Year 11 Physics 2A/2B Course Document

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Physics Yr 11 WACE 2A/2B ... Heinemann Physics Content and Context (Unit 2A/ 2B) (Cahill) ... basic vector quantities of initial/final velocity, displacement.
Year 11 Physics 2A/2B Course Document

Physics Yr 11 WACE 2A/2B Term by term program for 2013 Texts:  Exploring Physics Stage 2 (STAWA)  Heinemann Physics Content and Context (Unit 2A/2B) (Cahill)  Optional texts available Software:  Heinemann CD with o Interactive tutorials o Practical activities (32 activities available) Course Outcomes:  Three outcomes to be addressed through the program 1. Investigating and communicating in science 2. Energy 3. Forces and fields  Three outcome to be addressed through the 2 units of study Course Content:  Unit 2A  The unit content organisers are motion and forces explore motion in one dimension to solve both qualitative and quantitative problems. Through the study of nuclear physics, they learn about atomic structure and subatomic particles to understand and appreciate phenomena such as those that lead to the emission of nuclear radiation, and nuclear energy. They are encouraged to develop their own investigations of real world problems, extending their investigative and communication skills. They learn that uncertainties are an integral part of the measurements made in their experiments, and engage with more abstract questions to select appropriate problem-solving strategies.  Unit 2B  The unit content organisers are heating and cooling and electrical fundamentals. In learning about heating and cooling, students gain insight into temperature measurement, internal energy, conduction and convection and radiation to develop understandings about how energy is transferred by heat through different types of materials. They also examine the thermal properties of substances, including thermal expansion, specific heat capacity and latent heat. Within electrical fundamentals, they learn to apply the concepts of charge and energy transfer to situations involving both electrostatics and current electricity. They construct and study characteristics of electric circuits; learn how to work safely with electricity; and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between electricity and magnetism. They research real world problems and plan to carry out an investigation, and deal with abstract concepts and principles when selecting problem-solving techniques. Course Contexts (Text dependant):  Unit 2A 1. Motion and Forces via Toys and simple machines 2. Nuclear Physics via Nuclear energy  Unit 2B 1. Heating and cooling via Heat and motor vehicles 2. Electrical Fundamentals via Domestic power Time requirements:  55 hours contact time per unit (110 hours over the duration of the year)

Program: Term 1 Topics to be covered


Measurement and data: Students are able to complete simple conversions and graphical analysis of selected data. Chp 1 (1.1 and 1.3. 1.2 Accuracy to be covered separately during practical work) Describing motion: Students are able to complete basic vector additions and subtractions in a straight-line (one dimension) Chp 2.1 Speed velocity and acceleration: Students understand basic vector quantities of initial/final velocity, displacement and acceleration.





Text Reference

Assessments and Experiments


Chp 1 pg 36

Experiment 1.1: Navigating Vectors

Q 1.1, 1.3 Review Chp 1

Chp 2 pg 54

Experiment 1.2: Rolling Along

Q 2.1 STAWA Set 1

Chp 2.2 pg 60 STAWA pg 17 LabPro program

Experiment 2.1: Going faster

Q 2.2

LabQuest Activities available 2.1

Students are able to graph s/t, v/t, and a/t


Students are able to complete a range of calculations involving equations of motion Students able to use 3 equations of motion

v av 

s , t

s  ut  2.3 3.1

v av  1 at2 , 2

v u , 2


Chp 2.3 LabPro program Chp 2.4 pg 75

v 2  u2  2as

3.2 3.3 4.1

Newtons Second Law: W=mg

STAWA pg 24 Chp 3.3 pg 97 STAWA pg 26 Chp 3.4 pg 102

4.2 4.3

Experiment 3.2: Friction Optional Newtons Third Law: Normal and Reaction forces

Chp 3.5 pg 107

5.1 5.2 5.3

Inclined planes, weight and tension Investigation 2: Terminal Velocity Review questions

6.1 6.2


Motion Test 2 Energy and Momentum: Students understand that changes in momentum (impulse) is derived from the relationship between force and momentum Understanding impulse graphs. Forces and collisions


Conservation of momentum


8.1 8.2

 pbefore   pafter ,

Chp 3 pg 86 STAWA pg 25

1 2

Q 3.3 Experiment 3.1: Newton’s Second Law

Q 3.4 STAWA Set 3

Q 3.5 Review Chp 3 STAWA pg 34

Chp 4.1 STAWA pg 37 Physics in Action pg 125 LabPro program Chp 4.2 pg 130

Ft  mv  mu

Students understand what is meant by elastic and inelastic collisions (Chp 4.6) Work. Students understand the definition of work and how it is determined from a force displacement graph. Mechanical energy: Kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy

Q 3.1, 3.2

Chp 3.5 pg 111 STAWA pg 33

Complete conservation of momentum for a range of calculations.

Ek 

STAWA Set 2 Review Chp 2

v -u , t

Motion Test 1 Newtons Laws: Force as a vector. Students are able to complete basic vector additions and subtractions in a straight-line (two dimension) Vector diagrams and addition techniques Investigation 1: Measuring the value of g Newtons First Law: Equilibrium and Forces

p  mv ,

Experiment 2.2: Reaction Time

Q 4.1

Experiment 4.1: Conservation of Momentum in an Explosion Experiment 4.2: Conservation of Momentum in a Collision

Chp 4.3 STAWA pg 44

Q 4.2


Q 4.3 LabQuest activities availble

Q 4.4

mv2, Ep  mgh, W  Fs, W  E

8.3 9.1

Energy transformations and conservation of energy




Topic Review


Motion Topic Test

Chp 4.5 pg 144

Hein pg 150

Q 4.5 Experiment 5.1: Roller Coaster Experiment 5.2: Vehicle Power STAWA Set 5 Review Chp 4

Term 2 Topics to be covered


1.2 1.3

Nuclear Technology Atoms and Isotopes: Students understand the structure of an atom and the accepted current theories on matter (String and Universal theorists) Radio-isotopes: Students look at early discoveries (Curries) Types of decay and stability of radio-isotopes

2.1 2.2

Students complete decay sequence calculations Properties of radiation (Range and penetration)



Key demonstrations Experiment 6.3 or 6.4* (6.4 especially for Yr 12 particle in mag field) Uses of radioactive particles in medicine


Questions and research on medical treatments

STAWA pg 54 Hein pg 26 Hein pg 31


Possible excursion Dose equivalence calculations

Hein pg 33

3.4 4.1 4.2 4.3

Absorbed dose questions continued Nuclear Test 1 Half life and activity Investigations available Half life graphs and calculations



Text Reference

Assessments and Experiments


Chp 5.1 pg 160

Hein pg 162 STAWA pg 58 Chp 5.2 Chp 5.3 pg 169

Experiment 6.1: Radiation tracks

Q 5.1 STAWA Set 6

Experiment 6.2: Range of Alpha and Beta Particles Experiment 6.3: Penetration Power

Q 5.3

Experiment 9.1: Radiation and the environment explained

Activities pg 35 STAWA Set 9

STAWA Set 9 Chp 5.4 STAWA pg 68 Q 5.4 STAWA Set 7 Experiment 7.1: Simulated Radioactive decay

4.4 5.1 5.2 5.3

Investigations available Nuclear Fission: The Manhattan project and the 1930’s (Fermi) Documentary on the race to split the atom Binding energy calculations

STAWA pg 75, 92 Chp 5.5 STAWA pg 76 Clickview STAWA pg 78

Questions STAWA pg 77 Q 5.5

Exam Preparation Semester 1 Exam 8.1

Experiment 8.1: Simulating a chain reaction


Nuclear weapons


Nuclear reactors

9.1 9.2 10.1

The Nuclear debate: Waste and Australia Review Nuclear Topic Test

Chp 5.6 Clickview Chp 5.7 Diagrams available Sunflower


Q 5.6 Q 5.7

Chp 5 Review


Topics to be covered

1.1 1.2

Investigations Available Simple circuitry: Symbols and conventions Circuits and Ohms law


Term 3 Text Reference

STAWA pg 151 Chp 7.6 pg 304 STAWA pg 153

Assessments and Experiments


Sunflower to be distributed

STAWA pg 157

Electrical kits available 1.3 2.1 2.2

Series Circuits: Drawing and determination of RTotal RT  R1  R2  ... Resistivity Investigation 16.4: Resistance and resistivity of insulators Parallel circuits. Students are able to complete a range V/I/R calculations

Hein pg 304 STAWA pg 165

STAWA pg 164 Chp 7.7 pg 309


Complex circuit calculations

4.1 4.3 5.1 5.2

Investigations Available Cell and batteries and other sources of EMF Electricity around the home. Students understand distribution and wiring of the home Circuits and safety


Shock and prevention

6.3 7.1

Electricity Topic Test Students understand the evolving model of the atom. Historical perspective.


Definitions of heat, temperature and thermal energy.


The kinetic theory of matter. The behaviour of gases


Specific heat capacity and thermal equilibrium

Chp 6.4 STAWA pg 114


Calculations on specific heat. Heating and cooling in a motor vehicle

STAWA pg 112


Investigation 10.3: Counting molecules

STAWA pg 104


Latent heat

Chp 6.5 pg 248 STAWA pg 124


Extended specific heat and phase change calculations (Calorimetric determinations) Heat Teat 1


STAWA pg 172 Chp 7.8 STAWA pg 161 Hein pg 217 Hein pg 221 STAWA pg 174 Hein pg 223

Chp 6.1 pg 228

Q 7.6

Experiment 17.2: Resistors in Parallel Experiment 17.3: Sources of EMF in series and parallel

STAWA Set 17

Experiment 18.1: Fuses STAWA Set 18 Hein pg 225 Experiment 10.1: Gas Thermometer

Chp 6.2 pg 233 STAWA pg 98 Hein pg 240 Sunflower

Q 7.7

Q 6.1

Q 6.2 STAWA Set 10 LabQuest activities available Experiment 10.2: The Power of a Bunsen Burner Experiment 12.1: The specific heat capacity of a liquid

Q 6.3

Q 6.4

STAWA Set 12 Heating cooling graph using LabQuests Experiment 13.1 or 13.2

Q 6.5

Assessments and Experiments


STAWA Set 13


Topics to be covered

1.1 1.2


Evaporation. Refrigerators and air-conditioning Physics in action Heat transfer. Students understand convection and conduction. Factors affecting thermal conduction Heat transfer. Students understand radiation

2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 5.1

Investigation 12.2 and 13.3-7 available Review Heat Topic Test Exam Preparation Semester 2 Exam



Term 4 Text Reference

Chp 6.6 pg 252 Hein pg 255 Chp 6.7

Chp 6.8

Experiment 11.1: Convection Currents Experiment 11.2 and 11.3 optional

Q 6.8 STAWA Set 11

School based assessment grids for WACE 2 units Weighting (CC) Stage 2



College weighting

Type of assessment

Stage 2



Experiments and investigations Experiments include practical tasks and/or exercises designed to develop and/or assess a range of laboratory related skills and conceptual understanding of physical principles, and skills associated with processing data. Students collect, process and interpret data; evaluate their data and conclusions; and communicate their findings. Investigations in physics include: research work in which students plan an investigation; conduct an investigation; process and interpret data; evaluate their plan, procedures, data and findings; and communicate their conclusions. At least one investigation should be carried out in the pair of units, 2A and 2B. Experiment and investigation plans, procedures, data and findings may be communicated in any appropriate form, including written, oral, graphical, and electronic or combinations of these. Types of evidence may include: validation exercises based on laboratory work, experimental design brief, formal investigation or laboratory report, report of literature search, exercises requiring qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of second hand data, evaluation of physical information, portfolio of laboratory work, reports of simulated laboratory activities, electronic, video or audio presentation of findings and recommendations, self- or peer evaluation tools and observation checklists. Best suited to the collection of evidence of student achievement of all outcomes. Tests and examinations Students apply knowledge and skills in physics to analyse and interpret data, solve problems and answer questions in supervised classroom settings. These tasks require students to demonstrate use of terminology, understanding and application of concepts, quantitative skills and knowledge of factual information. It is expected that assessment tasks include items that allow students to respond at their highest level of understanding. Types of evidence may include written or oral responses to: diagnostic, formative and summative tests and examinations, comprehension and interpretation exercises, exercises requiring analysis and evaluation of both qualitative and quantitative physical information and discussions and/or presentations, validation exercises based on assigned work. Best suited to the collection of evidence of student achievement of all outcomes.

Grid for Experiments and Investigations Type of Assessment Experiments Investigations

Assessment 10 general reports based on Exploring Physics experiments Investigations from STAWA, practical based tests including validation exercises, mini tests based on data etc Formal Investigation and report presentation

Experiments and Investigations Total

Weighting Stage 2 15 15

5 35

Grid for Tests and Examinations Type of Assessment Tests

Tests Total Examinations


Estimated Timing

Motion Test 1 Motion Test 2 Motion Topic Test Nuclear Test 1 Nuclear Topic Test Electricity Test 1 Electricity Topic Test Heating Test 1 Heating Topic Test

Term 1 Week 3 Term 1 Week 6 Term 1 Week 9 Term 2 Week 2 Term 2 Week 7 Term 3 Week 3 Term 3 Week 7 Term 3 Week 10 Term 4 Week 2

Semester 1 Semester 2

Term 2 Week 7 Term 4 Week 6

Exams Total Total for Tests and Examinations Overall % for Units

Weighting Stage 2 2 2 2.25 3 3.25 3 3.25 3 3.25 25 15 25 40 65 100

UNIT 2APHY Unit description The unit description provides the focus for teaching the specific unit content. In this unit, students explore motion in one dimension to solve both qualitative and quantitative problems. Through the study of nuclear physics, they learn about atomic structure and subatomic particles to understand and appreciate phenomena such as those that lead to the emission of nuclear radiation, and nuclear energy. They are encouraged to develop their own investigations of real world problems, extending their investigative and communication skills. They learn that uncertainties are an integral part of the measurements made in their experiments, and engage with more abstract questions to select appropriate problem-solving strategies.

describe, explain and use gravitational fields to explain weight as the force on a mass in a gravitational field. This will include applying the relationship: Fweight  mg

draw free body diagrams, showing the forces acting on objects, from descriptions of real life situations involving forces acting in one or two dimensions describe and apply the law of conservation of momentum in one dimension—this will include applying the relationships: p  mv ,  pbefore   pafter , Ft = mv - mu

 

explain and apply that power is the rate of doing work or transferring energy—this will include applying such relationships as: W E P   Fv av t t

Unit content This unit includes knowledge, understandings and skills to the degree of complexity described below. This is the examinable content of the course. Unit content listed in italics is intended to be treated quantitatively as well as qualitatively.

Working in physics Students are encouraged to develop their own investigations of real world problems, extending their investigative and communication skills and quantifying the uncertainties in their experimental measurements. They select appropriate problemsolving strategies involving abstract concepts and principles. They consider the level of absolute uncertainty in experimental measurements and the appropriate use of significant figures.

 

distinguish between scalar and vector quantities, and add and subtract vectors in one dimension describe and apply the concepts of distance and displacement, speed and velocity, and acceleration for uniform and uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion, including vertical motion under gravity—this will include applying the relationships:

s v+u v-u , vav = , vav = , a= t 2 t v = u + at, s = ut + 1 2 at 2 , v2 = u 2 + 2as 

Nuclear physics 

     

Motion and forces

state, explain and apply Newton's First, Second and Third Laws of Motion—this will include applying the relationship: resultant F = ma

explain and apply the concepts of energy and work, including kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy state, explain and apply the principle of conservation of energy in situations involving transfer of energy, and work—this will include applying the relationships: E k  1 2 m v 2 , E p  m gh , W  Fs , W   E

describe and explain models of the structure of the atom investigate historical perspectives on the nature of matter explain and apply the concepts of atomic number, mass number, isotope, atomic mass unit and nuclide explain that many nuclides are unstable and that these nuclides decay explain and apply the differences and similarities in the nature and properties of ,  and  radiation write and interpret equations relating to alpha, beta and gamma decay explain that ionising radiation causes atoms to lose electrons, and thus become charged explain and apply the concepts of half-life, activity, dose and dose equivalent, and describe the effects of ionising radiation on humans—this will include applying the relationships:


E N n , A  A0  1 2  , absorbed dose = , t m

and dose equivalent = absorbed dose x quality factor explain and apply the concepts of mass defect and binding energy of nuclides—this will include applying the relationships:

E  mc 2 and that 1 u of mass is equivalent to 

931 MeV of energy explain the concepts of neutron-induced fission, chain reactions and critical mass

Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated June 2012) For teaching 2013, examined in 2013


apply the concept of variation in binding energy per nucleon of nuclides to explain the release of energy by both fission and fusion processes— this will include applying the relationships:

E  mc 2 and that 1 u of mass is equivalent to 

931 MeV of energy explain that energy released during nuclear fission can be used to generate electrical energy in the same way as the energy released by burning fossil fuels explain that energy produced by nuclear fusion is the ultimate source of solar energy—this will include applying the relationships:

Assessment The two types of assessment in the table below are consistent with the teaching and learning strategies considered to be the most supportive of student achievement of the outcomes in the Physics course. The table provides details of the assessment type, examples of different ways that these assessment types can be applied and the weighting range for each assessment type. Weighting Stage 2

Experiments and investigations

E  mc 2 and that 1 u of mass is equivalent to 

Type of assessment

Experiments include practical tasks and/or exercises designed to develop and/or assess a range of laboratory related skills and conceptual understanding of physical principles, and skills associated with processing data. Students collect, process and interpret data; evaluate their data and conclusions; and communicate their findings.

931 MeV of energy describe and explain both advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power stations and other applications of nuclear technology.

Investigations in physics include: research work in which students plan an investigation; conduct an investigation; process and interpret data; evaluate their plan, procedures, data and findings; and communicate their conclusions. At least one investigation should be carried out in the pair of units, 2A and 2B.


Experiment and investigation plans, procedures, data and findings may be communicated in any appropriate form, including written, oral, graphical, and electronic or combinations of these. Types of evidence may include: validation exercises based on laboratory work, experimental design brief, formal investigation or laboratory report, report of literature search, exercises requiring qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of second hand data, evaluation of physical information, portfolio of laboratory work, reports of simulated laboratory activities, electronic, video or audio presentation of findings and recommendations, self- or peer evaluation tools and observation checklists. Best suited to the collection of evidence of student achievement of all course outcomes. Tests and examinations Students apply knowledge and skills in physics to analyse and interpret data, solve problems and answer questions in supervised classroom settings.


These tasks require students to demonstrate use of terminology, understanding and application of concepts, quantitative skills and knowledge of factual information. It is expected that assessment tasks include items that allow students to respond at their highest level of understanding. Types of evidence may include written or oral responses to: diagnostic, formative and summative tests and examinations, comprehension and interpretation exercises, exercises requiring analysis and evaluation of both qualitative and quantitative physical information and discussions and/or presentations, validation exercises based on assigned work. Best suited to the collection of evidence of student achievement of all course outcomes.


Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated June 2012) For teaching 2013, examined in 2013


Unit description The unit description provides the focus for teaching the specific unit content. In this unit, students gain insight into temperature measurement, internal energy, conduction and convection and radiation to develop understandings about how energy is transferred by heat through different types of materials. They also examine the thermal properties of substances, including thermal expansion, specific heat capacity and latent heat. They learn to apply the concepts of charge and energy transfer to situations involving both electrostatics and current electricity. They construct and study characteristics of electric circuits and learn how to work safely with electricity. They research real world problems and plan to carry out an investigation, and deal with abstract concepts and principles when selecting problem-solving techniques.

Electrical fundamentals  

Unit content This unit includes knowledge, understandings and skills to the degree of complexity described below. This is the examinable content of the course.

Working in physics

q t

state that the direction of conventional current is that in which the flow of positive charge takes place, while the electron flow is in the opposite direction explain the connection between electrical work, power, charge and potential difference—this will include applying the relationships of electrical work and power

Work  Vq  VI t and P = VI = I 2 R = 

Students develop their own investigations by researching a real world problem and planning a related experiment. They reflect on their experimental design, the uncertainties in their measurements, and the implications of their findings. They select appropriate problem-solving strategies involving abstract concepts and principles. They consider the level of absolute uncertainty in experimental measurements and conclusions and the appropriate use of significant figures.

explain that atoms can gain or lose electrons so gaining a net charge, and state that like charges repel and unlike charges attract explain and apply the concept of electric current as the rate of flow of electric charge in an electric field—this will include applying the relationship:


Unit content listed in italics is intended to be treated quantitatively as well as qualitatively.

describe and explain effects of heat: change of state and latent heat—this will include applying the relationship: Q  mL describe and explain sources of heat and modes of heat transfer—conduction, convection and radiation and their applications describe and explain the conversion of different forms of energy into heat—energy degradation, and its relationship to conservation of energy.

 

draw and interpret simple circuit diagrams including the use of standard symbols for resistor (fixed and variable), light bulb, switch, ammeter, voltmeter, dry cell and power supply understand and apply the concepts of electrical current, potential difference and resistance in series and parallel circuits explain and apply Ohm’s law and the concepts of ohmic and non-ohmic conduction—this will include applying the relationship: V = IR determine the total resistance of a number of resistors in series using:

RT  R1  R2  ... 

determine the total resistance of a number of resistors in parallel using:

Heating and cooling     

describe matter as a collection of moving atoms describe the kinetic theory of matter and apply it to explain properties of matter and changes of state distinguish between temperature, internal energy and heat describe and explain effects of heat: thermal expansion and contraction describe and explain effects of heat: change of temperature and specific heat capacity—this will include applying the relationship:

V2 R

  

1 1 1    ... RT R1 R2

connect components in simple circuits and measure, or predict and verify values of current and potential difference using ammeters and voltmeters identify energy transfers in electrical circuits and devices describe the cause of electric shock and identify hazardous situations and safety precautions in everyday uses of electrical energy explain the electrical principles behind the operation of various safety devices.

Q  mcT

Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated June 2012) For teaching 2013, examined in 2013


Assessment The two types of assessment in the table below are consistent with the teaching and learning strategies considered to be the most supportive of student achievement of the outcomes in the Physics course. The table provides details of the assessment type, examples of different ways that these assessment types can be applied and the weighting range for each assessment type. Weighting Stage 2

Type of assessment Experiments and investigations Experiments include practical tasks and/or exercises designed to develop and/or assess a range of laboratory related skills and conceptual understanding of physical principles, and skills associated with processing data. Students collect, process and interpret data; evaluate their data and conclusions; and communicate their findings. Investigations in physics include: research work in which students plan an investigation; conduct an investigation; process and interpret data; evaluate their plan, procedures, data and findings; and communicate their conclusions. At least one investigation should be carried out in the pair of units, 2A and 2B.


Experiment and investigation plans, procedures, data and findings may be communicated in any appropriate form, including written, oral, graphical, and electronic or combinations of these. Types of evidence may include: validation exercises based on laboratory work, experimental design brief, formal investigation or laboratory report, report of literature search, exercises requiring qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of second hand data, evaluation of physical information, portfolio of laboratory work, reports of simulated laboratory activities, electronic, video or audio presentation of findings and recommendations, self- or peer evaluation tools and observation checklists. Best suited to the collection of evidence of student achievement of all course outcomes. Tests and examinations Students apply knowledge and skills in physics to analyse and interpret data, solve problems and answer questions in supervised classroom settings.


These tasks require students to demonstrate use of terminology, understanding and application of concepts, quantitative skills and knowledge of factual information. It is expected that assessment tasks include items that allow students to respond at their highest level of understanding. Types of evidence may include written or oral responses to: diagnostic, formative and summative tests and examinations, comprehension and interpretation exercises, exercises requiring analysis and evaluation of both qualitative and quantitative physical information and discussions and/or presentations, validation exercises based on assigned work. Best suited to the collection of evidence of student achievement of all course outcomes.


Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated June 2012) For teaching 2013, examined in 2013

Physics Examination design brief Stage 2 Time allowed Reading time before commencing work: Working time for paper:

ten minutes three hours

Permissible items Standard items: pens (blue/black preferred), pencils (including coloured), sharpener, correction tape/fluid, eraser, ruler, highlighters Special items: non-programmable calculators approved for use in the WACE examinations, drawing templates, drawing compass and a protractor Additional information Instructions to candidates state: When calculating numerical answers, show your working or reasoning clearly. Give final answers to three significant figures and include appropriate units where applicable. When estimating numerical answers, show your working or reasoning clearly. Give final answers to a maximum of two significant figures and include appropriate units where applicable. A formulae and constants booklet is provided.


Supporting information

Section One Short answers 40% of the total examination 15–20 questions Suggested working time: 70 minutes

Questions are generally single-step. Responses could include diagrams, tables, calculations, estimations, explanations, and predictions.

Section Two Problem-solving 50% of the total examination 5–7 questions Suggested working time: 90 minutes

Questions are scaffolded or have sequential parts, and require the candidate to respond to stimulus material. Responses could include diagrams, tables, calculations, estimations, explanations, and predictions.

Section Three Comprehension 10% of the total examination 1 question Suggested working time: 20 minutes

The question has sequential parts, and relates to a written or graphical stimulus of approximately one page.


Stimulus material could include scenarios, current events information, extracts from scientific journals or any other data.

Stimulus material could include scenarios, current events information, extracts from scientific journals or any other data.

Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated June 2012) For teaching 2013, examined in 2013

Grade descriptions Physics Stage 2


Conceptual understanding Links multiple concepts clearly to explain real-life situations in detail. Extracts and manipulates relevant data from a variety of sources. Uses appropriate terminology to describe phenomena. Mathematical reasoning Uses physics concepts consistently to correctly identify formulae and mathematical method. Performs multiple-step calculations accurately, using correct units and significant figures. Correctly and consistently describes, predicts and explains relationships between variables. Presents working out in a clear logical manner, using all the appropriate conventions. Investigations Uses background information to formulate an appropriate hypothesis. Identifies dependent and independent variables and several controlled variables, and describes how they will be controlled. Plans and conducts experiments to yield accurate, relevant results. Estimates the absolute uncertainty in experimental measurements. Manipulates data and presents it in an appropriate format. Explains trends in the data and draws conclusions that are supported by the data. Identifies and offers reasoned explanations for anomalous data. Suggests effective modifications to improve the reliability and accuracy of the investigation.


Conceptual understanding Applies relevant concepts to explain real-life situations, but explanations lacks detail. Extracts data from a variety of sources and applies it correctly. Describes relationships between data and concepts, using appropriate terminology. Mathematical reasoning Uses physics concepts to correctly identify formulae and mathematical method. Presents multiple-step calculations clearly and logically, using correct units and significant figures. Correctly describes and predicts relationships between quantities. Presents working out in a logical manner, using appropriate conventions. Investigations Uses background information to formulate an appropriate hypothesis. Identifies dependent and independent variables and several controlled variables. Plans and conducts experiment to yield accurate, relevant results. Recognises that measuring instruments have different levels of accuracy and selects appropriate equipment. Presents data in an appropriate form. Identifies trends in the data and occasionally explains them. Draws conclusions that are supported by the data. Identifies and offers a plausible explanation for anomalous data. Suggests an effective modification to improve the reliability and accuracy of the investigation.


Conceptual understanding Links concepts and situations, but does not fully apply principles to explain situations. Correctly extracts straightforward data from graphs, tables and diagrams. Uses a limited range of physics terminology. Mathematical reasoning Correctly selects formulae and substitutes data for simple calculations, with a few errors in units and significant figures. Presents working out which is limited or unclear, and makes little use of appropriate conventions. Investigations Formulates an hypothesis from background information. Identifies the dependent and independent variables and a controlled variable. Plans and conducts experiment to yield relevant results. Presents some data without the appropriate mathematical processing. Recognises that measuring instruments have different levels of accuracy. Draws general conclusions that are not always supported by the data. Identifies anomalous data, but does not offer a plausible explanation. Suggests modifications to the investigation which will have a limited effect on reliability and accuracy.

Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated June 2012)—Appendix 1 For teaching 2013, examined in 2013

Grade descriptions Physics Stage 2


Conceptual understanding Recalls principles occasionally, but does not apply them to real-life situations. Uses a small amount of simple physics terminology, relying mainly on everyday language. Mathematical reasoning Performs single formula calculations with errors and omissions. Working out lacks the use of appropriate conventions. Investigations Uses a limited range of variables to formulate an hypothesis. Does not distinguish between dependent, independent and controlled variables. Plans for investigations lack appropriate detail. Selects and uses equipment that, at times, yields inaccurate results. Presents data that is unclear, insufficient and lacks appropriate mathematical processing. Includes anomalous results in the data without identifying them as anomalous. Identifies trends in the data incorrectly, or overlooks trends. Offers simple conclusions that are not supported by the data or are not related to the hypothesis. Suggests ineffective modifications to improve the investigation or does not suggest modifications.


Does not meet the requirements of a D grade.

Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated February 2012)—Appendix 1 For teaching 2013, examined in 2013