Editor of Economic Times (supplement to Economics, by Michael Parkin) 4 (
Spring 1995). 8. Dutkowsky, Donald H. "Budget Balancing Battles," Economic
Times ...
CURRICULUM VITAE (September 2013) Personal Data Name:
Donald H. Dutkowsky
Department of Economics Syracuse University 304 Maxwell Hall Syracuse, NY 13244-1090 (315)-443-1918
[email protected]
Education Ph.D., SUNY at Buffalo, 1982. Dissertation: "The Demand for Borrowed Reserves: A Switching Regression Model." Director: Arthur Butler. B.A., SUNY at Buffalo, 1976 (Magna Cum Laude). Research Interests Macroeconomic Theory and Policy Monetary Theory and Policy Macro-Finance and Bank Behavior Economics Education Appointments Professor of Economics, Syracuse University, 2000-. Faculty Liaison for Economics in the Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA) Concurrent Enrollment Program, 1991-. Faculty Liaison for Personal Finance in the SUPA Concurrent Enrollment Program, 2011-. Director of Graduate Studies, Economics Department, 1997-2007. Associate Professor of Economics, Syracuse University, 1988-2000. Assistant Professor of Economics, Syracuse University, 1985-88. Assistant Professor of Economics and Finance, Clarkson University, 1981-85.
Publications: Books and Scholarly Monographs 1.
Dutkowsky, Donald H., Andrew Grodner, and Wayne A. Grove. Survive Then Thrive: Completing the Economics Ph.D. Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG, 2009.
Publications: Refereed Journal Articles 1.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. "The Demand for Borrowed Reserves: A Switching Regression Model," Journal of Finance 39 (June 1984), 407-424.
Atesoglu, H. Sonmez and Donald H. Dutkowsky. "Rational Expectations, Fatality, and Keynesian Models," Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics 23 (Summer 1984), 1829.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. and William G. Foote. "Switching, Aggregation, and the Demand for Borrowed Reserves," Review of Economics and Statistics 67 (May 1985), 331-335.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. and Fredric C. Menz. "A Cost Function for Neutralizing Acidic Adirondack Surface Waters," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 12 (September 1985), 277-285.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. and David J. Gianturco. "On the Inflation-Unit Labor Cost Relation," Journal of Economics and Business 38 (May 1986), 173-181.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. and H. Sonmez Atesoglu. "Unanticipated Money Growth and Unemployment: Post-Sample Forecasts," Southern Economic Journal 53 (October 1986), 413-421.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. "Unanticipated Money Growth, Interest Rate Volatility, and Unemployment in the United States," Review of Economics and Statistics 69 (February 1987), 144-148.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. and William G. Foote. "Forecasting Discount Window Borrowing," International Journal of Forecasting 4 (1988), 593-603.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. and William G. Foote. "The Demand for Money: A Rational Expectations Approach," Review of Economics and Statistics 70 (February 1988), 83-92.
Foote, William G. and Donald H. Dutkowsky. "The Dynamic Demand for Bank Discount Window Borrowing With Non-Negativity Constraints," Atlantic Economic Journal 17 (June 1989), 36-41.
Kao, Chihwa D. and Donald H. Dutkowsky. "An Application of Nonlinear Bounded Influence Estimation to Aggregate Bank Borrowing From the Federal Reserve," Journal of the American Statistical Association 84 (September 1989), 700-709.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. and H. Sonmez Atesoglu. "Interest Rate Volatility and Monetary Neutrality," Quarterly Review of Economics and Business 30 (Summer 1990), 17-23.
Atesoglu, H. Sonmez and Donald H. Dutkowsky. "Interest Rate Volatility and the Macro Rational Expectations Hypothesis," Journal of Macroeconomics 12 (Winter 1990), 97-109.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. and William G. Foote. "The Demand for Money: A Rational Expectations Approach, Reply," Review of Economics and Statistics 73 (November 1991), 752-754.
Atesoglu, H. Sonmez and Donald H. Dutkowsky. "The Changing Effect of Money on Aggregate Output in the U.S.," Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 128(2) (1992), 221-236.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. and William G. Foote. "Intertemporal Substitution in Macroeconomics: Consumption, Labor Supply, and Money Demand," Review of Economics and Statistics 74 (May 1992), 333-338.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. and H. Sonmez Atesoglu. "Wage Contracting in the Macroeconomy," Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 25 (February 1993), 62-78.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. "Dynamic Implicit Cost and Discount Window Borrowing: An Empirical Investigation," Journal of Monetary Economics 32 (August 1993), 105-120.
Atesoglu, H. Sonmez and Donald H. Dutkowsky. "Money, Output, and Prices in Turkey," Applied Economics Letters 2 (February 1995), 38-41.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. "Interpreting Adjustment Costs Under Asymmetry: A Note," Applied Economics Letters 2 (July 1995), 236-238.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. and Robert M. Dunsky. "Intertemporal Substitution, Money, and Aggregate Labor Supply," Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 28 (May 1996), 216-232.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. "Macroeconomic Price Stickiness: Evidence From the Postwar United States," Journal of Economics and Business 48 (December 1996), 427-442.
Atesoglu, H. Sonmez and Donald H. Dutkowsky. "On the Dynamics of Balance of Payments Constrained Growth," Applied Economics 29 (October 1997), 1343-1351.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. and Robert M. Dunsky. "Estimating the Liquidity of M2 Components in the Post-DIDMCA Era," Economic Inquiry 36 (April 1998), 244-257.
Zhao, Yucong, Donald H. Dutkowsky, and Robert M. Dunsky. "Liquidity Constraints With Endogenous Income," Economic Inquiry 37 (October 1999), 692-705.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. "Taxation and Monetary Aggregation," Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 31 (November 1999), 811-817.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. and Suzanne K. McCoskey. "Near Integration, Bank Reluctance, and Aggregate Discount Window Borrowing," Journal of Banking and Finance 25 (June 2001), 1013-1036.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. and H. Sonmez Atesoglu. "The Demand For Money: A Structural Econometric Investigation," Southern Economic Journal 68 (July 2001), 92-106.
Robertson, Raymond and Donald H. Dutkowsky. "Adjustment Costs in a Destination Country: The Case of Mexico," Journal of Development Economics 67 (February 2002), 29-54.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. and Barry Z. Cynamon. "Sweep Programs: The Fall of M1 and Rebirth of the Medium of Exchange," Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 35 (April 2003), 263-280.
Jones, Barry E., Donald H. Dutkowsky, and Thomas Elger. "Sweep Programs and Optimal Monetary Aggregation," Journal of Banking and Finance 29 (February 2005), 483-508.
Jones, Barry E., Thomas Elger, David Edgerton, and Donald H. Dutkowsky. “Toward a Unified Approach to Testing for Weak Separability,” Economics Bulletin 3(20) (2005), 1-8.
Dutkowsky, Donald H., Barry Z. Cynamon, and Barry E. Jones. “US Narrow Money for the Twenty-First Century," Economic Inquiry 44 (January 2006), 142-152.
VanHoose, David D. and Donald H. Dutkowsky. “Macroeconomics in the Twenty-First Century: Introduction,” Journal of Economics and Business 58 (September 2006), 363-365.
Dutkowsky, Donald H., Jerry M. Evensky, and Gerald S. Edmonds. "Teaching College Economics in the High Schools: The Role of Concurrent Enrollment Programs," Journal of Economic Education 37 (Fall 2006), 477-482. Reprinted in G. S. Edmonds and S. Z. Signorelli (Eds.). Our Courses Your Classroom: Research on Syracuse University Courses Taught in High School. New York: Project Advance Press, 2010, pp. 242-251.
Cynamon, Barry Z., Donald H. Dutkowsky, and Barry E. Jones. “Redefining the Monetary Aggregates: A Clean Sweep,” Eastern Economic Journal 32 (Fall 2006), 661-673.
Grove, Wayne A., Donald H. Dutkowsky, and Andrew Grodner. “Survive Then Thrive: Determinants of Success in the Economics Ph.D. Program,” Economic Inquiry 45 (October 2007), 864-871.
Jones, Barry E., Adrian R. Fleissig, Thomas Elger, and Donald H. Dutkowsky. “Monetary Policy and Monetary Asset Substitution,” Economics Letters 99 (April 2008), 18-22.
Jones, Barry E., Adrian R. Fleissig, Thomas Elger, and Donald H. Dutkowsky. “Retail Sweep Programs and Monetary Asset Substitution,” Economics Letters 99 (April 2008), 159-163.
Dutkowsky, Donald H., Jerry M. Evensky, and Gerald S. Edmonds. “Should a High School Adopt Advanced Placement or a Concurrent Enrollment Program? An Expected Benefit Approach,” Education Finance and Policy 4 (Summer 2009), 263-277.
Robertson, Raymond, Anil Kumar, and Donald H. Dutkowsky. “Purchasing Power Parity and Aggregation Bias for a Developing Country: The Case of Mexico,” Journal of Development Economics 90 (November 2009), 237-243.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. and David D. VanHoose. “Interest on Bank Reserves and Optimal Sweeping,” Journal of Banking and Finance 35 (September 2011), 2491-2497.
Fusaro, Marc Anthony and Donald H. Dutkowsky. “What Determines Consumption in the Very Short-Run? Evidence from Checking Account Data,” Journal of Macroeconomics 33 (December 2011), 542-552.
Sullivan, Ryan S. and Donald H. Dutkowsky. “The Effect of Cigarette Taxation on Prices: An Empirical Analysis Using Local-Level Data.” Public Finance Review 40(6) (November 2012), 687-711. Winner of “Outstanding Paper Award of 2012” from Public Finance Review.
Fusaro, Marc Anthony and Donald H. Dutkowsky. “What Determines Consumption and Money Holding in the Very Short-Run? Evidence from Checking Account Data,” Applied Economics Letters 20(13) (2013), 1228-1232.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. and David D. VanHoose. “Interest on Reserves, Unregulated Interest on Demand Deposits, and Optimal Sweeping,” Journal of Macroeconomics, forthcoming.
Other Publications 1.
Menz, Fredric C. and Donald H. Dutkowsky. "Forecasting Costs for Neutralizing Acidic Adirondack Surface Waters," in Proceedings, Second New York State Symposium on Atmospheric Deposition, Cornell University, October 1983, 235-42.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. "Review of Wage Rigidity and Unemployment, edited by Wilfred Beckerman," Southern Economic Journal 54 (October 1987), 499-501.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. "Review of Growth, Accumulation, and Unproductive Activity: An Analysis of the Postwar U.S. Economy, by Edward N. Wolff," Southern Economic Journal 55 (January 1988), 789-90.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. "Review of Disequilibrium Macroeconomic Models: Theory and Estimation of Rationing Models Using Business Survey Data, by Jean-Paul Lambert," Southern Economic Journal 56 (April 1989), 1062-63.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. "Economic Issues in the 1992 Presidential Election," Economic Times (supplement to Economics, by Michael Parkin) 1 (Spring 1992), 3-9.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. "Macroeconomic Effects of the Crime Bill," Economic Times (supplement to Economics, by Michael Parkin) 4 (Spring 1995), 22-23.
Editor of Economic Times (supplement to Economics, by Michael Parkin) 4 (Spring 1995).
Dutkowsky, Donald H. "Budget Balancing Battles," Economic Times (supplement to Economics, by Michael Parkin) 5 (Fall 1996), 13-14.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. "How to Fix Social Security?" Syracuse Post-Standard, April 28, 1998, A-7.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. "Forum: Rescuing Social Security. Raise Retirement Age; Don't Touch Benefits," Syracuse Post-Standard, July 7, 1998, A-7.
Dutkowsky, Donald H., James R. Follain, and Seth H. Giertz. "A Time Series Econometric Study of Employment Growth in Upstate New York, Syracuse, and Albany." Project Report, Niagara Mohawk Grant, October 1998.
Test Bank III: Special Contributed Volume, to accompany Microeconomics: Fifth Edition, by Michael Parkin. Edited by Mark Rush, with contributions by Sue Bartlett, Kevin Carey, Leo H. Chan, Carol Dole, Donald H. Dutkowsky, Andrew Foshee, Jill Boylston Herndon, Veronica Z. Kalich, Melinda Nish, Terry Olson, Rochelle L. Ruffer, Virginia Shingleton, Nora Underwood, Peter von Allmen, and Peter A. Zaleski. Addison Wesley Longman: Reading, MA, 1999.
Test Bank III: Special Contributed Volume, to accompany Macroeconomics: Fifth Edition, by Michael Parkin. Edited by Mark Rush, with contributions by Sue Bartlett, Kevin Carey, Leo H. Chan, Carol Dole, Donald H. Dutkowsky, Andrew Foshee, Jill Boylston Herndon, Veronica Z. Kalich, Melinda Nish, Terry Olson, Rochelle L. Ruffer, Virginia Shingleton, Nora Underwood, Peter von Allmen, and Peter A. Zaleski. Addison Wesley Longman: Reading, MA, 1999.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. "Review of Inflation Targeting: Lessons From the International Experience, by Ben S. Bernanke, Thomas Laubach, Frederic S. Mishkin, and Adam S. Posen," Eastern Economic Journal 26 (Fall 2000), 495-497.
Dutkowsky, Donald H. "If You Want Good Teaching, Come to a University As Well," Syracuse Post-Standard, April 7, 2003, A-7.
Dutkowsky, Donald H., Jerry M. Evensky, and Gerald S. Edmonds. “Improving Economic Literacy: The Role of Concurrent Enrollment Programs.” Online document available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=476146, December 2003.
Co-Editor (with David D. VanHoose) of Special Issue, “Macroeconomics in the TwentyFirst Century,” Journal of Economics and Business 58 (September 2006).
Grove, Wayne A., Donald H. Dutkowsky, and Andrew Grodner. “Survive Then Thrive: Talent, Research Motivation, and Completing the Economics Ph.D.” Online document available at http://ssrn.com/abstract=958470, January 2007.
Cynamon, Barry Z., Donald H. Dutkowsky, and Barry E. Jones. “Sweep-Adjusted Monetary Aggregates for the United States.” Online document available at http://www.sweepmeasures.com, December 2007.
Dutkowsky, Donald H., Jerry M. Evensky, and Gerald S. Edmonds. “Economic Literacy Spillover Effects from Concurrent Enrollment Programs to the High School Basic Economics Course: An Econometric Analysis.” In G. S. Edmonds and S. Z. Signorelli (Eds.). Our Courses Your Classroom: Research on Syracuse University Courses Taught in High School. New York: Project Advance Press, 2010, pp. 252-270.
Other Completed Papers and Research in Progress “Weak and Strong PPP between the US and Mexico: An Empirical Examination,” (with R. Robertson and A. Kumar). “Excise Taxes, Monopolistic Competition, and the Optimal Tax Rate,” (with R. Sullivan). “Banking and Swept Funds: Where Have They Gone?” “Effects of Having Taken Courses from Concurrent Enrollment Programs on College Student Persistence and Performance,” (with K. Srinivas and T. Wasserman). “Concurrent Enrollment Programs and College Acceptance” (with T. Squires and T. Wasserman).
Paper Presentations and Invited Conferences "Coefficient Bias from the Observation Interval of a Time Series," (with J. Holmes and G. Praetzel), presented at the Southern Economic Association Meetings, November 1980. "Coefficient Bias from the Observation Interval of a Time Series," (with J. Holmes and G. Praetzel), presented at the Econometric Society Meetings, December 1980. Invited Participant, Twenty Second Central Banking Seminar, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, April 1982. "The Demand for Borrowed Reserves: A Switching Regression Model," presented at the Eastern Economic Association Meetings, March 1983. "Rational Expectations and Stabilization Policy: Further Evidence," (with H.S. Atesoglu), presented at the Eastern Economic Association Meetings, March 1983. "Forecasting Costs for Neutralizing Acidic Adirondack Surface Waters," (with F.C. Menz), presented at the Second New York State Symposium on Atmospheric Deposition, October 1983. "Borrowed Reserves, Targets, and Money Stock Growth," presented at the Eastern Economic Association Meetings, March 1984. "The Demand for Discount Window Borrowing: A Dynamic Switching Model," (with W. Foote), presented at the Atlantic Economic Society Meetings, October 1984. The abstract appears in the Atlantic Economic Journal (March 1985), p.71. "The Influence Function for the Switching Regression Model," (with C. Kao), presented at the summer meetings of the Econometric Society, June 1986. "The Demand for Money: A Rational Expectations Approach," (with W. Foote), invited presentation, Macroeconomics Workshop, SUNY Binghamton, October 1986. "Monetary Neutrality and Interest Rate Volatility in the United States," (with H.S. Atesoglu), presented at the Eastern Economic Association Meetings, March 1987. "An Application of Nonlinear Bounded Influence Estimation to Aggregate Bank Borrowing From the Federal Reserve," (with C. Kao), invited presentation, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, February 1989. Invited Participant, Thirtieth Central Banking Seminar, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, March 1990. "Intertemporal Substitution in Macroeconomics: Consumption, Labor Supply, and Money Demand," (with W. Foote), invited presentation, Macro/Monetary Workshop, University of Rochester, March 1990.
"The 1990-91 Recession: How Did We Get in and How Will We Get Out?" Invited presentation for Syracuse University Project Advance, Economics Program, May 1991. "Wage Contracting in the Macroeconomy," (with H.S. Atesoglu), invited presentation, Economic Inquiry Session, Western Economic Association Meetings, June 1991. Discussant for session, "Macroeconomic Forecasting," (four papers), New York State Economics Association Meetings, October 1991. "Some Macroeconomic Lessons From a Semi-Industrialized Eurasian Country: The Case of Turkey," (with H.S. Atesoglu), New York State Economics Association Meetings, October 1992. Served as a discussant at the same meetings. "Estimating the Liquidity of Monetary Assets in the Post-DIDMCA Era: An Application of Asymmetric Adjustment Cost," (with R.M. Dunsky), invited presentation, Clarkson University, January 1996. "Who Among the Employed are Debt Constrained? Liquidity Constraints With Endogenous Income," (with Y. Zhao), Western Economics Asssociation Meetings, June 1996. Also served as a discussant and session chair. "On the Dynamic Microfoundations of Conventional Money Demand," (with H.S. Atesoglu), invited presentation, SUNY Albany, May 1997. "The Demand for Money: A Structural Econometric Investigation," (with H.S. Atesoglu), Southern Economics Association Meetings, November 1997. Also served as session chair. Invited Participant, Conference on The Consolidation of the Financial Services Industry, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, March 1998. "The Demand for Money: A Structural Econometric Investigation," (with H.S. Atesoglu), invited seminar, Binghamton University, April 1998. Invited Participant, Conference on The Role of Central Banks in Money and Payments Systems. Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and the Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, October 1998. "Inflation Targeting With the Federal Funds Rate (with H.S. Atesoglu), presented at the Southern Economics Association Meetings, November 1999. Also served as a discussant. "Inflation Targeting With the Federal Funds Rate (with H.S. Atesoglu), invited seminar, Binghamton University, December 1999. Discussant and Session Chair, Allied Social Sciences Association Conference, January 2001.
"Inflation Targeting With the Federal Funds Rate" (with H.S. Atesoglu), invited seminar, SUNY at Buffalo, September 2001. "Inflation Targeting With the Federal Funds Rate" (with H.S. Atesoglu), presented at the Allied Social Sciences Association Conference, January 2002. "Interactive Economics" (with J. Evensky and J. Snyder), presented at the New York State Council for the Social Studies Conference, March 2002. "Sweeping Up Change: Toward a New Measure of Narrow Money" (with B. Jones and B. Cynamon), invited presentation, Binghamton University, December 2002. “Advancing Economic Literacy: The Role of Concurrent Enrollment Programs,” (with J. Evensky and G. Edmonds), presented at the conference of the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships, October 2003. “Survive Then Thrive: What Determines Success in the Economics Ph.D. Program?” (with W. Grove and A. Grodner), invited presentation, Colgate University/Hamilton College combined seminar, October 2004. Discussant, International Atlantic Economic Society Conference, October 2005. “Survive Then Thrive: What Determines Success in the Economics Ph.D. Program?” (with W. Grove and A. Grodner), invited presentation, American Economic Association Pipeline Program in Training Minority Students for the Economics Ph.D., June 2006. “Concurrent Enrollment Programs in the Teaching of Economics,” presented at the conference of the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships, October 2006. “Monetary Asset Substitution in the Post-Regulation Q Era,” (with B. Jones, T. Elger, and A. Fleissig), invited presentation, East Carolina University, January 2007. “Should a High School Adopt Advanced Placement or a Concurrent Enrollment Program? An Expected Benefit Approach,” (with J. Evensky and G. Edmonds), invited presentation, Jefferson Community College Concurrent Enrollment Program Seminar, May 2008. “To AP or Not to AP,” (with J. Evensky and G. Edmonds), presented at the conference of the New York State School Boards Association, October 2008. “Economic Literacy for High Schoolers,” (with J. Evensky and G. Edmonds), presented at the conference of the New York State School Boards Association, October 2009. “Should a High School Adopt Advanced Placement or a Concurrent Enrollment Program? An Expected Benefit Approach,” (with J. Evensky and G. Edmonds), presented at the conference of the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships, October 2009.
“Interest on Bank Reserves and Optimal Sweeping,” (with D.D. VanHoose), presented at the Southern Economics Association meetings, November 2009. “Training Teachers for Teaching Regents Economics (with Jerry M. Evensky and Gerald S. Edmonds), presented at the conference of the New York State Council for the Social Studies, March 2010.
Professional Service Refereed manuscripts for the following journals: Bulletin of Economic Research, Contemporary Economic Policy, Economic Inquiry, Economic Journal, Economica, International Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Economic Education, Journal of Economics and Business, Journal of Empirical Finance, Journal of Macroeconomics, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Modern Economy, New York Economic Review, Northeast Journal of Economics and Business, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Public Budgeting and Finance, Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Review of Economics and Statistics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Southern Economic Journal. Co-Editor (Macroeconomics area), Journal of Economics and Business, 2000-04. Co-Editor (with David D. VanHoose) of Special Issue, “Macroeconomics in the Twenty-First Century,” Journal of Economics and Business 58 (September 2006). Reviewer for National Science Foundation, 1986 and 2001. Examiner for Two Undergraduate Honors Theses, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, 1992. Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure Case, Binghamton University, 1993. Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure Case, Ohio University, 1999. Reviewer for Renewal Case, Binghamton University, 1999. Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure Case, University of North Carolina Charlotte, 2000. Reviewer for Renewal Case, Binghamton University, 2000. Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure Case, West Virginia University, 2001. Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure Case, Clarkson University, 2004.
Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure Case, Binghamton University, 2006. Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure Case, Wesleyan University, 2006. Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure Case, University of Tennessee, 2006. Wrote Recommendation Letter for Promotion to Full Professor Case, Macalester College, 2009. Wrote Recommendation Letter for Promotion to Full Professor Case, Le Moyne College, 2009. Reviewer for Promotion and Tenure Case, Clarkson University, 2011. Reviewer for Promotion to Full Professor Case, Binghamton University, 2013.
Acknowledged Reviewer of the following textbooks: Macroeconomics, fourth and seventh editions, by Robert J. Gordon (Addison-Wesley). Macroeconomics, by Barron, Lowenstein, and Lynch (Addison-Wesley). Macroeconomics, fifth edition, by Dornbusch and Fischer (McGraw-Hill). Macroeconomics, by N. Gregory Mankiw (Worth). Macroeconomics, by Abel and Bernanke (Addison-Wesley), first and second editions. Economics, by Michael Parkin (Addison-Wesley). The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, by Frederic S. Mishkin (Addison-Wesley), third, fourth, fifth, and sixth editions. Modern Money and Banking, by Miller and VanHoose (McGraw-Hill). Money, the Financial System, and the Economy, by R. Glenn Hubbard (Addison-Wesley). Economic Times, by Michael Parkin (Addison-Wesley). Economics, eleventh edition, by McConnell and Brue (McGraw-Hill). Economics, by Timothy Tregarthen (Worth). Economics: Principles and Applications, by Hall and Lieberman (Southwestern). Economics, by Frank and Bernanke (McGraw-Hill). Microcomputers, Corporate Planning, and Decision Support Systems, edited by David J. Gianturco and Nariman Behravesh (Quorum Press). Appeared as guest on the television program "Financial Fitness," on WCNY (one hour talk show), July 1992. Gave the talk, "Economic Outlook for 1999," at the meeting of the International Association for Financial Planning, Upstate New York Chapter, December 1998. Gave the talk, "Economic Outlook for 2000," at the meeting of the International Association for Financial Planning, Upstate New York Chapter, January 2000. Gave the talk, "Determinants of Employment in Upstate New York." Keynote Speaker, Fund Raiser for Anthony Nanula, Comptroller, City of Buffalo, July 2000.
Gave the talk, "Economic Outlook for 2001," at the meeting of the International Association for Financial Planning, Upstate New York Chapter, January 2001. Gave the talk, "Economic Outlook for 2001," at the meeting of the Syracuse University Community Luncheon Club, January 2001. Gave the talk, "Economic Outlook for 2002," at the meeting of the International Association for Financial Planning, Upstate New York Chapter, January 2002. Gave the talk, “Recent Developments in Global Economies,” at the Central New York conference of the Model United Nations, January 2004. Gave the talk, “The Economies of Syracuse and Upstate New York,” at Cicero-North Syracuse High School, December 2006, May 2007, and December 2007. Gave the talk, “The Economy and the Stock Market: Where are We Headed?” Skaneateles Women’s Investment Club, September 2009. Gave the talk, “The US Economy and Prospects for Policy,” Eastern Suburbs Organizing for America Group, November 2011. Interviewed by The New York Times, Fortune Magazine, Businessweek, Credit Cards.com. the Syracuse Post-Standard, the Syracuse Herald-Journal, the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, the Binghamton Press and Sun-Bulletin, the Daily Orange, the Syracuse Record, the Syracuse University Magazine, and a number of national newspapers; television stations WCNY, WSTM, WSYT, WIXT, WTVH, and YNN; and radio stations WRVO, WSYR, WHEN, WNTQ, “Movin 100”, WAER, and the BBC. My interviews have also appeared in NASDAQ.com, CNNMoney.com, and FoxBusiness.com.
Awards and Grants Outstanding Advisor Award, Clarkson University, April 1983. Excellence in Graduate Teaching, Economics Department, Syracuse University, 1988-89. "Professor of the Week," chosen by the Daily Orange (student newspaper), October 1989. Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Economics Department, 1991-92. My paper, "On the Dynamics of Balance of Payments Constrained Growth," (with H.S. Atesoglu) (Applied Economics, 1997) was given the Highest Quality Rating ("Excellent") by ANBAR Management Intelligence, July 1998. Maxwell Office of the Dean – Summer Project Assistantship Program, 2008. Maine-Endwell High School Graduate of Distinction, 2008. Summer Research Seed Grant of $1,500 (with W. Foote), Clarkson University, 1984. Summer Research Grant of $3,000, Syracuse University, 1986. Appleby-Mosher Grant, The Maxwell School, Syracuse University December 1987: December 1988: February 1991: February 1996: March 2003:
$500.00 $749.00 $460.00 (with Douglas Holtz-Eakin) $500.00 $1,000.00
"Proposal to Study the Central New York Economy," (with James R. Follain), funded for $45,000 by Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, 1998. “Increasing the Quality of Economics Teaching at the Secondary School Level,” (with Jerry Evensky and Gerald S. Edmonds), funded for $25,000 by the Council of Economic Education, Excellence in Economic Education Program, September 2009 (website http://supa.syr.edu/ecn600). “Improving the Quality of Economics Teaching at the Secondary School Level,” (with Jerry Evensky and Gerald S. Edmonds), funded for $25,000 by the Council of Economic Education, Excellence in Economic Education Program, October 2010 (website http://supa.syr.edu/ecn600). My journal article (with Ryan S. Sullivan), “The Effect of Cigarette Taxation on Prices: An Empirical Analysis Using Local-Level Data” was chosen as the winner of “Outstanding Paper Award of 2012,” from Public Finance Review.
Advising Activities (Syracuse University) Served as Ph.D. Advisor for the Following Completed Ph.D.s: Yucong Zhao Robert Dunsky
(Economics Department) (Economics Department)
Served on Dissertation Committees for the Following Completed Ph.Ds: Mohammed Najand Hamid Rahman Robert Ryan Ji-Heun Hur Seung-Ha Lee Soumabho Das Gupta Ashok Mehta S. Gowri Shankar Nandinee Kutty Gyan P. Sinha Mustaque Ahmed Myung Ki Chang Jeong-Sig Ham Nelson Wong Veysel Ulusoy Suzanne McCoskey Bangtian Chen Matthew O'Connor Michelle Harter Dreiman Wenyi Huang John Auerlich Khaled Al bulaihed Donald Marples Mehmet Tosun Wei Zhang Shalini Sharma Jamie Emerson Tariq Al-Alawi Shuo Zhang Muhammed Dalgin Junesuh Yi Kontee Nuchsuwan Cong Pham Hatice Karahan Elizabeth Ashby Natalia Trofimenko Beyza Ural
(Finance Department) (Finance Department) (Finance Department) (Economics Department) (Finance Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Finance Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Finance Department) (Finance Department) (Finance Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Finance Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Finance Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Finance Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Finance Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department)
Nayef Al-Shammari Ratidanai Hoonsawat Qu Feng Reshad Ahsan Ryan Sullivan Asha Sundaram Sang Gon Na Jeong Eun Shin Alexander Bogin Kalpana Srinivas Yun Li Qianqian Cao Yin-Fang Yen
(Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (School of Education) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department)
Faculty Teaching Mentor, Future Professorate Program, for the Following Ph.D. Students: David Wittenburg* Alex Stricker Robert Weathers* Keith Dayton* Lisa Sturman Donald Bruce* Seth Giertz Chunling Lu* Peter Howe Mohua Das* Brian Dempsey Gabrielle Chapman Andrew Grodner LaRhonda Ealey Elizabeth Ashby Xuepeng Liu Claudia Smith Beyza Ural Luzeta Adorna Shawn Rohlin Ratidanai Hoonsawat Becky Lafrancois Asha Sundaram Ryan Sullivan Yun Li Qianqian Cao Chun Chieh Hu
(Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department) (Economics Department)
*Outstanding TA Award Winner (Syracuse University Graduate School)
Other Advising Activities Served on the Masters Committee For Approximately 30 Masters Students in Economics. Reader for Masters Papers of four students from International Relations. Majors Advisor, Economics Department, 1993-94. Lower Division Undergraduate Advisor, Arts and Sciences, 1985-93, 1995-. Summer Faculty Advisor for Incoming Freshmen, Arts and Sciences, 1995-. Freshman Forum Mentor, Arts and Sciences, 2001.
Courses Taught Principles of Macroeconomics Principles of Microeconomics Principles of Macroeconomics for Engineers Principles of Microeconomics for Engineers Intermediate Macroeconomics Intermediate Microeconomics Money and Banking Monetary Theory Corporate Finance Introduction to Financial Institutions Economic Statistics Econometrics Advanced Macroeconomics (Undergraduate and Masters Level) Principles of Macro and Microeconomics (M.B.A. level) Survey of Macroeconomic Theory (Masters level) Money and Banking (Masters and M.B.A. level) Macroeconomics I (Ph.D. level) Macroeconomics II (Ph.D. level)
Duties in Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA) Concurrent Enrollment Program Faculty Liaison, SUPA Economics Course: 1991Designer and Faculty Liaison, SUPA Personal Finance Course: 2011-
Other Service Activities (Syracuse University) Economics Department Administrator and Co-Designer of Ph.D. Macro Comprehensive Exam 1985-2004. Administrator and Co-Designer of Macro-Finance Field Exam, 1987. Graduate Student Recruitment Committee, 1987-88. Research Evaluation Committee, 1988-89. Coordinator of Workshop/Seminar Series, 1988-91. Faculty Recruitment Committees, 1988-91, 1992-93, 1998-99, 2004-05, 2006-07. Junior Faculty Tenure Evaluation Committee for Jerry Evensky, 1987-91. Chair of Junior Faculty Tenure Evaluation Committee: Nancy Benjamin, 1987-92; Elvan Ozlu, 1992-96; Robert Sinclair, 1999-2004; and Abdulaziz Shifa, 2013-. Committee for Evaluating Review Procedures, 1991-92 Committee for Evaluating Principles Courses, 1991-94. Coordinator of Professional Development Series, 1993-94. Presented, "How to Prepare and Deliver an Organized Lecture," Economics Department Professional Development Program, 1992-94. Teaching Evaluation Committee, 1992-97, 1999-2000, 2003-13. Chair of Committee For Scheduling Macroeconomics Courses, 1997. Chair of Committee For Examining Structure of the Ph.D. Program, 2000-01. Committee for Evaluation Committee for Promotion to Full Professor of Jerry Evensky, 2004. Committee for Evaluation Committee for Promotion to Full Professor of Gary Engelhardt, 2007. Director of Graduate Studies, 1997-2007.
Other University Service Lower Division Undergraduate Advisor, Arts and Sciences, 1985-93, 1995-. Summer Faculty Advisor for Incoming Freshmen, Arts and Sciences, 1995-2012. Participant in Political Science Qualifying Exam, 1996. Participant in International Relations Qualifying Exam, 1996. Graduate School Representative for Ph.D. Dissertation Defenses on Numerous Occasions. Reviewer for Summer Research Proposals to University Research Committee, 1988. Chaired Session, "Teaching the American Student," for University TA Training Program, 1990. Volunteer for Telephoning Applicants, Arts and Sciences, spring and fall 1991. Arts and Sciences Promotion and Tenure Committee, 1990-93. Arts and Sciences Research and Scholarship Committee, 1993-96. Language Evaluator of International Teaching Assistants, The Graduate School, 1995, 1998-2007. Roscoe-Martin Committee, The Maxwell School, 1995-97. Faculty Participant in Session, "Videotaping as Part of TA Training," The Graduate School, 1998. Committee on Instruction, Arts and Sciences, 1998-2004. Committee on Appointing Teaching Fellows, The Graduate School, 2000-02, 2009. Committee on Choosing University Fellowships, the Maxwell School, 2004. Committee to Determine Outstanding TA Awards, The Graduate School, 2002-06, 2013. Gave the Talk, "Higher Education in the US and Your Role Within It," TA program, The Graduate School, 2001. Gave the talk, "US Economic Policy: Challenges and Triumphs," Syracuse University Class of 1957 Alumni Reunion, 2002. Gave the Talk, “Thank You From the Faculty,” Outstanding TA Award Presentation, TA Program, The Graduate School, 2005. Keynote Speaker, Maxwell School Convocation, 2006.