Model Validation for Wind Turbine Generator Models Ad Hoc Task Force on Wind Generation Model Validation of the IEEE PES Working Group on Dynamic Performance of Wind Power Generation of the IEEE PES Power System Stability Controls Subcommittee of the IEEE PES Power System Dynamic Performance Committee,
Mohamed Asmine, Jacques Brochu, Jens Fortmann, Richard Gagnon, Yuriy Kazachkov, Charles-Eric Langlois, Christian Larose, Eduard Muljadi, Jason MacDowell, Pouyan Pourbeik, Slavomir A. Seman, and Kevin Wiens
Abstract—This paper summarizes the work of the Ad Hoc Task Force on Wind Generation Model Validation. The paper describes the concept of model validation, how this applies to wind turbine generation systems, and then gives clear examples of the most recent efforts to achieve model validation for wind turbine power plants. The document ends with a summary of the learning from the work presented and the conclusions which can be derived. Recommendations are made on the path forward for wind turbine generator modeling and model validation, primarily focused on generic models (i.e., standardized and publicly available) for stability analysis in power system studies. Index Terms—Model validation, renewable generation modeling, wind generator modeling.
I. INTRODUCTION HROUGH the efforts of the WECC Wind Generation Modeling Task Force (now the Renewable Energy Modeling Task Force) of the WECC Modeling and Validation Working Group, four generic models have been developed and proposed for positive sequence stability analysis of wind turbine generators (WTG), for use in power system studies. These models have been released in the latest versions of two commercial software packages GE PSLF™ and Siemens PTI PSS™E. A sister group under the IEEE Dynamic Performance of Wind Generation (DPWG) working group has developed a paper describing the current version of generic models [1]. The goal of this ad hoc Task Force document is to: 1) identify adequate methods and means by which to validate such wind turbine generator models; 2) report on case studies of model validation exercises; 3) document potential deficiencies in any of the models based on attempted model validation exercises, and thus provide feedback on potential refinements to the model; and 4) provide an outline of suitable methods and approaches for model validation for wind power plants; this means validating the model both at the wind turbine generator level, but more importantly at the aggregated plant level. In general, when we refer to models for power system studies, there are different categories of models. For basic power system design studies, steady-state powerflow and short circuit models
Manuscript received August 09, 2010; revised October 08, 2010; accepted November 08, 2010. Date of publication December 17, 2010; date of current version July 22, 2011. Paper no. TPWRS-00632-2010. Corresponding author: P. Pourbeik, TF Lead (e-mail:
[email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2010.2092794
are needed, as well as dynamic models for stability analysis. For these types of studies, generally what are referred to as positivesequence (or sometimes RMS) models are adequate—aside: for full-converter and doubly-fed asynchronous generators, positive-sequence models may be limited in their ability to properly capture the unit’s response to unbalanced faults; more on this latter in the paper. For equipment design, and the assessment of fast electromagnetic transients, detailed three-phase electromagnetic transient (EMT) level models are typically used. This paper is primarily focused on generic (that is, non-vendor specific and publicly available) positive-sequence models for stability analysis, and does not address electromagnetic transient (EMT) models. For a more thorough discussion on the reasons for testing and model validation, particularly from a policy perspective, see some of the documents being developed by reliability entities such as [2]–[5]. II. MODEL VALIDATION Based on extensive experience with model validation of other types of generation (synchronous generation) and transmission equipment (e.g., FACTS), we can broadly say that the goal of model validation is to establish that a model and its chosen parameters adequately represent the dynamic performance of the “as-installed” device being modeled for the purpose of power system studies. This statement, however, leaves significant room for interpretation on the meaning of “adequate” and “power system studies”. Thus, the goal here is to more clearly define these and then present an outline of possible methods for achieving model validation and at what point a model is considered valid for wind turbine generators. A. Process of Model Validation Model validation, of any kind, is a three-step process: 1) Define the model and model structure to be used for modeling the device(s) under study—in our case, a wind turbine generator (or an entire wind power plant1). 2) Collect recorded/measured data from the actual device(s) to be modeled. Such data is typically collected either from a set of “staged” tests (e.g., purposefully injecting a small change in the reference set-point of a controller such as the voltage set-point of a voltage regulator) or through online monitoring of the device to see its response to naturally occurring disturbances (e.g., in our case to see the response of 1In the case of an entire wind power plant, one also needs the data related to the collector system and transformer impedances, cable capacitance, reactive power compensation at the turbine level, and at the plant level, if any.
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the wind power plant to disturbances on the electric power system, etc.). 3) Attempt to simulate the same set of tests/events as occurred/forced during the data collection process using the model(s) in step 1 and compare the simulated response of the device to the recorded response in step 2. If the two responses match adequately, we have a validated model. In some cases, where technology is new and innovative (as is the case with many renewable generation technologies), or where field tests may be destructive or harmful to the equipment and network stability, step 2 may involve collecting data through a series of factory tests, performed by the manufacturer. B. Defining the Process and Requirements for Validation Thus, we see from the brief outline above that the following is needed for defining the process of, and the requirements for, model validation: 1) Model Structures: the actual model structures to be used. For WTG, these have been defined through the WECC WG effort and our sister ad hoc TF within the DPWG WG [1]. 2) Data Requirements: to define the minimum data that needs to be recorded in the field or in the factory from the wind turbine generator(s). 3) Adequacy: to define at what point the model performance is considered adequate. This is perhaps the most difficult task and can at times be subjective. The process of model validation does not necessarily mean a “perfect” match between the measured and simulated response, but rather an adequate match that clearly demonstrates: • capturing the relevant dynamics; • proper representation of the plant’s dynamic response; and • the ability to account for possible discrepancies. C. Wind Turbine Generator Model Validation Case Studies In this section, we present a series of examples of model validation efforts for wind turbine generator models as conducted by a few manufacturers and utilities. As stated in the previous section, model validation is ideally achieved by comparing model response to actual measured equipment response either in the field or in factory tests. In the early development of WTG models, however, such data was rare and only now is there an emphasis on obtaining such data. As such, the early development of generic WTG models was based on comparing simulations between the generic models and the vendor specific proprietary models. Thus, in this section, we will start with a brief summary of that approach and results achieved, and then present more recent and rigorous approaches using measured unit response. Here the focus is on detailed model validation of dynamic stability models, reference [6] can be consulted for an example of model validation with an emphasis also on validating the collector system and steady-state conditions. Some other valuable references are [7]–[9]. 1) Model Comparison Between Detailed Vendor Specific Models and Generic Models: Numerous vendor specific models have been developed in the Siemens PTI PSS™E platform in direct collaboration with WTG vendors. In this effort, thus far, none of these models were based on any manufacturer providing results of field or factory tests as a benchmark for
Fig. 1. Pseudo-governor controller.
stability model testing. The data provided were model specifications or simulations from equipment-design level models. With this in mind, in the development of the first generation of generic WTG models, a vendor specific model was considered the only benchmark available for validating the generic models. The first generation of generic models were developed for used in grid interconnection studies—for detailed description of these models and the model structures, please refer to our sister TF paper [1]. As such, they should adequately simulate wind turbine dynamics in terms of terminal voltage, active, and reactive power response to disturbances coming from the grid. They are not designed for studying the effect of changing wind. Of all four available generic models, only the WT3 model (DFAGbased wind turbine) has a reference to the initial per unit wind speed which is used for a simplified calculation of the aerodynamic torque and initial blade pitch angle. All the rest of the generic models do not use any wind correlation. In the WT1 (conventional induction generator) and the WT2 (variable rotor resistance induction generator), aerodynamics and pitch control are replaced by the pseudo-governor action. In the WT4 (full size converter connected generator), the machine is decoupled from the grid and the mechanical side is not modeled at all. Conventional Induction Generator (WT1 Model): The electrical generator is modeled as a full-order induction machine, as is done for vendor specific models. The remaining part of the model is the mechanical side—namely the turbine aerodynamics and control. In the course of preliminary testing of some vendor specific models of this type, it was noticed that the response of the mechanical power to step changes in the machine active power Pelec or the rotor slip WTRBSP can be approximated by a first or second order transfer function. This led to the idea of the pseudo-governor mimicking the complicated joint action of the aerodynamic conversion and pitch control by calculating the mechanical torque WAEROT as a function of two inputs: Pelec and WTRBSP (see Fig. 1). Therefore, the main concern is the validity of the pseudo-governor approach. The response of the Mitsubishi 1000-kW Type 1 wind turbine to a three-phase fault at the 230-kV point of interconnection in terms of real electrical power (Pelec), reactive power (Qelec), and terminal voltage (Vterm) is illustrated by plots of Fig. 2, for the vendor specific model and generic WT1 model. In general, we see a relatively good fit, with some difference in attenuation of electrical power (Pelec). An outstanding question is the validity of these models for system frequency disturbances. Again, the models have been tested against the vendor specific models; however, it is acknowledged that comparison to actual recorded disturbance
Fig. 2. Results of validation of the WT1 model against Mitsubishi 1000-kW vendor specific model.
Fig. 4. Results of validation of the WT2 model against Vestas V80 60-Hz vendor specific model.
Fig. 3. WT2 external rotor resistance control model.
monitoring would be the most effective means of validation. This remains to be done. Variable Rotor Resistance Induction Generator (WT2 Model): This model also includes the full-order induction machine model with the addition of a wound rotor connected to an external controlled resistor (Fig. 3). The main difference between this and a vendor specific model is two-fold: 1) the replacement of the aerodynamic conversion by a pseudo-governor model; and 2) omitting any handling of the rotor current and using Pelec instead. 3) The look-up table characterizes the reference power versus slip (linear slope) for operation below rated slip and constant rated power above rated slip. The look-up table is provided in the input data. Despite these differences, as shown in Fig. 4, we are still able to obtain a close match between the vendor specific Vestas V80 model and the, respectively, adjusted generic WT2 model. Doubly-Fed Asynchronous Generator (WT3 Model): This generic model in its functionality and structure is the closest to one of the vendor specific models of this type of wind turbine (the model was based on the GE vendor specific model). Actually, the only difference is the aerodynamic conversion which was simplified and linearized based [10]. The WT3 generic model has been successfully adjusted to a couple of wind
Fig. 5. Results of validation of the WT3 model against GE vendor specific model [10].
turbines of this type and validated against respective vendor specific models (e.g., see Fig. 5). Full-Converter Decoupled Generator (WT4 Model): The concept of this model is based on the idea that from the system viewpoint, the machine performance is not relevant because it is decoupled from the grid by a power converter whose controls determine the impact of the wind turbine. The plots in Fig. 6 demonstrate a good match between the Siemens 2.3-MW wind turbine vendor specific model and the, respectively, adjusted WT4 generic model. Since, as stated, in the generic model, only the line-side converter is modeled and the dynamics of the turbine-generator is not modeled, this model cannot reproduce the oscillations caused by a rotor torsional mode, which are seen in electrical power in the vendor specific model. 2) Example of the German Experience With Model Validation: At the international level, the IEC 61400-21 ed. 2 [2] describes measurement requirements for wind turbines. In Germany, joint measurement requirements for renewable power sources like wind energy, solar energy, and biomass have been defined in the FGW TR3 [3], which is based on [2], with some
Fig. 6. Results of validation of the WT4 model against Siemens 2.3-MW vendor specific model.
extensions to cover specific requirements of the current grid codes and regulations [12] in Germany. The model validation Standard that corresponds to the measurement standard is the FGW TR4 [4]. The FGW TR4 is a “grey box” approach with respect to the model description. That is, a manufacturer is required to provide a model and a model description. The results of simulations are compared to measurements. If the deviation between measurement and simulation is in within a certain limit, the model is accepted as validated. One option would be to compare measurements—which are three-phase instantaneous measurements—with an EMT model that yields three-phase values as well. The concern here is that for power system studies, RMS/stability level models are needed. Therefore, once the EMT model is validated, then the stability model would have to be benchmarked against the EMT model, which leads to accumulated errors and complications. It is therefore required in the FGW TR4 to compare measurements directly to RMS modeling data. In the EMT simulation, switching transients and higher frequency components of currents affect the power quality, but they are not relevant for system stability studies. Therefore, only the fundamental frequency component is of interest for stability analysis. In power systems, the majority of grid faults are single- or two-phase faults. Such faults lead to unbalanced conditions. In order to represent such conditions, it is common to use positive, negative, and zero sequence components of voltages and currents. Three-phase faults have the most severe impact on synchronous generators, but unbalanced faults can have a major impact on modern WTGs such as the type 3 and 4 designs (and other converter-based generator technologies), and are more difficult to model in positive-sequence stability programs. Further work is needed to identify adequate means of addressing the simulation of unbalanced conditions in positive-sequence programs for these two types of WTGs. A description of the calculation of positive sequence values from three-phase measurement values can be found in [2]. If
a WTG is connected to the grid using a delta-Y transformer with the star point connected to ground on the low voltage side (delta on the collector system voltage side), the zero sequence component of the voltage can be ignored at the terminals of the WTG. That means that single phase to ground and two phases to ground faults in the grid translate to phase to phase faults at the WTG terminals. An example of a measurement of a voltage dip with phase measurements, a calculated instantaneous voltage,2 and positive and negative sequence representation of voltages can be found in Figs. 7 and 8, subplot 1 and 2 for a three-phase and a two-phase fault. For the description of the measurement points, please refer to Fig. 9. One should note that the measured quantities, even when extracting positive and negative sequence quantities, still have higher frequency content. Thus, some filtering is required to compare measured and simulated results. The measurement set-up, to emulate a voltage dip, is shown in Fig. 9. The power generation unit (PGU) is connected to the grid through a testing device. The testing device is designed to reduce the voltage at the PGU to a specified level within a very short period of time. During normal operation, switch S1 is closed and switch S2 is open. In order to reduce the impact of activating impedance Z2 on the grid, in a first step, switch S1 is opened. This connects a series impedance of Z1. After the transients have decayed, switch S2 is closed and the short circuit impedance Z2 is connected in parallel to the PGU. This causes a voltage dip at the PGU. After 150–2000 ms depending on the tests required, switch S2 is opened again. The voltage at the PGU then recovers. A short time later, switch S1 is closed, and normal operation resumes.3 Three-phase measurements of voltages and currents must be performed at least at the measurement points MP1 and MP2. Measurements at MP2 describe the behavior of the PGU at its terminals. MP1 is necessary to calculate the data of the grid representation needed for the simulation. It is also necessary to measure the wind speed and power output before the voltage dip, to compute the initial condition of the wind turbine(s). Compared to rates of change of wind speed, voltage dips represent very short periods of time. As a result, the wind speed can generally be assumed to be constant during a voltage dip. This is in-line with the current assumptions in the development of the generic WTG models, where wind speed variations are neglected. In case the measurements are performed at turbulent sites or if there are fast changes of wind speed during measurements, it may be necessary to measure the wind speed during the test. This is the case if the behavior of the active power of a wind turbine cannot be modeled with the needed accuracy. 2Using the Clarke-transformation, the values of a three-phase system (a, b, c) can be converted into the so-called alpha/beta/0 (also referred to as alpha/ beta/gamma) components. For a balanced three-phase system, the 0 (or gamma) component is zero, and alpha and beta are rotating phasors at fundamental grid frequency. The magnitude of the sum of the alpha and beta phasors, the “length” of the total rotating phasor, is what is referred to here as “instantaneous voltage”. 3Note: although the approached presented here may be a reasonable approach for emulating a grid disturbance for the purpose of model validation, it does not precisely represent actual fault conditions and thus is not an adequate means of assessing actual fault performance of the WTG.
Fig. 10. Definition of transient intervals: A transient interval begins when a measured value or a setpoint changes within a short period of time. A transient interval ends when the measured value remains within a range of 10% of the stationary value.
Fig. 7. Measured voltage at measurement point 2 (MP2 Fig. 9) for a symmetric voltage dip. (1) Measured voltage of the 3-phases. (2) Instantaneous voltage, positive, and negative sequence of measured voltage. (3) Instantaneous voltage, positive, and negative sequence voltage of simulation.
Fig. 8. Measured voltage at measurement point 2 (MP2 Fig. 9) for a two-phase voltage dip. (1) Measured voltage of the three phases. (2) Instantaneous voltage, positive, and negative sequence of measured voltage. (3) Instantaneous voltage, positive, and negative sequence voltage of simulation.
Fig. 9. Setup to measure the effect of voltage dips on a power generation unit, for example a wind turbine. PGU stands for power generating unit, i.e., in this case, the wind generation unit or plant.
An additional measurement point MP3 is proposed for PGU connected at low voltage to a test device with medium voltage
terminals. Further turbine measurement data (low voltage, rotor speed, pitch angle) can be measured to add additional confidence to the model. Additional measurements are required in case they are necessary to explain the turbine behavior. 3) Quantification of Simulation Error: In order to describe how well a simulation model is able to represent its physical counterpart, one approach taken in Germany is to 1) define an allowed error between measurement and simulation and 2) to define criteria for quantifying the deviation between measurement and simulation. Thus, in Germany, the following approach has been taken for the fault-ride through (FRT) analysis. The FRT Tests can be divided in three periods A) Period “A”: before the voltage dip. A pre-fault measurement and simulation time of 2 s is recommended to show that the turbine is operating at stationary conditions. B) Period “B”: from the beginning of the voltage dip to the beginning of the voltage recovery. The duration of this period depends on the grid code requirements and may be between 140 ms at 0% voltage up to several seconds at 75% voltage. C) Period “C”: the voltage recovery period. During each of these periods, there are transient and stationary intervals. Per the German TR4 document [11], the beginning of the transient interval is defined as a fast change of a measured value or a setpoint. The end of a transient period is reached when of its stationary value the measured value settles to within (see Fig. 10). Transient intervals are related to physical effects that are typically not modeled in detail in the stability simulation models. The transients are often linked to phenomena such as • drive train oscillations; • the operation of protection devices of the inverter (e.g., active-crowbar); • saturation effects in the electrical equipment, etc. The German concept developed in broad terms is as follows: 1) defining the start and end for periods A, B and C (see description above of these periods) for the FRT-Test; 2) identifying transient and stationary intervals during periods A, B and C; 3) comparing the difference of the averages for measurement and simulation for each interval with an allowed limit; 4) comparing the difference of the positive sequence values of each stationary interval with an allowed limit;
Fig. 14. Measurement points for typical wind power plant in Hydro-Québec.
Fig. 11. (1) Measured and (2) simulated reactive current at measurement point 2 for a symmetric voltage dip. The average values are calculated for each interval (doted lines) for (1) measurement and (2) simulation. Transient periods start at = 1, t = 2, and t = 4 s.
Fig. 12. Difference between measurement and simulation of reactive currents at measurement point 2 for a symmetrical voltage dip as well as allowed tolerance. In (1), the difference of averages values (blue) and the allowed tolerance (red) is shown; in (2), the difference of positive sequence values (blue) and allowed tolerances for the stationary intervals (red) is displayed.
Fig. 13. Measurement and simulation of reactive currents of a FRT-Test with a voltage dip down to 45% rated voltage. The voltage setpoint has been set to unity, the reactive power is changed as the voltage changes. Transient periods are highlighted with red color, stationary periods green.
5) calculating a global deviation based on a weighted average over the entire FRT-Test. A more detailed account (with a discussion of the method for calculating these averages) is provided in [11]. Figs. 11–13 show an example of applying this method for a balanced 45% voltage dip applied through the FRT test to a doubly-fed asynchronous generator (type 3) WTG.
The process of model validation in Germany has been described and illustrated through an example of a 45% voltage dip. It should be noted that FRT-Tests down to lower voltages and the validation of active power is significantly more demanding. Nonetheless, the process has been shown to work adequately. In [11], an example is shown also with a two-phase fault, used to validate a model of a WT3 turbine. 4) Hydro-Québec Experience With Model Validation: Hydro-Quebec plans to integrate 4000 MW of wind power to its network by 2015. Consequently, research has been conducted to insure reliable integration of wind generation into the system. Here a brief account is given on some of the pertinent issues related to modeling and model validation. See [13]–[16] for more details. Validation of Type-3 Wind Turbine and Wind Power Plant Models Using Online Disturbance Monitoring: For the purpose of model validation, online monitoring equipment has been installed on a typical wind power plant (WPP) connected to the Hydro-Quebec network. This WPP is composed of 73 1.5-MW type-3 wind turbines. Fig. 14 shows the WPP, with the voltage and currents monitored and their locations at the turbine, feeder, and point of interconnection (POI) levels. From 2007 to 2009, various disturbances (e.g., faults and frequency deviations) were recorded. Those recordings have been used to build and validate a type-3 WTG model in the EMT domain. The model validation process used is based on playback techniques, where the model is fed with recorded voltages from the actual wind turbine, and validation is confirmed when the model produces the same current as those recorded during the disturbance. Following the same approach of waveform playback, the entire WPP model has also been validated, using recorded voltages and currents at the POI level. The wind plant management system was also modeled and validated in the mean time. Fig. 15 shows an example of the comparison between simulation and field measurement for an event. It can be seen that the conformity of the model with the field measurements is very good for this particular event. Such good correspondence of the model for a number of different operating conditions and recorded disturbances has greatly contributed to increase the confidence in the validity of the model. Fine-tuning the model is a process relatively straightforward for small disturbance, but it becomes more complex with large and/or unbalanced disturbance due to various nonlinearities. Regardless of the disturbance severity, this
Fig. 15. Comparison of recorded and simulated waveforms at the type-3 WTG level during a fault on the network.
approach requires a good understanding of internal dynamics and control strategies of the WTG to model. Validation of a Type-3 Wind Turbine Stability Model by Comparison With an EMT Model: Hydro-Quebec uses an EMTP-PSS/E modeling interface to build its own Siemens PTI PSS™E user-written models. The validated EMT model discussed in the previous section was used to help design and validate a type-3 WTG stability model. This stability model includes dynamics of the asynchronous generator and WPP voltage control. In this case, positive-sequence phasor signals from simulations of both models were used to compare and validate their behavior. Fig. 16 shows an example of this validation. This approach is helpful to gaining a better understanding of the impact of the numerous levels of controls of the type-3 WTG on the network. See [13] for more details. Validation of a Type 2 Wind Turbine Stability Model Using Online Disturbance Monitoring: A type-2 WTG model has also been developed by Hydro-Quebec for stability studies. The model has been adjusted and validated with online monitoring from the network for various disturbances including frequency deviations, faults, and a local voltage collapse following the loss of a line (low short-circuit level). Fig. 17 shows an example of validation for a remote fault as seen from a substation collecting power from two WPPs with type-2 WTGs. The resulting model is now widely used in Hydro-Quebec for planning and operation studies. Validation of Aggregation Techniques for WPP Modeling: The use of aggregated models for WPP modeling is a common practice. However, until recently, the precision and the validity of such approximation, for various types of power system studies, remained to be evaluated. Consequently, in order to validate the precision of aggregated models for EMT simulation, a detailed model of an actual WPP in the EMT domain, with all wind turbines represented and the collector network, was developed. Given the huge amount
Fig. 16. Response of the Hydro-Quebec stability (EMTP-PSS/E) and EMT (Matlab/SPS) models compared to a generic stability model for a 150-ms threephase fault at the POI.
Fig. 17. Comparison of recorded and simulated waveforms (using the HydroQuebec model) for a remote fault seen from a substation with type-2 WTGs.
of computation this kind of model requires, efficient modeling techniques were developed [14] to reduce simulation time to a practical level. With the availability of a fast-simulating detailed model of a WPP, an exhaustive simulation study [15] was performed for validating the adequacy of the NREL equivalencing method [17] and [18] for modeling WPP. As a result, the method proposed by
Fig. 19. Generic WT4 model.
Fig. 18. Comparison of a detailed WPP model with a one-, two-, and four-WTG equivalent WPP models. More than one equivalent WTG is not necessary for modeling a WPP when all WTGs are exposed to the same wind speed.
NREL appears to offer precise results for various types of disturbances and operating conditions, for both EMT and stability studies. Fig. 18 shows the performance of the NREL method for WPP modeling. In this figure, a two-phase fault is applied to four different models of WPP: a detailed 73-WTG model, and three different aggregated WPPs consisting of one, two, and four equivalent WTGs. The significance of this plot is to show that a single aggregated equivalent generator with a single equivalent impedance representing the entire collector system can adequately represent plant response for studying grid disturbances—admittedly this assumes one is studying a transient phenomena and wind speed is constant for the duration of the grid event. Generic Equivalent Collector System Parameters for Large WPP for Preliminary Studies: The equivalent collector systems of 17 WPPs rated between 50 and 300 MW were analyzed. Using this sample, a set of generic equivalent collector system parameters were calculated to be used for prospective powerflow and stability studies of WPPs for which little or no information is available yet. An exhaustive sensitivity study based on EMT simulations has confirmed the adequacy of the generic equivalent collector system parameters proposed in [16]. 5) ABB Experience With Model Validation for a Type-4 WTG Using the Generic WT4 Model: Using documentation in Siemens PTI PSS™E for the WECC developed WT4 generic model, ABB developed the model shown below.
Fig. 20. Overall model of the full-converter system.
The WT4 Generic Wind Model comprises of two modules as follows: • WT4G: the power converter/generator module; • WT4E: the electrical control module. Fig. 19 shows the interaction between these modules. The power converter/generator module (Fig. 20) calculates the current injection to the grid based on filtered active and reactive power commands from the electrical control module. Both components of the injected current are processed under the high/low voltage conditions by means of a special logic. The ABB modified model can be represented in different simulation environments. The original structure of the WECC model has been adapted for modeling of ABB’s Full Converter Wind Turbine Drive. The model does not include control (pitch and power) and mechanical model of the wind turbine that shall be developed by the WTG manufacturer. The electric grid model is not included. The active power command (Pord) is set by an external power reference (WT control). It is controlled by a proportional-integral (PI) controller with anti-windup limits. The block diagram of active power controller is shown in Fig. 21. There are three options of reactive power control. Reactive power can be controlled by voltage level, by power factor, or by external reference with two flags, VARFLG and PFAFLG. Power factor control calculates reactive power reference based on the active power of the generator. Reactive power control by voltage level controls reactive power reference by a
Fig. 24. Model output. Fig. 21. Active power control.
Fig. 22. Reactive power control.
Fig. 23. Current limitation control.
PI-controller with anti-windup limits. The block diagram of the reactive power control is shown in Fig. 22. The converter currents are limited by logic which is defined in the current limitation block. There are two modes of current limitations. One mode is used during normal operation and another is used during low voltage FRT. The total current and active and reactive current limits are defined. In addition, there is a lookup-table which defines maximum reactive current for certain voltage levels during FRT mode. This is shown in Fig. 23. A voltage dip is recognized by comparators which compare the voltage level to predefined voltage limits. Hysteresis is implemented by an S-R flip-flop to avoid hunting.
Fig. 25. Voltage dip for model versus measured response for a three-phase voltage dip.
The output of converter/generator model is current, and active and reactive power (see Fig. 24). Rate of change of active current is rate limited. Reactive current is controlled by the command which is defined in the electrical control model except during voltage dips when it is defined by a look-up table. Thus, a test was performed to compare the simulation results of the generic model with measured factory tests of the fullconverter system. The results for a three-phase voltage dip are shown in Figs. 25–28. Clearly, we have a good match. The measurements are from a rated-power factory test of the 2.5-MW wind turbine cage-induction generator, connected to the distribution network through a full power converter and generator step-up transformer. ABB has presented the validation of a detailed DFAG model also by full-power site test measurements in [19]. The full-converter WTG discussed above has also been successfully validated using the German TR 4 standard methodology (see [4] and Section B-2. One comment, however, is that there is a risk of having up to a 100% error (in short time periods) that is not real—the reason is that at the end of the fault (clearance) due to the typically long integration time step (relative to the actual speed of controls, which is in the kilo-Hz range), it is difficult to rapidly emulate fault clearing using the generic model. The action is of course much faster (sub-cycle) in the case of the real equipment. Adjustment could be made to improve the model. Despite this error, the model still fulfils the TR4 requirement. 6) Wind Power Facility Modeling Experience in Alberta: Within the province of Alberta, the Alberta Electrical System Operator (AESO) is responsible for the safe, reliable, and economic planning and operation of the Alberta Interconnected
Fig. 26. Total converter current for model versus measured response for a threephase voltage dip.
Fig. 27. Active converter current for model versus measured response for a three-phase voltage dip.
Electric System. The Alberta grid has approximately 12 700 MW of generation, in excess of 7900 MW of nominal load and a peak load of over 9700 MW [20]. At this time, there is one synchronous interconnection path to other jurisdictions within WECC and a small DC connection to the east. Wind Power Facilities (WPFs) first came online in Alberta in the late 1990s and presently there are eleven transmission connected WPFs totaling 563 MW. Alberta has a strong wind resource with an annual capacity factor of approximately 35%. The AESO’s 2009 long-term plan indicates that wind power generation could be at least 3500 MW by 2020 [21] and [22]. AESO, in 2004, developed an interconnection technical requirement for wind power facilities. In these requirements are provisions that require WPFs to provide modeling data and validation tests for the models. Specifically the 2004 WPF Technical Requirements state the following: “The WPF owner shall provide a WTG model with validated data demonstrated by a physical performance test of at least one WTG for every type/model of WTG used at the facility.” “The WPF owner shall provide a voltage regulation model with validated data demonstrated by a physical perfor-
Fig. 28. Reactive converter current for model versus measured response for a three-phase voltage dip.
mance test of at least one voltage regulation device used at the WPF.” “The WPF owner shall provide all pertinent data to the AESO to allow the modeling of the WTGs, transformers, collector system(s) and control systems at the WPF.” AESO looks for two different pieces of information. One is the appropriate model for the individual WTG, validated by a type test. This test could take place at the factory, some other facility, etc. The other is a voltage regulation model of the entire facility validated by a test of the facility. Validation of the voltage regulation model has typically been performed by applying a step change to the reference point and recording the results and presenting the measured and modeled values graphically (see example below). 7) Wind Generator Testing and Model Validation Effort by GE: This section presents results from a subset of tests performed at a 70-MW wind plant in Canada. The plant is configured as shown in Fig. 29. This plant uses GE 1.5-MW SLE wind turbine-generators and also employs the GE WindCONTROL plant management system. The WindCONTROL system allows coordination of all online turbine-generators for plant-level fast and smooth voltage regulation at the POI, located contractually at the 25-kV substation bus. The intent of testing at this plant is for model validation. Field tests were performed, data captured, results analyzed, and then compared to simulation results from a model of the plant and interconnecting grid built in GE’s PSLF™ simulation software. Two tests are performed: 1) step stimulus test: using a voltage step reference injection; 2) external physical stimulus test: using plant capacitor bank switching. Fig. 30 shows the voltage and reactive power control hierarchy at the individual turbine-generator level and the plant-wide level. Step Stimulus Test: The fastest dynamic response in the wind plant model is the unit voltage regulator loop. This control loop senses the terminal voltage of the individual WTG (at 575 volts), compares it to the local dynamically modified voltage reference, and instructs the generator converter to deliver reactive current to the collector system of the plant.
Fig. 31. Location of injected stimulus for voltage step test.
Fig. 29. Example wind plant layout for testing. Fig. 32. Wind turbine-generator level voltage step test response.
Fig. 30. Reactive power and voltage control structure for GE 1.5-MW wind turbine and windcontrol plant management.
The reactive current in the model is produced by an internal voltage, E”q, behind a machine reactance. The dynamics of this fast loop are dominated by the gain, Kvi. To test the fast regulator loop, a step reference signal is injected into the node feeding the fast voltage regulator in the WTG converter. Fig. 31 shows the location of the injected step signal in red. The resulting change in Q and voltage at the terminals of the machine is measured. In this test, the WTG communication with the plant-wide WindCONTROL is shut down, so Qcmd (VAR command signal from plant regulator) is held constant for constant Q regulation. Fig. 32 shows a comparison between measured wind turbine generator reactive power response and simulated response
using, a GE PSLF™ model for this test. The initial response of reactive power is extremely fast, rising to full output for this stimulus in about 200 ms—response similar to that of an SVC. When the WTG is isolated from the plant level supervisory control, the gain KQI is reduced and the turbine operates in a constant VAR mode. This is accounted for both in the actual response of the WTG control as well as in the model. Fig. 32 shows the results of the voltage step test when one WTG is isolated. In this case, since Qcmd is held constant, the initial rapid increase in reactive power output is slowly compensated for by the WTG reactive control as identified in Fig. 29, and thus slowly brought back to the initial Q value. External Physical Stimulus Test: In the case of our example system, a 10-MVAr capacitor bank, located at the 25-kV wind plant collector bus, is switched offline as an external physical stimulus. Fig. 33 shows detailed response to capacitor switching from the WindCONTROL. The red curve (Q_ACTUAL [kvar]) shows that total plant reactive power initially drops after the switching action, but the fast autonomous controls on each turbine generator quickly and stably respond to increase reactive power generated by individual turbines, shown by the orange curve (Q_TURBINES [kvar]). The WindCONTROL command (Q_CMD) distributed to the turbines is shown in blue. The response of Q_CMD is dominated by the gains of the voltage regulator portion of the WindCONTROL, specifically the proportional gain, Kpv, and integral gain, Kiv. The difference between the response of the individual turbines (Q_TURBINES [kvar]) and the WindCONTROL command (Q_CMD) is due to the dynamics of the individual wind turbines. Thus, the coordinated response of the wind plant and the individual turbines is multi-modal: a fast initial response to address severe perturbations as well as a slower refinement. For purposes of this test, the automatic control of the capacitor bank by WindCONTROL
Fig. 33. The 10-MVAr capacitor removal response measured from WindCONTROL.
was disabled and manual switching was used as a stimulus to record individual WTG response. The green curve in Fig. 34 shows that when the capacitor is switched offline, the measured voltage at the point of interconnection (or POI) decreases due to reduced reactive power flowing into the grid. The response of the individual WTGs is to rapidly increase reactive output to make up for the loss of reactive power supplied by the shunt capacitor. The plant level control then responds to this initial under-voltage condition and attempts to restore the POI voltage by increasing each wind generator’s reactive output by equal amounts until the plant voltage settles to the control set point determined by the operator. The lower traces in Fig. 34 shows a gap during the period when the capacitor bank is online between total plant Q (Q_ACTUAL) and summation of Q out of each WTG (Q_TURBINES). This gap represents the capacitive reactance added by the shunt bank. When the capacitor is switched offline, the gap between Q_ACTUAL and Q_TURBINES closes and all reactive power is supplied solely from the WTGs. The initial loss in plant reactive power is mitigated within approximately 15 s as each WTG settles to a new, increased level operating point of reactive power. This new increased Q level for each WTG is the total Q amount increased out of all units online in the plant, divided by n units online at the time of the test. Fig. 35 shows a comparison between these measured values and the simulation results of the GE PSLF™ model. Model outputs Qg, Q plant, Qcmd, and Vreg correspond to measured Q_TURBINES, Q_ACTUAL, Q_CMD, and U_LINELINE, respectively. This plot shows that the model performance adequately represents what is happening in the field. The response matches closely, with a difference immediately following the switching operation being due to lower sampling rate in the measurement than in the GE PSLF™ simulation. III. SUMMARY AND OBSERVATION ON MODELING AND MODEL VALIDATION FOR WIND POWER PLANTS The need for modeling and modeling validation should be apparent to the reader, as it is a mandated need in many continents
Fig. 34. The 10-MVAR capacitor removal response—POI variables.
Fig. 35. The 10-MVAr capacitor removal field test versus simulation results.
worldwide. Documents such as [4], [5], [23], and [24] elaborate more specifically on the need and purpose. The examples in the prior section have illustrated several model validation exercises. The examples cover the range of viable approaches to model validation, which can be broadly categorized as follows: 1) Calibrating Against Detailed Equipment Models: The first example illustrates the approach of calibrating stability models (i.e., positive-sequence or what is referred to as RMS models in Europe) against more detailed manufacturer models which are often three-phase EMT models. The limitation with this approach is that it does not compare the stability model performance directly with actual measured response and so there can be cumulative errors going from measurement comparison to EMT models, and then EMT model comparison to stability models. 2) Type Test/Staged Tests: In this approach, a “type” of particular design is tested either by a manufacturer, or an independent third party, through a staged test. This can be done either in the factory (e.g., see ABB example in previous section) or in the field (e.g., see GE or German examples). The staged test can be for example to exercise the fault-ride through capability of the unit (e.g., German example, or ABB example) or a particular functionality such as voltage regulation (e.g., GE example with voltage reference step-test). This process involves invoking a programmed event (e.g., forcing a momentary drop in voltage) and recording the response of the unit to the event. Then the
measured and simulated responses are compared, and the simulation model may be refined until good agreement is achieved between the two. 3) Monitoring-Based Model Validation: In this approach, monitoring equipment is installed at the power plant and data is gathered based on ongoing performance of and operations of the wind power plant. Data is also captured (e.g., by digital fault recorders) for events external to the plant such as faults on the transmission grid, and other voltage or frequency disturbances grid wide. This measured plant response is then compared to simulated response for model validation. The Hydro-Québec example in the previous section illustrates this—however, further work is needed to extend the approach to more publicly available models. For synchronous generation, this type of approach has been successfully illustrated [25], even for meeting reliability standards [26]. As presented, the most notable approaches to model validation are measurement based. This is true for any equipment. A measurement is made and the recorded data is post-processed, and then, the measurement is compared to the simulation model to validate it. Doing so requires some sort of criteria or approach to identify when the model is considered valid—i.e., how good a fit between measurement and simulation is “good enough”. There are two approaches to this requirement. One is to specify the requirement and define it analytically—the example in the prior section on the work done in Germany clearly illustrates this. Another is to rely on expert engineering judgment (i.e., human decision) to decide on the validity—presently, this is what is done in the United States in many of the standards such as the generation model validation certification process in WECC, and imminent NERC MOD standards of generator model validation. In either case, it is important to understand the limitations and errors that are introduced by measurement. These can be broadly categorized as follows: • Most measurement potential transformers (PTs) and current transformers (CTs) will have a tolerance of at least 1% (or more). In addition, errors from the analogue to digital conversion of the measurements (this can introduce both phase and magnitude errors, as can also the measurement PTs and CTs) can occur in recording the data. These can lead to cumulative errors in the range of 2%–3% in the measured active and reactive power, and voltages. • For fast transients (high frequency components), additional errors can occur due to bandwidth limitations in transducers and measurement equipment. • The measurement and control equipment used in the wind power plant controls does not usually have the same accuracy as calibrated measurement equipment—this can lead to an additional error in the range of 1%. • When designing equipment, all electrical (and mechanical) components will have associated design tolerances. Thus, the generation equipment parameters can easily have tolerances of the order of magnitude of 5%. • There are aspects of equipment behavior, such as magnetic saturation and hysteresis, that cannot be accurately modeled nor their effects totally eliminated from measurement.
• One further issue is a need to convert from instantaneous three-phase to RMS quantities for comparison with stability models. There is some error introduced by this process—plus the fact that the RMS values may have a fundamental frequency component under nonsymmetrical conditions which must be filtered. The cumulative effect of all these potential sources of error can lead to as much as 3% to 5% relative error in the calculated real and reactive power, and measured voltage and currents. As such, one must be cognizant of these facts and not require a match between measurement and simulation that is unreasonable. In the case of converter-based wind turbine generation technologies, i.e., type 3 and 4 WTG, there is the added complication of dealing with modeling unbalanced conditions. This is particularly challenging for type-3 WTG, in which the protection and control strategy during fault-ride through events can be quite different among vendors. Thus, it is difficult at present to capture the dynamics faithfully for all such equipment with the first generation of generic models. This requires further study. In the end, it should be noted that dynamic models used for power system stability simulations are derived after significant simplifications of actual equipment controls and physics, for it is neither practical nor appropriate to achieve perfect representation of all dynamics (e.g., down to electromagnetic transients level). Thus, it is a continuous challenge to provide models that adequately represent dynamics in the time frame of interest for stability studies while not making the models and model validation overly complex. IV. CONCLUSIONS Through several clear examples, it has been illustrated that model validation for wind generation is achievable and a fruitful exercise. The examples have shown various approaches to model validation. As the technology evolves, it is also clear that the models too will need to evolve. Many of the examples have shown the feasibility to validated measurement against the generic (simplified) first generation of wind turbine generator models. These generic models are non-manufacturer specific and public. Measurement-based model validation is the most fruitful exercise, rather than model comparison between different classes of models (e.g., benchmarking a stability model versus an EMT model). In practical terms, at least the voltage, real and reactive power, and bus voltage frequency at the point of common coupling need to be measured for a wind power plant for model validation purposes.4 Also, it is prudent to install measurement equipment such as digital-fault recorders and phasor-measurement units at the interconnecting substation of a wind power plant to collect such data. In addition to these basic variables, it would be beneficial to record variables such as the status and output of ancillary devices (e.g., reactive compensation devices such as STATCOMs or mechanically switched capacitors) and 4Note: in actuality, three-phase voltage and currents are the measured quantities, real and reactive power and bus frequency are then calculated from the measured voltage and currents. Most modern digital recording devices are able to make these calculations internally.
voltage, real, and reactive power at the terminals of a few representative generating units in the plant. A more clear and thorough definition of measurement is needed. This is presently being pursued by other groups such as the IEC TC88 WG27 and the NERC IVGTF [27]. It should be understood that there are inherent errors in the measurement process (up to 3%–5%). Furthermore, there are dynamics, particularly associated with fast transients, which are seen in measurements and are not represented in stability models. Moreover, in the case of unbalanced faults, measurement data needs to be filtered to extract the positive sequence response for comparison to stability models—this introduces further complications, for the negative and zero sequence behavior cannot be faithfully represented in positive-sequence simulation tools. All these considerations must be fully recognized when embarking on model validation, and they must be taken into consideration when setting standards for acceptance of model validation results. That is, when comparing the simulated response to measured response and trying to identify when a good-enough fit has been achieved, the criteria used should fully recognize all these issues and potential sources of error that are unavoidable. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the chairman of the parent working group, A. Ellis, for his leadership, as well as other members and officers of the group E. Camm (WG Secretary), J. Sanchez-Gasca (Lead of the sister TF), N. Miller (previous WG chairman), J. Smith (WG Vice-Chair), and many others who attended WG meetings and provided fruitful comments. The authors also would like to thank J. Nygaard Nielsen from Siemens Wind Power for assisting with the simulations associated with Fig. 6. REFERENCES [1] Working Group Joint Report—WECC Working Group on Dynamic Performance of Wind Power Generation and IEEE Working Group on Dynamic Performance of Wind Power Generation, Description and Technical Specifications for Generic WTG Models-A Status Report, IEEE PES Power Systems Conf. Expo., Mar. 2011. [2] IEC: IEC 61400-21 ed. 2, Wind Turbine Generator Systems—Part 21: Measurement and Assessment of Power Quality Characteristics of Grid Connected Wind Turbines. [3] FGW: Technische Richtlinien für Erzeugungseinheiten Teil 3 Bestimmung der Elektrischen Eigenschaften von Erzeugungseinheiten am Mittel-, Hoch- und Höchstspannungsnetz s, Apr. 30, 2009. [4] FGW: Technical Guidelines for Power Generating Units. Part 4 Demands on Modeling and Validating Simulation Models of the Electrical Characteristics of Power generation Units and Systems. Revision 4, Sep. 15, 2009. [5] North American Electric Reliability Corporation, Standard Models for Variable Generation, Prepared by NERC Integration of Variable Generation Task Force 1–1, May 18, 2010. [Online]. Available: [6] E. Muljadi and A. Ellis, “Validation of wind power plant dynamic models,” in Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, Jul. 20–24, 2008.
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