investigation on fatigue behavior and fatigue crack growth of spring ...

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Nov 15, 2013 - Fatigue life time data was obtained and Wöhler curve of the investigated steel at different conditions is plot- ted. A mathematical description of ...
Lyubov Nikolova, Rozina Yordanova, Donka49, Angelova Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 1, 2014, 23-28

INVESTIGATION ON FATIGUE BEHAVIOR AND FATIGUE CRACK GROWTH OF SPRING STEEL. PART I. WÖHLER CURVE AND FRACTURE SURFACES Lyubov Nikolova, Rozina Yordanova, Donka Angelova Department of Physical Metallurgy and Thermal Equipment University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy 8 Kl. Ohridski, 1756 Sofia, Bulgaria E-mail: [email protected]

Received 30 July 2013 Accepted 15 November 2013

ABSTRACT Fatigue behavior of spring steel at different stress ranges was investigated. The specimens were machined in hour-glass shape with polished surface and were subjected to symmetric cyclic rotating-bending fatigue in air and room temperature to fracture. Fatigue life time data was obtained and Wöhler curve of the investigated steel at different conditions is plotted. A mathematical description of the obtained results is presented. The fatigue test results are filled out with images and analysis of the fracture surface made with scanning electron microscope. A replication technique is used for short fatiguecrack growth monitoring for two specimens. The experimental data are presented in plots “Crack lengths, a – cycles, N”. Keywords: rotating-bending fatigue, Wöhler curve, fractography, crack growth; crack path.

INTRODUCTION The materials applied for springs are extended to metallic and nonmetallic types, in addition, among the metals there are many types, such as spring steel, stainless steel, nickel alloy, etc. Their required properties vary accordingly. However, whatever the applications, it is certain that a high stress during cyclic loading and prolonged reliability should be required. The fatigue strength is affected by many factors, such as material, shape of final components, stress and atmosphere. Generally fatigue failure occurs by propagation of subcritical cracks ranged from several microns to a few thousand microns [1]. EXPERIMENTAL Material and specimens. For this study spring steel was used. The chemical composition of the steel contains 0,819 % mass Carbon i.e hypereutectoid steel. The specimens were machined in hour-glass shape as shown on Fig. 1. Testing and equipment. 12 hourglass shaped

specimens were subjected to symmetric cyclic rotatingbending fatigue (RBF) to fracture at different stress ranges (Δσ=800, 1000, 1200, 1400 and 1500 MPa) and at the following testing conditions: R=-1, f=11 Hz, air environment and room temperature. Tests were performed on a table model Fatigue Rotating Bending Machine, FATROBEM-2004, designed and assembled in “Fracture and Fatigue” Laboratory in UCTM – Sofia (Fig. 2). Scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used for microstructure and fatigue fracture surface observations. Crack Growth Monitoring Method. A replication technique was used for short fatigue-crack growth monitoring. This method consists of making a replica (stamp) of the specimen’s surface and subsequent monitoring of crack length and its propagation. Replicas are taken into two mutually opposite surfaces of the specimen, which ensures full coverage of the cylindrical surface of the working area of the specimen. At the beginning the making of replicas and their examination is in a certain number of cycles until the discovering of the crack, after that the interval is reduced significantly, which will ensure better monitoring of growth crack. To obtain a


Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 49, 1, 2014

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION All 12 specimens were tested under RotatingBending Fatigue to fracture. The Wöhler curve was obtained by the well-known standard procedure and presented in Fig. 3. Data used for plotting the Wöhler curve is presented in Table 1. Mathematical description of the experimental data was done and according to it, the analytical form of the curve was found as shown on Fig. 3 and equation (1). Fig. 1. Geometry of the specimens.

Fig. 2. Presentation of fatigue machine – electric engine 1, driving belt 2, ball-bearing unit 3, testing box 4, specimen 5, device for loading 6, counter 7, device for circulation and aeration of corrosion agent 8.

replica it is used synthetic acetate film type “Agar scientific” 0.35 mm thick. After the experiment all replicas with cracks are subjected to closer monitoring and then it is measured the crack lengths at the corresponding number of cycles. Measurement of cracks is done using a microscope by a scale located in the eyepiece [2, 3].

Δσ= 6171,8 Nf-0,1465

The coefficients in equation (1) were calculated using the experimental data and applying the method of least squares. On Fig. 3 are also shown fractographic images of some of the tested specimens showing specific areas from the fractured surfaces as crack initiation zone, crack propagation zone and zone of final fracture. Specimens tested at stress range Δσ=1500 MPa (specimens 10 and 12) show several crack initiation zones which corresponds to the shorter lifetime of these specimens [4, 5]. Table 2 presents the number of cycles to failure and the stress ranges of the tested specimens for better understanding of Fig. 3. In Fig. 4 some crack paths on one of the fractured surfaces of specimen 7 are presented. By performing closer observation and analysis of the shown fractured surface a few crack initiation zones were found and 3 of them are chosen and indicated by black dash-line ovals; the magnified images of the indicated 3 zones are shown separately in the black boxes in the same figure. It can be observed that in the earlier stage of the fatigue process the three cracks originated from different spots and propagated independently from each other. In the further stages of fatigue development the cracks interacted and

Table 1. Data “number of cycles to failure, Nf - stress range, Δσ”.

Specimen Δσ, MPa Nf, cycles Specimen Δσ, MPa Nf, cycles 1 800 816420 7 1200 37862 2 1000 325710 8 1400 84580 3 1000 170390 9 1400 17435 4 1000 134002 10 1500 22220 5 1200 106700 11 1500 20680 6 1200 78210 12 1500 11330 24


Lyubov Nikolova, Rozina Yordanova, Donka Angelova

Fig. 3. Wöhler curve and fracture surfaces corresponding to the experimental stress range points.


Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 49, 1, 2014

Fig. 4. Fractographic analyses of specimen 7.

this interaction caused exhaustion of local plasticity and crack merging. This process gradually involved other cracks and finally a main crack was formed leading to the final fracture of the specimen. That interaction of

the cracks on the fractured surface can be also indirectly conformed by the results from replica monitoring of the specimen surface fatigue crack appearance and growth. In this work the replicas from 2 experiments (speci-

Table 2. Number of cycles and stress ranges of specimens shown on Fig. 3.




Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 Image 7 Image 8 Image 9 Image 10 Image 11 Image 12 Image 13 Image 14

12 12 10 10 8 8 5 6 7 2 3 3 4 4

Δσ, MPa 1500 1500 1500 1500 1400 1400 1200 1200 1200 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

Nf, cycles 11 330 11 330 22 220 22 220 84 580 84 580 106 700 78 210 37 682 325 710 170 390 170 390 134 002 134 002

Fractographic characterization Crack initiation zone Crack initiation zone/Crack propagation zone Zone of final failure Crack initiation zone/Crack propagation zone Zone of final failure Microcracks – zone of final failure Fracture surface MnS inclusion at crack initiation zone Crack initiation zone Microcracks – zone of final failure Crack initiation zone Crack initiation zone Crack propagation zone/Zone of final failure Crack initiation zone

Lyubov Nikolova, Rozina Yordanova, Donka Angelova

Table 3. Main’s crack length for specimen 7. 10000

Crack length a, [μm]

Specimen 7 a, [μm] N, [cycles] а, [μm] N, [cycles] a, [μm] N, [cycles 30 20790 340 27390 1380 33000 45 21120 370 27500 1400 33220 70 21340 385 28270 1425 33550 90 22000 415 28490 1505 33770 110 22440 770 29150 1535 34320 120 22770 810 30140 1710 35420 160 24090 820 30250 2010 35750 185 24750 870 30470 2290 35970 210 25190 930 31020 2600 36300 220 25850 940 31350 2660 36520 235 26400 945 31900 3785 36850 250 26620 995 32340 4045 37070 260 26840 1355 32890 4395 37400

main crack all cracks

Δσ=1200 MPa



10 1000



Number of cycles N, [cycles]

Fig. 5. Plots “Crack length, a – Numbers of cycles, N” for specimen 7. main crack all cracks

Δσ=1400 MPa

Specimen 9 a, [μm] N, [cycles] а, [μm] N, [cycles] a, [μm] N, [cycles] a, [μm] N, [cycles] 30 4840 270 8690 640 13200 1620 15730 35 4950 300 8800 660 13420 1860 15840 40 5170 310 9020 680 13640 1900 15950 45 5390 320 9570 690 13750 1925 16060 50 5500 330 10120 735 13970 1950 16170 60 5720 340 10230 810 14080 1995 16280 80 5940 350 10450 895 14190 2055 16390 90 6050 360 10890 960 14300 2075 16500 120 6270 370 11000 1050 14520 2270 16610 160 6490 400 11440 1175 14630 2290 16720 170 6600 420 11550 1185 14740 2515 16830 190 6820 470 11990 1225 14850 2535 16940 200 7040 480 12320 1460 15070 2705 17050 220 7150 490 12430 1490 15180 5500 17160 230 7370 510 12540 1510 15290 5710 17270 240 7590 520 12650 1545 15400 5835 17380 250 8250 580 12980 1585 15510 260 8470 630 13090 1610 15620

mens 7 and 9) were monitored using a metallographic microscope at magnification 250x and the cracks lengths were measured. Data obtained from monitoring the replicas and the measured cracks length (Tables 3 and 4) are plotted as “Crack length, a -Numbers of cycles, N” and shown in Figs. 5 and 6 for specimens 7 and 9, respectively. In both cases the main crack initiates first. Fig. 7 presents the comparison between the crack growth in the two specimens. It is seen that the main crack of the specimen tested at higher stress range initiates in an earlier stage in comparison with the initiation stages of the all the other cracks; the main crack and all the other cracks on the surface of the other specimen show smaller difference at the number of cycles to initiation and a kind of competition between the cracks for turning into the main specimen crack.



10 1000



Number of cycles N, [cycles]

Fig. 6. Plots “Crack length, a – Numbers of cycles, N” for specimen 9. Δσ=1400 MPa Δσ=1200 MPa

main crack

all cracks

main crack

all cracks


Crack length a, [μm]

Table 4. Main’s crack length for specimen 9.

Crack length a, [μm]




10 1000



Number of cycles N, [cycles]

Fig. 7. Comparison of plots “Crack length, a – Numbers of cycles, N” for specimens 7 and 9 tested under RBF.

CONCLUSIONS Fatigue behavior of spring steel was investigated under symmetric cyclic rotating-bending fatigue at room temperature and in-air conditions. The Wöhler curve of the steel was obtained by conducting 12 experiments using the well-known standard


Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 49, 1, 2014

procedure. The curve is illustrated by the fractographic images of some of the tested specimens, which show specific areas from the fractured surfaces. Specimens tested at higher stress range show several crack initiation zones (specimens 7, 10 and 12) which corresponds to the smaller crack propagation zones and the shorter lifetime of these specimens. Mathematical processing of the experimental data was done and accordingly the analytical form of the curve was found. By performing deeper analyses on the fracture surface of specimen 7 a few crack initiation zones were found. It is observed that in the earlier stage of the fatigue process the three cracks originated from different spots and propagated independently from each other. In the further stages of fatigue development the cracks interacted and this interaction caused exhaustion of local plasticity and crack merging. This process gradually involved other cracks and finally a main crack was formed leading to the final fracture of the specimen. That interaction of the cracks on the fractured surface was also indirectly conformed by the results from replica monitoring of the specimen surface fatigue crack appearance and growth. Replication technique was used for crack growth monitoring. Data obtained from measuring cracks lengths on replicas for two specimens are presented together with the corresponding numbers of cycles in plots “Crack length, a -Numbers of cycles, N”. In both cases the main crack initiates first. From the graphic illustrating the comparison between both those testes it can be concluded that the main surface crack in the specimen


tested at higher stress range initiates in an earlier stage than the other cracks and is well separated from them. At the same time the main crack in the other specimen propagates at condition of interaction with all the other cracks at no big difference between their initiation stages. Acknowledgements This study was supported by University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (UCTM), Sofia, Bulgaria, and the Scientific Research Center at UCTM. REFERENCES

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