MYP English Course Descriptions

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Maniac Magee - Spinelli. The True Adventures of Charlotte Doyle-Avi. Esperanza Rising - Ryan. The View from Saturday - Konigsburg. Belle Prater's Boy - White.
MYP Course Vision

MYP Discipline (highlight): Humanities Language A Language B Mathematics Sciences Technology Course Title: Advanced English 8 Teacher Names: Andrew Opie, Jeremy Stelzner, Melanie Wilson, Diane Sauter, Loretta Collins Grade Level (highlight all that apply): Grade 6 (Level 1) 3)

Grade 7 (Level 2)

Grade 8 (Level

Vision Statement: The vision of the IB/MYP English/Language Arts Department at The Silver Spring International Middle School is to cultivate adolescent learners into active, compassionate and global-minded critical thinkers who Use interdisciplinary topics as forms of research, writing construction, reading comprehension, skill building, and literary selection. Communicate and write with clarity and precision for a variety of purposes Express ideas with clarity and precision Use appropriate organization and word choice for a stated purpose

Analyze a wider variety of texts to determine how settings across cultures influence character development Analyze from a range of texts to compose writing from a character’s point of view Formulate an appreciation for language – written and spoken – which leads to development of debating and persuasive writing skills. Expand their intercultural awareness through the use of propaganda posters and political cartoons Participate in an inter-disciplinary unit with World Studies to analyze original texts in order to synthesize their own ideas.

Resources (textbooks, novels, media, etc.): The Pearl by John Steinbeck Animal Farm by George Orwell Twelve Angry Men Short stories by Poe, de Maupaussant As You Like It by William Shakespeare (*subject to change)

Course Title: Advanced English 7 Teacher Names: Aisha Artis, Margaret Taylor, John Jackson Grade Level (highlight all that apply): Grade 6 (Level 1) 3)

X Grade 7 (Level 2)

Grade 8 (Level

Vision Statement: ENGLISH / LANGUAGE ARTS DEPARTMENT VISION STATEMENT The vision of the IB/MYP English/Language Arts Department at The Silver Spring International Middle School is to cultivate adolescent learners into active, compassionate and global-minded critical thinkers who use interdisciplinary topics as forms of research, writing construction, reading comprehension, skill building, and literary selection. Communicate and write with clarity and precision for a variety of purposes Express ideas with clarity and precision Use appropriate organization and word choice for a stated purpose Analyze a wider variety of texts to determine how settings across cultures influence character development Analyze from a range of texts to compare viewpoints and reactions to conflicts across culture with the purpose of fostering life-long learning.

Course Title: Grade 6 English Teacher Names: Flowers, Mannix, Swift Grade Level (highlight all that apply): Grade 6 (Level 1) Grade 7 (Level 2)

Grade 8 (Level 3)

Vision Statement: The goal of the sixth grade English Language Arts program is to create literate, thoughtful communicators, capable of controlling language effectively as they negotiate an increasingly complex and information-rich world. Students will refine specific skills and strategies in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing and will use these skills and strategies as tools for learning and reflection across the disciplines. Students will display their knowledge through a variety of expository, narrative, persuasive writings and through oral presentations. Students will also gain multiple perspectives of literature through the analysis of multicultural texts. Through the exploration of a variety of texts, students will understand and appreciate language and literature as catalysts for deep thought and emotion.

Resources (textbooks, novels, media, etc.): Language of Literature

Tuck Everlasting -Babbit

The Wringer - Spinelli

Maniac Magee - Spinelli

The True Adventures of Charlotte Doyle-Avi

Esperanza Rising - Ryan

The View from Saturday - Konigsburg

Belle Prater’s Boy - White

The Writer’s Craft

Holes - Sachar

Ruby Holler - Creech

Short stories by Soto, Sperry, Jimenez, Cisneros, Farjean, Namioka, Whitebird

Poems by Paulsen, Soto, Angelou, Shakespeare. Excerpts by Shakespeare