Machine Learning, 40(2): 159-196, Kluwer Academic Publishers,. Boston. 7. Ross Quinlan (1993). C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning, Morgan Kaufmann.
An Approach to Mining Data with Continuous Decision Values Hung Son Nguyen1,2 , Marta Luksza1,2 , Ewa M¸akosa1,2 , and Jan Komorowski1 1
The Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics, Uppsala University Husargatan, 3, Uppsala, SE-751 24, Sweden. Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, Warsaw University, Banacha 2, 02-097, Warsaw, Poland
Abstract. We propose a novel approach to discover useful patterns from ill-defined decision tables with a real value decision and nominal conditional attributes. The proposed solution is based on a two-layered learning algorithm. In the first layer the preference relation between objects is approximated from the data. In the second layer the approximated preference relation is used to create three applications: (1) to learn a ranking order on a collection of combinations, (2) to predict the real decision value, (3) to optimize the process of searching for the combination with maximal decision.
Mining data sets with continuous decision attribute is one of the most challenging problems in KDD research. The most well known approach to this problem is a regression method which constructs approximation of the decision attribute (unknown variable) with a function(linear, quadratics or other) of the conditional attributes (known variables). Many data mining problems (e.g. in bioinformatics) force us to deal with ill-defined data, i.e., data sets with few objects but a large number of attributes. In addition, attributes may be of different types: some of them are nominal and the other continuous. The regression method can deliver a solution for the prediction task, but the output model is very hard to interpret and to draw conclusions. Moreover, in statistical terms, the small number of examples makes the regression model less significant. Furthermore, in many applications, the description task is even more important than the prediction task, since it helps discover patterns (rules) revealing the real mechanisms hidden behind the data. In this paper we propose an alternative method designed to manage with these problems. Our method is based on a layered learning idea and decision rule techniques. Instead of searching for the direct description of decision attribute, we decompose this task into several learning subtasks. The first subtask is to approximate the preference relation between objects from the data. Using approximate preference relation we solve other subtasks such as,
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for instance, learning ranking order, prediction of continuous decision value, or minimization of the cost of maximal decision value searching process.
Basic notions
We use the notion of decision table to describe the data. Intuitively, a decision table is a rectangular data table with rows containing description of objects. Usually columns are called attributes (or features or variables) among which one distinguished column is called decision. Therefore, decision table consists of a collection of condition attributes A = {a1 , ...ak } and one decision attribute dec. All of them are determined on a finite set of objects U . Formally, decision table (see [2]) is a pair S = (U, A ∪ {dec}), where U is a non-empty, finite set of objects and A is a nonempty, finite set, of attributes. Each a ∈ A ∪ {dec} corresponds to a function a : U → Va , where Va is called the value set of a. In this paper we consider a special type of decision tables with nominal condition attributes and continuous decision attribute. This kind of decision tables is hard to deal with and has proven to be too difficult for many data mining methods. For example, regression methods requires conversion of nominal attributes in to continuous ones, while rule-based methods require a discretization of the decision attribute.
A rule-based approach to continuous decision
Layered learning is a well known idea in machine learning study and has many successful applications, see [4]. The main principle of layer learning is based on a decomposition of the complex learning task into subtasks and construction of their solutions. Usually, these subtasks are located in a hierarchical tree, and solutions (outputs) of subtasks in the lower layers are used to resolve the subtasks in the higher layers. The proposed solution to the problem of data with continuous decision is based on layered learning. Instead of searching for a direct description of the decision attribute, we decompose this task into several learning subtasks. 3.1
Learning the preference relation
Let a decision table S = (U, A ∪ {dec}) with continuous decision, i.e., Vdec = R+ , be given. As it is in the standard classification problem setting, the value of the decision attribute dec is determined only on a subset of the universe X of all possible condition attribute values combinations. We define a parameterized relation P REFε ∈ X × X as follows: (x, y) ∈ P REFε ⇔ dec(x) − dec(y) > ε
Mining Data with Continuous Decision
where ε is called a tolerance parameter. We call the relation P REFε a preference relation, since x P REFε y means x is more preferred than y. Let us define a function θε : X × X → {−1, 0, 1} as follows: if dec(x) − dec(y) > ε 1 θε (x, y) = 0 if |dec(x) − dec(y)| ≤ ε −1 if dec(x) − dec(y) < −ε Then the preference relation P REFε can be defined by the function θε by (x, y) ∈ P REFε ⇔ θε (x, y) = 1 Our learning algorithm for preference relation is performed on a new decision table S∗ = (U ∗ , A∗ ∪ {d∗ }). This new table, called the difference table, is constructed from the given decision table S = (U, {a1 , ...., ak , dec}) as follows: U ∗ =U × U = {(x, y) : x, y ∈ U } A∗ ={a∗j : U × U → Vaj × Vaj for j = 1, ...k} a∗j (x, y) = (aj (x), aj (y)) for any pair of objects x, y ∈ U d∗ : U × U → {−1, 0, 1} d∗ (x, y) = θε (x, y) for any pair of objects x, y ∈ U One can apply any learning algorithm to the difference table. Our experiments were done by using decision rule (based on rough set algorithms), Naive Bayes algorithm, nearest neighbors, decision tree, and boosting algorithms for nearest neighbors and decision tree. The results are obtained by using Rosseta [1] and WEKA [5] systems. If the original decision table contains n objects, then the difference table will have n2 objects. We considered this transformation a way of dealing with the small sized input sets. Using the same learning algorithm, one can expect a higher statistical significance of results obtained from difference table than of those obtained by the original decision table. Another very interesting problem is how to evaluate the quality of the preference learning algorithm. Based on the difference table, every learning algorithm constructs a classification algorithm, called a classifier. Usually, classifiers are more general than the function d∗ , i.e., they are determined also for those pairs (x, y) which not necessarily belong to U × U . In our consideration, such classifiers can be treated as approximations of the preference relation P REFε . Let us denote by πL,U the classifier extracted from difference table S∗ by using learning algorithm L. Such classifier is a function πL,U : X × X → {−1, 0, 1, unknown}
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determined for any pair of objects from X . Let t ∈ X be a test case, the accuracy of learning algorithm L on the object t is defined by accuracyL,U (t) =
|{u ∈ U : πL (u, t) = θε (u, t)}| |U |
The accuracy of the learning algorithm L on the test set V ⊂ X is computed as an average accuracy on test objects: accuracyL,U (V ) =
1 X accuracyL,U (t) |V | t∈V
Ranking learning
Ranking learning can be understood as a problem of reconstruction of the correct ranking list of a set of objects. In this section we present a simple algorithm for reconstruction of a ranking list using approximated preference relation, which has been described in the previous section. Let us assume that S = (U, A∪{dec}) is a training data set and (u1 , ..., un ) is an ordered sequence of objects from U according to dec, i.e., dec(u1 ) ≤ dec(u2 ) ≤ ... ≤ dec(un ). The problem is to reconstruct the ranking list of objects from a test data set S0 = (V, A ∪ {dec}) without using decision attribute dec. Our algorithm is based on the round robin tournament system which is carried out on the set of objects U ∪ V . Similarly to football leagues, every object from V playing the tournament obtains a total score which summarizes its all played games. The objects from V are sorted with respect to their scores. Assume that we have applied the learning algorithm L on the difference table constructed from training data set S = (U, A ∪ {dec}), and let πL,U be the output classifier of this algorithm. The classifier can be treated as a referee in the match between two objects in our tournament system. The total score of an object x ∈ V is computed by X Score(x) = w(y) · πL,U (x, y) y∈U ∪V
where w(y) is a weighting parameter that measures the importance of the object y in our ranking algorithm. We propose to define those weights by ( 1 if y is a test object, i.e., y ∈ V ; w(y) = 1 + ni if y = ui ∈ U.
Mining Data with Continuous Decision
This ranking algorithm gives a higher score to those objects that recorded most victories over high valued objects. The algorithm can be applied for all the objects from U ∪ V . In such situation we say that objects from V are embedded in the ordered sequence (u1 , u2 , ..., un ). To measure the quality of a ranking algorithm it is necessary to have a method to express the agreement between two ranking lists (one original and one computed by our algorithm) for the same set of objects. There are several well known ”compatibility tests” for this problem, e.g., Spearman R, Kendall τ , or Gamma coefficients, see [3]. If the proper ranking list of V is denoted by X = (x1 , x2 ..., xk ), then the ranking list obtained from our algorithm can be treated as a permutation of elements of V , and represented by Y = (xσ(1) , xσ(2) , ..., xσ(k) ), for some permutation σ : {1, ..., k} → {1, ..., k}. The Spearman coefficient is computed by using the formula: Pk 6 i=1 (σ(i) − i)2 (1) R=1− k(k − 1)(k + 1) The Spearman coefficient can take any value of the interval [−1; 1]. 3.3
Prediction Problem
In this section we present a decision prediction algorithm which uses the approximate preference relation and ranking learning algorithm as components. Let the training set of objects U = {u1 , ...un } be given. The prediction algorithm computes the decision value of the test object x ∈ / U in two steps: Algorithm 1 Prediction algorithm Input: The set of labeled objects U and unlabeled object x; parameters: learning algorithm L; Output: A predicted decision for x; 1: Embed the object x into the sequence (u1 , u2 , ..., un ) by applying ranking algorithm for objects from {x} ∪ U using L and decision table for U ; 2: Let us assume that x is embedded between ui and ui+1 ; dec(ui )+dec(ui+1 ) 3: Return prediction(x) = as a result of prediction. 2
The error rate of the prediction algorithm on the set of testing objects is measured by error(V ) =
X 1 |dec(x) − prediction(x)| card(V ) x∈V
It is obvious that the smaller the error rate, the better the prediction algorithm is.
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Dynamic ranking algorithm
The quality of ranking algorithm can be low due to the small number of objects. In many applications the number of training objects is increasing in time, but it is connected with certain cost of examination. As an example may serve biological experiment data, where every training object needs to be confirmed in expensive laboratory tests. In this section we treat a ranking problem as an optimization problem, in which we wish to get the highest value element using as low as possible the number of requests, i.e., to minimize the number of examinations and the cost of the whole process. We propose another ranking method based on active learning approach. Instead of using a randomly selected test set, the learning algorithm has access to the set of unlabeled objects and can request the labels for some of them. In the biological research example, unlabeled objects correspond to the samples that were not examined yet; a request for a label responds to performing single laboratory test that gives the decision value of the requested sample. In the dynamic ranking algorithm, the unlabeled objects are requested according to the actual ranking list. Then, after obtaining the labels of new objects, the ranking list will be corrected. Algorithm 2 presents the main framework of our idea. The notion of STOP CONDITION is defined differently for each optimization problem and refers to cost limits for the considered process. Algorithm 2 The dynamic ranking algorithm Input: The set of labeled objects U and unlabeled objects V ; parameters: learning algorithm L and positive integer request size; Output: A list of objects to be requested; Ranking of elements in the U2 in the RankList; 1: U1 ← U ; U2 ← V ; 2: RankList ← [ ]; //the empty list 3: while not STOP CONDITION do 4: Rank elements of U2 by using L and decision table for U1 ; Let this ranking list be: (x1 , x2 , ...); 5: for i = 1 to request size do 6: RankList.append(xi ) 7: U1 ← U1 ∪ {xi }; U2 ← U2 \ {xi }; 8: end for 9: end while
Experimental results
Our method was tested on an artificially generated decision table. The table consisted of six nominal condition attributes of values from the set {1, 2} and
Mining Data with Continuous Decision
a real decision attribute. As each of the condition attributes had two possible values, the whole space of objects was of size 26 = 64. Values of the decision attribute were calculated from the function: dec = ea1
+ (a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 ) ∗ a6 /a3 + sin(a4 ) + ln(a5 ) + noise
where a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 , a5 , a6 are the attributes’ values, and noise is a random value from the interval [−1, 1] obtained using the uniform distribution on this interval. All the resulting decision values were in the interval [5.772, 32.732]. The tolerance parameter ε was set to 0.7. Several different algorithms used in the model training step were compared in the tests: • Decision rule method based on the rough set approach (see [1]) with the SAVgenetic reducer. In the result tables referred to as ”Decision Rules”. • Naive Bayes algorithm from the Rosetta system (referred to as ”Naive bayes”) • Nearest neighbor like algorithm using non-nested generalized exemplars, implemented in the WEKA system. It is referred to as ”Nnge” in Table 1. • Multi-boosting of the Nnge algorithm in the WEKA system. Multi-boosting is an extension to the AdaBoost technique for forming decision committees. Multi-boosting can be viewed as combining AdaBoost with wagging. It is designed to harness both AdaBoost’s high bias and variance reduction with wagging’s variance reduction. For more information, see [6]. In the result tables referred to as ”MultiBoosting Nnge”. • C4.5 decision tree, impemented in WEKA. For more information, see [7]. Referred to as ”C4.5”. • Multi boosting of C4.5 in the WEKA system. (”MultiBoosting C4.5”) We tested the quality of the rankings obtained by computing the Spearman coefficient of the correlation with the true ranking using Equation 1. In every iteration of experiment, the original data set was partitioned with proportion (50%:50%) into the training set U and test set V . The mean Spearman coefficient value and mean model accuracy for every learning algorithm are computed as average results over 10 iterations of experiments and reported in Table 1. To test the real decision value prediction accuracy there were 7-fold cross validation tests performed on the original data set. The mean absolute error is reported. The quality of the dynamic ranking algorithm is measured by the position of the best candidate in the resulting ranking list. The lower the resulting position, the better. Random shuffle of elements would result in expected position of this element in the middle index. The original data set was split in half to form the train data set U and the test data set V . Table 1 shows the positions of the best candidates in the ranking list constructed by our
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approach. The experiment with every learning algorithm was repeated 10 times and we return the average position of the best candidate within those 10 repetitions. The tests were performed with request size value set to 2. In order to compare the dynamic ranking approach with the static one, we calculated the Spearman coefficient. Table 1. Experiment results achieved using six different learning algorithms. The first column reports the results ranking quality tests: Spearman coefficient and model accuracy on change table; second column reports the Pearson correlation coefficient and prediction mean absolute error; third column summarizes the results obtained while testing the dynamic ranking algorithm, average position and final ranking Spearman coefficient. Learning Ranking Prediction Spearman acc.(%) Pearson pred.error algorithm Decision Rules 0.893 83.28% 0.9653 1.4547 Naive Bayes 0.7984 78.52% 0.5948 3.8336 0.777 77.19% 0.9178 1.8245 Nnge MultiBoosting Nnge 0.8318 80.27% 0.9184 1.6244 0.7159 75.7% 0.8372 2.2108 C45 MultiBoosting C45 0.8536 80.74% 0.9661 1.3483
Dynamic Ranking pos. Spearman coef. 1.3 0.9501 1.3 0.8540 2.5 0.9165 1.6 0.9433 2.7 0.8736 1.6 0.9475
We presented a novel approach to mining ill-defined data with continuous decision. Experimental results seem to be very interesting and promising. We plan to make more experiments on other types of data, especially on those coming from the proteochemometrics study, to confirm the power of the proposed method. Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank Helena Str¨ombergsson and Peteris Prusis for valuable discussions and suggestions during preparation of this paper. The research has been done during the visit of Dr Nguyen Hung Son at the The Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics, Uppsala University. This research was partially supported by the ARI project, the grant 3T11C00226 from Ministry of Scientific Research and Information Technology of the Republic of Poland, and a grant from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation.
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