14 Oct 2005 ... If you must draw a random sample from a larger population of ... Using the
Random Number Table provided, begin your selection of the first ...
Random Sampling Instructions If you must draw a random sample from a larger population of students, following the procedures below minimizes the bias that other selection techniques may introduce. Two options are provided. Select the number of students indicated on your assessment order form, plus five alternates. If there are questions about this procedure or uncertainty about the number of students, eligibility of students or whether you must draw a sample, contact your State Coordinator or Allison Yasitis of SREB at (404) 879-5575.
Enter the names of all 12th grade students in Column A of the Student Roster Form, or print out a list of all 12th grade students. The student names may be entered in any order on the roster (e.g., alphabetical, student number, homeroom location). Check your roster form or list to ensure that all students are still enrolled in school. If you listed students who have moved or withdrawn from school, or students whose IEP exempts them from state testing, cross out their names.
Number each remaining student beginning with number “1” for the first name, number “2” for the second name, and so on.
Using the Random Number Table provided, begin your selection of the first student by placing an “S” next to the student’s name who’s “Line Number” is identified as the first number on the Random Number Table. For example, the first number on the Random Number Table is 32. Place an “S” in Column 2 of the Student Roster Form (or on your printed list) next to the student whose number is 32. This is the first student selected for testing. Then return to the Random Number Table for the next number in Column 1. Work down through each column selecting numbers in the order presented. If you reach a number that exceeds your total number of seniors, go to the next number.
Continue selecting students using the Random Number Table until you reach your desired sample size plus five alternates. For example, if your desired sample size is 60, select 65 students. Remember, alternates will be used in the order presented (i.e., 61, then 62 and so on) if students move or withdraw prior to the start of the assessment.
If you used a printed list of students, transfer the names of the students selected to participate in the assessment to your Student Roster Form. An electronic copy of the roster form is available at the HSTW web page under Assessment and Using Data.
OPTION TWO—USING EXCEL TO SELECT A RANDOM SAMPLE OF STUDENTS If your school maintains an electronic file of student names that can be copied into an Excel spreadsheet, the software can simplify the sampling process for you. STEP 1
Copy all student names into an Excel spreadsheet. Delete the names of students who have
moved or withdrawn from school, or students whose IEP exempts them from state testing. STEP 2
Create a column next to the student names called “Random.” Type =RAND() into the first cell of this column.
Copy =RAND() into each additional cell of the column. This will produce a random number next to each student’s name.
Use the “Sort” function to sort the list by the “Random” column created in Step 2. This will cause Excel to put the names in random order.
Select students for testing in the order presented, until you reach your desired sample size plus five alternates. For example, if your desired sample size is 60, use the first 65 names listed. Remember, alternates will be used in the order presented (i.e., 61, then 62 and so on) if students move or withdraw prior to the start of the assessment.
Transfer the names of the students selected to participate in the assessment to your Student Roster Form. An electronic copy of the roster form is available at the HSTW web page under Assessment and Using Data.
RANDOM NUMBER TABLE This table may be used by sites with senior classes of up to 350 students. If you have more than 350 seniors, contact SREB or ETS for an alternate random number table. Work down through each column, pulling numbers in the order presented. If you reach a number that exceeds your total number of seniors, go to the next number. 32 85 184 36 326 76 44 90 266 211 74 194 208 145 54 17 271 113 118 136 110 7 307 230 125 312 29 114 206 158 323 247 46 198 142 215 83 338 73 129 141 204 291 55 251 79 19 210 92 189
281 130 143 81 45 320 84 68 82 11 30 107 276 239 52 126 101 341 322 98 244 295 8 2 22 10 164 180 176 227 255 207 133 31 270 65 237 48 24 219 328 308 297 293 175 42 339 298 174 280
72 47 336 14 33 179 61 94 272 245 154 290 128 5 191 275 331 349 99 304 103 314 340 58 285 134 168 112 183 224 327 13 246 78 229 225 190 123 324 347 303 294 102 288 292 205 95 319 187 53
282 264 117 70 152 313 344 12 146 300 250 325 260 257 67 203 56 305 49 274 283 26 311 195 309 268 287 192 242 121 97 96 223 185 165 115 342 277 233 343 265 172 256 222 173 231 77 162 334 253
234 155 40 15 299 116 88 57 160 209 71 197 104 220 153 267 120 138 200 50 182 119 302 35 329 23 27 337 199 258 296 254 248 269 106 62 348 63 306 169 262 289 159 310 201 87 6 346 16 177
321 127 111 345 1 140 132 156 20 105 93 166 148 18 149 135 163 109 167 41 34 100 60 188 240 316 59 273 69 37 202 196 263 151 86 232 89 124 259 333 301 150 261 318 249 161 51 335 235 330
80 3 157 243 226 171 21 28 186 170 228 221 216 43 66 350 144 278 193 139 238 137 147 9 181 214 39 38 4 75 241 252 217 315 284 279 178 122 64 332 25 236 108 212 131 91 317 213 286 218