MS access vs. MS excel. ○ Introduce MS excel. ○ Introduce MS access. ○ End
up with activity ... (e,g) Excel functions best with calculations like calculating the ...
Record Keeping using MS excel and MS access Mrs.Shadha AL-Amri September 08 workshop
Workshop handout Learn by yourself!! MS access vs. MS excel Introduce MS excel Introduce MS access End up with activity and questions
Tools: – – –
Learn how to search the Internet Books( use index) People( share information) Program help
Activity # 1
What types of records are you keeping? What types of program are you using?
Comparing MS access vs. MS excel
Similarities: Similarities Both are used to register, maintain, manipulate, and then print data Relatively inexpensive and universal software, for businesses and personal uses. Both programs are great tools for – –
managing data and performing calculations.
Cont. Comparing MS access vs. MS excel
Differences: Differences –
Excel– spreadsheet software, for beginner performing mass calculations and analyzing data on a large scale for advanced Excel users (e,g) Excel functions best with calculations like calculating the monthly expense or figuring out the students grades
Cont. Comparing MS access vs. MS excel
Differences: Differences –
MS Access relational databases can store tons of data in different forms easy referencing and analyzing. (e.g) Access works best at storing vast amounts of info that have relational fields like registration system
A great thing to remember with software...Use the easiest and simplest program, as long as it accomplishes your goal!
Introduce MS excel
Tutorial – Microsoft Office Excel 2003 –
Standard Formatting Menu bar
Navigating the Spreadsheet
A Simple Spreadsheet:
Fill in Insert new column/row/Worksheet Marge cell Border/AutoFormat Formatting text Print document
Introduce MS access Database File: This is your main file
Table:A table is a collection of data
Field:Fields are the different categories within a Table Datatypes:Datatypes are the properties of each field
Value: The content of the filed
A database is a group of data that are organized for a predetermined use, and together with the programs that are used to administrate this data is known as Data Base Management system. Access2003 databases have a .MDB extension
Access environment
Create, open and close a Database Creating data tables Modifying data tables Properties of the fields Relationships Queries Forms Report
End Up
Any Queries or Questions Activety2: creating Marks break down sheet