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Nov 9, 2007 - Cluster based search engines use distributed inverted files. [10] for dealing ..... The optimization goal for the scheduling algorithms is as follows.
Load Balancing Distributed Inverted Files Mauricio Marin

Carlos Gomez

Yahoo! Research Santiago, Chile [email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT This paper present a comparison of scheduling algorithms applied to the context of load balancing the query traffic on distributed inverted files. We implemented a number of algorithms taken from the literature. We propose a novel method to formulate the cost of query processing so that these algorithms can be used to schedule queries onto processors. We avoid measuring load balance at the search engine side because this can lead to imprecise evaluation. Our method is based on the simulation of a bulk-synchronous parallel computer at the broker machine side. This simulation determines an optimal way of processing the queries and provides a stable baseline upon which both the broker and search engine can tune their operation in accordance with the observed query traffic. We conclude that the simplest load balancing heuristics are good enough to achieve efficient performance. Our method can be used in practice by broker machines to schedule queries efficiently onto the cluster processors of search engines.

Categories and Subject Descriptors H.3.3 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: Information Search and Retrieval—Search process

General Terms Algorithms, Performance

Keywords Inverted Files, Parallel and Distributed Computing



Cluster based search engines use distributed inverted files [10] for dealing efficiently with high traffic of user queries. An inverted file is composed of a vocabulary table and a set of posting lists. The vocabulary table contains the set of relevant terms found in the text collection. Each of these

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terms is associated with a posting list which contains the document identifiers where the term appears in the collection along with additional data used for ranking purposes. To solve a query, it is necessary to get the set of documents associated with the query terms and then perform a ranking of these documents in order to select the top K documents as the query answer. The approach used by well-known Web search engines to the parallelization of inverted files is pragmatic, namely they use the document partitioned approach. Documents are evenly distributed on P processors and an independent inverted file is constructed for each of the P sets of documents. The disadvantage is that each user query has to be sent to the P processors and it can present imbalance at posting lists level (this increases disk access and interprocessor communication costs). The advantage is that document partitioned indexes are easy to maintain since insertion of new documents can be done locally and this locality is extremely convenient for the posting list intersection operations required to solve the queries (they come for free in terms of communication costs). Intersection of posting lists is necessary to determine the set of documents that contain all of the terms present in a given user query. Another competing approach is the term partitioned index in which a single inverted file is constructed from the whole text collection to then distribute evenly the terms with their respective posting lists onto the processors. However, the term partitioned inverted file destroys the possibility of computing intersections for free in terms of communication cost and thereby one is compelled to use strategies such as smart distribution of terms onto processors to increase locality for most frequent terms (which can be detrimental for overall load balance) and caching. However, it is not necessary to broadcast queries to all processors (which reduces communication costs) and latency disk costs are smaller as they are paid once per posting list retrieval per query, and it is well-known that in current cluster technology it is faster to transfer blocks of bytes through the interprocessors network than from Ram to Disk. Nevertheless, the load balance is sensitive to queries referring to particular terms with high frequency, making it necessary to use posting lists caching strategies to overcome imbalance in disk accesses. Both strategies are efficient depending on the method used to perform the final ranking of documents. In particular, the term partitioned index is better suited for methods that do not require performing posting list intersections. We have observed that the balance of disk accesses, that is posting list fetching, and document ranking are the most relevant

factors affecting the performance of query processing. The balance of interprocessors communication depends on the balance of these two components. From empirical evidence we have observed that moderate imbalance in communication is not detrimental to performance, good balance in document ranking is always relevant whereas good balance in disk accesses is crucial in ranking methods requiring intersection of posting lists. When a given problem of size N is being solved on P processors, optimal load balance for many applications tends to be achieved when there is sufficient slackness, namely N/P is large enough. Slackness is also useful to hide overheads and other inefficiencies such as poor scalability. Given the size of the Web, current search engines are operating under a huge slackness since the number of processors at data centers is similar to the average rate of queries per second. In this context, document partitioned inverted files are working fine but this does not imply they make an efficient use of computational resources and does not guarantee the same scenario at larger query traffics demanding the use of more and more processors. We have observed that even at large slackness, sudden imbalance can produce unstable behavior such as communication buffers saturation (which in our case implies a program crash). Some work has been done on the problem of load balancing query traffic on inverted files. They apply simple heuristics such as the least loaded processor first or the round-robin strategy [7]. However, from the literature on parallel computing we can learn a number of more sophisticated strategies for static and dynamic scheduling of tasks onto processors. It is not clear whether those strategies are useful in this particular application of parallel computing, namely whether they can have a significant impact in improving performance under high query traffic situations. Yet previous work applies these heuristics at the search engine side without considering the actual factors leading to imbalance. This because the scheduling decisions are not built upon a cost model which be independent of the current operation of the search engine. Queries arrive to the processors from a receptionist machine that we call the broker. In this paper we study the case in which the broker is responsible for assigning the work to the processors. Jobs badly scheduled onto the processors can result in high imbalance. To this end the broker uses a scheduling algorithm. For example, a simple approach is to distribute the queries uniformly at random onto the processors in a blind manner, namely just as they arrive to the broker they are scheduled in a circular round-robin manner. A more sophisticated scheduling strategy demands more computing power from the broker so in our view this cost should by paid only if load balance improves significantly. Notice that the proposals of this paper can be extended to the case of two or more broker machines by simple composition. The key point in the use of any scheduling algorithm is the proper representation of the actual load imposed onto the processors. For the distributed inverted files case we need to properly represent the cost of disk accesses and document ranking and (very importantly) their relationship. A method for this purpose is the main contribution of this paper along with an evaluation of the effectiveness of a number of scheduling algorithms in the distributed inverted files context. Our method can be used by search engines to schedule user queries efficiently which together with the scheduling

strategy found to be most efficient in this paper can be considered as a practical and new strategy for processing queries in search engines. Most implementations of distributed inverted files reported so far are based on the message passing approach to parallel computing in which we can see combinations of multithreaded and computation/communication overlapped systems. Artifacts such as threads are potential sources of overheads and can produce unpredictable outcomes in terms of running time. Yet another source of unpredictable behavior are the accesses to disk used to retrieve the posting lists. Namely, runs are too dependent on the particular state of the machine and its fluctuations and thereby predicting current load balance to perform proper job scheduling can be involved and inaccurate. An additional complication related to measurement and control is that a corrective action in a part of the system can affect the measures taken in another part and this can be propagated circularly. We think that what is needed is a way to measure load balance that is independent of the current operation of the search engine. We propose a precise and stable way to measure load balance and perform job scheduling. We do this by letting the broker simulate a bulk-synchronous parallel (BSP) computer [8] and take decisions based on its cost model. It is known that this well-structured form of parallel computation allows a very precise evaluation of the costs of computation and communication. For a fully asynchronous multithreaded search engine, the broker simulates a BSP machine and takes decisions on where to route queries whereas the processors also simulate a BSP machine in order to tune their operation (thread activity) to the pace set by the BSP machine. These simulations are simple and overheads are very low. Certainly the asynchronous search engine can be replaced by an actual BSP search engine in which case the simulation is an actual execution at the cluster side. The BSP cost model provides an architecture independent way to both measure load balance and relate the costs of posting list fetching and document ranking. It has been shown elsewhere [8] that a BSP machine is able to simulate any asynchronous computation to within small constant factors, so the simulated BSP computer is expected to work efficiently if scheduling is effected properly. This provides a stable setting for comparing scheduling algorithms. The BSP model of parallel computing [9] is as follows. In BSP the computation is organized as a sequence of supersteps. During a superstep, the processors may perform computations on local data and/or send messages to other processors. The messages are available for processing at their destinations by the next superstep, and each superstep is ended with the barrier synchronization of the processors. The underlying communication library ensures that all messages are available at their destinations before starting the next superstep. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a bulk-synchronous method for parallel query processing and section 3 presents our approach to performing query scheduling and measuring load balance. Section 4 presents experimental results. Section 5 describes a particular case derived from the method in section 3 in which ad-hoc load balance can be effected for the document partitioned inverted file. Section 6 presents conclusions.



The broker simulates the operation of a BSP search engine that is processing the queries. The method employed by the BSP machine is as follows. Query processing is divided in “atoms” of size K, where K is the number of documents presented to the user as part of the query answer. These atoms are scheduled in a round-robin manner across supersteps and processors. The asynchronous tasks are given K sized quanta of processor time, communication network and disk accesses. These quanta are granted during superteps, namely they are processed in a bulk-synchronous manner. As all atoms are equally sized then the net effect is that no particular task can restrain others from using the resources. This because (i) computing the solution to a given query can take the processing of several atoms, (ii) the search engine can start the processing of a new query as soon as any query is finished, and (iii) the processors are barrier synchronized and all messages are delivered in their destinations at the end of each superstep. It is not difficult to see that this scheme is optimal provided that we find an “atom” packing strategy that produces optimal load balance and minimizes the total number of supersteps required to complete a given set of queries (this is directly related to the critical path for the set of queries). The simulation assumes that at the beginning of each superstep the processors get into their input message queues both new queries placed there by the broker and messages with pieces of posting lists related to the processing of queries which arrived at previous supersteps. The processing of a given query can take two or more supersteps to be completed. The processor in which a given query arrives is called the ranker for that query since it is in this processor where the associated document ranking is performed. Every query is processed using two major steps: the first one consists on fetching a K-sized piece of every posting list involved in the query and sending them to the ranker processor. In the second step, the ranker performs the actual ranking of documents and, if necessary, it asks for additional K-sized pieces of the posting lists in order to produce the K best ranked documents that are passed to the broker as the query results. We call this iterations. Thus the ranking process can take one or more iterations to finish. In every iteration a new piece of K pairs (doc id, frequency) from posting lists are sent to the ranker for every term involved in the query. At a given interval of time, the ranking of two or more queries can take place in parallel at different processors along with the fetching of K-sized pieces of posting lists associated with new queries.



The broker uses the BSP cost model to evaluate the cost of its scheduling decisions. The cost of a BSP program is the cumulative sum of the costs of its supersteps, and the cost of each superstep is the sum of three quantities: w, h G and L, where w is the maximum of the computations performed by each processor, h is the maximum of the messages sent/received by each processor with each word costing G units of running time, and L is the cost of barrier synchronizing the processors. The effect of the computer architecture is included by the parameters G and L, which are increasing functions of P . Like in communication, the average cost of each access to disk can be represented by a parameter D.

The broker performs the scheduling maintaining two windows which account for the processors work-load through the supersteps. One window is for the ranking operations effected per processor per superstep and the another is for the posting list fetches from disk also per processor per superstep. In each window cell we keep the count of the number of operations of each type. To select the ranker processor for a given query we have two phases. In the first one the cost of list fetches is reflected in the window in accordance with the type of inverted file (document or term partitioning). In the second step the ranking of document is reflected in the window, every decision on where to perform the ranking has an impact in the balance of computation and communication. It is here where a task scheduling algorithm is employed. Each alternative is evaluated with the BSP cost model. The windows reflect the history of previous queries and iterations, and their effect is evaluated with the BSP cost model. The optimization goal for the scheduling algorithms is as follows. We set an upper limit to the total number of list fetches allowed to take place in each processor and superstep (we use 1.5 R where R is the average). Notice that we cannot change the processor where the list fetching is to take place but we can defer it one or more supersteps to avoid imbalance coming from these operations. This has an effect in the other window since this also defers the ranking of those documents which provides the combinations that the scheduling algorithms are in charge to evaluate and select from. The optimization goal is to achieve an imbalance of about 15% in the document ranking operation. Imbalance is measured via efficiency, which for a measure X is defined by the ratio average(X)/maximum(X) ≤ 1, over the P processors. All this is based on the assumption that the broker is able to predict the number of iterations demanded by every query. This requires cooperation from the search engine. If it is a BSP search engine then the solution is simple since the broker can determine what queries were retained for further iterations from the answers coming from the search engine. For instance, for a query requiring just one iteration the answer must arrive in two supersteps of the search engine. To this end, the answer messages indicate the current superstep of the search engine and the broker update its own superstep counter taking the maximum from these messages. For fully multi-threaded asynchronous search engines it is necessary to collect statistics at the broker side for queries arriving from the search engine. Data for most frequent query terms is kept cached whereas other terms are given 1 iteration initially. If the search engine is implemented using the round-robin query processing scheme described in the previous section, then the exact number of iterations per query can be calculated for each query. For asynchronous search engines using any other form of query processing, the broker can predict how those computations could have been done by a BSP search engine from the response times for the queries sent to processing. This is effected as follows. The broker predicts the operation of the hypothetical BSP engine every Nq completed queries by assuming that Q = q P new queries are received in each superstep. For this period of ∆ units of time, the observed value of Q can be estimated using the G/G/∞ queuing model. Let S be the sum of the differences δq = [DepartureTime – ArrivalTime] of queries, that is the sum of the intervals of time elapsed

between the arrival of the queries and the end of their complete processing. Then the average q for the period is given by S/∆. This because the number of active servers in a G/G/∞ model is defined as the ratio of the arrival rate of events to the service rate of events (λ/µ). If n queries are received by the processor during the interval ∆, then the arrival rate is λ = n/∆ and the service rate is µ = n/S. Then the total number of supersteps for the period is given by Nq /Q and the average running time demanded by every superstep is δs = ∆ Q / Nq , so that the number of iterations for any query i is given by δqi /δs .



We studied the suitability of the proposed method by evaluating different scheduling algorithms using actual implementations of the document and term partitioned inverted files. Our BSP windowing simulation based scheme allows a comparison of well-known algorithms under the same conditions. Under circular allocation of queries to processors, the load balance problem is equivalent to the case of balls thrown uniformly at random into a set of P baskets. As more balls of size K are thrown into the baskets, it is more likely that the baskets end up with a similar number of balls. In each superstep the broker throws Q = q P new queries onto the processors. However, it is not clear the effect of balls coming from previous supersteps as a result of queries requiring two or more iterations. The number of iterations depends on the combined effect of the specific terms that are present in the query and the respective lengths of the posting lists. This makes a case for exploring the performance of well-known scheduling algorithms for this context. The scheduling algorithms evaluated are dynamic and static ones [5, 6, 1, 3, 2, 4]. In some cases we even gave them the advantage of exploring the complete query log used in our experiment in order to formulate a schedule of the queries. In others we allowed them to take batches of q P queries to make the scheduling. We define makespan as the maximum amount of work performed by any processor. The algorithms evaluated are the following: [A1] Roundrobin, namely distribute circularly the queries onto the processors; [A2] Graham algorithm (least loaded processor), every time a task j arrives, we select the least load processor as the ranker; [A3] Limit algorithm, every time a task j arrives, the makespan is computed as the maximum work load in each machine. Then a processor i is selected in a way to minimize the difference between the makespan and the work load of the processor i plus the running time of the new task j, if there is no such machine, the least loaded processor is selected; [A4] Optimal limit algorithm, like A3 but in this case the limit is S(L(i))/P where L(i) is the work load of the processor i, and S is the sum over all processors; [A5] LPT (longest processing time), the tasks are ordered by decreasing order of their processing time and then execute the LLP in that order; [A6] FFD (first-fit decreasing), the optimal makespan is set as we mentioned before. The tasks are ordered in decreasing order and are assigned in that order. Each task is assigned to a processor avoiding to exceed the optimal makespan. If there is not such machine, the task is assigned in the LLP way; [A7] BFD (best-fit decreasing), like FFD but the task is assigned to a processor

where the difference between the optimal makespan and the work load in that processor plus the running time of the task, is minimum. If there is no such machine, the LLP strategy is performed. The results were obtained using a 12GB sample of the Chilean Web taken from the www.todocl.cl search engine. We also used a smaller sample of 2GB to increase the effect of imbalance. Queries were selected at random from a set of 127,000 queries taken from the todocl log and iterations for every query finished with the top K= 1024 documents. The experiments where performed on a 32-nodes cluster with dual processors (2.8 GHz). We used BSP, MPI and PVM realizations of the document and term partitioned inverted files. The scheduling algorithms were executed to generate the queries injected in each processor during the runs. The BSP search engine does not perform any load balance strategy so that its performance relies on the proper assignment of queries to its processors. In every run we process 10,000 queries in each processor. That is the total number of queries processed in each experiment reported below is 10, 000P . Thus running times are expected to grow with P due to the O(log P ) effect of the inter-processors communication network. The following figures show running times for the BSP realizations of the document and term partitioned inverted files. These are results from actual executions on the 32-nodes cluster. We used the BSP simulation at the broker machine side to schedule the queries onto the processing nodes (processors). Below we compare predictions made from the BSP simulations with the observations in the actual BSP search engine. The figures 1 and 2 show that the strategies A1, A2, A5, A6 and A7 achieve similar performance. A3 and A4 show poor performance. These are results for an actual query log submitted by real users. In most cases queries contain one or two terms. To see if the same holds for more terms per query we artificially increased the number of terms by using composite queries obtained by packing together several queries selected uniformly at random from the query log to achieve an average of 9 terms per query. This can represent a case in which queries are expanded by the search engine to include related terms such as synonyms. The results are presented in figures 3 and 4 and also show that A1, A2, A5, A6 and A7 achieve similar performance. The same is observed in figures figures 5 and 6 for composite queries containing 34 terms. Among all the algorithms considered, A1 is the simplest to implement and its efficiency is outstanding. Notice that the performance of the document partitioned index becomes very poor compared to the performance of the term partitioned index for queries with large number of terms. Its performance is highly degraded by the broadcast operations required to copy larger queries in each processor and its consequences such as increased disk activity. Also running times for low query traffic indicated by q= 8 are larger than the case of high query traffic q= 32. This is explained by the balls thrown into baskets situation described in the first part of this section. Imbalance is larger with low query traffic and it has a significant impact in running time which the scheduling algorithms cannot solve completely. However, the comparative performance among the scheduling algorithms remains unchanged. On the other hand, for small number of processors all

4 Procs 8 Procs 16 Procs 32 Procs

300 250 200 150 q= 8

q= 32

800 Running Time (sec)

Running Time (sec)


100 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7

600 500 400 q= 8 200

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7

250 200 150 q= 32


800 Running Time (sec)

Running Time (sec)

Figure 3: Document partitioned inverted index (large number of terms per query).

4 Procs 8 Procs 16 Procs 32 Procs

q= 8

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7

Scheduling Algorithms

Figure 1: Document partitioned inverted index.


q= 32


Scheduling Algorithms


4 Procs 8 Procs 16 Procs 32 Procs


A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 Scheduling Algorithms

4 Procs 8 Procs 16 Procs 32 Procs

700 600 500 400 300

q= 8

q= 32

200 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7

Scheduling Algorithms

Figure 2: Term partitioned inverted index.

Figure 4: Term partitioned inverted index (large number of terms per query).


4 Procs 8 Procs 16 Procs 32 Procs

2600 Running Time (sec)

algorithms behave practically the same. This because the slackness N/P (with P =4) is large enough and overall balance is good. In this case scheduling is almost unnecessary. However, for a relatively larger number of processors the slackness is small and the scheduling algorithms have to cope with a significant imbalance from the balls and baskets problem. Finally figure 7 shows results obtained using strategy A1 for two asynchronous message passing realizations of inverted files implemented using the message passing PVM and MPI communication libraries. The results are similar to the BSP inverted file which is clear evidence that the BSP cost model is a good predictor of actual performance. We used these asynchronous realizations of inverted files to test our model to predict the execution of an associated BSP search engine at the broker side. The results were an almost perfect prediction of the number of supersteps and iterations per query. Most time differences were below 1% with some cases in which the difference increased to no more than 5%. This because under steady state query traffic the G/G/∞ model is a remarkably precise predictor of the average number of queries per superstep.

2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200

q= 8

q= 32

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 Scheduling Algorithms

Figure 5: Document partitioned inverted index (very large number of terms per query).

4 Procs 8 Procs 16 Procs 32 Procs

Running Time (sec)

2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200

q= 8

q= 32

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7

Scheduling Algorithms

Figure 6: Term partitioned inverted index (very large number of terms per query).



The decomposition of the query processing task in the so-called round-robin quanta of size K can be exploited at the broker side to schedule ranking and disk access operations in a way that it gives more priority to queries requiring few iterations. The case shown in the previous sections was intended to optimize query throughput. In this section we adapt our method to improving response time of small queries. The difference here is that new queries are injected in the current superstep only when the same number of current queries have finished processing. We describe the method in the context of the document partitioned index. We assume an index realization in which it is necessary to perform the intersection of the posting lists for the query terms and then perform a ranking of the top-K results obtained in each processor. In this case disk accesses and intersections are well balanced across processors, and it is necessary to determine the processor (ranker) in which the ranking for a given query is effected. We propose a strategy that both improves the load balance of the ranking process and prevent small queries from being delayed by queries requiring a larger number of disk accesses. The broker maintains a vocabulary table indicating the total number of disk accesses required to retrieve the posting list of each term. For an observed average arrival rate of Q queries per unit time the broker can predict the operation of a BSP computer and take decisions about where to schedule ranking of queries. During a simulated superstep the broker gives to each query a chance to make a disk access to retrieve K pairs (doc ids, freq) of their posting lists. In the case of terms appearing in two or more queries the broker grants only one access and cache the retrieved data to let this bucket of size K be used by the other queries without requiring extra disk accesses. Disk accesses are granted in a circular manner among the available queries until reaching a sufficient number of rankings which ensures an efficiency above 0.8 for this process. Thus small queries pass quickly through these rounds of disk accesses. The efficiency is calculated considering that the rankings are scheduled with the “least loaded processor first” load balancing heuristic [4].

Running Time (sec)




2 GB


12 GB

32 200 180

16 8




q= 32 BSP






120 D T D T D T


Distributed Inverted Files

Figure 7: Scheduling A1 on asynchronous inverted files; D stands for the document partitioned index and T for term partitioned index. As described in the previous section, the efficiency is calculated as the ratio average(X)/maximum(X) where X is the cost each ranking and the average and maximum values are calculated considering the given distribution of rankings onto the P processors (for simplicity we consider that is cost is linear with the number of terms). Also in practice it is convenient to wait for efficiency above 0.8 and a total number of rankings to be scheduled of (Q/4) P or more. This to avoid an excessive increase in the number of supersteps. The figure 8 shows efficiencies predicted by the broker by different values of Q with P = 32 and figure 9 shows the actual efficiencies achieved by the respective BSP search engine for the case Q = 32 and P = 4, 8, 16 and 32 processors. This figure also shows the efficiencies of the fetch+intersection and communication tasks. The figures show that the broker is able to predict well the actual load balance of the document partitioned index. The resulting scheduling of queries to rankers leads to an almost perfect load balance for Q=32 and P = 4, 8, 16 and 32. The figure 10 shows the average response time for queries requiring from 1 to 19 disk accesses for P = 32 and Q= 32. The curves Q/2 and Q/4 show the case in which the broker waits for that number of pending rankings before scheduling them onto the P processors. The curve labeled R shows a case in which the broker waits until all Q queries injected in the superstep get their ranking pending. As expected the case R gives the same average response time to all queries independently of the number of disk accesses they require. Also Q/4 provides better results confirming the shorter queries are given more preference than the other two cases.

6. CONCLUDING REMARKS Surprisingly in our experiments we have observed that the most sophisticated scheduling algorithms were not able to beat the round-robin and the least loaded processor first strategies. In some cases they produced a quite poor scheduling of queries to processors increasing overall running times significantly. The proposed method for costing task assignment decisions provides a framework upon which the different scheduling algorithms can perform their tasks under ex-







Query Cost



Q=32 16 8 4


R Q/2 Q/4

0.6 0.4




0 0










Figure 8: Predicted efficiencies in the round-robin document partitioned index.









20 30 Supersteps



Figure 9: Actual efficiencies in the round-robin document partitioned index. actly the same conditions. The BSP cost model ensures that the cost evaluation is not disconnected from reality. Our method separates the cost of list fetching from document ranking which makes these two important factors affecting the total running time independent each other in terms of scheduling. This means that the broker does not need to be concerned with the ratio disk to ranking costs when deciding to which processor send a given query. For search engines handling typical user queries the roundrobin strategy with limit R to the number of disk accesses per processor per superstep is sufficient to achieve efficient performance. For example, the figures 11 and 12 show the near-optimal efficiencies achieved across supersteps by the list fetching, communication and document ranking operations in the execution using A1 shown in figures 1 and 2. This explains the efficient performance produced by this strategy since all critical performance metrics are well balanced. Our results also show that a bad scheduling strategy can indeed degrade performance significantly. The least loaded processor first heuristic should work better for queries with large number of terms but we did not observe this intuition for artificially enlarged queries. For large number of terms per query we also observed that the bad performer algorithms tend to equal the good ones for high traffic of queries (q= 32) whereas for low traffic (q= 8) they become even more inefficient than in the case of few terms per query.

10 Number of Fetches



Figure 10: Query cost in the round-robin document partitioned index. Our results also show that the proposed BSP simulation method at the broker side is useful to reduce running times. Notice that this method allows the scheduling of ranking operations in a round-robin fashion but this is effected considering the limits to the number of disk accesses per processor per superstep. That is, the broker maintains several supersteps of round-robin scheduled rankings, each at different stage of completeness depending on the new queries arriving at the broker machine and the queries currently under execution in the cluster processors. The upper limits to the number of disk operations ensure that this costly process is kept well-balanced and round-robin scheduling ensures that the efficiency of the also costly ranking operations is kept over 80%. We think that this strategy is fairly more sophisticated than having a broker machine blindly scheduling queries in a circular manner onto the processors. In this sense, this paper proposes a new and low cost strategy for load balancing distributed inverted files. Our results show that this strategy is able to cause efficient performance in both bulk-synchronous and message-passsing search engines.

Acknowledgment: This paper has been partially funded by Fondecyt project 1060776.

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32 4



32 4



32 0




200 250 Supersteps





Figure 11: Document partitioned index: Efficiencies in disk accesses, communication and ranking with yaxis values from 0 to 1.











200 250 Supersteps




Figure 12: Term partitioned index: Efficiencies in disk accesses, communication and ranking with yaxis values from 0 to 1.

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