K. Tanaka is with the Department of Mechanical and Control Engineering,. The University of ...... M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Hosei. University ...
Fuzzy Regulators and Fuzzy Observers: Relaxed Stability Conditions and LMI-Based Designs Kazuo Tanaka, Member, IEEE, Takayuki Ikeda, and Hua O. Wang, Member, IEEE
Abstract—This paper presents new relaxed stability conditions and LMI- (linear matrix inequality) based designs for both continuous and discrete fuzzy control systems. They are applied to design problems of fuzzy regulators and fuzzy observers. First, Takagi and Sugeno’s fuzzy models and some stability results are recalled. To design fuzzy regulators and fuzzy observers, nonlinear systems are represented by Takagi–Sugeno’s (T–S) fuzzy models. The concept of parallel distributed compensation is employed to design fuzzy regulators and fuzzy observers from the T–S fuzzy models. New stability conditions are obtained by relaxing the stability conditions derived in previous papers. LMIbased design procedures for fuzzy regulators and fuzzy observers are constructed using the parallel distributed compensation and the relaxed stability conditions. Other LMI’s with respect to decay rate and constraints on control input and output are also derived and utilized in the design procedures. Design examples for nonlinear systems demonstrate the utility of the relaxed stability conditions and the LMI-based design procedures. Index Terms— Fuzzy control, nonlinear systems, observers, regulators, stability.
ECENTLY, the issue of stability of fuzzy control systems has been considered extensively in nonlinear stability frameworks [1]–[5], [12], [13]–[16]. Specially, the stabilization of a feedback system containing a fuzzy regulator and a fuzzy observer for discrete fuzzy systems was discussed in [12]. This paper extends the work of [12] and, more importantly, new relaxed stability conditions and LMI- (linear matrix inequality) based design procedures are obtained for both continuous and discrete fuzzy systems. The stability analysis and design procedures proposed here are straightforward and natural, although the nonlinear regulator and observer design is difficult in general. Linear regulators and linear observers [6] play an important role in modern control theory and practice. We envision that a systematic design method of fuzzy regulators and fuzzy observers would be important for fuzzy control as well. To begin with, Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy models and previous stability results are recalled. To design fuzzy regulators and fuzzy observers, nonlinear systems are represented by T–S fuzzy models. The concept of parallel distributed Manuscript received March 18, 1996; revised March 17, 1997. K. Tanaka is with the Department of Mechanical and Control Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo 182, Japan. T. Ikeda is with the Department of Human and Mechanical Systems Engineering, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa 920, Japan. H. O. Wang is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 USA. Publisher Item Identifier S 1063-6706(98)00805-4.
compensation (PDC) [4], [10], [17] is used to design fuzzy regulators and fuzzy observers from the T–S fuzzy models. We derive new stability conditions by relaxing the ones in our previous works [1], [4]. LMI-based design procedures for fuzzy regulators and fuzzy observers are constructed using the PDC and the relaxed stability conditions. Other LMI’s with respect to decay rate and constraints on control input and output are also derived and utilized in the design procedures. Design examples for nonlinear systems demonstrate the utility of the relaxed stability conditions and the LMI-based design procedures. Section II presents T–S fuzzy model and its stability issues. Section III introduces the fuzzy regulator. In particular, we will derive new stability conditions by relaxing the previous obtained stability conditions. Section IV presents LMI-based designs for fuzzy regulators. Section V shows the fuzzy observer. Section VI describes LMI-based design procedures for the augmented system containing the fuzzy regulator and the fuzzy observer. means that is a positive definite In this paper, matrix, means that , and means that is a zero matrix, i.e., its elements are all zero. We also , whose meaning is, use the following notations: for instance
II. TAKAGI–SUGENO FUZZY MODEL AND ITS STABILITY RESULTS A. Takagi–Sugeno Fuzzy Model The fuzzy model proposed by Takagi and Sugeno [7] is described by fuzzy IF-THEN rules, which represent local linear input–output relations of a nonlinear system. The th rules of the T–S fuzzy models are of the following forms, where CFS and DFS denote the continuous fuzzy system and the discrete fuzzy system, respectively. Continuous fuzzy system: CFS IF
1063–6706/98$10.00 1998 IEEE
is (1)
Discrete fuzzy system: DFS
THEN (2) is the fuzzy set and is the number of IF-THEN rules. is the state vector, is the input vector, is the output vector, , , . are the premise variables. and It is assumed in this paper that the premise variables do . This assumption is not depend on the input variables employed to avoid a complicated defuzzification process of fuzzy controllers [21]. Note that stability conditions derived in this paper can be applied even to the case that the premise . Each linear variables depend on the input variables is called consequent equation represented by “subsystem.” , ), the final outputs of the fuzzy Given a pair of ( systems are inferred as follows: CFS
for all . is the grade of membership of . From (3)–(5) we have
for all . Example 1: Assume in the DFS that
Then, the plant rules can be represented as
Remark 2.1: We can also consider the following generalized class of systems:
The representations above are reduced to (1) and (2), respectively, when , , , and for and . It is found in [10], [17]–[20], and [31] that practical nonlinear systems such as electrical systems, mechanical systems, and chaotic systems have been represented by (1) or (2). In fact, the nonlinear
system used in the design examples of Sections IV and VI is also represented in the form of (1). We can easily derive stability conditions for the above generalized systems in the same ways as in this paper. However, the stability conditions for the generalized systems might not be useful since they generally lead to complicated and conservative results. B. Basic Stability Conditions The open-loop systems of (3a) and (4a) are defined as follows. CFS
control systems was not discussed in the design procedure. The design procedure was improved and the stability of the control systems was analyzed in [4]. The design procedure is named “parallel distributed compensation” in [10]. The PDC [4], [10], [17] offers a procedure to design a fuzzy controller from the T–S fuzzy model. To realize the PDC, a controlled object (nonlinear system) is first represented by a T–S fuzzy model. We emphasize that many real systems, e.g., mechanical systems, have been represented by T–S fuzzy models as stated in Remark 2.1. In the PDC, each control rule is designed from the corresponding rule of a T–S fuzzy model. The designed fuzzy controller shares the same fuzzy sets with the fuzzy model in the premise parts. For the fuzzy models (1) and (2), we design the following fuzzy regulators via the PDC IF
Example 2: If the controlled object is represented as the fuzzy plant rules shown in Example 1, the following regulator rules can be designed via the PDC. IF
Stability conditions for ensuring stability of (7) and (8) are derived using Lyapunov approach (e.g., [1], [4]). Theorem 1—CFS: The equilibrium of the continuous fuzzy system described by (7) is asymptotically stable in the large if there exists a common positive definite matrix such that
The fuzzy regulator rules have linear state feedback laws in the consequent parts. The overall fuzzy regulator is represented by
(9) ; that is, for all the subsystems. for Theorem 2—DFS: The equilibrium of the discrete fuzzy system described by (8) is asymptotically stable in the large if there exists a common positive definite matrix such that (10) ; that is, for all the subsystems. for These theorems are reduced to the Lyapunov stability theorems for linear continuous systems and linear discrete systems, . Theorems 1 and 2 give sufficient respectively, when conditions for ensuring stability of (7) and (8), respectively. For the systems (7) and (8), a question naturally arises is whether the systems are stable if all its subsystems are stable, i.e., all ’s are stable. The answer is no in general [4], [10], [17]. III. FUZZY REGULATORS AND RELAXED STABILITY CONDITIONS A. Fuzzy Regulator Design via Parallel Distributed Compensation Fuzzy regulators are required to satisfy
The design of the fuzzy regulator is to determine the local in the consequent parts. Thus, the PDC is feedback gains simple and natural. Other nonlinear control techniques require special and rather involved knowledge. By substituting (11) into (3a) and (4a), we obtain (12) and (13), respectively. CFS (12) DFS (13) Equations (12) and (13) can be rewritten as (14) and (15), respectively, where CFS
when This requirement implies stabilization of control systems. The history of the parallel distributed compensation (PDC) started with a model-based design procedure proposed by Kang and Sugeno (e.g., [21]). However, the stability of the
(15) By applying Theorems 1 and 2 to (14) and (15), we can derive stability conditions for the CFS and the DFS, respectively. Theorem 3—CFS: The equilibrium of the continuous fuzzy control system described by (14) is asymptotically stable in the large if there exists a common positive definite matrix such that (16) (17) for all
excepting the pairs such that . Proof: It follows directly from Theorem 1. Theorem 4—DFS: The equilibrium of the discrete fuzzy control system described by (15) is asymptotically stable in the large if there exists a common positive definite matrix such that (18) (19) for all
excepting the pairs such that . Proof: It follows directly from Theorem 2. The design problem of the fuzzy regulator is to determine satisfying the conditions of Theorems 3 or 4 for a common positive definite matrix . Consider the common case, i.e., . In this case, the stability conditions of Theorems 3 and 4 can be simplified as follows. Corollary 1: Assume that . The equilibrium of the fuzzy control system (14) is asymptotically stable in the large if there exists a common positive definite matrix satisfying (16). Corollary 2: Assume that . The equilibrium of the fuzzy control system (15) is asymptotically stable in the large if there exists a common positive definite matrix satisfying (18). In the common case, if
To check stability of the fuzzy control system, it has long been considered difficult to find a common positive definite matrix satisfying the conditions of Theorems 1–4. A trialand-error-type of procedure was first used [4], [8]. In [23], is given for seconda procedure to construct a common order fuzzy systems, i.e., the dimension of the state is two. We first stated in [10], [17], [24] that the common problem for fuzzy controller design can be solved numerically, i.e., the stability conditions of Theorems 1–4 can be expressed in linear matrix inequalities (LMI’s) [25], [26]. For example, to check the stability conditions of Theorem 3, we need to find satisfying the LMI’s
for or determination that no such exists where is the number of IF-THEN rules. This is a convex feasibility problem. Numerically, this feasibility problem can be solved very efficiently by means of the most powerful tools available to date in the mathematical programming literature. For instance, recently developed interior-point methods [27] are extremely efficient in practice. The details will be presented later. B. Relaxed Stability Conditions We have shown that the stability analysis of the fuzzy control system is reduced to a problem of finding a common . If is large, it might be difficult to find a common satisfying the conditions of Theorem 3 (or Theorem 4). In this subsection, we will derive new stability conditions by relaxing the conditions of Theorems 3 and 4. Theorems 5 and 6 contain the relaxed conditions. First, we need the following corollaries to prove Theorems 5 and 6. Corollary 3:
for all . Proof: It holds since
(Q.E.D.) If
as well.
Corollary 4: If the number of rules that fire for all is less than or equal to where , then
by (15) is asymptotically stable in the large if there exists a common positive definite matrix and a common positive semidefinite matrix such that
(22) for all . Proof: It follows directly from Corollary 3. (Q.E.D.) Theorem 5—CFS: Assume that the number of rules that fire . The for all is less than or equal to where equilibrium of the continuous fuzzy control system described by (14) is asymptotically stable in the large if there exists a common positive definite matrix and a common positive such that semidefinite matrix
(23) for all
excepting the pairs such that and . Proof: Consider a candidate of Lyapunov function where . Then
(20) (21) excepting the pairs such that and . Proof: Consider a candidate of Lyapunov function , where . Then
for all
From the condition (21) and Corollary 4, we have
From the condition (23) and Corollary 4, the right side of the above inequality
If the condition (20) holds, at (Q.E.D.) Theorem 6—DFS: Assume that the number of rules that . fire for all is less than or equal to where The equilibrium of the discrete fuzzy control system described
If the condition (22) holds, at (Q.E.D.) Corollary 4 is used in the proofs of Theorems 5 and 6. The use of Corollary 3 would lead to conservative results because . of Remark 3.1: It is assumed in the derivations of Theorems of each rule in the fuzzy controller 3–6 that the weight is equal to that of each rule in the fuzzy model for all . Notice that Theorems 3–6 cannot be used if the assumption does not hold. This fact will show up again in a case (case B) of fuzzy observer design given in Section VI. If the assumption does not hold, the following stability conditions should be used instead of Theorems 3–6:
in the CFS case and
in the DFS case. Notice that these conditions imply those of Theorems 3–6. These conditions can be regarded as robust stability conditions [18]. If there exists a common positive definite matrix satisfying the conditions of Theorem 3 (or Theorem 4), the common always satisfies the conditions of Theorem 5 (or Theorem 6) for a common . The conditions of Theorems 5 and 6 are reduced to those of Theorems 3 and 4, respectively, when . Fig. 1. Feasible area for the stability conditions of Theorem 3.
C. Example This example demonstrates the utility of the relaxed conditions in the CFS case. Consider the CFS where
stability, decay rate and constraints on control input and output will be derived in this section. The proofs will be omitted since the basic ideas can be observed in [25]. A. Stability
The local feedback gains and are determined by selecting as the eigenvalues of the subsystems in the PDC. Figs. 1 and 2 show the feasible areas satisfying the conditions of Theorems 3 and 5 for the variables and , respectively. In these figures, the feasible areas are plotted for and . Note that a common (and a common satisfying the conditions of Theorem 3 (Fig. 1) and Theorem 5 (Fig. 2) exists if and only if the system parameters and are and . It is found in these located in the areas under figures that the conditions of Theorem 3 lead to conservative results.
From the relaxed stability conditions of Theorem 5, the design problem to determine the feedback gains for CFS can be defined as follows: CFS Find , , and satisfying (24a)
(24b) where (25)
IV. LMI-BASED DESIGNS FOR FUZZY REGULATORS This section presents LMI-based designs for fuzzy regulators. We first stated in [10], [17], [24] that the common problem for fuzzy controller design can be numerically solved using LMI-based technique. The LMI-based designs allow us to realize a total and systematic design satisfying not only stability but also decay rate, constraints on control input and output, etc. The LMI’s for
The above conditions are LMI’s with respect to variables , , and . We can find a positive definite matrix , a positive semi-definite matrix and satisfying the LMI’s or determination that no such , , and exist. This is a convex feasibility problem. Numerically, this feasibility problem can be solved very efficiently by means of the most powerful tools available to date in the mathematical programming literature. For instance, recently developed interior-point methods [12]
B. Decay Rate It is important to consider not only stability, but also other control performances such as speed of response, constraints on control input and output, and so on. The speed of response is related to decay late, i.e., the largest Lyapunov exponent. CFS The condition that [22] for all trajectory is equivalent to
where . Therefore, the largest lower bound on the decay rate that we can find using a quadratic Lyapunov function can be found by solving the following generalized eigenvalue and minimization problem (GEVP) in maximize subject to (28a)
(28b) Fig. 2. Feasible area for the stability conditions of Theorem 5.
are extremely efficient in practice. The feedback gains common and a common can be obtained as
where ,a (26)
. from the solutions , , and From the relaxed conditions of Theorem 6, the design problem for DFS can be defined as well. Schur complement is used in the transformation. DFS Find , , and satisfying
DFS The condition that all trajectory is equivalent to
[22] for
where . Therefore, we define the following GEVP in and where
minimize subject to (29a)
(27b) where (29b) The feedback gain be obtained as
from the solutions,
, a common
and a common
can where
, and
It should be noted that
Remark 4.1: A fuzzy regulator that satisfies the LMI conditions of (28) or (29) is a stable fuzzy controller. In other words, it also satisfies the LMI conditions of (24) or (27).
C. Constraint on the Control Input is known. The conAssume that the initial condition is enforced at all times if the straint LMI’s (30) (31) , . The LMI’s are available hold, where for both CFS and DFS. A design problem of stable fuzzy regulators satisfying the input constraint can be defined as follows: Find
is the angle of the pendulum, is the current of the motor. and are fuzzy sets defined as The
, and
and satisfying (24) (or (27)), (30) and (31).
D. Constrain on the Output is known. The conAssume that the initial condition straint is enforced at all times if the LMI’s
This fuzzy model exactly represents the dynamics of the . Note nonlinear mechanical system under that the fuzzy model has a common , i.e., . In cases general, the fuzzy regulator design of the common is simple. To show the effect of the LMI-based designs, we consider a more difficult case, i.e., we change as follows:
(32) (33) . The LMI’s are available for both hold, where CFS and DFS. A design problem of stable fuzzy regulators satisfying the output constraint can be defined as follows: Find
Design Example 1—Decay Rate: We first design a stable fuzzy regulator by considering the decay rate. The design problem of CFS is defined as follows: maximize
and satisfying (24) (or (27)), (32) and (33).
Remark 4.2: Many kinds of design performance can be represented in terms of LMI’s. We will present the details elsewhere.
subject to When
, we obtain
E. Design Examples Let us consider an example of dc motor controlling an inverted pendulum via a gear train [29]. Fuzzy modeling for the nonlinear system was done in [30] and [31]. The fuzzy model is as follows:
The dotted line in Fig. 3 shows the responses of and . Design Example 2—Decay Rate Constraint on the Control Input: It can be seen in the design example 1 that . In practical design, there is a limitation of control input. It is important to consider not only the decay rate but also constraint on the control input. The design problem that considers the decay rate and the constraint on
Fig. 3. Design examples 1 and 2.
the control input is defined as follows where :
maximize subject to
The solution is obtained as
The dotted line in Fig. 4 shows the responses of and . It can be found that . Design Example 4—Stability Constraint on the Control Input Constraint on the Output: The response of the control system in the design example 3 has a large output error since the constraint on the output is not considered in the fuzzy regulator design. To improve the response, we can design a fuzzy regulator by adding the constraint on the output Find
and satisfying (24), (30), (31) and (33) where 100 and 2.
The solution is obtained as The real line in Fig. 3 shows the responses of and . The designed controller realizes the input constraint . Design Example 3—Stability Constraint on the Control Input: It is also possible to design a stable fuzzy regulator satisfying the constraint on the control input, where Find
and satisfying (24), (30) and (31).
The solution is obtained as
The real line in Fig. 4 shows the responses of and . The response of the control system satisfies the constrains and . V. FUZZY OBSERVERS We have proposed LMI-based designs for the fuzzy regulators in Section IV. The fuzzy regulator has the local linear
Fig. 4. Design examples 3 and 4.
state feedback laws in the consequent parts. However, in real control problems, we cannot always observe all the states of a system. In this section, we propose a fuzzy observer to estimate states of the T–S fuzzy model. Fuzzy observers are required to satisfy
where denotes the state vector estimated by a fuzzy observer. This condition guarantees that the steady error between and converges to zero. Fuzzy observers are designed via the PDC. CFS IF
Example 4: If the controlled object is represented as the fuzzy plant rules shown in Example 1, the observer rules can be described as follows:
The fuzzy observer has the linear state observer’s laws in its consequent parts. The overall fuzzy observer is represented as follows: CFS
is (36) (35) DFS
In the observer rules or
The difference will be observed in Cases A and B in Section VI. The former and the latter correspond to Cases A and B, respectively.
We use the same weight as the weight of th rule of the fuzzy models (3) and (4). The design of the fuzzy observers is to determine the local gains in the consequent parts. and will be discussed The steady error between in the next section.
Therefore, the augmented systems are represented as follows: CFS
VI. LMI-BASED DESIGNS FOR AUGMENTED SYSTEM We propose LMI-based designs for the augmented control system containing the fuzzy regulator and the fuzzy observer. From the above discussions, the augmented system containing the fuzzy regulator and the fuzzy observer is required to satisfy
when when Consider two cases with respect to the premise variables. do not depend on the state variables Case A: estimated by a fuzzy observer. depend on the state variables estiCase B: mated by a fuzzy observer. Stability analysis and design of the augmented system for Case A are simple. Conversely, stability analysis and design for Case B are complicated since the premise variables depend on the states variables estimated by a fuzzy observer. This observation will appear in the difference between (38) and (54).
In (39) and (40)
A. Case A We should use (38) instead of (11) in the use of the fuzzy observer in Case A
We derive Theorems 7 and 8 by applying Theorems 3 and 4 to the augmented system (39) and (40), respectively. Theorem 7—CFS: The equilibrium of the augmented system described by (39) is asymptotically stable in the large if there exists a common positive definite matrix such that (42)
From the fuzzy regulator (38) and the fuzzy observer (36) and (37), we obtain the following equations where : CFS
(43) for all
excepting the pairs such that . Proof: It follows directly from Theorem 3. Theorem 8—DFS: The equilibrium of the augmented system described by (40) is asymptotically stable in the large if there exists a common positive definite matrix such that (44) (45)
DFS for all
excepting the pairs such that . Proof: It follows directly from Theorem 4. Notice that Theorems 5 and 6 are more relaxed conditions than Theorems 3 and 4, respectively. Therefore, we can derive more relaxed conditions, i.e., Theorems 9 and 10, by applying Theorems 5 and 6 to (39) and (40), respectively.
Theorem 9—CFS: The equilibrium of the augmented system described by (39) is asymptotically stable in the large and a if there exists a common positive definite matrix common positive semidefinite matrix such that
, a common positive semidefinite matrix
maximize subject to
(46) (47) excepting the pairs such that and . Proof: It follows directly from Theorem 5. Theorem 10—DFS: The equilibrium of the augmented system described by (40) is asymptotically stable in the large and a if there exists a common positive definite matrix common positive semidefinite matrix such that
for all
(48) (49) excepting the pairs such that and . Proof: It follows directly from Theorem 6. We can define LMI’s for the decay rate in the augmented system design as follows: CFS The condition that for all trajectory is equivalent to for all
(51) . where DFS The condition that trajectory is equivalent to
for all
excepting the pairs and where
such that ,
. The above design problem is reduced to a stable controller , design problem if we solve the design procedure A with , and . A common a common , , , and can be found using a convex optimization technique if they exist. From the solutions, the feedback gains and and the observer gains are obtained as . The important thing is that the regulator gains and the observer gains can be separately designed. As shown in Section IV, more practical designs can be realized by adding LMI constraints on control input and output to the above LMI’s.
B. Case B are unknown Case B means that the premise variables since they depend on the state variables estimated by a instead of fuzzy observer. Therefore, we must use in the fuzzy controller (38). In other words, in Case B because of , in general. We should use (54) instead of (38) as a fuzzy regulator
for all
. where Using the same strategy as in [25], it is possible to transform the above conditions for CFS into LMI’s to directly find the feedback gains and the observer gains . Design procedure A Assume that the number of rules that fire for all is less than . The largest bound on the decay or equal to where rate that we can find using a quadratic Lyapunov function can be found by solving the GEVP in a common positive definite
We should use (55) [or (56)] instead of (36) [or (37)] as a fuzzy observer as well. CFS
Theorem 12—DFS: The equilibrium of the augmented system described by (58) is asymptotically stable in the large if there exists a common positive definite matrix such that
(56) Then the augmented systems are obtained as follows: CFS
(63) for all ,
excepting the pairs such that . Proof: It follows directly from Theorem 4. case, i.e., Remark 6.1: Consider the common . In this case
(57) DFS
The conditions of Theorems 11 and 12 imply those of Theorems 7 and 8, respectively. It might be, therefore, difficult satisfying the to find a common positive definite matrix conditions of Theorem 11 or 12, in general. Remark 6.2: We can no longer apply the relaxed conditions , in Theorems 5 and 6 to Case B because of in general. In this case, it is difficult to transform the above conditions and for CFS into LMI’s to directly find the feedback gains the observer gains . C. Design Example We will design a fuzzy regulator and a fuzzy observer for the following complicated nonlinear system:
In (57) and (58)
(59) A stability theorem for the augmented system (57) can be derived from Theorem 3. Theorem 11—CFS: The equilibrium of the augmented system described by (57) is asymptotically stable in the large if there exists a common positive definite matrix such that (60)
Assume that and are observable. In other words, and are estimated using a fuzzy observer. It is also assumed that
and are positive values. The nonlinear terms are and . Using the same procedure as in [28], the nonlinear terms can be represented as
(61) for all ,
, and
, and
excepting the pairs such that . Proof: It follows directly from Theorem 3. A stability theorem for the augmented system (58) can be derived from Theorem 4.
Fig. 5. Simulation result.
By solving the equations, they are obtained as follows: IF
where where
, , , and can be interpreted as membership functions of fuzzy sets. By using these fuzzy sets, the nonlinear system can be represented by the following T–S fuzzy model IF
Note that the T–S fuzzy model belongs to Case A and it exactly represents the nonlinear system under the condition
where and . Fig. 5 shows a simulation result, where the dotted lines denote the state variables estimated by the fuzzy observer. We and satisfying the LMI conditions in the design found procedure A using a convex optimization technique involving LMI’s. The designed fuzzy regulator stabilizes the control system and the fuzzy observer estimates the states of the nonlinear system without the steady state errors for the range
VII. CONCLUSIONS This paper has presented new relaxed stability conditions and LMI-based designs for both continuous and discrete fuzzy control systems. They have been applied to design problems of fuzzy regulators and fuzzy observers. First, Takagi and Sugeno’s fuzzy models and some stability results have been recalled. To design fuzzy regulators and fuzzy observers, nonlinear systems have been represented by T–S fuzzy models. The concept of parallel distributed compensation has been employed to design fuzzy regulators and fuzzy observers from the T–S fuzzy models. New stability conditions have been obtained by relaxing the stability conditions derived in previous papers. LMI-based design procedures for fuzzy regulators and fuzzy observers have been constructed using the parallel distributed compensation and the relaxed stability conditions. Other LMI’s with respect to decay rate and constraints on control input and output have been also derived and utilized in the design procedures. Design examples for nonlinear systems have demonstrated the utility of the relaxed stability conditions and the LMI-based design procedures. REFERENCES [1] K. Tanaka and M. Sugeno, “Stability analysis of fuzzy systems using Lyapunov’s direct method,” in Proc. NAFIPS, Totonto, Canada, 1990, pp. 133–136.
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Kazuo Tanaka (S’87–M’91) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1985 and 1987, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree, in systems science from Tokyo Institute of Technology, in 1990. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Control Engineering, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan. He was a Visiting Scientist in Computer Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1992 and 1993. He is the author of two books and a coauthor of seven books. His research interests include principle, analysis, and design of intelligent control systems such as fuzzy control, neurocontrol, evolutionary control, and so on. Dr. Tanaka received the Best Young Researchers Award from the Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems in 1990, the Theoretical Papers Award at the 1990 Annual NAFIPS Meeting in Toronto, Canada, in 1990, the Outstanding Papers Award at the Joint Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Fuzzy Systems and Applications in Budapest, Hungary, in 1991, the Best Young Researchers Award from the Japan Society for Mechanical Engineers in 1994, and the Best Book Awards from the Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Systems in 1995. He is a member of IEEE Control Systems Society Technical Committee on Intelligent Control.
Takayuki Ikeda received the B.S. and the M.S. degrees in mechanical systems engineering from Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan, in 1995. He is currently a Graduate Student in the Control Systems Engineering Department at Tokyo Institute of Technology. His research interests include analysis and design of intelligent control systems.
Hua O. Wang (M’94) received the B.S. degree from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, China, in 1987, the M.S. degree from the University of Kentucky, Lexington, in 1989, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Maryland, College Park, in 1993, all in electrical engineering. From 1993 to 1996, he was an Associate Research Engineer at the United Technologies Research Center (UTRC), East Hartford, CT, where he had conducted research on modeling and control of compressor stall phenomena on the stability analysis and design of fuzzy control systems and on the dynamics and control of high-rise/high-speed elevator systems. Since September 1996 he has been with Duke University, Durham, NC, where he is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. From March to June 1995, he visited the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan as an NSF-STA Fellow of the Science and Technology Agency of Japan. His research interests include nonlinear dynamics and control, intelligent control, electric power system dynamics and control, gas turbine jet engine dynamics and control, and biomedical control applications. Dr. Wang is a recipient of the 1994 O. Hugo Schuck Best Award of the American Automatic Control Council, the 1993 American Control Conference Best Presentation of the Session Award, the Publication Awards of UTRC, the High Impact Performer recognition of UTRC, and the First Class People’s Fellowship Award of USTC.