Create an employee table and write the SUBQUERY for the. following. a. ... Discuss about the Join operations used in SQL
Q5/10B/03-14 Reg. No
St. Joseph’s College of Arts & Science (Autonomous) St. Joseph’s College Road, Cuddalore – 607001 CS509- RELATIONAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
Time : 3 hrs
Max Marks :75 SECTION – A (5X5=25) Answer any FIVE Questions
1. Discuss about the advantages of database system. 2. Describe the levels of abstraction in a database. 3. Explain the mapping cardinalities with suitable example. 4. Compare generalization with aggregation. 5. Write short notes on fundamental operations of relational algebra. 6. What is Normalization? Explain Boyce codd normal form. 7. Explain Group by and Order by clauses with suitable example. 8. Write short notes on DDL and DML commands. SECTION – B (5X10=50) Answer any FIVE Questions 9. Draw an E-R diagram for a university consisting of 4 entities. i) Student ii) Department iii) Class iv) Faculty • A student has a unique id, the student can enroll from multiple classes and has at- most one major. • Faculty must belong to department and can take multiple classes. • Every student will get a grade for the class he/she has enrolled.
10. Discuss in brief about the data models with an example. 11. Write short notes on tuple relational calculus with suitable example. 12. Discuss the domain relational calculus. 13. Discuss in brief about 2NF with 3NF with suitable example. 14. Create an employee table and write the SUBQUERY for the following a. Select statement b. Insert statement c. Update statement d. Delete statement 15. Discuss about the Join operations used in SQL. 16. Write short notes on the following: a. String Functions b. Grant and Revoke privileges.