Kassel & Cole Together Again - Temple Beth Tikvah

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Feb 2, 2014 ... Cantor Kassel and Judy Cole once again entertain us with their sounds ... are often forgotten, but we will be enriched by doing so. Rabbi Fred ...
February 2014 • Volume 28 • Issue 2

A Reform Congregation Embracing Our Jewish Tradition

It’s a Marvelous Night for a Moondance… And other favorites from the past

Kassel & Cole Together Again You are invited to join us at Temple Beth Tikvah as Cantor Kassel and Judy Cole once again entertain us with their sounds of music! You can even sing along! Come hear tunes from the 60’s, 70’s & more February 22, 2014 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM Admission – Adults $9 p/p

16 and under – $5 p/p

Wine, beer and snacks included

Mishloach Manot Greetings

For March Happenings Mishloach Manot Deadline March 2 Habitat Build March 2 PJ’s & Pizza March 8 Megillah Reading and Purim Shpiel March 15th Purim Carnival March 16th

RSVP by February 17 @ www.bethtikvah.com Sign up for events

Wish someone a Happy Purim with our

Save the Dates

Fridays With Friends March 28 Beth Schafer in Concert March 29

EveryOne Matters Every Donation Matters Add your name to the growing list of names who have contributed to what matters at TBT! See page 5 inside

News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

A Jewish Community for All People to Share their Gifts In Celebration of National Jewish Disability Month I had a wonderful meeting with a man named Mark Crenshaw last month. Mark is the former director of the Interfaith Disability Network. Mark told me a story of how he was leaving a church that he was visiting with his wife and how impressed he was that the pastor was at the door wishing everybody a good day. To each and every person, the pastor asked, “What is your name and what do you do?” Mark saw this interaction as touching and thoughtful. When the pastor got to his wife, he asked her, “What is your name and what you do?” His wife of course answered. When Mark approached for his turn to greet the pastor, Mark, a man who lives with disability, who has led a nonprofit organization, who has a Masters of Divinity degree from Emory’s Candler School of Theology, and who is the Director of Interdisciplinary Training at the Center for Leadership in Disability at Georgia State University… To Mark, the pastor commented, “it’s a nice day out, isn’t it?” Mark told me the story because he was trying to illustrate how inclusion is not just about offering a special program for people who feel excluded, such as those who live with disabilities. Inclusion is about providing a safe and welcoming space for all – for people with all kinds of abilities. Sometimes we need to provide opportunities for people with disabilities to connect without worry or concern for being looked at funny or being shushed. For the very first time, Temple Beth Tikvah is going to offer a sensory friendly Shabbat service on Friday night, February 21 at 6:30 PM. I am thrilled to be presenting this in collaboration with the Disability Committee of the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta. This is going to be a great learning experience for our congregation. I hope our friends will come, not because “they need it,” but because we will all be able to learn a little bit more about the spiritual and communal needs of people with disabilities and those who love them. If we really mean that we are a warm and welcoming congregation, then we have to learn how to open our tents wide enough so that all who choose to can enter and feel at home. Being an accessible congregation means that we have to move “beyond the ramp” and encourage people with disabilities that they are welcome. We can tell our friends, family and neighbors that this service will be open to all and I hope all who are committed to inclusion will come and pray and share together. I am just as excited for us to host a short film and discussion. This 30 minute film is called, “The Collector of Bedford Street.” It is about a developmentally disabled man who is, frankly, just extraordinary. We witness the goodness he brings out in others as he helps raise money for different causes – despite the fact that he is poor and vulnerable himself. Our discussion will address themes like the gifts we can share with one another, how a community takes care of its neighbors, how one person can make a difference, and how every single person has a gift to offer another. Please look at the information in this newsletter about this program on Thursday, February 13 at 7:30 PM; please RSVP at [email protected]. These two endeavors are part of the efforts of a new working group at Temple Beth Tikvah. This Inclusion Task Force is assessing the needs of our community to be more inclusive of people with disabilities and different abilities. We look forward to put together our thoughts and plans to present to our Board of Trustees in the near future. If you have an interest in getting involved in such a group, please write directly to me. I do believe, without exception, that every single human being is created in God’s image. If that is truly the case, then we need to open our hearts and our eyes to the needs of so many who feel like they are on the periphery or just left out of the Jewish community. I think that if we open our tents wide, not only will we provide spiritual nourishment to people who are often forgotten, but we will be enriched by doing so. Rabbi Fred Greene Regarding our Sensory Friendly Shabbat Service: there will be a social story to prepare a child for entering into the sanctuary; there will be a safe room for anyone who needs to walk around and stretch or draw in our Oneg Room; there will be a section of the sanctuary where the lights will be lowered; there will be no “shushing”; there will be a sign language interpreter. For more information, contact Jaime Katzman Russo, Community Disabilities Coordinator, Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta, 404.575.3762, [email protected]. 2

News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Notes from Cantor Kassel What’s a MINYAN?

Whether it is a large-scale celebratory service (Bar Mitzvah, wedding, holiday) or a simpler weekday, Shabbat or Festival service – your presence matters, both for you and the community of which you are a part, whether among close friends or people you’ve not yet had the chance to get to know.

The word minyan comes from the Hebrew root maneh which means to count or to number. In Judaism minyan refers to the quorom of adults required for certain religious obligations. Traditionally the minyan is made up of ten ‘male’ Jewish adults above the age of Bar STEP UP AND BE COUNTED IN THE ……… MINYAN! Mitzvah, but in egalitarian circles, adult women are included.


The most common activity requiring a minyan is that of public prayer and often, in contemporary Judaism, the word is used to refer to the prayer service itself.

Friday night, February 21 at 6:30 PM

The source for the requirement of minyan is recorded in the Talmud but rooted in several verses of Torah, among which are: Leviticus 23:32 “And I (God) shall be sanctified in the midst of the children of Israel.” Numbers 16:21 “Separate yourselves from the midst of the congregation.”

Parents can attend services in the sanctuary while their children are in: BABYSITTING (children ages 2 - 4) or "CREATIVE JEWISH PROGRAMMING" (children ages Pre-K thru 2nd grade)

For children age 2 through 2nd grade and their Parents!!


In the verse from Leviticus, the “Children of Israel” are understood to be the ten sons of Jacob who descended to Egypt to obtain food during the famine. From this, it is interpreted that in order to sanctify God’s name…..there is a requirement to be in the midst of a congregation (10 adults).

For many years, we have seen Dr. Rick Winer come forward during services to hand out little cards inviting people to have an honor during Shabbat morning services. Other times, he has been chanting Torah or Haftarah. Often he helps with our “choreography” during the Torah Service on Shabbat mornings or Holy Days. Rick has led services when the Rabbi or Cantor couldn’t be available and has even helped out to lead minyanim for families sitting shiva.

In our worship services, the recitation of the following prayers require the presence of a minyan: Kaddish, Bar’chu, Kedusha, repetition of the Amidah. Also included are: The Priestly Benediction; reading from the Torah and Prophets and the associated benedictions, the seven Wedding Blessings, and the blessing after meals. The 13 Attributes of Mercy and Birkat HaGomel.

Please join us to say thank you to Rick Winer, who plays this role of Gabbai with great sensitivity and devotion Shabbat morning, February 15 at 10:00 am

Our sages believed that wherever ten Israelites are assembled, either for worship or for the study of the Law, the “Divine Presence” dwells among them.

Kiddush Luncheon to follow

If you would like to join us for lunch, please RSVP at bethtikvah.com

There is more to the study of minyanim, but what I hope you’ll take away from this brief introduction is……. your presence matters and is not to be underestimated.

Thank you, Rick, for sharing your gifts with this sacred community


News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Another Jewish First – the 2013 URJ Biennial Two months ago I wrote about my first camp experience. This month I want to write about my first URJ Biennial. In terms that that my younger friends will understand, “OMG!!” What an amazing and inspirational five days spent in sunny San Diego! I did not know what to expect but it was simply the best Jewish experience I have ever had (sorry Rabbi). The Biennial brings together fellow Reform Jews from all over the country and Canada. The most inspirational part of the experience was when all 5000 plus attendees were in one enormous hall for Shabbat services, services that were imbued with unbelievable music and ruach (spirit). After services Friday night, all 5000 of us enjoyed Shabbat dinner in the largest single room I have ever seen. The URJ brought in phenomenal music talent – the beauty of 5000 voices singing in unison is a wonder I will keep with me always.

we recently hosted at TBT. In honor of NFTY’s 75th year, the URJ is expanding in the area of youth engagement and is spending more resources on our youth in the coming year. NFTY youth programs will be expanded to include 6th and 7th graders and programming will be done year round. If you are between the ages of 15 and 100, I recommend that you put the next Biennial on your calendar. Among 5000 “friends,” Biennial is an invigorating experience. It will be held in Orlando, Florida, in November, 2015. There are options to go for the full 5 days or only for Shabbat. We would love to have you join us for this truly inspiring program!


Ron Swichkow

The learning sessions during the days were filled with great information and ideas, which Leslie and I have brought back to TBT. I attended several sessions with 190 other synagogue presidents for both idea exchange and to hear some of the top Jewish authors and teachers. URJ President Rick Jacobs addressed us, encouraging us to practice “audacious hospitality,” to welcome members and potential members into our home. Interestingly, this was the topic of my last Kol Tikvah article. He stressed the importance of this hospitality to make those who are “spiritually homeless” find comfort in knowing that the doors of Temple Beth Tikvah are open to them and to their families, and to practice inclusiveness in all areas. This term, “audacious hospitality,” was even mentioned by our closing speaker, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in his talk about Israel and Middle East issues and the collaborative effort with us, as Reform Jews, to make positive changes. Friends, I am frequently asked about what value the URJ brings to Beth Tikvah for the dues we pay. This Biennial is one small part of what the URJ does. Many of our young members participate in URJ camps, such as Camp Coleman, and a new one opening this summer, URJ 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy, in Massachusetts. Belonging to the URJ enables us to participate in NFTY programs as you have witnessed with the NFTY Kallah

PJ’S and Pizza-Parents Night Out March 8, 2014 ages 2 through 12 RSVP at www.bethtikvah.com “sign up for events”


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Campaign TBT: EveryONE Matters Update We are five months into our annual campaign and are making great progress towards our goals. Our financial goal for this year’s campaign is to raise $100,000. I am pleased to announce that with the help of our generous donors, including a few large contributions, we have exceeded that goal. Exceeding our financial goal will not only help balance our budget and support the exciting programming offered at TBT, it will enable us to accelerate improvements to our facility. Participation In addition to our goal of raising $100,000, we have a goal of 100% participation. Unfortunately we are still a long way from meeting that goal. Remember that there is no minimum pledge amount. A donation of as little as $18 from each family that has not participated would have a significant impact on Temple Beth Tikvah. Please consider joining your fellow congregants and participating in this year’s campaign. You can make your pledge by: - Calling the TBT office (770-642-0434), or - Visiting www.bethtikvah.com and selecting "Annual Campaign - EveryONE Matters" on our donation page (www.bethtikvah.com/make-donation). Thank You The fundraising committee would like to thank the families that have participated in this year’s campaign (as of 1/1/2014):

Barry and Shari Alhadeff Steven and Teri Astren Steven and Sheila Barid Dale and Wendy Bearman Jonathan and Barbara Berger Harris and Suellen Bergman Andy Berke Arnold and Ellen Bernstein Michael and Jeannine Bernstein Peter Birnbaum Arthur Blank Todd and Jennifer Boehm Ruben and Margot Braiter Michael and Heather Braun Nancy Broudy Adam and Adrienne Bruckman Jamie Burak Paul J. and Cherie Cervasio David and Roberta Coad Michael and Wanda Cohen Steven and Arlene Cohn Michael and Marlene Cohn Seymour and Renee Davis Audrey Eisen Daniel Ellison Mr. Alan Epstein Elliot and Donna Feller Steven and Amy Fine Andy and Marci Fried Matthew and Vanteria Geller Ed and Cindy Getty Arthur Gittelman and Marcia Pearl Cary Goldenthal and Lori Shapiro Marshall and Roberta Goldman Robert and Cindy Goldstein Harlan and Ivie Graiser Rabbi Fred and Deborah Greene Burton and Sara Grossman Michael and Anna Gutkin Andrew and Karen Gutman Scott and Nancy Harris Drs. Larry and Stacey Heit

Sam and Alice Herndon David and Ellen Herold Michael and Kim Hirsch David and Beth Janes Peter and Sharon Jedel Morris and Anna Kagan Doug and Donna Kallman Cantor Nancy Kassel Sharon Khoury Ellen Frank and Peter Klokow Stanley and Bobbie Kopkin Glen and Veronica Krapf Steven and Helen Kraus Ned and Lisa Kreiss Warren and Stephanie Lampert Fred and Patricia Landsberg Melvyn and Vivian Lapes Kenneth Lawler and Ginger Glazer Amir Levin and Tanya Blasbalg Levin Ron and Jennifer Levine Judy Levine Sherwin and Judee Levinson Jeffrey and Ellen Levitz Emily Lewit Thomas and Marilyn Liebschutz Drs. Gary and Michal Loventhal Hadley and Lisa Lowy Gilbert and Ellen Ludwig Joel and Aviva Margolies Jonathan and Joan Marks Thomas and Marsha McMurrain Mark and Jennifer Mosbacher Robert Moss Mathew and Leigh Nathan Hilda Ortiz Larry and Jackie Pepper Jason and Melanie Pickett Saul and Shirley Plotkin Robert and Ellen Rickles Barry and Robin Riegelhaupt Russell and Gailen Rosenberg Irving and Doris Rosing


Dr. Tod and Leslie Rubin Morray and Susan Scheinfeld Douglas and Lisa Schiffer Jeffrey and Jeanne Schultz Gary and Debra Schwartz Rhonda Schweber Ira and Brenda Share Stacy and Alicia Sher Spencer and Debra Shilling Allan and Pessie Shippel Walter and Esther Shultz Carol Shutzberg Randall and Amy Siegal David and Elisa Siegel Sandy and Nancy Simon Lawrence and Anne Skal Avi and Erica Stein Lila Stein Terry and Michelle Stein Brian and Jennifer Steinberg Howard and Cynthia Steinberg Steven and Linda Steinberg Fred and Vicki Steine Shelby Steinhauer Aaron and Sheila Stieglitz Barry and Denise Straus Lionel Stutz Ronald and Leslie Swichkow Donald and Marilyn Tam Rosalind Taranto Steven and Abbe Tobin David and Christine Toltzis Bruce Turiansky and Mariann Mamberg Turiansky Mark and Sally Vosk Bruce and Bonnie Walkes Scott and Marci Weiss Douglas Wexler and Jane Greenberger Mark Williams and Michelle Easton Williams Todd and Rachel Wilson Max and Carol Wolf Andrew and Ilana Zalkin Marilyn Zimmer

Educator’s Message Tu B'Shevat, the 15th day of the Jewish month of Shevat, is a holiday also known as the New Year for Trees. The word "Tu" is a combination of two letters, tet and vav, it is the number 15 in Hebrew. The letter tet is equal to the number 9, the letter vav is equal to the number 6, thus 9+6=15. This is a time for growth and life. It is so wonderful that we acknowledge this meaningful day, rejoicing in the beauty of nature and the growth of the tree. In Israel and at Temple Beth Tikvah we celebrated by eating many fruits and nuts from trees. As part of our celebration the 5th grade class put on a play for the school as well as for the 4th and 5th grade parents who were here as part of Family Education Day. Confirmation letters for 2016 B’Nai Mitzvah dates have been mailed. I am pleased to report that all of our families who turned in forms received one of their three date choices. If your child is eligible for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah during the year 2016 and you have not yet chosen a date, please call as soon as possible so we can be sure your child has a date set aside for him/her. Our Confirmation class took a fabulous trip to Washington D.C. where they took part in the L’Taken Social Action program. Upcoming Events: Sunday, February 2nd @12:20 Madrichim Training Friday, February 7th - 3rd grade Shabbat Sunday, February 9th - 7th grade Family Education Day Sunday, March 2nd 7th grade field trip to the Bremen Museum No school on February 16th or 17th


Early Childhood Education Center The Early Childhood Education Center has been very busy! We are currently in the process of accreditation for our Pre-K and Madrigot programs. What is the Madrigot program you ask? Well… To get to the top of a mountain, one must take many steps. If one takes his/her time, is patient, and doesn’t miss any steps, then reaching the top is even more rewarding. Every step is important, giving new skills and knowledge, opening up new horizons. In Hebrew, steps is MADRIGOT. In the ECEC, Madrigot is a step toward the top of the mountain. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, academic redshirting occurs at a rate of 9% per year among Kindergarten aged children. Academic redshirting refers to the decision of holding a child out a year or delaying his/her kindergarten entrance. The rise in this decision may be a response to demands for a higher level of school readiness. In a national survey, teachers indicated that 48% of their students were not ready for the current kindergarten curriculum (NCEDL, 1998). High percentages of teachers indicated that half of their students lacked important skills, including following directions, academic skills, and the ability to work independently. In response to this rising trend, Temple Beth Tikvah’s Early Childhood Center offers our Madrigot program. Our program is geared toward children that are 5 years old, have already completed a Pre-K program, but need more time before entering Kindergarten. Our nurturing and loving environment, coupled with dynamic curricula will pave the way for success in this transitional class. The best gift you can give a child, is the gift of time. If you are interested in learning more or know someone who is, please contact the Early Childhood Center. We are looking forward to taking these important steps with your child!

Jenifer Friedman,

Early Childhood Director [email protected]


B’nai Mitzvah Mark Samuel Schilstra will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on March 8, 2014. Mark is the son of Caryn Schilstra and Mets Schilstra and big brother to Jeremy, 9, and Daniel, 11. He is in the 7th grade and an Honor Roll student at Elkins Pointe Middle School. Mark loves to play sports in his free time. He enjoys swimming on the neighborhood swim team, playing recreational basketball and especially being the catcher on his travel baseball team. Mark's newest sport is playing Ultimate Frisbee on the Elkins Pointe intramural team.

Exciting News!! TBT Early Childhood Education Center is now an approved recipient for the ALEF Fund. The 2014 State of Georgia Credit Allocation will run out quickly. Click here for more info. Gesher Youth Group — All 3rd, 4th & 5th Graders ☺ Are you a fast 3-legged racer? ☺ How fast can you carry a ping pong ball on a spoon across the social hall? ☺ Can you move a cookie from your forehead to your mouth using only your face?

and Fleece Blanket Mitzvah Project February 23 from 12 to 2 pm in the TBT social hall

Crazy Olympics is your chance to find all this out and much more!! We’ll have tons of fun while making fleece blankets for Project Linus Atlanta. $10 per child includes pizza lunch & fleece supplies for blankets RSVP and pay online here

Youth Group HOTTY (9-12th Grade)


In February we are holding a Talent Show WHAT DID WE DO THIS PAST MONTH? and Fundraiser for Camp Jenny. Camp In January, HOTTY headed up to Jenny is the Mitzvah Corps camp that Gwinnett to watch the Gwinnett Gladiators NFTY-SAR helps to sponsor. Want more take on Orlando. Of course, we met up info? Ask Allie, our SAVP, or check out: first for pizza and soda at Vinny’s New http://www.nfty.org/campjenny/. Then, in York Pizza. This was a great way to kick March, we hope you will join us on the 7th off the New Year! Also this month we for our annual Shabbat dinner & HOTTY took 17 HOTTY’ites to NFTY-SAR led Congregational services and also on Winter Regional and Elections. the 22nd for our Mystery Night! Congratulations to all of our HOTTY members who ran for NFTY-SAR Join the HOTTY Facebook Page Regional Board!! We’re so proud of all of (https://www.facebook.com/groups/TBT.HO you. TTY/) to stay up-to-date on what's happening Emily Restler (CVP) Allie Goodman (SAVP) Brian Lenhard (MVP) Sam Marks (RCVP)

and to RSVP for HOTTY events!

JYG (6-8th Grade) WHAT DID WE DO THIS PAST MONTH? JYG kicked off the New Year by cooking our own lunch at the Young Chef’s Academy in Sandy Springs. We made homemade pasta sauce and a yummy dessert. This was a delicious way to start 2014! UP NEXT:

This month, we are SO EXCITED for NFTY-SAR’s Hatikvah Kallah at The

News & Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


Temple! This weekend Kallah only happens once a year for 7th & 8th graders and we’re so glad it’s finally here! If you haven’t registered yet, don’t worry – we can still squeeze you in! Register here (http://www.nfty.org/sar/events/hatikvah/) or get in touch with Bobbee & Adam to find out how to sign up. We promise, you don’t want to miss out on this weekend! Join the JYG Facebook Page (https:// www.facebook.com/groups/TBT.JYG/) to stay up-to-date on what's happening and to RSVP and help arrange carpools for events! Want more info about HOTTY or JYG? Contact Adam or Bobbee at: [email protected] or 404) 228–2494.

SAVE-THE-DATE: HOTTY February 1 – Camp Jenny Talent Show Fundraiser March 7 - Shabbat Dinner & HOTTY-led Congregational Service March 22 - Mystery Night JYG February 21-23 – NFTY-SAR Hatikvah Kallah March 9 - JYG Social Action Event April 6 - Go-Karting & Mini-Golf

February 2014 TBT Happenings Sun






Sat 1

9am Bagels, Learning & Torah 10am Shabbat Service Bat Mitzvah of Ellie Loventhal 5pm HOTTY— Camp Jenny Talent Show 2

9:30am Religious School and


6:45pm Kesher & Confirmation


7pm Families Anonymous

9:30am Sisterhood Steering Committee Mtg 10am Rabbi Tam’s Adult Ed Class 12:20pm



9:30am Tai Chi


7pm Jewish Federation Trip to Israel Info Session

5pm Religious School

7:15pm Melton Dramas


6pm Oneg 6:30pm Family Shabbat Service hosted by 3rd Grade


9am Bagels, Learning & Torah 10am Shabbat Service Bat Mitzvah of Sophia Goldstein

Madrichim Training 9


9:30am Religious School

12pm Senior Luncheon

9:35am 7th Grade Family Ed Day w/

6:45pm Kesher / Confirmation / Kivunim


10:00am Rabbi Tam’s Adult Ed 12:10pm Adamah Adventures Open House


9:30am Tai Chi


HOTTY Board Meeting

5pm Religious School


7pm Breast Cancer Survivor Group 7:30pm The Collector of Bedford Street

7pm Families Anonymous



12pm ECEC VIP Shabbat

9am Bagels, Learning & Torah

8pm Shabbat Service w/ Choir

10am Shabbat Service

7:15pm Melton Dramas

12:15pm Rosh Hodesh—It’s a Girl Thing 12:45pm ECEC Bingo Fundraiser 16

No Religious School



President’s Day No Religious School

9:30am Tai Chi

7pm Families Anonymous

7:30pm Board of Trustees Meeting


7:30pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg Night

5pm Religious School


7pm Women's Study Group

21 Hatikvah Kallah

6pm Oneg

9am Bagels, Learning & Torah

6:30pm Disability Awareness Shabbat Service w/ Shabbat Experience

7:15pm Melton Dramas


Hatikvah Kallah

10am Shabbat Service 10:30am Shabbat Yoga Experience 7:30pm Kassel & Cole Concert

23 Hatikvah Kallah

9:30am Religious School 10am Rabbi Tam’s Adult Ed 10am Yoga w/ a Jewish Twist 12pm Gesher Crazy Olympics


6:45pm Kesher / Confirmation / Kivunim 7pm Families Anonymous



9:30am Tai Chi



8pm Shabbat Service

5pm Religious School

March 1

9am Bagels, Learning & Torah 10am Shabbat Service

7:30pm Officer’s Meeting

7:15pm Melton Dramas


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

TBT’s Inclusion Task Force Presents

The Collector of Bedford Street is an Academy Award® nominated 34 minute documentary about Alice’s neighbor, Larry Selman. In the film, Larry collects thousands of dollars for charities while living at the poverty line. Larry is a community activist and a fundraiser who has an intellectual disability. When Larry’s uncle Murray becomes unable to care for him, his New York City neighbors come together and establish an adult trust fund to ensure that he continues to live independently in his own apartment. Thursday, February 13th

7:30 - 9 pm

in the TBT Social Hall Why this film? Let’s talk about Community and the gifts that all people can bring… All ages are welcome rsvp to [email protected] The House That Faith Built Have you always wanted to learn to play Mah Jongg? Or just want to have some fun playing with friends?

Wednesday, Feb 19th 7 - 9:30 pm Sisterhood Mah Jongg night at TBT New and experienced players welcome. If you already know how to play, please come and pass along your wisdom to new players. Also, if you have a card or a mah jongg set, bring it along. Noshes will be

Temple Beth Tikvah is partnering with other faith communities in the area and Habitat for Humanity - North Central Georgia to help build a home for a needy family. Volunteers 18 years of age and older are needed on March 2nd from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m People from all walks of life are welcome to join us as we build a simple, decent, affordable house in partnership with God and a family in need. No construction experience or building skill is needed. You will be trained. Volunteers are involved in most phases of construction. By working sideby-side with the family who will live in the house, our volunteers experience for themselves the joy created when a family is able to realize their dream of home ownership.

Please contact Darrin Cohen at [email protected]

Purim Carnival Volunteers Needed! March 16, 2014 WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please contact Marsha Mathis at [email protected] 9

News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Donations Annual Campaign Barry and Denise Straus Daniel and Stephanie Joseph in appreciation of Rabbi Greene, Cantor Kassel and the Board of Temple Beth Tikvah Dale and Wendy Bearman in memory of Martha Bearman, Betty Ebstein, Nora Stein, Yetta Dutkiewitz and Ann Eileen Kant David & Christine Toltzis in memory of Joseph Zeidman Building Fund Emily Lewit in memory of Michael Lewit, Ruth Frenkel and Theresa Olshine Andy Berke and Family in memory of Herbert Berke Addie Myers in memory of Irving Bachman Campership/Israel Fund Davi Kutner in appreciation of Rabbi Greene for sharing insight on Israel experiences Cantor Kassel’s Discretionary Fund Karel Copenhaver in appreciation of Cantor Kassels' help in preparing Noah Estroff for his Bar Mitzvah Rosalind Taranto in memory of Philip Pomerance, Ada Pomerance and Louis Berman Howie and Debbie Cohen in honor of Cantor Kassel Caring/Kehillat Chesed Fund Martin & Fern Soniker in memory of Henrietta Keyser Ruth Zeidman in memory of the beloved husband of Irene Schwartz Lila Stein in memory of Herbert Stein, Nora Stein and Yetta Dutkiewitz Aviv Chavurah wishing Joy Davis a speedy recovery Endowment Campaign Barry and Denise Straus Keith and Hedva Wiener wishing a Mazel Tov to Micah Blechner and Jenny Gurman on their engagement Dale and Wendy Bearman in memory of Herbert Stein General Fund Howard and Pamela Levitt in memory of Jacob Levitt Herman and Nina Fishman in honor of Dr. Michael Lee Fishman Nadine Duhaney Belle Kulkin in memory of Morris Richman GNO Families in memory of Estelle Tuvlin Jamie Burak in memory of Evan Burak and Marcia Lurey Shirley Crawford William and Vicki Kaufman in memory of Ted Gordon

Michael Zalkin Memorial Library Fund Aaron and Sheila Stieglitz in memory of Jacob Krigsner Preschool Fund Barry and Denise Straus Rabbi Greene’s Discretionary Fund Karel Copenhaver in appreciation of Rabbi Greene for his help in preparing Noah Estroff for his Bar Mitzvah Hal and Sheri Simon in appreciation of Rabbi Greene Lois Clymin in memory of Michael Clymin Ruth Zeidman in memory of Max Mendelson Neil and Ruth Hilsen in memory of Leo Licht Mark and Jennifer Mosbacher in memory of Lester Mosbacher Carol Lipinsky in honor of Rabbi Greene Audrey Eisen in memory of Charlotte Liroff Seth and Ellen Zimmer in memory of Daniel Zimmer Howard & Cynthia Steinberg in memory of Regina Karmel Howie and Debbie Cohen in honor of Rabbi Greene Steve Mahan in memory of Whit Mahan Steven & Janice Liederman in memory of Harry Liederman Nancy Broudy in memory of Irving Rothman Richard and Judith Dressler in appreciation of Rabbi Greene Rabbi Tam’s Discretionary Fund Andrew and Barbara Sacks in memory of Hy Sacks Religious School Fund Fred and Patricia Landsberg in memory of Brandon Hirsch and Francis Becker Barry and Denise Straus David and Ellen Herold in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Tom and Marsha McMurrain's granddaughter, Hannah Tikkun Olam Fund Families Anonymous Kathleen Rieter Torah Fund Morray and Susan Scheinfeld in memory of Sophie Scheinfeld and Joseph Scheinfeld Youth Group Fund Stanley and Bobbie Kopkin in memory of Virginia Raider


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Adult Ed

Rabbi Tam’s Adult Ed Class The History and Thinking Behind the Major Prayers in the Siddur (the Jewish Prayer Book) Sundays, Feb 2, 9, 23; Mar 2 and 9 10:00 - 11:30 am in the library We often don't understand the origins of the formal prayers, nor what questions they are trying to answer as they express the Jewish world view. Formal prayer by and large is not commanded in the Torah. How then did we end up with such a formal tradition of Jewish prayer? Can these prayers still resonate for us in a modern world, different in so many ways from the world that gave birth to them? We will read the major prayers line by line as the occur in our Reform Siddur, interpreting their meaning and discussing possible problems they might present to us, after giving an overview of the origins and development of the prayer book.

Tai Chi

Cantor Kassel’s Cantillation Class

Tai Chi offers the perfect balance of mind and body, strength and flexibility, grace and agility. Its smooth fluid movements promote improved fitness, stress reduction and self-defense skills.

Sundays at 11 am when Religious School is in session This class will continue to learn to chant from the Torah. The Adult Ed committee is looking to add some members. Interested? Contact Cindy Getty at [email protected] or speak with Rabbi Greene.

No special clothing needed Can be done by any age group

Tuesday mornings from 9:30 - 10:30 am in the Oneg room

TBT Seniors Luncheon

This is a fundraiser for the Caring Committee $10 per month For info or to register, Call Esther or Walt at 770.442.9559

Monday, February 10 at 12 PM

Phil Graiser, Caregiving: When to Step In

Submissions for the March Kol Tikvah are due by February 5. Please email to [email protected]

RSVP to Natine at [email protected] 11

News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

JF&CS - Jewish Disabilities Awareness Month

Be Part of a Chavurah in 2014! In 2013, TBT Chavurot members celebrated holidays, completed service projects, played kickball games, attended cultural events and created community. Want to join them in 2014? We are actively seeking TBT members to create new Chavurot, forming now, for young families, single parents, empty nesters and young professionals. There are many more possibilities for groups that might interest you! What's a Chavurah? A Chavurah is a circle of friends. It's a

group of people with similar interests or who are in similar life stages gathering together regularly to celebrate Jewish holidays, share simchas, attend events, visit interesting places or participate in any activities that interest them. Being part of a Chavurah can enhance your experience at TBT by helping you develop a strong sense of community and deeper connections within the congregation. Who can be part of a Chavurah? Any member of TBT! Just

fill out the application and we'll help find like-minded families or people to form a group. Drop by the TBT office to pick one up, or visit http://tinyurl.com/ks2bb2a to download. Note for Existing Chavurot: We want to highlight you! Send news of your recent or planned activities, along with photos of your group to Dalia Faupel at [email protected]

Breast Cancer Survivor Group for the Jewish Community The Breast Cancer Support Group meetings will continue for the new year! The monthly support group meetings are for all interested people who have had cancer, who are going through treatment or surgeries, and /or who have been recently diagnosed, as well as for those who might have questions pertinent to breast cancer. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, February 13, at 7:00 p.m. Adele Wang - Energy Healer and Life Coach will present a more holistic approach to decreasing stress and improving health spiritually. The meeting is reflecting upon personal experiences, meeting others and gathering information regarding diagnoses, treatments and surgeries. This survivor support group is sponsored by The Kehillat Chesed/Caring Committee of Temple Beth Tikvah, 9955 Coleman Rd, Roswell, 30075, who is also the host synagogue. For further information or questions, please contact Valerie Rapowitz at [email protected] or call 678-643-9672.

February is National Jewish Disabilities Awareness Month, which promotes full inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in the community. Its purpose is to ensure participation of Jews with disabilities and their families in all aspects of Jewish communal life by reminding us we are all created in the Divine Image. But there remain many individuals with disabilities who are not fully included. February marks the start of Adar, the month when Purim occurs. Purim commemorates the saving and freedom of the Jewish people by Queen Esther. The disabilities movement, similar to Judaism, is an ongoing fight for freedom. While Jews fight for religious freedom, individuals with developmental disabilities fight for full inclusion and the right to selfdetermination. JF&CS’ Developmental Disabilities - Tools for Independence (TFI) division supports and facilitates that right – the right of people with disabilities to live how and where they want. We promote independence and INTERdependence among individuals and those in their lives through programs like our Zimmerman-Horowitz independence Living Program and TFI WORKS vocational services. We embrace a holistic approach to person-centered supports in our Health Powerment Initiative, a program to prevent chronic disease and promote health. We recently added a program for adults with highfunctioning autism. The highlight of February as Jewish Disability Awareness is the Annual Larry Bregman, M.D., Educational Conference for adults with developmental disabilities, their families and their caregivers. The event takes place February 22-23 at the Selig Center. For more information on the services of TFI and the Bregman Conference, please visit www.ytfl.org/dd.

Do We Have Your Child’s College Address? The College Outreach Committee will be sending our college students a care package for Purim. Do we have your child’s college address? If you provided us with this information in the fall, nothing further needs to be done. However, if you have not yet given us this information, or if your child has moved since October, please send us your child’s college address. Also, if your child graduated this past December, please let us know this as well. Send all information to either Lynda Bennett at [email protected] or to Ginger Glazer at [email protected].


News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah


HUNGER WALK 2014 In Deuteronomy we are commanded, "Tzedek tzedek tirdof - Justice justice shall you pursue." There is no justice in knowing that in Georgia, the number of households receiving food stamps has increased by over 62%. Nor is their justice in knowing that 1 in every 4 Georgia children live in a food insecure household. And so our House of Hope must join together to pursue an end to hunger in our community.

Thank You to our Amazing Office Volunteers! June Wallach Roberta Goldman Richard Staviss Ian Staviss

Kathy Reiter Leslie Swichkow Ellen Frank Natine Rosenzweig

Mazel Tov to Newly Elected NFTY-SAR Regional Board Members

Please join us on Sunday, March 9th for the 2014 Atlanta Hunger Walk/Run at Turner Field. Click on the link below to get to our team page & register to become a part of Team Tikvah. Over 60% of the funds raised by the Jewish community are allocated to almost 30 different hunger relief organizations, including the JF&CS Kosher Food Pantry, Mazon, Second Helpings, Sandy Springs Community Action Shelter, Shearith Israel Shelter for Homeless Women and many more. The remaining 40% goes to the Atlanta Community Food Bank.

Brian Lenhard—Membership VP Sam Marks—Religious & Cultural VP

In Memorium Temple Beth Tikvah acknowledges with sorrow the passing of:

Team Tikvah: http://engage.acfb.org/site/TR/ HungerWalkJewishFederationofGreaterAtlanta/ HungerWalk?team_id=23260&pg=team&fr_id=1601 or search for "Team Tikvah" in the ACFB Hunger Walk Web Page.

Melvin Finkel Husband of Amy Finkel Charlotte Dondero Grandmother of Kay Smolin Sol Medoff Father of Howard Medoff Murray Cohen Father of David Cohen Ted Gordon Grandfather of Marc Gordon

HELP US HELP YOU Your synagogue community wants to be a Caring Community/Kehillat Chesed. If you have recently experienced a loss or are facing a crisis, or are celebrating a simcha, please let our office know as soon as possible. Our clergy and friends strive to be a source of support as best as they can. If you know of one of our fellow congregants that has experienced a loss or can use a hand, please contact the office at 770.642.0434.

Planning a simcha or group gathering? The Tam-Blank Social Hall is the Place to Be. For more information on renting our Social Hall, contact the synagogue office at 770-642-0434. 13

News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

A new day and time! Yoga with a Jewish Twist

Sunday, February 23rd 10:00 am - 11:15 am Synagogue Information Synagogue Office Fax Number School Office (Perri) Preschool (Jenifer) Assistant to Clergy Financial Secretary Admin. Assistant Office Manager

- 770-642-0434 - 770-642-0647 - 770-642-4168 - 678-350-0076 - Michelle Leder - Jenny Korsen - Lisa Singer - Becky Sullivan

This free co-ed class is for anyone who would like to strengthen their body, calm their mind, dissolve anxiety, and engage their spiritual side. We will

unite yoga poses with the theme of the weekly parsha. Our guide will be The Kosher Sutras – T he Jewish Way in Yoga and Meditation

Co-ed class will meet once a month in the Oneg room and is sponsored by Sisterhood. Bring a yoga mat and wear loose clothes. This is a gentle class! Space is limited so please rsvp! RSVP to Pam Chanin [email protected] or 404-219-1453

Get Involved! TBT Committees and Chairpersons Adult Education Cindy Getty [email protected] Budget & Finance Harlan Graiser [email protected] Campership Marcia Haber [email protected] Chavurot Dalia Faupel [email protected] College Outreach Lynda Bennett [email protected] Ginger Glazer [email protected] Communications Tom and Marsha McMurrain [email protected] Family Promise Andy Fried [email protected] Jeff Schultz [email protected] Fundraising Ruben Braiter [email protected] Gift Shop Pam Alterman [email protected] Carrie Bickwit [email protected]

Rhonda Schweber [email protected] House Ted Nathan [email protected] Human Resources Seth Zimmer [email protected] Interior Standards & Marketing Susan Estroff [email protected] Israel Gene Carasick [email protected] Kehillat Chesed (Caring) Leslie Swichkow [email protected] Library Ilana Zalkin [email protected] Membership Recruitment & Retention Mark Rudel [email protected] Lindsay Levin [email protected] Katie Jaffe [email protected] Men’s Club Peter Hartog [email protected] Mark Greenspan [email protected]


Nominating Committee Sheryl Blechner [email protected] Ritual Esther Shultz [email protected] Rosh Chodesh Women’s Group Pam Chanin [email protected] Security Jay Sausmer [email protected] Seniors Natine Rosenzweig [email protected] Sisterhood Traci Hartog [email protected] Danielle Rubenstein [email protected] Social Action Rodney Eberhardt [email protected] Darin Cohen [email protected] Website Development Scott Povlot [email protected] Youth Group Debra Schwartz [email protected] Michal Loventhal [email protected]

News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

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News and Happenings from Temple Beth Tikvah

Fred Greene Rabbi Donald A. Tam Rabbi Emeritus Nancy Kassel Cantor Hassia Levin Education Director Jenifer Friedman ECEC Director Ron Swichkow President Todd Boehm Vice President Marsha Mathis Vice President Denise Straus Vice President Andy Gutman Treasurer Michael Braun Secretary Jill Mattos Chairperson, Board of Education