Oct 10, 2013 ... Are you interested in winning either a Toyota Prius, a Subaru Outback or $25,000
... drawing for a choice of a $50 gift card to either iTunes or Yogurtland. ...
Attached is a flier for the Community Advisory Committee's FREE ...
Hello NBMS Families, Next Thursday, October 10 is Bike to School Day, and here at NBMS we’ll be providing free breakfast for students who bike, skateboard, scooter or walk to school on that day. Students should plan on arriving at school at 7:30 AM, so they have enough time to eat before class starts. While on this subject, I’d like note that we have had some incidents recently, where students have been injured as they ride to school in the morning. Fortunately none of the accidents resulted in serious injuries, however it is of concern that they are occurring. If your student is riding to school, make sure they are aware of their responsibilities regarding riding safely, and to be vigilant with regard to drivers who may not be paying attention. Progress reports were handed out this week and you should have reviewed your child’s, signed it, and returned it with your student. If you have questions about your child’s progress through this first quarter please contact the teacher of the subject. Frequent communication between home and school, will lead to more success for your student. There will be parent conferences here at school on the afternoons of October 23rd and 24th. Teachers may contact parents to set up a conference, and parents may also contact teachers to request one. Here are other items of interest: BIKE TO SCHOOL DAY Come to school on your own power by bike, skateboard, or on foot on Thursday, October 10th, and enjoy free breakfast with your friends. Show us your helmet if you bike or skate; bring a note from your parents if you walk. Breakfast begins at 7:30 AM, and goes until 7:55 AM. DRIVE FOR SCHOOLS Are you interested in winning either a Toyota Prius, a Subaru Outback or $25,000 cash? NBMS is participating in the County Fundraiser known as the Drive for Schools Fundraiser, which involves selling tickets to win one of the aforementioned prizes. All students have received a booklet of 6 tickets, each ticket costs $5, or somebody could by the booklet of 6 tickets for $25. The top selling student will win $200, the second top seller will win $100, and the third top seller will win $50. Each student that sells a booklet will be invited to an after school ice cream party. Students who sell their booklet by Tuesday (10/8/13), and turn in their ticket stubs and monies to the office will be entered into a drawing for a choice of a $50 gift card to either iTunes or Yogurtland. The monies raised from this fundraising drive go towards supporting academics and activities here at NBMS. Students who need extra booklets of tickets can pick them up in the school office. If you do not plan on selling your tickets, return them to the office. All stubs for tickets that are sold (and monies) should be turned in to the office by 4:00 PM on Friday, 18th of October. ELAC MEETING
There will be a meeting for parents of English Language Learners on Tuesday, October 9th, from 6:00-7:00 PM, in the school library. ESCRIP If you have used a grocery story loyalty card to contribute funds to your child’s school in the past you may need to update it to now that your child is at NBMS. I just did this myself via going to our school’s website (http://www.nbms.santacruz.k12.ca.us) and clicking on the escrip link at the bottom left of the homepage. Once on the escrip homepage, I clicked the ‘my account’ button and followed the instructions to change my school to New Brighton Middle School. INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PROGRAM WORKSHOP Attached is a flier for the Community Advisory Committee’s FREE upcoming workshop – IEP 101. The workshop will take place at the SCCOE on October 23, 2013 beginning at 6:30 PM.
http://www.edulinksys.com/email/IEP_101_Workshop_Flyer.pdf EMAIL FOR NBMS FOUNDATION The NBMS Foundation would like to create a database of parent emails. Having your email on the list will enable you to know what is going on regarding the Foundation. To be part of the list, send an email to:
[email protected] HEALTHY LIVING ELECTIVE Mr. Shapiro's Healthy Living class is off to a great start. He and his class are seeking volunteers to lead or support gardening activities in our NBMS garden. He's also looking for a yoga teacher to teach a weekly or bi-weekly yoga class to his 6th period Healthy Living students. If you or someone you know is interested in supporting our Healthy Living class in either of these ways, please contact Mr. Shapiro at
[email protected]. Thank you! MAIN STREET SCHOOL’S TEXAS HOLD ‘EM TOURNAMENT FUNDRAISER 2013 Main Street School is holding their 3rd annual F.O.M.S. Texas Hold’em Tournament Fundraiser on October 11, 2013 at the Elks Lodge. The event is open to the FOMS community, friends and family. First time players are welcome – training will be provided. Great Prizes! Registration Donation is $75.00 in advance (cash or check) or $100 on day of event – Limited to first 150 players!!! • $25.00 for spectator admission Hors d'oeuvres by 5 Star Catering and drinks at the no-host bar Friday October 11, 2013 -- Cards fly at 7 p.m. sharp Check in from 6 to 7 p.m. – Tournament ends at midnight Location: Elks Lodge, 150 Jewel Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Contact Main Street School (464 5650) if you want to register for this fundraiser. STAFF DEVELOPMENT DAY - NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY
Monday, October 8th, is a Staff Development Day. There will not be school for students on this day. We will see all students back here on Tuesday, October 9th. SPIRIT WEAR The students at New Brighton have great spirit, and now they can show that spirit by wearing NBMS apparel. Currently we have sweatshirts and hats available. Enquire in the school office if you’d like to make a purchase. WASHINGTON D.C./NEW YORK There are 29 eighth grade students already signed up for spring break 2014 trip, if you would like to sign up your eighth grade student visit www.worldstrides.org The trip ID number (needed for registration) is 92835. There is a registration deadline coming up on 10/31/13. The cost of the trip may go up after that date. IMPORTANT DATES October 7th, Staff Development Day, no school for students October 8th, Yoyo Assembly, NBMS 11:50-12:20 PM October 10th Bike to School Day, NBMS, 7:30-8:00 AM October 10th, English Learners Advisory Council meeting, 5:30-6:30 PM, NBMS library October 18th, 7th/8th Grade Dance, NBMS PAC, 7:00-9:00 PM October 23rd and 24th Minimum Days for Student Conferences November 1st, End of First Quarter November 1st, Make up photograph day November 11th Veteran’s Day, no school
Sincerely, Craig Broadhurst