alyzing complex aircraft cable assemblies and connectors without requiring extensive ..... be useful in many applications, the engineer is only interested in the worst-case crosstalk. .... The closed-form expression is shown to be reasonably ...
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY
Measurement-Based Modeling and Worst-Case Estimation of Crosstalk Inside an Aircraft Cable Connector Guanghua Li, Student Member, IEEE, Gary Hess, Robert Hoeckele, Steve Davidson, Senior Member, IEEE, Peter Jalbert, Victor V. Khilkevich, Member, IEEE, Thomas P. Van Doren, Fellow, IEEE, David Pommerenke, Fellow, IEEE, and Daryl G. Beetner, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract—Crosstalk within cable bundles can degrade system performance. In aircraft systems that use shielded twisted pairs, the crosstalk occurs primarily in the connector where individual signal wires are not shielded or twisted. In many cases, the parameters which determine crosstalk within the connector are unknown because the connector is closed and wires cannot be easily accessed. Expanding on prior research [14], a methodology for measuring coupling parameters and modeling crosstalk within aircraft cable connectors at low frequencies (