Detection, Localization and Tracking of Wildfires ...

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[13] V. N. Dobrokhodov, I. I. Kaminer, K. D. Jones, and R. Ghabcheloo, “Vision-based tracking and motion estimation for moving targets using small uavs,” in ...
Detection, Localization and Tracking of Wildfires using an UAS Sarthak Kukreti Dr. Manish Kumar Dr. Kelly Cohen

University of Cincinnati


Overview • • • •

Motivation Objective System Overview Approach – Detection – Localization

• Design and Results • Conclusion

Introduction Every year, natural and man-made disasters cause loss of lives in addition to a cost of approximately $52 billion in the form of impact on economy and property damage [1].


Motivation • Interactions between Academia and an operational unit tasked with fighting forest fires enabling evaluation of UAVs for enhanced situational awareness. – – – – – – – – –

No risk to human lives Range and capabilities of onboard sensors Real-time monitoring capabilities Growth in low-cost UAVs Easy deployment by local agencies Replaceable Potential benefits of autonomous flights Provide additional support to motivation Alleviate high costs of manned aircraft and reliance on third party for time-critical missions


Operational Applications • Forest/urban fire fighting • Search and Rescue Missions • Tornado/Flood disaster assessment, search, rescue, and recovery missions • HAZMAT related explosions (chemical detection sensor payload required) • Aerial monitoring of large public gatherings/events [2]


Prediction Algorithm Geographical Information Systems


Video Data GPS and INS Data

Environmental Conditions: Fuel, Weather, Topography Fire Propagation Algorithm

Data Processing Module

Ground Station: Control and Flight Control Module Data Processing Center

Overall Situational Awareness


Real-World Scenario Scenario #1: Search and Rescue of Lost Person

Scenario #2: Fire in a Forest


Detection and Localization

Localization Main Objectives • Developing an accurate Attitude Transformation representation Algorithm

• Defining Image depth and Target Location and Tracking Algorithm


Pixel Location

Filtered Attitude and Altitude data

Fire Detection Using Genetic Fuzzy Logic Objective •

Detect fire pixels from the visual and IR camera feed obtained from the UAV.

Methodology • Fuzzy logic schematic shown in the figure is used to process the images. • YCbCr color space is used. Fire pixel will satisfy the following: oY ≥C r ≥ Cb (for visual images) oY(IR) should be high (For IR images) • GA is used to tune the FIS in order to obtain the desired characteristics.

Fuzzy Logic Overview • Fuzzy refers to partial set membership – Items are classified as belonging partially to a set – Example: Given two sets, a set of red apples and a set of green apples, to what set does the third apple belong?

• Third apple could belong 80% to green apples and 20% to red apples • Not to be confused with probability of finding third apple in the set of red/green apples

Solution Methodology and Results Identifying both fire and smoke pixels using color information from the original (unfiltered) video. • Fuzzy logic based image processing technique to identify both fire and smoke pixels simultaneously. • For fire, – Y(x,y) > Cr(x,y) > Cb(x,y)

• When the fire has just started, – Smoke has low temperature – Saturation as low as possible S < 0.1

• Image is analyzed in both YCbCr and HSV color space [3,4].

Solution Methodology and Results

Courtesy: Anoop Sathyan

Mamdani Type Fuzzy Inference system [3,4] 3 Inputs • Y-Cb • Cr-Cb • S Output • Fire • Smoke


Solution Methodology and Results Courtesy: Anoop Sathyan

Input 1: Y - Cb

Input 2: Cr - Cb

Input 3: S


Solution Methodology and Results

Courtesy: Anoop Sathyan

Output 1 : Fire

Output 2 : Smoke


Solution Methodology and Results Original




Original Image courtesy:


Human Detection

Detection of humans from IR video

Localization Approach

Solution Methodology and Results 1. 2. 3. 4.

From INERTIAL to UAV vehicle frame From UAV vehicle to UAV body From UAV Body to Gimbal frame Gimbal to Camera frame

R represents a (3×3) rotation matrix and dj represents a (3 × 1) translation vector [5,6].


Description Transformation from Inertial to UAV Vehicle frame Transformation from UAV Vehicle to UAV Body frame Transformation from UAV Body to Gimbal frame Transformation from Gimbal to Camera frame





Based on the pixel location of the processed image the target is localized as follows:

Using the pixel location of the target in an image, with measurements of UAV position

and attitude, and camera pose angles, the target is localized in world coordinates. The image processing algorithm will output the pixel locations helping us identify object

from the camera feed.  

Using the processed pixels to find the depth of the image Finding the target location relative to the UAV and transforming the location to the global reference frame, so that the object can be located on a map.

Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) The extended Kalman filter (EKF) to estimate the location, velocity and heading of a mobile ground target. It works by linearizing the dynamics of a system about the current best guess at the target’s state, then updating that estimate using the linear Kalman filter equations. To estimate positions and velocities of targets, we use a set of EKFs. We assume that a UAV measures its pose in a world coordinate frame using a Global Positioning System (GPS) signals and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU).The motion model for the target is

𝑥𝑖 = 𝑦𝑖(𝑥𝑖, 𝑢) + 𝑄

Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) We assume that the ground mobile target moves with constant velocity but can change its heading instantaneously and that a constant altitude flight is undertaken. The state for the target is define

𝑥𝑖 = [𝑥𝑛, 𝑥𝑒, 𝑣𝑛, 𝑣𝑒, 𝐿]T where xn, xe, vn and ve are the target’s position and velocity in the north and east directions, respectively. L is the range between the target and the UAV For the target x, the prediction step of the EKF in discrete time is given by

𝑥𝑘 = 𝑥𝑘−1 + 𝑇𝑠 𝑦𝑖 𝑥𝑘−1 , 𝑢𝑘 + + + 𝑃𝑘− = 𝑃𝑘−1 + 𝑇𝑠 𝐴𝑘−1 𝑃𝑘−1 + 𝑃𝑘−1 𝐴𝑇𝑘−1 + 𝑄


The simulation of the UAV is quite simple. It is assumed that the UAV will fly about the flying area at a constant low speed and altitude. It is also assumed that the UAV will be flying level while over the target area and the target area has zero elevation. • • •

GPS error variance: [σn = 15 m; σe = 15 m; σd = 15 m] for north, east and down directions UAV attitude error variance: σatt = 0.1 rad Target speed Vt = 5 m/s, UAV air speed Vuav = 20 m/s.

Localization In order to simulate noise in the vehicle’s GPS measurements, the fusion system only has access to a noise-corrupted version of the vehicle’s position there are two results shown, first when the object is stationary and second when a red mobile object/hot spot is tracked in the line of sight of the UAV in a random obstacle field.

Stationary Target Localization

Time history of the Kalman Filter for stationary target

For the stationary target localization, over 100 runs of the simulation are done and the mean value error for the runs was 1.5 m from the actual target location shown by a red cross.

Localization Figure below shows the actual and estimated trajectory of a ground moving target. It can be seen that the estimated trajectory has the same behavior. The location estimates are sensitive to the UAV attitude errors, more the errors in UAV attitude error more uncertainty in location estimates of the target.

Trajectory Estimation of the Target

Sample Experimental Results

39.6352 39.635 39.6348


39.6346 39.6344 39.6342 39.634 39.6338 39.6336 39.6334 -79.798


-79.797 Longitude



Conclusions/Future Work •

The SIERRA Team continues to work to develop and test algorithms for the enhancement of situational awareness.

Experimentally testing out each sub-component of the algorithm in real time

After integration doing flight test on a static/dynamic UAV platform and also developing and conducting a variety of flight test scenarios.

Improving the reliability and accuracy of the geo-localization algorithm

Conducting extensive field tests to validate all the algorithms after integration

Further development with the infrared camera will allow for the autonomous detection of fires and using image processing techniques for search and rescue operations.

The team’s next goals are to combine the algorithms developed into a ground station. 29

Conclusions/Future Work x x (t-1)


y y (t-1)


z z (t-1)




𝜃 𝜃 (t-1) 𝜓 𝜓 (t-1) 𝜑 𝜑 (t-1)





xip xip (t-1) yip yip (t-1)



xtarget ytarget


Acknowledgments Graduate Students • Anoop Sathyan • Bryan Brown • Alireza Nemati • Mohammad Sarim • The SIERRA Project would like to thank the National Science Foundation Award and the Ohio Space Grant Consortium for their continued support. • The SIERRA Project would also like to thank the West Virginia Division of Forestry. 31

Thank You!

References • • • • • • • • • •

• • • •

[1] Garg, S., Balaji, R., Cohen, K., and Kumar, M., 2013. “A fuzzy logic based image processing method for automated fire and smoke detection”. In 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition. [12] Davis, J., and Sharma, V., 2004. “Robust backgroundsubtraction for person detection in thermal imagery”. IEEE Int. Wkshp. on Object Tracking and Classification Beyond the Visible Spectrum. [3] Dalal, N., and Triggs, B., 2005. “Histograms of oriented gradients for human detection”. In Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005. CVPR 2005. IEEE Computer Society Conference on, Vol. 1, IEEE, pp. 886–893. [4] Wang, W., Zhang, J., and Shen, C., 2010. “Improved human detection and classification in thermal images”. In Image Processing (ICIP), 2010 17th IEEE International Conference on, IEEE, pp. 2313–2316. [5] J.A. Besada, J. M. Molina, J. Garcia, A. Berlanga and J. Portillo, “Aircraft identification integrated into an airport surface surveillance video system,” Machine Vision and Applications, Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, Vol 15, No. 3, pp. 164-171, July 2004 [6] J. M Molina, J. Garcia, F. J. Jimenez, J. R. Casar, “Cooperative Management of a Net of Intelligent Surveillance Agent Sensors,” International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 18, no 3, pp. 279-307, 2003 [7] R. Castaldo, C. Franck, A. Smith, “Evaluation of FLIR/IR Camera Technology for Airport Surface Surveillance,” [8] D. B. Barber, J. Redding, T. W. McLain, R. W. Beard, and C. Taylor, “Vision-based target geo-location using a fixed-wing miniature air vehicle,” Journal of Intelligent Robotics Systems, vol. 47, pp. 361–382, December 2006. [9] M. J. Monda, C. A. Woolsey, and C. K. Reddy, “Ground target localization and tracking in a riverine environment from a UAV with a gimbaled camera,” in Proceedings of AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, pp. 6747–6750, August 2007. Hilton Head, SC, USA. [10] P. DeLima, G. York, and D. Pack, “Localization of ground targets using a flying sensor network,” in Proceedings of the IEEE international Conference on Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous, and Trustworthy Computing, pp. 194–199, June 2006. Taichung, Taiwan. [11] W. Whitacre, M. Campbell, M. Wheeler, and D. Stevenson, “Flight results from tracking ground targets using seascan UAVs with gimballing cameras,” in Proceedings of 2007 American Control Conference, July 2007. New York, NY, USA. [12] I. H. Whang, V. N. Dobrokhodov, I. I. Kaminer, and K. D. Jones, “On vision-based target tracking and range estimation for small uavs,” in Proceedings of AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, August 2005. San Francisco, CA, USA. [13] V. N. Dobrokhodov, I. I. Kaminer, K. D. Jones, and R. Ghabcheloo, “Vision-based tracking and motion estimation for moving targets using small uavs,” in Proceedings of 2006 American Control Conference, June 2006. Minneapolis, MN, USA. [14] R. Rysdyk, “Uav path following for constant line-of-sight,” in Proceedings of the 2nd AIAA Unmanned Unlimited Systems, Technologies and Operations Aerospace, Land and Sea conference, September 2003. San Diego, California, USA.

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Advancement in Unmanned Systems • Recent advances in different areas of cyber-physical and information systems including – Sensing – Communication – Computing Technologies – Unmanned Systems – Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Have provided an unprecedented opportunity to revolutionize the generation of situational awareness for augmented management and control of a large-scale disaster.


Solution Methodology Transformations


Solution Methodology Transformations


Solution Methodology Transformations


Solution Methodology Transformations


Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) The measurement model for the target is g

ℎ𝑖 𝑥 = 𝑝𝑖 − 𝐿𝑖 Tgc Tb Tvb TIv 𝑙

Where 𝑙 is the desired direction of optical axis in the camera frame

𝐶𝑘 = 𝑃𝑘− 𝐻𝑘𝑇 𝑅 + 𝐻𝑘 𝑃𝑘− 𝐻𝑘𝑇 𝑃𝑘 = 𝐼 − 𝐶𝑘 𝐻𝑘 𝑃𝑘− 𝑥𝑘 = 𝑥𝑘 + 𝐶𝑘 𝑧𝑘 − ℎ 𝑥𝑘 , 𝑢𝑘


It has been found that setting the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix to some large value (on the order of 100), and the off-diagonal elements to some small value (on the order of 10) works. Every time a new measurement comes in, the target’s state estimate is updated using the extended Kalman filter equations.

Value Propositions To understand what the firefighters needed in the field the SIERRA Program interviewed 103 potential users and collaborators, including high ranking fire Chiefs and industrial leaders. From these interviews two Value Propositions were discovered: • Save lives and property by enhanced real-time information and decision making: The proposed UAV based platform provides an unprecedented opportunity to gather real-time information for fire-fighting and search and rescue operations. • Ease of use by first responders: As opposed to other UAV platforms available in the market, this platform will provide pushbutton facility to operate the UAV and visualize the information.


Equipments Used: •

• • •

Hexacopter equipped with • APM Autopilot • GPS module • GoPro HD Video Camera • IR camera • Video transmitter • Telemetry • RC receiver to take over the control manually Laptop Computer for video feed Ground station laptop computer to get IMU and GPS data in MATLAB. Internet connectivity to get the Google Maps in MATLAB Equipment Name +3D Robotics 2014 DIY Quad kit Zippy Flightmax 5000mAh LiPo battery Edimax EW-7811 WiFi USB adapter MB 1240XL Sonar Futaba 6CH Radio Raspberry Pi Model B Raspberry Pi camera module Infrared Camera

+ The 3D Robotics quad kit included 4-880 kV brushless motors, 4-20 A speed controllers, 4-10*4.7 propellers, and a PixHawk autopilot.


Goals of the Project • The long-term goal of the SIERRA (Surveillance for Intelligent Emergency Response Robotic Aircraft team) is to develop a unique and commercially viable human-robot system which would enable generation of comprehensive situational awareness during natural and manmade disasters. • The objective is the generation of accurate situational awareness by providing advantages in safety, cost, and ability to gather realtime data. • Integrating real-time UAV sensory data into effective firepredictor software will allow an incident commander to make timely and informed decisions which can optimize the resource allocation process and save lives. 43

The Endgame • Provide the operational fire-fighting unit with their own “mini-Air Force” comprised of a squadron of 8-12 low cost UAVs • Alleviate high costs of manned aircraft and reliance on third party for collecting real-time intelligence in time critical missions • Utilize an effective software package which runs mobile devices for enhanced situational awareness, real time information sharing and decision making


Synchronizing Video and Flight Data Challenges: • Data from multiple heterogeneous sensors (such as cameras, IMU, and GPS) are asynchronous and have often missing data. Methodology: • Data time-stamping achieved in programming using system clock • Estimation in presence of missing and asynchronous data achieved via Kalman filter that exploits UAV dynamics

Read the serial data coming from APM/Pixhawk

Parse it into IMU/GPS data according to MAVLINK protocol and write to a text file in a given format (see next slide)

Read an image frame from camera and save it as ‘frame xxxxx.jpg’, where ‘xxxxx’ is the timestamp coming from the message.

Synchronizing Video and Flight Data

Once the frames and data are saved, they can be matched according to the timestamp. The timestamp is the timestamp on the MAVLINK message and is the system boot time (time since the APM/Pixhawk is initialized, in milliseconds). The frames are saved on the disk and the local time is written into the EXIF data of the .jpeg file. Hence, that can also be determined, if desired.

Human Detection Using Deep Learning Objective: • Detect humans from IR camera feed [6].

Courtesy: Anoop Sathyan

Methodology: •Train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) consisting of a convolutional layer, a pooling layer and two fully connected layers [5,6,7].

• Training is done using dataset of images of size 30 x 62 pixels each labeled 1 or 0 depending on whether the image has a human or not. •Using blob analysis and a Gaussian filter, the regions of interests (ROIs) where there is the possibility of a human are identified.

•Each of the ROIs are passed through the trained CNN to check if it contains a human. If the ROI size is smaller than the 30x62 window required, then the surrounding pixels are considered and if it’s larger, then spline interpolation is used to resize the ROI to 30x62 pixels. Input image of size 30x62

Convolutional layer (12 kernels)

Pooling layer

Fully connected layer

Output label (human or not)


Sample Target

X position error v/s time

Y position error v/s time

The localization error for test images is shown in the figures below after being averaged by using a least square fitting algorithm.

Localization percentage error estimates

Synchronizing Video and Flight Data • The IMU and GPS data are received at different frequencies. Further, since it is a serial communication, the data is received one message at a time. • Hence, for a given timestamp, we just have a single message; that is, when we are writing the IMU data, we don’t have values of GPS coordinates, and similarly while writing GPS data, we don’t have IMU data at that particular timestamp. • A simple Kalman filter needs to be written to estimate the missing data at those timestamps.

Synchronizing Video and Flight Data