Making good use of email and phone. ⢠Managing difficult ... a good range of practical and accessible ideas, hints and tips linked to how children learn. .... industry and an education web-site for the local Tourism Marketing. Organisation. She is ...
Reflective Practice in Psychotherapy and Counselling Author: Jacqui Stedmon, Rudi Dallos ISBN-13: 9780335233618
Subject: Education Counseling / General Trim Height: 24 cm Trim Width: 16 cm Trim Depth: 2 cm Pages: 288 Carton Quantity: 38 Format: Softcover Edition: 1 Previous ISBN: Pub Date: SEPTEMBER 2010 Price: $70 AUD $77 NZD
DESCRIPTION Reflective Practice has become established as an essential feature of practice in psychotherapy and counselling in the UK, Europe, USA and some other parts of the world. However, the writing on reflective practice is arguably fragmented and scattered, and much of it is highly theoretical and abstract.
This book draws together conceptual and ethical issues regarding reflective practice, including the meaning and development of the orientation. More importantly, it connects theory to day-to-day practice in psychotherapy and counselling, addressing issues such as: What does reflective practice look like, in practice? How do we develop the skills in carrying it out? What ways does it assist practice?
The book offers an exploration of reflective practice within different models of psychotherapy and counselling: CBT, psycho-dynamic and narrative, systemic family therapy, narrative and community approaches. Throughout, it employs a range of illustrations from a variety of clinical contexts to illustrate reflective practice in action. These include work with; children and families, adult mental health, trauma and abuse, learning disability, youth offending and bereavement and loss. The mix of theoretical background along with practical examples and exercises will be key for students and practioners in the fields of psychotherapy and counselling. The book will be a spur to readers to challenge dominant assumptions and modes of clinical practice and help them fulfil the compulsory requirement for a reflective practice element in their training.
How to Research
Author: Loraine Blaxter, Christina Hughes, Malcolm Tight ISBN-13: 9780335238675 Pub Date: SEPTEMBER 2010 Price: $55 AUD $60 NZD Carton Quantity: 30 Edition: 4 Previous ISBN: 9780335217465
Subject: Social Science - Research Trim Height: 24 cm Trim Width: 16 cm Trim Depth: 2 cm Pages: 384 Format: Softcover
DESCRIPTION How to Research is a clear and accessible guide to the business of doing a research project. It systematically takes the reader through from the planning to the writing up and finishing off. The new edition of this book will include: -Expanded section on methodology -Expanded section on Literature Reviews -Inclusion of a glossary ABOUT THE AUTHOR Loraine Blaxter and Christina Hughes are both based at the University of Warwick. Loraine is a lecturer in the Institute of Health and Christina is a professor within the department of Sociology. Malcolm Tight is a professor in the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University.
How to get a PhD
Author: Estelle Phillips, Derek.S. Pugh ISBN-13: 9780335242023 (softcover) ISBN-13: 9780335242030 (hardcover) Pub Date: OCTOBER 2010 Soft cover Price: $55 AUD $60 NZD
Subject: Study Aids - Professional Trim Height: 23 cm Trim Width: 16 cm Trim Depth: 2 cm Pages: 320
Hard cover Price: $170 AUD $190 NZD Carton Quantity: 26 Edition: 5 Previous ISBN: 9780335216840
DESCRIPTION How to get a PhD is THE classic book on studying for a PhD. It provides a practical, down to earth and realistic approach to studying for a PhD and offers support and reassurance for both students and supervisors. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Estelle M. Phillips' own PhD entitled 'The PhD as a Learning Process' was completed at University College London. Throughout her career she has published on aspects of the PhD and spoken about the skills required to complete and supervise a PhD to research students and academic staff in universities of four continents. Her travels include being involved in discussions concerning the introduction of a European doctorate and the transformation of the Australian PhD. Estelle features in several training videos concerned with research and has contributed to radio and television programmes here and overseas. She has served on committees of the British Psychological Society including the Editorial Board of "The Psychologist".
Professor Derek S. Pugh is Emeritus Professor of International Management at the Open University Business School. He has an international reputation as a writer, teacher, researcher and consultant in the fields of organizational behaviour, international management and doctoral education. Professor Pugh has published 16 books and over 100 papers on management topics and was one of the first professors in his field to be elected an Academician of the UK Academy of the Social Sciences. He has considerable experience of the design of doctoral programmes and the successful supervision of PhD students.
Transforming Formative Assessment in Lifelong Learning Author: Kathryn Ecclestone ISBN-13: 9780335236541 (softcover) ISBN-13: 9780335236558 (hardcover)
Pub Date: OCTOBER 2010 Soft cover Price: $57 AUD $63 NZD
Subject: Education Adult & Continuing Education Pages: 248
Hard cover Price: $169 AUD $190 NZD Carton Quantity: Edition: 1 Previous ISBN:
DESCRIPTION The idea that formative assessment or 'assessment for learning' can transform teaching and learning has become a mantra, and optimism in the 1980s and 1990s that outcome-based and competence-based assessment would widen methods and 'evidence' for showing achievement and motivate learners alienated from traditional approaches are now embedded in assessment systems, the inspection and professional development that supports them, and in teachers' own espoused theories of learning, teaching and assessment. Yet not only is there widespread misunderstanding about what formative assessment really is but its distortion into highly instrumental forms of 'coaching to the criteria' is also endemic in post-compulsory education: students are undoubtedly 'achieving' 'participating' and 'engaging' but what are they really 'learning'? Based on an extensive, in-depth 2-year study of formative assessment in vocational education and Skills for Life programmes in
literacy, language and numeracy, this book explores the purposes and effects of teachers' approaches to formative assessment in vocational education courses, key skills and 'Skills for Life' courses for adults, and the impact of their approaches on teaching, attitudes to learning and learning outcomes.
Through a series of case studies, the book highlights how factors in one learning context can conspire to make feedback and other forms of formative assessment highly instrumental, whilst in others this can be a springboard to deep and meaningful learning. In some learning contexts, teachers have surrendered some of their previous confidence and beliefs to a more compliant approach and lower expectations of students than they might once have had. In others, teachers are highly instrumental and dominated by a target-driven institutional ethos. And in some, they remain upbeat and confident despite pressures with enthusiasm for a distinct subject, clear beliefs about educational purposes, and positive rather than diminished images of students and their potential.
These contrasts, together with an understanding of why they occur, offer a strong basis for challenging the worst excesses of instrumentalism and enabling teachers to identify which factors they can and cannot influence in order to make their formative assessment better. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr Kathryn Ecclestone is Professor of Education and Social Inclusion at the University of Birmingham. Kathryn worked in post-compulsory education for 20 years, first as a practitioner in youth employment schemes and further education and then as a researcher specialising in the principles, politics and practices of assessment and their effects on learning outcomes, motivation and autonomy. She has published widely on these aspects of assessment in further and adult education. More recently, she has researched and published on the effects of a growing 'therapeutic ethos' in subject content, pedagogy and assessment at all levels of the British education system. She is currently directing an ESRC-funded seminar series on 'Changing the subject: interdisciplinary perspectives on emotional well-being and social justice'.
How To Be An Effective Teacher In Higher Education
Author: Alan Mortiboys
ISBN-13: 9780335237401 (Soft cover) ISBN-13: 9780335237395 (Hard cover) Pub Date: OCTOBER 2010 Soft Cover Price: $57 AUD $63 NZD
Subject: Education Higher Pages: 192 Format: Hardcover
Hard Cover Price: $169 AUD $190 NZD Carton Quantity: Edition: 1 Previous ISBN: DESCRIPTION How To Be An Effective Teacher in Higher Education is a highly practical resource for lecturers with a particular focus on working with large groups of students, especially in a lecture environment. Alan Mortiboys is an experienced teacher and lecturer who runs courses and workshops for higher education institutions. The book draws upon his many years of experience and is a distillation of the common concerns and issues raised by workshop participants. How To Be An Effective Teacher in HE is designed to complement and support the National Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education and maps directly on to the six areas of activity outlined in the Framework. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Alan Mortiboys is Professor of Educational Development at Birmingham City University where he leads the PGCE programme for academic staff. He has run courses for staff in over 30 higher education institutions across the UK and Ireland.
Critical Thinking across the Curriculum
Author: Mal Leicester, Denise Taylor ISBN-13: 9780335238798
Pub Date: OCTOBER 2010 Price: $65 AUD $72 NZD
Subject: Education Elementary Pages: 192 Format: Softcover
Carton Quantity: Edition: 1 Previous ISBN:
DESCRIPTION Learning how to be critical and think for one's self are key development steps in the education process. Developing critical thinking is vital for supporting children to become independent learners. This fun, practical book is very easy to use in the classroom and is designed to help children:
Understand key critical thinking concepts. Develop critical thinking skills. Understand different types of reasoning and knowledge in all areas of the curriculum. Draw on their natural wonder and curiosity to engage in philosophical discussion. Develop reasoning skills in relation to moral dilemmas and the choices of every day life.
The authors present original beautifully illustrated children's stories that take abstract ideas, philosophical questions and critical skills as their central themes. They make the unfamiliar and complex ideas concrete and easily understandable. Drawing on the stories and additional photocopiable resources, each chapter then offers a wealth of learning activities. These are designed to help you develop children's critical thinking and practice relevant tools such as asking good questions, giving good reasons or categorising material.
The activities and resources include both subject specific and crosscurricular links and are differentiated for Key Stage 1 and 2. There are also extension activities for enthusiastic, gifted and talented children. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mal Leicester is an independent educational consultant and Professor Emeritus at the University of Nottingham, UK. Denise Taylor is a professional environmental educator and conservationist.
Mind Expanding
Author: Rupert Wegerif ISBN-13: 9780335233731 (softcover) ISBN-13: 9780335233748 (hardcover) Pub Date: OCTOBER 2010 Soft Cover Price: $57 AUD $63 NZD Hard Cover Price: $169 AUD $190 NZD
Subject: Education Teaching Methods & Materials / General Trim Height: cm Trim Width: cm Trim Depth: cm Pages: 192
Carton Quantity: Edition: 1 Previous ISBN: DESCRIPTION "An essential addition...Wegerif zooms in on the most important ingredient of all in a learning-to-learn classroom culture - the kinds of talk that are allowed and encouraged - and brings together both scholarly and practical approaches in a highly fruitful and accessible way." Guy Claxton, author of Building Learning Power, What's the Point of School? and New Kinds of Smart 'This is a thought-provoking and readable book, which makes a very good case for the importance of teaching thinking skills and encouraging creativity through dialogue.' Professor Neil Mercer, University of Cambridge, UK, author of Words and Minds and Dialogue and Development There is growing interest in developing flexible thinking and learning skills in the primary classroom but there has been little agreement as to exactly what these skills are and how best to teach for them.
This innovative book responds to that challenge with a coherent account of what thinking and creativity are and how they can be taught. Taking a 'dialogic' approach, it shows how engaging children in real dialogue is possible in every area of the curriculum and how this can lead to more reflective, considerate and creative children who are able to think for themselves and to learn creatively. Wegerif explores the success of approaches such as Philosophy for Children, Thinking Together, Dialogic Teaching and Building Learning Power. Using illustrations and activities, he explains how teaching and learning across the primary curriculum can be transformed. This book is important reading for all primary teachers and trainees who are looking for practical ideas for teaching thinking. It will also be valuable for anyone who wants to understand education and think more about what is most important in education. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rupert Wegerif is Professor of Education at the University of Exeter, UK.
Communication Skills for Adult Nurses Author: Abayomi McEwen, Sarah Kraszewski ISBN-13: 9780335237487 (softcover) ISBN-13: 9780335237470 (hardcover) Pub Date: OCTOBER 2010 Soft Cover Price: $55 AUD $60 NZD
Subject: Medical Nursing / General Pages: 216
Hard Cover Price: $180 AUD $199 NZD Carton Quantity: Edition: 1 Previous ISBN: DESCRIPTION "This book is a real gem - useful not only for nurses, but for all healthcare professionals, students and educators wanting to develop their communication skills. One is reminded that it is not always about 'what' is said, but 'how' it is said. This book will be a great resource for those advocating interprofessional working, while keeping the patient's perspective in the reader's mind throughout." Dr Susanne Lindqvist, Senior Lecturer in Interprofessional Education, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. An essential guide for all nurses!! With an emphasis on practical application, this lively and accessible guide will help nurses to hone and develop their communication skills. Full of examples from both a patient and a nurse perspective, the book covers:
Barriers to communication Communication in teams The patient’s perspective Making good use of email and phone Managing difficult conversations How good communication underpins the essence of care
Examples of both good and poor practice, taken from the real-life experiences of the authors, are included to encourage reflection and integration of theory and practice. The book includes common scenarios, activity points and suggestions for practice, to give nurses the tools to continue to develop and apply effective communication skills. Communication Skills for Adult Nurses will support both student nurses learning their craft and also offer a suitable handy reference for qualified nurses undertaking continuing professional development, or acting as mentors. Contributors: Bernard Anderson, Jayne Crow, Graham Harris, Vivian Jellis, Mary Northrop, Paula Sobiechowska, Jill Toocaram ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sarah Kraszewski has worked in a variety of adult nursing roles in the NHS and higher education sector. She is a Registered Lecturer/Practice Educator and an Independent and Supplementary Nurse Prescriber. Dr Abayomi McEwen spent 25 years as a full time General Practitioner and is now the GP Appraisal lead for NHS West Essex. She is a part time Associate Dean for GP Postgraduate Education (Essex) and communication skills facilitator in the East of England Multiprofessional Deanery.
Primary Science
Author: Neil Rutledge ISBN-13: 9780335222285 (softcover) ISBN-13: 9780335222292 (hardcover) Pub Date: OCTOBER 2010 Soft Cover Price: $58 AUD $65 NZD Hard Cover Price: $169 AUD $190 NZD Carton Quantity: Edition: 1 Previous ISBN:
Subject: Education Teaching Methods & Materials / Science & Technology Pages: 256
DESCRIPTION This book provides a combination of practical lesson ideas and theory, focusing particularly on those areas that research has shown most trainee primary teachers struggle with. Each chapter provides a good range of practical and accessible ideas, hints and tips linked to how children learn. Thus there are lots of practical ideas on:
How to effectively pre-assess the children's ideas Misconceptions likely to be encountered and how to challenge them Detailed summary of conceptual progress with advice on translating this into learning objectives, along with outline activities to achieve these Effective models/ideas for aiding children's understanding.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Neil Rutledge is Senior Lecturer in science at St. Martin’s College, Carlisle and in addition to teaching on science courses, he also runs science CPD programmes for Cumbria LEA and for the Science Learning Centre. He has been nominated for the National Teaching Fellowship scheme.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Susan Grieshaber and Felicity McArdle teach and research at the School of Early Childhood, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. They have extensive experience teaching in schools and before-school settings as well as in the university context.
The Trouble with Play
Author: Susan Grieshaber, Felicity McArdle ISBN-13: 9780335237913 (soft cover) ISBN-13: 9780335237906 (hard cover) Pub Date: OCTOBER 2010 Soft Cover Price: $55 AUD $60 NZD Hard Cover Price: $170 AUD $190 NZD Carton Quantity: Edition: 1 Previous ISBN:
Subject: Education - Preschool & Kindergarten Pages: 144
DESCRIPTION The Trouble with Play departs from some of the ideas about play that are held dear by many in early childhood education. It raises questions about fairness and equity, and prompts teachers to understand and implement thoughtful approaches to play in the early years. For many early childhood professionals, play is considered essential to children's development and learning, and is often promoted as a universal and almost magical 'fix'. Although play does have many proven benefits for children, the book proposes that play in the early years is not always innocent, fun and natural. Play can also be political and involve morals and ethics. Romantic assumptions about play suggest it is always about learning and development, and is 'natural'. The Trouble with Play challenges some of the taken-for-granted understandings of play in early childhood education and shows how play is not always innocent or fun, and that it can be unfair and unjust. In addition to prompting early years professionals to see and think about play differently, the book also kames suggestions about approaches to pedagogy and the role of practitioners. These suggestions include the use of 'play' as a powerful strategy for teaching and learning, with practical and productive strategies for bringing critical perspectives to issues around play.
Teaching Sport & Active Leisure 14+
Author: Cliff Huggett, Chris Manley ISBN-13: 9780335238231 (softcover) ISBN-13: 9780335238248 (hardcover)
Pub Date: OCTOBER 2010 Soft Cover Price: $58 AUD $65 NZD
Subject: Education Professional Development Pages: 144
Hard Cover Price: $170 AUD $190 NZD Carton Quantity: Edition: 1 Previous ISBN:
DESCRIPTION Teaching Sport and Active Leisure 14+ has been written in response to a perceived need in initial teacher training to address the pedagogy of vocational programmes in the field as a vocational subject. It is not, therefore, a text book on Physical Education, of which there are many examples, but rather focuses on teaching and learning related to preparation for working in the industry through programmes such as the National Diplomas, specific professional qualifications and, of course, the new 14-19 Diplomas. It is intended to inform and stimulate to further study all likely to be involved in the development and delivery of such programmes. This could include, those engaged in initial teacher training whether experienced practitioners or post-graduate students; subject mentors now required to support new teachers; experienced teachers unfamiliar with the subject who may be required to teach on these programmes and also administrators needing to familiarise themselves with the nature, content and delivery of the subject as an innovation to the curriculum. Therefore, although initially it examines the nature of the industry and raises discussion of issues pertinent to the delivery of related vocational programmes, it is essentially a useful resource book, with a wealth of information
about the exciting curriculum opportunities that the subject presents. Through interactive exercises, case studies and exemplar resources it provides the reader with a foundation of usable activities to develop a variety of teaching and learning strategies which will enhance their delivery of the Sport and Active Leisure curriculum.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Cliff Huggett trained as a teacher of Physical Education and taught for 11 years in two Grammar Schools in the South East of England. He subsequently became head of Sport and Recreation studies at Orpington College where, throughout the 1980s and 1990s, he established all the major vocational and academic programmes related to Sport and Active Leisure. He became a regular examiner for A level Sport Studies and a Moderator for BTEC Nationals and later GNVQs. He is currently working at Canterbury Christ Church University as a tutor for the PGCE, BA and MA programmes; has written and tutored blended learning and on-line programmes for teachers involved with the new Diplomas, and is an External Examiner for the 14-19 PGCE programme at Liverpool John Moore’s University.
Chris Manley is a senior sports lecturer currently teaching BTEC courses within a successful sports department at an F.E. college. Chris has wide-ranging experience teaching F.E. and H.E. programmes and is also co-author of BTEC course text books including the First Diploma Sport and National Diploma Sport and Exercise Sciences, published by Hodder Arnold. Chris is involved in the professional development of newly appointed lecture staff at College. He is also a Moderator for A-Level P.E. and an External Verifier for a leading examining board. He has also contributed to the development and writing of vocational sports qualifications and has run a number of national training events for a leading examining board, and also delivers as a private consultant.
Teaching Travel and Tourism 14+
Author: Cliff Huggett, Deborah Pownall ISBN-13: 9780335238262 (Soft cover) ISBN-13: 9780335238279 (Hard cover)
Pub Date: OCTOBER 2010 Soft Cover Price: $58 AUD $65 NZD
Subject: Education Professional Development Pages: 160
Therefore, although initially it examines the nature of the industry and raises discussion of issues pertinent to the delivery of related vocational programmes, it is essentially a useful resource book, with a wealth of information about the exciting curriculum opportunities that the subject presents. Through interactive exercises, case studies and exemplar resources it provides the reader with a foundation of usable activities to develop a variety of teaching and learning strategies which will enhance their delivery of the Travel and Tourism curriculum. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
Hard Cover Price: $170 AUD $190 NZD Carton Quantity: Edition: 1 Previous ISBN:
DESCRIPTION Teaching Travel and Tourism 14+ has been written in response to a perceived need in initial teacher training to address the pedagogy of vocational programmes in the field as a vocational subject. It, therefore, focuses on theoretical approaches to teaching, learning and assessment and how they can inform the way in which we plan and deliver programmes of Travel and Tourism studies. It examines how we teach programmes related to preparation for working in the industry, programmes such as the National Diplomas, specific professional qualifications and, of course, the new 14-19 Diplomas. It is intended to inform and stimulate to further study all likely to be involved in the development and delivery of such programmes. This could include, those engaged in initial teacher training whether experienced practitioners or post-graduate students; subject mentors now required to support new teachers; experienced teachers unfamiliar with the subject who may be required to teach on these programmes and also administrators needing to familiarise themselves with the nature, content and delivery of the subject as an innovation to the curriculum.
Cliff Huggett trained as a teacher of Physical Education and taught for 11 years in two Grammar Schools in the South East of England. He subsequently became head of Sport and Leisure studies at Orpington College where, throughout the 1980s and 1990s, he established all the major vocational and academic programmes related to Leisure and Tourism. He became a regular examiner for A level programmes and a Moderator for BTEC Nationals and later GNVQs. He is currently working at Canterbury Christ Church University as a tutor for the PGCE, BA and MA programmes; has written and tutored blended learning and on-line programmes for teachers involved with the new Diplomas, and is an External Examiner for the 14-19 PGCE Leisure and Tourism programme at Liverpool John Moore’s University.
Deborah Pownall has taught Leisure and Tourism in both the FE and HE sectors for 18 years. Developing the curriculum has always been at the heart of her work. Within the Post-Compulsory sector, she has been involved with establishing GNVQ, AVCE and, more recently, the New Diploma programmes. Deborah's Higher Education experience at Liverpool John Moore's University has been as curriculum leader in the Centre for Tourism, Consumer and Food Studies, and management of the development of a regional Foundation Degree in Leisure, Tourism and Hospitality. More recently, she has introduced and led the 14-19 Post Graduate Teacher Training Programme for Leisure and Tourism. Deborah has made a career out of supporting the Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism industry through developing educational resources for use in the industry and an education web-site for the local Tourism Marketing Organisation. She is an External Examiner within the Higher Education field.
explored including diversity issues; the effectiveness and ethics of coerced treatment; issues raised by partnership and multi-agency working between criminal justice and drug agencies; the range and appropriateness of available drug treatment; and the strength of the link between drug use and crime.
Drug Interventions in Criminal Justice
Author: Anthea Hucklesby, Emma Wincup ISBN-13: 9780335235810 (soft cover) ISBN-13: 9780335235803 (hard cover)
Pub Date: SEPTEMBER 2010 Soft Cover Price: $68 AUD $75 NZD
Subject: Social Science The book is essential reading for criminology/criminal justice and Criminology social policy students; for students studying health related degrees; Trim Height: cm for researchers in criminal justice and the drugs field; criminal Trim Width: cm justice, drug treatment and health professionals; the media and Trim Depth: cm members of the public who are interested in drug use and crime. Pages: 296
Hard Cover Price: $180 AUD $199 NZD
Carton Quantity: Edition: 1 Previous ISBN: DESCRIPTION During the past decade, the government has increasing sought to reduce levels of crime and anti-social behaviour through tackling problem drug use among offenders. Despite debates about the precise nature of the relationship between drug use and offending, a multiplicity of interventions have been introduced in an attempt to break the apparent link between problem drug use and crime, particularly acquisitive crime. These interventions have proliferated over time but have now been combined under the umbrella of the Drug Interventions Programme which aims to channel and, many would argue, coerce drug-using offenders into treatment. This edited collection brings together contributions from academics who were actively involved in researching and evaluating the new initiatives. Each chapter covers a particular stage of the criminal justice process, providing a critical discussion of the relevant theory, policy and research relating to provision of drug treatment through the criminal justice process, as well as presenting a thorough review and analysis of the operation, impact and effectiveness of different interventions. These chapters are complemented by an introduction and conclusion which contextualise and reflect upon the debates central to this key policy area. A number of cross-cutting themes are
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Anthea Hucklesby is Reader in Criminal Justice and Deputy Director of the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, University of Leeds. Her research interests focus on the criminal justice process and the treatment of defendants/offenders within it. She has completed several government funded research projects specifically related to defendants/offenders drug use including a needs analysis of drug use amongst prisoners in Leicestershire and an evaluation of Restriction on Bail. She has published widely on a range of criminal justice issues.
Emma Wincup is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice in the School of Law at the University of Leeds. She is also Deputy Director of the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies. Prior to joining the University of Leeds in 2005, Emma held lecturing posts at the University of Kent (2000-2004), Cardiff University (1997-2000) and the University of Wales, Bangor (1996-7). In 1998 she spent six months on secondment to the National Assembly for Wales to develop their drug policy. Emma’s research interests coalesce around crime and social exclusion. She has conducted a range of research projects relating to drugs including studies of drug treatment, drug policy, drug education and drug use among the young homeless. Most recently she completed a study for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation entitled the 'Street Policing of Problem Drug Users'. Contributors: Stuart Lister, George Mair, Gill McIvor, Matthew Millings, Ian Paylor, Layla Skinns, Alex Stevens, Paul Turnbull, Alison Wilson