Global access to information and technology changes the relationship between people ... Learning with Video in Hypermedia, Tech. ... Orlando, Florida, USA.
INTERACTIVE VIDEO HYPERSPACES IN LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS Teresa Chambel University of Lisbon DI-FCUL, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal
Nuno Guimarães University of Lisbon DI-FCUL, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal
ABSTRACT In this presentation, we demonstrate different mechanisms for the contextualized integration and navigation of video in Web based hypermedia spaces for learning environments. KEYWORDS Interactive video, hypervideo, integration in context, navigation, cognitive processes, e -learning.
1. INTRODUCTION Global access to information and technology changes the relationship between people and knowledge. Significant technological advances and the new tendencies for media convergence and integration are transforming video into a dominant medium, suggesting new ways to support learning activities. Visual presentations have always been an essential aid in learning environments. Video has been used to provide students with authentic learning experiences, something constructivists have strongly argued for, showing students that learning can be exciting and intellectually rewarding. Furthermore, videos can be complemented with other materials, like text and images. However, effective reflection, and thus learning, requires more flexible mechanisms to manipulate the multiple affordances of the media at hand.
2. APPROACH AND DEMO Interactive video hyperspaces are based on hypervideo technology, providing the mechanisms to structure, navigate and interact with rich multimedia information spaces. It improves the understanding of the message conveyed by different media, due to the contextualized explanations and illustrations made possible by the integration of different materials. Important relations with the video information can be captured. It is easier to search for information and to capture the videos’ messages, through the different indexes and maps available. Hypervideo structures provide the open and flexible integration of the multiple media, adaptable to learning styles and learning situations. In this presentation, we demonstrate different mechanisms for the contextualized integration and navigation of video in Web based hypermedia spaces for learning environments.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work is partially supported by FCT (Fundação de Ciência e Tecnologia) in the scope of the SAVE project. We wish to thank Prof. Nuno Correia for his collaboration in previous and related work. A word of recognition is also due to the authors of our reference example videos that provided a rich and inspiring ground for this work, namely Professors Tom Apostol, Konrad Poltier and José Bidarra.
REFERENCES Apostol, T. M., 1989. Project MATHEMATICS!- The Story of Pi: Program Guide and Workbook, Cal Tech, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA. Apostol, T. M., 2002. Computer Animated Mathematics Videotapes. Multimedia Tools for Communicating Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Hidelberg, ISBN: 3-540-42450-4 Arnez, A., Polthier, K., Steffens, M., Teitzel, C., Touching Soap Films, video/Touching/index.html Chambel,T., Bidarra de Almeida, J., and Guimarães, N., 1998. Multimedia Artifacts That Help Us Learn: Perspectives of the UNIBASE Project on Distance Learning. Workshop on Multimedia and Educational Practice, ACM Multimedia, Bristol, UK. Chambel, T. and Guimarães, N., 2001. Learning with Video in Hypermedia, Tech. Report DI/FCUL, TR-01-16, Univ. of Lisbon, December 2001, 01-16.pdf. English v ersion of: Chambel, T. and Guimarães, N., 2000. Aprender com Vídeo em Hipermédia. in Proceedings of CoopMedia, Workshop de Sistemas Multimédia Cooperativos e Distribuídos, Coimbra, Portugal. Chambel, T., Correia, N., and Guimarães, N., 2001. Hypervideo on the Web: Models and Techniques for Video Integration. International Journal of Computers & Applications, Acta Press, Vol. 23, #2. Chambel, T. and Guimarães, N., 2002. Communicating and Learning Mathematics with Hypervideo. In Multimedia Tools for Communicating Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Hidelberg. ISBN: 3-540-42450-4 Chambel,T. and Guimarães, N., 2002. Context Perception in Video-Based Hypermedia Spaces. Proceedings of ACM Hypertext. College Park, Maryland, USA. Correia,N. and Chambel,T., 1999. Active Video Watching Using Annotation. Proceedings of ACM Multimedia'99. Orlando, Florida, USA. Guimarães,N., Chambel,T., Bidarra,J., 2000. From Cognitive Maps to Hypervideo: Supporting Flexible and Rich Learner-Centred Environments. IMEJ Journal, 2(2).