... attributes are covered in 8. some query. - o 0 o -. CST-203P/ S1 1 1,000. Page 1 of 1. Main menu. Displaying Relatio
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Advanced Diploma in Information Technology (ADIT) / Bachelor in Information Technology (BIT) Term-End Practical Examination
December, 2009 CST-203P : RELATIONAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Time allowed : 1 hour
Note :
Maximum Marks : 30 (Weightage : 25%)
There is one compulsory question carrying 20 marks. Rest 10 marks are for viva-voce. Make suitable assumptions, if any.
PC, school needs to maintain the fee records of its students. The fee for different classes is different and is charged on annual basis. The students are expected to pay the fees in only one instalment. The school wants to produce a fee bill for each student at the start of a new session and sends reminders to the students who have not paid the fee by the due date. Perform the following tasks for the school : Design the appropriate relations for the school.
Create the tables for the relations designed in part (a) using a DBMS. You should specify the key data types, validation checks and constraints, if any. Enter 5 sets of meaningful data in each of the table.
(c) Create two views for the relations : One for the school administrator who wants to access or modify all records. One for the student who wants to check the status of his/her fee deposit. In case views are not supported by RDBMS used by you, then show the above with the help of queries. (d) Write four queries using SQL such that all the tables and attributes are covered in some query.