Soil Health Indicators, Apple Tree Growth, and Carbon Sequestration ...
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other systems of sustainable management of soil and water resources. Measured rates of soil .... of perceived serious consequences, such as the melting of polar ice, rising sea levels, coastal ..... transportation to aquatic ecosystems. ...... antece
Soil carbon sequestration - myths and mysteries. 1. Introduction. The balance
between carbon (C) sequestration (or storage) in various sinks like soils and.
Soil Carbon Sequestration Potential: A review for Australian agriculture. Jonathan Sanderman, Ryan Farquharson and Jeffrey Baldock. CSIRO Land and Water.
activities, carbon (C) sequestration in agricultural soils requires changes to man- agement practices. Conservation ... lion from mid-2013 to 10.9 billion by the end of this century (United Nations 2013). ..... system carbon budget. Mulch farming.
Crowley KF, Lovett GM, Arthur MA, Weathers KC. 2016. Long-term ... G, Gavazzi M, Johnson DM, King JS, McNulty, SG, Oren R, Sun G,. Noormets A. 2015.
Feb 6, 2008 - in whole or in part can be found at: this article ... The global soil carbon (C) pool of 2500 .... and diverse cropping systems, cover crops. (Fig. ... C/ha for pumping groundwater for irriga- ... uses, would improve soil ... and some a
Cornwallis for 126, Charlottetown for 130, Sainte. Rosalie and Grenville for 132, Hariston and Huron ..... Fort Collins, CO. Mosley, A. R. and Chase, R. W. 1993.
Conservation tillage systems have been given names, such as direct drilling, no ... tillage, all with the goal of reducing trips across the field .... Various management approaches should be a part of conservation agricultural systems, including.
a large fraction of the antecedent C pool upon conversion to agricultural ecosystems. .... and wheat-fallow system reduced SOC and soil mi- ...... Saskatchewan.
Apr 30, 2010 - This article is published with open access at ... Wageningen University, P. O. Box 47, NL -6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands ...... forestry climate mitigation projects: case studies from Uttaranchal, India.
However, Gifford (FAO, 2009a,b) demonstrates that the situation is more complex and the interaction among these elements
Feb 14, 2011 - With the recent interest in the potential for agriculture to capture ..... survey of organic versus conventional farming in southern England.
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the possibility that the development of GHG mitigation projects will ... of carbon dioxide (CO2) accumulation in the atmosphere, C sequestration would buy time to reduce ...... exhausted in the base case.
Grown for Bioenergy. Ronald F. Follett & Kenneth P. Vogel & Gary E. Varvel &. Robert B. .... maize and switchgrass biomass production systems and that .... (NRCS 2004; Soil Survey Laboratory method 3B), transport ..... Antarctic ice core.
May 4, 2012 - e-mail: Ken. .... bulk spreader throughout the duration of the study. The 0 N- ..... USDA Information USDA
May 16, 2007 - were estimated (S. Williams, Natural Resource Ecology Lab., .... (S. Williams, personal communication, 2005). .... tion (Sherrod et al., 2002).
Soil Health Indicators, Apple Tree Growth, and Carbon Sequestration ...
We evaluated soil health in apple (Malus à domestica Borkh.) orchards of New ... chemical, and physical indicators for monitoring orchard soil health, and then to.
Soil Health Indicators, Apple Tree Growth, and Carbon Sequestration Differ among Orchard Groundcover Management Systems M.M. Leinfelder, I.A. Merwin and M.G. Brown Department of Horticulture, Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853 USA Keywords: Malus × domestica, New York State, bark mulch groundcover, good agricultural practices Abstract We evaluated soil health in apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) orchards of New York State. Our objectives were to determine a parsimonious set of biological, chemical, and physical indicators for monitoring orchard soil health, and then to relate long-term management practices to soil health, orchard productivity, and ecosystem services. At one study site, four in-row groundcover management systems (GMS) – pre-emergence herbicide, post-emergence herbicide, mowed sod, and bark mulch – have been maintained in a 0.8 ha orchard for 17 years. Discriminant analysis showed that total soil carbon (%C), organic matter (%OM), and bulk density (g·cm-3, BD) separated the GMS treatments. The %C and %OM were significantly higher – and BD significantly lower – in mulched plots compared to the other GMS (P