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Occasionally, pop-up quizzes will be given in class. This serves both as a tool to check your current state of knowledge
Qatar University College of Arts and Sciences Department of Math, Stat, & Physics PHYS 191 L02 Syllabus, Spring 2013


Course Title :

Prerequisite: In Class Hours : Credit Hours : Class Time :

Class Location :

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General Physics for Engineers I, PHYS 191 General Physics I, PHYS 101 Calculus I (MATH 101) 4 3 Sun: 13:00-13:50 Mon: 11:00-12:15 Wed: 11:00-12:15 :15 E 211 (Male Campus)


Name: E-mail: Office Location: Office Hours:

Dr. Hocine Merabet [email protected] C211 Sun: 10:00-10:50 Mon: 13:00-13:50 Tue: 11:00-11:50 Or by appointment.

COURSE DESCRIPTION This is the first course in the two-semester sequence of calculus-based introductory physics courses designed to meet the needs of student majoring in Engineering. The course is a survey of the concepts, principles, methods and major findings of classical Physics. Primarily, it covers Newtonian mechanics with topics include: physics and measurement, vectors, kinematics and dynamics of motion of a single particle in one and two dimensions, work and energy, system of particles, linear momentum and collisions, kinematics and dynamics of rotational motion, equilibrium of rigid bodies, elasticity, oscillatory motion, and wave motion.

TEXTBOOK Physics For Scientists And Engineers With Modern Physics, Fourth Edition, by Douglas C. Giancoli, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009. Students are encouraged to explore other sources of information which may complement their learning such as the internet, journal articles and other library resources.


REFERENCES 1. Physics For Scientists And Engineers With Modern Physics, Seventh Edition, by Raymond A. Serway and John W. Jewett, Jr., Brooks/Cole-Thomson Learning, 2008.. 2. College Physics, Sixth Edition, by Raymond A. Serway and Jerry S. Faughn, Brooks/Cole-Thomson Learning, 2006. 3. Physics, Second Edition, by James S. Walker, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004 4. Physics: Principles with Applications, Sixth Edition, D. C. Giancoli, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004. 5. Physics For Scientists And Engineers: A Strategic Approach, Second Edition, by Randell D. Knight., Pearson/Addison Wesley, 2008..

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES AND MEDIA    This website provides a group of resources that the physics community has dubbed Physlets, a word coined from physics+applet. A physlet is a small single concept Java applet designed to teach physics. There is a very interesting book of physlet applications written for student use: Physlet® Physics: Interactive Illustrations, Explorations and Problems for Introductory Physics by Wolfgang Christian and Mario Belloni, Davidson College. This book and CD package furnishes students with a host of interactive, computer-based exercises and study resources that span the entire introductory physics curriculum. Using a practical yet engaging structure, Physlet® Physics presents a wide spectrum of “media-focused” critical thinking and problem-solving exercises, and provides students with an interactive visual representation of the physical phenomena they see in introductory physics textbooks. The animations and graphics provide insight missing from ordinary graphics and text.

EVALUATION POLICY Three major exams will be given:  First Exam: 20%, Saturday March 23rd, 2013, 8:00 – 10:00  Second Exam: 25%, Saturday May 4th, 2013, 8:00 – 10:00  Final Exam: 30%, Saturday, May 30th 2013, 8:00-10:00  Quizzes: 15%  Homework: 10%

GRADES Grades will be assigned based on the following scale: Percent grade Letter grade Earned Points

90 -100 A 4.0

85 - 89 B+ 3.5

80 - 84 B 3.0

75 -79 C+ 2.5

70 - 74 C 2.0

65 - 69 D+ 1.5

60 - 64 D 1.0

below 60 F 0.0


Important Remark: Only grades that are closer less than 0.5 pt will be rounded to the next letter grade. For example, if you have 59.51 you grade will rounded to 60 that is a D. However, a 59.49 will be rounded to 59 which is an F. No exceptions will be made.

INSTRUCTIONS & REGULATIONS 1. Using Mobile phones during lectures or exams is prohibited. Shut off your cell phone during class, any one uses mobile will be asked to leave the lecture room. 2. You are not allowed to disturb the class. If you miss the classroom the first 10 minutes you are not allowed to enter the classroom and you will be reported absent. 3. Side talks are not allowed, if you miss something or have a question, please, ask the instructor and not a student. Any student involved in side talks will be asked to leave the classroom. This is for the benefit to all students. 4. Students are expected to attend all classes, if they do not show up for more than 25% of the classes, they fail the course. There are no grades for attendance. 5. Quizzes have no make-ups, so try not to miss any. 6. Students are expected to participate actively in the class. 7. Check your e-mail regularly. 8. Be responsible for all class activities, announcements, and assignments when you miss a class. 9. Do not hesitate to see me if you have any question. 10. Prior to class, look over the section that will be covered. 11. Regularly check the BLACKBOARD site at: 12. No make-up exam will be given; if you miss two exams, one exam only will be made up if the absence is appropriately justified. Missing 2 exams with no justifications will result on an “F” in this class. The justification for missing an exam should be submitted no more than 3 days. Otherwise no makeup will be allowed. If you miss a final exam and you have a proper justification, an incomplete “I” will be given until you make up the final exam at the beginning at the next semester and not earlier. 13. During exams, students are allowed to bring a scientific calculator. 14. Cheating is not tolerated. Students who cheat on an exam will receive a zero for that exam. A second case of cheating will result in a failing grade for the course.


Learning Outcomes

Assessment tools

1.1 The Nature of Science,1.2 Models, Theories, and Laws,1.3 Measurement and Uncertainty; Significant Figures, 1.4 Units, Standards, and the SI System, 1.5 Converting Units, 1.6 Order of Magnitude, Dimensions and Dimensional Analysis.

1 and 2

HM 1 All quizzes All Exams

2.1 Reference Frames and Displacement, 2.2 Average Velocity, 2.3 Instantaneous Velocity, 2.4 Acceleration, 2.5 Motion at Constant Acceleration, 2..6 Solving Problems, 2.7 Freely Falling Objects

1 and 2

HM 1 Exam 1

3.1 Vectors and Scalars, 3.2 Addition of Vectors–Graphical Methods, 3.3 Subtraction of, Vectors, and Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar, 3.4 Adding Vectors by Components, 3.5 Unit Vectors, 3.6 Vector Kinematics, 3.7 Projectile Motion, 3.8 Solving Problems, Involving Projectile Motion, 3.9 Relative Velocity

1 and 2

Quiz 1 Exam 1


4.1 Force, 4.2 Newton’s First Law of Motion, 4.3 Mass, 4.4 Newton’s Second Law of Motion, 4.5 Newton’s Third Law of Motion, 4.6 Weight–the Force of Gravity; and the Normal Force, 4.7 Solving Problems with Newton’s Laws: Free-Body Diagrams

4, 5, and 6

HM 2 Exam 1

5.1 Applications of Newton’s Laws Involving Friction, 5.2 Uniform Circular Motion–Kinematics, 5.3 Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motion, 5.4 Highway Curves: Banked and Unbanked

4, 5, and 6

HM 2 Quiz 2 Exam 2

7.1 Work Done by a Constant Force, 7.2 Scalar Product of Two Vectors , 7.3 Work Done by a Varying Force, 7.4 Kinetic Energy and the Work-Energy Principle


Quiz 3 Exam 2

8.1 Conservative and Non-conservative Forces, 8.2 Potential Energy, 8.3 Mechanical Energy and Its Conservation, 8.4 Problem Solving Using, Conservation of Mechanical Energy, 8.5 The Law of Conservation of Energy, 8.6 Energy Conservation with Dissipative Forces: Solving Problems, 8.8 Power


Quiz 3 Exam 2

9.1 Momentum and Its Relation to Force, 9.2 Conservation of Momentum, 9.3 Collisions and Impulse, 9.4 Conservation of Energy and Momentum in Collisions, 9.5 Elastic Collisions in One Dimension, 9.6 Inelastic Collisions, 9.7 Collisions in Two or Three Dimensions, 9.8 Center of Mass (CM), 9.9 Center of Mass and Translational Motion


HM 3 Exam 2

Exam 1: Saturday March 23rd, 2013

10.1 Angular Quantities, 1.2 Vector Nature of Angular Quantities, 10.3 Constant Angular Acceleration, 10.4 Torque, 10.5 Rotational Dynamics; Torque and Rotational Inertia, 10.6 Solving Problems in Rotational Dynamics, 10.7 Determining Moments of Inertia, 10.8 Rotational Kinetic Energy, 10.9 Rotational Plus Translational Motion; Rolling 11.1 Angular Momentum–Object Rotating About a Fixed Axis, 11.2 Vector Cross Product; Torque as a Vector, 11.3 Angular Momentum of a Particle, 11.4 Angular Momentum and Torque for a System of Particles; General Motion, 11.5 Angular Momentum and Torque for a Rigid Object,11.6 Conservation of Angular Momentum 12.1 The Conditions for Equilibrium, 12.2 Solving Statics Problems, 12.3 Stability and Balance, 12.4 Elasticity; Stress and Strain ,12.5 Fracture

3 4

7 8

HM 3 Final Exam

Quiz 4 Final Exam

10 11

Quiz 4 Final Exam


Final Exam

Exam 2: Saturday May 4th, 2013 13.1 Phases of Matter, 13.2 Density and Specific Gravity, 13.3 Pressure in Fluids, 13.5 Pascal’s Principle, 13.7 Buoyancy and Archimedes’ Principle, 13.8. Equations of Fluid Dynamics: Continuity and Bernoulli’s Equations, 13.10. Applications of Bernoulli’s equations Final Exam: Saturday May 30th , 2013


To introduce the basic principles and fundamental laws of Newtonian mechanics describing the translational motion of a physical system.

To strengthen the considerate of the basic principles and fundamental laws of Newtonian mechanics describing the rotational motion of a physical system.

To develop a basic conceptual knowledge of the fundamentals of fluids. 4

LEARNING OUTCOMES The students are expected to be able to: 1. Describe the SI unit system and convert units. 2. Describe the translational motion of a single particle in terms of position and inertial frames, inertia, velocity, acceleration, linear momentum, and force. 3. Describe the rotational motion of a rigid body using the concepts of rotation angle, angular velocity, angular acceleration, angular momentum, moment of inertia, and torque. 4. State the Newton’s three laws of motion and apply them to solve problems on one and two dimensional translational motion. 5. Represent graphically the problem of motion of a physical system using the free-body diagram technique. 6. Identify the forces acting on ordinary mechanical systems to be gravity and electromagnetism (Drag force, frictional force, normal force, etc… 7. State the fundamental laws of kinematics and dynamics of rotational motion of a rigid body and use them to solve problems on simple rotational motion. 8. Analyze the translational and rotational motion using a scalar approach based on the concepts of work, conservative and non conservative forces, potential energy and conservation of mechanical energy. 9. Describe and solve problems of the motion of many-particle system by employing the concept of centre of mass, law of conservation of mechanical energy, Principle of momentum and angular momentum conservation. 10. State the two conditions of static and dynamic equilibrium of a point particle and a rigid body, and use them to solve problems of static equilibrium. 11. Describe and solve some problems on the elastic properties of materials using the following elasticity concepts and relations: Rigidity ; Plasticity ; Plastic deformation ; stress and strain ; Bulk stress and strain ; Bulk deformation and bulk modulus; Linear tensile stress and strain ; Young's modulus; Shearing. 12. Analyze the problems of static fluid in terms of density and pressure, and fluid at motion using the continuity equation and Bernoulli’s equation.

DELIVERY METHOD We will use different types of teaching methods including: 1. Presentation explaining material. 2. Problem solving. 3. Discussion - actively involving students in learning by asking questions that provoke thinking and verbal response.

LEARNING RESOURCES AND MEDIA 1. In class we will use head projector to explain main concepts and definitions 2. Whiteboard will be used frequently for solving examples and problems. Learning/Teaching Strategies: To enhance the critical thinking skills, students are expected to present and explain key concepts and principles individually and in groups. Homework will be a regular part of the course which will allow students to practice for their exams. Handouts: A collection of handouts and selected practice questions from the textbook will be given to the students covering various topics highlighted in each chapter. 5

Homework and Assignments: There will be a minimum of 3 homework assignments over the course of the semester that will be graded and will be worth 10% of your grade. In addition there will a set of selected practice problems for each covered chapter that will serve as a practice to understand physical concepts covered in class. These practice problems are to be solved by the students outside the classroom individually or within a team work and will not be graded. Their solutions will be posted on blackboard. The graded homework will encompasses at least two problems for each covered chapter. Quizzes: Occasionally, pop-up quizzes will be given in class. This serves both as a tool to check your current state of knowledge. The quizzes will test material that has been covered in class and homework. There will be 4 quizzes, and the lowest two quiz grades may be dropped. How To Succeed In This Course: This is a three-credit class (excluding laboratory). The successful student typically spends 2-3 hours of concentrated effort for each hour spent in class. For a three-credit hour class this means up to nine hours per week, three hours in class and six hours outside of class, studying in groups and individually. Here are some hints to help make these hours as productive as possible: 1. Attend class! 2. Read the material to be presented before class. Don't fall behind! 3. Come prepared to ask questions regarding the difficult areas after they are covered in class. 4. Take notes and review and extend them as soon as possible after class. 5. Study the examples in the text and in class. 6. Do the homework assignments. 7. Try some other problems from the text book that are similar to the assigned ones, or the ones covered in class. 8. Re-read the sections in the text where you experience difficulties. 9. Get help from fellow students. Study groups are extremely useful! 10. See the instructor. Utilize office hours, email, etc. 11. Spend at least nine hours a week in concentrated effort, both in and out of class. 12. Relax, we all learn one step at a time. Using blackboard Blackboard is course software that is used in web-based academic courses. You will be using the course blackboard site to find, Course Announcements, Lecture Notes, Course related documents, Syllabus, Course Calendar, Grades, and other materials for the course. You will also be contributing to course discussions using the discussion forums and/or uploading assignments to the digital drop box.

ACADEMIC HONESTY: Academic honesty is expected of all students. It is based on the principle that one's work is one's own. Therefore, cheating, plagiarism, or any other violations of the academic honesty will not be tolerated. Cases of academic dishonesty will be dealt with seriously and may result in severe penalties, including failing the examination/assignment and possibly failing the course. Examples of academic dishonesty include: 6

   

Receiving or providing unauthorized assistance on examinations. Using unauthorized materials during an examination. Plagiarism - using materials from sources without citations (presenting work as your own when it is not). Fabricating data or references.

STUDENT WITH DISABILITIES If a student has special needs because of psychological or medical disabilities s/he has to contact me so appropriate arrangements will be made according to QU regulations.

STUDENT COMPLAINTS POLICY: Students at Qatar University have the right to pursue complaints related to faculty, staff, and other students. The nature of the complaints may be either academic or non-academic. For more information about the policy and processes related to this policy, you may refer to the students’ handbook.

IMPORTANT DATES: First day of class:

Sunday, February 10th, 2013

Exam 1:

Saturday, March 23rd , 2013

Exam 2:

Saturday, May 4th, 2013

Final Exam:

Saturday, May 30th, 2013

Last day to withdraw from the course:

Sunday, March 31th, 2013

Last day of class:

Thursday, May 23th, 2013