International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC) Volume 2, Issue 6, June - 2015. ISSN 2348 – 4853
Monitoring Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks Dhamdhere Shubhangi T. *1, Dr. S. V.Gumaste2 . M.E.Student, SPCOE, Dumbarwadi, Otur*1, Professor SPCOE, Dumbarwadi, Otur2.
[email protected]*1,
[email protected]. ABSTRACT Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is illustrious topic of many researchers. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are used for different applications such as military applications, habitat monitoring, agriculture, automation, and security. Wireless sensor network consists of large number of sensor nodes. The nodes sense environmental changes and inform them to other nodes over network architecture. Sensor nodes are under deployment in hostile environments or over large geographical areas. Sensor networks are emerging as an attractive technology with great secure for the future. Sensor networks provide endless opportunities, and also consist of difficult challenges such as the energy is insufficient and nonrenewable resource. However, challenges are noticed in relating to coverage and deployment, scalability, quality-of-service, size, computational power, energy efficiency and security. This paper presents various security related issues in wireless sensor networks and overview of the various applications of the WSN. Index Terms : Wireless Sensor Networks, Network Security, Sensor node.
Wireless sensor networks have recently come into prominence because they hold the probable to develop many segments of economy and life from environmental monitoring and maintenance, to automation in the transportation, to manufacturing and business asset management, and health care industries [1]. Sensor networks are frequently deployed in resource-constrained environments with battery operated nodes running untethered. These constraints state that sensor network problems are best approached in a hostile manner, by jointly considering the physical, networking, and application layers and making major design tradeoffs across the layers [2]. The increasing attention in wireless sensor networks can be rapidly understood by a large number of small sensing nodes which assemble information or identify special events and communicate in a wireless approach, with handing their processed data to a base station. Applications of Sensor Networks are of interest to the most different fields. Surveillance, environmental monitoring, child education, warfare, micro-surgery and agriculture are only a few examples.
Figure-1. Accessing WSNs.
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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC) Volume 2, Issue 6, June - 2015. ISSN 2348 – 4853
The major challenges to be noticed in WSNs are scalability, size, coverage and deployment, energy efficiency, quality-of- service, computational power and security[3]. Among these challenges, security is a major concern in wireless sensor networks. Most of the attacks and threats security in wireless networks are similar to their wired counterparts. In fact, wireless networks are usually more susceptible to various security threats and also unguided transmission medium is more vulnerable to security attacks than the guided transmission medium. Due to broadcast nature, the wireless communication is a simple candidate for eavesdropping. This paper present an overview of the security issues and applications relating to Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). II. APPLICATIONS OF WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS Military Battlefield: Military equipment now routinely contains some sort of computer equipment. Ad- hoc networking would allow the military to take advantage of common place network technology to maintain an information network between the soldiers, vehicles, and military information headquarters [4]. The basic techniques of ad hoc network came from this field. WSNs are becoming an important part of military command, communication, control and intelligence systems. Sensors can be deployed in a battle field to observe the presence of forces and vehicles, and track their movements, enabling close surveillance of opposing forces. Commercial Sector: Ad hoc can be used in emergency salvage operations for disaster relief efforts, e.g. in flood, fire or earthquake. Emergency salvage operations must take place where non-existing or damaged communications infrastructure and rapid deployment of a communication network is needed. Information is relayed from one rescue team member to another over a small hand held. Other commercial scenarios include e.g. ship-to-ship ad hoc mobile communication, law enforcement etc. Video Reception: To improve the quality of the video reception it propose a cross-layer feedback control mechanism that allows the application layer to adapt itself to a dynamically changing network topology. Such a mechanism could be based on a form of cross-layer feedback from the network layer to the application layer. Industrial applications: In corporative, data exchange in adhoc network is used. In industry, WSNs can be used to monitor manufacturing process or the condition of manufacturing equipment. For example, oil refiners or chemical plants can use sensors to monitor the condition of their miles of pipelines. These sensors are used to alert in case of any failures occurred. Vehicular adhoc networks Due to large processing delays and line-of-sight limitations VANET research aims to supply drivers with information regarding obstacles on the road and emergency events. VANETs use ad hoc communications for performing efficient driver assistance and car safety. The communications include data from the road side and from other cars. VANET can be used to communicate premonitions, notification of emergencies, and warnings about traffic conditions.
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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC) Volume 2, Issue 6, June - 2015. ISSN 2348 – 4853
Environmental Application Environmental applications include patterns of insects, birds or small animals and tracking the movements. Health Care Applications: Wireless sensor networks can be used to observe and track patients and elders for health care purposes. It can reduce the severe shortage of health care and relieve the health care expenditures in the current health care systems. For example sensors can be deployed in a patient’s home to survey the behaviors of the patient. It can alert doctors when the patient falls and requires immediate medical awareness. Agriculture Using wireless sensor networks within the agricultural industry is increasingly frequent. Using a wireless network, gravity feed water systems can be monitored using pressure transmitters to monitor water tank levels, pumps and water use can be measured and wirelessly transmitted back to a central control center for billing. Irrigation automation enables more efficient water use and reduces waste. Environmental Conditions Monitoring: In this area, WSN applications include monitoring temperature, humidity, monitoring the environmental conditions affecting crops or livestock, and lighting in office, buildings and so on. These monitoring modules are combined with actuator modules which can control. For example, the amount of fertilizer in the soil or the amount of cooling or heating in a building, based on distributed sensor measurements. Home Intelligence: Wireless sensor networks can be used to provide more convenient and intelligent living environments for human beings. For example, wireless sensors can be used to remotely read utility meters in a home like water, gas, electricity and then send the readings to a remote centre through wireless communication. Structural Monitoring: Wireless sensors can be used to monitor the movement within buildings and infrastructure such as flyovers, bridges, tunnels etc. enabling Engineering practices to monitor assets remotely without the need for costly site visits, as well as having the advantage of daily data, whereas traditionally this data was collected weekly or monthly, using physical site visits, involving either road or rail closure in some cases. It is also accurate than any visual assessment that would be carried out including sybil attack, selective forwarding, wormhole attack, impersonation attack. T his paper represent an overview of the applications of WSNs. III. CONCLUSION Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is an promising technology that shows great secure for various revolutionary applications both for mass public and military. The sensing technology combined with wireless communication and processing power. Many applications of WSNs include heath, military, environmental, industries, home, agriculture and so on. Besides these applications, security is the main issue in WSNs. VI. FUTURE SCOPE 29 | © 2015, IJAFRC All Rights Reserved
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC) Volume 2, Issue 6, June - 2015. ISSN 2348 – 4853
Scalability can still be increased by introducing the Clustering concept in order to reduce the traffic and overhead to the Base Station. Two future research topics are: (1) Exploit the availability of private key operations on sensor nodes: recent studies on public key cryptography have shown that public key operations may be practical in sensor nodes. (2) QoS and security: performance is generally degraded with the addition of security services in WSNs. Current studies on security in WSNs focus on individual topics such as key management, secure routing, secure data aggregation, and intrusion detection. QoS and security services need to be evaluated together in WSNs. By more carefully considering the threats posed to sensor networks, applications with intrinsic security considerations become immediately realizable. V. REFERENCES [1]
Mike Horton, John Suh, A Vision for Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE 2005.
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D. Braginsky, D. Estrin, Rumor routing algorithm for sensor networks, In Proceeding of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications, New York, USA, 2002.
Ms. Dhamdhere Shubhangi T., ME student, Department of Computer Engineering, SPCOE-Dumberwadi, Otur.
Dr. S. V. Gumaste, currently working as Professor and Head, Department of Computer Engineering, SPCOE-Dumberwadi, Otur. Graduated from BLDE Association's College of Engineering, Bijapur,Karnataka University, Dharwar in 1992 and completed Post-graduation in CSE from SGBAU, Amravati in 2007. Completed Ph.D (CSE) in Engineerng & Faculty at SGBAU, Amravati. Has around 22 years of Teaching Experience.
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