Design of (7, 4) Hamming Encoder and Decoder Using VHDL Usman Sammani Sani1*, Ibrahim Haruna Shanono2 1,2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Bayero University, Kano, P.M.B. 3011, Nigeria Corresponding Author’s Email:
[email protected], Phone Number: 08025791503 ABSTRACT Hamming code is one of the commonest codes used in the protection of information from error. It takes a block of k input bits and produce n bits of codeword. This work presents a way of designing (7, 4) Hamming encoder and decoder using Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL). The encoder takes 4 bits input data and produces a 7 bit codeword. The encoder was designed through the usual generator matrix multiplication while in the decoder design the computation of the syndrome vector was ignored. Meanwhile, the different states that can represent a particular input were calculated and the decoder was designed to identify each codeword representing a particular input. Results have shown that the method is also reliable. Keywords: Hamming, VHDL, Encoder, Decoder, Syndrome vector.
single bit error (Peter, 2002) and are mostly used in Random Access Memory for error correction purpose (Mistri et al, 2014).
1. INTRODUCTION Hamming codes are used in error detection and correction in digital communication circuitries. Hamming codes belong to the class of block codes which are codes that work on a block of bits rather than individual bits of data. A block code designated by (n, k) means k bits of input data is used in producing a codeword, C with n bits of data (Edward and David, 1994), (Richard, 2003). The n – k bits added are called parity check bits. Thus a (7, 4) Hamming encoder produces 7 bits from 4 bits and the codeword has 4 parity check bits. Hamming codes are usually generated by multiplying the input block, x by a generator matrix, G (John, 2007). Digital communications involves 0s’ and 1s’. Both the generator matrix and the input matrix are in form of 0s’ and 1s’. The addition involved during the multiplication of the two matrices is modulo – two addition (Edward and David, 1994). For example a (7, 4) Hamming code has the generator matrix
(3) For a codeword C, Z = Hr (4) In this work, a (7, 4) Hamming encoder and decoder is designed using Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL). VHDL is a programming language that became popular in the 1990s’. It is similar to other high level programming languages such as C but in its own case it doesn’t have a compiler but has a synthesizer. The synthesizer translates the written source code into an equivalent hardware described by the source code. The process of this translation is called synthesis (Enoch, 2006). 2. METHODOLOGY The G and H matrices above were used in the process. The encoder and decoder design will be discussed separately. 2.1 Encoder Design The encoder has a generator matrix in which it produces the codewords. The codeword is a vector with seven bits. Each bit is obtained by multiplying the input matrix by a column in G as shown below: C(1) = x(1) C(2) = x(2) C(3) = x(3) C(4) = x(4) C(5) = x(1) XOR x(2) XOR x(4)
(1) For an input x, C = Gx (2) Hamming codes are decoded by multiplying the codeword received, r by a parity check matrix, H to see whether there is an error or not. The resulting matrix is called a syndrome vector, Z. If Z is zero, it means there is no error while if Z is not zero, then the position of the bit that is in error is indicated by Z. Hamming codes can only correct a
C(6) = x(1) XOR x(3) XOR x(4) C(7) = x(2) XOR x(3) XOR x(4)
11 12 13 14 15 16
C(n) stands for the nth bit in the codeword and x(n) stands for the nth bit of the input bits. The VHDL code was then developed and synthesized using XILINX ISE 10.1 software.
Table 1. Codewords for 4 input data. S/N X C 1 0000 0000000 2 0001 0001111 3 0010 0010011 4 0011 0011100 5 0100 0100101 6 0101 0101010 7 0110 0110110 8 0111 0111001 9 1000 1000110 10 1001 1001001
x 0000
1010101 1011010 1100011 1101100 1110000 1111111
Hamming codes can correct a single error. So in this work, bits of a codeword representing a particular input were altered one by one and each new codeword represents that same input. Therefore in this case the need of computing the syndrome vector and later on correcting the bit in error has been abandoned, unlike in (Saleh, 2015), where the syndrome vector was computed. This method also differs from that of (Hosamani and Karne, 2014), in which the parity bits were inserted directly without the use of a defined generator matrix at the encoder and then the received parity bits were also computed at the decoder. Thus in our own case, each of the 16 input combinations has 8 different codewords representing it. The whole seven bits possible combinations of codewords has thus been assigned the correct input representing it (i.e. 27 = (16 x 8) = 128). The table below shows the different combinations of codewords and there corresponding inputs.
2.2 Decoder Design For restoring the original message, the codewords corresponding to the 16 possible combinations of input were calculated using some Matlab codes. The results of the 16 combinations of 4 bit input data resulted in the table below:
S/N 1.
1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111
Table 2. Codewords extension of 4 bits input. 1011100 0111100 0001100 0010100 0011000 0011110 0011101 5. 0100 0100101 1100101 0000101 0110101 0101101 0100001 0100111 0100100 6. 0101 0101010 1101010 0001010 0111010 0100010 0101110 0101000 0101011 7. 0110 0110110 1110110 0010110
C 0000000 1000000 0100000 0010000 0001000 0000100 0000010 0000001 0001111 1001111 0101111 0011111 0000111 0001011 0001101 0001110 0010011 1010011 0110011 0000011 0011011 0010111 0010001 0010010 0011100
0100110 0111110 0110010 0110100 0110111 8.
0111001 1111001 0011001 0101001 0110001 0111101 0111011 0111000 1000110 0000110 1100110 1010110 1001110 1000010 1000100 1000111 1001001 0001001 1101001 1011001 1000001 1001101 1001011 1001000 1010101 0010101 1110101 1000101 1011101 1010001 1010111 1010100 1011010
Codes were also written in VHDL to describe the decoder. RESULTS 3.
Figure 1. Register transfer level of the encoder.
0011010 1111010 1001010 1010010 1011110 1011000 1011011 1100011 0100011 1000011 1110011 1101011 1100111 1100001 1100010 1101100 0101100 1001100 1111100 1100100 1101000 1101110 1101101 1110000 0110000 1010000 1100000 1111000 1110100 1110010 1110001 1111111 0111111 1011111 1101111 1110111 1111011 1111101 1111110
Figure 2. Component view of the encoder
Figure 3. Register transfer level of the decoder
Figure 4. Component view of the Decoder Hosamani R., Karne A.S., design and Implementation of Hamming Code on FPGA Using Verilog, International journal of Engineering and Advanced technology, Vol.4, Issue 2, 2014, pp 181-184.
5. CONCLUSION The paper has presented a way of designing (7, 4) Hamming encoder and decoder using VHDL. The encoder was designed the normal way while some modifications were made in the decoder design that avoided the computation of a syndrome vector. Results have shown how VHDL simplifies the design of digital hardware and how the design procedure is effective. The same process can be used in the design of any Hamming encoder and decoder. The designed circuits can be used in places they would be applicable or even be left as trainers for students to understand the concept of Hamming encoding and decoding. Thus several digital logic circuits meant for experiment could be designed so that they can be used on a single target device such as a Field Programmable Gate Array. This reduces the cost of setting up a laboratory.
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