the potential for a variety o f behaviors that represents the dynamics o f nonlinear systems. Chaotic behavior is the behavioral regime in nonlinear systems o f great est interest. Chaotic behavior, while occurring within defined mathematical parameters, appears random and without pattern over time. Chaotic behavior does not retrace previous points during its temporal evolution. This creates the appearance o f randomness. Chaotic behavior, however, is not random behav ior, since it can be generated with a completely deterministic equation. This understanding is an essential foundation o f knowledge for chaos researchers. Even deterministic systems can generate very erratic behavior over time. Moreover, as noted above, a chaotic system may appear more or less random depending on its complexity. A system mapped by the logistic equation may allow for some predictability and is an example o f a low-dimensional chaotic system. This point raises another distinctive point regarding nonlinear systems. Nonlinear systems are historical systems in that they are determined by the interactions between the deterministic elements in a system's history and "chance" factors that may alter its evolution. In systems operating in a chaotic
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regime, this fact is referred to as sensitive dependence on initial conditions. In short, the combination o f factors that defines the initial condition o f the phe nomenon and the insertion o f chance elements during its " l i f e " may generate very divergent outcomes from systems that initially appeared quite similar. This distinguishes chaotic behavior from truly random behavior. In a genu inely random system, such a system is insensitive to its initial condition. Uncertainty is also an important element o f nonlinear systems since the outcomes o f changing variable interactions cannot be k n o w n . Thus, the com plexities o f both internal dynamics and environmental "disturbances" generate considerable uncertainty during change processes in nonlinear systems. Fur thermore, a wide and complex array o f possible outcomes is available to nonlinear systems. This is particularly true during chaotic regimes. As a result, any effort at long-term prediction in nonlinear systems is highly sus pect (Baumol and Quandt 1985). Graphical Analysis in Chaos Research The intractability o f nonlinear equations and the inherent difficulties in under standing the dynamics o f complex time series have led chaos researchers to formulate new methods for analyzing data from nonlinear phenomena. This point is w e l l stated by Hasslacher (1992, 60), w h o notes in reference to complex nonlinear systems: In these systems complexity is usually both emergent and Byzantine. This means that organized and extended structures evolve and dominate a system, and the structures themselves are so complex that, when first seen, they produce a sense o f beauty followed by a deep feeling o f unease. One instinctively realizes that the analytic tools that worked so well i n the past are going to be o f little use. Many o f these new analytical methods are graphical in nature and are based on researchers' efforts to examine the dynamical motion o f time series gener ated by social science data. Chaos researchers have thus focused on examin ing the morphology (Abraham and Shaw 1982) o f the graphics generated by these time series. For example, the chapter in this volume by Brian J. L . Berry and Heja K i m , on the dynamics o f the economic long wave, relies solely on this graphical approach to data analysis. These graphical representations are lagged mapping o f data at adjacent time periods that result in an amazing array o f geometric structures, resulting in what Abraham and Shaw (1982) label the "geometry o f behavior." These mappings reveal that nonlinear systems possess an underlying order k n o w n as an attractor, where the mathematical points describing the systems' behavior
create pattern and structure. These geometric formulations are used through out the chapters in the text as a means o f examining the underlying structure o f longitudinal social science data. Studies o f the attractors o f nonlinear time series reveal that each o f the three behavioral regimes emanating from nonlinear differential equations cre ates a uniquely shaped attractor. A stable equilibrium generates a point extractor, in which the data are attracted to a single point on the mapping. A stable periodic oscillation generates a circular mapping, or limit cycle, as the data revolve back and forth between consistent mathematical points. The chaotic attractor is represented by a variety o f unique shapes resulting in the labeling o f such attractors as strange attractors. These attractors are typified by the creation o f form without retracing previous mappings. It is an examination o f these attractors that serves as a graphical founda tion for the notion o f "order in chaos." Even though the numerical data describing a chaotic regime appear disorderly, their geometric representation creates unique shapes o f order. A n d since chaotic regimes function w i t h i n defined parameters, a stability also exists in chaos. We then begin to see that chaotic behavior is globally stable, but locally unstable. O r g a n i z a t i o n of t h e Book This volume represents research spanning a range o f disciplines, meth odologies, and perspectives. We have incorporated many different substantive areas in order to provide the reader w i t h as balanced a perspective as possible o f the k i n d o f social science research and writing that is currently being done. Moreover, while the book is organized into four separate sections, (1) explo ration and method, (2) political science, (3) economics, and (4) implications for social systems management and social science, we would emphasize that chaos theory is really about not only the interdisciplinary but also the m u l t i disciplinary character o f the social sciences. Thus, the reader w i l l occasion ally note references and allusions in one section to chaos research being conducted in other areas o f the social or even natural sciences. In addition to the desire on our part to incorporate a diverse array o f substantive areas in this volume, a number o f other considerations were criti cal to our thinking about this work. First, we were very concerned that the subject matter be treated in a fashion that would make the arguments and concepts as accessible and "user friendly" as possible to the professional social scientist, as well as to graduate students with an interest in nonlinear dynamics. W h i l e we recognize that some o f the chapters deal with rather complex arguments and formulations, the authors o f these chapters have done an admirable j o b in presenting the material in such a way as to allow anyone reasonably comfortable w i t h undergraduate mathematics to capture the gist o f
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the arguments. M o r e sophisticated readers, however, are not shortchanged. W h i l e accessible, we have insisted that the integrity o f the material not be jeopardized. A t the same time, it w i l l be readily apparent that there is substan tial variation among the chapters in terms o f methodological rigor. We were also concerned that the contributions represent both macro- and micro-level phenomena. Readers w i l l observe that this is particularly the case in our economics and political science sections. It is crucial, i n our view, to demonstrate that chaotic processes can occur at the level o f individuals and small groups, as well as at highly aggregated levels o f analysis. Indeed, Thad A . B r o w n , in his overview chapter for political science (chap. 6), argues that an important next step in the research agenda is to attempt a linkage o f the two perspectives using theoretical approaches drawn from chaos theory. Finally, we did not want to fall into the trap o f seeing an emerging intellectual and methodological paradigm as a singular solution to the chal lenges o f understanding the complexities o f social systems behavior. As w i t h all efforts to understand the complexity that constitutes the human and social realms, a mature and reasoned skepticism is appropriate. The final chapter o f this book, by David L . Harvey and Michael Reed, attempts to make sense o f the evolution o f chaos theory in the social sciences and its prospects for enhancing knowledge in the social sciences. Chaotic D y n a m i c s in t h e Social Sciences: Exploration a n d M e t h o d The first section o f this volume examines the dynamics o f nonlinear and chaotic systems and focuses on methodological approaches to testing for the presence o f chaos in a time series. Testing for actual "chaos" in time-series data is a particularly important issue, due not only to the technical challenge involved, but also to ensuring that chaotic time series in social science data emulate chaotic time series discovered in data from the natural sciences. W h i l e a variety o f techniques exist to test for chaos, we have concentrated our attention on those approaches that appear to be most often used by chaos researchers. W h i l e each chapter has been written in what we consider a highly accessible fashion, many readers may well prefer to start with the substantive chapters in sections t w o and three and then return later to this section. For those researchers w h o are either beginning to apply chaos theory to empirical work or otherwise interested in some o f the more technical methodological facets o f empirical work in the area, this section should be an invaluable resource. The editors o f this volume lead off this first section with a brief explora tion o f the time series o f nonlinear and chaotic systems. This chapter is highly recommended as a starting point for researchers new to chaos theory. It shows
how an electronic spreadsheet can be used to generate nonlinear and chaotic time series. These series can be used to create graphs and phase diagrams essential to investigating nonlinear time series. This chapter is intended to reveal for social scientists how the dynamics o f a nonlinear differential equa tion emulate much o f the temporal dynamics o f social system behavior. The remaining chapters i n this section are mathematically rigorous ap proaches to the statistical analysis o f chaotic dynamics in social science data. Michael McBurnett's chapter examines the use o f spectral analysis in investi gating the dynamics o f a time series. McBurnett begins w i t h a necessary but tractable mathematical introduction to spectral density and spectral distribu tion functions. He then examines the different types o f time series—periodic, random, and chaotic—and demonstrates with regard to the first two types the problems i n resolving the nature o f a series when "noise" is introduced into the analysis. He concludes by examining known chaotic time series as well as an " u n k n o w n " series. McBurnett's study is an excellent introduction to both the advantages and the limitations o f spectral analysis in testing for chaotic dynamics. A second approach for examining chaotic dynamics relies on the use o f Lyapunov exponents. The Lyapunov exponent measures the extent to which "small" changes in initial conditions produce divergence in a system over time. Thad A . Brown's chapter explores in detail both the advantages and disadvantages o f such an approach. The Lyapunov is shown to be linked to the information gained and lost during chaotic episodes, and hence is linked to the amount o f information available for prediction. This chapter guides the reader through the formal nature o f unfolding subspaces and the state space reconstruction needed to estimate the Lyapunov exponent. The mathematics here are downplayed, i n favor o f words and even some humor. Ted Jaditz's chapter is concerned with the development o f empirical techniques for predicting a time series exhibiting deterministic chaos. A s Jaditz notes in the introduction to chapter 4 , "The Prediction Test for Non linear Determinism," standard linear statistical models provide good fits w i t h data that are taken " i n sample," but out-of-sample predictions do much worse. For this reason, economic forecasters have been attracted to the possibility o f nonlinear determinism in economic data. Jaditz discusses the problems inher ent in determining whether or not a series truly manifests chaos and demon strates some analytical tools for improving forecasting models. Specifically, by using "near neighbor techniques," Jaditz shows how this new approach provides dramatic improvements over conventional linear prediction models typically used by economists, at least with data that are known to be chaotic. Diana Richards's contribution, "From Individuals to Groups: The Aggre gation o f Votes and Chaotic Dynamics," presents another method for testing for chaotic dynamics. Richards applies Devaney's (1989) three-part test for
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chaotic dynamics. A l t h o u g h the application o f chaos theory to the social choice problem leads to several research questions specific to social choice, the intent is to introduce chaotic dynamics to a broader social science audi ence using the case o f the generic social choice problem. The social choice problem is only one o f potentially many examples o f interaction among indi viduals or groups that is nonlinear, and therefore a potential candidate for the domain o f chaotic dynamics. Richards's chapter provides a rich understanding of the translation o f individual preferences into group outcomes and the clas sic problem o f intransitivities. The application o f chaos theory is a relatively small modeling step; it is only a small extension o f existing frameworks into the nonequilibrium realm. However, chaos theory has major implications, in terms o f complex outcomes from simple relationships, in terms o f instability and structural constraints, and in terms o f prospects for prediction for all o f the social sciences. This chapter demonstrates that chaotic dynamics are present in many social choice settings, including some cases o f Arrow-type social choice and in nearly all cases where t w o or more issues are considered simultaneously. Since the aggregation o f individual preferences into outcomes is inherently nonlinear, it is natural to expect chaos theory—the theory o f nonequilibrium nonlinear dynamics—to apply to social choice. It also therefore becomes impossible to make long-term predictions concerning group interactions. However, Richards emphasizes as well the underlying order o f chaotic pro cesses. Specifically, she suggests that a complex "fractal structure" exists, indicating, at a fundamental level, structured stability in the system. Chaos T h e o r y a n d Political Science The use o f chaos and related theoretical and methodological constructs in political science is still in its infancy. Many o f the features that have attracted economists to chaos theory also exist among political scientists. Like eco nomics, much o f political science is concerned w i t h analyzing change and exploring the evolution o f some phenomenon over time. Studies o f changes in aggregate-level electoral fortunes and trends in public opinion such as presi dential approval or attitudes toward particular issues all fit this genre. Accord ingly, such data raise the question o f whether underlying deterministic, and thus potentially chaotic, processes exist. The methodological advances in statistical analysis that have been made in recent years, advances that to a great extent have been borrowed from economics, have made some political scientists more w i l l i n g , and able, to explore the existence o f complex non linear processes. The highly formal game-theoretic and social choice work has required the application o f mathematical tools that are invaluable in chaos research.
The lead chapter in the political science section is Thad A . Brown's "Nonlinear Politics." B r o w n introduces the reader to the role o f chaos in understanding political phenomena. B r o w n points out that politics at every level results from the interactions o f individuals. The difficulty is that, "For mally treating interactive political behavior within massively diverse collec tives is tricky. Interactive behavior is peculiar in that it can neither be pre dicted nor analyzed by observing sets o f individuals cross-sectionally or even the time series from a given individual or group." B r o w n suggests that this characteristic, together w i t h the likely existence o f spatial and temporal phase transitions, calls into serious question traditional methodologies for investi gating chaotic phenomena. B r o w n goes on to explain that cellular automata simulations provide an innovative means o f investigating complex dynamical systems. He also discusses specific applications o f such an approach including game theory, electoral behavior, and social choice theory, all o f which are represented in this volume. Physicist A l v i n M . Saperstein was among the first natural scientists to rigorously apply chaos theory to social phenomena. His chapter, "The Predic tion o f Unpredictability: Applications o f the New Paradigm o f Chaos i n Dynamical Systems to the O l d Problem o f the Stability o f a System o f Hostile Nations," is in much the same spirit as other chapters in this section. L i k e Richards and McBurnett, Saperstein is concerned with the fundamental prob lem o f prediction. Saperstein points out that while the international system shows considerable stability and hence predictability in an overall sense, crises represent episodes o f fundamental instability, ergo unpredictability. Saperstein then points out that an important political "technology" w o u l d be to know when given national security policies w i l l produce instability. I n other words, the aim should be to "predict the unpredictable." Saperstein models several facets o f international interactions, asking fascinating (and long-standing) questions such as whether bipolar or multipolar international systems are more likely to produce conflict, and whether democratic or nondemocratic states are more likely to go to war. The conclusions illuminate w i t h great clarity some o f the most fundamental questions o f the nuclear age. Saperstein's study has the added advantage o f providing simple algorithms that can be used by anyone with a desktop computer to generate an evolution o f national sanity behavior on the part o f nations. The chapter "Complexity in the Evolution o f Public Opinion" by Michael McBurnett explores the dynamics o f public opinion in presidential nomination campaigns. Using data from the 1984 National Election Study's "rolling thunder" survey, McBurnett demonstrates the series to have properties charac teristic o f chaotic behavior. Utilizing techniques discussed in the methodology section, McBurnett shows how different analytic techniques reveal a complex nonlinear deterministic chaos pattern to public support for Democratic presi-
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dential candidates during the 1984 primary season. McBurnett's analyses and findings should be o f profound interest to all serious students o f public opin ion. I f , indeed, the solution o f public opinion can be described as exhibiting deterministic chaos, then the question is raised how one can deduce governing or predictive equations from this time series. Certainly, McBurnett's study suggests how and why drastic shifts in public opinion may occur, and the consequences for predicting the evolution o f public opinion. Chaos Theory and Economics The third section o f the book examines chaos applications in economics. A m o n g all the disciplines we cover, chaotic and, more generally, nonlinear dynamical approaches are most developed in this field. This may be at least partly explained by the mathematical rigor and statistical sophistication that have typified economics for the past several decades. However, the interest in chaos may also have resulted from an increasing dissatisfaction with orthodox equilibrium-based models o f both micro- and macro-level economics phe nomena. Relatedly, the obvious difficulties that economists have encountered in developing adequate predictive models o f behavior almost certainly have helped explain the developing interest by many economists in applications o f chaos theory. J. Barkley Rosser, Jr.'s "Chaos Theory and Rationality in Economics" provides an illuminating theoretical overview o f the implications chaos theory has for orthodox microeconomic theory. Rosser points out that standard neo classical theory makes a number o f information assumptions and that eco nomic agents, more generally, are in possession o f some basic model o f reality. The existence o f nonlinearities that are characteristic o f chaotic sys tems, however, calls into serious question such assumptions o f neoclassical economic theory. The "sensitive dependence on initial conditions," especially, means that the most seemingly trivial initial errors in economic judgment can produce totally unexpected outcomes. Rosser employs these basic characteris tics o f chaotic systems to show how they can produce a variety o f economic phenomena. Most important, he concludes w i t h a discussion o f the kind o f decision-making rule that can be employed where chaos exists. Brian J. L . Berry and Heja K i m ' s chapter is entitled " L o n g Waves 1790¬ 1990: Intermittency, Chaos, and C o n t r o l . " Berry, whose earlier research fo cused on economic and urban geography, has in recent years devoted his considerable abilities to demonstrating the existence o f economic long waves, their origins and impact. This macroeconomic study addresses two questions. First, the annual fluctuations as well as longer-run fluctuations in prices in the United States over the 1790-1990 time period, and second, the fluctuations and swings in the rate o f economic growth over the same period. Using
graphical analysis, Berry and K i m demonstrate that the inflationary and stag flation cycles o f the last 200 years are characterized by a chaotic limit cycle. Their w o r k shows how chaotic processes can be contained within a larger and more extensive stable series. Berry and K i m also draw some very important policy conclusions from their analyses o f the p o s t - W o r l d War I I period relat ing to Keynesian macroeconomic management techniques. The forms o f human settlement in physical space are the subject o f Dimitrios Dendrinos's "Cities as Spatial Chaotic Attractors." Using an it erative process that places a time series o f human activity in this space, Dendrinos shows how human settlements such as cities can take the form o f periodic, quasi-periodic, or nonperiodic (or chaotic) attractors. Dendrinos indicates, for example, that chaotic patterns are the result o f laissez-faire-type market processes. This analysis distinguishes two distinct forces in locational choice: (1) those that determine the current location o f a population at particu lar points i n time w i t h i n a given space, and that are associated with the attributes o f location at a distance from where populations are currently formed, and (2) those locational forces that determine current location o f populations and are associated with the location o f prior settlement activity. Chaos Theory I m p l i c a t i o n s f o r Social S y s t e m s M a n a g e m e n t a n d Social Science The two chapters in this section serve the purpose o f examining what chaos theory means for social systems management and public policy and for re search and knowledge generation in the social sciences. These chapters attempt to provide insights to both the practical potentialities and the meth odological limitations o f chaos theory as a tool for both altering and under standing the dynamics o f social systems. These chapters raise the philosophi cal issues o f the relevance o f chaos theory to social systems and social science investigation that must be considered i f this research paradigm is to remain robust. Kenyon B . De Greene's "Field-Theoretic Framework for the Interpreta tion o f the Evolution, Instability, Structural Change, and Management o f Complex Systems" begins by pointing out that theories relating to the man agement o f complex systems have tended to lag behind changes in technology and society. He goes on to point out that an increasing gap exists between management capabilities and reality. De Greene develops a model for under standing organizational dynamics and change by employing a field-theoretic framework. The author demonstrates the history o f field theory i n the natural sciences and employs similar approaches to understanding organizational management. Like many other authors, De Greene demonstrates the linkages between macro-level phenomena, in this case the " f i e l d , " which is produced
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
by micro-level events and resulting feedback loops. De Greene's major theoretical contribution is to apply this particular theoretical approach to Kondratiev long wave behavior, showing how such waves encompass much more than just economic waves, but also institutions, technologies, and the like. David L . Harvey and Michael Reed's chapter, "Social Science as the Study o f Complex Systems," provides a capstone for this volume. The authors begin w i t h a discussion o f some important epistemological issues. A m o n g them is the question o f the relationship between the natural and social sci ences, and the role o f chaos theory as a bridge between t w o scientific and intellectual traditions. Specifically, the authors "explore the circumstances under which research strategies employing the deterministic chaos paradigm can and cannot be deployed in the human sciences." As such, Harvey and Reed provide a useful antidote to those who would uncritically apply non linear and mathematical methods and paradigms originally developed for the natural sciences. Taking what they consider a "middle course," the work o f the British philosopher Roy Bhaskar and his modified naturalist epistemology becomes critical for understanding the form a future science o f society might take. In elaborating upon this science, Harvey and Reed present a rigorous demonstration o f how chaos theory fits into various modeling strategies em ployed in the social sciences. These authors also provide a vision o f both the prospects for and limitations o f chaos theory as a means for enhancing our understanding o f the behavior o f complex social systems. Finally, this volume brings together a comprehensive bibliography o f both the chaos literature from the natural sciences and the relevant chaos literature from the social sciences. This definitive bibliography should serve as a valuable resource for all chaos researchers, regardless o f the level o f their mathematical or scientific sophistication and whether or not they are new to the field or experienced chaos researchers. Conclusion The process o f knowledge acquisition in the sciences traditionally follows a logical flow o f hypothesis development, quantification, testing, and validation or falsification. Validation and replication then generally lead to theory devel opment. Such theory aims at explaining the behavior o f systems and expedites prediction o f the future state or behavior o f the system. Such an approach to theory development is founded on assumptions o f global stability and, implic itly, o f linearity in the relationships between variables. Stability in such rela tionships allows prediction. Thus, the behavior o f nonlinear systems chal lenges traditional notions o f theory development. By inhibiting prediction, a fundamental element o f theory building is restricted. Thus, chaos researchers
face the compound problem o f dealing with highly intractable data that are not easily amenable to traditional empirical analysis, as well as w h i c h , by their nature, may preclude or limit traditional hypothetic-deductive means o f theory generation. The dynamics in the relationships between variables over time in non linear systems may generate complexities that defy generalization. This diffi culty in developing such generalizations underscores the challenge o f building theories that are relevant to complex social phenomena such as government budgeting. The fundamental dynamics o f social phenomena clearly exacer bate theory building in the social realm. A t the same time, however, chaos theory suggests a much richer and interesting w o r l d for the social scientist to explore. For, as Heinz Pagels (1987, 73) has noted, "Life is nonlinear, and so is just about everything else o f interest." Indeed, as the following chapters convey, it is this richness and complexity that readers w i l l find most fas cinating.
Part 1 Chaotic Dynamics in Social Science Data
Exploring Nonlinear Dynamics w i t h a Spreadsheet: A Graphical V i e w of Chaos for Beginners L . Douglas Kiel and Euel Elliott
The mathematical foundation o f chaos theory and the unique vernacular o f this new science can deter some researchers from exploring the dynamics o f nonlinear systems. Terms such as periodicity, sensitive dependence on initial conditions, and attractors are not the usual vernacular o f the social sciences. However, the modern microcomputer and electronic spreadsheet software provide means for the novice to chaos research to explore the mathematics o f chaos. The graphics capabilities o f spreadsheet software also provide a visual means for exploring chaotic dynamics. This is particularly important consid ering the reliance o f chaos researchers on graphical analysis. The intrac tability o f nonlinear mathematics, while often defying solution, is now ex plored via visual analysis. This chapter should thus bring to light the amazing behavior and visual imagery o f nonlinear dynamical systems and their rele vance to social science. Fortunately, the dynamics o f time-based nonlinear systems can readily be explored by researchers new to the study o f chaos theory. This exploration is accomplished here via the use o f a simple algebraic formula and the computa tional and graphical powers o f an electronic spreadsheet. The electronic spreadsheet readily allows the researcher to generate nonlinear time series and then examine these series graphically. O n l y a minimal knowledge o f spread sheets is necessary for the reader to follow the examples in this chapter. Readers are also urged to examine in greater detail the mathematical formula tion and its various dynamics presented here. By examining the chaotic and, more generally, nonlinear behavior in this chapter, the reader w i l l understand that a simple deterministic equation can generate very complex behavior over time. This has considerable value for social scientists as we learn that systems evolve from the simple to the com plex (Prigogine and Stengers 1984). This chapter also reveals the importance o f history to social systems. The initial starting point o f a social system has much to do with its eventual structure and behavior. 19
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
As noted in the introduction to this volume, nonlinear systems can take on a wide array o f behaviors over time. Scientists have, however, classified these behaviors into three distinct types o f time-based regimes. These behav ioral regimes are (1) convergence to an equilibrium or steady state; (2) peri odic behavior or a stable oscillation; and (3) chaos. The most widely used mathematical formula for exploring these three behavioral regimes is a firstorder nonlinear difference equation, labeled the logistic map. This mapping takes on the form x1 t+
kx,( 1
x) t
The variable to be examined is the value x. The parameter, or boundary value, o f the formula is a constant, k. Remember, chaotic behavior occurs w i t h i n denned parameters. The subscript t represents time and is the current value o f the variable x. The subscript / + 1 represents one time period o f the variable x f o l l o w i n g the previous x r
Mapping this formula also requires an initial starting value. The starting point, usually called the initial condition, is represented by the first value o f x„ x . Once the first value o f x, and the parameter value are determined, a simple "copy" command w i t h the spreadsheet can be used to generate the time series. The copy command serves the purpose o f recursion or feedback by using the previous value to generate the current value o f x . 0
A couple o f rules must be followed when using the logistic map. First, the initial condition must be a fractional value such that 0 < x < 1. Second, the parameter value or constant, k, must be greater than 0 and less than 4. Adventurous readers are welcome to explore higher values o f k. The follow ing is the general framework for inputting the logistic map into a spreadsheet. 0
1. I n cell A l , input a fractional value for x between 0 and 1. This number is the initial condition. 2. I n cell B l , input the k value or constant. Remember, this number must be greater than 0 and less than 4. 3. I n cell A 2 , input the formula ( $ B $ 1 - A 1 ) · (1 - A l ) . Cell A 2 repre sents the value x . 4. Next, copy cell A 2 down to cell A 6 1 . This affords sixty iterations o f the equation. 0
t + l
5. Then produce a line graph o f the values in cells A 1 - A 6 1 w i t h the graph function in your spreadsheet. This graph provides a visual image o f what happens as the system "evolves." 6. To change the dynamics o f the time series, simply change the values in cells A l (x) and B l (k). To make a longer time series, just copy more cells down from A 6 1 .
Exploring Nonlinear Dynamics with a Spreadsheet
Stable Equilibrium A fascinating aspect o f the logistic map is that each behavioral regime occurs w i t h i n defined mathematical boundaries. For example, values o f k between 0 and 3 (Stewart 1989) w i l l converge to an e q u i l i b r i u m . Table 1.1 reveals three recursions o f the equation w i t h the same initial condition (x ) o f 0.97, but 0
w i t h varying values o f the parameter constant (k). This table reveals that the iterations rapidly converge to a steady state and do not leave this state, or mathematical point, once convergence occurs. Note that as the constant ap proaches three, convergence to a stability requires more iterations. Figure 1.1 reveals the graph generated for the constant (k) o f 2.827 w i t h 100 iterations.
TABLE 1.1. N u m e r i c a l I t e r a t i o n o f Stable Equilibria f r o m t h e Logistic M a p k = 1.95
k = 2.35
k = 2.65
k = 1.95
k = 2.35
k = 2.65
0.97 0.056745 0.10437376 0.18228576 0.29066244 0.40204669 0.46879004 0.48560058 0.48709568 0.48717528 0.48717928 0.48717948 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949
0.97 0.068385 0.14971496 0.29915591 0.49270488 0.58737494 0.56955921 0.57612956 0.57388008 0.57467307 0.57439624 0.57449322 0.57445929 0.57447116 0.57446701 0.57446846 0.57446795 0.57446813 0.57446807 0.57446809 0.57446808 0.57446809 0.57446808 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809
0.97 0.077115 0.18859593 0.40552289 0.6388463 0.61141252 0.62960622 0.61798591 0.62561021 0.6206885 0.62390086 0.62181873 0.62317452 0.6222943 0.62286688 0.62249489 0.62273676 0.62257957 0.62268176 0.62261534 0.62265852 0.62263045 0.62264869 0.62263684 0.62264455 0.62263954 0.62264279 0.62264068 0.62264205 0.62264116
0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949 0.48717949
0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809 0.57446809
0.62264174 0.62264136 0.62264161 0.62264145 0.62264155 0.62264148 0.62264153 0.6226415 0.62264152 0.6226415 0.62264151 0.62264151 0.62264151 0.62264151 0.62264151 0.62264151 0.62264151 0.62264151 0.62264151 0.62264151 0.62264151 0.62264151 0.62264151 0.62264151 0.62264151 0.62264151 0.62264151 0.62264151 0.62264151 0.62264151
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
0.90.8¬ 0.78 0.6-
I 111 I I I 11 11 11 11 I I I I I III 11 I I M I II I I I I I ! ! I ! I I ! II I I ! I I I II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I ! I I I I I 11 I 11 I I I I I I I I
50 Iterations
x =037 fe = 2.827 o
Fig. 1.1. S t a b l e e q u i l i b r i u m
Periodic Behavior A second type o f nonlinear behavior that can occur over time is periodic behavior. Periodic behavior is cyclical or oscillatory behavior that repeats an identifiable pattern. Such periodic behavior starts to occur when k > 3. This regime initiates instability into the equation as the data start to oscillate. Such a change in the qualitative behavior o f the time series is referred to as a bifurcation, or a branching to a new regime o f behavior. This can be seen in column one o f table 1.2. This first column represents a two-period cycle in which the value o f x moves back and forth between t w o values. A t approx imately the (k) value o f 3.5 (Stewart 1989) a four-period cycle occurs in which four numbers alternate in a consistent pattern. This four-period cycle is shown in column 2 o f table 1.2 and is presented graphically in figure 1.2. This process o f cycles doubling i n the number o f alternating and contin uous patterns o f values is labeled period doubling. It is this continuous bifur cation o f period doubling that eventuates in the "road to chaos" (Feigenbaum 1978). B y exploring the range o f (k) between 3.56 and 3.57, this period
Exploring Nonlinear Dynamics with a Spreadsheet TABLE 1.2.
N u m e r i c a l I t e r a t i o n of Periodic Behavior f r o m t h e Logistic M a p
k = 3.25 0.97 0.094575 0.27829935 0.65275867 0.73666056 0.63047328 0.75717435 0.5975494 0.78157337 0.55482842 0.80273 0.51465229 0.81180226 0.49653289 0.81246093 0.49519654 0.81242501 0.49526949 0.81242727 0.4952649 0.81242713 0.49526519 0.81242714 0.49526517 0.81242714 0.49526517 0.81242714 0.49526517 0.81242714
k = 3.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
97 10185 32016802 76181161 63509139 81112611 5362019 87041298 39477979 83625048 47927466 87349661 38675099 83011131 49359283 87485632 38318959 82724365 50019058 87499987 38281283 82693509 50089707 87499718 38281989 82694088 50088382 87499727 38281968
k = 3.567 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
97 1037997 33182132 79086073 58998192 86286891 4220694 87008697 4031981 85832504 43375848 87609822 3871983 8463627 46382729 88708271 35729561 81910968 52851887 88884887 35240733 81404791 53995074 88605685 36012471 8219613 52199806 89002388 34914287
k = 3.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49526517 81242714 49526517 81242714 49526517 81242714 49526517 81242714 49526517 81242714 49526517 81242714 49526517 81242714 49526517 81242714 49526517 81242714 49526517 81242714 49526517 81242714 49526517 81242714 49526517 81242714 49526517 81242714 49526517
k = 3.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8269407 50088422 87499726 38281968 82694071 50088421 87499726 38281968 82694071 50088421 87499726 38281968 82694071 50088421 87499726 38281968 82694071 50088421 87499726 38281968 82694071 50088421 87499726 38281968 82694071 50088421 87499726 38281968 82694071
k = 3.567 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
81057266 54769367 8836362 3667706 82843549 50697817 89157631 34481474 80584785 55808244 87971647 37744353 83817334 48382357 8908166 34693493 80817906 55297655 88173916 37194968 83326232 49558553 89168049 34452367 80552531 55878584 87942325 37823754 83886531
doubling can be more closely examined. Table 1.2, column 3 shows the result of
the value 3.567, an eight-period cycle (Stewart 1989). This process o f
period doubling continues, as k increases, to periods o f 32, 64, 128, 256, and so o n , until the onset o f chaos. Chaos Chaotic behavior occurs at the (k) value o f 3.8 to 4 . This mathematical regime represents another clear bifurcation or qualitative change i n a system's behav ior. Three divergent values o f (k) are shown in table 1.3 to show the diverse forms that chaotic regimes can take.
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i t
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I M
Iterations - * = 0 . 9 7 fr = 3.50 o
Fig. 1.2. Periodic behavior, f o u r - p e r i o d cycle
Figure 1.3 reveals the chaotic series when k = 3.98 a n d x = 0.90. What distinguishes chaos from the other regimes o f behavior is the lack o f pattern i n its longitudinal behavior. Chaotic behavior does not repeat itself and is thus labeled aperiodic. A close examination o f the decimals in the values o f (k) evidences this point. The reader w i l l also note that chaotic behavior remains w i t h i n definable parameters. W h i l e such chaotic behavior appears random, it is not. Chaos can be generated by a deterministic equation. 0
S e n s i t i v i t y t o Initial C o n d i t i o n s In nonlinear dynamical systems, operating in a chaotic regime, small distur bances can have explosive and disproportionate (nonlinear) effects. W h i l e systems operating in a steady state or periodic regime w i l l "damp" such disturbances, chaotic regimes tend to generate positive feedback and amplify such disturbances. This phenomenon o f chaotic regimes is referred to as a sensitivity to initial conditions. I n short, systems operating in chaotic regimes are very sensitive to small changes. It is this sensitivity that has generated the "butterfly metaphor" in chaos theory. Can the flapping o f a butterfly's wings in
Exploring Nonlinear Dynamics with a Spreadsheet TABLE 1.3.
N u m e r i c a l I t e r a t i o n of Chaotic Behavior f r o m t h e Logistic M a p
k = 3.8
k = 3.89
k = 3.98
k = 3.8
k = 3.89
k = 3.98
0.9 0.342 0.8551368 0.47073584 0.94674571 0.19158941 0.58855506 0.92020041 0.27904015 0.76447163 0.68420808 0.82105605 0.55830744 0.93708092 0.22404903 0.66063403 0.8519475 0.47930525 0.94837256 0.18605577 0.57546828 0.92835725 0.25273825 0.71767419 0.7699482 0.67308629 0.83615632 0.52059592 0.94838807
0.9 0.3501 0.88509166 0.39563016 0.93012599 0.25281746 0.73482408 0.75799626 0.71357355 0.79506285 0.63382848 0.90282986 0.34126233 0.87448115 0.42698145 0.95175965 0.17860241 0.57067696 0.95306855 0.17399539 0.55907466 0.95892462 0.15322008 0.50470295 0.97241396 0.10434944 0.36356186 0.90008623 0.34983162
0.9 0.3582 0.91497318 0.30963308 0.85076653 0.5053121 0.99488769 0.02024297 0.07893611 0.2893667 0.81842177 0.59145814 0.96170892 0.14656298 0.49782745 0.99498121 0.01987452 0.07752849 0.28464095 0.81040951 0.61151083 0.94551003 0.20505283 0.64876454 0.90691907 0.33597916 0.88792671 0.39606122 0.95200299
0.18600293 0.57534218 0.92842951 0.25250299 0.71723187 0.77067919 0.67158454 0.83812323 0.51555619 0.94908042 0.18364175 0.56968635 0.93154649 0.24231699 0.69767797 0.801509 0.60455083 0.90846267 0.31600134 0.82134908 0.55759212 0.93739596 0.22300214 0.6584343 0.85461458 0.47214431 0.94705143 0.19055107 0.85611717
0.88477839 0.39656834 0.93088436 0.25027741 0.72991427 0.76687238 0.69545082 0.82389802 0.56440038 0.95636658 0.16232792 0.52895274 0.96923916 0.11597882 0.39883289 0.93268669 0.24422287 0.71800866 0.78761696 0.65070553 0.88414971 0.39844881 0.93238381 0.24524209 0.7200328 0.78416786 0.65837716 0.87492586 0.42568503
0.18185933 0.59217033 0.96118843 0.14847484 0.50319163 0.99495946 0.01996024 0.07785607 0.28574213 0.81229239 0.60684438 0.94956543 0.19060589 0.61401563 0.94326173 0.21300576 0.66718455 0.88375632 0.40886972 0.96194719 0.1456871 0.49536021 0.99491432 0.02013807 0.07853545 0.28802318 0.81616199 0.59716556 0.95742424
China create a tornado i n Texas? I n a nonlinear system such small occurrences may have massive results as behavior alters, changes, and perhaps, explodes over time. Furthermore, systems w i t h very similar starting conditions i n their evolutions may diverge to very different systems and structure over time. This point has obvious implications for social scientists as we explore how vir tually identical systems generate unique histories. The phenomenon o f sensitivity
to initial conditions
can also be examined
using the logistic map. This is best examined by comparing t w o time series w i t h only slightly different initial conditions. By changing the initial condition by a mere one m i l l i o n t h (the last decimal place), a system w i t h the same parameters or boundary values can show very different results over time. These t w o time series i n i t i a l l y appear quite similar and actually map each
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
40 Iterations x = 0 . 9 0 k = 3.98 o
Fig. 1.3. Chaotic b e h a v i o r
other perfectly. But once the divergence starts, the time series continue to behave quite differently, as can be seen in figure 1.4. Attractors Even researchers and students new to the study o f chaos are familiar w i t h the notion o f order in chaos. The analyses o f nonlinear time series show that a deeper underlying order exists in these diverse types o f behavior. This order was discovered via graphical analysis o f chaotic time series. Yes, to under stand nonlinear systems, look at the pictures they generate. This deeper order is discovered by an investigation o f the attractors o f a nonlinear system. Attractors provide a qualitative assessment o f dynamic systems in motion (Mosekilde, A r a c i l , and A l l e n 1988, 21). Baumol and Benhabib (1989, 91) define an attractor as "a set o f points toward which complicated time paths starting in its neighborhood are attracted." Pool (1989, 1292) defines an attractor as "the set o f points in a phase space corresponding to all the different states o f the system." More simply, the term attractor is used because the system's temporal evolution appears to be consis-
Exploring Nonlinear Dynamics with a Spreadsheet
Fig. 1.4. S e n s i t i v i t y t o i n i t i a l c o n d i t i o n s
tently " p u l l e d " to identifiable mathematical points. The attractor functions as an abstract representation o f the flow, or m o t i o n , o f a system. I n short, the attractor stores information about a system's behavior over time. The attractor is used as a means for examining the structure o f the underlying order w i t h i n a nonlinear system. The examination o f an attractor is conducted by a mapping o f the data onto a phase space (Thompson and Stewart 1986). A phase space represents a graphic backdrop for presenting the motion o f time-based data. The examina tion o f an attractor is conducted i n a (/t + 1 phase space (Baumol and Benhabib 1989, 91). I n this case, t (time) represents the current value o f x, while t + 1 (time + 1) represents the next value o f x. The t is plotted on the horizontal axis and t + 1 is plotted on the vertical axis. This method o f plotting the data reveals the relationship between a previous period's mea sured result relative to the current time period's measured result. When plot ting a one equation system such as the logistic map we refer to the phase space as a phase plane. The attractors o f nonlinear systems thus represent a dynamic structure
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
that traces the longitudinal behavior o f a system. Studies o f these attractors, generated by various nonlinear equations, evidence an enormity o f shapes and patterns (Gleick 1987). These attractors thus represent the structures that describe and dominate a nonlinear system during its evolution. Each o f the three nonlinear regimes described above represent a unique attractor type. Steady state attractors converge to a point and remain there. Attractors from periodic regimes are called limit cycles and oscillate around a set o f denned mathematical points, creating a circular pattern. A chaotic or strange attractor takes on a multitude o f surprising shapes. Attractors can be generated using an electronic spreadsheet. This is accomplished by generating an XY graph as follows: 1. Create a chaotic time series for about sixty iterations in column A . This series should be the horizontal axis (0· 2. I n cell C I , place a zero. Then recreate the same chaotic series in column A , under the zero in column C. Make sure you put all values from column A , including the initial value, in column C. This series w i l l be the vertical axis (t + 1). 3. Delete the last cell at the end o f the column C (/ + 1) to ensure each column has the same number o f time periods. 4. Generate the graph to produce the attractor. When the logistic map is operating i n a chaotic regime it creates a h i l l shaped attractor, or parabola. I f the lines are deleted from the graph and only symbols are used, this underlying structure appears. This structure is the order in chaos. Given the nonlinearities that exist in social science data, social scientists may want to explore their data sets using phase space map pings. Researchers may find a wide range o f attractors that describe the order in the apparent chaos o f social science data. Conclusion The dynamism o f social systems suggests that each behavioral regime noted above can appear w i t h i n the long-term behavior o f a nonlinear system. Be cause dynamical systems are historical systems they can reveal many types o f behavior over time. Thus each behavioral type does not reflect permanent commitment only to that behavioral type, but rather reflects one possible type that may occur for a period during the life o f a system. Exploring the behavioral regimes o f nonlinear systems should provide social scientists w i t h a foundation for discovering such behavior in social phenomena. For example, notions o f periodicity have always been used in analyses o f society, as phenomena ranging from fads to vehicular traffic reveal
Exploring Nonlinear Dynamics with a Spreadsheet such oscillatory behavior. Analysts finding social systems that are truly to oscillate at varying frequencies. understanding the uncertain nature evolving systems.
may, however, have a more difficult time in a steady state. Social systems do seem Finally, chaos may provide a means for o f social systems as both historical and
Probing t h e Underlying Structure in Dynamical Systems: A n Introduction t o Spectral Analysis Michael McBurnett
This chapter examines one method o f investigating the underlying dynamics of time-series data. It introduces the reader to spectral analysis, a tool for evaluating the frequency properties o f a time series. This is distinguished from the analysis o f the properties o f time series in the time domain, which is the subject o f most recent research in time-series analysis. Since this discus sion serves as an introduction to the topic, I have eschewed mathematical rigor. In this chapter, I focus on three basic types o f time series—periodic time series, chaotic time series, and a random time series—and explore their frequency properties with numerous examples. I also introduce noise into some o f the dynamic processes to illustrate how noise affects spectral anal ysis. In the final section o f the chapter, I introduce a time series whose properties are unknown and analyze its frequency properties. This time series is constructed from survey data collected by the Center for Political Studies. I also introduce some common problems that research has uncovered in the spectral analysis o f time series, particularly as these problems relate to the analysis o f chaotic time series. These problems involve the inability o f spec tral analysis to clearly discern cycles, even when they are known to be pre sent. Sometimes this is a data problem: the time series is too short or the signal-to-noise ratio is too high. Other times the signal resembles noise even though it is not. Unfortunately, the latter case is the more critical problem and the more likely problem when dealing with chaotic processes. The chapter is organized as follows. First, I provide the necessary mathe matical introduction to the spectral density and spectral distribution functions. I show how to interpret these measures and explain some o f the problems i n their use. Then I demonstrate by example how to use spectral analysis and introduce t w o specific cases: pure noise and periodic. Here, I show how the presence o f noise can interfere w i t h the resolving power o f the technique. T h i r d , I introduce several k n o w n chaotic time series and examine their respec31
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
five spectra. This section shows that no two time series have identical spectra and that there is no single characteristic spectrum for chaotic dynamics. Fourth, I introduce an empirical time series constructed from surveys con ducted during the 1984 Democratic nomination race. These data are subjected to spectral analysis and compared to some o f the spectra from the prior section. I determine that spectral analysis is not conclusive in determining the dynamics o f this time series. I conclude w i t h a discussion o f the use o f spectral analysis and suggest the use o f some additional measures that can be used to quantify chaos i f it is present in a time series. Mathematical Background Inspection o f a time series may lead one to suppose that it contains a periodic oscillatory component with a k n o w n wavelength. This can be represented by Y, = R cos (cot + 9) + E,
where co is the frequency o f the oscillation, R is known as the amplitude o f the oscillation, 6 is the phase, and E, is a stationary random series. Sometimes the frequency,/, is expressed a s / = W/2TT, which is a measure o f the number o f cycles per unit time and is easier to interpret. I use this expression throughout in the interpretation o f data. The period o f a cycle, called the wavelength, is given by l / / o r ITTICD. Figure 2.1 shows a graph o f a time series w i t h / = 1/6 and wavelength 6. Equation 1 is extremely simple and, in practice, the variation in an observed time series may be caused by variation at several different frequen cies. For example, presidential popularity may show variation at yearly, quar terly, monthly, and even weekly frequencies. This means that the series shows variation at high (weekly), medium (monthly or quarterly), and low (yearly) frequencies. Equation 1 can be generalized to account for the combination o f variation in the observed series by
Y, = S t f ; COS (ü)jt + Oj) + E„
where Rj is the amplitude at frequency In the t w o equations shown thus far, it should be noted that neither is stationary i f R, 6, {Rj\, and {0,·} are constants since this condition implies that E{Y ) w i l l shift over time. It is customary to assume that {Rj} are uncorrected random variables uniformly distributed on (0, 2TT), which are fixed for a particular value o f the process (Chatfield 1992). This assumption allows the t
Probing the Underlying Structure in Dynamical Systems I
~i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—I 1
10 11 12 13
33 L
15 16 17 18 19 20
Iterate Fig. 2 . 1 . S a m p l e s i n u s o i d a l f u n c t i o n w i t h w a v e l e n g t h 6 a n d f r e q u e n c y 1/6
treatment o f time series suspected to contain more than one oscillating compo nent as a stationary series. Using the trigonometric identity cos (tot + 6) = cos wt • cos 6 — sin cot • sin 6, equation 2 can be written as
y, = 2
(oj cos ci)jt + bj sin (o ) + E , jt
7= 1
where a- = Rj cos dj and bj = —Rj sin 0,. Clearly, from equations 2 and 3 we see that only a finite number o f frequencies are represented here (the index j counts only from 1 to k). W h y are there not more, indeed, an infinite number of frequencies? Wiener (1949) showed that when k—*«>, any discrete process measured at unit intervals can be represented as
Y. =
I cos (x)t du(a)) Jo
sin (at dv(a>)
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
where u() are uncorrelated continuous processes defined for all a> in the range ( 0 , TT). This equation is called the spectral representation o f the process. Intuitively it helps to think o f Y, as a linear combination o f orthogo nal oscillating terms. One may also wonder w h y the upper l i m i t o f the integrals in equation 4 is •nrather than + ° ° . I f the process were continuous, the l i m i t w o u l d be + ° ° . We are concerned w i t h a discrete
process measured at unit intervals.
there is no loss o f generality in restricting co to the range (0, TT), because
cos tat cos (TT — o))t
k, t integers where k is even, k, t integers where k is odd.
Variation at frequencies higher than TT cannot be distinguished from variation in a corresponding frequency in the interval (0, TT). The frequency
o f loss o f predictability. Hence the computation o f Lyapunovs becomes cru cial since the system w i t h them defines its o w n predictability (Eckmann and Ruelle 1985; Abarbanel 1992). A map can illustrate how the change in the level o f information may occur after one iteration. D i v i d i n g the closed interval [ 0 , 1] on x into n equal intervals, x can occur w i t h a probability o f \ln. B y k n o w i n g w h i c h interval contains x , we gain the following information: 0
= - E ^ log ^ = log i=l 2
The linear map, / ( x ) , changes the length o f an interval by a known factor, a | / ' ( 0 ) j . The loss o f precision leads to a loss o f information:
- log n n 2
-\og a 2
Measuring Chaos Using the Lyapunov Exponent
- l i m i
The value o f | A / | is proportional to the Lyapunov, in that \(x ) 0
= log
· |A/|.
The larger the exponent, the greater the information loss. The gain or loss o f information reflects the amount o f uncertainty in the dynamical process. W i t h a loss o f information, the amount o f predictability decreases and the certainty in the future is diminished. Thus the Lyapunov exponent allows both a calcu lation o f a chaotic signal and an interpretation. Calculating A The calculation o f the Lyapunov exponents depends upon measuring the rate by which close or nearby trajectories split in phase space after small changes in initial conditions. When the equations o f motion are k n o w n , as i n a computer simulation, estimating the Lyapunov is not difficult. When data are used, difficulties arise. As a rule, chaotic systems contain at least one positive Lyapunov exponent. The trick is to calculate the Lyapunov w i t h i n the small est possible D-dimensional hypersphere that contains the attractor w i t h i n a specific number o f time steps. There are three control parameters: the embed ded dimension, the number o f time steps over which pairs o f points are evaluated, and the precision o f the estimate. A fc-dimensional volume segment grows by the average factor o f A, + A + . . . + \ at each time step. A g a i n , a A > 0 indicates that the attractor is chaotic and that a very small error or perturbation grows in the short run exponentially fast. 2
Two algorithms have been used to calculate Lyapunov characteristic exponents: Wolf's algorithm (1985, 1986) and the Eckmann-Ruelle algorithm (1985). The W o l f algorithm tracks a pair o f arbitrarily close points over a trajectory to estimate the accumulated error per time step. The points are separated i n time by at least one orbit on the attractor. The trajectory is defined by the fiducial and test trajectories. They are tracked for a fixed time period or until the distance between the two components o f the trajectory exceeds some specific value. In sequence, another test point near the fiducial trajectory is selected and estimation proceeds. The end product is that the stretching and squeezing are averaged. 3
Figure 3.1 shows
a representation
o f the Wolf computation o f a
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
*o('o> y(t )
y(t )
Fig. 3 . 1 . S c h e m a t i c r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of t h e W o l f a l g o r i t h m t o c o m p u t e A,. ( F r o m V a s t a n o a n d K o s t e l i c h 1986. R e p r i n t e d w i t h p e r m i s s i o n . )
Lyapunov as presented by Vastano and Kostelich (1986, 102). The initial data point, y(t ), and its nearest neighbor, z ( / ) , are L units apart. Over A f , a series o f time steps from t to t , the two points y and z evolve until their distance, L ' , is greater than some arbitrarily small e. The y value at t be comes y ( f , ) and a new nearest neighbor, z , ( / , ) , is selected. This procedure continues until the fiducial trajectory y reaches the end o f the time series. The replacement o f the old point by its substitute point and the replacement o f the error direction by a new directional vector constitutes a renormalization o f errors along the trajectory. 0
The largest estimated Lyapunov exponent o f the attractor is then
Â, =
where M is the number o f replacement steps (where some arbitrarily small e was exceeded) and N is the total number o f time steps that the fiducial trajectory y progressed. W o l f et al. (1985) provide the code for two pro grams: one for estimating the Lyapunov spectrum for systems o f differential equations and a second for estimating the Lyapunov from a time series. The code is relatively easy to implement in Fortran or to convert to Turbo C . The I B M PC computer packages developed by Schaffer (1988) and Sprott and Rowlands (1992) have implemented the Lyapunov exponent by means o f the W o l f algorithm. Figure 3.2 illustrates the Lyapunov exponent using the Wolf algorithm for an iterative logistic map. W i t h i n the areas o f the chaotic region, the Lyapunovs are positive. Note that the boundary o f the Lyapunov reflects the erratic nature o f chaos w i t h i n the logistic map. The geometric properties o f the Lyapunov exponent are known to be chaotic. + +
There are several folk wisdoms in estimating the Lyapunov exponent on data using the W o l f algorithm. Schaffer et al. (1988) suggest standardizing the
Measuring Chaos Using the Lyapunov Exponent
Fig. 3.2. I t e r a t i o n s of t h e l o g i s t i c m a p (a) a n d a c c o m p a n y i n g L y a p u n o v e x p o n e n t s (b). (From S c h u s t e r 1988. R e p r i n t e d w i t h p e r m i s s i o n o f t h e author.)
data into interval [ 0 , 1]. Such transformations allow for comparisons between different time series and permit a more ready interpretation o f the length scales. Second, Fraser and Swinney (1986) suggest verifying that the esti mated Lyapunov exponent is stable over a range o f parameter choices. I n creasing the m a x i m u m admissible length scale between fiducial and test tra jectories eventually induces the value o f the Lyapunov exponent to drop. W o l f et a l . (1985) suggest that the m a x i m u m length scales should not exceed 10 percent o f the extent o f the attractor. The Eckmann-Ruelle algorithm offers some marginal gain over the W o l f approach and is considered by some the "current state o f the art" (Peitgen, J ü r g e n s , and Saupe 1992). I t uses a least-squares approximation o f the deriva tive matrices, an approach that was independently proposed by Sano and Sawada (1985). Figure 3.3 illustrates the Eckmann-Ruelle algorithm.
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
Fig. 3.3. S c h e m a t i c r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f t h e Eckmann-Ruelle m e t h o d . ( F r o m V a s t a n o a n d K o s t e l i c h 1986. R e p r i n t e d w i t h permission.)
The Eckmann-Ruelle method calculates all positive Lyapunov exponents of the attractor. The fiducial trajectory, y , begins with y(t) and k nearest neighbors, z,(/) | / = 1 — k, all o f which are w i t h i n e o f y{t). Each point evolves through a specific period o f time, At, such that z,-(f) and z,.(j + At) are tracked along w i t h y(t) and y(t + At). A least-squares estimate is possible o f the spatial derivative Df (y(t)) o f the series using y(t) and the k points. A t each time step, all points w i t h i n e o f y(t) are used to calculate the best possible fit until all the data are used. 5
The Eckmann-Ruelle algorithm provides a useful way to calculate the entire range o f Lyapunov exponent values, while recovering more than one positive Lyapunov exponent w i t h the W o l f algorithm is substantially more complicated. Conclusion It might be that chaos at some time in the future w i l l be considered a sideshow of nonlinear dynamics. Issues that allow full investigation o f self-organization may simply assume that chaotic states and the nature o f prediction, and indeed theoretical understanding, must take chaos into consideration. The ideas behind chaos may also become a common heuristic device, a way o f understanding complexity, criticality, and nuance largely put aside by the earlier ideas underlying the behavioralism in the social sciences. There is an intuitive appeal o f nonlinear dynamical ideas in certain areas o f social and psychological sciences, where difficulty in measurement and systematic ob servations often yield qualitative judgment. As a colleague who studies East ern Europe suggested, we have to take the countries and people as they are, w i t h all their warts (complexity) and goofiness (unreliability). Chaos may, however, find a new home and more precise use and mea surement in more positive, prescriptive areas o f social inquiry. A t the end o f a
Measuring Chaos Using the Lyapunov Exponent
draft manuscript on infinitely repeated games o f incomplete information, McKelvey and Palfrey suggest: " . . . the resulting solutions have properties that are reminiscent o f chaotic dynamical systems, and one wonders whether such a solution describes in either a normative or positive fashion the behavior individuals w o u l d or should adapt in such games" (McKelvey and Palfrey 1992). Hubler and Pines (1993) investigate in game-theoretic logic how players attempt to model, control, and predict future states within chaotic environments. Indeed, they even suggest that competition between two players can lead to a chaotic state. In each instance, the ability o f a player to recognize the presence o f chaos presents a strategic advantage in adapting behavior to that chaos. In each instance, it w i l l be critical to identify the degree o f chaos, distinguishing between the "edge o f chaos" and full-blown chaos. Dynamical nonlinear systems are thought to predict different things than linear systems. Included are a set o f invariant measures such as the Lyapunov exponents or attractor dimensions. Determining their precise interpretation in the social sciences w i l l provide some interesting dissertations. As M a y (1992, 452) j o k e d : "chaos at last reconciled the Calvinist's God and his foreordained w o r l d w i t h the illusion o f free-will that we enjoy; sensitivity to initial condi tions makes our w o r l d and fate appear unpredictable, even though it is deter m i n e d . " I n low-dimensional political, social, and economic Lyapunovpositive environments, where does this leave choice theory, free w i l l , and individual responsibility?
NOTES Figures 3.1 and 3.3 are reprinted from "Comparison of Algorithms for Determining Lyapunov Exponents from Experimental Data" by J . A . Vastano and E . J. Kostelich, in
Dimensions and Entropies in Chaotic Systems, ed. G . Mayer-Kress (Berlin: Springer¬ Verlag, 1986), by permission of the authors, Elsevier Science, and Springer-Verlag. 1. Formally, a closed invariant set A C R" is an attracting set if there is some neighborhood U(A) such that (x,t) e (7 for; > Oand (x,t)-^>A a s f —» °° for every x G U -U t
· · · > t-m)-
Thus we have a set o f ordered pairs, { ( * , , xT-\)} = +i,TP° prediction set, we calculate the distance between x™_ and Casdagli suggests using the norm to calculate distances, t
|| * || = max,-1
r e a c r i
i < »e V J£
We then select the k nearest pairs, (x , JCJL, ) , to estimate the parameters i n the local regression, s
= a
+ x?_ ß x
e. s
The Prediction Test for Nonlinear Determinism
The estimated parameters &Q and d are used to calculate the prediction, k
x = a + xT-ikt
The prediction is then used to calculate the prediction error, x, — x = e . Citing the Takens theorem, Casdagli suggests setting the lag length, m, equal to In + I , where n is the dimension o f the process. When the dimension of the process is not k n o w n , we can estimate i t , using (to pick one possibility out o f several) the procedure sketched in Brock and Baek 1991. We should point out how this procedure compares to the global linear predictors typically used by economists. For the global linear predictor, we use every observation in the fitting set to estimate the parameters o f the regression. I f the underlying process is sufficiently nonlinear, the global linear predictor w i l l do a poor j o b o f approximating the relationship between the histories and the futures, and the resulting forecasts w i l l be inaccurate. The essence o f the prediction test is to compare the forecasts generated by the linear methodologies preferred by economists to the forecasts gener ated by the nonlinear, nearest neighbor algorithms preferred by physicists. I f the near neighbor algorithm gives more accurate forecasts, then we have evidence that the underlying process is nonlinear. To evaluate forecasting performance, we use the Root Mean Square Error ( R M S E ) o f the forecast. Given a time series, { y y , • • • , y } , and a set o f forecasts for that series, { y , , y , • • • , y }, we define the R M S E as t
1 (
Many authors further normalize the R M S E by dividing by the standard devia tion o f the data that we are trying to predict: Define the normalized R M S E as NRMSE = RMSE/cr
This normalized R M S E attains a value o f 1 i f the method o f prediction is no more accurate than forecasting the unconditional mean o f the prediction set. This normalization is quite useful as an aid to the interpretation o f the results. We w i l l follow custom and report only the normalized root mean square error. Another example is in order. To evaluate this procedure on a short data set, we generated 600 observations from the tent map, using a starting value of 0.1234567891. For our example, we set the fitting set to be the first 500 observations, and the prediction set to be the last 100 observations o f the
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
process. We first attempted to forecast the process w i t h the global linear predictor. We estimate an A R ( 3 ) model, 3
We use the estimated parameters from the fitting set to generate predictions for the data in 3 . The results for the linear model are summarized in table 4.1 and are quite poor. First, the linear model does not fit the data very w e l l . The regression R is only about 0 . 0 1 ; the regression explains only about one-half of 1 percent o f the total variation o f the process. The only significant coeffi cient is the regression intercept. Out-of-sample forecast performance is dis mal. The normalized R M S E for the A R ( 3 ) model is 1.024, which is worse than the result obtained i f we just use the unconditional mean o f the fitting set as our forecast.
I f we apply the near neighbor methodology, we obtain far superior re sults. In figure 4 . 4 , we plot the normalized R M S E as a function o f the number of near neighbors used in the regression. For a fitting set o f 500 observations, we can set the number o f near neighbors used in the regression from one to 500. The m i n i m u m o f the N R M S E plot is the best near neighbor predictor. The plot is minimized at k = 5: our best prediction o f an element in SP is obtained when we comb through the fitting set and calculate our prediction based on the five observations in the fitting set that are most similar to the history o f the observation that we are trying to predict. A regression calcu lated using only those five observations w i l l , on average, explain nearly 98
TABLE 4 . 1 . S u m m a r y o f Regression Results f o r t h e T e n t M a p Coefficient Constant
Test Statistic
0.560 -0.059 -0.019 -0.029
12.99 -1.31 -0.42 -0.65
Regression R Fitting Set Mean Forecast NRMSE Regression Forecast RMSE Number of Observations
0.012 1.008 1.024 500
Note: The test statistic is the standard OLS test statistic for the hypothesis that the corresponding coefficient is significantly different from zero.
The Prediction Test for Nonlinear Determinism
1.2 t
Number of Near Neighbors Fig. 4.4. N R M S E p l o t f o r t h e near n e i g h b o r f o r e c a s t s o f t h e t e n t m a p
percent o f the variation in the process. The forecasts generated by the near neighbor methodology are stunningly more accurate than the forecasts gener ated by the global linear predictor, and this provides very convincing evidence of the nonlinearity present in the tent map. It bears mentioning that the N R M S E plot for the tent map is quite typical of the shape o f the plot when significant nonlinearity is present. Here, we observe that the plot is minimized for a relatively small number o f near neighbors, and the plot is smoothly upward sloping from the m i n i m u m out to the m a x i m u m number o f near neighbors, where we are essentially replicating the global linear predictor. For real economic data, the difference in forecast performance between the linear and nonlinear predictors is seldom so clear cut. The normalized R M S E for the nonlinear predictor is typically much closer to the R M S E o f the linear predictor. We are then left to ask whether the forecast improvement generated by the nonlinear models is sufficient to justify the inference that the data generator is nonlinear. It turns out that answering this question is sur prisingly difficult. The Problem o f Forecast Evaluation There are a number o f conceptual problems that must be addressed before one can sensibly compare and evaluate forecasts generated by different methods. The first problem is: how should we measure forecast accuracy? Almost all authors focus on a mechanical measure o f forecast accuracy, such as Root
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
Mean Square Error ( R M S E ) or Mean Absolute Deviation ( M A D ) . Each method o f measuring forecast accuracy has its aficionados, and one can make a purely technical statistical argument for either. However, in economic con texts, it is very often useful to measure forecast accuracy in terms o f an underlying objective function. For example, i f one is forecasting the move ments o f stock prices, the forecast R M S E or M A D are poor yardsticks o f forecast accuracy. There are two reasons for this. The first reason is that one isn't interested in stock prices per se, but rather in the profits that one could make by f o l l o w i n g an optimal trading rule based on the forecasts. Measured in these terms, an accurate forecast is one that allows the trader to make large (risk-adjusted) rates o f return. Indeed, the empirical finance literature is full o f anomalies that are i n some sense "statistically significant," but economically negligible. It is w e l l k n o w n , for example, that there is an element o f mean reversion in stock prices: a stock that experiences an especially large loss in one week can be expected to rebound somewhat the next. What is debatable is whether the effect is large enough to allow one to make profits in excess o f transactions costs by trading on this information (see, for example, Conrad et al. 1990). I f one cannot design a trading rule that uses this information to generate profits, then the anomaly is not economically significant, no matter how statistically significant it appears to be. The second reason is that there are types o f forecast improvements that these measures are poorly suited to identify. R M S E and M A D are global measures o f forecast accuracy. It is possible to have a method that forecasts poorly most o f the time, but very well some o f the time. The method may still be useful, provided that one can tell when it is going to work and when it w i l l not. Global measures o f forecast accuracy may not be sensitive enough to identify these occasional successes. Having said all o f that, we w i l l continue to focus on the R M S E measure of forecast performance. We w i l l follow the usual practice o f measuring forecast performance by normalized R M S E . The second and much more difficult problem in forecast evaluation is: how much better does the forecast have to be before the improvement is "significant"? The term significant improvement is thrown about quite fre quently i n papers on forecasting, and almost all o f the time the use o f the term is not justified. One step toward turning a heuristic procedure into a statistical test is to utilize some recently developed tools for comparing the accuracy o f competing forecast methods. A recent paper by Mizrach (1992) has derived a statistic to test the hypothesis that one forecast has a smaller mean square error than another. The test is a refinement o f an approach due to Granger and Newbold (1986) and Meese and Rogoff (1988). To review the test, let { e , , } be the forecast residuals from method one, and let {e } be the forecast residuals from method t w o . 2t
The Prediction Test for Nonlinear Determinism
Granger and Newbold test whether var(e,,) = a] is significantly less than var(e ,) = a\ by looking at the orthogonalized residuals u, = e — e „ v, = i,t 2,t- The correlation between u, and v, is just o-\ — < J \ . Thus, i f the correlation between u, and v, is significantly greater (less) than zero, then o~ is significantly greater (less) than cr . 2
l t
Mizrach's refinement is to generalize the test to biased, heteroscedastic forecast residuals, using Newey-West (1987) hardware. Mizrach shows that given that the t w o sequences are a m i x i n g , the statistic is distributed standard normal asymptotically
\ 2 «,v,
X w(j') i=k
S (i) uvuv
w(0 = 1 -
k + 1
T - i
T + i
k = k(T), w i t h l i m _ ^ , r
u ,v u,v,, i+
k(T) fl/2
i < 0
= i n t ( J " ) + 1,
for example. The a - m i x i n g assumption is worth explaining. A sequence o f random variables is independently distributed i f no single observation or group o f observations contains any information that can be used to forecast any aspect o f any other observation in the sequence. A sequence o f random variables is a m i x i n g i f (loosely speaking) the degree o f dependence between observations declines d o w n the sequence. That is, while information in observation x, (say) can be useful in predicting some aspect o f x (say), observation x, contains very little information about x, for sufficiently large s. This is essentially an assumption that anomalies or quirks in the data have only a transitory impact. t+x
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
To use an economic example, it is essentially the assumption that anything that happened to inflation in (say) 1950 has very little effect on the inflation rate o f (say) 1990. It is essentially the assumption that there is little long-run persistence i n our data. We now have a procedure to test the hypothesis that method one ( R M S E ) generates more accurate forecasts on a given data set than method two ( M A D ) . The test involves applying the Mizrach statistic to test the null hy pothesis that the M S E for forecast method number one is equal to the M S E for forecast method number t w o . I f the test statistic is sufficiently large in abso lute value, we reject the hypothesis that the two forecasts are o f equal accu racy, and thus we have a winner i n the forecasting competition. However, there is a conceptual difficulty w i t h this approach that we should not pass over without comment. The difficulty has to do with certain inescapable problems w i t h economic data. To explain: suppose that we have two competing methods o f forecasting, method one and method t w o . H o w should one decide whether forecast method one is better than forecast method two? To correctly answer this question, one would like to have access to repeated sampling from the data generator, and then look at the distribution o f one's preferred measure o f forecast performance for each method. The answer would depend on the expected values o f the measures o f forecast performance for a typical time series from the data generator. In principle, one could do studies o f the statistical size o f the test under the null hypothesis o f no nonlinearity, and the statistical power o f the test at detecting various types o f nonlinearities. This has not yet been done, and I would venture to guess that one reason for the lack o f results is that the near neighbor forecasting methodology is very computationally intensive. Calcu lating the near neighbor forecast for a prediction set o f 500 observations and a fitting set o f 1,500 observations at an embedding dimension o f twenty could easily take a day on a personal computer based on the Intel 80486 chip running at 33 M H z . A convincing Monte Carlo study could require 1,000 iterations for several different data generators. However, given enough com puting power, we could conduct such a study o f the reliability o f the method on simulated data sets. On the other hand, the major implication o f the forecasting paradox is that we do not yet have reliable models o f economic phenomena. Economic and financial data exhibit exotic dependencies that are often very difficult to model. There are, for example, controversies over the appropriate model for volatility clustering in economic data. A number o f approaches have been tried, including Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity ( A R C H ) models, unconditional mixture models, and regime-shifting models. N o single model seems to dominate the others for all applications. Worse, even i f
The Prediction Test for Nonlinear Determinism
we confine our attention to a single class o f models, one must still demon strate that the parameterization chosen for the simulation is sensible. These difficulties all occur because, unfortunately, economics is not (for the most part) an experimental science. Economists (particularly macroeconomists) typically observe only a single, short realization o f their datagenerating process. A time series collected monthly since World War I I (like the Consumer Price Index) has fewer than 600 observations. Data sets col lected quarterly (like G N P figures) have less than 200 observations. We cannot do controlled experiments to assess how the economy would respond to controlled shocks. This means that there is, in general, no way to determine whether the economic data we observe are typical or representative o f the underlying process. I n terms o f the prediction test, this means that the best we can expect is for the test to tell us whether method one outforecast method t w o on the given sample. We have no way to determine how the methods w o u l d compare on alternative samples from the underlying data generator. There fore, assessing the reliability o f our measure o f forecast performance on real data is a deep problem. These are important caveats that must be kept i n mind when assessing our test results. 1
A n Illustrative Example: The Inflation Rate To illustrate the use o f these techniques, we apply them to a data set generated from monthly observations on the Consumer Price Index for the period Janu ary 1947 to February 1993. I take the first differences o f the logs o f the C P I , which results i n the monthly inflation rate. Setting aside the last 20 percent o f the data, we estimate an A R ( 1 2 ) model on the first 442 observations. For the observations * in our filling set, we obtain estimates o f the parameters in the regression 12
= « + 2 Vs-i
+ £,·
The lag length, while plausible, is selected for convenience. I n sample fit o f the model is quite good. The R for the regression is 0.56, indicating that the regression explains a sizable fraction o f the total variation o f the process. This R would correspond to an in-sample R M S E o f 0.44. In the regression, the standard measures o f parameter variability indicate that many o f the coeffi cients are significantly different from zero at the 95 percent confidence level. Summary statistics for the regression are given in table 4.2. 2
M o v i n g to out-of-sample forecasting, we use the estimated coefficients from the A R ( 1 2 ) to forecast the rest o f the series. For observations o f y, in our prediction set, and their corresponding histories, we calculate forecasts using
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences TABLE 4.2. S u m m a r y o f Regression Results f o r t h e I n f l a t i o n Rate Regression Coefficient Constant X.-2
*,-3 X,_4 *.-3 X.-6 X.-1
Xt-S %l-9 X-l-10
Xt-l 1 X*-I2
Test Statistic
0.00046 0.36696 0.13934 0.13432 0.04699 -0.05750 -0.05846 0.05797 0.09294 0.12793 0.10052 -0.07539 -0.02392
2.13 7.50 2.69 2.59 0.93 -1.19 -1.21 1.20 1.91 2.66 2.19 -1.65 -0.54
Regression R Fitting Set Mean Forecast NRMSE Regression Forecast RMSE Number of Observations
0.558 1.011 1.005 442
Note: The test statistic is the standard OLS test statistic for the hypothesis that the corresponding coefficient is significantly different from zero.
the O L S estimates (a, b) o f ( a , /3) from equation 15 above to form the forecasts 12 £
S, = a +
+ r
i= l
These results are an illustration o f the forecasting paradox. Even though the model fits reasonably w e l l in-sample, the out-of-sample forecasts are spec tacularly inaccurate.The normalized R M S E for the fitting set is 1.005. To compare, i f we just use the unconditional mean o f the fitting set as our predictor, our normalized R M S E is 1.011. The regression estimate offers a reduction i n R M S E o f less than one-half o f 1 percent out-of-sample, over the unconditional mean predictor. The conclusion is that the global linear A R ( 1 2 ) model is a very poor representation o f the underlying data-generating process. One then might cast about for a reason w h y performance is so poor. A useful start w o u l d be to estimate the dimension o f the inflation data, to look
The Prediction Test for Nonlinear Determinism
for evidence that there may be a low-dimensional attractor underlying the data. Table 4.3 gives the estimated dimension o f the process, calculated at varying lag lengths, following the procedure given in Brock and Baek 1991. To remove spurious linear dependence in the data, we calculate the estimates of dimension from the residuals o f the A R model. Also in table 4 . 3 , we have two other common measures o f nonlinear structure, the BDS statistic (Brock, Dechert, and Scheinkman 1986) and the Kolmogorov Entropy (calculated following the method o f Brock and Baek 1991). A l l three measures o f depen dence indicate significant evidence o f nonlinear structure in the residuals o f the linear model. To serve as a comparison, we repeat the procedure on simulated data from noisy chaos. We generated 600 observations from the Henon process (500 from the fitting set and 100 from the prediction set), which is a simple, low-dimensional chaos (Henon 1976). We "polluted" the Henon data w i t h normally distributed pseudorandom numbers with a standard deviation o f 50 percent o f the standard deviation o f the Henon data. This corresponds to a noise-to-signal ratio o f 50 percent, which is fairly high by the standards o f physical systems. When we estimate a linear model to the Henon data, we observe results that are somewhat similar to the results we obtained for the CPI data. In-sample fit is acceptable, w i t h a regression R o f about 0.202. (This corresponds to an in-sample R M S E o f 0.798.) Out-of-sample forecast performance is worse than the in-sample fit, with an out-of-sample nor2
TABLE 4.3.
Nonlinearity Diagnostics f o r t h e Regression Residuals f r o m Inflation Rate Data E
Embedding Dimension 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Estimated Dimension
Test Statistic
Test Statistic
1.569 2.312 3.049 3.794 4.553 5.284 5.945
-2.47 -2.51 -2.47 -2.39 -2.27 -2.19 -2.17
5.71 6.66 6.75 6.88 7.25 7.47 7.72
0.584 0.580 0.569 0.547 0.553 0.550
-2.13 -2.11 -2.19 -2.39 -2.19 -2.12
Test Statistic
6.05 7.01 7.08 7.22 7.65 7.85 8.00
0.506 0.502 0.490 0.467 0.476 0.480
-2.15 -2.13 -2.24 -2.50 -2.26 -2.09
Note: The dimension of the process is estimated as the elasticity of the correlation integral with respect to the link scale e. Under the null of independent and identically distributed data ( I I D ) , the expected value of this statistic is equal to the embedding dimension. The test statistic should be distributed as a standard normal random variable under the null of I I D . The entropy statistic is a measure of sensitive dependence to initial conditions. Under the null of I I D , the expected value of the entropy is minus the log of the correlation integral at embedding dimension 1. The test statistic should be distributed as a standard normal under the null. The BDS test is a portmanteau test of I I D . Again, the test statistic should be distributed as a standard normal under the null of I I D .
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malized R M S E o f 0.913. This is still a bit better than the R M S E o f the unconditional mean forecast, which is 0.996. When we estimate the B D S , dimension, and entropy numbers for the residuals o f the linear model applied to the Henon data, we observe results that indicate that, i f anything, the Henon residuals exhibit less nonlinear dependence than the inflation data. (These results are summarized in tables 4.4 and 4 . 5 . ) When we forecast the Henon data using the near neighbor method, we obtain substantial forecast improvements. The R M S E plot for the polluted Henon data is given in figure 4.5. The R M S E plot is minimized at k = 5 1 . Regressions based on 51 near neighbors yield normalized R M S E o f 0.78. Note that this R M S E is about 15 percent lower than the R M S E for forecasts based on the linear model. When we apply Mizrach's test o f forecast perfor mance we observe a test statistic o f 2.13, which is significant at the 95 percent level o f confidence. I n this case, the nonlinear forecast algorithm generates predictions that are significantly more accurate than the forecasts generated by the linear model. This is evidence that there is significant nonlinear determin ism underlying these data.
TABLE 4.4. S u m m a r y o f Regression Results f o r t h e N o i s y Henon Data Regression Coefficient Constant
X.-2 X.-3 X.-A
x,-s X.-6 X.-1
x,-, X.-9
Xi -10 Xl-I
X/ -12
Test Statistic
0.399 -0.120 0.094 -0.287 -0.059 -0.107 0.001 -0.006 -0.084 0.095 -0.012 0.042 0.038
5.63 -2.45 1.92 -5.84 -1.16 -2.12 0.01 -0.12 -1.66 1.87 -0.25 0.85 0.78
Regression R Fitting Set Mean Forecast NRMSE Regression Forecast RMSE Number of Observations
0.798 0.996 0.913 500
Note: The test statistic is the standard OLS test statistic for the hypothesis that the corresponding coefficient is significantly different from zero.
The Prediction Test for Nonlinear Determinism
TABLE 4.5. N o n l i n e a r i t y D i a g n o s t i c s f o r t h e Regression Residuals f r o m N o i s y H e n o n M a p Data
e = 0.81 Embedding Dimension
£ = 0.9
Estimated Dimension
Test Statistic
Test Statistic
1.728 2.627 3.499 4.269 4.984 5.687 6.204
-1.39 -1.22 -1.19 -1.33 -1.48 -1.57 -1.80
4.52 3.17 2.90 2.57 2.54 2.57 3.07
0.796 0.782 0.787 0.771 0.762 0.705
-0.60 -0.84 -0.70 -0.96 -1.06 -1.90
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Test Statistic
4.69 3.45 3.14 2.60 2.40 2.32 2.57
0.701 0.690 0.706 0.696 0.688 0.650
-0.68 -0.87 -0.53 -0.71 -0.81 -1.40
Note: The dimension of the process is estimated as the elasticity of the correlation integral with respect to the link scale e. Under the null of independent and identically distributed data (IID). the expected value of this statistic is equal to the embedding dimension. The test statistic should be distributed as a standard normal random variable under the null of I I D . The entropy statistic is a measure of sensitive dependence to initial conditions. Under the null of I I D , the expected value of the entropy is minus the log of the correlation integral at embedding dimension 1. The test statistic should be distributed as a standard normal under the null. The BDS test is a portmanteau test of I I D . Again, the test statistic should be distributed as a standard normal under the null of I I D .
Compared to these results, the results for the inflation data are rather disappointing. The R M S E plot for the inflation data is given in figure 4.6. The N R M S E is minimized at k = 85, where N R M S E = 0.975. This is approximately a 2.5 percent improvement over the N R M S E for the AR(12) model. We check whether this improvement i n forecast performance is signifi-
1.2 j 1.1 •• 1 •• NRMSE 0.9¬ 0.8 • 0.7 •• 0.6 -I 0
1 100
1 1 200 300 Number of Near Neighbors
1 400
Fig. 4.5. N R M S E p l o t f o r t h e near n e i g h b o r f o r e c a s t s of t h e noisy Henon data
1 500
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0.8·· 0.7 •• 0.6 -J 0
Number of Near Neighbors Fig. 4.6. N R M S E p l o t f o r t h e near n e i g h b o r f o r e c a s t s o f t h e i n f l a t i o n data
cant, using the Mizrach test. The test statistic for this comparison is 1.77. The improvement in forecast performance is not statistically significant by the usual criteria. The lack o f forecast improvement is especially troubling when we con sider the computational burden o f the near neighbor approach. The AR(12) model fits the data w i t h 13 parameters, counting the regression intercept. For a fitting set o f 500 and a prediction set o f 100 observations, the near neighbor methodology requires on the order o f 500· 100 = 50,000 regressions, and the calculation o f 750,000 parameters, all to yield an insignificant forecast i m provement. Discussion
The prediction test is a very enticing approach to testing for nonlinear deter minism i n a data set. For data from systems known to be chaotic, near neighbor techniques offer spectacular improvements in forecast performance, relative to the performance o f the global linear predictors favored by econo mists. The near neighbor methodology is also useful for predicting noisy chaos. These developments are well documented in Casdagli (1992) and references therein. Numerous authors have applied near neighbor algorithms to economic data sets, w i t h no significant forecasting success in evidence in the literature.
The Prediction Test for Nonlinear Determinism
Recent efforts include Diebold and Nason 1990, LeBaron 1992, Meese and Rose 1990, Mizrach 1992b, and Jaditz and Sayers 1993b. When the method is applied to economic data, the forecast improvements are generally not statis tically significant. Even when there appears to be ample evidence o f nonlinear dependence i n a data set, nonlinear methods are unable to exploit the depen dence to offer improved forecast performance. The question is, why does this occur? In our previous discussions, we have touched upon some possible rea sons w h y we may be failing to identify nonlinearities. One could question our measure o f forecast performance or our method for testing whether our forecast improvement is significant. Other explanations are also possible. For example, the data set available may be too short to allow us to conclusively identify whether nonlinear determinism is present. I t would be very difficult to detect the presence o f a moderately high-dimensional process in samples as short as the one at hand. High-dimensional chaos may be observationally equivalent to random behavior i n time series this short. However, one could just as easily reject the hypothesis that economic data generators are chaotic, i n favor o f stochastic alternatives. I n their study o f near neighbor forecasting o f current exchange rates, Diebold and Nason make two points on the apparent paradox o f dependence and lack o f forecastability. The first point is that in economic time series, the conditional variance tends to change over time. The standard tests for nonlinear determinism are known to be sensitive enough to pick up this dependence. A discussion o f this point is carried out in Brock, Hsieh, and LeBaron 1991 in the context o f the BDS statistic. W h i l e volatility clustering is easily detected, dependence in variance is not useful for the prediction o f the mean. Thus there may be substantial dependence in the time series that cannot be exploited to improve level predic tion. A second possible explanation for the poor forecast performance is that tests for nonlinear dependence may be picking up regime shifts, statistical outliers, or other underlying structural instability. M a n y economic time series are subject to regime shifts. For example, in our inflation data there is gener ally conceded to be a regime shift occurring about 1980, when the Federal Reserve Board switched from a policy o f pegging nominal interest rates to a policy o f pegging money supply growth. Occasional regime shifts or lowprobability outliers may be o f limited utility for short-horizon forecasting by any pure time-series method. Hence we reach a paradox. Conventional in-sample measures o f non linear dependence suggest that economic data exhibit substantial nonlinear structure. Forecasting algorithms seem to be unable to utilize any o f that structure to improve forecasting. Hence, claims o f nonlinear determinism in economic data are still controversial.
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The prediction test does, however, offer hope for a possible resolution o f the dilemma. I f nonlinear methods generate forecast improvements in eco nomic time series on the order o f the improvements observed in the forecasts o f physical systems, the case for nonlinear determinism w i l l be irrefutable. Such improvement has not yet been demonstrated. I t is certainly worthwhile to continue the search.
1. It is possible to argue that the problem is less severe in financial economics. Tick-by-tick price and volume of sales data are available for thousands of stocks, bonds, and related financial instruments. On the other hand, these many time series are not independent observations from the same data-generating process, nor are they independent in cross section. Thus, many of the same problems remain.
From Individuals t o Groups: The Aggregation of V o t e s and Chaotic Dynamics Diana Richards One
takes the sum of particular wills . . . [and] . . . take[s] away from these
same wills the pluses and minuses that cancel one another . . . [and] . . . the general will remains as the sum of the differences. —Jean Jacques Rousseau
The aggregation o f individual preferences into a group choice is one o f the most significant questions in political science. H o w citizens combine and weigh their interests and desires toward a societal agreement is the foundation of democratic theory. However, the individual-group connection is not as straightforward as early democratic theorists assumed. The process o f reach ing a societal agreement between a group o f individuals, each with their o w n preferences and abilities to act strategically, is no longer subsumed under a simple additive relation where the group interest is merely the sum o f individ ual interests. It is now well accepted that the individual-to-group connection is capable of serious pathologies, regardless o f the voting scheme used (e.g., A r r o w 1963). But establishing the possibility o f pathologies, such as identifying examples o f voting paradoxes, does not imply that the connection between individual and group is fully understood. We know some conditions under which democratic social choice falls short o f our ideals, but we do not know why it fails or what set o f tools is appropriate to address the "black box" o f the aggregation from individual to groups. This chapter demonstrates that the process o f aggregation from individ ual to group is in the realm o f chaotic dynamics. In particular, the nonequilibrium cases o f social choice, where group dynamics fail to reach a stable agreement point, exhibit chaos. This observation accounts for the wide diversity o f potential group outcomes and the nonadditive aggregation func tion. These findings also suggest that the tools o f chaotic dynamics may shed light on w h y the instability occurs, where social choice w i l l be most unstable, and how the instability can be reduced. These are future topics. The first task is to establish that the micro-macro connection manifested in social choices exhibits chaos in its nonequilibrium cases. The chapter is organized as f o l 89
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lows. The first section examines the social choice debate and its importance for democratic theory. The next section introduces chaotic dynamics using the example o f the logistic function to illustrate the intuition behind examining a chaotic process using symbolic dynamics, in particular the iterated inverse image approach. The third section reviews the multidimensional spatial voting model and the fourth applies the tools illustrated i n the second section to the case o f multidimensional spatial voting. To suggest the robustness o f this connection, the fifth section briefly outlines existing results on addi tional cases o f individual-group aggregations, including simple voting and equilibrium-adjusting market mechanisms. A l l these related aggregation schemes also have connections to chaotic dynamics. The sixth section explores an implication o f chaotic dynamics in social aggregation functions: the presence o f an underlying structure created by the interaction o f individuals. Chaotic processes are unusual in that although they exhibit complex, seemingly random possibilities, they are in fact highly con strained. The final section concludes by returning to the issues raised by democratic theory and to the implications o f the individual-group connection being chaotic. F r o m Individuals t o G r o u p s Democratic theory, particularly in its populist form, depends on a fundamen tal assumption that one can move coherently from individual preferences to a societal choice (Dahl 1956; Riker 1982a). I f societal choices have little rela t i o n , no relation, or an inverse relation to the desires o f its citizens, then the meaningfulness o f democracy is called into question. Society becomes an entity that is independent o f the individuals that compose i t . As Riker (1982a) points out, democracy depends on more than the ends it achieves; it is based on the validity o f the means by which it achieves its ends. Voting, as the mechanism by which individual preferences are aggregated into a democratic choice, is at the center o f the legitimacy o f democratic means. Early democratic theorists assumed that aggregating individuals' votes was a coherent process. In some cases, the "general interest" was assumed to be equivalent to the citizens' interests. Rousseau assumed that the social contract created a "moral and collective body" that contained the w i l l o f the people in what he referred to as the "general w i l l . " Similarly, Hegel spoke o f the "national spirit" as a coherent single entity. Where addressed specifically, the process o f moving from individual to group was viewed as an additive relation: an aggregation or sum. Rousseau outlined a scheme where "pluses and minuses cancel one another." Bentham viewed the connection as a sum o f the utilities o f individuals. Even as recently as 1958, Truman ( 1 9 7 1 , 260) spoke o f public opinion as "an aggregate o f the more or less rational opinions held by the individuals who . . . make up the ' p u b l i c . ' " 1
From Individuals to Groups
Even these early theorists had already conceptualized the individualgroup connection in terms o f a mathematical function: a mapping rule from a set o f individual preferences (or utilities, in the case o f Bentham) into a societal choice or a societal preference ordering. Rousseau, Bentham, Truman, and countless others interpreted this "function" in additive terms— the simplest possible mapping. Yet this function need not be additive. As A r r o w (1963, 4) points out, there are an infinite number o f possible mappings from individual utilities to a social utility function: the sum o f individual utilities, or their product, or the product o f their logarithms, or the sum o f their products taken two at a time, and so on. A n d even i f one assumes that interpersonal comparison o f utilities is nonproblematic, there is an implicit value judgment in choosing the aggregation rule. The assumption that the connection from individual to group is a straightforward additive relation became weakened by the discovery o f pre sumably isolated voting paradoxes. As democracies spread and interest in voting was becoming more common, examples were discovered, such as those by Condorcet, Borda, Dodgson, and Nanson (see Black 1958), where the aggregation o f votes led to "peculiar" social outcomes. These outcomes are peculiar in the sense that a different outcome results i f the voting order is changed, or the addition or withdrawal o f what should be superfluous options causes unexpected and radical changes in the outcomes, such as reversing the social ordering by making the winner the new loser (see, e.g., Black 1958; Farquharson 1969; Fishburn 1973; Ordeshook 1989). The discovery o f these examples was not consistent w i t h what was assumed to be an additive rela t i o n , for additive relations do not show such variability and sensitivity. How ever, the implications for democratic theory remained small as long as the examples were viewed as interesting, but isolated, curiosities. The discovery o f cases where the aggregation o f individual preferences was problematic led to debates over which voting rule was the "best" in the sense that it w o u l d not be subject to a breakdown in the coherence o f the mapping from individuals to group. As early as the eighteenth century, Borda and LaPlace were debating and advocating certain voting rules as better in terms o f avoiding paradoxes (Saari 1985a). However, A r r o w ' s (1963) General Possibility Theory demonstrated that no procedure exists for passing from a set o f individual preferences to a pattern o f social outcomes that is consistent w i t h a set o f minimally desirable conditions o f any democratic process. A l though problems w i t h the individual-group connection did not occur for every set o f individual preferences (as Black's [1958] single-peakedness condition demonstrates), the possibility o f unstable group outcomes did occur w i t h more than a negligible probability (e.g., N i e m i and Weisberg 1968; Riker and Ordeshook 1973; Ordeshook 1989). A further blow to the assumption o f a nonproblematic additive relation between individuals and groups came when voting involved two or more
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
issues (Davis and Hinich 1966). When the topic to be voted on contains— either explicitly or i m p l i c i t l y — t w o or more components, then stability in a group outcome is nearly impossible (Cohen 1979; Cohen and Matthews 1980; McKelvey 1976, 1979; Schofield 1979, 1980; Plott 1967). I n this case, any social outcome can arise from a democratic process, since every outcome can be defeated by some coalition o f voters. I n addition, voters have a disturbing potential for manipulating the agenda in order to influence societal outcomes (Gibbard 1973; McKelvey 1976). We now know that the connection between individuals' preferences and group outcomes is not as simple as originally thought. What was once as sumed to be a trivial exercise in aggregating or summing individual prefer ences in an additive way has become a "black box" that has the potential to transform straightforward individual preferences into outcomes that can be very complex and sensitive to small changes. The function that maps individ ual preferences to group choices is not linear and additive; in fact, as w i l l be seen, the mapping is nonlinear. A nonlinear relationship implies that an i n crease in one variable does not cause a uniform increase in the other variable: uniform changes in individual preference orderings do not imply uniform changes i n the social orderings, as is evident in the winner-turn-loser paradox and the inverted-order paradox. There is a domain for functions o f this type: chaotic dynamics. Since the social choice function is nonlinear, it is natural to expect chaos theory—the theory o f nonequilibrium, nonlinear dynamics—to apply to the function that aggregates individual preferences into a social choice (see also Schofield 1993). Chaotic D y n a m i c s Before examining the dynamics o f the mapping from individual preferences to social outcomes using chaos theory, it is worthwhile illustrating the charac teristics, methods, and formal definition o f chaos with a simple example from outside o f choice theory. This section introduces the concepts o f chaos theory by exploring the w e l l - k n o w n logistic function. The example is important because it illustrates the definitions and techniques used later in the chapter. The approach uses symbolic dynamics (Devaney 1989) and, in particular, the iterated inverse images (Saari 1991). Using this approach makes demonstrat ing Devaney's (1989) three requirements o f chaos, sensitive dependence on initial conditions, topological transitivity, and dense periodic points, rela tively straightforward. I n a subsequent section, these techniques w i l l be ap plied to the social choice function o f multidimensional spatial voting. One o f the simplest functions that exhibits chaos is the logistic equation, discussed in chapter 2. The logistic function illustrates the three important characteristics o f a function exhibiting chaos: (1) sensitive dependence on initial conditions, (2) topological transitivity, and (3) dense periodic points.
From Individuals to Groups
Devaney (1989) defines the presence o f chaos in a function by the satisfaction of these three conditions: D E F I N I T I O N 1. A function exhibits sensitive dependence on initial conditions if two points that are arbitrarily close separate by a distance 8 by the iteration of that function (Devaney 1989, 49). D E F I N I T I O N 2. A function exhibits topological transitivity if the mapping has points that move from one arbitrarily small neighborhood to another arbitrarily small neighborhood (Devaney 1989, 49). D E F I N I T I O N 3. A function has dense periodic points if, given a periodic point, there is another periodic point arbitrarily close by (Devaney 1989, 15, 42). These conditions combine for the formal definition o f chaos (Devaney 1989, 50): D E F I N I T I O N 4. A function initial conditions, topological
is chaotic if it satisfies sensitive dependence transitivity, and dense periodic points.
These three conditions have all been informally illustrated w i t h the example o f the logistic function i n chapter 2. Sensitive dependence on initial conditions is evident i n the effect o f a new initial condition. Topological transitivity implies that one can move from one region of x to another region—i.e., that outcomes do not merely repeat the same few values but have a diversity o f potential outcomes. Dense periodic points are evident in the bifurcation diagram. Peri odic points are nearby other periodic points; there is a consistency in nearby trajectories. Although all three conditions are intuitively evident in the ex ample o f the logistic function, the proof that these conditions are in fact satisfied requires more. Establishing these three conditions formally becomes straightforward when the tools o f symbolic dynamics are used. Symbolic Dynamics The intuition behind the presence o f cycles and chaos in a function becomes clearer w i t h the tools o f symbolic dynamics (see, e.g., Devaney 1989; Saari 1991). This technique permits a cataloging o f the permissible sequences o f the function. It accomplishes this by abandoning point precision, as the previous discussion emphasized, and examining instead how regions map into regions. In particular, this approach reverses the focus to look at how sets o f points map to other sets, rather than at where a single point maps. To illustrate this approach, divide x, = [ 0 , 1] into two regions, labeled /?,
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
and R , as shown in figure 5 . 1 . The image o f these regions is shown on the x axis by reflecting across the x, = x line. One is interested i n which regions map to which regions via the function. In this case, the function is the one-to-one mapping o f the logistic function. Note that from figure 5.1 it is apparent that region 1 maps to region 2 because for some values o f x, G R , the function results i n some values o f x, G R . Similarly, some values o f x, G R map to region 2. B y a similar logic we can describe the rules o f mapping under the logistic function for all the regions, summarized as 2
l + i
i) i f x, G R ii) i f x, G R
then x G R; then J C , , G R or R .
t + l
These "rules" on the sequences o f mappings outline some o f the permis sible sequences. Each o f these sequences is called a w o r d , and the set o f all permissible words under a particular function is called the dictionary. Each sequence describes the iteration o f a single starting point via that function. Se quences that are identical for the first n entries and that differ after the n + 1 entry designate initial points that are nearby. I n other words, the distance between t w o points is measured by the extent to which their sequences match (see, e.g., Saari 1991). The possibility o f cyclic sequences arises because o f the feedback region o f R . B y iterating w i t h i n R cycles o f all lengths are possible; the mapping back to /?, allows for the completion o f the cycle. The rule on the mapping is simply that R must be followed by R \ R can be followed by either /?, or R . t h
For example, a four-cycle sequence is possible: (/?,, R , R , R , R, R , . . . ) . Finding this four-cycle sequence is not obvious w i t h the forward approach used in choice theory. The iterated inverse image approach (Saari 1991) identifies where the cycle must appear. First, find all points in R that map to the first target region o f 7", = R , this is given b y / (T ) = f~ *(R ) H R . However, the goal is not to map to any point in R , but to the subset o f points in R where the next iterate stays in R . This means we need to refine the starting region o f /?, to the refined target o f T = f~ (R ) D R C 7",. These p o i n t s / ( T ) C f~ (T ) are all the points that start in R , go t o R , and on the second iterate remain in R . 2
_ l
- X
The same argument ensures that the third iterate is in R . Here the refined target region is T = / - ' ( / - ' ( / ? )
s e t
However, the existence o f an equilibrium under the social choice func tion o f majority rule in a multidimensional policy space is extremely rare. In order to achieve a majority rule equilibrium outcome, severe restrictions on the voters' ideal points are required (Black 1958; Plott 1967). For nearly all voter preferences, majority rule does not lead to any stable winning social outcome, but continues to wander over the policy space. Every issue can be beaten by some other proposal that is also preferred by a majority o f the voters. I n addition, the movement o f winning proposals can exhibit intransitivity or cycles, where, by a sequence o f majority votes, the social outcomes w i l l be alternative b over a, c over b, and then a over c! Moreover, any point in the policy space can be reached by some sequence o f majority rule deci sions. When an equilibrium breaks d o w n , it breaks down completely and includes the entire policy space (Cohen 1979; Cohen and Matthews 1980; McKelvey 1976, 1979; Schofield 1979, 1983). These results are typically
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
referred to as the chaos theorems, because o f the negative interpretation that all order and stability are lost: agendas can be constructed between any two points, sequences o f votes do not reach a stable equilibrium consensus, and any final group choice may have little relationship to the voters' preferences. However, the use o f the term chaos was semantic. The following section demonstrates that the connection between multidimensional spatial voting and chaos is not merely semantic, but theoretic. Chaotic D y n a m i c s in M u l t i d i m e n s i o n a l Spatial V o t i n g The previous section briefly summarized some o f the troubling aspects o f multidimensional voting and pointed out the inherent and pervasive instability in voting. B y viewing the social choice process as a nonlinear mapping, symbolic dynamics can be used to establish that the sequences generated by a group o f voters in a multidimensional policy space do in fact exhibit chaotic dynamics (Richards 1992, 1994). The chaos theorems o f social choice can be understood as chaotic nonlinear dynamics; the connection is not merely se mantic, but is theoretic. This implies that outcomes and agenda paths are not completely random and all order is not lost. This section demonstrates the existence o f chaotic dynamics in m u l t i dimensional spatial voting using an approach analogous to the example o f the logistic function shown in the second section. However, there is an important technical distinction. In the case o f the logistic function, the mapping was one-to-one and continuous. I n the case o f multidimensional social choice, the "function" is instead a correspondence: each policy point maps to a set o f points that beat it by majority rule. However, the general logic remains the same: divide the space into regions and examine how regions map into other regions. The rules o f the mappings catalog the feasible dynamics and allow for the establishment o f Devaney's three conditions o f chaos. The Importance of Cycles 2
Before examining the inverse image o f the social choice function, two pre liminary facts must be established. First, every multidimensional spatial vot ing context without a core has at least one three-cycle among alternatives. Second, i f a cycle o f any length greater than three exists, then a three-cycle also exists. These results are similar to previous findings (e.g., Cohen 1979; Schofield 1983), but are presented using concepts needed for the subsequent results. First, the notion o f a cycle must be clarified. A n alternative y G X can be reached from a point x G X i f it is possible to move from x to y by iterations of / . I f an x G X can be reached from itself by k iterations o f / a n d x ¥= p(x) for 1 ^ j < k, then a £-cycle exists.
From Individuals to Groups
(1) For t w o or more issue dimensions, three or more voters, type I utility functions, and majority rule, then i f the core is empty, there exists a sequence o f alternatives (a, b, c) such that b £ f(a), c £ f(b), and a £ f(c). To see that this is true, suppose that a three-cycle exists among three alternatives, a, b, and c. Then a, b, and c form a nondegenerate triangle i n R . Label the three perpendicular bisectors o f ab, be, and ca as H , H , and H, which must intersect in a space o f m — 2. Denote H% as the open halfspace that includes b and that by construction contains a majority o f voter ideal points. Denote / / £ . and H+ similarly, such that each halfspace contains c and a, respectively, and contains a majority o f voters. A cycle exists among three points a, b, and c i f such a partitioning is possible (fig. 5.2). This partitioning creates the "pinwheel" o f social choice preferences such that b £ f(a), c £ f(b), and a £ / ( c ) . Therefore, the question o f the existence o f a three-cycle for a given configuration o f voters is the question o f whether voters' ideal points can be partitioned into the appropriate pinwheel o f hyperplanes. m
Assume voters' ideal points are located i n the policy space such that a core exists. Denote the core point as v*. Then v* £ f(x) for all x v* and / ( v * ) = 0 . The agreement set o f any winning coalition o f voters must contain v* or there w o u l d be a winning coalition that could beat v*, violating the construction o f v* as a core point. Therefore, in partitioning the voters into the sets H+ , H£ , and H+ , v* must be an element o f H+ , and o f H£ , and o f H+ , b
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
i m p l y i n g that H+ f l D H+ ¥= 0 . However, for a three-cycle pinwheel partition to exist, the hyperplanes must be such that H£ D H£ ^ 0 and H+ D f l H+ = 0 (see fig. 5.2). Therefore, i f a core exists, a three-cycle partition is not possible. b
Conversely, assume voters' ideal points are located in the policy space such that a core does not exist. I f the core is empty, then the halfplanes H+ , Hg , and H+ must be able to be placed such that a majority o f voters are contained in each H and such that H£ f l / / £ . D H+ = 0 . I f this were not the case, then there w o u l d be a point that must be included in every winning coalition's set and this point w o u l d be a core. Given that there is some H such that H+ D H£ Pi / / + = 0 , then there must be an H such that the three lines intersect in a single point. Either the three lines already intersect i n a single point or H~ includes all o f the cone H^ D H . I n the second case, H has the flexibility to move toward the vertex o f the cone (toward H 's "—" region), since this can only result i n more, rather than fewer, voter ideal points. Therefore, H can be moved until it intersects H and H in a single point at the base o f the H+ f l Hfc. cone. Therefore, i f there is no core then a three-cycle partition is possible. b
(2) I f there is a &-cycle for a k s 3, then there is some a', V, and c' such that V = f(a'), c' —f{b'), a n d a ' = f(c'), i . e . , there is a three-cycle. To see that this is true, note that the existence o f a &-cycle implies that the core is empty (Cohen 1979; Schofield 1983). B y (1), i f the core is empty then a three-cycle exists. The Iterated Inverse Image of the Social Choice Function The previous discussion established that when voters' ideal points are such that no equilibrium exists, then the majority-rule social choice function cre ates a mapping from a to b, from b to c, and from c to a. As in the example o f the logistic function, the existence o f regions that feed back into previous regions allows for the existence o f cycles o f all lengths and for the demonstra tion o f chaos. Therefore, one can characterize the permissible sequences o f the social choice function in terms o f mappings o f regions. This is accom plished by examining the iterated inverse image o f the social choice function. The policy space is partitioned into regions, and by examining the nested sequences in terms o f target regions, one can outline the permissible se quences under the iteration o f the social choice mapping. This approach differs from the typical approach to spatial voting in two
From Individuals to Groups
ways. First, rather than examining the mapping o f single points—as in the " w i n set" formed by the indifference curves through a single point—this approach examines the mapping o f regions into regions. B y abandoning the point precision o f previous approaches, one can characterize the general dy namics o f the social choice function (Saari 1991). Second, the iterated inverse approach differs from previous analyses o f spatial voting by focusing not on the social choice function, but on its inverse, / " ' ( * ) · Previous approaches examined the set o f points that beat an existing status quo point, namely, the set/(jc). The iterated inverse image approach reverses this logic and examines the target region o f x—namely, the set o f points that map to x via the social choice rule. I f y is the target region o f x, then x can follow y in a social choice sequence. The iterated inverse image approach outlines which sequences o f outcomes are possible under / b y examining the iterations o f target regions. This allows for a general cataloging o f everything that can happen under the social choice rule in terms o f permissible sequences o f target regions. P R O P O S I T I O N 1. For two or more issue dimensions, three or more voters, type I utility functions, and majority rule, if a three-cycle among alternatives exists, then there are cycles among alternatives of all periods greater than or equal to three. P R O O F . Let a, b, and c denote three alternatives in a three-cycle, w i t h H , H , and H the respective perpendicular bisectors (as i n fig. 5.2). Label a closed region B bounded by a hyperplane parallel to H and such that b G B. Define a set R(B) as the open set o f all points defined by reflecting across H (see fig. 5.3). By construction a G R(B), since H is the perpendicular bisector and b G B. Regions C, R(C), A, and R(A) are defined similarly, such that cEC,bE R(C), a £ A, and c G R(A) (see fig. 5.3). ab
Assume a sequence {A, B, B, . . . , A, . . . } . First we need to find those points i n A that map to T, = B in the first iterate. This is given by the cone f~ (T ) = R(B) f l A. N o w we need to refine/~ (T ) to only those points that remain in B i n the second iterate. That is, we want to find the points in A that map to the refined target region o f T = f~ (B) f l B CT . The open cone B n H G f~ (B), since all points i n this cone map to B by approaching the H hyperplane, so T = B D H . The same argument ensures that the third iterate is i n f l . Here the refined target region is T — f~ (f~ (B) D B) C T . A t each iteration, the set o f initial points is refined to include only those points that remain i n B. Then = f~ . . . (f~ (B) f l B); one can stay in B as many times as necessary since the boundary H is open. The final stage defines the set o f inverse iterated p o i n t s / ~ '(7*,) C A—i.e., the set o f points i n x
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
Fig. 5.3. Three-cycles w i t h i n t h r e e a l t e r n a t i v e choices
t h
A where the image o f the i iterate returns to A. This means the final target region must be refined to T = H f l f~ (A). This is an open cone and is nonempty. Therefore, one can construct a sequence that begins in A, iterates w i t h i n B for any number o f iterations, and then returns to A. x
Since sequences o f the type {A, B, B, . . . , A, . . . } are permissible under this social choice rule, it is straightforward to see that cycles o f all length greater than three can be constructed: vary the number o f iterates w i t h B from t w o (a three-cycle) to fl = j (an i + 1-cycle). Note, however, that unlike the logistic function, the presence o f a three-cycle feedback does not imply cycles o f all lengths in the social choice function. "One-cycles" ( i . e . , equilibrium points) are not implied. Although region fl can follow region fl, in fact, subsequent points in fl cannot return to previous points. As seen in the above discussion, mappings w i t h i n fl must approach the open boundary o f H. Therefore, there is no periodic point o f one. 3
Proposition 1 makes clear that the mapping rules for the social choice function allow region B to follow A, C to follow fl, and A to follow C. In addition, note that each region can follow itself, merely by moving closer to its perpendicular hyperplane. Therefore, the mapping rules on the majorityrule social choice function can be summarized for x, as the status quo alterna tive i) i f x, G A then x ii) i f x, G fl then x, iii) i f x G C then x
t + l
G A or fl or C; G A or fl or C; G A or fl or C.
From Individuals to Groups
Chaotic Dynamics Recall from the example o f the logistic function that the presence o f chaotic dynamics is established by demonstrating satisfaction o f three conditions: sensitive dependence on initial conditions, topological transitivity, and dense periodic points. A s in the case o f the logistic function, demonstrating that the social choice function is chaotic becomes a straightforward exercise when the permissible sequences in terms o f symbolic dynamics are used. P R O P O S I T I O N 2. For two or more issue dimensions, three or more voters, type I utility functions, and majority rule, if an intransitive social choice cycle exists among any alternatives, then the social choice function exhibits chaotic dynamics. Recall that to demonstrate sensitive dependence on initial conditions, one must demonstrate that two points that are arbitrarily close w i l l separate by a distance 8 by the iteration o f the function. Let the distance between regions A and B be 8. Then sensitive dependence on initial conditions implies that one can construct t w o symbolic sequences that are identical for n entries and that differ on the n + 1 entry. Assume that the n entry o f these two sequences is A, then the n + 1 entry can be A for one sequence and B for the other, separating the points by 8 and demonstrating sensitive dependence on initial conditions. t h
l h
t h
Recall that topological transitivity requires that the mapping have points that move from one arbitrarily small neighborhood to another arbitrarily small neighborhood. Then any point that begins in A and ends in B satisfies this condition. Clearly such a point does exist, by the permissible sequences outlined in (2). Recall that the condition o f dense periodic points requires that, given a periodic point, there is another periodic point arbitrarily close by. Distance between the iteration o f points is evident by the extent to which two sequences match. Given a sequence o f arbitrary length, it is possible to find another sequence that matches the beginning n entries o f the first sequence, demon strating the existence o f two periodic points arbitrarily nearby. By examining the social choice correspondence o f multidimensional spa tial voting i n terms o f the iterated inverse images, the demonstration o f the existence o f chaotic dynamics becomes straightforward. The existence o f a three-cycle intransitivity arising from a nonequilibrium preference configura tion creates a feedback process among alternatives. It is this nonlinear feed back that, as in the case o f the logistic function, creates complex behavior in the mappings, allowing for countless cyclic outcomes and nonperiodic, cha otic sequences.
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
Chaotic Dynamics i n Other I n d i v i d u a l Group Aggregations Multidimensional spatial voting is one subset o f the larger class o f aggregation schemes from individuals to groups. The multidimensional case is particularly interesting however, since virtually all voter preferences lead to chaotic dy namics. This section addresses the question o f the general robustness o f chaotic dynamics i n the aggregation from individual tastes to social outcomes. To do this, I briefly review two other aggregation schemes where the existence of chaotic dynamics has been established. These include Saari's (1984, 1985a, 1987, 1989) work on simple voting and the findings o f chaotic dy namics in market mechanisms. S i m p l e Voting Unlike multidimensional spatial voting, in simple voting individuals rank a finite set o f discrete one-dimensional alternatives. Each voter has a preference ordering over the alternatives and the social choice is determined using a given voting rule, such as pairwise majority votes, two-thirds rule, or the Borda count. As in multidimensional voting, one would like the function mapping individual preferences to a group choice to be coherent in some sense. Arrow (1963) formalized the notion o f coherence in terms o f five conditions: (1) every individual preference ordering that is complete and transitive is admissible, (2) i f all voters prefer an outcome x over an outcome y then the social ordering must be x over y, (3) i f x and y are the only two outcomes that the group can consider, then the social preference between x and y depends only on individual preferences over {x, y } , and not on individual preferences over a larger set, (4) no single voter is decisive for every pair o f outcomes, and (5) the additional requirement that the social choice ordering must also be complete and transitive. A r r o w showed that no voting rule exists that satisfies these conditions. N o matter what voting rule is used, the mapping from individual to group w i l l not be trouble-free. Paradoxes in individual-to-group mapping w i l l occur for every voting rule. 4
The mapping from individual to group in the case o f simple voting also exhibits chaos, as demonstrated by Saari (1984, 1985a, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1992). Using symbolic dynamics, and for any number o f alternatives and any positional voting procedure, Saari catalogs all possible social choice rankings over all possible subsets o f candidates. He shows that any social choice ordering—no matter how paradoxical (such as the social ordering a > b, c > a, a > b = c)—can be achieved by some profile o f voters. A n y outcome is
From Individuals to Groups
possible, paradoxes are abundant, and it is impossible to construct a voting rule that avoids these paradoxes. This occurs because all sequences are possible under the individual-group mapping rules. The permissible mappings in any positional voting procedure create the existence o f chaotic dynamics in simple voting contexts. 5
Market Mechanisms In addition to voting schemes, individual preferences can also be aggregated using market mechanisms. As A r r o w ( 1 9 6 3 , 1 - 2 ) and Riker and Ordeshook (1973) point out, voting and the market are special cases o f the general category o f collective social choice. Both market mechanisms and voting schemes take the preferences and desires o f many individuals and "amalgam ate" them into a single social choice. I n the case o f voting, the choice is a selection o f a candidate or policy. In the case o f the market, individual preferences over quantity and prices o f goods translate into a single market price. I n this way, the market incorporates individual preferences and results in a social choice in terms o f the allocation o f goods among the individuals (Riker and Ordeshook 1973). However, i n their acts o f voting, individuals are consciously choosing and anticipating a social outcome. I n the act o f a market mechanism, the act is less consciously oriented toward the ultimate social outcome (Riker and Ordeshook 1973, 82). Nonetheless, the collective out come o f a market mechanism, such as the price o f a commodity, is still achieved by an aggregation rule that takes individual preferences over the commodities and leads to a social outcome by the combination o f individual actions. As in voting, there are various rules by which market mechanisms can respond to individual preferences. Here I focus only on the most general form. The basic idea is that one has an exchange economy with a fixed number o f commodities, a fixed amount o f goods, and a set o f agents w i t h given initial endowments. Each individual has preferences over each good, where an individual's demand is given by his or her utility function. The combined demand o f all the individuals is the excess demand function. As sume that total buy is not equal to total sell. The market mechanism is a force that w i l l move prices to an equilibrium point where total buy equals total sell and the market clears. Hypothetically, this is modeled as being adjusted by a Walrasian auctioneer, whose mission is to search for the market clearing price (see, e.g., Varian 1992). Prices move iteratively in the direction o f excess demand: i f the i commodity is i n demand, then its price increases until demand equals supply and it clears. I n general, these models are described as tâtonnement models or price adjustment mechanisms. Depending on the de,
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
mand functions, the individuals' preferences w i l l combine through the excess demand function and the market rule to yield an equilibrium price and thereby allocate goods among individuals. However, it is w e l l k n o w n that such market mechanisms need not con verge to a stable social outcome. For example, economists have long known that price adjustment mechanisms are not stable for two or more commodities. The presence o f chaotic dynamics in iterative market adjustments has also now been established (see, e.g., Day and Pianigiani 1991). Saari and Simon (1978) and Saari (1985b, 1992) show that for most prices there need not be any relationship among the demand functions. The outcome o f price models can lead to many outcomes in terms o f price and allocation, and the social outcome is very sensitive to changes in the set o f agents, the set o f commodi ties, or the set o f preferences. In addition, no market procedure satisfies three minimal conditions in moving from aggregate excess demand to a market price (Saari 1991). Majumdar (1992) and Bala and Majumdar (1994) show that w i t h t w o commodities, two agents, and the price o f one good fixed, chaotic dynamics w i l l result, as it w i l l in a competitive economy with two commodities. C o n s t r a i n t s o n Instability: The Order in Chaotic D y n a m i c s
Interpretations o f a chaotic process in terms o f the colloquial use o f the word chaos—as disorderly, random, or conflictual—ignore the unique aspects o f chaotic dynamics. A chaotic process is disorderly: it results in an infinite array o f seemingly random possibilities; it is sensitive to very small shocks; it never reaches a stable equilibrium; and it is unpredictable in the long term, no matter how long its behavior is empirically observed. However, the other side of chaos is the presence o f an underlying order in the dynamics. Although the outcomes o f a chaotic process are so complex they appear random, in fact, chaotic processes incorporate specific constraints on these outcomes. It is this mix o f complexity and order that makes chaos theory an unusual theoretical framework. In this section we explore some preliminary evidence o f this structure in the case o f multidimensional spatial voting and discuss its i m p l i cations for understanding the individual-group aggregation process.
The Constraints o n O u t c o m e s and Paths It is well known that in a multidimensional setting, any outcome in the policy space—even points that are very far away from the voters' ideal points—can be reached by a sequence o f majority-rule votes. However, this result is often
From Individuals to Groups
interpreted to imply more than it technically does. While it is true that any point can be reached from any other point, this does not imply that any point can be reached from any other point by any path. In effect, for any two origin and destination points, " y o u can get there from here," but the routes from here to there may be quite constrained. The symbolic dynamics approach emphasizes the constraints on feasible sequences. The mapping rules outline what is permissible and what isn't permissible i n the social choice dynamic. I f majority rule was in fact total disorder, then every region would map to every other region even as regions were refined to smaller and smaller sets. Although the construction o f the fourth section d i d have the property o f the dictionary being the universal set, it also contained only three partitions. It is obvious that as the regions are refined, rules on the mapping w i l l emerge and the dictionary w i l l no longer be the universal set. These constraints were already evident in terms of mappings within a region. Although, for example, B maps to B, in fact, points must approach the hyperplane with each iteration: not all points in B map to all other points in B in one iteration. A refinement o f the region B would high light these mapping rules. Another example o f the order in a chaotic process is evident in the condition o f dense periodic points. Recall that this condition states that for any periodic point there is another periodic point arbitrarily close by. I n the case o f the logistic function, the order in terms o f nearby dynamical behavior was evident in the bifurcation diagram, where two-cycles transformed to fourcycles, then a chaotic region, and so on. Bifurcation diagrams can also be constructed o f the multidimensional spatial voting social choice dynamics. Like the bifurcation diagram o f the logistic function, the bifurcation diagrams of the social choice function show complex patterns (fig. 5.4). The bifurcation diagrams o f figure 5.4 show the outcomes in one o f the issue dimensions (y on the vertical axis) as a function o f the winning coalition choosing either an extreme point (near the tip o f the coalition agreement set) or an incremental point (near the status quo p o i n t — i . e . , the base o f the coalition agreement set). For many steps over this parameter continuum, a sequence o f eighty points was generated and the last fifty points were plotted in a horizontal line. For example, part b o f figure 5.4 shows a three-cycle for some o f its region. As seen by comparing parts a and b o f figure 5.4, a different fine structure emerges as a result o f the voting rule and the individual preferences. Each set o f voters produces a unique bifurcation diagram, con stant to transformations that preserve the configuration o f the voters' ideal points (such as rotating or a linear transformation). Although these diagrams are o f limited use (because o f the nature o f the parameter choice to make the function one-to-one), they do illustrate the fine structure to the dynamics o f the social choice function.
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
1 200-
maximum feasible step < — > minimum incremental step
maximum feasible step minimum incremental step
Fig. 5.4. T w o s a m p l e b i f u r c a t i o n d i a g r a m s . D i s t r i b u t i o n o f v o t e r ideal p o i n t s is: (10. 10) (20, 10) (35, 20) (20, 80) (70, 30) a n d (60, 30) (60, 70) (70, 50) (90, 7 0 1 ( 1 2 0 , 1 1 0 ) .
The Structure of Outcomes Given that the social choice function for multidimensional spatial voting is a chaotic process, we know from the definitions o f chaos that there must be a strict structure to the feasible outcomes. There are suggestions o f this struc ture in a simulation o f iterations o f majority-rule decisions. Figure 5.5 shows the distribution o f outcomes w i t h five voters deciding by majority rule over a two-dimensional issue space. Since majority rule is not one-to-one, for the simulation a single point had to be chosen as the winner. I t was arbitrarily set as the midpoint o f the largest winning coalition's agreement set. Note that the choice o f this point is arbitrary—it merely serves as an anchor on the movement o f winning coalitions. The simulation was begun w i t h an arbitrary initial point, a . a is beaten by a,, which is the alternative that is preferred to a by the largest winning coalition, where a, is the midpoint o f that coalition's agreement set. N o w a, is also not stable and can be beaten by a new set o f points by a reformation o f coalitions. a is the point that beats a, and is the midpoint o f the largest coalition that can outvote a,. Continuing this iterative process provides a sample o f the distribution o f alternatives under the majority-rule social choice. 0
As is apparent in figure 5.5, the iteration o f this process is far from random, as evident i n the complex patterns that emerge. Just as in the case o f 7
— ι
• —
Issue 1
' ·. '
' «.
;* · ' i
>·(·· I
t .*
where G, are given functions o f time t and the current values s (t),. . . ,s (t); \i ~ j \ = V(*,- — xj) + (y, yj) is the Euclidean distance between cells i and j , w i t h location (x y,) and (x yj), respectively. The summation is over all cells j whose distance from i is less than or equal to a, including s, and its four nearest neighbors (fig. 6.1). Thus, the voter at cell / w i l l be Republican at time t + 1 i f , among i and its four nearest neighbors, at least three are Republicans at time /; otherwise, it w i l l be Democratic. Since the summation condition x
R > P > S and 2R > T + S. In a one-shot play o f the game, each player's best strategy is to defect, since D gets the largest payoff, T, while C w o u l d get 5. The paradox is obvious. I n finitely many repeated plays o f the game, all Cournot-Nash (noncooperative) equilibria have the property that no matter how long the sequence, a noncooperative outcome occurs in each period. I n games o f an indeterminate duration, however, the player's utility is calculated on the expected long-run payoff o f repeated one-shot plays. In essence, it is best to figure out how to cooperate, since i f both players use D both end up w i t h a lower payoff since R > P. Axelrod explored some spatial properties o f the game w i t h an eye on the territorial stability o f tit-for-tat (Axelrod 1984). When the iterative prisoner's dilemma was examined w i t h i n difficult environments, Richards (1990) showed the clear potential for chaotic behavior. In exploring evolutionary games played w i t h neighbors on a spatial lattice, the most common approach is to set each lattice cell to a single strategy. The strategy may be either fixed (Axelrod 1984) or allowed to evolve based on a genetic algorithm or other optimization h i l l - c l i m b i n g routine (Axelrod 1987; M i l l e r 1989). As before, the lattice mechanism is quite simple. A l l cells are updated simultaneously; the score o f a cell is determined to be the average it obtains playing the neighbors defined by the given radius; the score o f the cell is then compared to the scores o f the neighborhood and the cell itself; the cell adopts the strategy o f the highest score w i t h i n the sites defined by the radius. Ties, when they occur, are usually broken by adding a touch o f noise to the scores. As was observed above, the scores o f the defined neighbors are dependent on the strategies o f their defined neighbors, and so on. Thus, the contextual influence on any cell extends beyond the defined radius. When the model is restricted to set strategies, it clearly qualifies as a cellular automata. To illustrate, let's examine one set o f recent findings on the iterative prisoner's dilemma. I n a paper, N o w a k and M a y (1992) use fixed strategies o f cooperation (C) and defection ( D ) to study how cooperative behavior evolves and is maintained. A s mentioned above, nearly all prior work demanded that individuals or groups remember past encounters, with some discounting o f retrospective evaluation for prospective payoffs. Such recollections are neces sary because o f the highly complicated strategies employed. Using fixed strategies means that memory is not a requirement for behavior.
A'onlinear Politics
O n a two-dimensional lattice o f varying sizes, interacting players face the following payoffs: R = 1, T = b (b > 1), S = P = 0. The parameter b identifies the relative advantage o f defection versus cooperation. The entire lattice is occupied w i t h C's or D's and again the scoring is the sum o f encounters w i t h neighbors. A t the start o f a next generation (a time-step) each cell is occupied by the player with the greatest score among the previous owner and the defined neighbors. The radius and the boundary conditions are varied. The rules among the n players on the n x n lattice are deterministic. Updating o f sites occurs i n discrete time and in a synchronous fashion. 1
As reported by Nowak and M a y (1992), extremely complex patterns are achieved even when strategies are fixed that in essence involve no strategies at all. What they show is that ecological structure o f cooperation stems from the magnitude o f the advantage given to defecting, the value o f b. For instance, the initial configuration starts with 10 percent defectors when b is between 1.75 and 1.8, indicating the prevalence o f cooperation. When the b parameter is moved to values between 1.8 and 2, the lattice evolves. Nowak and M a y (1992, 827) interpret their results as indicating that C and D "coexist indefi nitely in a chaotically shifting balance, with the frequency o f C being (almost) completely independent o f the initial conditions." This means that the asymp totic C fraction, f , roughly .318, remains constant for nearly all conditions tested. The inference is that o f nonconvergence on defection commonly re ported in iterative prisoner's dilemma games. c
Despite the assertion o f spatial chaos, the appearance o f complex spatial patterns does not imply a Class I I I cellular automata. A g a i n , Class I I I implies that disorder exists on both a local and global scale. In a game-theoretic situation, as devised by Nowak and May (1992), strategies are fixed. Because strategies are not available to each player (cell), the rigidity o f the game may preclude deterministic chaos. Yet the difficulty o f characterizing the patterns that emerge may well imply that the complexity found reflects the interesting Class I V behavior. In a recent paper, Huberman and Glance (1993) examined N o w a k and May's findings relaxing the assumptions o f synchronous updates o f sites. They report that the spatial complexity and richness o f evolved actors disap pear and the population moves quickly to converge on defection. Bersini and Detours (1993) also report that asynchrony induces significant stability and structure in cellular automata based models. Clearly, more analysis is needed. A x i o m a t i c Theory Since the seminal work o f A r r o w (1963), the indeterminate characteristic o f politics in majority-rule settings has caused a search for political equilibrium. Indeed, democratic theory once could only be understood with the proviso that neither global nor local equilibrium could exist within even the simplest
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
multidimensional voting system. A n y outcome o f any majority-rule system could cycle among alternatives at any time (McKelvey 1976, 1979; Schofield 1978; Cohen 1979). A n y status quo could be overthrown by some other alternative drawn randomly from the entire issue space (Riker 1982). Even in political settings packed w i t h elites, such as legislatures, decision making w o u l d be in constant disarray; policy decisions w o u l d be utterly unpredict able. Governments based on populist democratic voting theory should be without order or structure. Human subject experimental work on the spatial properties o f voting systems found outcomes clustered around a central tendency (Fiorina and Plott 1978). I n experimental voting games where any outcome was feasible, different groups converged on similar collective choices rather quickly. So while the presence o f political disequilibrium was well k n o w n , the micro scopic causes and dynamics that might induce political order within multi dimensional voting environments or disorder were not. Serious progress has been made. Using simulation techniques, Browne, James, and M i l l e r ( 1 9 9 1 , 1992) have proven the link between cyclical behav ior under conditions o f majority rule. In related w o r k , Richards ( 1 9 9 1 , 1992) has formally linked the L i and Yorke (1975) period-3 theorem to disequilib r i u m in multidimensional choice. Both efforts focus on the dynamical nature o f decision makers and environments and the interaction that follows pro posals to alter the status quo. In their initial w o r k , Browne, James, and M i l l e r (1991) confirmed that the McKelvey-Schofield-Cohen models exhibited deterministic chaos. I t was by no means clear that the "chaos" confirmed by axiomatic theories o f choice was comparable to dynamical chaos. Using three-dimensional, noncooperative fixed ideal points in smooth and continuous policy space, they proved that the position o f the status quo is iterated by decision makers attempting to maximize expected utility based on their o w n preferred positions. Their re sulting analysis shows a Lyapunov-positive dynamical system (see Browne, James, and M i l l e r 1991). Richards (1991) employs the Li-Yorke period-3 cycle theorem to prove the link between chaos and conditions in multidimensional choice under conditions o f majority rule. The Li-Yorke theorem is an extension o f the Sarkovskii theorem (1964), which states: I f f(x)
has a point x that leads to a
cycle o f period TT, then it also has a point x' that leads to a T-cycle for every T 0. Let 8 be the elasticity o f intertemporal substitution o f real balances, w i t h 17 being a parameter 3: —1 such that 8 = (17 4- 2 ) . Then Matsuyama assumes a utility function o f the form _ 1
uic, ) m
\; ^\ rr [
1(1 +1)1
l In g(c) + In m,
(i i) i f 17 = - 1 ,
w i t h g > 0 and g' > 0. This implies an optimal time sequence o f prices given by (p, )n +l
= (1 +
- p,).
Matsuyama proceeds to demonstrate that the nature o f these sequences w i l l vary according to combinations o f 8 and 17. A n important variable deter mining the nature o f these sequences is A(TJ) = TJ-^I
+ i7)
i -
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
In particular, he shows that for any TJ > 0, there exists a value A*(-n) satisfy ing 2 r] < A*(T/) < A(TJ) such that a period o f cycle three and hence chaotic dynamics exists i f 8 > A*(TJ). These results and Matsuyama's more general categorization o f possible outcomes are summarized in figure 9.4. Matsuyama argues that this model suggests the possibility that even for comparative statics analysis the set o f possible equilibrium prices may be "topologically complex." This result is probably even more destructive o f standard views o f economic theory than is the associated undermining o f the usefulness o f the rational expectations hypothesis. Empirical Evidence M u c h empirical evidence has been gathered that is suggestive o f the possible existence o f deterministic chaos in various economic time series. However, there has yet to be a definitive demonstration o f such existence in any case. W h y is this? Brock and Sayers (1988) have presented a methodology for searching empirically for chaos. The first step is to test for dimensionality and associ-
Fig. 9.4. M a t s u y a m a ' s prices
t o p o l o g i c a l c o m p l e x i t y i n possible e q u i l i b r i u m
Chaos Theory and Rationality in Economics
ated nonlinearity. Brock, Dechert, and Scheinkman (1987) have developed a test called the B D S statistic that is based upon the use o f the Grassberger and Procaccia (1983) correlation dimension. This test has been used on a variety o f economic time series and has convincingly shown the presence o f serious nonlinearities in many o f them. Nonlinear dependence has been found in monetary aggregates (Barnettand Chen 1987), U . S . stockreturns (Scheinkman and LeBaron 1989), gold and silver markets (Frank and Stengos 1989), U . S . Treasury b i l l rates (Brock 1988b), work stoppages (Sayers 1988), employment, unemployment, and pig iron production (Brock and Sayers 1988; Sayers 1990), industrial production (Brock and Sayers 1988; Ashley and Patterson 1989), Japanese G N P (Frank, Gencay, and Stengos 1988), foreign exchange rates (Hsieh 1989; Papell and Sayers 1989), pork pro duction (Chavas and Holt 1991), and m i l k production (Chavas and Holt 1993). 8
The second step is to estimate Lyapunov exponents to determine i f the greatest exponent has a positive real part, thus indicating the presence o f sensitive dependence on initial conditions. Brock and Sayers (1988) argue that although algorithms have been developed for estimating Lyapunov expo nents (Wolf et al. 1985; Eckmann et al. 1986; McCaffrey et ai. 1992), no statistical inference theory is k n o w n , although this is disputed by Barnett and H i n i c h (1993). Nevertheless, tentative indications o f the existence o f positive real parts o f Lyapunov exponents have been found by Barnett and Chen (1987) for monetary aggregates, by Brock and Sayers (1988) for employment data, and by Eckmann et al. (1988) for stock returns. W h y then the continuing empirical skepticism? The argument has been made that i f a series is really driven by determin istic chaos then it should be possible to make short-period forecasts that beat a random w a l k . A l s o , the dimensionality should be maintained, even as the intervals o f measurement are shortened. Efforts to make such tests on some o f the most promising series have not been favorable. Brock and Sayers (1988) could not support the chaos result for any o f the series they studied. Efforts to forecast using nearest neighbor techniques failed to beat a random walk for foreign exchange rates (Diebold and Nason 1990) and stock returns (Hsieh 1991). Mayfield and Mizrach (1992) found changing the time interval changed the dimension estimates for stock returns. However, none o f these tests can be viewed as definitive and the question remains o p e n . 9
Indeed, the discussion o f the estimation issues involved has been much longer and more complicated than we have indicated here. Let us note one argument that may be o f relevance, namely that o f aggregation. Almost all these tests have been performed on fairly highly aggregated data sets. How ever, there is reason to believe that even i f chaos exists at the specific or micro-level, it may disappear as aggregation to the macro occurs. Sugihara,
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
Grenfell, and M a y (1990) found evidence o f chaotic dynamics in city-by-city measles epidemics. However, upon aggregating to the national level the dy namics reduced to a noisy two-year cycle. A similar argument has been made w i t h respect to the dynamics o f spatial economic systems: that the more lo cal they are the more likely they are to exhibit unstable cyclical dynamics (Dendrinos w i t h M u l a l l y 1985). Thus it may well be that the future search for economic chaos should focus more on highly disaggregated microeconomic series. The Problem for Rational Expectations Even i f full-blown chaos has not been confirmed for any major macroeconomic time series, many o f the problematic aspects o f chaotic dynamics still adhere to series that are highly nonlinear while not fully chaotic. We return to our central contradiction. O n the one hand, the possible coincidence of chaos and rational expectations could mean the possibility o f improved forecasting. O n the other hand, the problem o f the sensitive dependence on initial conditions means that introducing any stochasticity at all into such a system probably ruins any hope o f improving forecasting ability and renders meaningless the very idea o f rational expectations. DeCoster and Mitchell (1992) have suggested a possible response to this problem in the form o f running many simulations and using the expected value, although this is very time-consuming and expensive. 11
This problem relates to an o l d issue that has plagued rational expecta tions models almost from their inception, namely, the possibility o f inde terminacy due to an infinity o f possible equilibria (Rosser 1991b). Such a possibility was first shown by Gale (1973) and numerous efforts by New Classical economists have been made since to demonstrate the primacy o f the golden rule steady state that the economy is supposed to tend to in such models. Generally the non-golden rule steady state equilibria have the qual ity o f being self-fulfilling prophecies, also known as "sunspot equilibria" (Shell 1977). A recent line o f arguments that has sought to rule out such extra equi libria has been to argue that they are not dynamically stable. I f one assumes certain kinds o f learning processes then the system w i l l converge on the golden rule steady state. Evans (1985) first presented such arguments and Marcet and Sargent (1989) have further developed them by arguing for the socalled least squares learning process that appears to have this property. But other learning processes lead to different results. Grandmont (1985) has shown learning processes that converge to cycles. Woodford (1990) has shown learning that converges to self-fulfilling prophetic equilibria. Benassy and Blad (1989) argue that learning w i l l not converge on rational expectations
Chaos Theory and Rationality in Economics
unless one starts w i t h rational expectations. Evans and Honkapohja (1992) have found expectationally stable bubble equilibria, and even in his initial study Evans (1985) noted that for certain parameter values o f his learning process the result is not convergence but chaotic dynamics. Is there a way out o f this indeterminacy? One such way is to abandon rational expectations in general and to adopt a line o f reasoning mentioned above due to Heiner (1989). He argues that when forecasting errors occur, as we would expect i n a chaotic environment impinged upon by stochastic shocks, agents w i l l use an adaptive expectations strategy by stabilizing their behavior i n the face o f heightened uncertainty. He recognizes that for conver gence to the optimal trajectory to occur strong assumptions are necessary. But under the right conditions such convergence w i l l proceed slowly at first, then accelerate, and then slow down again as the goal is approached. Rational expectations w i l l only hold in the equilibrium case. Otherwise, simplicity and caution w i l l create order out o f chaos. The ultimate irony here is that the deeper concept o f rationality may be preserved in such circumstances by abandoning any hope o f following rational expectations. 12
Conclusion So what is left o f the edifice o f standard neoclassical theory after the possi bility o f nonlinear and chaotic dynamics is recognized? As noted above, M i r o w s k i (1990) has argued that in fact chaos theory actually reinforces standard theory. However, this is certainly a minority view. As we have seen, sensitive dependence on initial conditions is profoundly disruptive o f the ability to develop rational expectations, especially when any stochastic shocks are present. This is so, or perhaps especially so, when rational expectations equilibria are chaotic, as argued above by Deneckere and Pelikan (1986). Nevertheless, it probably remains the case that standard neoclassical theory remains useful for many situations despite the difficulties raised by nonlinear and chaotic dynamics. Let us conclude this discussion with a quota tion by Smale, one o f the initial developers o f chaos theory in mathematics, as well as a student o f the structural stability o f Walrasian general equilibria: How d i d Relativity Theory respect classical mechanics? For one thing Einstein worked from a very deep understanding o f the Newtonian the ory. Another point to remember is that while Relativity Theory lies in contradiction to Newtonian theory, even after Einstein, classical me chanics remains central to physics. I can well imagine that a revolution i n economic theory could take place over the question o f dynamics, which would both restructure the foundations o f Walras and leave the classical theory playing a central role. (Smale 1977, 95)
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
NOTES Figure 9.3 is reprinted from J . - M . Grandmont, "On Endogenous Competitive Business C y c l e s , " Econometrica 53 (1985): 9 9 5 - 1 0 4 5 , with permission of The Econometric Society, Department of Economics, Northwestern University, Evanston, I L . 1. The formal definition of rational expectations is that the subjective probability distribution regarding future reality inside the heads of economic actors coincides with the objective probability distribution operating outside their heads in reality. 2. Reviews of applications of chaos theory in economics are in Kelsey 1988; Baumol and Benhabib 1989; Lorenz 1989; Boldrin and Woodford 1990; Rosser 1991a; Brock, Hsieh, and Lebaron 1991; and Bullard and Butler 1993. For formal definitions of chaotic dynamics, see chapters 2, 3, and 4 in this volume. 3. Such a model is potentially applicable to bandwagon phenomena in asset markets such as speculative bubbles. Models of speculative bubbles coinciding with chaotic dynamics have been developed by Day and Hwang (1990); De Grauwe and Vansanten (1990); Ahmed, Ayogu, and Rosser (1990); and De Grauwe, Dewachter, and Embrechts (1993). However, none of these models allow for rational expectations bubbles because of the boundedness conditions associated with chaotic dynamics. 4. Yet another area of microeconomics where chaotic dynamics models have been developed that are inconsistent with rational expectations is in oligopoly theory, especially the case of duopoly dynamics. The first explicit application of chaos theory in economics (Rand 1978) was in such a model. 5. Chaotic macroeconomic models not consistent with rational expectations have been developed depending on nonlinear population dynamics (Stutzer 1980), nonlinear productivity of capital in a Solow-type growth model (Day 1982), high exploitation of labor in the convergence to a Ricardian steady state (Bhadurk and Harris 1987), Lotka-Volterra employment dynamics with markup wages (Pohjola 1981), nonlinear multiplier-accelerator relations (Gabisch 1984), nonlinear investment functions (Dana and Malgrange 1984), Schumpeterian technological long waves (Goodwin 1986), and long-wave socialist investment cycles (Rosser and Rosser 1994), among other approaches. 6. Such outcomes in some economics chaos models have led Mirowski (1990) to criticize them as being sophisticated efforts to preserve neoclassical economics in the face of actual extreme stochastic uncertainty. 7. Woodford (1989) has shown that similar results can be obtained, even in models with infinitely lived agents, if they face short-run borrowing constraints. 8. This nonlinear dependence may take the form of nonlinear dependence in the variance, or conditional heteroskedasticity, rather than in the mean of the series. 9. A very real possibility is a combination of chaos and stochastic shocks. However such a combination will exactly resemble purely random processes because of the sensitive dependence on initial conditions. Every shock will push the system onto a different path. 10. E v e n though chaos has not been confirmed, nonlinearity most certainly has been. A popular approach to analyzing it in stock and foreign exchange markets has been to examine variations in volatility over time following a suggestion of Mandelbrot (1963). Engle (1982) developed the autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity
Chaos Theory and Rationality in Economics
( A R C H ) technique to estimate such effects. This has been expanded to generalized A R C H ( G A R C H ) by Bollersley (1986), A R C H in mean ( A R C H - M ) by Engle, Lillien, and Robins (1987), and nonlinear A R C H ( N A R C H ) by Higgins and Bera (1992). 11.
This is not necessarily the case in the long run if there is only one equilibrium.
Intermediate run forecasting may be ruined, but the system may still oscillate around some expected value in the long run, which is consistent with the idea of forecasting errors being random. 12.
Lavoie (1989) has used neo-Austrian theory to argue that out-of-equilibrium
chaotic dynamics will lead to self-organizing order in a manner similar to that described in the nonequilibrium phase transition theory of Prigogine and Stengers (1984).
Long Waves 1790-1990: Intermittency, Chaos, and Control Brian J. L . Berry and Heja Kim
There are t w o contending views o f economic dynamics. Insights into their validity may be provided via concepts o f catastrophe and chaos. The d o m i nant paradigm is that optimizing behavior produces an economy that is inher ently equilibrating, tending toward steady-state growth in the absence o f random shocks. Such shocks, in the Slutsky-Frisch-Tinbergen view, are trans formed into cyclical oscillations through the filtering properties o f the econ omy's growth-propagation mechanisms (Boldrin 1990, 126-27). A con tending paradigm associated with Hicks, Kaldor, and Goodwin is that endogenously driven growth is inherently unstable, with deviations that move between upper and lower limits to investment and consumption (Boldrin 1990, 126-27). What we w i l l show in this paper is that long-wave rhythms o f prices and growth (Berry 1991) accompanied by shorter-term oscillations display unpredictable dynamic system order, or deterministic chaos. Phase portraits reveal both intermittent crises at long-wave peaks and quasiperiodic l i m i t cycles that encompass attractor basins between the peaks (for a discus sion o f l i m i t cycles see Berge, Pomeau, and Vidal 1984). It is the presence o f these properties that supports the Hicksian view before 1919. We also show that institutional changes since the Great Depression have reduced the limits w i t h i n which prices and growth oscillate, significantly altering long-wave and short-run dynamics by forcing attractor basins toward stabler equilibria. Specifically, we document the following:
1. Slow-moving long-wave rhythms o f prices are the outcome o f the half-century-long logistics by which new techno-economic paradigms move from innovation to market saturation (Berry, K i m , and K i m 1993). The usual definition o f chaos results in instabilities at the top of such logistics (Modis and Debecker 1992), and indeed they leave in their wake the inflationary spirals that define long-wave peaks. 2. Faster-moving annual
fluctuations oscillate around the long-run 215
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
rhythms o f prices, urged toward acceleration on the upwave and deceleration on the down wave. The tension between low-frequency rhythms and high-frequency os cillations produces chaotic l i m i t cycles in the periods between long wave crises. Instability at the long-wave price peaks gives rise to bifurcations. Upwave l i m i t cycles may be different from those observed during a d o w n wave. Similar bifurcations and l i m i t cycles characterize quarter-centurylong swings and annual oscillations in the rate o f economic growth. Since World War I I , both institutional changes and policies designed to fight inflation have dampened the higher-frequency oscillations o f prices, leaving the long-wave rhythms as the dominant fluctuations: the first return map o f prices has been reduced to the long-wave attractor. But contrariwise, stabilization programs aimed at fluctuations in economic growth have had the opposite effect. It is the long swings o f growth that have been dampened, leaving behind the higherfrequency oscillations o f the business cycle: the first return map o f rates o f economic growth has been simplified to the characteristic cobweb o f a business cycle. The usual notes o f caution are i n order. We have at most two hundred data points: It is not possible to prove statistically "from a data set o f the lengths available in economics . . . whether the data are generated by highdimensional chaos" (Brock, Hsieh, and LeBaron 1991, 3). " I f long cycles . . . exist, we w i l l need another 200 years o f data to determine whether they do exist or are just a statistical figment o f an overactive imagination" (Becker 1988, 7). A t best, therefore, what we have to offer are suggestive graphics. Long W a v e s o fPrices
The idea that there have been half-century-long waves o f prices in the past two centuries begins w i t h the observation o f rhythms in the moving averages o f the annual growth rates o f prices upward and downward on the sides o f inflationary spirals (fig. 10.1). These movements have occurred with a broad cross-national consistency (fig. 10.2). Russian economist N i k o l a i Kondratiev argued that such roughly 55-year trough-to-trough waves (hence, Kondratiev waves) were a fundamental characteristic o f capitalist economies, each wave representing a radical regrouping of, and change i n , society's produc tive forces (Berry 1991; also Rosser 1991, 138 f f . , for a discussion o f Schumpeterian discontinuities and historical reswitching). Later investiga tions confirm that these regroupings represent the crystallization o f new
Ten-year Moving Averages
Annual Rate of Change
Fig. 10.1. A n n u a l a n d t e n - y e a r m o v i n g averages of t h e g r o w t h rates o f U.S. w h o l e s a l e prices 1790-1990. T h e m o v i n g averages have been used as evidence of h a l f - c e n t u r y - l o n g w a v e r h y t h m s , a r o u n d w h i c h t h e annual oscillations fluctuate.
* Pri
CO o
c 0.
The discrete iterative map describes the dynamics o f the relative distribu tion o f the (homogeneous) stock at a location i (0 < *,·(/) < 1) within an environment o f / (heterogeneous) locations, so that at all time periods
2,x,(0 = 1 ; / = 0 , 1 ,
over a time horizon, T, which consists o f time periods (or iterations), t, identical i n length. Quantity x is the probability that an event w i l l occur at any location, i, i n / . Quantity F is the comparative advantage that any location, /', in / has in attracting such an event. The description o f these dynamics is based on the premise that, under a one-time period delay, a reproduction process is i n effect; the relative size o f the stock at location i at the next time period, (t + 1), depends on the normalized current locational comparative advantages given by the function F,{t). This is only one possible delayed response, as any time delay, n (or periodic forcing, t + n) could be incorporated into the above dynamical configuration. Functions F depict nonlinear current locational comparative advantages. A m o n g other factors, these advantages are the result o f interdependencies among the current sizes o f the homogeneous stock at the various locations; more about the specification o f these functions w i l l be supplied later. A distinction is noted i n particular; equations 1-3, through their form, identify interdependencies among stock sizes at the various locations and not inter action, that is, flow o f stock(s) among them. Without any loss o f generality, equations 1-3 can be restated and scaled in terms o f a certain numeraire (or reference) location, / , as follows: xff
+ 1) = Fft)l{\
+ 2,-F/r)}
x,{t + 1) = 1/{1 + Fj(t)
= Fj(t)IF,(t);j
(4) = 1,2, . . . , / -
as F,(t) is a strictly positive quantity. The One-Stock, Three-Location Configuration O f special interest is the case o f the iterative map depicting the discrete dynamics o f a single stock as distributed among three locations. It turns out that this is a generic case involving all possible qualitatively different dy namics encountered i n the one-stock, multiple-location configuration. De tailed specifications o f this model are as follows (see fig. 11.1):
Cities as Spatial Chaotic Attractors x {t + 1) = Ftf/ZjFft);
i,j = 1,2,3; 2 , · * , « = 1,
In F (t) = In A, + X^a,-, In A:,-, t
245 (5) (6)
where the vector o f the state variables, *,(**), defines in the three-dimensional space an equilateral triangle w i t h sizes equal to the square root o f 2. The vector o f (strictly positive) parameters, A , depicts in absolute terms and in a descriptive and bundlelike manner the following prevailing condi tions at each o f the three locations (among numerous other factors characteriz ing each location). First, it identifies the way i n which the environment favors or handicaps the location. Second, it picks up the presence and level (or absence) o f natural resources at the location in question. T h i r d , it records a pattern o f accessibilities to markets (locational access as a place o f origin for trips) and to input factor sources (access as a place o f destination for trips). Fourth, it depicts the technological conditions prevailing there. H o w much each o f these factors contributes to each element in A is unknown, intractable, and indeed irrelevant in this discussion. In combination, all these factors affect production, consumption, market (exchange and inter- as well as intralocational trade), and public decision making conditions, which in turn may entail advantages or disadvantages at that location. These factors indirectly affect interaction and flow o f stocks. Whereas the matrix o f real ( i . e . , any negative or positive) coefficients [a] contains entries, each o f which identifies in a bundlelike manner factors directly associated w i t h and affecting (facilitating or impeding) interaction (including interlocational trade, and flow o f stocks), these coefficients identify comprehensive cross-elasticities o f locational comparative advantages w i t h respect to stock sizes, since
{dFJdxjViFtlxj) = a . 0
W i t h i n these cross-elasticities, effects o f physical and other (ecological) dis tances are discounted. Parameters [a] could also be interpreted as comprehen sive (political, environmental, social, and not merely economic) prices o f interaction among locations i and j , where transportation (and other spatial transaction) costs are also included. Elasticities exponents weigh the current relative size o f the stock(s) at different locations in the F function. Obviously, the magnitude o f each o f these coefficients, as well as their sum in each o f the F functions, is o f considerable interest, as w i l l be discussed below. In a hierarchy o f speeds, the state variables, x, are the fastest moving entities in this model. Following the so-called slaving principle (Haken 1982), their behavior is thought o f as being slaved by the parameters [a], which are slow-moving entities, while parameters A vary even at a slower pace.
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
the One-Stock,
Taking location one as the reference (or numeraire) location, one obtains the following repetitive or reproductive process based on comparative advantages set in reference to the numeraire location, found by dividing the comparative advantage functions, F , , by the comparative advantage function o f location one, F > 0: x
* , ( / + 1) =
+ F (t)
+ F (t)]
= 1 - x (t
+ 1) - x (t 3
+ 1)
x (t
+ 1) = F (t)l[\
+ F (t)
+ F (t)]
x (t
+ 1) = F ( / ) / [ l + F (t)
+ F (t)]
In F (t)
= In s& + a
2 l
In x (t)
+ a
In F (t)
= In s& + a
3 1
In x (t)
+ a
s& , sâ 2
> 0;
In x (t)
+ a
In x (t)
+ a
< a , a , a , a , a , a 2 1
2 2
2 3
3 1
3 2
3 3
In x (t)
In x (t)
0) or negative ( i f a < 0) cross- or interspatial external effects (externalities) in reference to the numeraire location. Coeffi cients [a] differ partly because o f the heterogeneity o f physical space. These weights (elasticities) do not change w i t h i n the time horizon, T, although they may change faster than those in A . Parameters a, could be construed as (j
Cities as Spatial Chaotic Attractors
ecological (comprehensive) prices directly responsible for interaction among sites i and j . The magnitude o f these coefficients, individually and in their sum, is o f considerable interest. I f an exponent is in absolute value greater than one, then this implies considerable sensitivity in the connectance among two nodes appropriately weighing the distance in question, and in reference to the numeraire node location. In contrast, in the case o f a magnitude less than one, relative insensitivity must be present. In each F , i f the sum o f the exponents exceeds one in absolute value then one might consider the force F to be under increasing returns; whereas i f the sum is less than one then the force F is under decreasing returns to scale. This horizontal sum depicts the effect o f all nodes upon a specific node. Moreover, i f the exponents are summed vertically, then the effect a node has upon all nodes is captured. Whether the sum is negative or less than one in absolute value is also o f interest. I f the sum is negative, then a competitive association must be inferred between the node in question and its rivals (the other t w o nodes); on the other hand, i f positive, then a cooperative association must be present. I f the sum is less than one in absolute value, then one is confronted w i t h a relatively m i l d interaction among them. It is stressed that these characterizations apply to the nodes and not to the actual location o f the human settlement. Further, it is underscored that spatial agglomeration or déconcentration is not a force under these specifications (that is, a cause for or against concen tration o f human settlements in space). Rather, it is the end result or the impact from these spatial forces o f net repulsion or attraction present w i t h i n the triangle at any time period, /. Both o f these statements are to an extent at variance w i t h currently prevailing theories o f settlement formation. The problem thus is to derive a temporal sequence o f unit human settle ment allocations w i t h i n the triangle, due to either migration or endogenous growth, and subsequently analyze their form. A number o f cases w i l l be discussed next, indicative o f the variety in form o f spatial agglomerations one can obtain using this generic algorithm. Periodic, Quasi-Periodic, a n d Chaotic Spatial S e t t l e m e n t s In what follows one must keep in mind that the phase portrait represents transformed actual space. First, the case o f a very efficient specification o f the map w i l l be shown. It has only one or two parameters that are not either zero or one (in absolute value) and is capable o f generating periodic and quasiperiodic (in the case o f a single parameter), as well as chaotic (in the case o f two parameters) form. Then, a more complicated and less efficient specifica tion o f the map w i l l be shown. Its phase portraits w i l l be derived in a very
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
small neighborhood o f the parameter space, where various types o f chaos are present. The case demonstrates the encompassing behavior o f the universal map in its capacity to generate and replicate human settlement variety ( i n the shape o f individual frames, or phase portraits) and their evolution.
Efficient Versions of the Map Next, t w o sets o f examples are presented. I n the first set, the case o f periodic movement is shown in a specification o f the map involving only one parame ter being neither zero or one in absolute value. H o w this periodic map is transformed into a quasi-periodic one is demonstrated by a very short trip along the dimension o f a single parameter in parameter space. The second case presents the shaping o f spatial form as either m u l t i r i n g , quasi-periodic, or chaotic motions and it involves a two-parameter specification o f the map.
Periodically Derived Forms First, consider the specification o f the universal map o f discrete relative 2
dynamics configured as a three-location, one-stock model in R and specified in the most efficient manner. A n example o f such a model is given by the parameters 0
[a] =
-1 .
-.1111 -1
0 1 0
A = .
" 1" 1 . 1 _
where the initial state is neutral (JC,-(0) = .333 . . . , i = 1,2,3). The iterative process under this specification is as follows: In
xi(t +
In x2{t
1) = - I n
1) = - I n jc,(r) -
.1111 In x2(t)
+ In x3(t)
F(t) (20)
+ 1) = In JC,(0 -
F(t) = 1 + x2(t)' where xx(t)
and x2(t)
In x2(t)
are plotted in the phase portrait. I n this specification there
is only one parameter, a22,
that appears to affect the system's dynamics.
Location-node "one" is the reference or
site. The returns to scale i n
all elements o f F ( i . e . , all three corners o f the triangle) are
not exactly
approximately but
equal to zero, and the environment is neutral to all (as all elements
o f A are equal to one). The dynamics are shown in figure 11.3, panel (a) and
(b) Fig. 11.3. T w o e x a m p l e s d e m o n s t r a t i n g f o r m a t i o n of spatial h u m a n s e t t l e m e n t s (see t e x t f o r p a r a m e t e r specification): {a) o n e - p a r a m e t e r case: 4 - p e r i o d cycle; ib) t w o - p a r a m e t e r case: quasi periodicity.
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
represent a four-period cycle spiraling from the center o f the triangular space (the initial state) toward four particular points very close to its sides. This example may be modeling the formation o f very stable, highly dense, small in area, fortified frontier cities o f the past. Then, consider the very close neighborhood case o f specifications, i n volving t w o parameters: 0 a] =
" 1" 1
. 1 .
where the initial state is x,(0) = .333 . . . , / =
1,2,3. This example can be
thought o f as an evolution o f the first specification through a change in only two
parameters, namely a
and a .
In this case the returns to scale are
exactly equal to zero at all locations (nodes), while the environment remains neutral. The phase portrait is shown in figure 11.3, panel b , and it represents the formation o f a quasi-periodic motion (a rotating nine-period cycle) ap proaching (but never falling on) the three sides o f the triangle including its three nodes. Such a spatial form may be seen i n , among other cases, trafficways and traffic patterns o f modern day metropolises. It is again noted that the shape shown in figure 11.3, panel b is in transformed physical space. Quasi-Periodicity
and Chaos in an Efficient
Consider the f o l l o w i n g efficient specification o f the universal map o f discrete relative dynamics, involving t w o parameters and configured in its threelocation, one-stock case and interpreted as a physical space allocation o f a single stock in R 0 [a]
= .
where the neighborhood o f varying the parameter a
is 1.15 < a
where the environment is no longer neutral (A specification, the vector in R
+ 1) = - I n F(t)
In x (t
+ 1) = - 6 . 9 0 7 8 -
In x (t
+ 1) = In
< 1.2 and
< 1). According to the above
( f i g . 11.1) is
In (t Xl
In x (i) x
In x (t)
In F(t) (23)
= [(1 +
In x (t) 2
10- )/(x,(0* (0)] 3
+ a
In x (t) 3
+ [(x,(/)A: (0) 33 a
In F(t)
(x (f))]. 2
Cities as Spatial Chaotic Attractors
The physical space, in R and in figure 11.2, is given by plotting x {i) and x (t)- Under the above specifications, the environment is handicapping pointnode P , and the comprehensive access (interaction elasticity) depicting pa rameter a reveals the presence o f internal increasing returns at the o r i g i n , point P , as a > 1. The returns to scale are negative at P ( F ' s sum o f elements o f [a] is —2), whereas they are positive (but less than one) at P . x
Two phase portraits from this example are shown in figure 11.4. In figure 11.4, panel a, the case o f a multiring spatial form o f settlements is shown away from node P . Such form can be detected in the location and areal size o f a number o f cities concentrated within a subregion o f the triangle under consideration, thus producing some form o f spatial dualism. 2
Figure 11.4, panel b , demonstrates a regime o f spatial form generated out o f a chaotic motion. This can be seen i n , among many other cases, the suburbanization phenomenon, whereby a number o f initially isolated settle ments are gradually j o i n e d by one (or more) spatially expanding core(s). The t w o cases shown in figure 11.4 can be also construed as a set o f t w o successive frames involving a transformation o f spatial form through a trip in parameter space at a very small neighborhood o f a , as the intralocational returns to scale there decrease very slightly. Evolution o f spatial form is depicted by this transformation. It is noted that the chaotic form in figure 11.4, panel b , has fractal properties. 33
In both o f the cases shown in figure 11.4, the initial conditions are not important w i t h regard to the formation o f the final form when vintage is suppressed; however, they are extremely important to the sequence involved in generating the final form. Nonefficient Specifications The f o l l o w i n g cases are presented as indications o f the variety o f quasi- and nonperiodically derived spatial forms embedded in the universal map i n R , as the map loses in efficiency. They are all found in a small neighborhood o f the parameter space o f a five-parameter specification o f the one-stock, threelocation configuration o f the map at the point 2
la] = .
0 .28 -1.11835
0 -1 -2.28
0 «23
A =
1 1 .10" . 5
In figures 11.5 and 11.6 some spatial forms are shown, as phase portraits o f the dynamics corresponding to a set o f parameter values for a in the range 0.6 s a s 1. Figure 11.5 contains four cases o f quasi-periodic motion, whereas i n figure 11.6 four cases o f nonperiodic (chaotic) dynamics are supplied. 2 3
2 3
Fig. 11.4. T w o examples of spatial h u m a n s e t t l e m e n t f o r m a t i o n (see t e x t f o r parameter specification): (a) m u l t i p l e ring structure ( a = 1.188 . .. ); ib) chaos ( a = 1.177 . . . ). 3 3
3 3
Cities as Spatial Chaotic Attractors
Transformation o f a smooth ring into an edged but continuous line i n R , which in turn is changed into a set o f ringlets and back into a sharply edged quasi-periodic structure is shown in figure 11.5, as the interactionenhancing coefficient a linking points (nodes) P[ and P increases. Spatial forms i n the shape o f rings are not frequently observed in human settlement formation processes. These must represent fragile spatial forms, not lasting long time periods. 2
3 1
Bifurcations involving various types o f chaos are shown in figure 11.6, as the elasticity, a , increases further. The chaotic spatial allocations form a Cantor-type dust cloud, w i t h varying densities i n space. A l l these chaotic attractors have a fractal Hausdorff dimension (see Schuster 1988, 55) greater than one. Their mathematical properties are topological rather than simply algebraic, and they are: (1) sensitivity to initial conditions; (2) topological transitivity; and (3) dense periodic points (Devaney 1989, 169). 3 1
In the transformations shown in figures 11.6, panels (a) through (d), a number o f chaotic spatial allocations and their changes are depicted as one travels through parameter space. Specifically, figure 11.6, panel (c) picks up a short-lived spatial form, whereby spatial consolidation and an increase i n densities is an intermittent event. Intermittent events are novel aspects o f dynamical behavior revealed through mathematical chaos; they point to the possible presence o f many but not long-lasting conditions o f approximate periodicity found in a sea o f chaotic motions on trips through parameter space. Chaotic dust clouds look very similar to spatially distributed human settlements, particularly those found i n early historical and prehistorical sites. They also seem to mimic land-use patterns o f preindustrial or early industrial cities. Such forms are the outcome o f laissez-faire-type market processes, where the influence o f governmental action and urban design is minimal i n individual social motions and actions. The final, and maybe the most important, point to be made from these examples is that recognizable spatial patterns (of human settlements in this case) are equivalent to detectable order in chaos, as emerging from interde pendent nonlinear spatial dynamics. Spatial forms o f later vintage may thus simply be remnants o f order in chaotically shaped earlier settlements. For instance, waves and differential settlement densities can be depicted in the examples found in figures 11.6, panels (a), (b), and (d). Conclusions Mathematical chaos has made considerable inroads into social sciences, rang ing from marginal effects in economics to possibly basic contributions in geography. A brief commentary has been presented on the possibilities and obstacles currently present in further applying dynamical analysis in social
\ \ (c)
id) Fig. 11.5. Four examples i n v o l v i n g m o r e c o m p l e x f o r m s of spatial settlem e n t s g e n e r a t e d b y q u a s i - p e r i o d i c m o t i o n (see t e x t f o r p a r a m e t e r speci f i c a t i o n ) : (a) a = .61 (regular r i n g ) ; [b) a = .671 (edged r i n g ) ; (c) a = .68 (13 r i n g l e t s ) ; (d) a = .70833 (ring). 3 1
3 1
3 1
3 1
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
fields of inquiry. W i t h i n this context, a universal map o f discrete relative spatial dynamics, developed in the socio-spatial field, has been briefly dis cussed. A n extension i n the capacity to interpret the universal map o f discrete spatial relative dynamics has then been presented. Appropriately transformed physical space is seen as the phase portrait o f the iterative process. A number o f quasi-periodic, nonperiodic, and periodic dynamics are considered as the underlying mechanism giving rise to a variety o f physical forms as spatio-temporal chains o f a time series o f population allocations. A n example is given, involving human settlements o f different vintages, as allocated w i t h i n a specified area o f physical space confined by three points o f interest. Evolution i n the physical form o f settlements can then be studied as a case in bifurcating behavior o f nonlinear interdependent dynamics. Statistical testing and verification o f such model forms against actual human settlement formations at various regions and subregions o f the globe and at various epochs seems to be a necessary next step. Tests o f significance involving both locational and temporal proximity o f such chains to actual sequences o f human habitats (or other events occurring in a confined space, ranging from epicenters o f earthquakes along fault lines to points o f riots in urban areas and the allocation o f buildings w i t h different vintage along central city roads) could considerably enhance this effort. It is pointed out, however, that one ought not have high expectations i n such statistical attempts for verification when chaotic regimes prevail, beyond looking for rough qualita tive indications. A number o f reasons are given for this. Single-frame dynamics, corresponding to a unique set o f parameter values and initial conditions, are discussed as g i v i n g rise to physical form corresponding to a particular chain o f spatially distributed human settlements and its evolution. However, superimposition o f frames (simultaneously incor porating phase spaces corresponding to a range o f parameter values and/or initial conditions) could also be considered. Superimposition o f spatiotemporal chains is an interesting component i n the definition, testing, and interpretation o f socio-spatial dynamics (see Dendrinos 1991a). I t underlies issues o f structural stability o f spatio-temporal forms. Future research along these lines seems quite promising, indeed.
problem in this appendix is to define a transformation among two
triangle A B C in figure l l . A l ( a ) and triangle A ' B ' C in figure l l . A l ( b ) , such that there is a particular one-to-one correspondence between any two points (points D and D')
within them. The particular transformation under consideration is that specific
Cities as Spatial Chaotic Attractors
Fig. 11.A1. A n a r b i t r a r y t r i a n g l e (a), a n d its t r a n s f o r m a t i o n (6)
ratios of measures are preserved. Given the audience of this book, simple geometry will be used to demonstrate the statements, instead of matrix algebra and topology. For any arbitrary point in triangle A B C , say point D , one can identify the following two ratios (parentheses stand for measure or length): ( B E ) / ( E C ) = a , and ( A D ) / ( D E ) = b. With these two ratios alone, one can uniquely identify the location of point D in the triangle A B C . One can now show that: (1) measures ( B D ) and ( D F ) obey a specific ratio that only depends on the quantities a and b, as do the measures ( C D ) and ( D H ) ; and (2) these ratios are independent of the form of the triangle A B C , say the sine or cosine of each of its three angles or the length of its sides. In other words, given any two arbitrary triangles, A B C and A ' B ' C , to any arbitrary point D in A B C one can assign a unique point D ' in A ' B ' C so that certain ratios are preserved.
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
T H E O R E M . The ratios (BD)I(DF) PROOF.
Draw line F G parallel to B C . Then ( G D ) / ( D E )
(GF)/a(EC) (AD)[(£> +
and (CD)I(DH) are functions of only a and b.
l ) / b ] , and b =
(AE) =
(AD) +
(DE) =
[(AG) + (GD)]/(DE)
(AD) + (AG)/(DE)
( A G ) / a ( A E ) . Thus, b = 6 ( A G ) / ( A D ) + ( A G ) / a ( A E ) and ( A G ) =
l / a ( A E ) ] . From the above one obtains: ( A G ) = (AD){[a(6 + 1)]/[1 + a(b + 1)]}.
Now, one also has: ( B D ) / ( D F ) = ( D E ) / ( G D ) = ( A D ) / & ( G D ) ; since ( G D ) = ( A D ) (AG)
= (AD){1 -
[a(b + 1)]/[1 + a(b + 1)]} = ( A D ) / [ 1 + a(b + 1)], then the
previous expression becomes ( B D ) / ( D F ) = [1 + a(b + l)]/b.
The proof that the other ratio, ( C D ) / ( D H ) , is also a function of a and b alone is identical to the above and thus omitted. Hence, for a unique point in A B C specified by the ratios a and b, one can locate in any other triangle, including the isosceles orthogonal triangle of figure 1 1 . A 2 , a unique point preserving certain ratios that are functions of only a and b. Instead of working with any triangle A B C , one can, as a 3
result, work with A ' B ' C , that is, the phase portrait of the universal map in R as 2
projected in R .
In the one-stock and three-location configuration of the universal map of discrete 3
relative dynamics, the phase portrait is contained in the positive domain of R and confined by the shaded triangle at the upper right hand side of figure 11.B1, since 2,.jr,(f) = 1, i = 1,2,3; t = 0 , 1 , . . . , 7 . Such is also the case for the physical space interpretation of the one-stock, threelocation configuration of the universal map. In this case, the set of state variables, x, depict normalized distances away from the respective nodes, the end result of local net repulsion forces operating at the three nodes. Thus, this is a repulsion triangle. By forming the quantities ~x,{t) = [1 - *,(/)], /' = 1,2,3, one obtains normalized (but not relative) proximities to the respective nodes, so that their sum is equal to two. As a result, one can find the iterative dynamics of the normalized proximities on the shaded triangle located at the lower left-hand side of figure 11.A2. The triangle is defined by the condition 2,.-jt,.(f) = 2 , i =
1,2,3; t = 0,1, . . . ,T,
in R . This is an attraction of the antitriangle to the repulsion triangle shown above. Its sides are equal to twice the square root of two. In it, the phase portrait of the corresponding dynamics of attraction is contained; on this phase portrait the original
Cities as Spatial Chaotic Attractors
1-X,(t) Fig. 11.A2. A n equilateral triangle of repulsion forces in phase space and its attraction forces antitriangle
dynamics from the repulsion triangle are blown up (exactly twice in size) and pro jected. As distance from repulsion is given by the general (universal relative dynamic) expression x (t + 1) = F^lzZjFp), proximity is given by ~ (t + 1) = 1 - x£t + 1) = [ 2 , ^ F / r ) ] / [ S , F / / ) ] . It follows that t
+ l)V[ (t Xi
+ 1)] = 2 ^ , . F / 0 ; i =
2 * , ( ' + 1) = [2,x,-(r + 1 ) ] [ 2 ^ , F / 0 I = 2. r
By specifying x,(t + 1) = 2x,(r + 1) = 2[1 - ~x,(r + 1 ) ] , then one has: +
2,- x,-(/ + 1) = 2,-*,-(f + 1) = 2. +
Quantity JC,-(0 may be viewed as a measure of local push equal to twice the magnitude of the local repulsive force operating at each node, i.
Part 4 Implications for Social Systems Management and Social Science
Field-Theoretic Framework for t h e Interpretation of t h e E v o l u t i o n , Instability, S t r u c t u r a l Change, and Management of Complex
Kenyon B. De Greene
Policy making and decision making and other aspects o f the management o f complex systems are becoming increasingly difficult. Management philoso phies, approaches, and techniques were developed during simpler times. However, complex systems are dynamic rather than static, evolve or are driven into domains o f instability, and emerge into new structures. There is now a growing gap or loss o f fit between our systems-management capa bilities and the real w o r l d . Policymakers and decision makers must deal especially w i t h severely reduced time frames, consequences-of-action uncer tainty, and actions that produce diminishing returns. Fortunately, advances in systems theory provide a means for narrowing the gap and providing a better fit between systems management and reality. The theories have multifarious origins and different emphases. This question therefore arises: how can these theories be interfaced and interrelated? M y approach is to use the integrating framework o f field theory. As has histori cally been the case with the development o f field theory in the several sci ences, field theory is not so much a theory in itself as a framework for theoretical orientation and study. I have coined the term world system-field ( o f forces), which consists o f the dynamically interacting world societal field and the world ecosystem. A field describes the structure and behavior o f space-time and the placement o f objects in space-time. I n fields, myriad state variables depend continuously on the space coordinates. Einstein's field equations relate the properties o f spacetime to those o f matter, but thinking has proceeded quite far beyond Einstein's original rather static formulation that denied irreversibility and evolution (Nicolis and Prigogine 1989). A field can also describe the interactions be tween a system at a given hierarchical level o f the organization o f matter, energy, and information (e.g., a human institution) and its external environ m e n t s ) . A (turbulent) field can induce structural changes in the various parts 273
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
o f the environment itself (e.g., De Greene 1990a). A n d in the vertical dimen sion, a field can describe micro-macro interrelationships. A field can be viewed as a macrolevel, semiautonomous, collective structure (or order pa rameter) that exists over a relatively limited period o f time. Interactions at a more microlevel generate the field via positive-feedback mechanisms, and the field, reciprocally, through negative feedback, delimits the realm o f the pos sible at the level o f individual interactions (e.g., De Greene 1989; Weidlich and Haag 1983). Fields show differential sensitivity over time and space, and a fluctuation or perturbation that is usually damped may surprisingly trigger a violent and explosive reconfiguration o f the field. I t is difficult, perhaps almost always impossible, for human actors to know the present stability state o f the systemfield. Hence, policies and decisions must be developed that preclude to the extent possible the precipitation o f the system into an unsuspected realm o f instability and reconfiguration. O n the other hand, these policies and deci sions must not result i n rigidity and the stultification o f desirable evolution and structural change. Field theory provides a framework for dealing with these complex issues. This chapter is a presentation, w i t h considerable further thinking and updating, o f my research in this area over the past several years. In the sense of fields within fields within fields, a term sometimes used by systems theo rists, the top-level organizing approach is the evolution, stability/instability features, and structural change o f / w i t h i n the w o r l d system-field and the ef fects o f these dynamics on constituent systems. W i t h i n this context the next level o f organizational emphasis is the order parameter as a sociotechnical, techno-economic, and macropsychological (collective-cognitive) structure. The third level o f contextual approach is provided by the theory o f the eco nomic long wave or Kondratiev cycle/structure. W i t h i n this overall frame w o r k , constructs from a number o f systems theories are utilized. Examples include the critical threshold or bifurcation point, far from equilibrium, order through fluctuation, and irreversibility. The constructs are general purpose in physical, biological, and social science, contributing to laws o f nature, but they receive specific meaning only as properties o f the given field o f forces. Deterministic chaos is treated w i t h i n these contexts, but the calculational specifics w i l l not receive attention here because they are discussed more fully in other chapters o f this book. A n additional integrating theme o f this chapter is the wearing out and exhaustion o f given order parameters or paradigms and their replacement by paradigms that are better fitted to the new evolutionary situation. Under such conditions we must reexamine our very methods o f inquiry about nature and society, as w e l l as status quo policies and practices. Paradigm change pro-
Interpretation of Complex Systems
vides new, often surprising challenges, opportunities, and choices. The chap ter discusses important systems management consequences o f structural change and paradigm shift. The chapter concludes with some thoughts about the meaning o f the new theories to the social sciences. The approach is transdisciplinary. That is, basic constructs are sought from the physical and biological, as well as the behavioral and social sciences. Indeed, many o f the constructs had their origins in the physical sciences. Transfer o f constructs provides an exciting challenge. The bibliography at the end o f this book provides a rather comprehen sive literature on systems theories and models, definitions o f terms, and relevant examples. The reader should turn to these references for a fuller understanding o f the basic ideas and o f previous work. Space limitations preclude our starting from scratch in this chapter. E v o l u t i o n , Instability, a n d S t r u c t u r e of C o m p l e x S y s t e m s A l l systems evolve, although the rates o f evolution may vary over time both between and w i t h i n systems. The rate o f evolution is a function o f both the inherent stability o f the system and changing environmental circumstances. But no system can be stabilized forever. For the universe as a whole, an isolated system, time's arrow points toward greater and greater breakdown, leading to complete molecular chaos, m a x i m u m entropy, and heat death. For open systems, including the l i v i n g systems that are o f major interest to us and that interchange matter and energy w i t h their external environments, time's arrow points to evolution toward greater and greater complexity. Thus, the universe consists o f islands o f increasing order in a sea o f decreasing order. Open systems evolve and maintain structure by exporting entropy to their external environments. The concept o f evolution is finding increasing application in physics, chemistry, astronomy, and astrophysics, as well as, o f course, in biology, geology, and paleontology. But it appears that all too few behavioral and social scientists use the evolutionary framework, and that all too many theo ries, hypotheses, and empirical research efforts are directed toward the static, the cross-sectional, the linear, the equilibrium seeking, the stable, the revers ible, and the structurally constant. These efforts, as interpreted here, operate w i t h i n a prevailing but exhausted paradigm. This chapter and this book repre sent attempts to move beyond this paradigm. In organic evolution, as summarized by Neo-Darwinism, two principal processes are involved. First, random mutations lead to genetic differences among organisms. Second, natural selection tends to enhance the likelihood
Chaos Theory in the Social Sciences
of genes that produce adaptive characteristics. Some parts o f the genome may be more susceptible to mutation than are others, and environmental factors may also affect mutation rates. But any given mutation is considered to be independent o f any adaptive or survival value imparted to the organism. Whether Neo-Darwinism provides a complete answer to organic evolution remains to be seen, and the issue continues to be debated. Alternative expla nations are often dismissed as harking back to Lamarckism and teleology. But it seems intuitively unlikely that the organic evolutionary system would func tion open loop; that is, w i t h no feedback between effect and cause. D i s s i p a t i v e - S t r u c t u r e Theoretical I n t e r p r e t a t i o n s Following dissipative-structure theory (Nicolis and Prigogine 1977, 1989; Prigogine and Stengers 1984), the evolution o f open systems can be inter preted as follows. Movement o f the system away from equilibrium, associ ated w i t h some internal irreversible processes, increases the rate o f dissipation as measured by the entropy production. Instability, triggered by nonequil i b r i u m environmental conditions, leads to further dissipation and entropy production; this in turn leads to the appearance o f further instabilities. Farther from equilibrium, the probability increases that the system, with its internal processes, is unstable w i t h respect to given fluctuations. This concept o f evolutionary feedback regards energy dissipation as the driving force o f evolution. I t is characterized by nonequilibrium conditions leading to the system's crossing a critical threshold. Beyond this threshold the system becomes structurally unstable with regard to the fluctuations, which leads to increased dissipation and, in a positive-feedback loop, change i n the threshold. Thus, there is an acceleration o f irreversible evolution over time. Each new stage o f organization has the potential for further evolution. A n important aspect o f dissipative-structure theory and o f its and other interpretations o f evolution is the emphasis on the complementarity o f stochasticity and determinism (or, put another way, chance and necessity, nov elty and confirmation). Fluctuations (e.g., genetic mutations) arise randomly. Far from a critical threshold, called a bifurcation point, the larger system tends to express average behavior; that is, to follow the law o f large numbers, with the damping o f fluctuations. But near a bifurcation point, the fluctuations may self-amplify or cross-amplify (autocatalysis and cross-catalysis) via posi tive feedback to produce a nucleation. The nucleation may then enter into conflict w i t h the larger system or external environment. The latter may still try to squelch the g r o w i n g nucleation, but sometimes the nucleation prevails and becomes a new self-organized system. Dissipative-structure theory is also called order through fluctuations. Self-amplification is an example o f non linear behavior, a topic widely discussed throughout this book.
Interpretation of Complex Systems
Logistic E v o l u t i o n and t h e Constraints of Occupied Space A further kind o f evolution, logistic evolution, has been studied by dissipative-structure theorists (e.g., Prigogine and Stengers 1984), as well as others. The evolution o f species can be interpreted as the filling or creating o f ecological niches by successive species, each o f which is better fitted than was its predecessor. The well-known mathematical model, the logistic differential equation, which defines exponential growth limited by a carrying capacity or saturation level, expresses population growth w i t h i n the niche. But the carry ing capacity need not be fixed, so it is the sequence or family o f logistic functions (or better, logistic functions followed by domains o f diminishing returns) that is o f the greater interest in this chapter. The question must be raised, however, as to how much more morpho logical diversification is possible, once most biospace has been occupied. Put another way, as a system-field achieves structure, does not this structure now constrain further differentiation? W i t h regard to the evolution o f arthropods, most divergence occurred i n the Cambrian period, early in the evolution o f multicellular animal organisms. A rigid evolutionary constraint has precluded further diversification o f body plans. A l l possible body plans had become exhausted by the end o f the Cambrian, and further evolution has involved only convergences and reversals. B y the end o f the Cambrian, the limits to d i vergence had been reached. The reasons for this constraint are unknown. (See the Technical Comments, "Cambrian and Recent Morphological Disparity," Science, 258, 1816-18, 11 December 1992.) Societal evolution, as interpreted in this chapter, utilizes the ideas just summarized. The fluctuations can be scientific discoveries, inventions, tech nological and social innovations, and great persons who appear at the right time and place in history. Logistic evolution with diminishing returns is ex pressed as the evolution o f successive Kondratiev cycles/structures. The satu ration and constraining impacts o f collective cognitive (macropsychological) space and the exhaustion o f ideas and practices, at least occasionally and temporarily, are emphasized. Order Parameter as Macropsychological S t r u c t u r e M u c h o f science is concerned w i t h the interrelationship between the micro scopic and the macroscopic. Evolving systems show feedback between macro scopic structures or collective fields and the events o f individual interactions at the microlevel. Macrostructures or fields emergent from the microlevel in turn modify the individual interactions at each stage o f irreversible evolution. This is a vertical perspective, like that o f the familiar hierarchy/emergence
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theory. For systems management purposes, it should be noted here that things often look normal at the macrolevel o f the established order parameter, but that at the microlevel things are seething w i t h incipient change. Preceding a bifurcation o f the macrostructure, the system has been reorganized via longrange correlations (see below). A field i n the horizontal sense at any given time reflects the competition between the stability provided by communication (and information) and the instability that can follow fluctuation and nucleation. The result dictates the threshold o f stability. The threshold o f stability reflects the interplay among forces. I f the fluctuating area lies, say, below some critical point, the area w i l l regress; i f it lies above, the fluctuation and nucleation can spread across the entire field or take over the entire system. The field need not be limited to two dimensions (physicists, for example, provide both t w o - and three-dimensional models for many systems that show phase transitions.) A n order parameter (De Greene 1989, 1993; Haken 1983; Nicolis and Prigogine 1989; Weidlich and Haag 1983; Wilson 1979) is such an outgrowth of micro-macro interactions. It is a macrostructure or macrovariable that emerges along with a great reduction in the number o f degrees o f freedom o f a system. The emergence o f an order parameter can also be viewed from the horizontal perspective, but the vertical sense receives more emphasis in this chapter. The S t u d y o f Phase Transitions The term order parameter arose i n the study o f the physics o f the equilibrium phase transitions mentioned above. It was used to describe a number o f phenomena that are the properties o f collectivities o f subatomic particles, atoms, or molecules, rather than o f the sometimes randomly ordered particles themselves. Order typically emerges at a critical threshold. Examples o f physical order parameters include spontaneous magnetization, correlation length, the properties o f metal alloys, density differences between the liquid and gaseous phases o f a fluid, and concentration differences. The strong fluctuations that characterize these phase transitions take place in the orderparameter field. It is not necessary to know the precise form o f the strongly nonlinear interactions. Collective behavior arises at a statistical level, and only probabilistic predictions can be made as to the behavior o f any given element. The system may display, as a function o f fluctuations o f state near the critical point, pockets o f structure or order embedded in regions o f disorder embedded in still greater domains o f order, and so o n . Well above a critical point (say the Curie point o f temperature that is associated w i t h magnetiza tion), the system's elements are arranged essentially randomly, and the system shows only short-range order. A s the critical point is reached from above,
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larger-scale order begins to emerge. A t the critical threshold itself, discon nected patches o f order expand to infinite size, but fluctuations o f lesser scales still remain. A critical point is a discontinuity, above and below which the system is qualitatively different (e.g., paramagnetized and magnetized). Associated w i t h the description o f the instability o f fields and the emer gence o f new structure w i t h i n fields is the concept o f correlation. I f a single element in the system is perturbed, the disturbance may propagate, neighborto-neighbor, across the entire field. Distant elements, now structured in the same way, have become correlated. Correlation length indicates the maxi mum distance over which correlation can be determined. Near the critical threshold, the correlation length grows rapidly. Long-range order has emerged out o f the same short-range forces. A t the critical point itself, the correlation length becomes infinite. Phase transition has not yet taken place, but the system is now hypersensitive to very small perturbations, the effects o f which can now nearly instantaneously explode across and engulf the entire system. B i f u r c a t i o n a n d Order Parameter Under nonequilibrium conditions, the amplitudes o f the long-range correla tions increase with distance from equilibrium. Even before bifurcation at the macrolevel, the system has achieved a prestructure via the long-range correla tions. The phase as well as the amplitude o f a bifurcating branch can be an order parameter. Indeed, the very phenomenon o f bifurcation can be de scribed in terms o f the order parameter rather than in terms o f the state variables originally present. Larger numbers o f equations can describe the interactions among several order parameters. A s suggested above, order pa rameters can characterize the transition o f a system from an uncorrelated state to a correlated state far from equilibrium. Near to a bifurcation point, a multivariable system may be describable in terms o f a limited number o f collective variables or order parameters (Nicolis and Prigogine 1989). According to synergetics also, the nonlinear, coupled order-parameter equations may themselves permit bifurcations. The order parameter, the am plitude o f a bifurcating macro variable, slaves the individual constituents as some control parameter is changed. Equations can also show the competition among order parameters, and that elements obey that order parameter that wins the competition (Haken 1983). Societal a n d M a c r o p s y c h o l o g i c a l Order Parameters Closer to the emphasis o f this chapter, Haken (1983) offers this example o f an order parameter. Languages are the order parameters that slave the subsystems that consist o f individual human beings. The language changes very little over
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a given person's lifetime. After his birth, a person learns a language ( i . e . , he is slaved by i t ) , and over his lifetime he contributes to the survival o f that language. Order parameters are considered to be unstable modes that slave stable modes. This makes sense in the longer term because Homo sapiens change less rapidly than do the myriad languages the species speaks and has spoken. L i k e languages, I have proposed, the great religions, the scientific and technological paradigms, and the Kondratiev structures are order parame ters. M i n d is also an order parameter, emergent out o f a field o f forces in the brain as the brain interacts w i t h its internal and external environments. Be yond the scope o f this chapter is my contention that studying the brain as a w i r i n g diagram and the mind as a set o f logical rules and procedures is fundamentally incorrect; beware o f the claims for artificial intelligence and expert systems (De Greene 1991a, 1991b)! A societal field emerges out o f the myriad person-person and personmachine interactions o f a sociotechnical system; the field reciprocally then constrains the realm o f the possible at the microlevel. There may be a general principle o f short-range randomness and activation at the microlevel and longrange order and inhibition at the macrolevel. The randomness provides the innovation necessary to explore the field or space, and the inhibition main tains a collective stability over a considerable amount o f space-time. A n order parameter is a collective phenomenon. It is emergent beyond the obvious other structures o f organizations and societies. I n my writings the order pa rameter is macropsychological, and it shows such characteristics as collective m i n d , collective intelligence, collective perception, collective belief struc tures, and collective anxiety. Moods o f the time and overall social climates are expressions o f macropsychological order parameters. Group and organiza tional cultures, climates, and cognitive styles are order parameters that may encourage or impede problem solving, learning, competition, and adaptation. Like other evolutionary features, order parameters rise and fall as the stability dynamics o f the situation change. Experience shows that these cultures and climates cannot be directly managed, although they may be damaged or destroyed by management. We shall return to this topic at the end o f this chapter. The Kondratiev C y c l e / S t r u c t u r e in Recent Societal E v o l u t i o n The Kondratiev cycle has been classified as one o f the business cycles. Cycles of about three-to-four or four-to-seven, and ten, twenty, and fifty-five years mean duration have been identified. The first is the business cycle per se and the last is the Kondratiev cycle or economic long wave. Cycles o f 150 or more years duration have also been identified. A large literature has now been built up in this area (e.g., Berry 1991; De Greene 1988a, 1988b, 1989, 1990d,
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1992, 1993a, 1993b, 1993c, 1993d, 1994; Kondratiev 1984; Schumpeter 1939; Van Duijn 1983; Vasko 1987; Vasko, Ayres, and Fontvieille 1990). The term cycle, however, is insufficient. I view each cycle as an order parameter that fits into even longer order parameters, such as the hegemonic cycle, which describes the rise and fall o f nations ( v i z . , the great powers) and the life histories o f the Newtonian paradigm, our phase o f w o r l d civilization, and w o r l d civilization as a whole (for the last, see Tainter 1988). Hence, my use o f the term Kondratiev cycle I structure (and hegemonic cycle/structure, etc.). The Kondratiev cycle/structure can be viewed as a link between the study o f science and the study o f history. It is an important organizing prin ciple for the study o f the evolution o f sociotechnical or techno-economic macrosystems. The Three-Tiered S t r u c t u r e o f a M o d e r n Economy In all the sciences it is difficult to explain a system simply on the basis o f function or behavior. A n understanding o f structure is necessary. A modern economy can be viewed as three-tiered, w i t h the most basic and constraining order-parameter field placed for convenience on the bottom. Here we are not dealing w i t h individuals versus collectivities but rather with collectivities o f different levels o f profundity. The top tier is the world o f mainstream eco nomics, o f prices, wages, money supply, inflation, simple supply and de mand, hiring and firing, and so on, and o f behaviors like the business cycle, per se. This is the w o r l d o f the recessions and recoveries that presently draw the attention o f policymakers, decision makers, and the media. The middle tier deals w i t h the means o f production and consumption—factories, equip ment, tools, kinds o f skilled workers, and model changes w i t h i n the prevail ing paradigm. The intermediary Juglar and Kuznets cycles arise here. This is no longer the w o r l d o f mostly the economist. Industrial engineers, behavioral and social scientists, and ergonomists play important roles here. The third and lowest tier involves the basic capital, energy, and technology structures o f society. I t is the world o f the eventual exhaustion o f capital and o f past investments and commitments, the wearing out o f one technology and its replacement by another (Schumpeter's creative destruction), and the substitu tion o f one energy source (and now informational structure) by another. The way o f thinking in society and the prevailing paradigm may become exhausted (De Greene 1993a, 1993c). This is the w o r l d o f the Kondratiev cycle/ structure. The Phases of t h e K o n d r a t i e v s Four Kondratiev cycles/structures have been identified, w i t h the first begin ning with the Industrial Production Revolution about 1785. We are now, an
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increasing number o f authors believe, in the depression phase o f Kondratiev number four, not in the state o f recovery from a recent business-cycle reces sion. Kondratievs are conveniently divided into phases o f recovery, prosper ity, recession, and depression. The fourth Kondratiev started around 1940 at the end o f the Great Depression o f the 1930s. The rising leg o f recovery and prosperity lasted until about 1970, when the system entered the Kondratiev phase o f recession. The Great Depression o f the 1990s probably began about 1989-90. Assumptions obviously help structure policies and decisions as well as the associated intermediary models. Most economists, policymakers, decision makers, and the media assume the continued truth o f the present para d i g m . But i f the w o r l d economy is in reality in a great depression that w i l l accompany the end o f meaningfulness o f this paradigm, then it is likely that the continuation o f present policies and the formulation o f new policies based on the o l d paradigm w i l l lead to counterintuitive results. Problems o f knowability and controllability arise. The Kondratiev phenomenon, with its proper ties o f nonequilibrium, nonlinearity, instability, and structural change, is far from transparent and far from conducive to personal psychological comfort. A business cycle is easy to understand and seemingly receptive to control ac tions. We shall return to this challenge to systems management later in this chapter. Features of a Kondratiev Phase of Depression A Kondratiev depression phase has a number o f identifiable features. The overall picture is one o f overcapacity, overextension, maturation o f industries, saturation o f markets, misalignment o f subsystems, and wearing out. Indus tries, from hotels and office space to aerospace, automobiles, and o i l , now show overcapacity. Services, from schools to health care, are overextended and cannot meet the needs o f constituents. Stock markets are bloated with speculator shares. Trade and internal deficits have mounted. The markets for the products o f a wide range o f industries, from ships to commercial aircraft to most computers, are saturated or nearing saturation. Products are cloned and typically distinguished by packaging rather than by inherent worth. M y r iad factories and most infrastructure are worn out. Maintenance is deferred. Labor has been replaced by capital, yielding an increased capital intensity. Unemployment has increased and remains recalcitrant to reduction. M a n y kinds o f jobs have been eliminated, never to return. Relatively good jobs in manufacturing have often been replaced by relatively poor, minimum-wage jobs ("McJobs") in the services; and the proportion o f involuntary part-time workers has increased. Wealth has generally flowed in the direction o f the already well-to-do. Just as before the great depressions o f the 1890s and the
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1930s, the number o f millionaires has greatly increased. Productivity shows mixed patterns, but white-collar and professional productivity, including that in computerized operations, is largely stagnant. Organizational bloat, conse quent to increased administrative overhead, is held to account for much o f this stagnation. Whereas there are local, regional, and national differences among the individual symptoms, the overall picture is worldwide. Indeed, differences are a source o f further instabilities, as is attested to by continued deterioration in Eastern Europe and the countries o f the old Soviet Union and by large-scale migration from poorer regions to regions that are better off. See De Greene (1990c) for a discussion o f factors common to capitalistic as well as to communistic collapse. Explanation of the Kondratiev Cycle/Structure The Kondratiev cycle/structure can, in the cyclic sense, be explained in terms o f the expansion and contraction o f the basic capital sector (see the threetiered economy discussed above). In the phase o f recovery, new investment opportunities are perceived and investment decisions made, perhaps to a considerable extent on the basis o f innovations that have "bunched" late in the phase o f depression. New technologies and energy sources are developed. Factories are built, new kinds o f jobs are created, and people are hired. The overall economy, that is, the sociotechnical or techno-economic macrosystem, grows exponentially as these elements and subsystems reinforce one another via positive-feedback loops. But eventually environmental and carrying-capacity constraints (social, economic, natural, etc.) and saturation effects operate as negative-feedback mechanisms to slow the rate o f growth past some inflection point. Growth then slows to an asymptotic value, and may become negative in a domain o f diminishing returns. This is a simple verbal description o f logistic/diminishing-returns growth. A family o f these curves can depict the four Kondratievs. See the discussion o f logistic evolu tion earlier in this chapter. Considerable evidence has suggested the bunching or clustering o f inno vations in the phase o f depression (e.g., Schumpeter 1939). I interpret the phase o f recession as a time o f very rigid societal and individual thinking, when great efforts are expended to reconfirm the status quo. But in the phase o f depression, it appears that society has given up and is ready to try just about anything to remedy the misery. A technological innovation is defined as the first commercial application o f a scientific discovery or invention. During the phase o f depression, entrepreneurs take the latter and develop the former, helping to stimulate recovery and the beginning o f a new cycle as noted above. Just as important to true progress, however, are the social and institu-
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tional innovations and societal leaders that often appear to lag behind the new technological capabilities. As mentioned earlier, scientific discoveries, inventions, innovations, and great persons are mutations in societal evolution. The dynamics o f evolution, as interpreted in terms o f dissipative-structure theory and order-parameter theory, are held to apply here. Each Kondratiev structure is bounded by i n stabilities. Each Kondratiev structure is an order parameter or macrovariable, initially emergent out o f interactions at a more microlevel and sustained as a field that offers both opportunities and constraints. The order-parameter field defines the realm o f the possible. During much o f its fifty-five or so years duration, the field functions as a mean field and average behavior dominates, w i t h the damping o f fluctuations. Finally, in the search for a basic causality, the order parameter is viewed as primarily macropsychological, and collective perceptions, intelligence, anxiety, and so on shape the investment decisions and other features discussed above. D e t e r m i n i s t i c Chaos a n d Other Nonlinear Behaviors In deterministic chaos (not to be confused w i t h molecular chaos), the output wave forms or the phase portraits o f a model look stochastic or unexpectedly complex even though the causal mechanisms o f the iterated model are com pletely deterministic. Deterministic chaos is associated with very strong feed back and therefore w i t h strong nonlinearities. I n deterministic chaos the system is extremely sensitive to initial conditions, and trajectories w i t h m i nuscule initial differences diverge exponentially fast. Small random fluctua tions are amplified over several iterations and eventually take over the system. Deterministic chaos can be observed in discrete-system simulations involving only one difference equation (e.g., the logistic difference equation) and in autonomous (not externally forced) continuous-system simulations w i t h three or more coupled differential equations (e.g., the Lorenz weather model). Deterministic chaos has been identified in real-world simple systems like pendulums and lasers. However, its existence in real-world complex social and societal systems is still questionable and a matter o f debate. To the extent that models are used for prediction, chaos does place a definite limit on their usefulness. The identification o f chaos may be useful in distinguishing be tween normal and pathological states. Also important from my perspective is the extent to which deterministic chaos represents a kind o f instability o f fields that plays a major role i n systems evolution. Chaos arises from selfamplification and cross amplification, perhaps o f the hypercycle k i n d , o f subsystems. These subsystems could, for example, be social and techno logical or demographic and natural environmental. Indeed, the related dy-
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namic behavior o f turbulence has been interpreted as arising at the boundaries of m o v i n g subsystems. Consideration o f the routes to chaos such as the Feigenbaum scenario, use o f Poincare maps, and calculation o f Lyapunov exponents is beyond the scope o f this chapter. These matters are dealt with in other chapters o f this book. However, a word o f caution is in order. Critics point out, for example, that calculation o f the Lyapunov exponents itself is insufficient, in the absence o f some explanatory theory, for the identification o f chaos. Beware the i m pulses to calculate prematurely and to overcalculate. In system-dynamic computer simulation models, instability and deter ministic chaos are often associated with negative-feedback loops possessed o f relatively high loop gain together with appreciable delays, which permit the amplification o f the small, random fluctuations. Alternatively, in simple models o f the Kondratiev cycle, instability and chaos arise out o f positivefeedback loops (Mosekilde, A r a c i l , and A l l e n 1988). A n example is the selfamplification o f the capital sector mentioned above. See also Forrester 1977. Berry (1991) reports deterministic chaos in Kondratiev series o f annual growth rates in wholesale prices. He generated a phase space by plotting each relevant year, t, against the previous year, t — 1. Rosser (1991) and Zeeman (1977) also discuss nonlinearities and discontinuities in economic behavior, particularly o f the catastrophe theory k i n d . Gilmore (1981) provides a mathe matical treatment o f catastrophe theory, an important topic that space limita tions place beyond the scope o f this chapter. Later in this chapter, we shall discuss the evolution o f information struc tures (macropsychological order parameters) in relationship to both the Kondratiev cycle/structure and the several kinds o f attractors, including cha otic attractors, and their behavior in phase space. On Paradigm Change A paradigm can be defined as a set o f interrelated Weltanschauungen: theo ries, models, practices, findings, explanations, values, beliefs, and feelings that characterize a given culture at a given time. This definition is much broader than most. A simpler definition might equate a paradigm to a theory or a model. Some authors (e.g., Kuhn 1970) describe different paradigms w i t h i n a scientific field like physics and present seminal interpretations o f the nature o f scientific revolutions. Because science and society or culture interact over long periods o f time, and because scientists have all too human limita tions, it is necessary to provide the broad definition given above. The main paradigms dealt with in this chapter are the Newtonian para d i g m , which has come under increasing scrutiny and criticism (e.g., Checkland 1981; De Greene 1993b and the many references therein; and Prigogine and
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Stengers 1984), and the "new" paradigm (which might be called the paradigm o f evolution and reconfiguration). The Newtonian paradigm may be viewed as part o f the macrostructure o f information and knowledge that emphasizes and usually tolerates only the following: rationalism; reductionism; parts isolated from wholes; detached objectivity o f observation and measurement and separation o f the observer from the observed system; simple causality; logical, steplike but iterative analysis; deduction o f rules, procedures, and algorithms; m a x i m u m use o f numbers; emphasis on average behavior; equilibrium; fixed, inviolable laws; reversibility; denial o f variety and ambiguity; denial o f subjectivity; and con vergent focus on the correct answer or solution. The Newtonian paradigm is best fitted to a static or slowly changing w o r l d o f stability and structural continuity, not one o f evolution, instability, and structural change. In contrast, the new paradigm encompasses nonrationality, nonlinearity, mutual causality, nonequilibrium, irreversibility, stochasticity/determinism, uncertainty, opportunity and choice seen in fluctuations and apparent noise. Moreover, the dominance o f exceptions near critical thresholds, the genera tion and maintenance o f variety, structural change, divergent thinking, and the recognition that there can never be eternal truth and reality but only different perceptions o f such, also represent crucial elements o f the new paradigm. F o l l o w i n g the broad definition above, paradigms structure the very way that science is conducted. Karl Popper emphasizes testability over truth because truth may never be reached. Further, scientific theories can never be proven or validated through experimental tests; they can only be disproven or falsified. Science thus cannot be reduced to the formal, logical method o f the positivists. Popper considers conceptual structures like Marxism and psycho analysis to be outside the realm o f science because they cannot be tested and falsified. I t appears to me that this orientation rules out o f scientific inquiry all the really interesting systems—the large-scale, complex, unstable, evolving, self-organizing, structurally changing systems—of concern in this chapter. Because o f instability, chance, fluctuation, bifurcation, and chaos, each such complex system is unique. Both organic and societal evolution are summa tions o f chance occurrences over time. Even i f testing o f large-scale l i v i n g systems were possible, the social objections and social and environmental dangers and costs w o u l d most likely preclude such activity (see, for example, many o f the criticisms o f the Strategic Defense Initiative). In some cases small, experimental studies (e.g., the comparison o f small ecosystems w i t h and without a given species) can be suggestive, but even here the generaliza tion o f the results requires caution. A great deal o f research in the behavioral and social sciences, both in the laboratory and in the field, has followed the Newtonian paradigm. One o f the
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major purposes o f this book can be the rethinking o f the adequacy o f this kind of scientific method. A t the present time many scientists are taking a new look at the very purpose, meaning, and practice o f science. This discussion is pursued further elsewhere (De Greene 1993b). A t the level o f societal policy making, decision making, and design, different paradigms or subparadigms are needed, depending on the apparent linearity, equilibrium state, stability, and predictability o f the system (De Greene 1987, 1990d, 1991b). These features can also be related to the phases o f the Kondratiev cycle/structure. The Challenge t o t h e M a n a g e m e n t of C o m p l e x S y s t e m s A sociotechnical or techno-economic macrosystem is a dissipative structure in the sense that high-quality inputs (energy and matter) are converted to lowquality outputs like heat and waste, w i t h an increase in disorder and entropy. W i t h i n this overall process, o f course, low-quality raw materials are con verted into high-quality finished products, but these themselves eventually break d o w n , yielding further entropy. This is one way to look at the product life cycle. The G r o w t h o f Exhaustion o f I n f o r m a t i o n / K n o w l e d g e at t h e End of t h e Kondratiev C y c l e / S t r u c t u r e To the extent that information is the negative o f entropy (see the Shannon and Boltzmann formulas), we can also speak o f an information life cycle and a growth o f exhaustion o f information as the end o f the cycle, identified by this author (De Greene 1993a) as the recession-early depression phase o f the Kondratiev cycle. A t the end o f a Kondratiev, entropy is high and information level is low. The progressive uniformization o f the system is associated w i t h the loss o f information. In the stages o f recovery and prosperity, information is increasing as the new cognitive space or field is explored, and disorder and entropy are decreasing as new designs are implemented. In the phase o f recession, when the field has been explored to its boundary, energy is dissi pated and information decreases as confirmation o f the status quo, w i t h the aid o f proliferating bureaucracies, becomes the established modus operandi. But eventually, reinforcement no longer works, real underlying instability arises, and the system starts oscillating, with the emergence o f fads and hysterias as society attempts to preserve and regain order. We note here that entropy has a material meaning as well as informational and strictly energy-based mean ings. The untoward consequences o f the degradation o f matter and energy by
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the economic process have been beautifully explicated by Georgescu-Roegen (1971). Nicolis and Prigogine (1989) conclude that chaotic motions necessarily imply that phase-space volume is expanding in certain directions and contract ing i n others. Variety and choice are continuously generated along the expand ing directions o f the motion, and predictability increases along the contracting directions. Thus, chaotic attractors, which possess asymptotic stability, can be generators and processors o f information. Lyapunov exponents can be used to describe the mean rates o f expansion or contraction. It is tempting, therefore, to divide the Kondratiev cycle/structure into four epochs that are offset some what from the four phases, w i t h chaotic attractors associated w i t h innovation in the late depression and recovery phases, limit-cycle attractors and oscilla tory behavior associated w i t h both the early prosperity and late recession phases, and point attractors and equilibrium-seeking behaviors characterizing the late prosperity and early recession phases around the inflection point o f the logistic curve. M o d i s and Debecker (1992) have identified chaotic wave forms at both the beginning and the end o f the logistic function. The overall Kondratiev system w o u l d evolve in the following manner: from chaotic attractor to limit-cycle attractor to point attractor to limit-cycle attractor to chaotic attractor, w i t h successive growth o f exhaustion o f informa tion and innovation (De Greene 1993a, 1993c), and so on. Evolution w o u l d show movement from nonequilibrium to equilibrium to nonequilibrium, and so o n . Because o f the irreversibility o f structural change, o f course, the specific structures w o u l d not be the same. Moreover, as noted earlier, the Kondratiev system overlaps or operates within still larger cycle/structures. In addition, the Kondratievs are bounded by a hyperbolic (or exponential) enve lope curve depicting overall sociotechnical evolution (De Greene 1982). Fur ther, similar curves depict changes in natural environmental variables, so that the overall picture is likely one o f humanity moving farther and farther from equilibrium and closer and closer to the absolute limits o f sustainability and stability, as they can realistically be perceived today. A n y thinking about a fifth Kondratiev has to consider the major structural changes in the larger sociotechnical and natural environments o f the present Kondratiev (De Greene 1993d). Potential exploratory space, in both the physical and abstract senses, may be much less than humanity might hope. Let us look more closely at the growth o f exhaustion o f human cognitive models and artifacts, along w i t h effective information and knowledge, that reflects the increasing loss o f divergent thinking and the increasing dominance o f convergent thinking at the macropsychological level o f a nation or an interlinked group o f dominant nations (De Greene 1993a, 1993c). Instead o f nation(s), the words the economy, the sociotechnical macrosystem, and the
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world system-field, and so on, could o f course be substituted. Information and knowledge (information integrated and fitted into a context) are more than just flows in an information-processing system; it is better to think in terms o f evolving (and devolving) structures. I n the evolution o f a Kondratiev, users over time tend to select the more stereotyped forms o f information and k n o w l edge. People seek the expected, the riskless, the tried and true. There is a great deal o f cloning o f designs, processes, products, services, and organiza tional practices, and a great deal o f bandwagon activity. Older organizations may lose their original purposes or, perhaps worse, may continue rigid, stereo typed behaviors derived from original purposes when dynamic, evolution ary changes in the external environments have long since passed them by. Information and knowledge embodied in the original designs gradually dissi pate as the designs wear out. Nevertheless, in modern societies equilibrium structures like machines and technology i n general can perpetuate the exis tence o f an o l d system long after it w o u l d have expired naturally. A n d the collective mind or consciousness possesses tremendous inertia, introducing time lags into attempts at innovative systems management. Such powerful and well-known organizations as the United Nations, the World Bank, the Inter national Monetary Fund, N A T O , and N A S A may fall into this category. Experience shows that it is quite difficult to j u m p start a renaissance in ingrained, postmature organizations. In addition, there is the vast morass o f collapse that is the relic o f the old Communist w o r l d . This suggests a w o r l d o f worn-out ideas, designs, and practices; a w o r l d awaiting transformation (De Greene 1993b). Following Shannon (1948), total certainty is equivalent to no informa tion. New information can be interpreted as reconfirming and strengthening or stabilizing existing structures. Following Thorn (1975), reduction o f informa tion to its scalar measure (given in bits) means loss o f almost all the meaning that might be imparted to a message. Also, no information exchange is pos sible between static forms. A message that conveys what is already known provides no change in knowledge. A known answer provides no uncertainty and no information. Further, information is lost when a system has diffused into its environment, and it is no longer possible to distinguish the system from its environment. For example, an innovation may be viewed in a figure/ ground relationship; but after the innovation has diffused throughout the soci ety, figure merges into ground. Information and knowledge are more than flows in informationprocessing systems. Information and knowledge are themselves structures that show collective or coherent behaviors at a more macrolevel emergent out o f interactions at a more microlevel. The resulting cognitive field then helps regulate behavior at the more microlevel. The field can spontaneously and
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irreversibly reconfigure into different populations or complexions that display different information and energy qualities. See again our discussion o f order parameter. S y s t e m s M a n a g e m e n t at a T i m e of T r a n s f o r m a t i o n a l Change Organizations and societies thus seek continuously to reconfirm themselves, which leads to a selective use o f information and a dangerous narrowing o f perception (De Greene 1991a). The evolution o f new knowledge systems can be stifled in the search for continued equilibrium. The economy, for example, aims toward an equilibrium state dominated by confirmation. Predictability is thought by increasingly conservative mainstream policymakers and decision makers to be enhanced by attempts to restructure and therefore to control the overall environment and to maintain a static security. Control or apparent control reduces anxiety. Yet when the information/knowledge structure evolves into a stage o f saturation or even diminishing returns following diffu sion into the surroundings, most people do not perceive the incipient struc tural changes. The present epoch o f diffusion saturation o f innovations re sponsible for previous economic growth began about 1970, around the inflection point o f Kondratiev number four. Policymakers, planners, and deci sion makers, and their analyst advisors, continue to apply the same tired, old logic and management methods to the increasingly evident symptoms o f the reconfiguring field. As discussed above, an attractor may over time degrade from chaotic to l i m i t cycle to fixed equilibrium point. This process can yield a cer tainty, confirmation, and predictability that no longer possess information/ knowledge. O l d , decrepit systems may be more easily captured by an equi l i b r i u m attractor. Contrariwise, the emergence o f a new self-organizing collective m i n d , which can provide a driving force for the next (now the fifth) Kondratiev, can follow the smallest o f stimuli or fluctuations. Nucleations can then spread explosively across the field. Newly formed collectivities can stand out in a figure/ground sense from established structures and can thereby encourage a growth in knowledge. The insight learning interpreted by the Gestalt psychologists as a sudden reconfiguration o f the cognitive field may represent capture by a chaotic attractor and its associated basin o f attraction. Referring back to the popularly understood meaning o f information, massive investment in this technology has yielded no increase in the produc tivity o f information workers. From 1980 through 1989, office equipment increased from 3 percent to 18 percent o f U . S . capital equipment. But the average productivity o f the workers was about the same as in the 1960s in spite o f the huge increase i n the amount o f computer power. Lack o f improve-
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ment appears to be due to a considerable extent to increases in organizational bloat. See the discussion and references in De Greene 1990b. Further, computerized information systems can constrain and channel thinking, so that innovation is lost. The latest technologies can rigidify manage ment functions like communications, coordination, and control (De Greene 1991a, 1991b). Such reinforcements can be part o f a larger evolution toward greater standardization and reduced variety during the Kondratiev phases o f recession and depression. The Office o f Technology Assessment (cited i n De Greene 1990b) comments that organization and management styles appear to be becoming more and more identical across such sectors and institutions as banking, insurance, large farms, supermarkets, construction, textiles, hospi tals, and automobiles. Kinds o f jobs and skills become increasingly identical, and responses to forces in the external environment like financial markets and w o r l d trade are increasingly standardized and stereotyped, as rationalized or optimized best fits diffuse and are implemented. Moreover, over the next decade or t w o , most applications o f new technology w i l l involve doing some thing familiar in a better way. These trends imply reconfirmation o f the status quo and growth without innovation. I n evolution, however, processes, mechanisms, elements, and inter actions are added or subtracted, and evolution selects for variety. Optimiza tion and improved efficiency make the organization more vulnerable as orga nization, environment, and their interrelationships change over time. The efficiency o f a single perspective or rationality may improve the organization only for a specific purpose and w i t h i n a limited time. These matters are persuasively argued further by A l l e n (1993). Each Kondratiev is characterized by a primary energy source, primary technologies, and primary institutional forms. However, any o f these features can spill over to the next Kondratiev. The railroads and the telegraph were primary technologies o f Kondratiev number t w o , and improved means o f organizational communication arose out o f the need to coordinate the far-flung operations o f the railroads. Internal communications, coordination, and con trol also changed greatly, and these changes spread to manufacturing around 1880. Yates (1989) discusses the rise o f the American system o f management (my term, see her subtitle) over the years 1850-1920 based on the philosophy o f system and efficiency. She states that managerial control is essentially management as we now know i t . The important emphasis here is that the transformation o f American firms was essentially complete by the end o f World War I , the end o f the phase o f prosperity o f the third Kondratiev. Subsequent advances in computer-communications technologies have rein forced the dominant managerial philosophy and organizational design and have enhanced the efficiency (but not necessarily the effectiveness) o f organi zational processes.
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The American system has been a dominant institutional form over part o f the second and essentially all o f the third and fourth Kondratievs. It has, o f course, spread around the globe. The myriad criticisms o f Tayloristic/Fordian work-system designs and their deleterious impacts on worker motivation, morale, j o b satisfaction, and productivity (e.g., De Greene 1982) can be noted here but are beyond the scope o f this chapter. The Japanese system appears presently to be at least a partial alternative to the American system, but this topic, which has also received a tremendous amount o f attention, is also beyond the scope o f this theoretically based chapter. I n keeping w i t h other interpretations made herein, it is my belief that the American system o f management is part o f the exhausted machine model o f humanity, part o f the overall Newtonian paradigm. New theories, methods, observations, and find ings should not be distorted and made to fit the old paradigm and outmoded designs. Finally, a dynamic field o f forces cannot be controlled or managed; but it can be perturbed, leading to surprising nonlinear, unstable, and reconfigurational results. These results could come about because critical thresholds were passed, the delicate balance among feedback loops disrupted, and the bound aries o f stability passed. On the other hand, reconfiguration is natural in evolution and can provide new choice and new opportunity. The distinction is management w i t h i n the field, not o f the field (De Greene 1990b). The chal lenge for Americans, and for humanity in general, is to try to induce climates of creativity, small at first, that might generate desirable innovative fluctua tions that could trigger the emergence o f new order parameters better fitted to evolutionary reality. Note the absence o f deterministic language and the ab sence o f any implication o f ultimate human understanding and control. Concluding Remarks and R e c o m m e n d a t i o n s How valuable are chaos and nonlinear systems theory to the social sciences? The answer depends on the nature o f the driving force. I f these theories act as perturbations and fluctuations, driving a restructure o f social science, and i f they help generate new paradigm thinking, then the future can indeed be promising. I f , however, the new theories function just as new tools (like a new form o f regression analysis), then the social sciences may find that the excit ing and challenging aspects o f social reality have been usurped by the more dynamic, the more imaginative, and the more adventuresome, and that tradi tional economics, sociology, political science, and so on have become i n creasingly irrelevant. The same k i n d o f situation pertains for the high-level systems practices of management (in this chapter policymaking and decision making in particu lar) and design. A time o f major transformation o f the existing force field
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always provides greater opportunity as well as greater challenge. A time o f major transformation in societal as well as organic evolution leads to emer gence o f new forms as well as extinction or submersion o f older or less adapted forms. The next few years may provide a window o f opportunity that may not return for decades, i f ever. This is because each force field is spatially and temporally unique, and because the magnitude and acceleration o f the intersecting environmental and societal forces is probably now the greatest in the experience o f humanity. I f , say, policymakers can see the opportunity o f chance is today's instability and transformation, then the chaos o f messes and problems may be, as a whole, amenable to a new and enlightened manage ment. I f , on the other hand, energy and resources are directed to reconfirming the status quo, then it is likely that these efforts w i l l compound present difficulties via acts o f omission and commission linked to bad timing and bad placement. The theory o f dynamic, reconfiguring fields having only temporary sta bility is antithetical to concepts o f absolute and everlasting truth and perma nency o f methods. The policy community must understand the cognitive/ emotional ties to such recently and presently powerful belief systems as humanity's place in nature, organized religion, communism, capitalism, de mocracy, the market economy, free trade, and so forth. It is, o f course, easy to argue for understanding. But (selective) understanding and not understanding can have apparent survival value to individual and society. Most o f us feel comfortable w i t h the familiar, the k n o w n , the tried and true. Most o f us build up elaborate systems o f rationalizations and systems o f denial to defend ourselves against perceived vulnerability and psychic insult. For example, most mainstream economists deny the limits to growth, deny that free-market practices can lead to environmental destruction and societal impoverishment, and indeed deny the existence o f uncontrollable situations. Because o f time lags associated w i t h growing up, education, and experience, it w i l l probably be the rare individual who understands and grasps the opportunities now emerging through chaos in the broadest sense o f the term. History shows that great leaders arise at times o f crisis. From a systems theoretic standpoint, the damping and stabilizing effect o f average behavior (the law o f large numbers) weakens as control parameters (e.g., human popu lation g r o w t h , atmospheric change, biodiversity loss, and inequitable distri bution o f wealth) approach bifurcation points. This time around, because o f the intensity o f planetary crisis, the leaders may emerge too late, may not fit the field, or may be o f the kinds that present thinking would find objection able. Therefore, using perhaps overworked terms, we must be anticipatory and proactive. T h i n k i n g must be radical and revolutionary. But again this is easier said than done. There is no simpleminded, linear advice that can be offered like that o f the evolved-away-from, left-behind, equilibrium-centered
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w o r l d o f the 1950s and 1960s: use risk analysis, perform a decision analysis, optimize, reduce the scope o f concern to the immediately manageable. There is no meaningful list o f steps that can be taken. There are no real-worldsensitive panaceas that can be offered. A field o f forces is imprecise. As system dynamics, dissipative-structure theory, and catastrophe theory all show, and as experience indicates, a field o f forces can surprisingly swallow policy and decisional perturbations, or it can be destabilized by such perturba tions. What happens is fortuitous and depends on the t i m i n g and placing. The task confronting us now is a highly individualistic and lonely one, but poten tially a most creative one. Leaders and changers w i l l be those persons who can overlap their cognitive/emotional models, themselves internal fields o f forces, w i t h the w o r l d system-field or a constituent part o f that field. In the latter case, an energized local field could excite, or even inflame the entire field. Yet in spite o f the formidable nature o f evolution and reconfigurational change in the w o r l d system-field and in spite o f the great difficulty in mapping external reality onto the m i n d , certain general advice can be offered to those w i l l i n g and able to accept it: recognize human limitations, do not compart mentalize your thinking, avoid linear thinking about cause and effect, respect and learn from history, expect the system to behave counterintuitively, expect surprises and anticipate the opportunities that surprises can provide, expect policy and decision actions to assume new meanings when imbedded in a field context, think instability, instability, instability. As emphasized here, rare persons w i l l intuitively understand these matters, but this advice should help others. Finally, we can note that there are implications for education. Once again the questions o f appropriateness in a field and o f direction o f causality arise. A t times o f instability and chaos, rigidities such as programs, plans, curricula, learning objectives, fixed assignments, tests, and administrative control are likely to be indifferent at best and harmful at worst. Educational needs, expressed as fluid learning experiences, w i l l evolve and emerge from the pioneering behavior o f those who can sense and move w i t h the dynamics o f the field. I f and when things quiet d o w n , some further formalization o f methods and designs w i l l probably be desirable. But formalization should never again be allowed to reach the scope o f the Newtonian paradigm o f science, culture, and society.
S o c i a l S c i e n c e as t h e S t u d y o f C o m p l e x S y s t e m s David L . Harvey and Michael Reed
Despite three decades o f development in the physical sciences, the social sciences are only now coming to grips with deterministic chaos and its worldview. Several explanations have been given for this hesitance. Positivists, appealing to Comtean doctrine, conceptualize the sciences as constituting a developmental hierarchy. Mathematics, physics, and astronomy, envisioned as the most mature o f the sciences, are at the top o f this hierarchy, while the immature social sciences are situated on the bottom rungs. Given their relative youth, it is only natural, from the positivists' perspective, for the social sciences to master scientific advances at a slower rate than their elders. After all, they do not yet possess the mathematical or technical sophistication o f the older sciences and are not prepared, therefore, to take advantage o f their most recent innovations. A second and more practical account o f this scientific lag appeals to the formidable mathematics o f deterministic chaos theory. It claims that only a handful o f applied mathematicians working within the social sciences are capable o f fully grasping the fundaments o f the new science. Since these scholars stand on the margins o f the human sciences, it is no wonder that the chaos paradigm has made little headway in these disciplines. A third and final interpretation o f the slow reception o f chaos theory into the social sciences underscores the fact that in the last thirty years science itself has become déclassé in many circles. The cultural revolution o f the sixties identified science with the repressive and dehumanizing tendencies o f modernism. Influenced by this radical humanism, many social scientists re jected quantification w i t h a vengeance and have opted for a hermeneutic method in their research. In the process, they have steadily retreated into the deconstruction o f texts, or into the study o f postmodern and postindustrial mentalités. As is often the case, none o f these accounts can be fully refuted. Positiv ists defend their position by citing a long history o f the social sciences borrowing from the physical sciences. They have trouble explaining, how295
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ever, w h y chaos scholars reject the classical paradigm o f Newtonian science, and actually seek the company o f humanists when exploring the full implica tions o f the new science o f chaos. Similarly, those who cite the intimidation o f mathematics ignore the significant headway chaos theory has already made in econometrics and in urban ecology. A n d , finally, those underscoring the re cent antimodernist drift in the social sciences fail to realize that chaos theory has its cultural roots in the revolutionary sixties (Gleick 1987; Loye and Eisler 1987) and that the theory—at least in its more popular renderings—has even been used to justify the subjectivism and antirationalism o f the postmodernists (Young 1991). W h i l e all three positions give credible accounts o f chaos theory's slow penetration into the social sciences, all ignore a fundamental ideological problem that often emerges when a new methodenstreit erupts. Most parties to such debates i m p l i c i t l y assume that there is only one social science and only one scientific method. This paper challenges this monological assumption and argues that no single method can fully appropriate the manifold complexity o f social life. I t suggests, instead, that social scientists have a plurality o f methods from which to choose when they research a subject, and it is their responsibility to select the one method that best fits the ontological contours o f the problem they are studying. Hence, asking why the social sciences are slower than the physical sciences in adopting the deterministic chaos para d i g m , or w h y sociology, anthropology, and the cultural sciences are lagging behind econometrics and social ecology misses the mark. What should be asked, first, is whether the social phenomenon a scientist chooses to investi gate imposes ontological limits on the methods he or she can employ. In this essay we w i l l take up this latter question. We w i l l explore the circumstances under which research strategies employing the deterministic chaos paradigm can and cannot be deployed in the human sciences. I n particu lar, we w i l l look at how the ontological structure o f institutional life restricts when and where a given method can be applied. In exploring these issues, we w i l l steer a course midway between those positivists who would use chaos theory to revivify an exhausted scientism and those postmodernists who reject quantification "on principle." Our middle course is grounded in the philosoph ical work o f the British philosopher Roy Bhaskar (1978, 1989a, 1989b). Bhaskar's philosophy advocates a realist ontology and a modified scientific naturalism in the area o f epistemology. As we w i l l show, Bhaskar's "critical naturalism" is especially sensitive to the differences between the w o r l d o f nature and the social realm. It is this sensitivity to the structural differences that exist in the w o r l d that allows us to wed Bhaskar's realist ontology and epistemology to a dissipative systems approach. Such a wedding, we believe, can give rise to a new social scientific w o r l d v i e w — o n e grounded in the axioms o f deterministic chaos, and which is cognizant o f the profound differ-
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ences separating the social world from that o f nature. Such a dynamic realism is capable o f sustaining the particularity and plurality o f the social w o r l d while preserving rational canons o f scientific understanding. A n y hope we have o f realizing this new social scientific worldview is tempered, however, by our realization that the ontological structure o f social phenomena places objective limits upon the types o f methods that can be legitimately deployed when studying the social realm. Hence, the naturalism we advocate demands social scientists employ a methodological pluralism when studying institutional life from a dissipative systems perspective. I n line w i t h these reservations, we make two assumptions. First, w i t h the notable exceptions o f its judicious application in such areas as demography, social ecology, and urban place theory, the simple incorporation o f the deterministic chaos paradigm into social scientific research w i l l prove nugatory. Second, i f the actual mathematical models o f deterministic chaos and the concrete find ings o f the physical sciences have limited value in their direct application to the social sciences, they can still provide a rich heuristic base from w h i c h social scientists can w o r k . Our vehicle for exploring these theses is a matrix that matches modeling strategies used in the social sciences with the different ontological levels that characterize social systems. The matrix is constructed in three steps. We begin by identifying six modeling strategies currently used in the social sciences: (1) predictive models patterned after the methods o f classical mechanics; (2) statistical models commonly employed in the social sciences; (3) iconological models recently developed by mathematical chaos theoreticians; (4) structural models popular i n contemporary anthropology and sociology; (5) ideal type models utilized in comparative economics and sociology; and, finally, (6) historiographical models that concentrate on the ideographic description o f temporally ordered concrete events. The second step in con structing the matrix focuses upon the development o f a framework that reflects the ontological stratification o f the social world. Borrowing from Kenneth Boulding's (1968, 3 - 1 0 ) work on hierarchies o f complexity and Neil J. Smelser's (1963, 1-46) reading o f Parsonsian systems theory (Parsons 1961), we develop a model o f nested social system hierarchies that emphasizes their ontologically layered nature. This conception o f social systems sees them as consisting o f emergent layers that are ontologically distinct and irreducible. The third and final step in this process is the construction o f the matrix itself. After completing the matrix, we illustrate its use by assessing the relative efficacy o f each o f the six strategies for studying chaos. We make no exaggerated claims for this matrix or for the resulting typology. Ours is a first effort, and like all initial formulations it invites comment and revision. Rather than presenting a finished product, we offer the matrix as a tentative first statement to be tested and revised in practice.
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Moreover, our perspective is grounded in the assumption that a simultaneous convergence in several scientific fields is occurring around the new chaos paradigm (Reed and Harvey 1992). Before presenting the matrix proper, however, we must briefly describe the philosophical foundation o f our project, beginning w i t h a discussion o f Bhaskar's critical realist perspective. We then examine the dissipative systems perspective (Prigogine 1980; Prigogine and A l l e n 1982; Prigogine and Sten¬ gers 1984) that is at the heart o f our modeling/ontology matrix. Finally, we take up the problem o f social ontology, and in doing so move to the presenta tion o f the matrix itself. Philosophical A s s u m p t i o n s Bhaskar's critical realism begins with an immanent critique o f scientific method and scientific findings. That is, in order to philosophically explore the ontological foundations o f the w o r l d , he assumes that the methods and find ings o f science are essentially correct. Working from this presupposition he then asks what the ontological structure o f the real w o r l d must be in order for science to sustain its truth claims. I n this way he moves quite logically from questions o f scientific method, per se—how scientific knowledge is produced—to philosophical inquiry into the structures that underlie and orga nize the visible w o r l d . What are the results o f Bhaskar's immanent critique? First, science and its findings, despite the claims o f some o f its apologists, is a human product and bears the same indelible markings as all else that is produced by human hands. L i k e other human endeavors, science is a historically open and contin ually evolving enterprise. It has an ideological dimension, and its practices and findings reflect the cultural commitments o f the society that houses and nourishes i t . To this extent, science is a historically conditioned, transitive activity. But i f that were all there was to science, it would be indistinguishable from other ideological systems. Critical realism assumes that there is more to science than this, and it distances science from simple ideologies by insisting upon the obdurate nature o f the real w o r l d . For critical realism, science is anchored in an intransitive domain, in a w o r l d whose autonomous constitution stands independent o f the knowing subject and his or her parochial interests. It is the intransitive nature o f science's object that prevents its full incorporation into the partial ideologies that constitute a society's belief system. Because o f this anchoring in the external w o r l d , and the constraints that follow from that anchoring, scientific findings cannot be dismissed out o f hand as mere selfinterested assertions. The affirmation o f science's intransitive object serves as a grounding for the second result o f Bhaskar's immanent critique. He then begins a dissection
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of the interior o f that object by examining the commonplace observation that knowledge, especially in the physical sciences, possesses a cumulative, often progressive, nature. That is, the findings o f the physical sciences seem to build upon one another and to form a more or less irreversible compilation o f factual knowledge about the structure and functioning o f the w o r l d . Working from these mundane observations, Bhaskar deduces a second set o f ontological propositions about the w o r l d . Science's cumulative laying up o f k n o w l edge from one generation to the next proceeds by progressively stripping away layer after nested layer o f reality. W i t h each new advance, science probes deeper into nature and uncovers ever more fundamental levels o f physical reality. I f scientific knowledge has this cumulative structure, then reality itself, Bhaskar argues, must be organized in a similar fashion. Moreover, this ontological layering forms a hierarchy o f open, nested structures so that, as science penetrates each new layer, it discovers the ontological base o f those entities and structures it has previously uncovered. For example, as science has penetrated deeper into the structure o f matter, the perspectives of, first, classical physics, and then molecular chemistry, gave way to quantum mechanics and the study o f the subatomic world. Upon deeper probing, quantum mechanics yielded to particle physics and the subse quent explosion o f a myriad o f even more fundamental structures o f matter. In the last t w o decades, the study o f these fundamental particles exposed a new stratum o f the w o r l d — t h e curiously constrained universe o f colored and flavored quarks. A t each step new levels o f material reality emerged, only to be displaced by even more fundamental entities and processes. Hence, the his tory o f physics and chemistry in this century and the last attests to the hier archical and nested structure o f physical reality. The world is composed o f layers o f matter emergently related and nested one within another. A n d this ontological deepening o f reality parallels the evolution o f modern science. The metaphor o f peeling away successive layers o f an onion is appropriate for describing this process. Moreover, whether we are talking about the w o r l d o f matter or the w o r l d o f social systems, this ontological nesting o f irreducible layers seems to apply w i t h equal force. This hierarchical ordering o f disjunctive layers is held together by loosely bounded processes o f determination and overdetermination, thus forming a multilevel system. I f this system did not exist, even in a loosely formed state, there could be no coherent body o f scientific knowledge, and certainly no common ground for communication between the various sci ences. This point has been made by P. A . Anderson (1972). He argues the existing scientific division o f labor points to an ontologically layered uni verse, not unlike the one Bhaskar assumes. Running the gamut from elemen tary particles to social structures, Anderson suggests that each layer o f reality is structurally unique, operates according to its o w n laws, and demands its
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o w n investigative protocols. I n explaining the origin o f these various levels, Anderson underscores the role played by broken symmetries. Symmetrybreaking mechanisms provide the ontological foundations for the emergence o f new levels o f reality from established levels. Symmetry breaking allows each new ontological level to organize itself around its o w n set o f irreducible principles. Since different principles regulate the activities o f each level, no level is reducible to those from which they have emerged. The resultant pyramiding complexities produced by the geometry o f broken symmetries is the source, therefore, o f our ever-deepening modern division o f scientific labor. Thus, Anderson explains and then schematizes this irreducible relation be tween the various sciences and their ontologically unique objects as follows: The behavior o f large and complex aggregates o f elementary particles, it turns out, is not to be understood in terms o f a simple extrapolation o f the properties o f a few particles. Instead, at each level o f complexity entirely new properties appear, and the understanding o f the new behaviors re quires research which I think is as fundamental in its nature as any other. That is, it seems to me that one may array the sciences roughly linearly in a hierarchy according to the idea: The elementary entities o f science X obey the laws o f science Y. X solid state or many-body physics chemistry molecular biology cell biology
psychology social sciences
elementary particle physics many-body physics chemistry molecular biology
physiology psychology
But this hierarchy does not imply that science X is "just applied Y . " A t each stage entirely new laws, concepts, and generalizations are neces sary, requiring inspiration and creativity to just as great a degree as i n the previous one. Psychology is not applied biology, nor is biology applied chemistry. (Anderson 1972, 393) Combining Bhaskar's a priori deductions and Anderson's supporting remarks, we can sum up the philosophical ontology employed in this paper by listing five fundamental assumptions concerning the ontological structure o f the everyday w o r l d : (1) the w o r l d is real in the sense that it exists and operates independently o f our knowledge o f i t ; (2) the w o r l d is ontologically layered,
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that is, it is made up o f structurally irreducible levels that form a loosely organized hierarchical system; (3) while not specified by Bhaskar, there is strong scientific evidence that symmetry breaking is central to producing this stratified complexity; (4) the progressive accumulation o f scientific k n o w l edge points to an irreversible time frame through which the world develops; and (5) the emergence o f one layer from another suggests that the w o r l d is an open, evolving entity. I m p l i c a t i o n s o f Critical Realism f o r Social Scientific M e t h o d The above ontology entails certain methodological principles as w e l l . From critical realism's perspective, there is the real world and what we say about that w o r l d . Contrary to idealist epistemologies, our statements about the structure o f the w o r l d are not the world as such, and the two must never be confused. B y the same token, the empirical appearance o f reality should never be mistaken for those generative structures and mechanisms whose powers and limitations actually produce the world o f appearance. While experience can often be the point o f departure for scientific inquiry, empirical presence alone cannot give us access to the lawful structures that produce those appear ances. To penetrate to that more fundamental substratum o f causal forces, more than controlled observation is required. Just as Kant rejected Hume's empiricism, so critical realism rejects the claim that the experimental method, in and o f itself, can provide logically feasible laws. Causal explanations derived from empirical evidence are necessary, but never sufficient, for the identification o f lawlike principles. The same assertion holds equally for social scientific surveys, demographic analyses, or participant observer studies. The empirical w o r l d can reflect, but never give us direct access to the causal mechanisms o f reality. Bhaskar is by no means among the first to argue against the idea that classical prediction is the final arbiter for establishing scientific truth claims. He has, however, contributed significantly to our philosophical understanding of this problem by providing an ontological framework that establishes the limits o f predictive validity in open evolving systems. The universal claims o f prediction in such systems had already been seriously challenged by quantum theory early in this century (Peitgen, Jiirgens, and Saupe 1992, 11-14). Heisenberg's uncertainty principle denied that scientists could ascertain a dynamic system's initial conditions at the subatomic level. It was impossible to measure simultaneously and w i t h equal precision a particle's position and its momentum. As a result, classical mechanics' claim that given any system's position, momentum, and the dynamic laws, it could predict the system's future state was denied. By the midsixties, chaos theory had further limited 1
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the range o f classical causation's explanatory scope. By then, the science o f nonlinear dynamics had demonstrated that even i f a scientist could pinpoint a nonlinear system's initial conditions, there were many instances in which precise forecasting o f future behavior was all but impossible. O n l y under the constraints o f certain Lyapunov-specific conditions and w i t h the application o f various renormalizing techniques could chaotic systems be analyzed—and even then only under the most restrictive o f circumstances (Wolf 1986; Peitgen, J ü r g e n s , and Saupe 1992, 5 0 9 - 2 0 , 7 0 9 - 2 0 ) . Dissipative Social S y s t e m s Following Bhaskar's logic, what is now needed is a scientific worldview capable o f filling in the philosophical gaps. Such a worldview is already at hand, we believe, in the science o f nonequilibrium thermodynamics. This new science studies dissipative systems. Dissipative systems embrace a wide variety o f chaotically driven systems: cross-catalytic chemical processes that often seem to imitate life itself; physically and biologically constituted evolu tionary systems; and, as we w i l l see in the next section, social systems. Dissipative systems, first and foremost, are natural systems. They are materially and thermodynamically constituted entities. This means their inter nal structuration and development, as well as the processes by which they are born, evolve, and die, are regulated by transfers o f energy from their immedi ate environment. The most important feature o f the thermodynamic com position o f dissipative systems is their negentropic potentiality. Negentropy, or negative entropy, and its opposite, positive entropy, are irreversible thermodynamic processes. Positive entropy refers to the universal tendency o f thermodynamic structures to evolve irreversibly toward a stage o f maximum disorder called thermodynamic equilibrium. The most effective measure o f this increasing disorder is the progressive degradation o f the system's internal structure. Thus, by the time thermal equilibrium is reached, the energy mak ing up the system has been smoothly and equiprobably distributed throughout its boundaries. Thermal equilibrium was long thought to be the fate o f all living things and, indeed, o f the universe itself. In fact, the idea o f thermal equilibrium became a controversial staple o f popular culture i n the late nineteenth century as speculation arose concerning the eventual "heat death" o f the universe. In the last few decades, however, research into systems ordered by negentropic processes has changed our ideas about irreversible thermodynamic processes and the role they play in a wide range o f evolutionary phenomena. Ne gentropy, unlike positive entropy, occurs in a limited set o f circumstances, but when it does occur its ramifications are profound. As the name implies, negentropy represents a tendency that runs counter to that o f positive entropy,
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in that systems i n which it is produced are capable o f forestalling their descent toward thermal equilibrium. Negentropic processes are, therefore, the mate rial foundations for the growth and evolution o f thermodynamic systems. They enable dissipative systems, via internal metabolic mechanisms, to trans form free environmental energy into increasingly more complex structuration. But for dissipative systems to sustain their g r o w t h , they must not only increase their negentropic potential, they must also eliminate the positive entropy that naturally accumulates over time and that degrades the system's internal structuring. That is, as dissipative systems grow and become more complex internally, the price o f their increasing structural complexity is mea sured in terms o f their rising levels o f positive entropy. The latter is a natural waste by-product o f the process by which dissipative systems develop. I f allowed to accumulate over time, positive entropy w i l l eventually nullify the system's tendency toward increasing differentiation and w i l l move the system toward thermal equilibrium. Negentropic systems must, therefore, develop a means o f eliminating their accumulated positive entropy. This is usually achieved by the system transporting its waste energy to its immediate environ ment. For this reason, any long-lived dissipative system must fulfill two pre requisites i f it is to persist: (1) it must be able to convert free environmental energy into ever more elaborate forms o f internal structuration; and (2) it must transport thermal disorder into the environment. Dissipative systems are thus characterized by a dynamic tension between their ability to accumulate negentropy and their need to transfer their positive entropy into the environ ment. I f they can sustain this tension, then under proper circumstances they can achieve a state o f net negative entropy and persist. I f they cannot, they w i l l evolve to a state o f thermodynamic equilibrium. On the basis o f their ability to achieve or not achieve a state o f net negative entropy, then, we can analytically partition thermodynamic systems into two sets: those dissipative systems that are capable o f sustaining their internal growth and those evolving toward a state o f thermal equilibrium. Because dissipative systems can increase their negative entropy, they are capable o f evolution. Two o f their properties, in particular, allow this to occur. First, dissipative systems are peripatetic in the sense that they constantly seek new organizational states. Second, dissipative systems are capable o f achiev ing a far-from-equilibrium state that allows them to move to reference states so distant from thermal equilibrium they can transform themselves into more complex entities. Both properties, internal peripatetic boundary testing and far-from-equilibrium dynamics, are sources o f instability and, hence, o f po tential change. When these t w o instabilities combine, they give dissipative systems an evolutionary potential that differentiates them from other forms o f organization. Let us see how this is done.
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The internal source o f a dissipative system's instability resides in its boundary-testing propensities. That is, dissipative systems are constantly try ing to transform themselves—moving away from their present point o f equi poise to some alternative state. M o r e often than not, however, this boundary testing goes for naught since the environment fails to provide a sufficient energetic base to sustain an evolutionary transformation. Periodically, how ever, this internal boundary testing coincides with a sudden, sustained i n crease i n environmental energy. Readied to change by internal boundary testing and suddenly perturbed by an environmental flux, the far-fromequilibrium potential o f the system can destabilize i t , force it to abandon its previous reference state, and begin to evolve to a new configuration. This evolutionary process begins with the appearance o f bifurcational behavior, that is, a fluctuating behavior that sends the system into an oscillat ing movement between t w o or more new points o f possible equilibrium. This cyclic oscillation indicates the dissipative system in question has destabilized and entered a chaotic phase. A t this point one o f two things can happen: the system can remain chaotic, oscillate ever more rapidly, and eventually destroy itself, or the fluctuation w i l l dampen as the system settles into a new configu ration. When this happens, we speak o f the dissipative system as having evolved: it has reorganized itself around a new reference point from which it w i l l once again begin its peripatetic boundary-testing behavior. This testing w i l l continue until a new perturbation o f sufficient force occurs, and a new conjunction o f internal and external conditions once again pushes the system into a new evolutionary trajectory. Dissipative systems are, hence, chaotically structured, far-from-equilibrium entities. Their evolution proceeds from two crucial preconditions. First, dis sipative systems exhibit what is called a sensitive dependence on initial condi tions, a property that is a cardinal indicator o f chaotic structures (Ruelle 1990; Devaney 1989, 4 4 - 5 3 ) . As we have seen above, the evolution o f dissipative systems requires a coincidence o f internal boundary testing and external per turbations to push it into a new evolutionary path. I f this flux were to impinge on the far-from-equilibrium system either a moment sooner or a moment later, this lag or acceleration could either suppress a possible evolutionary tendency or accelerate i t , sending the system into a path it might otherwise not have followed. This sensitive dependence on initial conditions is a key indicator o f deterministic chaos. Its dynamic presence is a major reason why evolving systems rooted in the cyclical and self-feeding dynamics o f deterministic chaos are unpredictable. It is noteworthy, therefore, that with the concept o f sensitive dependence on initial conditions we find a major point o f conjunc ture between our philosophical ontology and the scientific ontology o f dissipa tive systems.
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A similar convergence holds for the second crucial precondition—the process o f symmetry breaking. To say that far-from-equilibrium systems evolve, and that they do so through symmetry-breaking processes, is to state the same fact at t w o different levels o f abstraction. A t the first level, symmetry breaking indicates the crucial fact that far-from-equilibrium systems are not conservative entities. To understand what this means, let us imagine that the normal growth and evolution o f a system takes place in an n-dimensional space. We w i l l call this space, for simplicity's sake, a phase space. This phase space can be visualized as being structured by such dimensions as time and space coordinates, the degree o f its internal complexity, the nature o f the cycles governing the internal dynamics o f the system, and the total environ mental energy available to the system. A system is conservative when any evolution it undergoes takes place within the existing parameters o f its phase space. The growth o f conservative systems preserves the dimensionality o f its phase space. In that far-from-equilibrium systems are not conservative constellations, they do not preserve their phase space during their evolution. Instead, dissipative systems i n a far-from-equilibrium state are predicated upon bifurcational processes i n which new dimensionalities emerge to foster change. Put another way, when a system's evolution requires the breaking o f old symmetries as a conditio sine qua non for pursuing its o w n far-from-equilibrium path, then it is not enough to speak just o f the evolution o f an individual system; we must also recognize a second, global process—the evolution o f evolution itself. This second evolution is the concrete condition that separates the evolution o f far-from-equilibrium systems from all other forms o f change. The evolution o f evolutionary space allows us not only to differentiate between the evolution of the physical universe, molecular evolution, the evolutionary emergence o f new species, and, finally, the evolution o f dissipative social systems; it also reminds us that each different form o f evolution represents discrete moments of the same self-organizing, evolutionary process that categorically unites all dissipative systems into a meaningful category. Social O n t o l o g y : The S t r u c t u r e o f Dissipative Social S y s t e m s Dissipative social systems are a subset o f dissipative systems. This means much o f what is said o f natural dissipative systems is also true o f dissipative social systems. Hence, dissipative social systems have many o f the charac teristics o f natural entities, and, like them, they are grounded in the material w o r l d . Consequently, any paradigm that studies dissipative social systems must begin with an accounting o f the economic and ecological components that mediate between societies and their natural milieu. This does not mean,
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however, that an ecological approach to the study o f dissipative social systems is a warrant for ignoring those symbolically constituted elements that com pose a society's culture, nor does it entail the reduction o f the cultural domain to the material processes and interests that gave rise to i t . It can be demon strated, in fact, that cultural systems, as linguistically mediated, symbolic constellations, have many o f the same dissipative traits as the human commu nities that produced them. There is nothing in a materialist, dissipative sys tems paradigm, then, to prevent us from dealing forthrightly w i t h cultural phenomena. In addition to their material constitution, dissipative social systems dis play far-from-equilibrium behavior. That is, their evolution is chaotically driven and is sensitive to initial conditions. Further, the structure o f dissipa tive social systems is generated by symmetry-breaking mechanisms, and is, consequently, ontologically layered. These evolutionary properties establish the foundations for the historicity o f dissipative social systems. Hence, any ecological or cultural analysis o f institutional life must take into account both the origins and the developmental history o f the entities and events under investigation. When these attributes are gathered together and applied to the study o f society, a portrait o f dissipative social systems emerges that presents us w i t h the image o f an inherently historical entity whose evolution is driven as much by internal instability as by external perturbation. Moreover, the grounding o f dissipative social systems in nature and i n the dynamics o f deterministic chaos demands a materialist interpretation o f dissipative social systems not unlike that developed by critical M a r x i s m . Despite their commonalities, however, there are important differences separating dissipative social systems from their physically constituted counter parts. Most o f these differences hinge on the fact that societies and their institutional activities are constructed by the collective action o f human be ings, and, thus, are profoundly influenced by the way in which humans subjectively define themselves and their actions. This fundamental difference has already been expressed in Bhaskar's critical naturalist paradigm, for when he describes society and its functions he underscores the " w i l d card" nature o f human beings and their innovative abilities. This same exceptionality has long been recognized in dissipative systems theory, and can be neatly inserted into the paradigm advocated by Prigogine and the Brussels School (Prigogine and Stengers 1984; Nicolis and Prigogine 1989). Thus, as long as the existence and impact o f this w i l d card on institutional life is kept i n the forefront o f one's analysis, it is possible to assume that dissipative social systems can be studied in a manner similar to the study o f natural dissipative systems. Failure to recognize the indeterminate aspect o f human nature, however, w i l l result in that reification that is so common in positivist and behaviorist interpretations o f social life (see Bhaskar 1989a, 38).
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Strategies o f M o d e l i n g a n d Their O n t o l o g i c a l L i m i t s Having specified our metatheoretical premises, we can now describe how we constructed the modeling/ontology matrix. The matrix is displayed i n figure 13.1. Its six columns, labeled "Levels o f Modeling Abstraction," cover a wide range o f techniques currently in use i n the social sciences. Starting w i t h predictive models, these strategies are ordered so that as one moves from left to right there is a decreasing tendency for the strategy in question to produce
Hierarchy of Ontological Complexity in Social S y s t e m
Modeling Strategies for Studying Chaotic Social Systems: Arrayed by Decreasing Determinist Presuppositions (horzontal axis) a n d by Levels of S y s t e m Specificity (vertical axis)
Process I I : Societal evolution via historical m o d e s of production Process 1: C l a s s struggle. Conflict over cultural h e g e m o n y 12
Values I I : H e g e m o n i c culture & subcultural b a s e s of resistance
V a l u e s 1: Struoale of hegemonic vs. s u b t e r r a n e a n world views
10. N o r m s II: Allocation of relative p o w e r a m o n g social institutions 9.
N o r m s 1: Personal c o n f o r m i t y to g e n e r a l h e g e m o n i c s t a n d a r d s
Roles I I : Intraoraanization allocation of roles & resources
Roles 1: Distribution of material r e w a r d s & e s t e e m
Facilities I I : T e c h n i c a l division of labor in productive sphere
Facilities 1: S o c i o t e c h n i c a l infrastructure of organization
4. Ecological organization of institutional t i m e & space 3.
Ecological organization of local biotic c o m m u n i t y
2. Biological evolution a s a series of assisted bifurcations 1.
Determinant regularities of the physical universe Predictive Modeling
Statistical Modeling
I c o no logical Modeling
Structural Modeling
Ideal T y p e Modeling
Historical Narratives
Levels of M o d e l i n g A b s t r a c t i o n
Fig. 13.1. P a r a d i g m s h o w i n g general range o f f i t b e t w e e n m o d e l i n g s t r a t e g i e s a n d d i f f e r e n t levels o f o n t o l o g i c a l c o m p l e x i t y i n t h e social system
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lawlike, scientific propositions. Conversely, moving in the opposite direction, one moves from modeling strategies designed to understand particular people and events to those that formulate abstract, general propositions. Hence, nomothetic methods occupy the left half o f the matrix, while ideographic methods populate the right. I t should be emphasized from the start, however, that our ability to locate these various modeling strategies on a continuum, should not obscure the fact that there are radical differences between these strategies. As we w i l l point out later, we encounter several epistemological breaks as we move along this abstraction dimension. The fourteen rows o f the matrix are organized from bottom to top i n terms o f increasing ontological complexity. As noted i n the introduction to this chapter, this ontological array has been constructed using the works o f Kenneth Boulding (1968, 3 - 1 0 ) and Neil J. Smelser (1963, 1-46). Rows one through four o f the matrix are adaptations o f Boulding's original w o r k , while rows 5 through 12 are adapted from Smelser and used to elaborate upon the "undeveloped upper end," so to speak, o f Boulding's grand ontological scheme. Similarly, Boulding's typology is used to specify more precisely those ontological levels to which structural-functional analysis has tradi tionally given short shift, that is, the sociotechnical and ecological founda tions o f the social system. Hence, the natural and biological milieu in which dissipative social systems operate occupies the lower rungs o f the hierarchy. The ecological and sociotechnical spheres o f social life mediating between society and its natural environment come next, and, moving up the hierarchy, we encounter the institutionalized systems o f resource distribution, social organization, and moral evaluation. A t the top o f the hierarchy are the general regulatory processes that structure modern societies and their evolution. In this context, class conflict and social evolution are not ontological levels, but dynamic processes that drive the evolution o f the social system as a whole. As noted earlier, the ontological levels represented in the row structure o f the matrix are systemically integrated. Lower levels form the loose founda tions and conditions by which higher levels emerge and operate. Concomi tantly, the higher levels, once established, feed back upon and delimit the operation o f those levels that undergird their very existence. We w i l l not, however, dwell for long on the dynamic integration o f this hierarchy, since we are more interested in them as static configurations and in the way the struc ture o f these configurations brackets the scientist's choice o f method. Finally, the last feature o f the matrix is the shaded cells running diag onally from the lower left-hand corner to the upper right-hand corner. These cells are hypothesized areas o f optimum fit between modeling strategies and the different ontological levels o f dissipative social systems, while those projects falling on either side o f the diagonal are seen as analytically problem atic. We w i l l take up the interpretation o f these areas in more detail later on.
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M o d e l i n g Strategies and Levels of A b s t r a c t i o n We have been careful in this chapter to distinguish between deterministic chaos theory and the modeling techniques actually used to study chaotic phenomena. Models, as opposed to theories, are well-formed metaphors and analogies. They do not claim to express the truth o f the w o r l d , but merely to provide heuristic insights. While theories claim to actually explain reality, models are only partial, fictitious constructions. They speak a language o f "as i f , " not "what i s . " But i f models can make few explanatory claims, they are rich in the conceptual materials upon which they can draw and are freer to organize those materials i n a manifold o f different directions ( L l o y d 1986, 124-37; Bhaskar 1978, 143-63). Unconstrained by a formally operationist logic or the presuppositions o f a well-articulated paradigm the way theories are, modeling freely participates in acts o f imagination to produce a wide range o f alternative insights to old problems. These are fairly standard observations concerning models and their gen eral scientific functioning. Kaplan (1964) has taken these observations a step further. He claims models have as their basic focus the mapping o f formal similarities and the establishment o f strict isomorphisms between systems. According to Kaplan, once these isomorphic similarities are established, the goal o f modeling is to map specific structural correspondences between t w o or more systems (Kaplan 1964). There are several ways to establish these correspondences in the social sciences. The column structure o f figure 13.1 lists what we believe to be the major families o f modeling strategies. Predictive models are the most famil iar, for they have been procedural paragons in the social sciences for almost two hundred years. As noted above, this strategy is being eclipsed due to discoveries that have been made both by quantum theorists and by chaos researchers. Its insistence that the test o f a theory is its ability to make longterm predictions is not compatible with the dynamics o f dissipative systems, and should be handled gingerly by all those engaged in chaos research. The second family o f models depicted in our matrix is statistical modeling. I t focuses on fitting data to a set o f mathematical curves. Here the criterion o f adequacy is not prediction o f a system's future state, but the post hoc close ness o f fit a researcher can forge between longitudinal data and a given mathematical function. W h i l e predictive and statistical models are well established in the social sciences, a third modeling strategy, iconological modeling, is only now com ing into its o w n . It represents a radical epistemological break in the type o f knowledge it provides to researchers. Iconological modeling is rooted in a pictorial method, in visual correspondences rather than in deductive reason ing. Iconological modeling is a recent innovation, originating in the iterative
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mapping o f complex systems o f equations—such as the nonlinear differential equations that generate the quadratic iterator, or the so-called strange attractors. Iconological mapping arose in large part as a necessary response to the complexity o f the patterns generated by the iterative analysis o f these equa tions. Their evolution becomes so complex, so rapidly, that they overwhelm human comprehension. Thus, graphical techniques assist the researcher in visually tracing the chaotic trajectories o f these iterative systems. Indeed, Gregerson and Sailer (1993) suggest this form o f modeling would have been all but impossible three decades ago, for much o f the computer know-how had not yet been perfected to achieve such graphics. Thus they note: M u c h o f the research performed on chaotic systems i n the physical and biological sciences has benefitted from visual representations o f chaotic behavior using high-powered computers w i t h advanced graphic capa bilities. . . . I n order to better understand chaos, it is useful to have a way to produce a visual representation (derived from mathematical models) o f chaotic behavior. (Gregerson and Sailer 1993, 7 8 3 - 8 4 ) Iconological modeling thus represents a break with earlier modeling strategies and has been made possible by recent technical progress. Its novelty, how ever, resides in the priority it gives to the visual over the analytic. In philo sophical terms, we could say that in iconological modeling the gaze is more important than deductive logic in grasping the evolution o f a chaotic structure. There is something refreshing yet discomfiting about this almost ad hoc exper imental approach. W h i l e the iconoclastic style o f those engaged in this form o f modeling may be a remnant from the sixties, there is something new and significant here that was not possible i n the past. The term we have chosen to describe this modeling strategy has been borrowed from the Renaissance art historian E r w i n Panofsky (1972, 3 - 3 1 ) . Iconological analysis, according to Panofsky, is preeminently visual and phenomenological in its exercise. It employs various levels o f interpretive an alyses that range from the recognition o f simple visual forms to attempts to capture the Weltanschauung o f an epoch. More precisely, iconology is the interpretive study o f aesthetic objects—their visual style and presence, their formal structure, the cultural symbolism employed in their construction, and the social forces and personalities that produced them. The uniqueness o f the iconological method lies in its ability to recognize how an aesthetic object's phenomenal appearance can communicate all aspects o f itself, and the ways in w h i c h they express those different aspects. In a real sense, Panofsky's aes thetic epistemology parallels the phenomenological and analytic process the scientist uses when trying to interpret the meanings o f the graphic images whose unfolding maps the chaotic evolution o f a system.
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As we move to our fourth family o f research strategies, structural model ing, we encounter a second radical break. W i t h structural modeling we meet a strategy that in articulating and testing its results largely discounts the evi dence o f the senses in favor o f purely formal analysis. Structuralism holds that the truth o f the w o r l d , including that which is presented by deterministic chaos, can be captured by axiomatic analysis alone. That is, Platonic-like intuitions are sufficient to grasp the truth o f models constructed using axiom atic methods. Such refined intuitions guide the researcher past empirically based deceptions and pitfalls, and are able to immediately grasp the structural essence o f the object itself. This ultra-idealism is given its classic statement by Thorn (1983) when he argues against those statistical analyses o f chaos that begin and end w i t h empirical reality. Thorn believes that to understand chaos, one must not reify the empirical patterns themselves, but unearth the "simple mathematical forms" o f which they are composed. Employing an ontology that echoes Plato's vision o f the w o r l d as being structured by a concatenation o f ideal geometric forms, Thorn writes: Here I am a Platonist: we forever see only the shadows o f things, and, it is necessary for us to go beyond the cavern's w a l l . . . , hence to imagine a reality o f that space beyond, projecting itself on observed phenomenol ogy. . . . Replace the complicated visible by the simple invisible: . . . it is also necessary to think o f simple mathematical forms which generate complicated empirical datum. (Thorn 1983, 80) This faith in the ability o f mathematics to penetrate to the very core o f our world is not new. I t has been with us almost as long as the species has been engaged in speculative reasoning. In modern times, since the Renais sance and the age o f Newton, and into the present, there has been a cult whose professions o f faith in the power o f mathematics have been profound. One o f the most touching o f these bears a mystical awe that is hard to find in an age o f opportunism and high-profile cynicism such as ours. Thus, Nick Herbert quotes the physicist Eugene Wigner in discussing mathematics and its relation to the real w o r l d . In the seventeenth century Galileo, Newton, and the other natural philosophers discovered that an enormous body o f physical facts could be encompassed in a few mathematical formulas. For instance w i t h only three mathematical laws Newton could explain all motion in heaven and on earth. W h y should mathematics, developed primarily to keep track o f human business transactions, have anything at all to do with the way the non-human w o r l d operates? Nobel laureate Eugene Wigner refers to the magical match between human mathematics and nonhuman facts as "the
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unreasonable effectiveness o f mathematics in the natural sciences." "This unreasonable effectiveness," writes Wigner, "is a wonderful gift which we neither understand nor deserve." (Herbert 1985, 2) When Wigner speaks o f that "wonderful gift which we neither under stand nor deserve," he expresses the deep emotions we have all felt when we first glimpsed the elegance o f self-similar constructions (Peitgen, Jiirgens, and Saupe 1992, 6 3 - 1 8 2 ) or the manifold possibilities that Feigenbaum's perioddoubling law, w i t h its suggestive cascading o f bifurcation points, might hold. The same astonishment accompanies our discovery o f the wholly unexpected behavior a quadratic iterator displays when we vary its control variable through the smallest range o f numerical values (Baumol and Benhabib 1989; Peitgen, Jiirgens, and Saupe 1992, 5 0 7 - 7 6 8 ) . A n d certainly one cannot sit at a monitor and watch the unfolding orbit o f Lorenz's strange attractor without being deeply moved. The social sciences, to be sure, are not immune to such enthusiasms. Positivists have for years reined mathematics, applauding it as being the pinnacle o f knowledge, and urging the social sciences to emulate its example. To match the mysticism and awe o f Wigner in the social sciences, however, we need go no further than the work o f the French structuralist Claude Lévi-Strauss. Lévi-Strauss's (1955; see also Badcock 1975, 3 3 - 6 7 ) structural analysis o f m y t h , for example, resonates w i t h Thorn's Platonic manifesto. Lévi-Strauss begins his analysis by collecting different versions o f a single myth drawn from a number o f different groups or societies. He then abstracts from this manifold o f empirical detail the key elements o f the myth he is studying. I n that none o f the original myths contain all o f its essential elements, it is the j o b o f the social scientist to assemble the fully developed true myth. This recon structed myth is an idealized, composite configuration containing all o f the essential components. Working w i t h these ideal elements, the scientist builds a relational model o f the myth and shows how its various elements are oppositionally j o i n e d to one another. Since the original versions o f the myth are seen as incomplete or distorted by the accidents o f local history, they are treated by the scientist as inferior to his or her rationally reconstructed model. This reconstituted myth is the equivalent o f Thorn's "simple invisible." It is the intellectually fulfilled object from which the chaos o f the different empirical myths has emerged. It is this logically precise and coherent myth that is the proper object o f a theoretical science. Ideal typical modeling constitutes the mirror image o f structuralist anal ysis. Scientists w h o employ ideal typical modeling in their research are not interested in structural commonalities. Quite the contrary, they are interested in the singularities that create deviations from homogeneous patterns. The
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structuralists, as we have just seen, garner as many different versions o f a class o f phenomena as possible. From these they construct a consistent core o f attributes. They then discard or ignore the variations and turn to the logical essence or generative form o f the materials being studied. Their goal is to capture the logically pure form, for therein lies reliable, theoretically articu lated knowledge. Those engaged in ideal typical modeling also gather as many different empirical examples as possible. They also seek commonalities among the class o f objects surveyed and, like the structuralists, construct from those commonalities a logically pure type that captures the essence o f the class o f entities under study. But here the similarities between the two methods end, for after the ideal type model is constructed, it is "discarded," so to speak, as the scientist turns his or her attention to the deviant elements that cannot be subsumed under the logically pure type. Using the ideal type to identify these singularities, the scientist focuses upon the nonlogical elements that set each instance off from the logical pattern. In these nonlogical exceptions, the scientist discovers what is historically and developmentally unique i n each instance. The ideal typical modeling strategy, in sum, produces a variety o f ideographic knowledge that can serve as the basis for a comparative history and social science. Historical modeling is close in its form and content to ideal type model ing. Like the latter, historical narrative seeks to understand the singular truth o f events and the manner in which they unfold. What separates ideal typical modeling and historical narrative from one another is the stubborn insistence o f historical modeling on the singularity o f the events and personages it is reconstructing. The purpose o f historical narratives is to render as close a reading as is possible o f concrete events. From this reading, statements o f empirical causation may well be constructed. What is denied, however, is that the causes creating one chain o f events can be compared with the causes giving rise to other chains o f events. From this perspective, narrative history is possible, but a comparative science o f history is not. W i t h the consideration o f narrative history, we conclude our survey o f the construction o f the methods/ontology matrix. This matrix compares mod eling strategies w i t h the different ontological levels o f dissipative social sys tems. In identifying different ontological levels w i t h various modeling types, we suggest that level and type can be related to one another in this fashion because each is ultimately grounded in its o w n dimensionality. I n the case o f ontological layering, this integrating dimension is lodged in the structure o f those broken symmetries that internally differentiate the world o f experience. In the case o f modeling strategies, the common dimensions stratifying the models spring from the varying abstractness o f the knowledge they produce.
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Having identified these dimensions, we are now in a position to assess the relative fit between a given modeling strategy and the ontological composition o f the societal phenomenon being studied. Promise a n d Paradox: The Future of t h e Paradigm in t h e Social Sciences Returning to figure 13.1 and its shaded diagonal, we can now imagine its matrix as being partitioned into four quadrants. The lower left quadrant and the upper right are areas o f relative fit between the dissipative system's ontol ogy and the modeling methods o f those quadrants. The upper left and lower right quadrants, by contrast, are areas o f modeling misapplication—that is, areas in which basic methodological fallacies are most likely to occur. Work ing from this interpretation o f the matrix and its partitioning, the following rules apply: 1. Predictive, statistical, and iconological modes o f chaos modeling should be restricted to those ontological levels in which collective social phenomena can be legitimately treated as a statistically aggre gated phenomenon, that is, as being composed o f additive, numer able, and interchangeable individual units. 2. Structural, ideal typical, or narrative history models o f chaotic pro cesses can be deployed w i t h maximum effectiveness in those very areas where predictive, statistical, and iconological patterns are least suited. That is, structural, ideal typical, and historical models are best suited to those upper ontological levels in which cultural products, historically specific events, and collective symbolic processes are the rule. 3. I f predictive, statistical, or iconological models o f chaos are used to research norms, values, and ideographic or historical phenomena, then the researcher runs the risk o f reifying the social and cultural phenomena under investigation. The term reification in this context refers to the fallacy o f treating humanly produced conventions, insti tutions, and historically complex events as though they were natural objects governed by recurrent processes and universal laws. Such reifications always fall short o f the mark, in that they ignore the role human intention and agency play in constructing these complex do mains. The various fallacies o f reification would fall in the upper left quadrant o f the matrix. 4. To the extent structural, ideal typical, or narrative history modeling strategies are employed exclusively by chaos researchers to explain natural, biological, and ecological phenomena, they run the risk o f
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committing what we call a mythopoetic fallacy. In this context, mythopoesis refers to that tendency in humanist research to mistakenly treat obdurate facts o f nature as though they were purely discretionary human constructions, that is, objects whose form and content were w h o l l y dependent on the intentionality and interpretive activities o f persons or their communities. This fallacy would fall in the lower right-hand corner o f the matrix. These four possibilities form a sufficient, i f not exhaustive, framework for evaluating the various forms o f chaos research currently being carried out in the social sciences. Beginning w i t h predictive modeling, let us see what this framework allows us to say about the present practices and future prospects o f the six modeling strategies delineated i n our matrix. Predictive Modeling Consistent w i t h the above four rules, predictive modeling is optimally applied when researching the lower ontological levels o f the dissipative social systems hierarchy. The further one moves up the ontological hierarchy, the more one runs the risk o f falling v i c t i m to reified constructions and misunderstandings. This generalization reflects the fact that predictive methods are most effec tively deployed in research areas in which the units o f analysis, be they natural or human objects, are: (1) homogeneous and, hence, interchangeable; (2) capable o f being linearly aggregated into a representative type; and (3) not internally integrated by higher levels o f interaction into complexly structured collectivities. Such ontological assumptions characterize the physical sci ences, neoclassical economics, and certain recent approaches to demography and social ecology. As noted above, quantum mechanics and chaos theory have both dealt severe blows to the aspirations o f the predictive sciences. To the extent these sciences base their reputations on their ability to predict future events, they are now in the midst o f a crisis. O f course, social science forecasting technologies have been relatively underdeveloped. Recently, however, efforts have been under way to redefine the mission o f forecasting by taking into account the insights o f chaos theory (Loye and Eisler 1987; Baumol and Benhabib 1989; Huckfeldt 1990; Gordon and Greenspan 1988). Hence, the revised program for improved forecasting now lies in the partitioning o f unexplained predictive variance into its various components. Huckfeldt (1990), to take but one ex ample, has identified four sources o f predictive error: measurement error, error caused by the omission o f crucial explanatory variables, error caused by the presence o f stochastic variation, and error caused by chaotic indeter minacy. It is his hope that by classifying concrete sources o f predictive error
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into one o f these four categories, the forecaster can improve his or her overall predictive performance. W h i l e forecasting may not be quantitatively i m proved in the sense o f increased precision by following Huckfeldt's path, the art o f forecasting can achieve a more realistic sense o f its o w n possibilities and options. B y identifying the presence o f stochastic or chaotic variation in forecasting data, a more realistic set o f expectations can be made possible by which forecasters and their publics can judge the efficiency o f their results. In this way the art o f forecasting can be evaluated against a pragmatic back ground o f the limitations imposed upon it by the stochastic and chaotic struc ture o f its data. Even this paring o f expectations may not suffice, however, for there are momentous technical problems associated with being able to differentiate between stochastic errors and chaotic indeterminacy. Data-based deficits haunt all such efforts at chaos modeling—not just forecasting. There is, for example, a g r o w i n g awareness among researchers that chaos modeling is a data-hungry process that requires inordinately long time series. In most cases such series are virtually impossible to obtain in common research settings. For example, the use o f Lyapunov exponents is a crucial test in determining the presence o f deterministic chaos. Without i t , and without the possibility o f periodic renormalization, the possibilities o f the mathematical modeling o f social chaos are severely constrained. Yet, as W o l f (1986) and B r o w n (see chap. 6 i n this volume) have noted, adequate databases are usually not avail able for such testing. The problem o f insufficient databases, o f course, can be technically resolved w i t h computer modeling. A n d while this allows re searchers to explore chaotic models in the abstract, it does little to solve the problems o f building a tradition o f empirical chaos research. Finally, going beyond the current predicaments o f improved forecasting and computer simulation in econometric modeling, there are additional prob lems. These problems have been raised for more than a decade by M i r o w s k i (1988, 1989, 1990, 1993). He maintains that most o f the use o f partial differential equations in modern econometrics cannot be justified. Such prac tices, M i r o w s k i claims, are based on an unsubstantiated premise: the principle o f the conservation o f energy. This principle was at the heart o f nineteenthcentury classical mechanics and was borrowed by neoclassical economists in an attempt to assume the trappings o f genuine science. The validity o f the conservative premises adopted, however, has yet to be proven. Unless they can be formally justified, the entire enterprise o f mathematical economics and its use o f integrable functions to model markets and entire economies, chaotic or otherwise, w i l l collapse. To our knowledge, M i r o w s k i ' s institutionalist critiques o f neoclassical theory and method have not been adequately ad dressed and, until they are, the work o f those economists and social scientists
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w h o are attempting to construct mathematical models o f chaotic social sys tems lacks a foundation. Statistical Modeling The predominant use o f statistical modeling in chaos research these days attempts to use curve-fitting techniques to identify latent recurrent patterns in longitudinal data. The classic case o f this type o f modeling is found i n at tempts to explain the generative structures that produce the now famous Kondratiev economic cycles. According to Kondratiev, capitalist economies moved through fifty-year cycles o f high productivity and wealth and then decline and relative poverty. He attempted to explain these cycles by appeal ing to technological factors, that is, to long-term waves o f rising and declining technological capacities. Subsequent research, while provisionally accepting his findings, has suggested alternative, sometimes chaos-based, explanations. Thus, in this volume, Berry and K i m (see chap. 10) take longitudinal data on economic growth and decline in the United States over the last two centuries and argue that American economic life conforms to a series o f Kondratiev waves that often exhibit chaotic properties. I n contrast to Kondratiev's expla nation, however, they locate the origins o f these cycles not in the mode o f production, but in historical contingencies and fiscal policies regulating the ebb and flow o f the money supply. Working in a broader interpretive frame w o r k , Weber (1981) and Namenwirth (1973) have applied Kondratiev's ideas to the analysis o f cyclic shifts that have occurred in the political and cultural spheres o f Great Britain and the United States. Both have found patterns o f variation in political thought that correlate with Kondratiev-like economic cycles. Using computer-structured content analysis techniques, Weber re searched British speeches from the throne over a period o f some 180 years, and found a fluctuating cycle o f political concerns. He found this cycle corre sponded closely to Kondratiev patterns that were discernable in Britain's economic history. Namenwirth, on the other hand, analyzed the thematic content o f Democratic and Republican Party platforms in this country and found thematic cycles roughly correlating w i t h economic patterns established by Kondratiev scholars. After fitting his data to a complex trigonometric function, and after experimenting with several theoretical interpretations that could explain the overlapping o f the economic and thematic cycles, Namenwirth finally settled on a culturological interpretation drawn from Parsonsian systems theory. Following Parsons, he argues that the cycles o f thematic shifts reflect the natural phase transitions through which social sys tems pass as they adapt to new environmental challenges. Statistical modeling is, o f course, an attractive way to examine historical
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time series. Indeed, it can give the illusion that patterns in history come and go w i t h an almost sidereal certainty. I f not handled with caution, however, such quantitative modeling can become a Rorschach Test in which the re searcher, once having found what appears to be a pattern, can interpret it almost any way he or she chooses. I f we are correct, such modeling is most appropriate when working in the lower levels o f dissipative social system specificity. Otherwise, the risk o f reification increases as one moves to the higher levels o f the system. The shaded cells in figure 13.1 for statistical models (column two) show how we would ontologically delimit such efforts in order to avoid the reification o f institutional life. Iconological Modeling The process o f pictorial recognition and the researcher's ability to interpretively link graphically produced images o f chaos to actual social processes or structures is at the heart o f deterministic chaos research. Ironically, as sophisticated as the mathematics are that generate the pictorial patterns, only a fraction o f that sophistication is needed to properly interpret the graphics. Hence, an intuitive feel for quadratic iterators, for Feigenbaum's (1978) anal ysis o f period doubling, for the self-similar structure o f bifurcational pro cesses, or for the trajectories o f strange attractors is obtainable through their visual representations. The articles in this volume abound w i t h pictorial repre sentations that attempt to communicate the reality o f chaos. N o mere decora t i o n , these graphics appeal to the power o f visual representations to communi cate facts and to convince the reader. This reliance upon iconic imagery to communicate facts about chaos and its constituent dynamics is ubiquitous i n the new science. There is a growing reliance upon the visual to both grasp and communicate findings where words and mathematical accounts fail. H o w better to describe the self-similarity o f the bifurcation process that quadratic iterators undergo than through pictures? Economists make extensive use o f the quadratic iterator and its visual repre sentations when they explore the chaotic dimensions o f markets and national economies. Indeed, Rosser's (1991b) recent volume on catastrophic and cha otic modeling in economic systems is a veritable cornucopia o f graphic repre sentations depicting what might otherwise be obscured by purely analytic description. Similarly, M a y ( M a y 1977; M a y and Oster 1976) has used graphics w i t h telling effect to explain the deterministic chaos inherent in the mathematics o f growth and decay among animal populations. A n d , in a triumph o f computer simulation, A l l e n and Sanglier (1978, 1979) almost two decades ago defined urban areas as dissipative entities and used computer modeling to explore urban place theory. Through the power o f computer
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graphics, they were able to reproduce pictorially many o f the patterns o f urban structure first discovered in the social sciences by the Chicago School. Finally, we would be remiss not to mention what is, perhaps, the most powerful icon o f a l l , the folded catastrophe surface that was popular a decadeand-a-half ago. Although it has fallen into disfavor in recent years, we can think o f fewer images that visually communicate the ideas o f nonlinear change, sensitive dependence on initial conditions, and the processes o f dy namic bifurcation. Whatever the cause o f its fall from favor, two points are obvious: (1) the mathematics o f catastrophe remain valid; and (2) the visual power o f the catastrophe surface is still a potent stimulus for promoting metaphorical and analogical thinking—especially in the early phases o f con ceptualizing or outlining a research problem. Structural Modeling As we saw in the last section, structural modeling is grounded in a rationalist worldview. R e n é Thorn's work is the epitome o f this approach. Indeed, his modeling o f the morphogenesis o f living forms is a classic expression o f the position that sees the w o r l d as conforming to structures and processes that are embedded in reality itself. Devaney's (1989) work in chaos theory using what he calls "symbolic dynamics" can also be subsumed under the structuralist rubric. Professor Richards's chapter in this volume (see chap. 5 herein) does yeoman w o r k in explaining Devaney's approach to chaos and in showing how it can be applied to research problems in political science. When this axiomatic paradigm is applied to social science research, its basic assumption o f a deductive, deterministic order underlying phenomenal reality has its parallel in structuralism. We earlier explored the association between Thorn's worldview and that o f Lévi-Strauss. As the reader might guess, this modeling strategy also has an affinity with Parsonsian systems theory and its homeostatic assumptions concerning social system stability and equilibrium. Axiomatic theory's assumption that there is a logically tight structure underlying everyday reality, when translated into sociological termi nology, finds resonance w i t h the idea that social systems are naturally selfequilibrating entities. The affinity between Parsonsianism and approaches using axiomatic methods to generate a conception o f chaos is most evident in the literature on bureaucratic organizations. There is now a substantial literature i n which scholars have applied chaos theory to the study o f those processes governing the rise, efflorescence, and decay o f imperatively coordinated organizations. There is an implicit assumption in such studies that bureaucracies are inher ently orderly and self-equilibrating systems located in turbulent environ-
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ments. A t times the degree o f environmental turbulence may be seen as a function o f the organization's ability to control or exploit those environments, but i n this case, the organization is still seen as a conservative self-organizing entity whose activities are largely conservative and reactive, ratherthan evolvng, boundary-testing constellations. The works o f Leifer (1989) and De Greene ( 1 9 8 1 , 1988b, 1990a, 1991a, chap. 12 herein) represent this approach. W h i l e they have been able to avoid the usual Parsonsian pitfalls, they still assume in one way or another bureaucratic organizations are fundamentally reactive, stability-seeking entities that under duress w i l l opt for minimal change and no more. The application o f this modeling strategy is hence limited by its assump tion that organizations and social systems are inherently adaptive entities. The inherent disorderliness o f modern organizational life, however, especially as it evolves under the pressures o f flexible accumulation (Harvey 1989), is given short shrift in their analyses. Because o f its metatheoretical presuppositions concerning the naturalness o f system integration and the reactive, adaptive goals organizations pursue vis-a-vis their social and technical environments, structuralist research is usually restricted to the middle ontological levels depicted in our matrix. Ultimately, this family o f models is limited in its ability to grasp technical and ecological processes for the same reason that Parsonsian analysis falters in these areas. Concomitantly, this strategy's fail ure to recognize and deal with organizational entropy or class conflict as natural processes places an upper bound on the efficacy with which it can grasp the macrosociological dynamics o f dissipative social systems. Ideal Typical M o d e l i n g I f the structuralist modeling strategy is extreme in its formalist commitments, then the ideal typical strategy is extreme in the opposite d i r e c t i o n — i n its preoccupation with the ideographic and existentialist provinces o f social life. As noted earlier, ideal typical strategies follow the structuralist path to the extent that they, too, construct ideal, logically integrated models. They differ, however, in wanting to grasp the historically specific and often deviant singu larities that evade common, everyday practices. They are interested in conti nuity i f it gives them insight into the social sources o f chaos. But their ideographic propensities incline them toward the study o f situations in which the cognitive maps a culture provides its people suddenly collapse, or other wise lead them into a terra incognita where there are no clear guideposts or commonsense precedents by which to measure reasonableness, morality, or truth. Examples o f this approach abound in the chaos literature. Arthur's (1988, 1990) work on positive feedback points in history emphasizes the
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singularities o f social life. Indeed, one can find few better illustrations o f the operation o f sensitive dependence on initial conditions than the stimulating examples he provides. Gemill and Smith's (1985) work on organizational evolution also emphasizes the disjunctive. Their provocative suggestions con cerning the role o f symmetry-breaking processes in the evolution o f organiza tions have yet to be fully appreciated by other analysts o f formal organization. Indeed, the implications o f symmetry-breaking processes for deterministic chaos theory have just begun to be explored by the social sciences. The psychiatrist M o n y Elkai'm (1982, 1985,1987), working in the general systems tradition o f Von Bertalanffy, and the family systems approach to therapy established by Bateson and his colleagues, has approached chaos theory from a similar point o f view. Emphasizing existential and nonlinear social inter action processes as they arise in the therapeutic situation, Elkai'm uses dissipative systems analysis to map the psychodynamic transition to chaos in the client-therapist relation. Emphasizing the nonlinear aspects o f this relation ship, Elkai'm maps the singularities o f interaction underlying the phase devel opment o f the "talking cure." The ideal type strategy is grounded in an existentialist celebration o f the particular and the deviant. It epitomizes the iconoclastic spirit that gave birth to chaos theory some thirty years ago. Its ethos stands in strict opposition to the Newtonian nemesis o f uniformity, gradualism, and a universe bound by absolute parameters. It embraces the premises o f deterministic chaos and embodies its commitment to seek out and understand the nonlinear dimen sions o f social life lying just below the surface o f seemingly staid, equili brated institutions and groups. Historical Narratives The historical study o f chaos is presently undeveloped. Artigiani's (1987, 1991) work on modern revolutionary movements was an early landmark and still exemplifies what deterministic chaos research should look like when taken up by historians. Working in the demanding medium o f historical detail, Artigiani identifies chaotic elements in his narrative treatment o f revolutionary movements. He treats them as compact "modules," so to speak, constellations that illuminate portions o f the larger unfolding narrative. He never succumbs, however, to the temptation o f placing the narrative and its elements on a Procrustean bed o f formally predetermined complexes. Yielding at times to comparative asides, Artigiani nonetheless allows the singular substance o f his subject matter to dictate the form his chaos analysis w i l l take. His method, in short, embodies the methodological pluralism this paper has advocated by letting the ontology o f the subject matter dictate the range o f methods em ployed, and not vice versa. He has followed a path consistent with the onto-
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logical turn advocated by Bhaskar's critical realism, and exemplifies the direc tion deterministic chaos theory must take i n the cultural sciences i f they are not to succumb to scientism when adapting the perspective o f deterministic chaos to the study o f history. S u m m a r y a n d Conclusions The mounting volume o f writing in deterministic chaos theory seems to belie the title "new science" that is often used to describe the deterministic chaos paradigm. Yet, when we survey that literature, the variety o f subjects encoun tered, the tentativeness o f the findings reported, and the personal uneasiness many practitioners express both in their writings and in their conversations with other researchers, we see that the worldview o f deterministic chaos is still undecided as to its final course. Another sign o f its fledgling status lies in the feeling among its practitioners that all is still possible, that nothing is as yet "set in stone," and that nothing, as yet, is fully forbidden. This liberating sense often fills chaos researchers w i t h a certain abandon and recklessness that both rankles and frustrates their elders. The very scope o f this chapter, as well as its efforts to demarcate the ontological and epistemological boundaries o f the new science, is an added sign o f the newness o f the deterministic chaos paradigm. In developing our conception o f a dissipative social system, we have attempted to provide chaos researchers in the social sciences w i t h philosophical and scientific rationales for their w o r k . For these reasons we choose to end this essay as we began— by issuing a caveat. The matrix developed in this essay is a first hypothesis, not a finished product. Its number o f ontological levels and their specific content, for example, are still open to debate. Thus, the levels can be altered to facilitate innovative research or to gain fresh insight into an old problem. What is not negotiable, from our perspective, is the ontological structure o f the dissipative social system itself—its hierarchical layering and the irreduc ible, singular nature o f each o f its levels. Also not negotiable is the systemic and emergent nature o f the ontological levels and their loose hierarchical integration. These elements must remain intact, not just for the sake o f empir ical verisimilitude, but because they reflect the ontological preconditions for the possibility o f deterministic chaos emerging naturally from the defining dynamics o f dissipative social systems. The same is true o f our portrayal o f the modeling strategies: their number and definitions are largely ad hoc and were developed out o f our o w n experi ence. They may be revised and new ones added, but their relative position vis-a-vis the nomothetic-ideographic/abstract-concrete parameters along which they have been arrayed cannot. A n d , finally, there needs to be extended debate over the boundaries o f ontological fit we have portrayed. The shaded
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cells may be added to or subtracted from. I n an attempt to avoid premature closure at any level, we decided to be overly inclusive as to where the diagonal shading should begin and end. What cannot be contested—again— is the idea o f the necessity for an ontological fit between modeling strategies, on the one hand, and the ontological properties o f the social entity being investigated, on the other. We can be as open to revision as we are because there is still much to be done. What must be avoided i n constructing the new social science, however, is methodological reification and premature rejection o f experimental strate gies for chaos research. A dogmatic insistence that only mathematically bracketed chaos studies can qualify as valid in a social science grounded in chaos must be avoided. Such a stance is too narrow and risks excluding the valuable perspectives the cultural sciences and the humanities offer to social science research. A minor squabble o f this nature has already erupted between chaos mathematicians and physical scientists working in the area o f dissipative structures ( M o r i n 1983; Thorn 1983; Ruelle 1991). The mathematicians c l a i m , w i t h justification, that physical scientists, as they operationalize their ideas in concrete research settings, are making a mockery o f their precise formulations. In making such charges, the mathematicians hold up an abstract ideal and use it to denigrate the accomplishments and interpretations o f exper imental scientists. W h i l e these protests may be technically correct, this un abridged idealism can stifle discoveries that might otherwise flow from mar ginal application o f these new ideas. We have seen similar imbroglios in the social sciences in the past, and even now are paying the price. Those dedi cated to studying society from the perspective o f deterministic chaos would do well to avoid these schismatic encounters and rebukes.
NOTES 1. For an explanation of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and its contribution not just to physics but to Western culture generally, we have profited from two biographies. The first is Abraham Pias's (1991) biography of Neils Bohr. The second is David C . Cassidy's (1992) biography of Werner Heisenberg. For a more technical discussion of the formal foundation of quantum physics, including the uncertainty principle, Abner Shimony's 1989 article is both helpful and challenging.
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Brian J . L . Berry is the Lloyd Viel Berkner Regental Professor and Professor of Political Economy at the University of Texas at Dallas. He is widely published in the area of urban economics and geography. His most recent research examines the role that economic long cycles play in technological and other social transformations. His most recent publications include Long-Wave Rhythms in Economic Development and Political
(1991) and America's
Utopian Experiments
Berry is a member of The National Academy of Sciences. Thad A. Brown is Professor of Political Science at the University of M i s s o u r i Columbia. His recent work has focused on the modeling of political phenomena using innovative new methodologies for dealing with complex nonlinear systems. He is the author of Migration and Politics (1988) and has published in British Journal of Political Science and Western Political Quarterly, to name just a few. Kenyon B. De Greene is currently Professor in the Institute of Safety and System Management at the University of Southern California. He has also worked at R A N D , Northrop, and other corporations. He has published extensively; his books include Sociotechnical Systems: Factors in Analysis, Design, and Management (1973) and The Adaptive Organization: Anticipation and Management of Crisis (1982). He is also editor of the recently published A Systems Based Approach to Policymaking (1993). Dimitrios S. Dendrinos is Professor and Head of The Urban and Transportation Dynamics Laboratory at the University of Kansas. His research has primarily addressed the applications of nonlinear dynamics to population dynamics. He is the author of The Dynamics of Cities (1993) and the coauthor of Urban Evolution (1985) and Chaos and Socio-Spatial
Dynamics (1990), as well as over 100 papers on chaos
and socio-spatial sciences. Euel Elliott is Associate Professor of Government, Politics, and Political Economy, and
Director of the Master of Public Affairs program at the University of Texas at
Dallas. His research interests span a number of areas, including electoral behavior, public opinion, and regulatory policy making. A recurring theme is the nature and dynamics of political change. His work has appeared in Social Science Western Political Quarterly, and Journal of Theoretical Politics.
He is also the author
of Issues and Elections (1989) and coauthor of Controversies in Political
Canada, Great Britain and the United States (1992).
David L . Harvey is Professor of Sociology at the University of Nevada, Reno. He has written in the areas of alienation and reification, Marxist political economy, and poverty.
He has recently published an ethnography
of a poor white com-
munity, Potter Addition: Poverty, Family, and Kinship in a Heartland Community, and is presently completing the second volume of that work, a social history of Potter Addition. Current research interests include the exploration of social evolution and Marxist political economy using the theories and modeling tools of deterministic chaos theory. Ted Jaditz is an economist at the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. He is a past president of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, and has published widely on nonlinear time series, seasonality, and forecasting. L . Douglas Kiel is Associate Professor of Public Administration and Political E c o n omy at the University of Texas at Dallas. His research involves applications of chaos theory to the social sciences and to organizational change. His articles have appeared in Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Public Administration Review, and Social Science Quarterly. His book Managing Chaos and Complexity in Government: A New Paradigm for Managing Change, Innovation, and Organizational Renewal (1994) received the best book award for 1994-95 from the public and nonprofit sector division of the Academy of Management. Heja Kim received her doctorate in political economy in 1988 from the University of Texas at Dallas. Since then, she has worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the School of Social Sciences. Her research interests lie mainly in the analysis of long economic cycles. She has, with Brian Berry, coauthored articles that have appeared in Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Along with Brian Berry and colleagues at the University of Texas at Dallas, she is completing a book manuscript that takes an indepth look at the relationship between long waves and social and political outcomes. Michael McBurnett holds a P h . D . in Political Science from Washington University and is currently an executive with Illinois Power Company. In 1991 his dissertation was nominated for the prestigious E . E . Schattschneider award. His articles have appeared in the American Political Science, and Public Opinion
Science Review, American Journal of
Michael Reed is Professor of Economics and Dean of the College of Business Administration at the University of Nevada-Reno. He has published in the areas of economic history, political economy, and chaos theory. Diana Richards received her doctorate from Yale University and is currently Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Minnesota. Her work has focused on the application of nonlinear dynamics for understanding a range of political phenomena, including game-theoretic behavior and empirical work examining international behavior. Her work has appeared in a number of journals, including Behavioral
ence and American Journal of Political Science, among others. J . Barkley Rosser, Jr. is Professor of Economics and Holder, Kirby L . Kramer, Jr. Chair of Business Administration at James Madison University. He has published
extensively on applications of chaos, catastrophe, and evolutionary theory to understanding a variety of economic phenomena. His articles have appeared in Journal of Economic Theory and Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, among others. He has also recently published Catastrophe to Chaos: A General Theory of Economic Discontinuities
A l v i n M . Saperstein is Professor of Physics at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, and Fellow of its Center for Peace and Conflict Studies. Saperstein was among the first natural scientists to apply nonlinear dynamics to social and political phenomena, such as international arms races. His work has appeared in Nature, The Journal of Conflict Resolution, and Mathematical and Computer Modeling, in addition to numerous articles in the physics literature.