Alternating Strategies for Sequential Circuit ATPG I ... - CiteSeerX

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Center for Reliable and High-Performance Computing. University of Illinois ... simulation-based to deterministic test generation when a xed number of test ... number of calls to the deterministic test generator is on the order of hundreds inĀ ...
European Design & Test Conference, March 1996. pp. 368-374

Alternating Strategies for Sequential Circuit ATPG  Michael S. Hsiao, Elizabeth M. Rudnick, and Janak H. Patel Center for Reliable and High-Performance Computing University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801

Abstract A new sequential circuit test generator, ALTTEST, is described which alternates repeatedly between two phases of test generation. The rst phase uses a simulation-based genetic algorithm, while the second phase uses a deterministic algorithm. The fast execution of the rst phase combines with the more powerful test sequence generation and redundancy-identi cation capabilities of the second phase to produce test sets having high fault coverages in low execution times. The e ectiveness of the approach is demonstrated on the ISCAS89 sequential benchmark circuits and several synthesized circuits.

I Introduction Much research has been done in the area of automatic test pattern generation (ATPG) for sequential circuits [1-21]. Both deterministic and simulation-based algorithms have been used. In a typical deterministic test generator, each target fault is rst excited, the fault e ects are propagated to a primary output (PO), and the required state is then justi ed through reverse time processing. In a simulationbased test generator [8-19], the complexity of backtracing values through logic gates is avoided, and processing occurs in the forward direction only. Candidate tests are generated usually by targeting several faults simultaneously; a logic or fault simulator is used to select the best test to apply in a given time frame. Genetic algorithms (GAs) have been used e ectively to control the selection of candidate tests [15-19]. Experience has shown that in some circuits, the GA does much better than the deterministic approach, while in other circuits, better results are obtained using a deterministic test generator. Deterministic algorithms are e ective in deriving tests for control-dominant circuits and in identifying untestable faults. On the other hand, simulationbased algorithms perform well for data-dominant circuits, and signi cant speedups have been observed [15,17,18,19]. Furthermore, GA-based algorithms tend to generate more  This

research was supported in part by the Semiconductor Research Corporation under contract SRC 95-DP-109, in part by ARPA under contract DABT63-95-C-0069, and by HewlettPackard under an equipment grant.

compact test sets when accurate tness functions are used [17,18]. A judicious combination of the two approaches can therefore be expected to provide high fault coverages, compact test sets, and low execution times. Two di erent hybrid implementations have been reported in the past [20,21]. Saab's CRIS-hybrid test generator [20] uses a logic-simulation-based approach, switching from simulation-based to deterministic test generation when a xed number of test vectors are generated without improving the fault coverage. Several targeted faults may be identi ed as untestable during the deterministic phase, and simulation-based test generation resumes after a test sequence is obtained from the deterministic procedure. In the GA-HITEC hybrid test generator [21], deterministic algorithms for fault excitation and fault e ect propagation are combined with GAs for state justi cation, with faults in a circuit being targeted individually. Deterministic procedures for state justi cation are used if the GA is unsuccessful, to allow for identi cation of untestable faults and to improve the fault coverage. In this paper, we describe a new hybrid test generator, ALT-TEST, which alternates repeatedly between GA-based and deterministic test generation. ALT-TEST is di erent from earlier hybrid test generators in several respects. In comparison with the CRIS-hybrid [20], we use a fault simulator to evaluate candidate test sequences, and 31 faults are targeted for each test sequence generation attempt made by the GA. Saab uses a logic simulator instead and evaluates sequences based on good circuit activity levels. Furthermore, we use new tness functions motivated by the work of Pomeranz [22] and Marchok [23], which showed that visiting as many di erent states as possible seems to help detect more faults. The tness functions in ALT-TEST favor visiting more states when the fault detection count drops very low. A deterministic test generator, HITEC [6], is used to provide new seeds with which to initialize the GA and is also used to generate test sequences for \hard" faults. The number of calls to the deterministic test generator is on the order of hundreds in Saab's work but an order of magnitude lower in our work. A fast run of a simulation-based test generator followed by a slow but more successful run of a deterministic test generator (on faults left untested by the rst test generator) could provide better results in a shorter time than would be obtained by the deterministic test generator alone. For the case of combinational circuits, this approach was

little or no improvement is made in the tness of the population or a maximum number of generations is reached. To generate a new population from the existing one, two individuals are selected, with selection biased toward more highly t individuals. The two individuals are crossed to create two entirely new individuals, and each character in a new string is mutated with some small mutation probability p. A mutation probability of 0.01 is used in this work, and since a binary coding is used, mutation is done by simply

ipping the bit. The two new individuals are then placed in the new population, and this process continues until the new generation is entirely lled. At this point, the previous generation can be discarded. In our work, we use tournament selection without replacement and uniform crossover. In tournament selection without replacement, two individuals are randomly chosen and removed from the population, and the best is selected; the two individuals are not replaced into the original population until all other individuals have also been removed. Thus, it takes two passes through the parent population to completely ll the new population. In uniform crossover, characters from the two parents are swapped with probability 1/2 at each string position in generating the two o spring. A crossover probability of 1 is used; i.e., the two parents are always crossed in generating the two o spring. Because selection is biased toward more highly t individuals, the average tness is expected to increase from one generation to the next. However the best individual may appear in any generation, so we save the best individual found. HITEC [6] is used for deterministic test generation in ALT-TEST, with some minor modi cations which allow it to run on the sets of faults provided by the GA framework and to terminate as soon as a fault is successfully detected. HITEC reports the sequence that detects the fault and also identi es and reports untestable faults encountered. HITEC is terminated after the rst detection to allow the GA to perform most of the processing required for test generation.

proposed as a random phase followed by a deterministic phase [24, 25]. This idea can be extended to multiple such tries, as is done in ALT-TEST. The simulation-based test generator in ALT-TEST is controlled by a GA, and alternation between the two algorithms is done in such a way that most processing is left for the GA. The deterministic test generator, HITEC, is used mainly to guide the GA to new state spaces of the circuit that have not been visited. By visiting new state spaces, the test generator maximizes the search space. The need for visiting a large number of states is apparent because the outputs of ip- ops can be considered to be pseudo-inputs of the circuit, and the more distinct states traversed, the more patterns the pseudo-inputs will take. Pomeranz and Reddy showed that most test sets derived from deterministic test generators traverse a large portion of the possible states in a circuit [22]. A similar observation was made by Marchok et al. [23]. Furthermore, using a deterministic test generator at an early stage of test generation helps to identify untestable faults, thus saving simulation time in later GA runs. The GA is used to identify \hard" faults that HITEC should target for test generation, since targeting \hard" faults seems to reduce the total execution time. ALT-TEST is composed of three stages targeting three di erent objectives in the test generation process. Each stage is composed of alternating phases of GA-based and deterministic test generation. The GA is rst run until little or no more improvement is obtained; then the deterministic approach is used to target undetected faults. The two phases are repeated many times in each stage. Implementation results show that ALT-TEST performs well in terms of fault coverage and test set size compared to prior work [20, 21]. Improvements in execution time have also been obtained over GA-HITEC [21]. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The GA used by ALT-TEST and modi cations made to HITEC are discussed brie y in Section II. The ALT-TEST algorithm is then presented in detail in Section III, followed by experimental results in Section IV and conclusions in Section V.

III The ALT-TEST Algorithm

II Preliminaries

The test generation process in ALT-TEST is divided into three stages, as illustrated in Figure 1. Each of the three stages is composed of alternating phases of GA-based and HITEC test generation. The rst stage attempts to detect as many remaining faults as possible from the fault list. The second stage tries to maximize the number of visited states and propagate fault e ects to ip- ops. The third and nal stage attempts to detect the nal remaining faults and to visit new states. In each of the three stages, the GA targets all faults in the fault list in groups of 31 faults, traversing the fault list several times until little or no more improvement is made. Between consecutive GA runs, useful vectors from the best sequence are added to the test set, and sequences having tness values greater than or equal to one half of the best tness are used to seed the population in the next GA run.

ALT-TEST uses a GA framework similar to that used in the GATEST test generator [18]. The simple GA described by Goldberg [26] is used. The GA contains a population of strings, or individuals, in which each individual represents a sequence of test vectors. The population size used is a function of the string length. Each individual has an associated tness, which measures the quality of the corresponding test sequence in terms of faults detected and other metrics. The population is initialized with random strings, or possibly test sequences provided by HITEC or a previous run of the GA. The evolutionary processes of selection, crossover, and mutation are used to generate an entirely new population from the existing population, and evolution from one generation to the next is continued until




For all Undetected faults GA GA GA


Until 1 GA


Number of detections




Until 1 fault is detected by HITEC

For all Undetected faults

fault detected



time GA

31 faults


Figure 1: ALT-TEST structure.

Figure 2: Number of detections in alternating phases.

The remaining individuals in the population are initialized with random test sequences. After the GA phase, the deterministic test generator, HITEC, is activated in an attempt to bring the GA to a new circuit state region that has not yet been explored. HITEC takes the hard-to-detect faults provided by the GA as the fault list to work on. Hard-todetect faults are de ned as those faults that have never been detected by any of the individuals in the GA population. These faults are either hard to excite, hard to propagate, or both. HITEC imposes a time limit for each fault, initially using a minimal time limit of 0.4 seconds per fault; the time limit is increased only if no fault is detected. Alternating phases of GA-based and HITEC test generation are repeated several times in each stage of the test generation process. A stage is nished when no more improvements are made for the remaining undetected faults. The pseudo code for test generation within a stage is given below.

A The GA-based test generator

The GA population evolves over several generations until no more improvements in tness values are obtained or the maximum of eight generations is reached. The population size is a function of the string length, and the string length is equal to the number of primary inputs (PI's) in the circuit multiplied by the test sequence length. A multiple of the structural sequential depth of the circuit is used as the test sequence length, where the structural sequential depth is de ned as the minimum number of ip- ops in a path between the PI's and the furthest gate. The test sequence length is set equal to the sequential depth in the rst stage, two times the sequential depth in the second stage, and four times the sequential depth in the third stage. In the rst and second stages, the population size is set to 4 ( ) when the number of PI's is less than 16 and 16  ( ) when the number of PI's is greater than 16. The population size is doubled in the third stage to expand the search space. Each individual in the population is simulated using a group of 31 faults. The reason 31 faults are chosen is to maximize the execution speed. Fault simulation on the entire fault list is very costly, and previous work [18] has shown that small fault samples give good quality results as well. A new fault simulator was built and used for this purpose. It is based on an algorithm similar to that of PROOFS [27], but several features have been added. New features include the ability to unroll time frames in order to save storage and retrieval costs at the ip- ops and an ability to keep track of states that have been visited. Thus, the new fault simulator allows sequences of vectors to be evaluated without intermediate storage and retrieval of ip- op state information. Furthermore, instead of two passes (fault-free circuit simulation followed by a 32-fault parallel simulation), a single pass using the fault-free circuit and 31 faulty circuits in parallel is performed to save simulation time. Initially, the rst 31 undetected faults in the fault list are targeted. All individuals in the population target the same group of 31 faults, and the individuals evolve in successive generations until no more improvements in tness values are obtained. Then a full-scale fault simulation is performed, using the entire list of undetected faults and the best test square root sequence length

While there is improvement in this stage // GA-based test generation While there is improvement in the GA phase For all undetected faults, in groups of 31 faults target-faults = next 31 undetected faults best-sequence = GA-test-generate (target-faults) fault-simulate (best-sequence) update test set seed the next GA population (better sequences) compute improvement; // deterministic test generation, HITEC target-faults = hard-to-detect faults test-sequence = HITEC-test-generate (target-faults) fault simulate (test-sequence) update test set seed-GA (test-sequence) compute overall improvement The HITEC test sequence is likely to bring the circuit to a previously unvisited state. The number of faults detected as a function of time for alternating phases of GA-based and HITEC test generation is illustrated in Figure 2 for a case in which HITEC successfully nds a sequence for one fault. The sequence found by HITEC is used as an initial seed for the next GA run. Details of GA-based test generation and the interaction with HITEC are given next.

square root sequence length


Therefore, the tness function weights fault detections and new state identi cations more heavily.

sequence found; all detected faults are dropped from the fault list. For successive GA runs, faults should be chosen cleverly so that work done previously may assist in the test generation process. If any fault e ects have been propagated to the ip- ops by the previous sequence generated, the respective faults should be placed in the next targeted fault group. This is done with the expectation that faults propagated to ip- ops have a greater chance of propagating to the PO's. If the e ects of more than 31 faults have propagated to the ip- ops, preference is given to those that have propagated to more observable ip- ops. Observability of a node is de ned as the diculty of propagating a fault e ect from the given node to a PO. If the e ects of fewer than 31 faults have propagated to the ip- ops, the remaining faults in the group are lled from the undetected fault list, starting at the position where the previous fault group left o . Not all vectors in the best test sequence are necessarily added to the test set. Only the good portion of the sequence is added to the test set to keep the test set compact.

B Interaction with HITEC

Once a test sequence is generated by HITEC to detect a fault, the test sequence is added to the test set and also used to seed the next GA run. The time limit for running HITEC starts at 0.4 seconds per fault; if HITEC fails to generate a test for the fault(s), the time limit is increased by 5 times. Test vector sequences derived by HITEC may have di erent lengths than those used for individuals in the GA. If the HITEC test sequence length is smaller, random vectors are added to the end of the HITEC test sequence. However, if the HITEC test sequence length exceeds the GA test sequence length, the sequence is split into two or more portions, as illustrated in Figure 3. Then, multiple seeds are used to initialize the next GA run, in addition to the random test sequences normally used.

A.1 Fitness function for the GA

HITEC sequence derived

Since the three stages of ALT-TEST target di erent goals, their corresponding tness functions are di erent. The parameters that a ect the tness of an individual in the population are:

vec #1

P1: Number of faults in the given fault group detected, P2: Number of ip- ops that carry fault e ects at the end of simulation. P3: Number of new states visited, P4: Number of hard-to-control ip- ops set to speci c values


f itness f itness

ALT-TEST was implemented in 6500 lines of C++ code, not including the modi cations made to the existing HITEC source code. In addition to the ISCAS89 sequential benchmark circuits [29], several synthesized circuits were used for evaluating the performance of ALT-TEST, the characteristics of which are displayed in Table 1. Sequential depth

f itness

= 0 8 1 + 0 1 2 + 0 1( 3 + 4) = 0 1 1 + 0 45 2 + 0 45( 3 + 4) = 0 4 1 + 0 2 2 + 0 4( 3 + 4) : P

: P

: P


: P

: P







Table 1: Characteristics of Synthesized Circuits




IV Experimental Results



Stage 1: Stage 2: Stage 3:

vec #n

Figure 3: Splitting HITEC sequence into multiple seeds.

Both 3 and 4 contribute to the expansion of the state space. 4 guides the search by favoring sequences which set the hard-to-control ip- ops to values that have not yet been encountered. Consequently, a new state is likely to be visited. All four parameters will be evaluated but given di erent weights in the tness computation for the three stages of ALT-TEST as follows: P

vec #2



Seq FF's PI's PO's Faults Depth am2910 4 87 20 16 2391 mult16 9 55 18 33 1708 div16 19 50 33 34 2147 pcont2 3 24 9 8 11,300 piir8o 5 56 9 8 19,936 piir8 5 56 9 8 29,689 and numbers of ip- ops, PI's, PO's, and faults are given in the table for each circuit. Am2910 is a 12-bit microprogram sequencer [30]; mult16 is a 16-bit two's complement multiplier that uses a shift-and-add algorithm; div16 is a 16-bit divider that uses repeated subtraction to perform


In the rst stage, the aim is to detect as many faults as possible with short sequences and minimal time. Thus, more weight is given to the number of faults detected. In the second stage, the goal is to maximize visitation of new states and fault e ect propagation to ip- ops. According to a study by Wah et. al. [28], which used a meta-level GA to learn the best tness function for GA-based test generation, a heavier weighting given to fault e ect propagation is preferable during the second stage of test generation. In the nal stage of ALT-TEST, the focus is shifted once again to targeting the remainder of the faults that have been hard to detect by HITEC and the GA in the prior two stages.


Table 2: Comparison of Results for Various Test Generators

CRIS-Hybrid [20] Det Vec ATPG calls s298 265 306 265 415 266 331 58 s344 328 142 328 169 329 308 15 s349 335 137 335 188 334 367 21 s382 363 4931 328 716 353 443 48 s386 314 311 314 359 310 636 85 s400 383 4309 346 704 372 1461 63 s444 414 2240 381 880 416 646 78 s526 365 2232 376 873 433 1191 120 s641 404 216 404 292 404 990 75 s713 476 194 476 294 475 918 110 s820 813 984 814 1108 s832 817 981 818 1064 s1196 1239 453 1239 377 1239 2467 25 s1238 1283 478 1283 409 1175 2371 70 s1423 776 177 928 477 1296 1773 220 s1488 1444 1294 1444 1369 1443 3677 44 s1494 1453 1407 1453 1224 1389 2856 130 s5378 3238 941 3238 683 3503 3227 1205 s35932 34,898 439 34,862 425 34,899 1204 4020 am2910 2166 1286 2190 1214 mult16 1551 122 1633 421 div16 1679 212 1741 359 pcont2 3354 7 6757 208 piir8o 14,221 347 piir8 Det: # of faults detected Vec: # of test vectors generated ATPG calls: # of calls to a deterministic test generator Circuit

HITEC [6] Det Vec

GA-HITEC [21] Det Vec

ALT-TEST Vec ATPG calls 265 221 6 329 75 4 335 104 4 364 1823 6 314 241 7 384 2196 4 424 1046 3 453 2109 4 404 140 3 476 185 3 814 1243 62 818 1109 59 1239 948 27 1283 880 19 1335 2058 5 1444 1191 50 1453 985 28 3506 7270 7 35,095 825 4 2196 1392 29 1652 223 3 1765 1120 11 6829 790 2 15,072 1223 2 18,141 1338 2 Det

HITEC was performed on a SPARCstation 2 with 64 MB RAM GA-HITEC was performed on a SPARCstation 20 with 64 MB RAM CRIS-Hybrid was performed on a SPARCstation SLC with 16 MB RAM ALT-TEST was performed on a HP 9000 J200 with 256 MB RAM division; pcont2 is an 8-bit parallel controller for DSP applications; and both piir8o and piir8 are 8-point in nite impulse response lters for DSP applications. All circuits were evaluated using ALT-TEST on an HP 9000 J200 with 256 MB RAM. Table 2 compares the results with those obtained by various other test generators. Note that these results were obtained on di erent machines. The number of faults detected and the test set lengths are shown. In addition, the number of calls made to deterministic test generators are also reported for the CRIShybrid and ALT-TEST. For the synthesized circuits, the test set lengths and the number of detected faults were not reported for the CRIS-hybrid [20]; thus, those results are not included. However, the ATPG e ectiveness measure was reported for three of the circuits. ATPG e ectiveness is de ned as the percentage of faults detected or identi ed as untestable. The ATPG e ectiveness values of the CRIShybrid were 81.9%, 98.8%, and 99.6% for circuits div16, piir8, and mult16, respectively, while the ATPG e ective-

ness of ALT-TEST were 89.2%, 98.9%, and 98.0% for the same circuits. Table 3 shows the performance of ALT-TEST for the large circuits at various checkpoints. Checkpoints were placed at the end of the rst GA iteration before HITEC is called and at the end of the rst, second, and third ALTTEST stages. From this table, it can be observed that high fault coverages are achieved quickly for most circuits. This is due to several factors. Fault simulation of vector sequences instead of single vectors in the rst stage improves the quality of test sets tremendously; tness functions used for evolving the test sequences across generations also play a major role in convergence of high-quality test sets. Note that many of the fault coverages at the end of a few alternating phases of the GA and HITEC are already higher than the nal results of the other hybrid test generators. Furthermore, test sets generated by ALT-TEST are much more compact than those generated by the previous test generators. ALT-TEST performs signi cantly better in terms of


Table 3: ALT-TEST Results for Large Circuits

Circuit Check Det Vec Time Unt E total # Point ATPG calls s1423 0 1217 919 21.5m 0 80.33 0 1 1304 1045 25.6m 9 86.67 2 2 1323 1255 1.7h 14 88.25 4 3 1336 2058 2.5h 14 88.51 5 s5378 0 3200 1183 2.82h 0 69.52 0 1 3319 1976 5.80h 117 74.65 3 2 3503 3280 9.72h 155 75.69 6 3 3506 7270 32.3h 155 75.69 7 s35932 0 34979 697 3.89h 0 89.47 0 1 34,981 788 4.36h 3984 99.67 2 2 35,095 825 8.60h 3984 99.96 3 3 35,095 825 13.9h 3984 99.96 4 mult16 0 1636 193 2.23m 0 95.78 0 1 1652 223 4.02m 15 97.60 1 2 1652 223 25.0m 21 97.95 2 3 1652 223 1.03h 21 97.95 3 div16 0 1703 538 33.5m 0 79.54 0 1 1725 692 1.01h 136 86.92 5 2 1762 784 2.47h 136 88.65 7 3 1780 852 4.56h 136 89.24 11 pcont2 0 6823 540 6.9m 0 60.38 0 1 6826 753 10.0m 2852 85.64 1 2 6829 790 1.49h 2852 85.67 2 3 6829 790 3.28h 2852 85.67 2 piir8o 0 15025 670 1.61h 0 75.43 0 1 15,038 691 1.83h 4793 99.50 1 2 15,072 1223 2.86h 4793 99.66 2 3 15,072 1223 4.16h 4793 99.66 2 piir8 0 18104 1253 3.46h 0 60.98 0 1 18,119 1314 6.43h 11234 98.87 1 2 18,141 1338 9.70h 11234 98.94 2 3 18,141 1338 12.8h 11234 98.94 2 Performed on an HP 9000 J200 with 256 MB RAM; total # of ATPG calls is a cumulative count E : ATPG E ectiveness Checkpoint 0: end of rst GA iteration, before rst HITEC call 1, 2, 3: end of ALT-TEST stage 1, 2, or 3, respectively was presented. ALT-TEST capitalizes on the best features of GA-based and deterministic test generators. The GA-based test generator performs much better in datadominant sections of the circuit, while the deterministic test generator, HITEC, works better in control-dominant sections. In addition, HITEC also identi es untestable faults in the circuit, which the GA-based test generator is unable to do. The GA uses tness functions such that the number of undetected faults, propagation of fault e ects to

ip- ops, and maximization of the state-space reachable are the objectives to guide the search. By alternating the two test generation strategies, ALT-TEST improves the fault coverage and reduces the test set length as compared to results obtained from other test generators.

both fault coverage and test set size for all of the circuits when compared with the results of either GA-HITEC [21] or CRIS-hybrid [20]. The number of untestable faults identi ed contributes to the ATPG e ectiveness, and ALT-TEST makes signi cantly fewer calls to the deterministic test generator as compared to the CRIS-hybrid. Thus, ALT-TEST has fewer chances of identifying untestable faults. Despite this fact, ALT-TEST still gave better results for all circuits. In addition, execution times for the larger circuits are also smaller for ALT-TEST.

V Conclusions A test generation framework which alternates repeatedly between simulation-based and deterministic test generation



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