Volterra Filter Equalization: A Fixed Point Approach - Semantic Scholar

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The l1 signal norm measures the maximum amplitude of the signal and ...... 6] W. Frank, R. Reger, and U. Appel, \Loudspeaker nonlinearities - analysis and ...
Volterra Filter Equalization: A Fixed Point Approach Robert D. Nowak, Member, IEEE, Barry D. Van Veeny, Member, IEEE, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI 53706 USA

Abstract | One important application of Volterra lters is the equalization of nonlinear systems. Under certain conditions this problem can be posed as a xed point problem involving a contraction mapping. In this paper, we generalize the previously studied local inverse problem to a very broad class of equalization problems. We also demonstrate that subspace information regarding the response behavior of the Volterra lters can be incorporated to improve the theoretical analysis of equalization algorithms. To this end, a new \windowed" signal norm is introduced. Using this norm we show that the class of allowable inputs is increased and the upper bounds on the convergence rate are improved when subspace information is exploited.

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 Supported by Rockwell International Doctoral Fellowship Program. y Supported in part by the National Science

Foundation under Award MIP-895 8559, Army Research Oce under Grant DAAH04-93-G-0208.


I. Introduction

In this paper, we consider the following problem.

Equalization Problem Statement:

Given a physical system, modelled by a known digital lter F , and a desired system, modelled by a known digital lter F , construct an equalizer E such that F composed with E approximates the desired lter F .

Note that we assume that both F and F  are known and the task at hand is to design an equalizing lter E . In practice, F is modelled or identi ed from input and output observations or prior knowledge of system characteristics. The desired lter F  might be speci ed by a desired performance criterion. For example, if F is a nonlinear system, then F  may be speci ed as the linear component of F . In this case, the equalizer E e ectively \linearizes" the system F . This problem is well studied for the special case when F and F  are linear. In this paper, the equalization problem is considered in the case where F and/or F  are nonlinear. Speci cally, we consider the case in which F and F  are digital Volterra lters [14]. Volterra lters are appropriate mathematical models for a wide variety of mildly nonlinear physical systems [4, 10, 11, 12, 18]. Due to the nonlinearities involved, the solution to the problem above is in general only local. That is, E performs the desired equalization for a restricted class of inputs. Nonlinear system equalization has been studied by others from both a theoretical and applied perspective. An elegant theory for local polynomial (Volterra) system inversion was pioneered in [8, 17] and the references therein. The mathematical underpinning of this theory is based on contraction mappings and was formulated in a general Banach space setting. This theory exploits the fact that if the nonlinearities are suciently \mild" (i.e., the nonlinear component of the system is contractive), then the local inverse is easily constructed. Note that contractiveness is sucient to guarantee a local inverse, but is not necessary in general. These ideas are also related to the Schetzen's notion of a \pth order inverse" described in [19]. The local inverse discussed in these references is a special case of the general equalization problem treated here. Several researchers have addressed equalization applications in which F and/or F  are Volterra lters. In [6, 7], nonlinear distortions in audio loudspeakers are reduced using Volterra lter predistortion. In [18], the restoration of optical signals degraded by bilinear transformations is accomplished using Volterra lters. The equalization schemes of [6, 7, 18] are based on a contraction 2

mapping type approach, however these papers do not rigorously address the issue of convergence for their equalization schemes. Nonlinearities also arise in many communication problems. Volterra lter based channel equalization algorithms have been studied in [2, 4, 12] and echo cancellation is treated in [1, 10]. In these applications, the equalizer is typically based on an adaptive Volterra lter aimed at minimizing the mean-square equalization error. There is no guarantee of convergence to an optimal equalization scheme in these cases. Also, the structure of the adaptive lter is often derived in an ad hoc fashion. The focus in this paper is on non-adaptive equalization, however many of the theoretical principles studied in this paper have application to adaptive cases as well. The paper is organized as follows. In section II, we de ne pre ltering and post ltering equalization problems. Next, in section III, we generalize previous work to include a wide variety of \equalization" problems, including the special case of local inversion. This generalization identi es the subtle issues, not previously recognized, that distinguish pre lter and post lter equalization problems. We also present the material from a digital signal processing perspective while remaining true to the underlying functional analysis tools required for the theory. A general realization of the equalization lter in terms of a cascade of simple, repeated, digital Volterra lter structures which are easily implemented is developed in section IV. In section V, we examine the crucial issue of choosing a signal norm in which to formulate the equalization problem. It turns out that di erent choices of signal norm can lead to very di erent theoretical performance limits. We develop a new signal norm that allows subspace information regarding response behavior of the Volterra lters to be incorporated into the analysis. In section VI, the incorporation of subspace information into the equalizer analysis is discussed. In certain cases, this produces signi cant improvements in the theoretical performance bounds of the equalization algorithms as is proved in section VII. Speci cally, the class of allowable inputs is increased and the upper bounds on the convergence rate are improved using this information. Section VIII includes several numerical examples demonstrating these results. Conclusions are given in section IX. II. Volterra Filter Equalization

Let the space of bi-in nite real-valued sequences be denoted by IRZZ. An N th order Volterra lter is a polynomial mapping F : IRZZ ! IRZZ. If x = fx(k)gk2ZZ 2 IRZZ is the input to F , then the


output sequence Fx = fFx(k)g is given by

Fx(k) =



n=1 i1 ;:::;in 2ZZ

fn (i1; : : : ; in)x(k ? i1)    x(k ? in ):


In the equation above, ffngNn=1 are called the Volterra kernels of F . Notice that if N = 1, then F is P linear. Also, often it is convenient to write F = Nn=1 Fn , where Fn is the nth order homogeneous component of F . To simplify the presentation, an operator notation (e.g., Fx) is utilized, rather then the explicit expression of the output as in (1). Assume that F models the physical system and that the desired system F  is also modelled as a Volterra lter. Two speci c problems are studied in this paper. The rst problem is pre ltering equalization. Assume that we have an input xo . The goal is to construct a Volterra lter Epre so that the output of the lter F in response to the pre ltered input x = Eprexo approximates the output of the ideal lter F  in response to xo . That is, Fx = F (Eprexo )  F  xo . Epre is called a pre lter equalizer. The pre ltering problem is depicted in Fig. 1 and is formally stated as 1. Given F , F , and the input xo 2 IRZZ, construct a Volterra lter Epre such that F (Eprexo )  F xo . Special cases of this problem are inversion and linearization (i.e., F  = I or F  = F1 respectively). Applications include loudspeaker linearization [6, 7] and channel equalization [4, 10, 12]. The second problem is post ltering equalization. Assume that the output y = Fxo in response to an unknown input xo is observed. The goal is to construct a Volterra lter Epost so that Eposty  F  xo . Epost is called a post lter equalizer and also depends on both F and F  . Applications include sensor linearization and image restoration [18]. The post ltering problem is depicted in Fig. 2 and is formally stated as 2. Given F , F , and the output y = Fxo 2 IRZZ, construct a Volterra lter Epost such that Eposty = Epost(Fxo )  F  xo . Note that due to the nonlinear nature of F and F , in general the pre lter and post lter are di erent. III. Solving the Equalization Problem via the Contraction Mapping Theorem

The pre lter and post lter equalization problems are approached as xed point problems. In general, the xed point can not be solved for directly. However, under certain conditions the xed 4

point solution may be obtained by invoking the classical Contraction Mapping Theorem (CMT). This is closely related to the approaches followed in [8] and [17]. Before going into the problem formulation, we brie y discuss the similarities and di erences between the work in this paper and that of the previous papers. Halme et al [8] consider the special case of the local inverse for polynomial operators on general Banach spaces, emphasizing a special construction of the local inverse. This special construction is quite di erent from the successive approximation construction used for the equalizers studied in this paper. The successive approximation method has two distinct advantages over the construction of Halme et al : theoretical upper bounds on the convergence rate of the successive approximation method are easily obtained, and the implementation complexity of the Volterra lter equalizer derived from the successive approximation scheme is generally much less. Halme et al apply their results to solve certain types of nonlinear di erential equations and to determine sucient conditions for BIBO stability of related systems. The results surveyed by Prenter in [17] and the references therein are closer in spirit to the analysis carried out here, but again are restricted to the special case of a local inverse. Prenter utilizes the method of successive approximation and derives conditions similar to Halme et al for the local inverse. Prenter works with the sequence spaces l1 and l1 and hence the analysis is closer to the digital signal processing approach taken here. The survey [17] does not discuss possible applications of the results. In this section, we generalize the local inverse problem to the equalization problem at hand, and we treat the subtleties regarding the di erence between the pre lter and post lter equalization. Also, we employ a signal processing perspective as much as possible. A. Fixed Point Formulation of Equalization Problem

In this section we derive a xed point equation that describes both the pre lter and post lter equalization. To do this we need to make the following standard assumption [8, 17]: A1. F1 , the linear component of the lter F , is invertible. For the pre lter equalization, we desire

F  xo = F (Eprexo ); = F1(Epre xo ) + 5

N X n=2

Fn(Epre xo ):


Applying F1?1 to both sides of (2) we have

F1?1 F xo = Eprexo + F1?1 Now let x = Eprexo and rearrange (3) as

N X n=2

Fn(Epre xo ):


X F1?1 F xo ? F1?1 Fn x = x: n=2



Hence, the pre lter equalization problem corresponds to the xed point problem in x described by (4). In the next section it is shown how the xed point x can be computed using the method of successive approximation. This process of solving for x leads naturally to a Volterra lter realization for the pre lter equalizer Epre . The post lter problem is approached as follows. Using the observed output y = Fxo , rst compute the unknown input xo . This step is an inversion problem. Next apply the desired system F  to xo . If Ipost denotes the post-inverse of F , then the post lter equalizer is given by Eposty = F (Ipost y). The inverse problem is formulated as a xed point equation similar to the pre ltering problem considered above. A neccessary condition that Ipost y is an inverse is

Fxo = F (Ipost y); = F1 (Ipost y) +

N X n=2

Fn (Ipost y):


Equation (5) simply requires that the output of F in response to Ipost y must equal the original output y = Fxo . Applying F1?1 to both sides of (5) we have

F1?1 Fxo = Iposty + F1?1 Now let x = Ipost y and rearrange (6) as

F1?1Fxo ? F1?1

N X n=2



Fn(Ipost y):

Fnx = x:



Under certain conditions to be established shortly, the solution x of the equation above satis es x = xo . Hence, by computing the xed point x of equation (7), the lter F is inverted. Using the method of successive approximation to obtain x and then applying F  to x, leads naturally to a Volterra lter realization for the post lter equalizer Epost. Note that both the pre lter equalization (4) and the post lter inversion (7) are represented by the following xed point equation:

Tx =4 Gxo ? Hx = x: 6


P In pre lter equalization , G = F1?1F  and H = F1?1 Nn=2 Fn. A xed point x of T satis es

F1?1F  xo ? F1?1

N X n=2

Fn x = x or equivalently Fx = F xo :


P For post lter equalization, G = F1?1 F and H = F1?1 Nn=2 Fn . The xed point of T then satis es N

X F1?1 Fxo ? F1?1 Fn x = x or equivalently n=2

Fx = Fxo :


Conditions are established in the next section under which the xed point is unique and therefore x = xo . Hence, solving the xed point equation produces the unknown input xo and subsequently the desired output F xo can be produced. B. Solving the Fixed Point Equation via the CMT

One common method for characterizing solutions to xed point problems is the Contraction Mapping Theorem (CMT). Under certain conditions, the mapping T in (8) is a contraction mapping and the xed point x can be found by the method of successive approximation. De nition: Let S be a subset of a normed space X and let T be a transformation mapping S into S . Then T is said to be a contraction mapping if there exists an 2 [0; 1) such that

kTx1 ? Tx2k  kx1 ? x2 k; 8 x1; x2 2 S:


Contraction Mapping Theorem (CMT) [13, 21]: If T is a contraction mapping on a closed subset S of a Banach space, there is a unique vector x 2 S satisfying x = Tx. Furthermore, x can be obtained by the method of successive approximation starting from an arbitrary initial vector in S . If x1 2 S is arbitrary and T satis es (11) for some 2 [0; 1), then the sequence fxk g, de ned by the recursion xk+1 = Txk ; k  1, converges in norm to x. Moreover, k?1

kxk ? xk  1 ? kTx1 ? x1 k; k > 1


In order to apply the CMT to the equalization problem, the problem must be formulated on a complete, normed vector space (Banach space). Many choices of norm are possible. For example, any of the lp sequence norms may be chosen. For the moment assume that we have selected a norm, denoted k  k. De ne the normed vector space of sequences

X =4 fx 2 IRZZ : kxk < 1g; 7


and assume that X is complete. Also, we let fHngNn=2 denote the homogeneous components1 of the P Volterra lter H = F1?1 Nn=2 Fn . We assume the homogeneous operators of H are bounded, i.e., kHnk < 1, n = 2; : : : ; N , and assume that kGxo k < 1. Details on computing bounds on these operator norms are discussed in Section V. For the equalization problem at hand, we must con rm that the mapping T is a contraction mapping. This is a relatively straightforward exercise and basically follows the developments in [8, 17]. The details are found in [15]. Here, we state the main result. First, de ne the contraction factor

H(r) =4 and the polynomial

N X n=2


H(r) = r ?

nkHnkrn?1; N X


kHnk rn ;

(14) (15)

The condition kG xo k  H(r) insures that T maps B (r) into B (r), where B (r) is the ball of radius r about the origin in X . The following theorem summarizes the conditions that establish the contractiveness of the equalizer. Similar results were previously derived for the special case of a local inverse, F  = I in [8, 9, 16, 17]. Theorem 1: Let r1 be the unique positive number satisfying

H(r1) = If there exists 0  r < r1 such that

N X n=2

nkHnkr1n?1 = 1:

kGxo k  H(r) = r ?

N X n=2

kHnk rn ;


then T is a contraction mapping on B (r) and there exists a unique x 2 B (r) satisfying Tx = x. Moreover, the sequence de ned by the recursion xn+1 = Txn ; n  1 converges in norm to x for any initial x1 2 B (r) and n?1 kx ? xn k  1 ?H(r ) (r) kx2 ? x1k: (17) H

In the post lter equalization problem, if xo 2 B (r), then x = xo by the uniqueness of the xed point.

1 The homogeneous components of the composition F ?1 PN Fn are easily obtained from F ?1 and fFn gN n=2 . 1 1 n=2

Details are found in Appendix C of [8]. Also see [20].


In practice, the operator norms needed for the previous analysis are not easily computed. However, upper bounds on the operator norms are easily obtained (see Section V) and the statement of Theorem 1 remains the same when the norms are replaced with upper bounds [16]. Note that the condition (16) di ers from similar conditions in [8, 17] because we consider the general equalization problem rather than the special case of a local inverse. Second, we have explicitly addressed both the pre lter and post lter equalization problems. IV. Realizing the Equalization Using Volterra Filters

The method of successive approximation used to solve the xed point equation (8) produces an explicit construction for the equalizing lter. The equalizer is itself a Volterra lter and here we de ne its general structure. Speci cally, under certain assumptions, the j -fold iteration of the contraction mapping is realized as a cascade of (j ? 1) Volterra lters. In addition to the linear component invertibiltity assumption A1, for practical applications we also assume nite memories. A2. G and H in (8) are nite memory Volterra lters. Under A2, the signals Gxo and Hx are realized as: (Gxo )(k) =

NG X n=1

(Hx)(k) =

(Gn xo )(k) =

NH X n=2

(Hnx)(k) =


m X

n=1 k1 ;:::;kn =1 NH X

m X

n=2 k1 ;:::;kn =1

gn(k1 ; : : : ; kn )xo (k ? k1)    xo (k ? kn);


hn(k1 ; : : : ; kn)x(k ? k1 )    x(k ? kn ):


In general, the memory lengths, m, of the di erent kernels above may vary. For simplicity, we assume every kernel to have the same memory length m. However, note that G and H may have di erent orders NG and NH respectively. The j -fold iteration of the contraction mapping T is realized by the following equation:

xj (k) =

NG X n=1

(Gn xo )(k) ?

NH X n=2

(Hn xj?1 )(k); j  2:


A simple choice of initialization is x1 = 0. The j -fold equalization (20) is represented in the block diagram of Fig. 3. There are a total of (j ? 1) Volterra lter H blocks in the j -fold equalizer. V. Choosing a Norm

As mentioned previously, the equalization problem may be formulated using a variety of norms. In particular, any of the lp norms can be used. There are several reasons to carefully consider 9

di erent norms. First of all, recall that to guarantee the contractiveness of the equalizer we have the condition N X H(r) = nkHnkrn?1 < 1; n=2

where the radius r bounds the norm of the signals involved. To compute H(r) we need the operator norms kHnk. The operator norms are induced by the choice of signal norm. In practice, these induced norms can not be computed and we must replace the norms with computable upper bounds. The upper bounds may be tighter or looser depending on the underlying signal norm involved. Hence, formulating the equalization problem under di erent signal norms produces di erent signal restrictions which are necessary to guarantee the contractiveness. A second aspect of the theoretical analysis that is a ected by the choice of norm is the condition that guarantees that the equalizer T maps B (r) into B (r),

kGxo k  H(r) = r ?

N X n=2

kHnk rj :

This condition can be viewed in two ways. First, given an r, what class of signals Gxo can be handled within this framework? Alternatively, given kGxo k, what is the minimum value of r so that the condition above is satsi ed? This r can then be used to determine whether or not the mapping is contractive by computing H(r). Either way, the choice of signal norm determines kGxo k and the upper bounds for the operator norms kHnk. Because the theoretical equalizer performance depends on these quantities in a complicated nonlinear manner, it is not clear which norm will provide the most meaningful and/or illuminating results. In this section, we brie y discuss some of the bene ts and limitations of di erent norms and propose a new norm that provides a reasonable compromise between the various choices and that in many cases provides improved theoretical performance limits. A. The l1 and l2 Norms

Bounds on the operator norms for l1 and l2 respectively are

kFnk1  k ;:::;kmax 2f1;:::;mg 1



X j


jfn(j ? k1; : : : ; j ? kn)j;


jFn (!1 ; : : : ; !n)j;


!1 ;:::;!n 2[?;]

where Fn denotes the n-dimensional Fourier transform of the kernel fn . Derivation of the l1 operator bound is found in [17]. The l2 bound, which appears to be new, is easily obtained using standard 10

Fourier analysis. Note that if fn has nite support (i.e., nite memory), then Fn is a continuous function on a compact set and therefore is bounded. This implies that the l2 operator norm is nite. The disadvantage of the l1 and l2 norms is that they measure the energy of the entire signal, over all time. Hence, as the signal duration increases, the total energy may increase and consequently so does the signal norm. The conditions of Theorem 1 that must be satis ed so that the CMT is applicable place severe restrictions on the norms of signals involved. This limits the utility of the l1 and l2 norms in the equalization problem. B. The l1 Norm

The l1 signal norm measures the maximum amplitude of the signal and hence does not su er from some of the limitations of the l1 and l2 norms. In this case, the operator norm kFnk is bounded in terms of the kernel fn by


m X k1 ;:::;kn =1

jfn (k1 ; : : : ; kn )j:


This bound is easily obtained and the details are found in [17]. A limitation of the l1 norm is that it is dicult to incorporate information regarding the response characteristic of the operator Fn into the analysis. In sections VI and VII, repsonse information is used to improve the theoretical performance limits. To do this however, we need to introduce a new l2;m \window" norm that is a compromise between the l1 norm and the l2 norm. C. The l2;m Norm

For x 2 IRZZ,

kxk2;m =4 sup(

mX ?1

x2 (k ? j ))1=2 = sup kx(k)k2;

k j =0 (x(k); : : : ; x(k ? m + 1))T and



where x(k) = kx(k)k2 is the Euclidean norm. It is easily veri ed that k  k2;m is a valid norm and it can also be shown that the normed space X =4 fx 2 IRZZ : kxk2;m < 1g


is complete.2 The l2;m norm has the attractive property that it only involves an m length window of the signal and hence is local like the l1 norm. In fact, kxk2;1 = kxk1. However, unlike 2 The completeness of this space is essentially established in the same manner as the completeness of l1 is established. A proof showing that l1 is complete is given in [13, p. 37].


the l1 norm and like the l1 and l2 norms, for m > 1 the l2;m norm does re ect some of the temporal behavior of the signal. In fact, kxk2 = limm!1 kxk2;m . This norm is also ideally suited to incorporate information regarding the response characteristics of the Volterra lters into the analysis, a characteristic exploited in the following sections. An upper bound for the l2;m operator norm is given below. The upper bound follows using standard results from Kronecker product theory and the details may be found in [15]. De ne the kernel matrix Fn =4 [ST1 ; : : : ; STm ]T ; where

2 66 fn (i; 1; : : : ; 1; 1) 6 f (i; 1; : : : ; 2; 1) Si = 666 n .. . 64


   fn (i; 1; : : : ; 1; m) 7 7    fn (i; 1; : : : ; 2; m) 77

; i = 1; : : : ; m; (26) 7 .. 7 . 7 5 fn (i; m; : : : ; m; 1)    fn (i; m; : : : ; m) and let Fn be the largest singular value of the matrix Fn. The operator norm induced by the l2;m signal norm is bounded as (27) kFnk2;m  m1=2 Fn : VI. Incorporating Subspace Information Into the CMT

The predicted performance limits obtained from the basic CMT analysis of the Volterra equalization problem can be improved in many cases by incorporating subspace information regarding the Volterra lter H into the analysis. If we assume that the nonlinear Volterra lter H only responds to a subspace of the full input space, the class of allowable input signals is increased and the bounds on the convergence rate are improved. Subspace response conditions such as this are often met or nearly approximated in many practical problems. A simple example that illustrates this subspace e ect is the following cascade system. Consider a quadratic system de ned by a linear FIR lter with vectorized impulse response h, followed by a squaring operation. If x(k) = [x(k); : : : ; x(k ? m + 1)]T is the input to this system, then the output is given by y(k) = (hT x(k))2 : (28) If we de ne the orthogonal projection matrix P = hhT =khk22, then it is easy to see that

y(k) = (hT Px(k))2 : 12


Hence, the output in response to x(k) is equal to output in response to Px(k), the projection of the input vector onto the space spanned by the lter vector h. While this is a trivial example, the idea extends to more complicated situations. The point is that the nonlinear lter only responds to a particular subspace and produces zero output in response to inputs outside this subspace. We say that such a lter is subspace limited. More general Volterra lters may also be subspace limited. Typically, the subspace can not be determined by simple inspection as in the example above. However, the kernel approximation and decomposition results developed in [14] allow such subspaces to be extracted from arbitrary Volterra kernels. We have shown in previous work [14] that a homogeneous Volterra lter operator is subspace limited if and only if the kernel matrix, as de ned in equation (26), is low-rank. Theorem 2 in [14] provides a method for determining the subspace for a given low-rank kernel. Ecient implementations for low-rank kernels are also discussed in [14]. These implementations are also useful for reducing the computational complexity of equalizers. VII. Improvements in Theoretical Analysis for Subspace Limited Filters

In this section, we develop the theoretical analysis of the equalization problem under the assumption that the kernels of the Volterra lter H are low rank and hence are subspace limited. The l2;m norm provides a convenient and practical framework for exploiting the subspace limited behavior of Volterra lters. To simplify the notation, for any signal x let kxk = kxk2;m = supk kx(k)k2, where x(k) = [x(k); : : : ; x(k ? m + 1)]T . If Hn is a nth order homogeneous Volterra lter with memory length m, then often we will write Hn (x1(k); : : : ; xn(k)) = Hn(x1 ; : : : ; xn )(k);


to re ect the output's dependence on only the past m terms of the input sequences x1 ; : : : ; xn. Also, let P be an m  m rank r < m orthogonal projection matrix and de ne the seminorm3

kxkP =4 sup kPx(k)k2: k


Note that because P is an othogonal projection matrix, for every x

kxkP  kxk: P


As in section III, H = F1?1 Nn=2 Fn and we write H(x(k)) = Hx(k). Let Hn be the rectangular kernel matrix de ned according to (26) using the nth order kernel of H . The induced l2;m operator 3 A seminorm satis es all properties of a norm except that its value may be zero for non-zero signals [13].


norm is bounded, according to (27), by

kHnk  pm Hn ; where Hn is the largest singular value Hn. For convenience, we denote this upper bound on the operator norm by p (33) MHn = m Hn : The following lemma characterizes a subspace limited Volterra lter in terms of the kernel matrices fHngNn=2 and will be used in the subsequent analysis. Lemma 2: Let P be an m  m rank r < m orthogonal projection matrix. If for any unitarily invariant matrix norm kHn ? Hn Pk = 0; then for every set of signals x1 ; : : : ; xn


Hn(x1 ; : : : ; xn )(k) =4 Hn (x1(k); : : : ; xn(k)); = Hn (Px1(k); : : : ; Pxn(k)):


kHn(x1 ; : : : ; xn )k  MHn kx1kP    kxnkP :


Lemma 2 follow easily from previous results regarding low-rank kernel matrices established in [14] and the details are given in [15]. Before stating the convergence results for a subspace limited equalizer, de ne the contraction factor

H(r) = and let

N X n=2

H(r) = r ?

nMHn rn?1 ; n X


MHn rn :

With this notation in place, we state the following theorem. Theorem 2: Let r1 be the unique positive number satisfying H (r1 ) = 1. If for some orthogonal projection matrix P (i) kHn ? Hn Pk = 0, n = 2; : : : ; N , (ii) there exists 0  r < r1 such that kGxo kP  H(r), then there exists a unique x 2 BP (r) =4 fy : kykP  rg satisfying Tx = x or equivalently Hx = Gxo . 14

Furthermore, the sequence de ned by xn = Txn?1 ; n > 1 converges in l2;m norm to x for any x1 2 BP (r) and n?1 kxn ? xk  1 ?H ((rr)) kx2 ? x1 k: H

The proof of Theorem 2 is very similar to the proof of Theorem 1. The only di erence is that Lemma 2 and (32) are used in some of the steps in a straightforward way. Again, the details can be found in [15]. Comparing the statements of Theorems 1 and 2, the obvious question arises. What do we gain by exploiting the subspace limited condition? There are two distinct improvements gained by incorporating prior knowledge of subspace limited behavior:

 Guaranteed equalizer convergence for a larger set of input signals xo  Tighter bounds on the rate of convergence In the appendix, we discuss the details of these two points and establish that by exploiting prior information (the subspace limited behavior of H ) we are able to guarantee equalizer convergence for a larger class of problems. We also show that incorporation of prior information results in tighter bounds on the error performance of the equalizer in all cases. VIII. Numerical Examples

In this section we examine two numerical examples that demonstrate the equalization methods and, in particular, highlight the use of Theorem 2. In the rst example we simulate a signal recovery problem which is posed as a post lter equalization. The second example illustrates a pre lter equalization scheme. Both examples assume that we have a Volterra lter model of the physical system that is to be equalized. This Volterra lter explicity de nes the equalizing lter as established in Section IV. The equalization lter used in our simulations is implemented as the cascade Volterra lter structure depicted in Fig. 3. In practice, the Volterra lter model of the physical system would rst be identi ed or deduced by other means. A. Example 1: Post lter Equalizer

In this example, we consider the following problem. A sinusoidal process

xo (k) = :6 cos( 2:2 k) + :3 cos( 2 k) 15


is the input to a nonlinear system given by the cascade of a linear FIR lter L with impulse response w = (1:0000; 0:2000; 0:0400; 0:0080) followed by the memoryless nonlinear saturation characteristic S depicted by the solid curve in Fig. 4. The saturation characteristic is de ned by the cubic polynomial S (z) = 0:2000 z ? 0:0138 z3; (37) where in this case z = Lxo (k). The dotted line in Fig. 4 shows the linear component of this nonlinearity for comparison. For this example, assume that the input is unknown and that the nonlinear system is known. The goal is to recover the original input using only the observed output y. In this case, because of the simple form of the nonlinear system, we could directly recover xo = L?1(S ?1 (y)). However, to illustrate the methods of this paper, we apply the CMT. Using the notation developed in sections II and III, in the nonlinear system is given by

F = F1 + F3 ;


where F1 is a linear FIR lter whose impulse response is 0:2 w = (0:2000; 0:0400; 0:0080; 0:0016) and where F3 is a cubic Volterra lter whose three dimensional kernel f3 is given

f3 (i1 ; i2; i3) = ?0:0138 w(i1)w(i2 )w(i3);


where w(i) denotes the ith element of w. The best linear ltering solution to this problem is to lter the output with the inverse of the linear FIR lter F1. In this case, an approximate linear inverse lter has the impulse response (5; ?1). Applying the inverse to the observed output y produces a signal F1?1 Fxo =4 Gxo , where again we are using the notation previously developed for the post lter equalization (see section III). The true input and the residual error of the linear inverse ltering are shown in Fig. 5. The maximum amplitude of the residual error is roughly 5% of the input amplitude and a better estimate of the original input may be obtained using nonlinear processing. We will formulate the problem using the l1 and l2;5 norms4 . The l2;5 norm is convenient for this case because the cubic lter F1?1F3 has a memory length of 5. The contraction mapping in this case is

Tx = F1?1 Fxo ? F1?1 F3x; = F1?1 y ? F1?1F3 x:

4 Note that due to the periodicity of the input signal, the signals involved are not nite energy signals and hence

the l1 and l2 norms are not applicable.


Initializing the contraction at x = 0 gives the linear inverse solution. That is, T 0 = F1?1y =4 x1 . The hope is that by iterating the mapping T , to obtain x2 = Tx1 , x3 = Tx2 , and so on, better and better approximations to the original input xo are obtained. First we will examine the l1 formulation. To theoretically guarantee the convergence of the iteration, the conditions of Theorem 1 must be satis ed. The upper bound (23) on induced l1 norm of the cubic lter F1?1 F3 is kF1?1F3k1 = 0:1638. Next solving for r1, the positive number satisfying H(r1 ) = 3 kF1?1F3 k1r12 = 1; (40) produces r1 = 1:1831. Substituting r1 into the expression for H produces H(r1 ) = 0:7887. Unfortunately, in this problem kGxo k1 = 0:8757 (recall Gxo = F1?1 y) and hence Theorem 1 cannot be applied. Next we formulate the problem using the l2;5 norm. The upper bound (27) for the induced operator norm is kF1?1F3 k2;5 = 0:2156 which, in this case, leads to H(r1) = 1:2435. However, kGxo k2;5 = 1:4538 and again the conditions of Theorem 1 are not met! Fortunately, the fact that F1?1F3 is subspace limited can be exploited and Theorem 2 can be successfully applied. To see this, rst consider the SVD of the kernel matrix H3 corresponding to H3 =4 F1?1 F3. In this case, the singular values are (1:1472; 0:3297; 0:0000; 0:0000; 0:0000). Because the kernel matrix is rank 2, we can deduce that the cubic lter H3 is subspace limited. Letting P be the orthogonal projection onto the subspace spanned by the two right singular vectors corresponding to the two nonzero singular values of H3 , we have kH3 ? H3 Pk = 0, for all unitarily invariant matrix norms. Therefore Lemma 2 is satis ed. Using this projection and the corresponding seminorm k  kP , we have kGxo kP = 0:8974 and, since H(r1) = 1:2435, Theorem 2 may be applied! In fact, solving for the r that satis es H(r) = kGxo kP and substituting the solution into the expression for the theoretical contraction factor produces

H(r) = 0:7848;


which is an upper bound on the convergence rate in this case. Table I shows the theoretical and actual convergence behavior of this equalizer in the l2;5 norm sense. Recall that x1 = F1?1y is the output of the linear equalizer and for n > 1 xn = F1?1y ? F1?1 F3 xn?1 . The actual computation of the n-fold equalization is performed using the cascade Volterra lter structure depicted in Fig. 3. That is, xn is simply the output of the equalizing lter pictured in Fig. 3 in response to the input signal F1?1 y 17

Table I. Post lter Equalizer Convergence

kx1 ? x2k2;5 kx2 ? x3 k2;5 kx3 ? x4 k2;5 kx4 ? x5k2;5 Actual Theory

0.0653 0.0653

0.0092 0.0279

0.0014 0.0156

0.0002 0.0098

Notice that the theory does overbound the actual performance. For example, the theoretical bound on the error kx2 ? x3 k2;5 is a factor of 3 larger than the actual error. However, the theoretical bounds may provide guidelines that allow one to quantify the tradeo between equalizer complexity and performance. The residual errors of the linear equalizer xo ? x1 , one iteration Volterra equalizer xo ? x2 , and two iteration Volterra equalizer xo ? x3 , are depicted in Fig. 6. The theory, even when subspace information is incorporated, does not guarantee equalizer convergence for saturations much more severe than the one in the previous example. However, in practice much more demanding problems can be tackled using the successive approximation approach. As an example, consider the same nonlinear system structure with a more severe saturation characteristic S (z) = 0:2000 z ? 0:0843 z3: (42) This saturation is depicted in Fig. 7. Computing the necessary Volterra lters and implementing the equalizer, we obtain the following actual convergence behavior shown in Table II.

Table II. Post lter Equalizer Convergence

kx1 ? x2 k2;5 kx2 ? x3k2;5 kx3 ? x4 k2;5 kx4 ? x5 k2;5 Actual





It appears that the equalizer is converging, however this convergence cannot be theoretically guaranteed using any of the norms discussed in this paper. This example demonstrates the limitations of the existing theory. For this case, the residual errors of the linear equalizer xo ? x1 , one iteration Volterra equalizer xo ? x2 , and four iteration Volterra equalizer xo ? x4 , are depicted in Fig. 8. 18

B. Example 2: Pre lter Equalizer

In this example, we consider the following equalization problem. A pulse input xo , shown in Fig. 9, is applied to a nonlinear lter de ned by

Fxo = xo ? F2 xo ;


where F2 is a quadratic Volterra lter with memory m = 10. The output Fxo is also shown in Fig. 9. The quadratic kernel associated with F2 is given by the outer product of the vector 1 T 100 [5 8 9 7 3 ? 3 ? 7 ? 9 ? 8 ? 5] with itself and is designed to represent a lowpass quadratic e ect. The kernel is depicted in Fig. 10. The goal is to predistort the input pulse so that the output of the nonlinear lter F is the desired pulse xo . We will analyze this equalization problem using both the l1 and l2;10 norms. The contraction mapping in this case is Tx = xo ? F2x: (44) First we analyze the equalization using the l1 norm. The upper bound (23) on the induced l1 norm of the quadratic lter is kF2k1 = 0:4446. Next solving for r1 , the positive number satisfying

H(r1 ) = 2 kF2k1 r12 = 1;


produces r1 = 1:1247. Substituting r1 into the expression for H produces H(r1 ) = 0:5624. For the unit amplitude pulse input, we have kxo k1 = 1. Hence, kxo k1 > H(r1 ) and Theorem 1 cannot be applied. Also, although this signal is of nite duration, working with the l1 or l2 norm fails to guarantee convergence as well. If we formulate the problem using the l2;10 norm and incorporate the exploit the fact that F2 is subspace limited, then the following bounds on the convergence are obtained. First, let F2 be the square kernel matrix associated with the quadratic lter F2 . In this case, the kernel matrix is rank 1 with single non-zero singular value 0:05. Let P denote the projection onto the subspace spanned by the associated singular vector. Using the l2;10 norm, we compute H(r1 ) = 1:5811. The P subspace seminorm of the input is kxo kP = 1:4909 and comparing this with H(r1 ) shows that Theorem 2 may be applied. Solving for the r that satis es H(r) = kGxo kP and substituting the solution into the expression for the theoretical contraction factor produces

H(r) = 0:7611; 19


which is an upper bound on the convergence rate in this case. The output errors with no equalization, one iteration of the Volterra equalizer, and two iterations of the Volterra equalizer, are depicted in Fig. 11. The Table III shows the theoretical and actual convergence of behavior of this equalizer in the l2;10 norm sense. In this case, x1 = xo , the original input, and for n > 1 xn = xo ? F2xn?1 .

Table III. Pre lter Equalizer Convergence

kx1 ? x2 k2;10 kx2 ? x3 k2;10 kx3 ? x4 k2;10 kx4 ? x5k2;10 Actual Theory

0.1892 0.1892

0.0281 0.0892

0.0030 0.0520

0.0003 0.0333

Theoretically, convergence cannot be guaranteed if the gain of quadratic component F2 is increased. However, as in the post ltering example, the actual performance limits are less restrictive. The same problem is simulated again, this time with the singular value of F2 equal to 0:2, four times larger than the previous case. The input and output of this system are shown in Fig. 12. Table IV demonstrates that the rst few iterations of the equalizer are tending toward a xed point. Fig. 13 shows the original output error with no equalization, the error using one iteration of the Volterra pre lter equalizer, and the error using four iterations of the equalizer. It is clear from Fig. 13 that the equalizer is accomplishing the desired ltering.

Table IV. Pre lter Equalizer Convergence

kx1 ? x2 k2;10 kx2 ? x3 k2;10 kx3 ? x4 k2;10 kx4 ? x5 k2;10 Actual





IX. Conclusions

Theoretical convergence of a large class of nonlinear equalization problems is examined. The systems and equalizers studied here are modelled as Volterra lters and the equalization problem 20

is formulated as a xed point problem. Conditions under which the xed point equation is a contraction mapping are established. The method of successive approximation results in an equalizer that can be realized as a cascade of simple, repeated, Volterra lters. To guarantee convergence of the equalizers, constraints on the norms of the involved signals are obtained in terms of the operator norms of the associated Volterra lters. The convergence analysis and resulting bounds on the rates of convergence depend on these norms in a complicated and nonlinear manner. Hence, formulating the problem under di erent norms may produce quite di erent theoretical bounds on the convergence behavior. The bene ts and limitations of various signal norms are discussed and the \window" l2;m norm is introduced. We demonstrate how knowledge that the Volterra lter only responds to a subspace of the full input signal space can be incorporated to improve the theoretical analysis of equalization algorithms. Theoretical analysis exploiting subspace information and the l2;m norm indicates that the class of allowable inputs and the upper bounds on the convergence rate are improved. Several examples of pre lter and post lter equalization problems are presented. In two cases it is shown that convergence is guaranteed using subspace information and the l2;m norm when formulations based on traditional signal norms fail to guarantee convergence. Other simulations show that the theoretical analysis is overly conservative in many cases. This suggests that further study is still needed to better understand the nonlinear equalization problem. Our experience has led us to the following practical guidelines. First, the l1 and l2;m are most useful in practice since the l1 and l2 norms often fail to guarantee convergence as the signal duration increases. It is important to note, however, that for nite duration signals all norms are equivalent and hence convergence in one norm will guarantee convergence in other senses. In practice, one may simply implement the equalizing lter described in Section IV and evaluate the performance. As the examples demonstrated, the equalizers often work very well even when the convergence cannot be absolutely guaranteed. In practice, it may not be possible to guarantee convergence, however, the analysis presented here leads to equalization lters that may provide very good results. There are several avenues for future work here. First, the initial work exploiting subspace information may be expanded and improved. Also, such information may be useful in equalization schemes that are not based on a contraction mapping approach. For example, subspace information may be used to improve the performance of adaptive Volterra equalizers based on mean-square error criteria. Another very important open problem is the issue of noise. In real systems, noise is usually present. Our analysis here is purely deterministic approach and it is crucial to incorporate 21

the e ects of noise for many problems of practical interest. We are currently addressing these and other issues in ongoing work. Appendix A Improvements Obtained Via Subspace Limited Analysis

As mentioned in Section VII, there are two distinct improvements gained by incorporating prior knowledge of subspace limited behavior. First, the subspace limited condition (assumption (i) in Theorem 2) increases the set of xo for which the problem can be solved (via CMT). To see this, notice that (ii) in Theorem 2 requires an r satisfying kGxo kP  H(r), whereas the corresponding condition in Theorem 1 requires r to satisfy kGxo k  H(r). Since kGxo kP  kGxo k and since H(r) is increasing on [0; r1], it follows that a larger class of signals is admissible under the subspace limited assumption. In other words, if kGxo k  H(r), then kGxo kP  H(r), but not necessarily vice-versa. Second, for xed kGxo k, incorporating the subspace limited assumption can improve the bound on the convergence rate. To see this, consider the following argument. Recall that r1 is the unique positive number satisfying H(r1) = 1. It is also easily veri ed that @ @qH > 0 on [0; r1), @ @qH < 0 on (r1; 1), and @ @qH (r1) = 0. Hence, H(r1) is the maximum of H on [0; 1). Let be de ned as the positive real number for which H(r1 ) = kGxo k. If > 1, then Theorems 1 and 2 hold. If o kP

 1, then Theorem 1 does not apply and Theorem 2 applies if and only if kkGx Gxo k < . De ne max =4 min(1; ). With this notation in place, take  2 [0; max] to be arbitrary and de ne 0 < r()  r1 to be the unique number in [0; r1] solving H(r()) = kGxo k. We interpret the o kP number r() as the smallest feasible r of Theorem 2 with kkGx Gxo k = . In the following theorem we consider the contraction factor H = H(r()) as a function of . Theorem 3: H (r()) is an increasing function of  on [0; max ]. Furthermore, if 0 < 1 < 2  max, then H(r(1 ))  12 H(r(2)). Proof: To prove the rst statement recall that @ @qH > 0 on [0; r1 ) and @ @qH (r1 ) = 0. Hence, as  2 [0; max] increases, so does r(). Therefore, r() is strictly increasing on [0; max]. Then note that @ @qH > 0 on (0; 1). It follows that H(r()) is increasing on [0; max]. To prove the second statement notice that by re-arranging H(r()) = kGxo k we have

r() = kGxo k +

N X n=2

MHn rn (): P

It follows that r() has a power series representation r() = i1 ii , where i  0 for all i  1. 22





Now, H(r()) = Nn=2 nkHnkrn?1() = Nn=2 nkHnk( i1 i i)n?1 =4 n1 n n; where n  0 for all n  1. Now we proceed by contradiction. Suppose H(r(1 )) > 21 H(r(2 )) or equivalently

H(r(2)) < 2 : H(r(1)) 1 Multiplying both sides by 12 , we have



1 + PNn=2 n n2 ?1 < 1: 1 + PNn=2 n n1 ?1

This implies, Nn=2 n n2 ?1 < Nn=2 n n1 ?1 which in turn implies that 2 < 1; since n  0; 8 n, and hence we have a contradiction. 2 The signi cance of Theorem 3 is this: Assume that Gxo satis es the hypothesis of Theorem 1. o kP If, in addition, H is subspace limited, in the sense of (i) in Theorem 2, and if  = kkGx Gxo k < 1, then the upper bound on the contraction factor is decreased by at least a factor of  compared to the standard CMT bound without incorporating the subspace limited condition. Two other observations can be deduced from Theorem 3. First, if kGxo kP = 0, then we have onestep convergence (i.e., take x1 to be any signal satisfying kx1 kP = 0, e.g., x1 = 0.) Second, with a slight modi cation of Theorem 3, if kHj k = 0; 2  j < n ? 1, then H(r(1 ))  ( 12 )n?1 H(r(2 )), for 0 < 1 < 2  max . In particular, if H = Hn, an n-th order homogeneous lter, then H(r(1))  ( 12 )n?1 H(r(2 )). References

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Epre (F; F )

x- F

- F xo

Fig. 1. Volterra pre lter equalizer.




y- Epost(F; F  )

- F xo

Fig. 2. Volterra post lter equalizer



? - - ?- H    






Fig. 3. j -fold Volterra equalizer



? -   x ?



0.2 0.15

Error - Linear Inverse Filtering 0.05 0 -0.05 0


0.1 0.05







Error - One Iteration of Volterra Equalizer


0.05 0 -0.05 0

-0.1 -0.15






-0.2 -1

0 Input

Error - Two Iterations of Volterra Equalizer


0.05 0 -0.05 0

Fig. 4. Saturation nonlinearity.






Fig. 6. Errors of linear and Volterra equalizers.

Unknown Input 1 0 -1 0







0.15 0.1

Error - Linear Inverse Filtering


0.05 0 -0.05 0

0.05 0 -0.05 -0.1





100 -0.15

Fig. 5. Original input and linear equalizer error.

-0.2 -1

0 Input


Fig. 7. Severe saturation nonlinearity.

Error - Linear Inverse Filtering 0.5 0 -0.5 0






Error - One Iteration of Volterra Equalizer 0.5 0 -0.5 0






Error - Four Iterations of Volterra Equalizer 0.5 0 -0.5 0






Fig. 8. Errors of linear and Volterra equalizers { Severe saturation. 26

Input 1 0.5 0 0






1.5 1 0.5 0 0

Output 1 0.5 0 0












1.5 1 0.5 0 0

Fig. 9. Input and output of quadratic system.



Fig. 12. Input and output { Strong quadratic nonlinearity. 0.01 0.005 0 -0.005 -0.01 0

10 5

5 10 0

Fig. 10. Quadratic lter kernel.

Error - Difference of Input and Output 0.5 0 -0.5 0





Error - One Iteration of Volterra Equalizer 0.5 0 -0.5 0

Error - Difference of Input and Output 0.1 0 -0.1 0








200 Error - Four Iterations of Volterra Equalizer 0.5 0 -0.5 0

Error - One Iteration of Volterra Equalizer 0.1 0 -0.1 0











Fig. 13. Errors of Volterra equalizers { Strong quadratic nonlinearity.

Error - Two Iterations of Volterra Equalizer 0.1 0 -0.1 0



Fig. 11. Errors of Volterra equalizers. 27