Probabilistic Inference for Network Management

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with the uncertainty and allow for partial automation in network maintain and recovering. ... Coding- based methods [3] and Case-Based methods [4] were used for fault identification ... ware, such as HP OpenView, IBM Tivoli, or Cisco serial network management ..... embed.pdf. 8.
Probabilistic Inference for Network Management Jianguo Ding1,2 , Bernd J. Kr¨ amer2 , Yingcai Bai1 , and Hansheng Chen3 1

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200030, P. R. China [email protected] 2 Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Engineering, FernUniversit¨ at Hagen, D-58084 Hagen, Germany [email protected] 3 East-china Institute of Computer Technology, Shanghai 200233, P. R. China

Abstract. As networks grow in size, heterogeneity, and complexity of applications and network services, an efficient network management system needs to work effectively even in face of incomplete management information, uncertain situations and dynamic changes. We use Bayesian networks to model the network management and consider the probabilistic backward inference between the managed entities, which can track the strongest causes and trace the strongest routes between particular effects and its causes. This is the foundation for further intelligent decision of management in networks.



With the increasing in the size, heterogeneity, pervasiveness, complex applications and services in networks, effective management of such networks becomes more important and more difficult. Uncertainty of the complex networks is an unavoidable characteristic which comes from hardware defects, software errors, the incomplete management information and the dependency relationship between the managed entities. An effective management system in networks should deal with the uncertainty and allow for partial automation in network maintain and recovering. In the past decade, a great deal of research effort has been focused on improving a network management in fault detection and diagnosis. Finite State Machines were used to model the concepts of fault propagation behaviour and duration [1]. Rule-base methods were proposed for fault detection [2]. Codingbased methods [3] and Case-Based methods [4] were used for fault identification and isolation. All these researches help to improve fault management efficiently in networks. But most of the technologies are sensitive to noise. That means they can not deal with the incomplete and uncertain management information efficiently. Probabilistic reasoning is another effective approach for fault detection in network management [5,6]. On the practical side, most of the current commercial management software, such as HP OpenView, IBM Tivoli, or Cisco serial network management M. Freire et al. (Eds.): ECUMN 2004, LNCS 3262, pp. 498–507, 2004. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2004 

Probabilistic Inference for Network Management


software, perform remote monitoring, provide fault alarm, and perform some statistics on management information. But they lack facilities for exact fault localization, or the automatic execution of appropriate fault recovery actions. A typical metric for on-line fault identification is 95% fault location accuracy and 5% faults can not be located and recovered in due time [7]. Hence for large network including thousands of managed components it may be rather timeconsuming and difficult to resolve the problems in a short time by exhaustive search in locating the root causes of a failure. We apply Bayesian networks (BNs) to model dependencies among managed objects and provide efficient methods to locate the root causes of failure situations in the presence of imprecise management information. In this paper a Strongest Dependence Route algorithm for backward-inference in BNs is presented. The inference algorithm will allow users to trace the strongest dependency route from some malicious effect to its causes, so that the most probable causes are investigated first. The algorithm also provides a dependency ranking of a particular effect’s causes. The application of BNs to network management is discussed in Section 2. The Strongest Dependency Route algorithm for probabilistic inference in BNs is presented in Section 3. Section 4 identifies directions for further research.


Bayesian Networks for Network Management

Bayesian Networks are effective means to model probabilistic knowledge by representing cause-and-effect relationships among key entities in a network. BNs can be used to generate useful predictions about future faults and decisions even in the presence of uncertain or incomplete information in network management. 2.1

Models of Bayesian Networks

Bayesian networks, known as Bayesian belief networks, probabilistic networks or causal networks, are an important knowledge representation in Artificial Intelligence [8,9]. BNs use DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs) with probability labels to represent probabilistic knowledge. BNs can be defined as a triplet (V, L, P ), where V is a set of variables (nodes of the DAG), L is the set of causal links among the variables (the directed arcs between nodes of the DAG), P is a set of probability distributions defined by: P = {p(v | π(v)) | v ∈ V }; π(v) denotes the parents of node v. The DAG is commonly referred to as the dependence structure of a BN. In BNs, the information included in one node depends on the information of its predecessor nodes. The former denotes an effect node; the latter represents its causes. Note that an effect node can also act as a causal node of other nodes, where it then plays the role of a cause node. An important advantage of BNs is the avoidance of building huge JPD (Joint Probability Distribution) tables that include permutations of all the nodes in the network. Rather, for an effect node, only the states of its immediate predecessor need to be considered.


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BNs are appropriate for automated reasoning because of their deep representations and precise calculations. BNs have been applied in medical diagnosis [10], map learning [11] and language understanding [12]. 2.2

Mapping Networks to Bayesian Networks

Fig. 1 shows a example of the campus network of the FernUniversit¨ at in Hagen. When only the connection service for end users is considered, Fig. 2 illustrates the associated BN. The arrows in the BN denote the dependency from causes to effects. The weights of the links denote the probability of dependency between the objects. In this example, the component F and component E are the causes for component D. The annotation p(D | EF ) = 100% denotes the probability of the non-availability of component D is 100% when component F is in order but component E is not. Other annotations can be read similarly. The dependencies among network entities can be assigned probabilities to the links in the dependency or causality graph [13,14]. This dependency graph can be transformed into a BN with certain special properties [15].

Fig. 1. Example of Campus Network

Fig. 2. Example of Bayesian Network for Fig. 1

Probabilistic Inference for Network Management


When a network is modelled as a BN, two important processes need to be resolved: (1) Ascertain the Dependency Relationship between Managed Entities. When one entity requires a service performed by another entity in order for it to execute its function, this relationship between the two entities is called a dependency. The notion of dependencies can be applied at various levels of granularity. The functional model and the structural model are two useful models to get the dependency between cooperating entities in network [16]. (2) Obtain the Measurement of the Dependency. When BNs are used to model networks, BNs represent causes and effects between observable symptoms and the unobserved problems, so that when a set of evidences is observed the most likely causes can be determined by inference technologies. Single-cause and multi-cause are two kinds of general assumptions to consider the dependencies between managed entities in network management. Single-cause means any of the causes must lead to the effect. While the multiplecause means that one effect is generated only when more than one cause happens simultaneity. Management information statistics are the main source to get the dependencies between the managed objects in networks. The empirical knowledge of experts and experiments are useful to determine the dependency. Some researchers have performed useful work to discover dependencies from the application view in networks [17,16].


Probabilistic Inference for Network Management

The most common approach towards reasoning with uncertain information about dependencies in networks is probabilistic inference, which traces the causes from effects. The task of backward inference amounts to finding the most probable instances and the key factors that are related to the defect in networks. 3.1

Related Algorithms for Probabilistic Inference

There exist various types of inference algorithms for BNs. All in all they can be classified into two types of inferences: exact inference [9,18] and approximate inference [19]. Each resolution offers different properties and works better on different classes of problems, but it is very unlikely that a single algorithm can solve all possible problem instances effectively. For almost all computational problems and probabilistic inference, using general BNs has been shown to be NP-hard by Cooper [20]. However, Pearl’s algorithm, the most popular inference algorithm in BNs, can not be extended easily to apply to acyclic multiply connected digraphs. A straightforward application of Pearl’s algorithm to an acyclic digraph comprising one or more loops invariably leads to insuperable problems [21]. Another popular exact BN inference algorithm is the clique-tree algorithm [9]. It transforms a multiply connected network into a clique tree by clustering the triangulated moral graph of the underlying undirected graph first, and then performs message


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propagation over the clique tree. But it is difficult to record the internal nodes and the dependency routes between particular effect nodes and causes. In network management, the states of internal nodes and a key route, which connect the effects and causes, are important for management decisions. Moreover, the sequence of localization for potential faults is very useful reference to network managers. For system performance management, the identification of related key factors is also important. Few algorithms give satisfactory resolution for this case. In this paper the SDR algorithm presents resolutions for these tasks. 3.2

Backward Inference in Bayesian Networks

The most common approach towards reasoning with uncertain information about dependencies in network management is backward inference, which traces the causes from effects. We define E as the set of effects (evidences) which we can observe, and C as the set of causes. Before discussing the complex backward inference in BNs, a basic model will be examined. In BNs, one node may have one or several parents (if it is not a root node), and we denote the dependency between parents and their child by a JPD. Fig. 3 shows the basic model for backward inference in BNs. Let X = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) be the set of causes. According to the definition of BNs, the following variables are known: p(x1 ), p(x2 ), . . . , p(xn ), p(Y |x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) = p(Y |X). Here x1 , x2 , . . . , xn are mutually independent, so p(X) = p(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) =


p(xi )



p(Y ) =

[p(Y |X)p(X)] =


[p(Y |X)


p(xi )]




by Bayes’ theorem, p(Y |X)

p(Y |X)p(X) p(X|Y ) = =  p(Y )

p(xi |Y ) =

p(xi )

i=1 n 

[p(Y |X)


which computes to


p(X|Y )

(3) p(xi )]




In Eq. (4), X\xi = X − {xi }. According to Eqs. (1)-(4), the individual conditional probability p(xi |Y ) can be achieved from the JPD p(Y |X), X = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ). The backward dependency can be obtained from Eq. (4). The dashed arrowed lines in Fig. 3 denote the backward inference from effect Y to individual cause xi , i ∈ [1, 2, . . . , n].

Probabilistic Inference for Network Management


Fig. 3. Basic Model for Backward Inference in Bayesian Networks

In Fig. 2, when a fault is detected in component D, then based on Eqs. (1)-(4), we obtain p(F |D) = 67.6%, p(E|D) = 32.4% . This can be interpreted as follows: when component D is not available, the probability of a fault in component F is 67.6% and the probability of a fault in component E is 32.4%. Here only the fault related to connection service is considered.


Strongest Dependency Route (SDR) Algorithm for Backward Inference

Before we describe the SDR algorithm, the definition of the strongest cause and strongest dependency route are given as follows: Definition 1. In a BN let C be the set of causes, E be the set of effects. For ei ∈ E, Ci be the set of causes based on effect ei , iff p(ck |ei ) = M ax[p(cj |ei ), cj ∈ Ci ], then ck is the strongest cause for effect ei . Definition 2. In a BN, let R be the set of routes from effect ei ∈ E to its cause cj ∈ C, R = (R1 , R2 , . . . , Rm ). Let Mk be the set of transition nodes between ei and cj in route Rk ∈ R. Iff p(cj |Mk , ei ) = M ax[p(cj |Mt , ei ), t = (1, 2, . . . , m)], then Rk is the strongest route between ei and cj . The detailed description of the SDR algorithm is described as follows:

Pruning of the BNs. Generally speaking, multiple effects (symptoms) may be observed at a moment, so Ek = {e1 , e2 , . . . , ek } is defined as initial effects. In the operation of pruning, every step just integrates current nodes’ parents into BN’ and omits their brother nodes, because their brother nodes are independent with each other. The pruned graph is composed of the effect nodes Ek and their entire ancestor.

Strongest Dependency Route Trace Algorithm. After the pruning algorithm has been applied to a BN, a simplified sub-BN is obtained. Between every cause and effect, there may be more than one dependency routes. The SDR algorithm use product calculation to measure the serial strongest dependencies between effect nodes and causal nodes. Suppose Ek ⊂ E, Ek = {e1 , e2 , . . . , ek }. If k = 1, the BN will degenerate to a single-effect model.


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Algorithm 3.2.1 (SDR) Input: BN = (V, L, P ); Ek = {e1 , e2 , . . . , ek }: the set of initial effect nodes in BN , Ek ⊂ V . Output: T : a spanning tree of the BN , rooted on Ek , and a vertex-labelling gives the probability of the strongest dependency from ei to each vertex. Variables: depend[v]: the probability of the strongest dependency between v and all its descendants; p(v|u): the probability can be calculated from JPD of p(u|π(u)) based on Eqs. (1)-(4), v is the parent of u; ϕ(l): the temporal variable which records the strongest dependency between nodes. Initialize the SDR tree T as Ek ; // Ek is added as root nodes of T //ei ∈ Ek Write label 1 on ei While SDR tree T does not yet span the BN For each frontier edge l in BN Let u be the labelled endpoint of edge l, Let v be the unlabelled endpoint of edge l (v is one parent of u), Set ϕ(l) = depend[u] ∗ p(v|u); Let l be a frontier edge for BN that has the maximum ϕ-value; Add edge l (and vertex v) to tree T ; depend[v] = ϕ(l); Write label depend[v] on vertex v; Return SDR tree T and its vertex labels; The result of the SDR algorithm is a spanning tree T . Every cause node cj ∈ C is labeled with depend[cj ] = p(cj |Mk , ei ), ei ∈ Ek , Mk is the transition nodes between ei and cj in route Rk ∈ R. Proof of the Correctness of SDR Algorithm. Algorithm 3.2.1 gives a way to identify the strongest route from effect ei (ei ∈ Ek ) to cj (cj ∈ C). Lemma: when a vertex u is added to spanning tree T , d[u] = weight(ei , u) = −lg(depend[u]). Because 0 < depend[δj ] ≤ 1 so d[δj ] ≥ 0. Note depend[δj ] = 0, or else there is no dependency relationship between δj and its offspring . Proof: suppose to the contrary that at some point the SDR algorithm first attempts to add a vertex u to T for which d[u] = weight(ei , u). See Fig. 4. Consider the situation just prior to the insertion of u and the true strongest dependency route from ei to u. Because ei ∈ T , and u ∈ V \T , at some point this route must first take a jump out of T . Let (x, y) be the edge taken by the path, where x ∈ T , and y ∈ V \T . We have computed x, so d[y] ≤ d[x] + weight(x, y)


Since x was added to T earlier, by hypothesis, d[x] = weight(ei , x)


Since < ei , . . . , x, y > is sub-path of a strongest dependency route, by Eq.(8), weight(ei , y) = weight(ei , x) + weight(x, y) = d[x] + weight(x, y)


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Fig. 4. Proof of SDR algorithm

Fig. 5. Comparison between the SDR detection rate and random detection rate in a BN with 6 causal nodes. In the simulation experiment, we performed 500 tests.

By Eq. (7) and Eq. (9), we get d[y] ≤ weight(ei , y). Hence d[y] = weight(ei , y). Since y appears midway on the route from ei to u, and all subsequent edges are positive, we have weight(ei , y) < weight(ei , u), and thus d[y] = weight(ei , y) < weight(ei , u) ≤ d[u]. Thus y would have been added to T before u, in contradiction to our assumption that u is the next vertex to be added to T . So the algorithm must work. Since the calculation is correct for every effect node. It is also true that for multiple effect nodes in tracing the strongest dependency route.

Analysis of the SDR Algorithm. To determine the complexity of SDR algorithm, we observe that every link (edge) in BN is only calculated one time, so the size of the links in BN is consistent with the complexity. It is known in a complete directed graph that the number of edges is n(n − 1)/2 = (n2 − n)/2, where n is the size of the nodes in the pruned spanning tree of BN. Normally a BN is an incomplete directed graph. So the calculation time of SDR is less than (n2 − n)/2. The complexity of SDR is O(n2 ). According to the SDR algorithm, we can observe multiple effect nodes From the spanning tree, the strongest routes between effects and causes can be obtained by Depth-First search. Meanwhile the value of depend[cj ](cj ∈ C) generates a dependency ranking of causes based on Ek . This dependency sequence is useful reference for fault diagnosis and system recovering.


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Compared to other inference algorithms in BNs, the SDR algorithm belongs into the class of exact inferences and it provides an efficient method to trace the strongest dependency routes from effects to causes and to track the dependency sequences of the causes. It is useful in fault location, and it is beneficial for performance management. Moreover it can treat multiple connected networks modelled as DAGs. In simulation experiment, detection rate represents the percentage of faults that were detected in a network by an algorithm. Using the simulation technique [22], we design a BN with 6 causal nodes. During the 500 tests, the simulation results are presented in Fig. 5. As stated in section 1, when a application system meets the 5% unlocated faults, generally the manager has to detect them randomly or exhaustively. Comparing with the random detection, the SDR algorithm provides more efficient approach to catch the causal nodes. When the set of causal nodes is larger the detection rate is more optimal.


Conclusions and Future Work

In network of realistic size and complexity, managers have to live with unstable, uncertain and incomplete information. Hence it is reasonable to use BNs to represent the knowledge about managed objects and their dependencies and apply probabilistic reasoning to determine the causes of failures or errors. Bayesian inference is a popular mechanism underlying probabilistic reasoning systems. The SDR algorithm introduced in this paper presents an efficient method to trace the causes of effects. This is useful for systems diagnosis and fault location and further can be used to improve performance management. Most networks, however, dynamically update their structures, topologies and their dependency relationships between management objects. Due to the special requirements in network management, we need to accommodate sustainable changes and maintain a healthy management system based on learning strategies that allows us to modify the cause-effect structure and also the dependencies between the nodes of a BNs correspondingly. Also an effective prediction strategy, which takes into account the dynamic changes in networks, is important. This is related to discrete nonlinear time series analysis. Nonlinear regression theory [23] is useful to capture the trend of changes and give reasonable prediction s of individual components and the whole system.

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