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benefits of daylighting and natural ventilation, and causes more power demand. ..... percentage of nominal power are 12.5 kW (25%) and 18.8 kWh (37.6%).
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ScienceDirect Procedia Engineering 118 (2015) 861 – 868

International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction

Building automation systems as tool to improve the resilience from energy behavior approach German Osmaa*, Laura Amado a, Rodolfo Villamizar a, Gabriel Ordoñeza a

Universidad Industrial de Santander UIS, Carrera 27 Calle 9, Bucaramanga 680004, Colombia

Abstract This paper shows how the building automation systems (BAS) are a powerful tool for companies face some permanent or temporary changes that can occur in the surrounding environment, which can affect the welfare of users, increase the energy consumption and/or demand more financial investment to strengthen or to replace the actual systems to attend the needs of users. However, these systems not properly used because of designers and owners ignore the specific qualities of these and the designs lacks of scenario analysis. The automation systems can monitor several variables in real time and analyze historical data to adjust quickly the operation of the devices to provide comfort of users and integrity of devices; this capacity keeps the core purpose in the face of changed circumstances. Also, this work shows how would be the potential behavior of two buildings considering some changes in their environment for specific tropical conditions, one of them with automation system and the other without this system; for that, we made first the characterization of a BA S implemented in a building in Bucaramanga (Colombia) and after specific simulations. The changes considered are heat island, energy outages, new construction and new habits of users. © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. ( of the International on Sustainable Design, Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee under responsibility of organizing committee of the International Conference onConference Sustainable Design, Engineering and Engineering Peer-review Construction 2015 2015. and Construction

Keywords: Building automation system, resilience, efficiency energy, green building

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +57-7-634-4000 Ext: 1310; fax: +57-7-635-9622. E-mail address: [email protected]; [email protected]

1877-7058 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

( Peer-review under responsibility of organizing committee of the International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction 2015



German Osma et al. / Procedia Engineering 118 (2015) 861 – 868

1. Introduction Currently, the buildings demands around 40% of energy [1], therefore it is necessary that existing and new buildings reduce the energy consumption. This is possible fro m imp lementation of applicat ions aim to rational use of energy, which can be renewable energy in site, passive strategies, efficient systems and smart hybrid systems. These smart applicat ions can achieve high use of micro -climat ic conditions as daylighting and natural ventilat ion to reduce the energy consumption by lighting and HVA C systems [2]. In addition, they can integrate renewable, storage and back-up systems with the network; this enables energy management [3]. These applications are a part of building automation systems – BAS. The imp lementation of BAS may generate many benefits for users and increase of sustainability level of buildings because it is possible to reduce the energy consumption and the environment al impact during build ing lifespan. In addition, the versatility of the building automation and management systems may provide the ability to buildings to respond favorably to changes of the normal operating conditions [4], [5], wh ich benefits the build ing resilience; however, researches must continue doing works to improve the ability of BAS to face unexpected change in the operating conditions [1]. The building resilience is an e mergent issue [6], and it can be defined as the capability of a building to respond to changing scenarios and to keep the inner operating conditions during the lifespan [7], [8]. The effect of these changes may increase the energy consumption, such as the increasing of ambient temperature due to urban heat island [9] that can be mitigated with smart hybrid applications [8], which are common in BAS. 2. Methodolog y This work was built fro m three stages In order to explain why the automation applications may be useful tool to improve the building res ilience. The first stage concerns about a brief literature rev iew to describe the importance of automation applications in the operation of buildings (to see section 3). The second stage presents the characterizat ion of some applications of an automation system installed in a university build ing since 2012, which is located in a tropical city; the applications considered are lighting system and climatization system (to see section 4). Finally, the third stage analyzes what is the effect of this BAS on energy behavior when this building faces four specific changes (to see section 5). The factors considered are power outage, new habits of users, new construction and urban heat island, and the Table 1 presents them. T able 1. Description of factors considered. Factor

Criteria of analysis

Power outage

T his temporary event is the absence of electrical power, either short- or long-term.

New habits of users

Changes as schedules, equipment use or number of users can cause this temporary or permanent change, which implies a variation of the power demand. T his permanent change in the surroundings of a building might cause interference of the solar radiation and wind speed, which reduces the benefits of daylighting and natural ventilation, and causes more power demand. T his permanent phenomenon explains why the metropolitan area is warmer than its surroundings. T his increases the energy consumption by air conditioning units.

New construction

Heat island

No grid power Pgrid 0 [kW ] Analysis of schedule by time-slots of 2 hours from Decreasing solar radiation and wind speed on facades SR'fac 0.75 ˜ SR fac [W / m2 ] WS'fac 0.75 ˜ WS fac [W / m2 ] Increasing ambient temperature ' Tamb (t ) Tamb(t )  'T (t ) [qC] ; 'Tmax


3. Literature review The BAS is formed by s oftware and hardware and integrates several systems such as access control, security, CCTV, lighting, HVA C, power generation, etc. [1]. Its main purpose are aimed to ensure the comfort of users and the security of people and installat ions, but are increasing the applications to support the energy management and to monitor several variables to make decisions and/or to display data, among others [10], [11].

German Osma et al. / Procedia Engineering 118 (2015) 861 – 868


Currently, there are several options of BAS in the market by companies such as Siemens, Schneider Electric, Johnson Controls and Honeywell, among others. In addition, the designers may use the EN 15232 standard, which is aimed to energy efficiency and sustainability in buildings [12] and provides four categories to classify the BAS according to energy behavior [13], [14]. These systems can reduce the operation and maintenance costs because simplify the activit ies fro m the monitoring, the v isualization, the historical and real time analysis [12], [15], co mmunicat ion strategies (wired [3] and wireless [15]). The main mon itored variables are micro-climat ic conditions in the surrounding zone [12], [15], [16], illu mination level, presence[17], habits of users [18], [4], temperature and humid ity, CO2 concentration [1], [12], energy consumption [10], [12]. The lighting and HVA C systems can improve the energy efficiency fro m BAS [1], [19], [20], wh ich is possible due to that smart control of natural part (availability of natural resources) and artificial part (devices) of the systems to ensure the desired operation conditions of illu mination level and inner temperature [10], [17], [21], [22]. Furthermore, the integration between BAS and several storage and power generation systems, both conventional and renewable, make possible to manage the energy demand [11], [19], [23], and thereby to reduce the negative environmental impact [3], [24], [25]. The Table 2 shows some cases about the energy benefits of BAS use. T able 2. Description of some successful energy automated applications in buildings. Ref. Year Country T ype of work [3]

2010 Portugal


Educational / Design Energy management and simulation

Findings Integration of several energy sources (renewable and conventional) to reduce the conventional energy consumption.

[10] 2014 Italy

Office / Design and Energy efficiency from lighting Integration of daylighting with artificial lighting from automated simulation system hybrid system. Energy savings between 17% and 32%.

[12] 2013 Greece

Commercial / Pilot

Energy efficiency from lighting Integrated system of energy efficiency aimed to the reduction of and HVAC systems the demand peaks and the operation costs.

[17] 2014 Colombia

Office / green building

Energy efficiency from lighting Integration of daylighting with artificial lighting from automated system hybrid system. Energy savings around 70%.

[22] 2011 Brazil

Commercial / Simulation

Energy efficiency from lighting Integration of daylighting with artificial lighting from automated system hybrid system. Energy savings around 23%.

[26] 2013 USA

Office / pilot

Energy efficiency from lighting Integration of daylighting with artificial lighting from automated system hybrid system. Energy savings around 20%.

Even though the BAS provides several advantages for the operation of buildings, they may cause trouble in some cases. Some of these difficult ies are the complexity of some applications , the need of qualified personal to operate and obtain the best benefits [27] and the strong nonlinear behavior of several electronics devices causes trouble to network [17]. Other aspects might be some systems are few flexib le when face dynamic situations [28], possible interoperability conflicts with others systems [29], [30], and the high costs of installation, maintenance, reconfiguration and/or expansion [31]. 4. Modeling of Electrical Engineering Building - BAS This section describes the BAS imp lemented at Electrical Engineering Building - EEB of the Universidad Industrial de Santander – UIS (Bucaramanga, Colo mb ia), which is located 7.1° north lat itude and 71.3° west longitude. The annual average solar radiat ion is 4.8 kWh/m2 /day and the ambient temperature varies mostly between 20°C and 27°C. The UIS reopened the EEB in December of 2012; the building grew fro m 1500 m2 to 2 700 m2 . Currently, it has 16 classrooms at the first four levels , administrative offices at the fifth level and green roof area of 600 m2 . The remodeling process included the implementation of several strategies in order to reduce the energy consumption such as daylighting, natural ventilation, green roofs and automation system (illu mination and air conditioning). These green applications reduced the consumption density from 67.5 kWh/m2 /year to 20 kWh/m2 /year, the equivalent to reduction of 70% or 128 250 kWh/year.


German Osma et al. / Procedia Engineering 118 (2015) 861 – 868

The automation applications in this building are lighting, climatization, monitoring, access control, fire detection and CCTV, such as the Fig. 1 shows. These applications are of two kind, integrated and freestanding. Andover Continuum (Schneider) manages the integrated applications that are most; while the freestanding applications are on/off hybrid lighting, fire detection system and special monitoring such as: weather station, on -line UPS’s, PV system and energy meters. LIGHTING Presence ON/OFF Photocell Presence Time

Control On/Off Dimming hybrid lighting system (PID) Dimming level

Dimming photocell

Dimming suntube

Levels: 4 and 5

On/Off emergency lighting system

Presence Time


On/Off hybrid lighting system (stand-alone) Control On/Off Levels: 1, 2 and 3 zone common lighting

Presence Time Outer temp. Inner temp.


Hybrid climatization Extractors (On/Off) system Air conditioning (On/Off)

Door state Windows state

Levels: 0 and 4

Instruction lights

On/Off air conditioning system Air conditioning Special offices – 5th ON/OFF floor

Presence Time

Access control

ID card

Control doors

Whole building Temp. sensor Smoke detector

Fire detection system Whole building

Presence (camera)

Control On/Off


Fire control panel Remote fire annunciator Video

Special places


Hallways and stairways

Variable i

Input – variable gathered by Andover Continuum

Emergency plant power

Output – variable gathered by Andover Continuum

Rainwater harvesting

Andover Continuum Data Platform visualization Lighting, Climatization, Data file CCTV, Access Control

Weather station

PV system (6.75 kW)

On-line UPS’s

Energy meters (6 units)

Fig. 1. Building Management System of Electrical Engineering Building.

4.1 Illumination The building uses two kind of hybrid lighting system to minimize consumption by fluorescent artificial lighting system. The On/Off control turns on all lamps when any point of work surface has a n illu mination level is below setpoint value (500 lux). The dimming control determines minimum contribution to achieve the setpoint in real time . The artificial lighting contribution in each space depends on daylighting factor curve and kind of control. Th ese curves are in function of incident solar radiation on façade south (SRFS). The Fig. 2.a shows the daylight factor curves for the floors 2, 3 and 4 as a function of the relat ive space depth in three points (1/6, 1/ 2 and 5/ 6). The Fig 2.b describes the behavior of daylighting levels (solid lines) and hybrid levels (dotted line) for t wo values of incident solar radiation on south facade, 50 W/ m2 (low level) and 100 W/ m2 (h igh level), where we can see how the dimming control ensures the minimum contribution of illumination level. 4th floor 3rd floor 2nd floor

Daylight factor [%]

25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0%

5.0% 0.0% 0


1/3 1/2 2/3 Relative depth of inner space


3500 SRFS = 100W/m^2 SRFS = 50W/m^2 On/Off control Dimming control

3000 Level illumination [lux]


2500 2000

1500 1000 500

0 0


1/3 1/2 2/3 Relative depth of inner space


Fig. 2. (a) Daylighting factor curve for floors 2, 3 and 4; (b) Daylighting levels and hybrid illumination levels for two sol ar radiation cases.

4.2 Climatization The state of air conditioning A C (on/off) and the state of injectors or forced ventilation FV (on/off) depend on these four conditions: extended working time (between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.), presence, level of outer temperature and level inner temperature. The Fig. 3 describes the operation of main variables on 08/29/ 14. The activity time was of


German Osma et al. / Procedia Engineering 118 (2015) 861 – 868

10.1 hours between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., but the air conditioning only worked 6.3 hours, overall between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the outer temperature is higher. The forced ventilat ion works when the inner temperature is below 25°C; on the other hand, the system pauses the air conditioning units when the inner temperature drops below 24.5°C. 28 1

Temperature (°C)


26 25 24

23 22 21 6:00 a. m.

0 7:00 a. m.

8:00 a. m.

9:00 a. m.

10:00 a. m.

11:00 a. m.

12:00 p. m.

1:00 p. m.

2:00 p. m.

3:00 p. m.

4:00 p. m.

5:00 p. m.

6:00 p. m.

7:00 p. m.

August 29th, 2014 Inner Temp.

Outer Temp. [°C]

Air Conditioning

Presence Sensor

Fig. 3. Description of operation of hybrid climatization system.

4.3 Power supply The EEB only operates with electricity; the main supplier is the public network by a transformer. In addition, it obtains energy from a grid-t ied PV system of 6.75 kW, which can generate 8 MWh per year and reduce the energy consumption around 15%; although it only works in normal grid conditions . This building has a back-up system by emergency power plant, which runs on gasoline. In addition, there are 6 UPS connect to sensible loads as automation system and communication equipment. 5. Analysis of behavior of automation system 5.1. Outages






y = -0.125x2 + 0.94x + 0.18

51.6% 40.7%


25.0% 37.6%

0% 0%


50% Nominal load [%]




19.56 20









CO2 [kg/h]


Fuel consumption [l/h]

Nominal fuel consumption [%]

When a power outage occurs , the EEB use an e mergency power plant only to feed priorities loads, this power plant runs off with gasoline. The operation BAS may reduce this impact through energy consumption reduction in comparison traditional building case. The priority installed loads are lighting system (35kVA ), auto mation system (5kVA), water bo mbs (2kVA) and priority outlets (15 kVA), that is 57kVA. Then, it is possible to consider an emergency power plant of 50kW / 62.5kVA . The installed loads are the same fo r both approaches analyzed, traditional and BAS. The annual energy consumption of these loads is 40.05 MWh by BAS operation and it would be 60.19 MWh by tradit ional operation. For an annual operation time of 3200 hours, the average demands and percentage of nominal power are 12.5 kW (25%) and 18.8 kWh (37.6%). The fuel consumption difference between both cases is 10.9%, such as th e Fig. 4.a shows, wh ich can be obtained fro m several power plant datasheets. The Fig. 4.b indicates what benefits could be obtained for EEB by BAS operation, an average decreasing per hour of 1.73 liter in fuel consumption and 4.1 kilograms of CO 2 emissions.


0 Traditional


Fig. 4. (a) Curve of nominal fuel consumption; (b) Comparison of fuel consumption and CO 2 emissions for traditional and BAS approaches.


German Osma et al. / Procedia Engineering 118 (2015) 861 – 868

5.2. New constructions The micro-climatic conditions influences the energy behavior of a green building , such as solar radiation and wind speed. Therefore, the new constructions in surroundings might modify the reduction of the energy savings. This work only consider the affectation caused by the reduction of solar radiat ion on façade because the forced ventilation system EEB would overcome the wind speed change. This analysis considers both the scenarios, traditional and automated. The Fig. 5.a shows how the energy consumption for each floor would increase according to the change described by Table 1. The energy consumption traditional is the same for two case because it does not depend on daylighting. According to Fig. 5.b, the hypothetical obstruction would reduce the energy savings by 6500 kWh, equivalent to 11% of traditional energy consumption; however, the total energy saving only would drop from 48% to 37%. 50 000

First floor

Second floor

Traditional - Current case

Third floor

Hybrid - Current case

Fourth floor

Fifth floor

Hybrid - Modified case

47 190

47 190

45 000 40 000

35 000

15 000 10 000 5 000


20 000

24 556


25 000


31 055

30 000


Annual energy consumption [kWh]

10 000 9 000 8 000 7 000 6 000 5 000 4 000 3 000 2 000 1 000 0

0 Current case

Modified case

Fig. 5. (a) Annual energy consumption by floor; (b) Comparison annual energy consumption according to case.

5.3. New habits

Solar radiation

Outer temperature

Potential consumption [kWh]

Solar radiation [W/m2]

28 1000 900 27 800 26 700 25 600 24 500 400 23 300 22 200 21 100 II VII V I VI III IV 0 20 6:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m.12:00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 8:00 p. m.

Outer temperature [°C]

The energy behavior depends on of several factor, one of them are the habits of users; therefore, any change of them could affect the energy consumption. According to the Table 1, schedule is the factor to analy ze the answer from the BAS, because its effect can be seen with higher intensity through of lighting and climatization systems. For EEB case, this effect mostly depends on outer temperature and solar radiation , which affects both hybrid lighting system and hybrid climat ization system. However, the impacts of these variables may be in opposing directions, for examp le, when the solar radiation and the temperature are low the energy demand by lighting system is high but for the climatization demand is low. The Fig. 6.a shows the profiles of climate variab les considering fro m Bucaramanga. The Fig. 6.b shows the energy behavior for both approaches from seven time -slots of 2 hours, these curves include the consumption by both systems. The traditional approach shows how the daily energy consumption is arou nd the 40 kWh, which is higher during slots II, III and IV due to incident solar radiat ion and conduction heat through the windows. This variation is little because the climatization system only represents around 30% of fu ll load. According to hybrid curve, the BAS reduces the energy consumption around 60% during slots II, III, IV and V, which is main ly due to use of daylighting. 45.0 40.0 35.0 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0









0.0 6:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m.12:00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. Hybrid


Fig. 6. (a) Profiles of solar radiation and outer temperature; (b) Energy consumption according to the approach .


German Osma et al. / Procedia Engineering 118 (2015) 861 – 868

5.4. Heat island This phenomenon increases the energy consumption by air conditioning in the most cities. To analyze the effect in the EEB, we have modified the amb ient temperature profile for whole day accord ing to indicated by Table 1. The Fig. 6.a shows actual temperature profile. The Fig. 7.a shows an examp le of the behavior for the traditional (only air-condit ioning units) system and hybrid climat ization system, for both current case and modified case. We can see how the slopes of the lines for modified case are higher due to higher power demand. According to Fig. 7.b, the energy consumption increase for traditional approach is only 50% wh ile for hybrid approach is almost 300% ; however, the energy saving caused by BAS is near to 15 MWh for two cases.

30 20 10 0 6:00 a. m.

28 000 24 000

20 000 16 000

12 000 8 000

4 000 -

10:00 a. m.

2:00 p. m.

6:00 p. m.

20 075

5 195

Current case

14 209


Hybrid_Modified case


Traditional_Modified case


30 113

32 000


Hybrid_Current case


Traditional_Current case

Annual energy consumption [kWh]

Daily energy consumption [kWh]


Modified case

Fig. 7. (a) Energy consumption for conditions on 08/29/2014; (b) Comparison of annual energy consumption due to climatization.

6. Conclusions The building auto mation systems are a tool that can provide significant advantage to the building to face some unexpected scenarios in the operating conditions as power outages, new habits of users, heat island and new constructions, among others. This versatility may reduce the energy consumption and the environmental impact during building lifespan. The impact of BAS in building resilience is very particular for each build ing, since the risks are specific and the building behavior depends on specific conditions climate conditions and technical characteristics of the build ing and BAS. In addit ion, the literature review ev idence of a lack of this kind of studies. Therefore, we reco mmend that new works to help to determine a methodology and selecting methods to analysis the potential influences of BAS in the contingencies situations . Based in the case study, we can see that each one of the selected factors could cause significant energy consumption increases in the auto mated hybrid systems . Moreover, maybe this increasing is higher than that caused by traditional systems. However, the BAS can keep a significant reduction of energy consumption to the end in comparison with traditional approach. In addition, they can reduce the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions for power outage scenarios and help define the most profitable slots of work-time. Acknowledgements This work has financial support of Research and Extension Office of UIS (Colo mbia) through entitled project “Modeling and optimization of energy design of dwelling from applications for rational use of energy” N° 1605. References [1] P. H. Shaikh, N. B. M. Nor, P. Nallagownden, I. Elamvazuthi, and T. Ibrahim, “A review on optimized control systems for building energy and comfort management of smart sustainable buildings,” Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev., vol. 34, pp. 409–429, Jun. 2014. [2] L. Y. Amado Duarte, J. O. Flórez Reyes, and G. A. Osma Pinto, “ Uso racional de la energía en edificaciones a partir de la automatización de aplicaciones energéticas.” Seminario internacional del medio ambiente y desarrollo sostenible, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia, p. 2, 2013.


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