Distributed Parameter Estimation in Sensor
arXiv:0809.0009v1 [cs.MA] 29 Aug 2008
Networks: Nonlinear Observation Models and Imperfect Communication Soummya Kar∗ , Jos´e M. F. Moura∗ and Kavita Ramanan†
Abstract The paper studies the problem of distributed static parameter (vector) estimation in sensor networks with nonlinear observation models and imperfect inter-sensor communication. We introduce the concept of separably estimable observation models, which generalizes the observability condition for linear centralized estimation to nonlinear distributed estimation. It studies the algorithms N U (with its linear counterpart LU ) and N LU for distributed estimation in separably estimable models. It proves consistency (all sensors reach consensus almost surely and converge to the true parameter value,) asymptotic unbiasedness, and asymptotic normality of these algorithms. Both algorithms are characterized by appropriately chosen decaying weight sequences in the estimate update rule. While the algorithm N U is analyzed in the framework of stochastic approximation theory, the algorithm N LU exhibits mixed time-scale behavior and biased perturbations and requires a different approach, which is developed in the paper.
Keywords. Distributed parameter estimation, separable estimable, stochastic approximation, consistency, unbiasedness, asymptotic normality, spectral graph theory, Laplacian
Names appear in alphabetical order. ∗ Soummya Kar and Jos´e M. F. Moura are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 15213 (e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected], ph: (412) 268-6341, fax: (412) 268-3890.) † Kavita Ramanan is with the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA 15213 (e-mail:
[email protected], ph: (412) 268-8485 , fax: (412) 268-6380.) The work of Soummya Kar and Jos´e M. F. Moura was supported by the DARPA DSO Advanced Computing and Mathematics Program Integrated Sensing and Processing (ISP) Initiative under ARO grant # DAAD19-02-1-0180, by NSF under grants # ECS-0225449 and # CNS0428404, and by an IBM Faculty Award. The work of Kavita Ramanan was supported by the NSF under grants DMS 0405343 and CMMI 0728064.
I. I NTRODUCTION A. Background and Motivation Wireless sensor network (WSN) applications generally consist of a large number of sensors which coordinate to perform a task in a distributed fashion. Unlike fusion-center based applications, there is no center, and the task is performed locally at each sensor with intermittent inter-sensor message exchanges. In a coordinated environment monitoring or surveillance task, it translates to each sensor observing a part of the field of interest. With such local information, it is not possible for a particular sensor to get a reasonable estimate of the field. Then, the sensors need to cooperate, and this is achieved by intermittent data exchanges among the sensors, whereby each sensor fuses its version of the estimate from time to time with those of other sensors with which it can communicate (in this context, see [1], [2], [3], [4], for a treatment of general distributed stochastic algorithms.) We consider the above problem in this paper in the context of distributed parameter estimation in WSNs. As an abstraction of the environment, we model it by a static vector parameter, whose dimension, M , can be arbitrarily large. We assume that each sensor receives noisy measurements (not necessarily additive) of only a part of the parameter vector. More specifically, if Mn is the dimension of the observation space of the n-th sensor, Mn ≪ M . Assuming that the rate of receiving observations at each sensor is comparable to the data exchange rate among sensors, each sensor updates its estimate at time index i by fusing it appropriately with the observation (innovation) received at i and the estimates at i of those sensors with which it can communicate at i. We propose and study two generic recursive distributed iterative estimation algorithms in this paper, namely, N U and N LU for distributed parameter estimation with possibly nonlinear observation models at each sensor. As is required, even by centralized estimation schemes, for the estimate sequences generated by the N U and N LU algorithms at each sensor to have desirable statistical properties, we impose an observability condition. To this end, we introduce a generic observability condition, the separably estimable condition for distributed parameter estimation in nonlinear observation models, which generalize the observability condition of centralized parameter estimation. The inter-sensor communication is quantized and the communication links among sensors are subject to random failures. This is appropriate, for example, in digital communication in WSN when the data exchanges among a sensor and its neighbors are quantized, and the communication channels may fail, e.g., as when packet dropouts occur randomly. We consider a very generic model of temporally independent link failures, whereby it is assumed that the sequence of network Laplacians, {L(i)}i≥0 are i.i.d. with mean L and satisfying λ2 (L) > 0. We do not make any distributional assumptions on the link failure model. Although the link failures, and so the Laplacians, are independent at different times, during the same iteration, the link failures can be spatially dependent, i.e., correlated. This is more general and subsumes the erasure network model, where the link failures are independent over space and time. Wireless sensor networks motivate this model since interference among the wireless communication channels correlates the link failures over space, while, over time, it is still reasonable to assume that the channels are memoryless or independent. In particular, we do not require that the random instantiations of communication graph be connected; in fact, it is possible to have all these instantiations to be disconnected. We only require that
the graph stays connected on average. This is captured by requiring that λ2 L > 0, enabling us to capture a broad
class of asynchronous communication models, as will be explained in the paper.
As is required by even centralized estimation schemes, for the estimate sequences generated by the N U and N LU algorithms to have desirable statistical properties, we need to impose some observability condition. To this end, we introduce a generic observability condition, the separably estimable condition for distributed parameter estimation in nonlinear observation models, which generalizes the observability condition of centralized parameter estimation. To motivate the separably estimable condition for nonlinear problems, we start with the linear model for which it reduces to a rank condition on the overall observability Grammian. We propose the algorithm LU for the linear model and using stochastic approximation show that the estimate sequence generated at each sensor is consistent, asymptotically unbiased, and asymptotically normal. We explicitly characterize the asymptotic variance and, in certain cases, compare it with the asymptotic variance of a centralized scheme. The LU algorithm can be regarded as a generalization of consensus algorithms (see, for example, [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17]), the latter being a specific case of the LU with no innovations. The algorithm N U is the natural generalization of the LU to nonlinear separably estimably models. Under reasonably assumptions on the model, we prove consistency, asymptotic unbiasedness, and asymptotic normality of the algorithm N U. An important aspect of these algorithms is the time-varying weight sequences (decaying to zero as the iterations progress) associated with the consensus and innovation updates. The algorithm N U (and its linear counterpart LU) is characterized by the same decay rate of the consensus and innovation weight sequences and, hence, its analysis falls under the framework of stochastic approximation. The algorithm N U provides desirable performance guarantees (consistency, asymptotic unbiasedness, and asymptotic normality), though it requires further assumptions on the separably estimable observation models. We thus introduce the N LU algorithm, which leads to consistent and asymptotic unbiased estimators at each sensor for all separably estimable models. In the context of stochastic algorithms, N LU can be viewed as exhibiting mixed time-scale behavior (the weight sequences associated with the consensus and innovation updates decay at different rates) and consisting of unbiased perturbations (detailed explanation is provided in the paper.) The N LU algorithm does not fall under the purview of standard stochastic approximation theory, and its analysis requires an altogether different framework as developed in the paper. The algorithm N LU is thus more reliable than the N U algorithm, as the latter requires further assumptions on the separably estimable observation models. On the other hand, in cases where the N U algorithm is applicable, it provides convergence rate guarantees (for example, asymptotic normality,) which follow from standard stochastic approximation theory, while N LU does not fall under the purview of standard stochastic approximation theory and, hence, does not inherit these convergence rate properties. We comment on the relevant recent literature on distributed estimation in WSNs. The papers [18], [19], [20], [21] study the estimation problem in static networks, where either the sensors take a single snapshot of the field at the start and then initiate distributed consensus protocols (or, more generally, distributed optimization, as in [19]) to fuse the initial estimates, or the observation rate of the sensors is assumed to be much slower than the inter-sensor communication rate, thus permitting a separation of the two time-scales. On the contrary, our work considers new
observations at every time iteration, and the consensus and observation (innovation) updates are incorporated in the same iteration. More relevant to our present work are [22], [23], [24], [25], which consider the linear estimation problem in non-random networks, where the observation and consensus protocols are incorporated in the same iteration. In [22], [24] the distributed linear estimation problems are treated in the context of distributed least-meansquare (LMS) filtering, where constant weight sequences are used to prove mean-square stability of the filter. The use of non-decaying combining weights in [22], [24], [25] lead to a residual error, however, under appropriate assumptions, these algorithms can be adapted for tracking certain time-varying parameters. The distributed LMS algorithm in [23] also considers decaying weight sequences, thereby establishing L2 convergence to the true parameter value. Apart from treating generic separably estimable nonlinear observation models, in the linear case, our algorithm LU leads to asymptotic normality in addition to consistency and asymptotic unbiasedness in random time-varying networks with quantized inter-sensor communication. We briefly comment on the organization of the rest of the paper. The rest of this section introduces notation and preliminaries, to be adopted throughout the paper. To motivate the generic nonlinear problem, we study the linear case (algorithm LU ) in Section II. Section III studies the generic separably estimable models and the algorithm N U , whereas algorithm N LU is presented in Section IV. Finally, Section V concludes the paper. Four Appendices provide detailed proofs of several Lemmas and Theorems presented in Section IV. B. Notation For completeness, this subsection sets notation and presents preliminaries on algebraic graph theory, matrices, and dithered quantization to be used in the sequel. Preliminaries. We denote the k-dimensional Euclidean space by Rk×1 . The k × k identity matrix is denoted by
Ik , while 1k , 0k denote respectively the column vector of ones and zeros in Rk×1 . We also define the rank one k × k matrix Pk by Pk =
1 1k 1Tk k
The only non-zero eigenvalue of Pk is one, and the corresponding normalized eigenvector is
√ 1/ k 1k . The
operator k·k applied to a vector denotes the standard Euclidean 2-norm, while applied to matrices denotes the induced 2-norm, which is equivalent to the matrix spectral radius for symmetric matrices.
We assume that the parameter to be estimated belongs to a subset U of the Euclidean space RM×1 . Throughout
the paper, the true (but unknown) value of the parameter is denoted by θ∗ . We denote a canonical element of U
by θ. The estimate of θ∗ at time i at sensor n is denoted by xn (i) ∈ RM×1 . Without loss of generality, we assume
that the initial estimate, xn (0), at time 0 at sensor n is a non-random quantity. Throughout, we assume that all the random objects are defined on a common measurable space, (Ω, F ). In case
the true (but unknown) parameter value is θ∗ , the probability and expectation operators are denoted by Pθ∗ [·] and Eθ∗ [·], respectively. When the context is clear, we abuse notation by dropping the subscript. Also, all inequalities involving random variables are to be interpreted a.s. (almost surely.)
Spectral graph theory. We review elementary concepts from spectral graph theory. For an undirected graph G = (V, E), V = [1 · · · N ] is the set of nodes or vertices, |V | = N , and E is the set of edges, |E| = M , where | · | is the cardinality. The unordered pair (n, l) ∈ E if there exists an edge between nodes n and l. We only consider simple graphs, i.e., graphs devoid of self-loops and multiple edges. A graph is connected if there exists a path1 , between each pair of nodes. The neighborhood of node n is Ωn = {l ∈ V | (n, l) ∈ E}
Node n has degree dn = |Ωn | (number of edges with n as one end point.) The structure of the graph can be described by the symmetric N × N adjacency matrix, A = [Anl ], Anl = 1, if (n, l) ∈ E, Anl = 0, otherwise. Let the degree matrix be the diagonal matrix D = diag (d1 · · · dN ). The graph Laplacian matrix, L, is L=D−A
The Laplacian is a positive semidefinite matrix; hence, its eigenvalues can be ordered as 0 = λ1 (L) ≤ λ2 (L) ≤ · · · ≤ λN (L) The smallest eigenvalue λ1 (l) is always equal to zero, with
√ 1/ N 1N being the corresponding normalized
eigenvector. The multiplicity of the zero eigenvalue equals the number of connected components of the network; for a connected graph, λ2 (L) > 0. This second eigenvalue is the algebraic connectivity or the Fiedler value of the network; see [26], [27], [28] for detailed treatment of graphs and their spectral theory. Kronecker product. Since, we are dealing with vector parameters, most of the matrix manipulations will involve Kronecker products. For example, the Kronecker product of the N ×N matrix L and IM will be an N M ×N M matrix, denoted by L⊗IM . We will deal often with matrices of the form C = [IN M − bL ⊗ IM − aIN M − PN ⊗ IM ]. It follows from the properties of Kronecker products and the matrices L, P , that the eigenvalues of this matrix C are −a and 1 − bλi (L) − a, 2 ≤ i ≤ N , each being repeated M times. We now review results from statistical quantization theory. Quantizer: We assume that all sensors are equipped with identical quantizers, which uniformly quantize each component of the M -dimensional estimates by the quantizing function, q(·) : RM×1 → QM . For y ∈ RM×1 the channel input, q(y)
= [k1 ∆, · · · , kM ∆], = y + e(y),
1 1 (km − )∆ ≤ yi < (km + )∆, 1 ≤ m ≤ M 2 2 ∆ ∆ − 1N ≤ e(y) < 1N , ∀y 2 2
(5) (6)
where e(y) is the quantization error and the inequalities are interpreted component-wise. The quantizer alphabet is
n o QM = [k1 ∆, · · · , kM ∆]T ki ∈ Z, ∀i
path between nodes n and l of length m is a sequence (n = i0 , i1 , · · · , im = l) of vertices, such that, (ik , ik+1 ) ∈ E ∀ 0 ≤ k ≤ m− 1.
We take the quantizer alphabet to be countable because no a` priori bound is assumed on the parameter. Conditioned on the input, the quantization error e(y) is deterministic. This strong correlation of the error with the input creates unacceptable statistical properties. In particular, for iterative algorithms, it leads to error accumulation and divergence of the algorithm (see the discussion in [29].) To avoid this divergence, we consider dithered quantization, which makes the quantization error possess nice statistical properties. We review briefly basic results on dithered quantization, which are needed in the sequel. Dithered Quantization: Schuchman Conditions Consider a uniform scalar quantizer q(·) of step-size ∆, where y ∈ R is the channel input. Let {y(i)}i≥0 be a scalar input sequence to which we added a dither sequence {ν(i)}i≥0 of i.i.d. uniformly distributed random variables on [−∆/2, ∆/2), independent of the input sequence {y(i)}i≥0 . This is a sufficient condition for the dither to satisfy the Schuchman conditions (see [30], [31], [32], [33]). Under these conditions, the error sequence for subtractively dithered systems ([31]) {ε(i)}i≥0 ε(i) = q(y(i) + ν(i)) − (y(i) + ν(i))
is an i.i.d. sequence of uniformly distributed random variables on [−∆/2, ∆/2), which is independent of the input sequence {y(i)}i≥0 . To be more precise, this result is valid if the quantizer does not overload, which is trivially satisfied here as the dynamic range of the quantizer is the entire real line. Thus, by randomizing appropriately the input to a uniform quantizer, we can render the error to be independent of the input and uniformly distributed on [−∆/2, ∆/2). This leads to nice statistical properties of the error, which we will exploit in this paper. Random Link Failure. In digital communications, packets may be lost at random times. To account for this, we let the links (or communication channels among sensors) to fail, so that the edge set and the connectivity graph of the sensor network are time varying. Accordingly, the sensor network at time i is modeled as an undirected graph, G(i) = (V, E(i)) and the graph Laplacians as a sequence of i.i.d. Laplacian matrices {L(i)}i≥0 . We write e L(i) = L + L(i), ∀i ≥ 0
where the mean L = E [L(i)]. We do not make any distributional assumptions on the link failure model. Although the link failures, and so the Laplacians, are independent at different times, during the same iteration, the link failures can be spatially dependent, i.e., correlated. This is more general and subsumes the erasure network model, where the link failures are independent over space and time. Wireless sensor networks motivate this model since interference among the wireless communication channels correlates the link failures over space, while, over time, it is still reasonable to assume that the channels are memoryless or independent. Connectedness of the graph is an important issue. We do not require that the random instantiations G(i) of the graph be connected; in fact, it is possible to have all these instantiations to be disconnected. We only require that the graph stays connected on average. This is captured by requiring that λ2 L > 0, enabling us to capture a broad
class of asynchronous communication models; for example, the random asynchronous gossip protocol analyzed in [34] satisfies λ2 L > 0 and hence falls under this framework.
II. D ISTRIBUTED L INEAR PARAMETER E STIMATION : A LGORITHM LU In this section, we consider the algorithm LU for distributed parameter estimation when the observation model is linear. This problem motivates the generic separably estimable nonlinear observation models considered in Sections III and IV. Subsection II-A sets up the distributed linear estimation problem and presents the algorithm LU. Subsection II-B establishes the consistency and asymptotic unbiasedness of the LU algorithm, where we show
that, under the LU algorithm, all sensors converge a.s. to the true parameter value, θ∗ . Convergence rate analysis (asymptotic normality) is carried out in Subsection II-C, while Subsection II-D illustrates LU with an example. A. Problem Formulation: Algorithm LU Let θ∗ ∈ RM×1 be an M -dimensional parameter that is to be estimated by a network of N sensors. We refer to θ as a parameter, although it is a vector of M parameters. Each sensor makes i.i.d. observations of noise corrupted linear functions of the parameter. We assume the following observation model for the n-th sensor: zn (i) = Hn (i)θ∗ + ζn (i) where:
zn (i) ∈ RMn ×1 i≥0 is the i.i.d. observation sequence for the n-th sensor; {ζn (i)}i≥0 is a zero-mean
i.i.d. noise sequence of bounded variance; and {Hn (i)}i≥0 is an i.i.d. sequence of observation matrices with mean H n and bounded second moment. For most practical sensor network applications, each sensor observes only a
subset of Mn of the components of θ, with Mn ≪ M . Under such a situation, in isolation, each sensor can estimate at most only a part of the parameter. However, if the sensor network is connected in the mean sense (see Section I-B), and under appropriate observability conditions, we will show that it is possible for each sensor to get a consistent estimate of the parameter θ∗ by means of quantized local inter-sensor communication. In this subsection, we present the algorithm LU for distributed parameter estimation in the linear observation model (10). Starting from some initial deterministic estimate of the parameters (the initial states may be random, we assume deterministic for notational simplicity), xn (0) ∈ RM×1 , each sensor generates by a distributed iterative algorithm a sequence of estimates, {xn (i)}i≥0 . The parameter estimate xn (i + 1) at the n-th sensor at time i + 1 is a function of: its previous estimate; the communicated quantized estimates at time i of its neighboring sensors; and the new observation zn (i). As described in Section I-B, the data is subtractively dithered quantized, i.e., there exists m a vector quantizer q(.) and a family, {νnl (i)}, of i.i.d. uniformly distributed random variables on [−∆/2, ∆/2)
such that the quantized data received by the n-th sensor from the l-th sensor at time i is q(xl (i) + νnl (i)), where 1 M νnl (i) = [νnl (i), · · · , νnl (i)]T . It then follows from the discussion in Section I-B that the quantization error,
εnl (i) ∈ RM×1 given by (8), is a random vector, whose components are i.i.d. uniform on [−∆/2, ∆/2) and
independent of xl (i). Algorithm LU Based on the current state xn (i), the quantized exchanged data {q(xl (i) + νnl (i))}l∈Ωn (i) , and
the observation zn (i), we update the estimate at the n-th sensor by the following distributed iterative algorithm: X T (xn (i) − q(xl (i) + νnl (i))) − H n zn (i) − H n xn (i) xn (i + 1) = xn (i) − α(i) b (11) l∈Ωn (i)
In (11), b > 0 is a constant and {α(i)}i≥0 is a sequence of weights with properties to be defined below. Algorithm (11) is distributed because for sensor n it involves only the data from the sensors in its neighborhood Ωn (i). Using eqn. (8), the state update can be written as X T (xn (i) − xl (i)) − H n zn (i) − H n xn (i) + bνnl (i) + bεnl (i) xn (i + 1) = xn (i) − α(i) b
l∈Ωn (i)
We rewrite (12) in compact form. Define the random vectors, Υ(i) and Ψ(i) ∈ RN M×1 with vector components Υn (i) = − Ψn (i) = −
νnl (i)
εnl (i)
l∈Ωn (i)
l∈Ωn (i)
It follows from the Schuchman conditions on the dither, see Section I-B, that E [Υ(i)] = E [Ψ(i)] = 0, ∀i h i h i N (N − 1)M ∆2 2 2 sup E kΥ(i)k = sup E kΨ(i)k ≤ 12 i i
(15) (16)
from which we then have h i 2 sup E kΥ(i) + Ψ(i)k ≤ i
h h i i 2 2 2 sup E kΥ(i)k + 2 sup E kΨ(i)k i
N (N − 1)M ∆2 3
Also, define the noise covariance matrix Sq as i h T Sq = E (Υ(i) + Ψ(i)) (Υ(i) + Ψ(i))
The iterations in (11) can be written in compact form as: i h T x(i + 1) = x(i) − α(i) b(L(i) ⊗ IM )x(i) − DH z(i) − DH x(i) + bΥ(i) + bΨ(i)
T Here, x(i) = xT1 (i) · · · xTN (i) is the vector of sensor states (estimates.) The sequence of Laplacian matrices
{L(i)}i≥0 captures the topology of the sensor network . They are random, see Section I-B, to accommodate link failures, which occur in packet communications. We also define the matrices DH and DH as i i h T h T T T T DH = diag H 1 · · · H N and DH = DH DH = diag H 1 H 1 · · · H N H N
We refer to the recursive estimation algorithm in eqn. (19) as LU. We now summarize formally the assumptions on the LU algorithm and their implications. A.1)Observation Noise. Recall the observation model in eqn. (10). We assume that the observation noise process, n T o T ζ(i) = ζ1T (i), · · · , ζN (i) is an i.i.d. zero mean process, with finite second moment. In particular, the i≥0
observation noise covariance is independent of i
E ζ(i)ζ T (j) = Sζ δij , ∀i, j ≥ 0
where the Kronecker symbol δij = 1 if i = j and zero otherwise. Note that the observation noises at different sensors may be correlated during a particular iteration. Eqn. (21) states only temporal independence. The spatial correlation of the observation noise makes our model applicable to practical sensor network problems, for instance, for distributed target localization, where the observation noise is generally correlated across sensors. A.2)Observability. We assume that the observation matrices, {[H1 (i), · · · , HN (i)]}i≥0 , form an i.i.d. sequence with mean H 1 , · · · , H N and finite second moment. In particular, we have
where, H n = E [Hn (i)] , ∀i, n and
e n (i), ∀i, n Hn (i) = H n + H
nh io e 1 (i), · · · , H e N (i) H
is a zero mean i.i.d. sequence with finite second
moment. Here, also, we require only temporal independence of the observation matrices, but allow them to be spatially correlated. We require the following global observability condition. The matrix G G=
Hn Hn
is full-rank. This distributed observability extends the observability condition for a centralized estimator to get a consistent estimate of the parameter θ∗ . We note that the information available to the n-th sensor at any time i about the corresponding observation matrix is just the mean H n , and not the random Hn (i). Hence, the state update equation uses only the H n ’s, as given in eqn. (11). A.3)Persistence Condition. The weight sequence {α(i)}i≥0 satisfies α(i) > 0,
X i≥0
α(i) = ∞,
X i≥0
α2 (i) < ∞
This condition is commonly assumed in adaptive control and signal processing and implies, in particular, that, α(i) → 0. Examples include α(i) =
1 , .5 < β ≤ 1 iβ
A.4)Independence Assumptions. The sequences {L(i)}i≥0 ,{ζn (i)}1≤n≤N, mutually independent.
(25) m i≥0 ,{Hn (i)}1≤n≤N,i≥0 ,{νnl (i)}
Markov. Consider the filtration, {Fix }i≥0 , given by Fix = σ x(0), {L(j), z(j), Υ(j), Ψ(j)} 0≤j 0, it follows
Write x in the partitioned form,
xT L ⊗ IM x = 0, xT DH x = 0 T x = xT1 · · · xTN , xn ∈ RM×1 , ∀1 ≤ n ≤ N
It follows from the properties of Laplacian matrices and the fact that λ2 (L) > 0, that eqn. (30) holds iff xn = a, ∀n
where a ∈ RM×1 , and a 6= 0. Also, eqn. (30) implies N X
xTn H n H n xn = 0
This together with eqn. (32) implies aT Ga = 0
where G is defined in eqn. (23). This is clearly a contradiction, because, G is positive definite by Assumption A.2 and a 6= 0. Thus, we conclude that the matrix bL ⊗ IM + DH is positive definite. We now present the following result regarding the asymptotic unbiasedness of the estimate sequence.
Theorem 4 (LU: Asymptotic unbiasedness) Consider the LU algorithm under Assumptions A.1-4 and let {x(i)}i≥0 be the state sequence generated. Then we have lim E [xn (i)] = θ∗ , 1 ≤ n ≤ N
In other words, the estimate sequence, {xn (i)}i≥0 , generated at a sensor n is asymptotically unbiased. Proof: Taking expectations on both sides of eqn. (19) and using the independence assumptions (Assumption A.4), we have E [x(i + 1)] = E [x(i)] − α(i) b L ⊗ IM E [x(i)] + DH E [x(i)] − DH E [z(i)]
Subtracting 1N ⊗ θ∗ from both sides of eqn. (36) and noting that
we have
L ⊗ IM (1N ⊗ θ∗ ) = 0, DH E [z(i)] = DH (1N ⊗ θ∗ ) E [x(i + 1)] − 1N ⊗ θ∗ = IN M − α(i) bL ⊗ IM + DH [E [x(i)] − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ]
Define, λmin bL ⊗ IM + DH and λmax bL ⊗ IM + DH to be the smallest and largest eigenvalues of the positive definite matrix bL ⊗ IM + DH (see Lemma 3.) Since, α(i) → 0 (Assumption A.3), there exists i0 , such that, α(i0 ) ≤
1 , ∀i ≥ i0 bL ⊗ IM + DH
Continuing the recursion in eqn. (38), we have, for i > i0 , i−1 Y IN M − α(j) bL ⊗ IM + DH [E [x(i0 )] − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ] E [x(i)] − 1N ⊗ θ∗ = j=i0
Eqn. (40) implies
kE [x(i)] − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k ≤
i−1 Y
It follows from eqn. (39)
IN M − α(j) bL ⊗ IM + D kE [x(i0 )] − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k , i > i0 H
IN M − α(j) bL ⊗ IM + D = 1 − α(j)λmin bL ⊗ IM + D , j ≥ i0 H H
Eqns. (41,42) now give
kE [x(i)] − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k ≤
i−1 Y
1 − α(j)λmin bL ⊗ IM + DH
Using the inequality, 1 − a ≤ e−a , for 0 ≤ a ≤ 1, we finally get kE [x(i)] − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k ≤ e−λmin (bL⊗IM +DH )
kE [x(i0 )] − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k , i > i0
kE [x (i0 )] − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k , i > i0
Since, λmin bL ⊗ IM + DH > 0 and the weight sequence sums to infinity, we have lim kE [x(i)] − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k = 0
and the theorem follows. We prove that, under the assumptions of the LU algorithm (see Subsection II-A), the state sequence, {x(i)}i≥0 , satisfies
h i P lim xn (i) = θ∗ , ∀n = 1
In other words, the sensor states reach consensus asymptotically and converge a.s. to the true parameter value, θ∗ , thus yielding a consistent estimate at each sensor. In the following, we present some classical results on stochastic approximation from [36] regarding the convergence properties of generic stochastic recursive procedures, which will be used to characterize the convergence properties (consistency, convergence rate) of the LU algorithm. Theorem 5 Let x(i) ∈ Rl×1 i≥0 be a random vector sequence in Rl×1 , which evolves according to: x(i + 1) = x(i) + α(i) [R(x(i)) + Γ (i + 1, x(i), ω)]
where, R(·) : Rl×1 7−→ Rl×1 is Borel measurable and {Γ(i, x, ω)}i≥0, R
is a family of random vectors in
, defined on some probability space (Ω, F , P), and ω ∈ Ω is a canonical element of Ω. Consider the following
sets of assumptions: B.1): The function Γ(i, ·, ·) : Rl×1 × Ω −→ Rl×1 is B l ⊗ F measurable2 for every i. 2 Bl
denotes the Borel algebra of Rl×1 .
B.2): There exists a filtration {Fi }i≥0 of F , such that, for each i, the family of random vectors {Γ (i, x, ω)}x∈Rl×1 is Fi measurable, zero-mean and independent of Fi−1 . (Note that, if Assumptions B.1, B.2 are satisfied, the process, {x(i)}i≥0 , is Markov.)
B.3): There exists a function V (x) ∈ C2 with bounded second order partial derivatives and a point x∗ ∈ Rl×1
satisfying: V (x∗ ) = 0, V (x) > 0, x 6= x∗ , limkxk→∞ V (x) = ∞
supǫ 0
B.4): There exist constants k1 , k2 > 0, such that, i h kR (x)k2 + E kΓ (i + 1, x, ω)k2 ≤ k1 (1 + V (x)) − k2 (R (x) , Vx (x))
B.5): The weight sequence {α(i)}i≥0 satisfies α(i) > 0,
X i≥0
αi = ∞,
X i≥0
α2 (i) < ∞
C.1): The function R (x) admits the representation R (x) = B (x − x∗ ) + δ (x)
where lim
kδ (x)k =0 kx − x∗ k
(Note, in particular, if δ (x) ≡ 0, then eqn. (53) is satisfied.) C.2): The weight sequence, {α(i)}i≥0 is of the form, α(i) =
a , ∀i ≥ 0 i+1
where a > 0 is a constant. (Note that C.2 implies B.5.) C.3): The matrix Σ, given by 1 Σ = aB + I 2
is stable. Here I is the l × l identity matrix and a, B are given in eqns. (54,52), respectively. C.4): The entries of the matrices A (i, x) = E Γ (i + 1, x, ω) ΓT (i + 1, x, ω) , ∀i ≥ 0, x ∈ Rl×1
are finite and the following limit exists:
i→∞, x→x∗
A (i, x) = S0
C.5): There exists ǫ > 0, such that lim
R→∞ kx−x∗ kR
kΓ (i + 1, x, ω)k dP = 0
Then we have the following: Let the Assumptions B.1-B.5 hold for the process, {x(i)}i≥0 , given by eqn. (47). Then, starting from an arbitrary
initial state, the Markov process, {x(i)}i≥0 , converges a.s. to x∗ . In other words, i h P lim x(i) = x∗ = 1 i→∞
The normalized process,
√ i (x(i) − x∗ ) i≥0 , is asymptotically normal if, in addition to Assumptions B.1-B.5,
Assumptions C.1-C.5 are also satisfied. In particular, as i → ∞
√ i (x(i) − x∗ ) =⇒ N (0, S)
where =⇒ denotes convergence in distribution or weak convergence. Also, the asymptotic variance, S, in eqn. (60) is given by, S=a
eΣv S0 eΣ
Proof: For a proof see [36] (c.f. Theorems 4.4.4, 6.6.1). In the sequel, we will use Theorem 5 to establish the consistency and asymptotic normality of the LU algorithm. We now give the main result regarding the a.s. convergence of the iterate sequence. Theorem 6 (LU: Consistency) Consider the LU algorithm with the assumptions stated in Subsection II-A. Then, h i P lim xn (i) = θ∗ , ∀n = 1 i→∞
In other words, the estimate sequence {xn (i)}i≥0 at a sensor n, is a consistent estimate of the parameter θ. Proof: The proof follows by showing that the process {x(i)}i≥0 , generated by the LU algorithm, satisfies the Assumptions B.1-B.5 of Theorem 5. Recall the filtration, {Fix }i≥0 , given in eqn. (26). By adding and subtracting the vector 1N ⊗ θ∗ and noting that
eqn. (19) can be written as
L ⊗ IM (1N ⊗ θ∗ ) = 0
h e ⊗ IM x(i) + D (x(i) − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) x(i + 1) = x(i) − α(i) b L ⊗ IM (x(i) − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) + b L(i) H i T (64) −DH z(i) − DH 1N ⊗ θ∗ + bΥ(i) + bΨ(i) In the notation of Theorem 5, eqn. (64) can be written as x(i + 1) = x(i) + α(i) [R(x(i)) + Γ (i + 1, x(i), ω)]
where − bL ⊗ IM + DH (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) i h T ∗ e ⊗ IM x − D z(i) − D 1 ⊗ θ + bΥ(i) + bΨ(i) − b L(i) N H H
R (x) = Γ (i + 1, x, ω) =
(66) (67)
x Under the Assumptions A.1-A.4, for fixed i + 1, the random family, {Γ (i + 1, x, ω)}x∈RN M ×1 , is Fi+1 measurable,
zero-mean and independent of Fix . Hence, the assumptions B.1, B.2 of Theorem 5 are satisfied. We now show the existence of a stochastic potential function V (·) satisfying the remaining Assumptions B.3-B.4 of Theorem 5. To this end, define T
V (x) = (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ )
bL ⊗ IM + DH (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ )
Clearly, V (x) ∈ C2 with bounded second order partial derivatives. It follows from the positive definiteness of bL ⊗ IM + DH (Lemma 3), that V (1N ⊗ θ∗ ) = 0, V (x) > 0, x 6= 1N ⊗ θ∗
2 Since the matrix bL ⊗ IM + DH is positive definite, the matrix bL ⊗ IM + DH is also positive definite and
hence, there exists a constant c1 > 0, such that (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) It then follows that sup
2 bL ⊗ IM + DH (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) ≥ c1 kx − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k2 , ∀x ∈ RN M×1 T
(x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ )
c1 kx − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k
kx−1N ⊗θ ∗ k>ǫ
kx−1N ⊗θ ∗ k>ǫ
−2c1 ǫ2
(R (x) , Vx (x)) =
bL ⊗ IM + DH 2
(x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ )
Thus, Assumption B.3 is satisfied. From eqn. (66) 2
kR (x)k
= =
(x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ )
bL ⊗ IM + DH
1 − (R (x) , Vx (x)) 2
(x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ )
From eqn. (67) and the independence assumptions (Assumption A.4) 2 i h 2 ∗ ∗ T e = E (x − 1N ⊗ θ ) bL(i) ⊗ IM (x − 1N ⊗ θ ) E kΓ (i + 1, x, ω)k i 2 h T
∗ +E DH z(i) − DH 1N ⊗ θ + b2 E kΥ(i) + Ψ(i)k2
e Since the random matrix L(i) takes values in a finite set, there exists a constant c2 > 0, such that (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ )
2 e ⊗ IM (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) ≤ c2 kx − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k2 ∀x ∈ RN M×1 bL(i)
Again, since bL ⊗ IM + DH is positive definite, there exists a constant c3 > 0, such that T
(x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ )
bL ⊗ IM + DH (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) ≥ c3 kx − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k2 ∀x ∈ RN M×1
We then have from eqns. (73,74) 2 T e ⊗ IM (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) ≤ E (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) bL(i)
for some constant c4 =
c2 c3
c2 T (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) bL ⊗ IM + DH (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) c3
c4 V (x)
i h h
2 i 2 > 0. The term E D H z(i) − DH 1N ⊗ θ∗ + b2 E kΥ(i) + Ψ(i)k is bounded by
a finite constant c5 > 0, as it follows from Assumptions A.1-A.4. We then have from eqns. (72,73) i h 2 ≤ kR (x) k2 + E kΓ (i + 1, x, ω)k
1 − (R (x) , Vx (x)) + c4 V (x) + c5 2 1 c6 (1 + V (x)) − (R (x) , Vx (x)) 2
where c6 = max (c4 , c5 ) > 0. This verifies Assumption B.4 of Theorem 5. Also, Assumption B.5 is satisfied by the choice of {α(i)}i≥0 (Assumption A.3.) It then follows that the process {x(i)}i≥0 converges a.s. to 1N ⊗ θ∗ . In other words, P[ lim xn (i) = θ∗ , ∀n] = 1 i→∞
which establishes the consistency of the LU algorithm. C. Asymptotic Variance: LU In this subsection, we carry out a convergence rate analysis of the LU algorithm by studying its moderate deviation characteristics. We summarize here some definitions and terminology from the statistical literature, used to characterize the performance of sequential estimation procedures (see [35]). Definition 7 (Asymptotic Normality) A sequence of estimates {x• (i)}i≥0 is asymptotically normal if for every
θ∗ ∈ U, there exists a positive semidefinite matrix S(θ∗ ) ∈ RM×M , such that, lim
√ i (x• (i) − θ∗ ) =⇒ N (0M , S(θ∗ ))
The matrix S(θ∗ ) is called the asymptotic variance of the estimate sequence {x• (i)}i≥0 .
In the following we prove the asymptotic normality of the LU algorithm and explicitly characterize the resulting asymptotic variance. To this end, define e 1 (i) H .. SH = E DH . . . .
e N (i) H
e 1 (i) H . 1N θ∗ DH . .
T ∗ 1N θ
e N (i) H
Let λmin bL ⊗ IM + DH , be the smallest eigenvalue of bL ⊗ IM + DH and recall the definitions of Sζ , Sq (eqns. (21,18)).
We now state the main result of this subsection, establishing the asymptotic normality of the LU algorithm. Theorem 8 (LU: Asymptotic normality and asymptotic efficiency) Consider the LU algorithm under A.1-A.4 with link weight sequence, {α(i)}i≥0 given by: α(i) =
a , ∀i i+1
for some constant a > 0. Let {x(i)}i≥0 be the state sequence generated. Then, if a >
(80) 1 , 2λmin (bL⊗IM +DH )
p (i) (x(i) − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) =⇒ N (0, S(θ∗ ))
we have (81)
where S(θ∗ ) =
eΣv S0 eΣv dv
1 −a bL ⊗ IM + DH + I 2 T
SH + D H Sζ D H + b 2 Sq
(83) (84)
In particular, at any sensor n, the estimate sequence, {xn (i)}i≥0 is asymptotically normal: p (i) (xn (i) − θ∗ ) =⇒ N (0, Snn (θ∗ ))
where, Snn (θ∗ ) ∈ RM×M denotes the n-th principal block of S(θ∗ ). Proof:
The proof involves a step-by-step verification of Assumptions C.1-C.5 of Theorem 5, since the
Assumptions B.1-B.5 are already shown to be satisfied (see, Theorem 6.) We recall the definitions of R (x) and Γ (i + 1, x, ω) from Theorem 6 (eqns. (66,67)) and reproduce here for convenience: R (x) = − bL ⊗ IM + DH (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ )
i h e ⊗ IM x − DH z(i) − DH 1N ⊗ θ∗ + bΥ(i) + bΨ(i) Γ (i + 1, x, ω) = − b L(i)
(86) (87)
From eqn. (86), Assumption C.1 of Theorem 5 is satisfied with
B = − bL ⊗ IM + DH
and δ (x) ≡ 0. Assumption C.2 is satisfied by hypothesis, while the condition a >
1 2λmin (bL⊗IM +DH )
1 1 Σ = −a bL ⊗ IM + DH + IN M = aB + IN M 2 2
implies (89)
is stable, and hence Assumption C.3. To verify Assumption C.4, we have from Assumption A.4 A (i, x)
= =
h i E Γ (i + 1, x, ω) ΓT (i + 1, x, ω) »“ ” “ h` ”T – ´` ´T i e ⊗ IM xxT L(i) e ⊗ IM b2 E L(i) + E DH z(i) − DH 1N ⊗ θ∗ D H z(i) − DH 1N ⊗ θ∗ h i +b2 E (Υ(i) + Ψ(i)) (Υ(i) + Ψ(i))T (90)
From the i.i.d. assumptions, we note that all the three terms on the R.H.S. of eqn. (90) are independent of i, and, in particular, the last two terms are constants. For the first term, we note that T T e e =0 lim ∗ E L(i) ⊗ IM xx L(i) ⊗ IM
x→1N ⊗θ
from the bounded convergence theorem, as the entries of
n o e L(i)
are bounded and
e ⊗ IM (1N ⊗ θ∗ ) = 0 L(i)
For the second term on the R.H.S. of eqn. (90), we have
DH z(i) − DH 1N ⊗ θ∗
e 1 (i) H . D H . .
DH z(i) − DH 1N ⊗ θ∗
e N (i) H
T i
1N θ ∗
+ =
e 1 (i) H E DH . . . h i T E DH ζζ T DH T
SH + D H Sζ D H
e N (i) H
1N θ ∗
where the last step follows from eqns. (79,21). Finally, we note the third term on the R.H.S. of eqn. (90) is b2 Sq (see eqn. (18).) We thus have from eqns. (90,91,93) lim
i→∞, x→x∗
A (i, x) = =
SH + D H Sζ D H + b 2 Sq S0
We now verify Assumption C.5. Consider a fixed ǫ > 0. We note that eqn. (58) is a restatement of the uniform integrability of the random family, kΓ (i + 1, x, ω) k2 i≥0, kx−θ∗k 0 is chosen to be an appropriate constant. Similar to eqn. (12) the above update can be written in compact form as x(i + 1) = x(i) − α(i) [β(L(i) ⊗ IM )x(i) + M (x(i)) − J(z(i)) + Υ(i) + Ψ(i)]
where Υ(i), Ψ(i) are as in eqns. (13-16) and x(i) = [xT1 (i) · · · xTN (i)]T is the vector of sensor states (estimates.) The functions M (x(i)) and J(z(i)) are given by T M (x(i)) = [hT1 (x1 (i)) · · · hTN (xN (i))]T , J(x(i)) = [g1T (z1 (i)) · · · gN (zN (i))]T
We note that the update scheme in eqn. (113) is nonlinear and hence convergence properties can only be characterized, in general, through the existence of appropriate stochastic Lyapunov functions. In particular, if we can show that the iterative scheme in eqn. (113) falls under the purview of a general result like Theorem 5, we can establish
properties like consistency, normality etc. To this end, we note, that eqn. (113) can be written as h e ⊗ IM x(i) + (M (x(i)) − M (1N ⊗ θ∗ )) x(i + 1) = x(i) − α(i) β L ⊗ IM (x(i) − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) + β L(i) − (J(z(i)) − M (1N ⊗ θ∗ )) + Υ(i) + Ψ(i)]
which becomes in the notation of Theorem 5 x(i + 1) = x(i) + α(i) [R(x(i)) + Γ (i + 1, x(i), ω)]
R (x) = − β L ⊗ IM (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) + (M (x) − M (1N ⊗ θ∗ )) i h e ⊗ IM x − (J(z(i)) − M (1N ⊗ θ∗ )) + Υ(i) + Ψ(i) Γ (i + 1, x, ω) = − β L(i)
Consider the filtration, {Fi }i≥0 ,
n o Fi = σ x(0), L(j), {zn (j)}1≤N , Υ(j), Ψ(j)
0≤j 0, 1 ≤ n ≤ N , respectively, i.e.,
and satisfy
Define K as
e ≤ kn kθ − θk, e khn (θ) − hn (θ)k ∀ θ, θe ∈ RM×1 , 1 ≤ n ≤ N
T e ≥ 0, ∀ θ 6= θe ∈ RM×1 , 1 ≤ n ≤ N θ − θe hn (θ) − hn (θ) K = max(k1 , · · · , kN )
Then, for every β > 0, the estimate sequence is consistent. In other words, h i Pθ∗ lim xn (i) = θ∗ , ∀n = 1 i→∞
Before proceeding with the proof, we note that the conditions in eqns. (122,123) are much easier to verify than the general problem of guessing the form of the Lyapunov function. Also, as will be shown in the proof, the conditions in Theorem 12 determine a Lyapunov function explicitly, which may be used to analyze properties like convergence rate. The Lipschitz assumption is quite common in the stochastic approximation literature, while the assumption in eqn. (123) holds for a large class of functions. As a matter of fact, in the one-dimensional case (M = 1), it is satisfied if the functions hn (·) are non-decreasing. Proof: As noted earlier, the Assumptions B.1, B.2 of Theorem 5 are always satisfied for the recursive scheme in eqn. (113.) To prove consistency, we need to verify Assumptions B.3, B.4 only. To this end, consider the following 4 This
is because converse theorems in stability theory do not always hold (see, [38].)
Lyapunov function V (x) = kx − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k2
Clearly, V (1N ⊗ θ∗ ) = 0, V (x) > 0, x 6= 1N ⊗ θ∗ ,
lim V (x) = ∞
The assumptions in eqns. (122,123) imply that h(·) is Lipschitz continuous and
T e > 0, ∀ θ 6= θe ∈ RM×1 θ − θe h(θ) − h(θ)
where eqn. (128) follows from the invertibility of h(·) and the fact that, h (θ) =
1 hn (θ) , ∀ θ ∈ RM×1 N
Recall the definitions of R (x) , Γ (i + 1, x, ω) in eqns. (117,118) respectively. We then have (R (x) , Vx (x))
= −2β (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ )
= −2β (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ )
T L ⊗ IM (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) − 2 (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) [M (x) − M (1N ⊗ θ∗ )] N h i X T L ⊗ IM (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) − 2 (xn − θ∗ ) (hn (xn ) − hn (θ∗ )) n=1
≤ 0
where the last step follows from the positive-semidefiniteness of L ⊗ IM and eqn. (123). To verify Assumption B.3, we need to show sup ǫ 0
Let us assume on the contrary that eqn. (131) is not satisfied. Then from eqn. (130) we must have sup ǫ 0
n o Then, there exists a sequence, xk k≥0 in x ∈ RN M×1 ǫ < kx − 1N θ∗ k < 1ǫ , such that lim R(xk ), Vx (xk ) = 0
Since the set x ∈ RN M×1 | ǫ < kx − 1N θ∗ k < 1ǫ is relatively compact, the sequence xk k≥0 has a limit point, b, such that, ǫ ≤ ke x x − 1N θ∗ k ≤ 1ǫ , and from the continuity of (R (x) , Vx (x)), we must have (R(e x), Vx (e x)) = 0
From eqns. (123,130), we then have T
(e x − 1N ⊗ θ ∗ )
T x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) = 0, (e xn − θ∗ ) (hn (e xn ) − hn (θ∗ )) = 0, ∀n L ⊗ IM (e
e ∈ C and hence there exists The first equality in eqn. (135) and the properties of the Laplacian imply that x
a ∈ RM×1 , such that, en = a, ∀n x
The second set of inequalities in eqn. (135) then imply
(a − θ∗ ) (h(a) − h(θ∗ )) = 0
which is a contradiction by eqn. (128) since a 6= θ∗ . Thus, we have eqn. (131) that verifies Assumption B.3. Finally, we note that, kR (x) k2
= ≤ ≤
β L ⊗ IM (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) + (M (x) − M (1N ⊗ θ∗ )) 2
2 2 4β 2 L ⊗ IM (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) + 4 kM (x) − M (1N ⊗ θ∗ )k 4β 2 λN (L)kx − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k2 + 4K 2 kx − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k2
where the second step follows from the Lipschitz continuity of hn (·) and K is defined in eqn. (124). To verify Assumption B.4, we have then along similar lines as in Theorem 6 i h ≤ kR (x) k2 + E kΓ (i + 1, x, ω)k2
k1 (1 + V (x)) k1 (1 + V (x)) − (R (x) , Vx (x))
for some constant k1 > 0 (the last step follows from eqn. (130).) Hence, the required assumptions are satisfied and the claim follows.
It follows from the proof, that the Lipschitz continuity assumption in Theorem 12 can be replaced by continuity of the functions hn (·), 1 ≤ n ≤ N , and linear growth conditions, i.e., khn (θ)k2 ≤ cn,1 + cn,2 kθk2 , ∀θ ∈ RM×1 , 1 ≤ n ≤ N
for constants cn,1 , cn,2 > 0. We now present another set of sufficient conditions that guarantee consistency of the algorithm N U . If the observation model is separably estimable, in some cases even if the underlying model is nonlinear, it may be possible to choose the functions, gn (·), such that the function h(·) possesses nice properties. This is the subject of the next result. Theorem 13 (N U: Consistency under strict monotonicity on h) Consider the N U algorithm (Assumptions D.1D.3.) Suppose that the functions gn (·) can be chosen, such that the functions hn (·) are Lipschitz continuous with constants kn > 0 and the function h(·) satisfies
T e ≥ γkθ − θk e 2 , ∀θ, θe ∈ RM×1 θ − θe h(θ) − h(θ)
for some constant γ > 0. Then, if β >
K 2 +Kγ , γλ2 L
the algorithm N U is consistent, i.e.,
h i Pθ∗ lim xn (i) = θ∗ , ∀n = 1
where, K = max(k1 , · · · , kN ). Before proceeding to the proof, we comment that, in comparison to Theorem 12, strengthening the assumptions on h(·), see eqn. (141), considerably weakens the assumptions on the functions hn (·). Eqn. (141) is an analog of strict monotonicity. For example, if h(·) is linear, the left hand side of eqn. (141) becomes a quadratic and the condition says that this quadratic is strictly away from zero, i.e., monotonically increasing with rate γ. Proof: As noted earlier, the Assumptions B.1, B.2 of Theorem 5 are always satisfied by the recursive scheme in eqn. (113.) To prove consistency, we need to verify Assumptions B.3, B.4 only. To this end, consider the following Lyapunov function V (x) = kx − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k2
Clearly, V (1N ⊗ θ∗ ) = 0, V (x) > 0, x 6= 1N ⊗ θ∗ ,
lim V (x) = ∞
Recall the definitions of R (x) , Γ (i + 1, x, ω) in eqns. (117,118), respectively, and the consensus subspace in eqn. (121). We then have (R (x) , Vx (x))
= −2β (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ )
T L ⊗ IM (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) − 2 (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) [M (x) − M (1N ⊗ θ∗ )]
≤ −2βλ2 (L)kxC ⊥ k2 − 2 (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ )T [M (x) − M (xC )] T
−2 (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) [M (xC ) − M (1N ⊗ θ∗ )]
T ≤ −2βλ2 (L)kxC ⊥ k2 + 2 (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) [M (x) − M (xC )] T
−2 (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) [M (xC ) − M (1N ⊗ θ∗ )]
≤ −2βλ2 (L)kxC ⊥ k2 + 2KkxC ⊥ kkx − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k −2 (x − 1N ⊗ θ∗ )T [M (xC ) − M (1N ⊗ θ∗ )] = −2βλ2 (L)kxC ⊥ k2 + 2KkxC ⊥ kkx − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k − 2xTC ⊥ [M (xC ) − M (1N ⊗ θ∗ )] T
−2 (xC − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) [M (xC ) − M (1N ⊗ θ∗ )]
≤ −2βλ2 (L)kxC ⊥ k2 + 2KkxC ⊥ kkx − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k + 2 xTC ⊥ [M (xC ) − M (1N ⊗ θ∗ )] T
−2 (xC − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) [M (xC ) − M (1N ⊗ θ∗ )]
≤ −2βλ2 (L)kxC ⊥ k2 + 2KkxC ⊥ kkx − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k + 2KkxC ⊥ kkxC − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k 2
−2γ kxC − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k
2 −2βλ2 (L) + 2K kxC ⊥ k2 + 4KkxC ⊥ kkxC − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k − 2γ kxC − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k
e for some y e ∈ RM×1 and where the second to last step is justified because xC = 1N ⊗ y T
(xC − 1N ⊗ θ∗ ) [M (xC ) − M (1N ⊗ θ∗ )]
(e y − θ∗ ) [hn (e y) − hn (θ∗ )]
= (e y − θ∗ )
n=1 T
[hn (e y) − hn (θ∗ )]
= N (e y − θ∗ ) [h(e y) − h(θ∗ )] ≥ N γ ke y − θ∗ k2 2
= γ kxC − 1N ⊗ θ∗ k It can be shown that, if β >
K 2 +Kγ , γλ2 L
the term on the R.H.S. of eqn. (145) is always non-positive. We thus have (R (x) , Vx (x)) ≤ 0, ∀x ∈ RMN ×1
By the continuity of (R (x) , Vx (x)) and the relative compactness of can show along similar lines as in Theorem 12 that sup ǫ 0
verifying Assumption B.3. Assumption B.4 can be verified in an exactly similar manner as in Theorem 12 and the result follows. IV. N ONLINEAR O BSERVATION M ODELS : A LGORITHM N LU In this Section, we present the algorithm N LU for distributed estimation in separably estimable observation models. As will be explained later, this is a mixed time-scale algorithm, where the consensus time-scale dominates the observation update time-scale as time progresses. The N LU algorithm is based on the fact that, for separably
estimable models, it suffices to know h(θ∗ ), because θ∗ can be unambiguously determined from the invertible function h(θ∗ ). To be precise, if the function h(·) has a continuous inverse, then any iterative scheme converging to h(θ∗ ) will lead to consistent estimates, obtained by inverting the sequence of iterates. The algorithm N LU is shown to yield consistent and unbiased estimators at each sensor for any separably observable model, under the assumption that the function h(·) has a continuous inverse. Thus, the algorithm N LU presents a more reliable alternative than the algorithm N U, because, as shown in Subsection III-B, the convergence properties of the latter can be guaranteed only under certain assumptions on the observation model. We briefly comment on the organization of this section. The N LU algorithm for separably estimable observation models is presented in Subsection IV-A. Subsection IV-B offers interpretations of the N LU algorithm and presents the main results regarding consistency, mean-square convergence, asymptotic unbiasedness proved in the paper. In Subsection IV-C we prove the main results about the N LU algorithm and provide insights behind the analysis (in particular, why standard stochastic approximation results cannot be used directly to give its convergence properties.) Finally, Subsection V presents discussions on the N LU algorithm and suggests future research directions.
A. Algorithm N LU Algorithm N LU : Let x(0) = [xT1 · · · xTN ]T be the initial set of states (estimates) at the sensors. The N LU generates the state sequence {xn (i)}i≥0 at the n-th sensor according to the following distributed recursive scheme: X (h(xn (i)) − q (h(xl (i)) + νnl (i))) − α(i) (h(xn (i)) − gn (zn (i))) xn (i+1) = h−1 h(xn (i)) − β(i) l∈Ωn (i)
based on the information, xn (i), {q (h(xl (i)) + νnl (i))}l∈Ωn (i) , zn (i), available to it at time i (we assume that at
time i sensor l sends a quantized version of h(xl (i)) + νnl (i) to sensor n.) Here h−1 (·) denotes the inverse of the function h(·) and {β(i)}i≥0 , {α(i)}i≥0 are appropriately chosen weight sequences. In the sequel, we analyze the N LU algorithm under the model Assumptions D.1-D.3, and in addition we assume: D.4): There exists ǫ1 > 0, such that the following moment exists: "
2+ǫ1 #
1 T
Eθ = κ(θ) < ∞, ∀θ ∈ U
J(z(i)) − N (1N ⊗ IM ) J(z(i))
The above moment condition is stronger than the moment assumption required by the N U algorithm in eqn. (111), where only existence of the quadratic moment was assumed. We also define
1 T
= κ1 (θ) < ∞, ∀θ ∈ U (1 ⊗ I ) J(z(i)) J(z(i)) − Eθ N M
N "
2 #
1 T
J(z(i)) − N (1N ⊗ IM ) J(z(i)) = κ2 (θ) < ∞, ∀θ ∈ U
D.5): The weight sequences {β(i)}i≥0 ,{β(i)}i≥0 are given by α(i) =
b a , β(i) = τ 1 (i + 1) (i + 1)τ2
where a, b > 0 are constants. We assume the following: .5 < τ1 , τ2 ≤ 1, τ1 >
1 + τ2 , 2τ2 > τ1 2 + ǫ1
We note that under Assumption D.4 that ǫ1 > 0, such weight sequences always exist. As an example, if
(154) 1 2+ǫ1
= .49,
then the choice τ1 = 1 and τ2 = .505 satisfies the inequalities in eqn. (154). D.6): The function h(·) has a continuous inverse, denoted by h−1 (·) in the sequel. To write the N LU in a more compact form, we introduce the transformed state sequence, {e x(i)}i≥0 , where
e(i) = [e eTN (i)]T ∈ RN M×1 and the iterations are given by x xT1 (i) · · · x
e(i + 1) = x e (i) − β(i) (L(i) ⊗ IM ) x e(i) − α(i) [e x x(i) − J(z(i))] − β(i) (Υ(i) + Ψ(i)) x(i) =
T T iT h−1 (e x1 (i)) · · · h−1 (e xN (i))
(155) (156)
Here Υ(i), Ψ(i) model the dithered quantization error effects as in algorithm N U . The update model in eqn. (155) is a mixed time-scale procedure, where the consensus time-scale is determined by the weight sequence {β(i)}i≥0 . On the other hand, the observation update time-scale is governed by the weight sequence {α(i)}i≥0 . It follows from Assumption D.5 that τ1 > τ2 , which in turn implies,
β(i) α(i)
→ ∞ as i → ∞. Thus, the consensus time-scale
dominates the observation update time-scale as the algorithm progresses making it a mixed time-scale algorithm that does not directly fall under the purview of stochastic approximation results like Theorem 5. Also, the presence of the random link failures and quantization noise (which operate at the same time-scale as the consensus update) precludes standard approaches like time-scale separation for the limiting system. B. Algorithm N LU : Discussions and Main Results We comment on the N LU algorithm. As is clear from eqns. (155,156), the N LU algorithm operates in a transformed domain. As a matter of fact, the function h(·) (c.f. definition 9) can be viewed as an invertible transformation on the parameter space U. The transformed state sequence, {e x(i)}i≥0 , is then a transformation of the estimate sequence {x(i)}i≥0 , and, as seen from eqn. (155), the evolution of the sequence {e x(i)}i≥0 is linear. This is an important feature of the N LU algorithm, which is linear in the transformed domain, although the underlying observation model is nonlinear. Intuitively, this approach can be thought of as a distributed stochastic version of homomorphic filtering (see [39]), where, by suitably transforming the state space, linear filtering is performed on a certain non-linear problem of filtering. In our case, for models of the separably estimable type, the function h(·) then plays the role of the analogous transformation in homomorphic filtering, and in this transformed space, one can design linear estimation algorithms with desirable properties. This makes the N LU algorithm significantly different from algorithm N U , with the latter operating on the untransformed space and is non-linear. This linear property of the N LU algorithm in the transformed domain leads to nice statistical properties (for example, consistency asymptotic unbiasedness) under much weaker assumptions on the observation model as required by the nonlinear N LU algorithm. We now state the main results about the N LU algorithm, to be developed in the paper. We show that, if the observation model is separably estimable, then, in the transformed domain, the N LU algorithm is consistent. More
specifically, if θ∗ is the true (but unknown) parameter value, then the transformed sequence {e x(i)}i≥0 converges a.s. and in mean-squared sense to h(θ∗ ). We note that, unlike the N U algorithm, this only requires the observation model to be separably estimable and no other conditions on the functions hn (·), h(·). We summarize these in the following theorem. Theorem 14 Consider the N LU algorithm under the Assumptions D.1-D.5, and the sequence {e x(i)}i≥0 generated according to eqn. (155). We then have i h en (i) = h(θ∗ ), ∀1 ≤ n ≤ N = Pθ∗ lim x i→∞ i h 2 = xn (i) − h(θ∗ )k lim Eθ∗ ke i→∞
0, ∀1 ≤ n ≤ N
In particular, lim Eθ∗ [xn (i)] = h(θ∗ ), ∀1 ≤ n ≤ N
In other words, in the transformed domain, the estimate sequence {e xn (i)}i≥0 at sensor n, is consistent, asymptot-
ically unbiased and converges in mean-squared sense to h(θ∗ ).
As an immediate consequence of Theorem 14, we have the following result, which characterizes the statistical properties of the untransformed state sequence {x(i)}i≥0 . Theorem 15 Consider the N LU algorithm under the Assumptions D.1-D.6. Let {x(i)}i≥0 be the state sequence generated, as given by eqns. (155,156). We then have h i Pθ∗ lim xn (i) = θ∗ , ∀ 1 ≤ n ≤ N = 1 i→∞
In other words, the N LU algorithm is consistent.
If in addition, the function h−1 (·) is Lipschitz continuous, the N LU algorithm is asymptotically unbiased, i.e., lim Eθ∗ [xn (i)] = θ∗ , ∀ 1 ≤ n ≤ N
The next subsection is concerned with the proofs of Theorems 14, 15. C. Consistency and Asymptotic Unbiasedness of N LU : Proofs of Theorems 14,15 The present subsection is devoted to proving the consistency and unbiasedness of the N LU algorithm under the stated Assumptions. The proof is lengthy and we start by explaining why standard stochastic approximation results like Theorem 5 do not apply directly. A careful inspection shows that there are essentially two different time-scales embedded in eqn. (155). The consensus time-scale is determined by the weight sequence {β(i)}i≥0 , whereas the observation update time-scale is governed by the weight sequence {α(i)}i≥0 . It follows from Assumption D.5 that τ1 > τ2 , which, in turn, implies
β(i) α(i)
→ ∞ as i → ∞. Thus, the consensus time-scale dominates the observation
update time-scale as the algorithm progresses making it a mixed time-scale algorithm that does not directly fall under the purview of stochastic approximation results like Theorem 5. Also, the presence of the random link failures and quantization noise (which operate at the same time-scale as the consensus update) precludes standard approaches like time-scale separation for the limiting system. Finally, we note that standard stochastic approximation assume that the state evolution follows a stable deterministic system perturbed by zero-mean stochastic noise. More specifically, if {y(i)}i≥0 is the sequence of interest, Theorem 5 assumes that {y(i)}i≥0 evolves as y(i + 1) = y(i) + γ(i) [R(y(i)) + Γ(i + 1, ω, y(i))]
where {γ(i)}i≥0 is the weight sequence, Γ(i + 1, ω, y(i)) is the zero-mean noise. If the sequence {y(i)}i≥0 is supposed to converge to y0 , it further assumes that R(y0 ) = 0 and y0 is a stable equilibrium of the deterministic
system yd (i + 1) = yd (i) + γ(i)R(yd (i))
The N U algorithm (and its linear version, LU) falls under the purview of this, and we can establish convergence properties using standard stochastic approximation (see Sections II,III-A.) However, the N LU algorithm cannot be represented in the form of eqn. (162), even ignoring the presence of multiple time-scales. Indeed, as established by Theorem 14, the sequence {e x(i)}i≥0 is supposed to converge to 1N ⊗ h(θ∗ ) a.s. and hence writing eqn. (155) as
a stochastically perturbed system around 1N ⊗ h(θ∗ ) we have
e(i + 1) = x e(i) + γ(i) [R(e e (i))] x x(i)) + Γ(i + 1, ω, x
R(e x(i)) = −β(i) L ⊗ IM (e x(i) − 1N ⊗ h(θ∗ )) − α(i) (e x(i) − 1N ⊗ h(θ∗ ))
e ⊗ IM (e x(i) − 1N ⊗ h(θ∗ )) − β(i) (Υ(i) + Ψ(i)) + α(i) (J(z(i)) − 1N ⊗ h(θ∗ )) Γ(i + 1, ω, e x(i)) = −β(i) L(i)
e(i)) is not unbiased as the term Although, R(1N ⊗ h(θ )) = 0 in the above decomposition, the noise Γ(i + 1, ω, x (J(z(i)) − 1N ⊗ h(θ∗ )) is not zero-mean.
With the above discussion in mind, we proceed to the proof of Theorems 14,15, which we develop in stages.
The detailed proofs of the intermediate results are provided in the Appendix. In parallel to the evolution of the state sequence {x(i)}i≥0 , we consider the following update of the auxiliary
sequence, {e x◦ (i)}i≥0 :
◦ e (i) − α(i) [e e◦ (i + 1) = x e◦ (i) − β(i) L ⊗ IM x x◦ (i) − J(z(i))] x
e◦ (0) = x e(0). Note that in (167) the random Laplacian L is replaced by the average Laplacian L and the with x
quantization noises Υ(i) and Ψ(i) are not included. In other words, in the absence of link failures and quantization,
the recursion (155) reduces to (167), i.e., the sequences {e x(i)}i≥0 and {e x◦ (i)}i≥0 are the same.
Now consider the sequence whose recursion adds as input to the recursion in (167) the quantization noises Υ(i) and Ψ(i). In other words, in the absence of link failures, but with quantization included, define similarly the sequence {b x(i)}i≥0 given by b(i) − α(i) [b b(i + 1) = x b(i) − β(i) L ⊗ IM x x(i) − J(z(i))] − β(i) (Υ(i) + Ψ(i)) x
b (0) = x e(0). Like before, the recursions (155,156) will reduce to (168) when there are no link failures. with x
However, notice that in (168) the quantization noise sequences Υ(i) and Ψ(i) are the sequences resulting from e(i) in (155) and not from quantizing x b(i) in (168). quantizing x
Define the instantaneous averages over the network as xavg (i) =
eavg (i) = x x◦avg (i) = e◦avg (i) = x
N 1 X 1 T (1N ⊗ IM ) x(i) xn (i) = N n=1 N
N 1 1 X T en (i) = e(i) x (1N ⊗ IM ) x N n=1 N
N 1 X ◦ 1 T (1N ⊗ IM ) x◦ (i) x (i) = N n=1 n N
N 1 X ◦ 1 T ◦ e (i) = e (i) x (1N ⊗ IM ) x N n=1 n N
We sketch the main steps of the proof here. While proving consistency and mean-squared sense convergence, ◦ eavg (i) i≥0 , converges a.s. to h(θ∗ ). This can be done by invoking we first show that the average sequence, x
standard stochastic approximation arguments. Then we show that the sequence {e x◦ (i)}i≥0 reaches consensus a.s.,
and clearly the limiting consensus value must be h(θ∗ ). Intuitively, the a.s. consensus comes from the fact that,
after a sufficiently large number of iterations, the consensus effect dominates over the observation update effect, thus asymptotically leading to consensus. The final step in the proof uses a series of comparison arguments to show that the sequence {e x(i)}i≥0 also reaches consensus a.s. with h(θ∗ ) as the limiting consensus value. We now detail the proofs of Theorems 14,15 in the following steps. ◦ eavg (i) i≥0 (see eqn. (167)), I: The first step consists of studying the convergence properties of the sequence x for which we establish the following result.
Lemma 16 Consider the sequence, {e x◦ (i)}i≥0 , given by eqn. (167), under the Assumptions D.1-D.5. Then, h i e◦ (i) = 1N ⊗ h(θ∗ ) = Pθ∗ lim x i→∞ i h 2 = x◦ (i) − 1N ⊗ h(θ∗ )k lim Eθ∗ ke
Lemma 16 says that the sequence {e x◦ (i)}i≥0 converges a.s. and in L2 to 1N ⊗ h(θ∗ ). For proving Lemma 16 we
first consider the corresponding average sequence {e x◦avg (i)}i≥0 (see eqn. (170)). For the sequence {e x◦avg (i)}i≥0 ,
we can invoke stochastic approximation algorithms to prove that it converges a.s. and in L2 to h(θ∗ ). This is carried out in Lemma 17, which we state now. ◦ eavg (i) i≥0 , given by eqn. (170), under the Assumptions D.1-D.5. Then, Lemma 17 Consider the sequence, x i h e◦avg (i) = h(θ∗ ) = Pθ∗ lim x i→∞ h
2 i e◦avg (i) − h(θ∗ ) = lim Eθ∗ x
In Lemma 16 we show that the sequence {e x◦ (i)}i≥0 reaches consensus a.s. and in L2 , which together with Lemma 17 establishes the claim in Lemma 16 (see Appendix II for detailed proofs of Lemmas 17,16.)
The arguments in Lemmas 17,16 and subsequent results require the following property of real number sequences, which we state here (see Appendix I for proof.) Lemma 18 Let the sequences {r1 (i)}i≥0 and {r2 (i)}i≥0 be given by r1 (i) =
a1 a2 , r2 (i) = δ 1 (i + 1) (i + 1)δ2
where a1 , a2 , δ2 ≥ 0 and 0 ≤ δ1 ≤ 1. Then, if δ1 = δ2 , there exists B > 0, such that, for sufficiently large non-negative integers, j < i, 0≤
i−1 X k=j
i−1 Y
(1 − r1 (l)) r2 (k) ≤ B
Moreover, the constant B can be chosen independently of i, j. Also, if δ1 < δ2 , then, for arbitrary fixed j, " i−1 ! # i−1 X Y lim (1 − r1 (l)) r2 (k) = 0 (177) i→∞
(We use the convention that,
(1 − rl ) = 1, for k = i − 1.)
We note that Lemma 18 essentially studies stability of time-varying deterministic scalar recursions of the form: y(i + 1) = r1 (i)y(i) + r2 (i)
where {y(i)}i≥0 is a scalar sequence evolving according to eqn. (178) with y(0) = 0, and the sequences {r1 (i)}i≥0 and {r2 (i)}i≥0 are given by eqn. (175). II: In this step, we study the convergence properties of the sequence {b x(i)}i≥0 (see eqn. (168)), for which we establish the following result. Lemma 19 Consider the sequence {b x(i)}i≥0 given by eqn. (168) under the Assumptions D.1-D.5. We have h i b(i) = 1N ⊗ h(θ∗ ) = Pθ∗ lim x i→∞ i h 2 = x(i) − 1N ⊗ h(θ∗ )k lim Eθ∗ kb
The proof of Lemma 19 is given in Appendix III, and mainly consists of a comparison argument involving the ◦ eavg (i) i≥0 and {b sequences x x(i)}i≥0 .
III: This is the final step in the proofs of Theorems 14,15. The proof of Theorem 14 consists of a comparison
argument between the sequences {b x(i)}i≥0 and {e x(i)}i≥0 , which is detailed in Appendix IV. The proof of Theorem 15, also detailed in Appendix IV, is a consequence of Theorem 14 and the Assumptions.
V. C ONCLUSION This paper studies linear and nonlinear distributed (vector) parameter estimation problems as may arise in constrained sensor networks. Our problem statement is quite general, including communication among sensors that is quantized, noisy, and with channels that fail at randonm times. These are characteristic of packet communication in wireless sensor networks. We introduce a generic observability condition, the separable estimability condition, that generalizes to distributed estimation the general observability condition of centralized parameter estimation. We study three recursive distributed estimators, ALU , N U , and N LU . We study their asymptotic properties, namely: consistency, asymptotic unbiasedness, and for the ALU and N U algorithms their asymptotic normality. The N LU works in a transformed domain where the recursion is actually linear, and a final nonlinear transformation, justified by the separable estimability condition, recovers the parameter estimate (a stochastic generalization of homeomorphic filtering.) For example, Theorem 14 shows that, in the transformed domain, the N LU leads to consistent and asymptotically unbiased estimators at every sensor for all separably estimable observation models. Since, the function h(·) is invertible, for practical purposes, a knowledge of h(θ∗ ) is sufficient for knowing θ∗ . In that respect, the algorithm N LU is much more applicable than the algorithm N U, which requires further assumptions on the observation model for the existence of consistent and asymptotically unbiased estimators. However, in case, the algorithm N U is applicable, it provides convergence rate guarantees (for example, asymptotic normality) which follow from standard stochastic approximation theory. On the other hand, the algorithm N LU does not follow under the purview of standard stochastic approximation theory (see Subsection IV-C) and hence does not inherit these convergence rate properties. In this paper, we presented a convergence theory (a.s. and L2 ) of the three algorithms under broad conditions. An interesting future research direction is to establish a convergence rate theory for the N LU algorithm (and in general, distributed stochastic algorithms of this form, which involve mixed time-scale behavior and biased perturbations.) A PPENDIX I P ROOF
Proof: [Proof of Lemma 18] We prove for the case δ1 < 1 first. Consider j sufficiently large, such that, r1 (i) ≤ 1, ∀i ≥ j
Then, for k ≥ j, using the inequality, 1 − a ≤ e−a , for 0 ≤ a ≤ 1, we have i−1 Y
(1 − r1 (l)) ≤ e−
r1 (l)
It follows from the properties of the Riemann integral that i−1 X
i−1 X
r1 (l) =
≥ a1
1 dt tδ1
a1 (i + 1)1−δ1 − (k + 2)1−δ1 1 − δ1
= We thus have from eqns. (182,183) " i−1 ! # i−1 X Y (1 − r1 (l)) r2 (l) k=j
a1 (i + 1)δ1
i−1 h i X a1 a1 1−δ1 1−δ1 e 1−δ1 (k+2) e− 1−δ1 (i+1)
= a2 e
1 (i+1)1−δ1 − 1−δ 1
i−1 X
e 1−δ1
a2 (k + 1)δ2
1 (k + 1)δ2
Using the properties of Riemann integration again, for sufficiently large j, we have " # i−1 i−1 X X a1 a1 1−δ1 1−δ1 1 1 1−δ1 (k+2) 1−δ1 (k+2) e ≤ e (k + 1)δ2 ( k2 + 1)δ2 k=j
i−1 X
e 1−δ1
i+1 X
e 1−δ1 k
= ≤
1 (k + 2)δ2
1 k δ2
i X a1 1−δ1 1 1 δ2 1−δ1 k + 2 e (i + 1)δ2 k δ2 k=j+2 Z i+1 a a1 1−δ1 1−δ1 1 1 1 δ2 1−δ1 t 2δ2 e 1−δ1 (i+1) dt e + 2 (i + 1)δ2 tδ2 j+2 a1
2δ2 e 1−δ1 (i+1)
Again by the fundamental theorem of calculus, a1
e 1−δ1 (i+1)
1 dt + C1 tδ1 j+2 Z i+1 a 1−δ1 1 1 δ2 −δ1 1−δ1 t e = a1 dt + C1 t tδ2 j+2 = a1
e 1−δ1 t
where C1 = C1 (j) > 0 for sufficiently large j. From eqns. (185,186) we have " i−1 ! # i−1 i−1 X Y X a1 a1 − 1−δ (i+1)1−δ1 (k+2)1−δ1 1 (1 − r1 (l)) r2 (i) = a2 e e 1−δ1 k=j
2δ2 a2 e
a1 1−δ1
1 (i+1)δ2 a1
2δ2 a2 + (i + 1)δ2
2δ2 a2 (i + 1)δ2
1 (k + 1)δ2 R i+1 h a1 1−δ1 1 i + 2δ2 a2 j+2 e 1−δ1 t dt tδ2 (i+1)1−δ1
eh1−δ1 i a1 R i+1 t1−δ1 1 2δ2 a2 j+2 e 1−δ1 dt tδ2 a1
e 1−δ1 (i+1) R i+1 h a1 1−δ1 1 i dt 2δ2 a2 j+2 e 1−δ1 t tδ2 i + R i+1 h a1 1−δ1 t 1 δ2 −δ1 a1 j+2 e 1−δ1 dt + C1 t tδ2
It is clear that the second term stays bounded if δ1 = δ2 and goes to zero as i → ∞ if δ1 < δ2 , thus establishing the Lemma for the case δ1 < 1. Also, in the case δ1 = δ2 , we have from eqn. (187) " i−1 ! # i−1 X Y 2δ2 a2 2δ2 a2 + (1 − r1 (l)) r2 (i) ≤ h h i i−1 a1 R i+1 (i + 1)δ2 t1−δ1 1 k=j l=k+1 a1 + C1 j+2 e 1−δ1 dt δ 2 t 2δ2 a2 +
2δ2 a2 a1
thus making the choice of B in eqn. (176) independent of i, j. Now consider the case δ1 = 1. Consider j sufficiently large, such that, r1 (i) ≤ 1, ∀i ≥ j
Using a similar set of manipulations for k ≥ j, we have i−1 Y
(1 − r1 (l))
≤ e−a1
≤ e−a1
R i+1
1 l=k+1 l+1
1 dt k+2 t
= e−a1 ln( k+2 ) i+1
(k + 2)a1 (i + 1)a1
We thus have i−1 X k=j
i−1 Y
(1 − r1 (l)) r2 (i)
≤ ≤ =
i−1 X (k + 2)a1 a2 (i + 1)a1 (k + 1)δ2 k=j
i−1 2δ2 a2 X (k + 2)a1 (i + 1)a1 (k + 2)δ2 k=j
i+1 X 2δ2 a2 k a1 a (i + 1) 1 k δ2 k=j+2
Now, if a1 ≥ δ2 , then " i−1 i−1 X Y k=j
(1 − r1 (l)) r2 (i)
≤ =
i+1 X 2δ2 a2 k a1 −δ2 (i + 1)a1 k=j+2 i δ2 X 2 a2 k a1 −δ2 (i + 1)a1 −δ2 + (i + 1)a1 k=j+2
≤ =
2δ2 a2 a1 −δ2 dt (i + 1)a1 −δ2 + inti+1 j+2 t a 1 (i + 1)
2δ2 a2 (i + 1)a−δ2 +1 − (j + 2)a−δ2 +1 2δ2 a2 + δ (i + 1) 2 a − δ2 + 1 (i + 1)a1
It is clear that the second term remains bounded if δ2 = 1 and goes to zero if δ2 > 1. The case a1 < δ2 can be resolved similarly, which completes the proof.
L EMMAS 17,16
Proof: [Proof of Lemma 17] It follows from eqns. (167,170) and the fact that T
(1N ⊗ IM )
L ⊗ IM = 0
◦ eavg (i) i≥0 is given by that the evolution of the sequence, x
# N X 1 e◦avg (i + 1) = x e◦avg (i) − α(i) x e◦avg (i) − gn (zn (i)) x N n=1 "
We note that eqn. (194) can be written as
e◦avg (i + 1) = x e◦avg (i) + α(i) R(e e◦avg (i), ω) x x◦avg (i)) + Γ(i + 1, x
N 1 X R(y) = − (y − h(θ )) , Γ(i + 1, y, ω) = gn (zn (i) − h(θ∗ ), N n=1 ∗
y ∈ RM×1
Such a definition of R(·), Γ(·) clearly satisfies Assumptions B.1,B.2 of Theorem 5. Now, defining V (y) = ky − h(θ∗ )k2
we have V (h(θ∗ ) = 0, V (y) > 0, y 6= h(θ∗ ),
lim V (y) = ∞
Also, we have for ǫ > 0 sup
(R(y), Vy (y))
ǫ 0. We then have from Assumption D.4 and Chebyshev’s inequality X i≥0
Pθ ∗
1 (i + 1)
1 +δ 2+ǫ1
# ‚ ‚ ‚ ‚ 1 T ‚J(z(i)) − (1N ⊗ IM ) J(z(i))‚ ‚ ‚>ǫ N
X i≥0
1 (i + 1)1+δ(2+ǫ1 ) ǫ2+ǫ1
"‚ ‚2+ǫ1 # ‚ ‚ ‚J(z(i)) − 1 (1N ⊗ IM )T J(z(i))‚ ‚ ‚ N
0 # "
1 1 T
J(z(i)) − (1N ⊗ IM ) J(z(i)) Pθ ∗ 1
> ǫ i.o. = 0
N (i + 1) 2+ǫ1 +δ
where i.o. stands for infinitely often. Since the above holds for ǫ arbitrarily small, we have (see [37]) the a.s. claim in eqn. (211). Consider the set Ω1 ⊂ Ω with Pθ∗ [Ω1 ] = 1, where the a.s. property in eqn. (211) holds. Also, consider the ◦ eavg (i) i≥0 converges to h(θ∗ ). Let Ω3 = Ω1 ∩ Ω2 . It is set Ω2 ⊂ Ω with Pθ∗ [Ω2 ] = 1, where the sequence x x◦ (i)}i≥0 converge to clear that Pθ∗ [Ω3 ] = 1. We will now show that, on Ω3 , the sample paths of the sequence {e
(1N ⊗ h(θ∗ )), thus proving the Lemma. In the following we index the sample paths by ω to emphasize the fact
that we are establishing properties pathwise. From eqn. (209), we have on ω ∈ Ω3 ‚ ◦ ` ´‚ ‚x e (i + 1, ω) − 1N ⊗ x e ◦avg (i + 1, ω) ‚
‚ ‚‚ ◦ ` ´ ` ´‚ ‚I − β(i) L ⊗ IM − α(i)INM − P ‚ ‚x e (i, ω) − 1N ⊗ x e ◦avg (i, ω) ‚ ‚ –‚ » ‚ ‚ 1 1 a ‚ ‚ T (1 ⊗ I ) J(z(i, ω)) J(z(i, ω)) − + ‚ ‚ N M 1 +δ τ − 1 −δ ‚ ‚ N (i + 1) 1 2+ǫ1 (i + 1) 2+ǫ1 ≤
For sufficiently large i, we have
I − β(i) L ⊗ IM − α(i)IN M − P ≤ 1 − β(i)λ2 (L)
From eqn. (212) for ω ∈ Ω3 we can choose ǫ > 0 and j(ω) such that
1 1
T J(z(i, ω)) − (1 ⊗ I ) J(z(i, ω))
≤ ǫ, ∀i ≥ j(ω) N M 1
(i + 1) 2+ǫ1 +δ
Let j(ω) be sufficiently large such that eqn. (213) is also satisfied in addition to eqn. (214). We then have for
ω ∈ Ω3 , i ≥ j(ω)
i−1 Y
x e (i, ω) − 1N ⊗ x e◦avg (i, ω) ≤
i−1 X
◦ e (j(ω), ω) − 1N ⊗ x e◦avg (j(ω), ω) 1 − β(k)λ2 (L) x
i−1 Y
1 − β(l)λ2 (L)
(k + 1)τ1 − 2+ǫ1 −δ
For the first term on the R.H.S. of eqn. (215) we note that i−1 Y
1 − β(k)λ2 (L)
≤ e
−λ2 (L)
= e
−bλ2 (L)
1 k=j(ω) (k+1)τ2
which goes to zero as i → ∞ since τ2 < 1 by Assumption D.5. Hence the first term on the R.H.S. of eqn. (215) goes to zero as i → ∞. The summation in the second term on the R.H.S. of eqn. (215) falls under the purview of
1 of δ in eqn. (210) and Assumption D.5 Lemma 18 with δ1 = τ2 and δ2 = τ1 − 2+ǫ 1− δ. It follows from the choice Pi−1 Qi−1 1 → 0 as i → ∞. We then that δ1 < δ2 and hence the term k=j(ω) l=k+1 1 − β(l)λ2 (L) τ1 − 1 −δ (k+1)
conclude from eqn. (215) that, for ω ∈ Ω3
◦ e (i, ω) − 1N ⊗ x e◦avg (i, ω) = 0 lim x
The Lemma then follows from the fact that Pθ∗ [Ω3 ] = 1. To establish eqn. (172), we have from eqn. (209)
‚ ◦ ‚2 ‚ ◦ ` ´‚2 ‚ ` ` ´‚2 ´ ‚x e (i + 1) − 1N ⊗ x e ◦avg (i + 1) ‚ ≤ ‚I − β(i) L ⊗ IM − α(i)INM − P ‚ ‚x e (i) − 1N ⊗ x e ◦avg (i) ‚ ‚ ‚‚ ◦ ‚ ´ ` ´‚ ‚ ` ‚ ‚ e (i) − 1N ⊗ x e ◦avg (i) ‚ ‚J(z(i)) − N1 (1N ⊗ IM )T J(z(i))‚ +2α(i) ‚I − β(i) L ⊗ IM − α(i)INM − P ‚ ‚x ‚ ‚2 ‚ ‚ +α2 (i) ‚J(z(i)) − N1 (1N ⊗ IM )T J(z(i))‚ (217)
Taking expectations on both sides and from eqn. (151) h‚ h‚ ‚2 ` ´‚2 i ‚ ` ´ ` ´‚2 i e ◦ (i + 1) − 1N ⊗ x e ◦avg (i + 1) ‚ ≤ ‚I − β(i) L ⊗ IM − α(i)INM − P ‚ Eθ∗ ‚x e ◦ (i) − 1N ⊗ x e ◦avg (i) ‚ Eθ∗ ‚x h‚ ‚ ‚ ` ´ ` ´‚2 i e ◦ (i) − 1N ⊗ x e ◦avg (i) ‚ +2α(i) ‚I − β(i) L ⊗ IM − α(i)INM − P ‚ κ1 (θ∗ ) Eθ∗ ‚x ‚ ‚ ´ ` +2α(i) ‚I − β(i) L ⊗ IM − α(i)INM − P ‚ κ1 (θ∗ ) + α2 (i)κ2 (θ∗ )
where we used the inequality
◦ 2 ◦
x e (i) − 1N ⊗ x e◦avg (i) + 1, ∀i e (i) − 1N ⊗ x e◦avg (i) ≤ x
Choose j sufficiently large such that
I − β(i) L ⊗ IM − α(i)IN M − P 1 − β(i)λ2 (L), ∀i ≥ j
For i ≥ j, it can then be shown that
h‚ ` ´‚2 i e ◦ (i + 1) − 1N ⊗ x e ◦avg (i + 1) ‚ Eθ ∗ ‚ x
h‚ ˜ ` ´‚2 i e ◦ (i) − 1N ⊗ x e ◦avg (i) ‚ 1 − β(i)λ2 (L) + 2α(i)κ1 (θ∗ ) Eθ∗ ‚x
where c1 > 0 is a constant. Now choose j1 ≥ j and 0 < c2 < λ2 (L)5 such that, 1 − β(i)λ2 (L) + 2α(i)κ1 (θ∗ ) ≤ 1 − β(i)c2 , ∀i ≥ j1 Then for i ≥ j1 h 2 i e◦ (i) − 1N ⊗ x e◦avg (i) Eθ∗ x
i−1 Y
h 2 i e◦ (j1 ) − 1N ⊗ x e◦avg (j) (1 − β(k)c2 ) Eθ∗ x
i−1 X
i−1 Y
(1 − β(l)c2 ) α(k)
The first term on the R.H.S. of eqn. (220) goes to zero as i → ∞ by the argument given in eqn. (215), while the second term falls under the purview of Lemma 18 and also goes to zero as i → ∞. We thus have the claim in eqn. (172). A PPENDIX III P ROOF
Proof: [Proof of Lemma 19] From eqns. (167,168) we have e◦ (i)] − β(i) (Υ(i) + Ψ(i)) b(i + 1) − x e◦ (i + 1) = IN M − β(i) L ⊗ IM − α(i)IN M [b x(i) − x x
5 Such
a choice exists because τ1 > τ2 .
For sufficiently large j, we have
I − β(i) L ⊗ IM − α(i)IN M ≤ 1 − α(i), ∀i ≥ j
We then have from eqn. (223), for i ≥ j,
i h i h 2 e◦ (i)k2 + β 2 (i)Eθ∗ kΥ(i) + Ψ(i)k2 x(i) − x (1 − α(i)) Eθ∗ kb h i e◦ (i)k2 + ηq β 2 (i) (1 − α(i)) Eθ∗ kb x(i) − x (225)
i h e◦ (i + 1)k2 ≤ x(i + 1) − x Eθ∗ kb ≤
where the last step follows from the fact that 0 ≤ (1 − α(i)) ≤ 1 for i ≥ j and eqn. (17). Continuing the recursion, we have " i−1 i−1 i h Y X 2 2 ◦ ◦ e (i)k ≤ e (j)k + ηq x(i) − x (1 − α(k)) kb Eθ∗ kb x(j) − x k=j
i−1 Y
(1 − α(l)) β (k)
By a similar argument as in the proof of Lemma 17, we note that the first term on the R.H.S. of eqn. (226) goes to zero as i → ∞. The second term falls under the purview of Lemma 18 with δ1 = τ1 and δ2 = 2τ2 and goes to zero as i → ∞ since by Assumption D.5, 2τ2 > τ1 . We thus have i h e◦ (i)k2 = 0 x(i) − x lim Eθ∗ kb
e◦ (i)k}i≥0 converges to 0 in L2 (mean-squared sense). We then have which shows that the sequence {kb x(i) − x
from Lemma 16
i h i h 2 e◦ (i)k2 + 2 lim Eθ∗ ke x◦ (i) − 1N ⊗ h(θ∗ )k x(i) − x 2 lim Eθ∗ kb
i h 2 ≤ x(i) − 1N ⊗ h(θ∗ )k lim Eθ∗ kb
thus establishing the claim in eqn. (180). e◦ (i)k}i≥0 also converges a.s. to a finite random variable. Choose j We now show that the sequence {kb x(i) − x
sufficiently large as in eqn. (224). We then have from eqn. (223) i−1 Y b(i) − x e◦ (i) = e◦ (j)) x x(j) − x IN M − β(k) L ⊗ IM − α(k)I (b k=j
− −
i−1 X k=j
i−1 X k=j
i−1 Y
l=k+1 i−1 Y
IN M − β(l) L ⊗ IM − α(l)I
IN M − β(l) L ⊗ IM − α(l)I
! !
The first term on the R.H.S. of eqn. (229) converges a.s. to zero as i → ∞ by a similar argument as in the proof of Lemma 17. Since the sequence {Υ(i)}i≥0 is i.i.d., the second term is a weighted summation of independent
random vectors. Define the triangular array of weight matrices, {Ai,k , j ≤ k ≤ i − 1}i>j , by Ai,k =
i−1 Y
IN M − β(l) L ⊗ IM − α(l)I β(k)
We then have i−1 X k=j
i−1 Y
IN M − β(l) L ⊗ IM − α(l)I
β(k)Υ(k) =
i−1 X
Ai,k Υ(k)
By Lemma 18 and Assumption D.5 we note that lim sup i→∞
i−1 X k=j
kAi,k k
lim sup
It then follows that sup i>j
The sequence
nP i−1
o Ai,k Υ(k)
i−1 X k=j
i−1 X k=j
i−1 Y
(1 − α(l)) β 2 (k)
kAi,k k = C3 < ∞
then converges a.s. to a finite random vector by standard results from the
limit theory of weighted summations of independent random vectors (see [40], [41], [42]). In a similar way, the last term on the R.H.S of eqn. (229) converges a.s. to a finite random vector since by the prope◦ (i)}i≥0 erties of dither the sequence {Ψ(i)}i≥0 is i.i.d. It then follows from eqn. (229) that the sequence {b x(i) − x
e◦ (i)k}i≥0 converges a.s. converges a.s. to a finite random vector, which in turn implies that the sequence {kb x(i) − x
e◦ (i)k}i≥0 converges in to a finite random variable. However, we have already shown that the sequence {kb x(i) − x
mean-squared sense to 0. It then follows from the uniqueness of the mean-squared and a.s. limit, that the sequence e◦ (i)k}i≥0 converges a.s. to 0. In other words, {kb x(i) − x
h i e◦ (i)k = 0 = 1 x(i) − x Pθ∗ lim kb i→∞
The claim in eqn. (179) then follows from eqn. (234) and Lemma 16.
Proof: [Proof of Theorem 14] Recall the evolution of the sequences {e x(i)}i≥0 , {b x(i)}i≥0 in eqns. (155,168).
e and using the fact that Then writing L(i) = L + L(i)
we have from eqns. (155,168)
e ⊗ IM x e ⊗ IM x bC ⊥ (i), ∀i b(i) = L(i) L(i)
e ⊗ IM x bC ⊥ (i) e(i + 1) − x b(i + 1) = [IN M − β(i) (L(i) ⊗ IM ) − α(i)IN M ] (e b (i)) − β(i) L(i) x x(i) − x
For ease of notation, introduce the sequence {y(i)}i≥0 , given by e(i) − x b(i) y(i) = x
To prove eqn. (157), it clearly suffices (from Lemma 19) to prove
h i Pθ∗ lim y(i) = 0 = 1 i→∞
From eqn. (236) we note that the evolution of the sequence {y(i)}i≥0 is given by e ⊗ IM x e ⊗ IM y(i) − β(i) L(i) bC ⊥ (i) (239) y(i + 1) = IN M − β(i) L ⊗ IM − α(i)IN M y(i) − β(i) L(i)
e ⊗ IM x bC ⊥ (i) The sequence {y(i)}i≥0 is not Markov, in general, because of the presence of the term β(i) L(i) on the R.H.S. However, it follows from Lemma 19 that
h i bC ⊥ (i) = 0 = 1 Pθ∗ lim x i→∞
and, hence, asymptotically its effect diminishes. However, the sequence {b xC ⊥ (i)}i≥0 is not uniformly bounded over sample paths and, hence, we use truncation arguments (see, for example, [36]). For a scalar a, define its truncation (a)R at level R > 0 by (a)R =
a |a|
min(|a|, R)
if a 6= 0
if a = 0
For a vector, the truncation operation applies component-wise. For R > 0, we also consider the sequences, {yR (i)}i≥0 , given by R e ⊗ IM (b e ⊗ IM yR (i) − β(i) L(i) yR (i + 1) = IN M − β(i) L ⊗ IM − α(i)IN M yR (i) − β(i) L(i) xC ⊥ (i))
We will show that for every R > 0
h i Pθ∗ lim yR (i) = 0 = 1 i→∞
Now, the sequence {b xC ⊥ (i)}i≥0 converges a.s. to zero, and, hence, for every ǫ > 0, there exists R(ǫ) > 0 (see [37]), such that
R(ǫ) bC ⊥ (i) − (b xC ⊥ (i)) = 0 >1−ǫ Pθ∗ sup x
and, hence, from eqns. (239,242)
Pθ∗ sup y(i) − yR(ǫ) (i) = 0 > 1 − ǫ
This, together with eqn. (243), will then imply
h i Pθ∗ lim y(i) = 0 > 1 − ǫ i→∞
Since ǫ > 0 is arbitrary in eqn. (246), we will be able to conclude eqn. (157). Thus, the proof reduces to establishing eqn. (243) for every R > 0, which is carried out in the following. For a given R > 0 consider the recursion given in eqn. (242). Choose ε1 > 0 and ε2 < 0 such that 1 − ε2 < 2τ2 − ε1
and note that the fact, that τ2 > .5 in Assumption D.5 permits such choice of ε1 , ε2 . Define the function V : N × RN M×1 7−→ R+ by
V (i, x) = iε1 xT L ⊗ IM x + ρiε2
where ρ > 0 is a constant. Recall the filtration {Fi }i≥0 given in eqn. (119) n o Fi = σ x(0), L(j), {zn (j)}1≤N , Υ(j), Ψ(j)
0≤j 0 sufficiently large, such that the process {V (i, yR (i))}i≥iR is a non-negative supermartingale w.r.t. the filtration {Fi }i≥iR . To this end, we note that T (i + 1) L ⊗ IM yR (i + 1) + ρ(i + 1)ε2 (i + 1)ε1 yR T (i) L ⊗ IM yR (i) − ρiε2 −iε1 yR h 2 T T yR,C ⊥ (i) − 2β(i)yR,C yR,C ⊥ (i) = (i + 1)ε1 yR,C ⊥ (i) L ⊗ IM ⊥ (i) L ⊗ IM 2 T T −2α(i)yR,C yR,C ⊥ (i) + 2β(i)α(i)yR,C yR,C ⊥ (i) ⊥ (i) L ⊗ IM ⊥ (i) L ⊗ IM 3 T T +β 2 (i)yR,C yR,C ⊥ (i) yR,C ⊥ (i) + α2 (i)yR,C ⊥ (i) L ⊗ IM ⊥ (i) L ⊗ IM i h T e e L(i) ⊗ I y ⊥ (i) L ⊗ I L(i) ⊗ I +β 2 (i)Eθ∗ yR,C (i) Fi ⊥ M M M R,C i h T e ⊗ IM L ⊗ IM L(i) e ⊗ IM (b L(i) +2β 2 (i)Eθ∗ yR,C xC ⊥ (i))R Fi ⊥ (i) h ii R R e ⊗ IM L ⊗ IM L(i) e ⊗ IM (b bTC ⊥ (i) L(i) +β 2 (i)Eθ∗ x xC ⊥ (i)) | Fi T yR,C ⊥ (i) − ρiε2 +(i + 1)ε2 − iε1 yR,C ⊥ (i) L ⊗ IM
Eθ∗ [V (i + 1, yR (i + 1)) | Fi ] − V (i, yR (i)) =
where we repeatedly used the fact that
L ⊗ IM yR (i) = L ⊗ IM yR,C ⊥ (i),
e and L(i) is independent of Fi .
e ⊗ IM yR,C ⊥ (i) e ⊗ IM yR (i) = L(i) L(i)
In going to the next step we use the following inequalities, where c1 > 0 is a constant: ` ´2 T yR,C yR,C⊥ (i) ⊥ (i) L ⊗ IM
≥ = ≥
` ´2 T yR,C yR,C⊥ (i) ⊥ (i) L ⊗ IM
≤ = ≤
´3 ` T yR,C⊥ (i) yR,C ⊥ (i) L ⊗ IM
≤ = ≤
‚2 ‚ λ22 (L) ‚yR,C⊥ (i)‚
‚2 ‚ λ22 (L) λN (L) ‚yR,C⊥ (i)‚ λN (L) ` ´ λ22 (L) T yR,C⊥ (i) L ⊗ IM yR,C⊥ (i) λN (L) ‚ ‚2 λ2N (L) ‚yR,C⊥ (i)‚ ‚ ‚2 λ2N (L) λ2 (L) ‚yR,C⊥ (i)‚ λ2 (L) ` ´ λ2N (L) T yR,C⊥ (i) L ⊗ IM yR,C⊥ (i) λ2 (L) ‚ ‚2 λ3N (L) ‚yR,C⊥ (i)‚ ‚2 ‚ λ3N (L) λ2 (L) ‚yR,C⊥ (i)‚ λ2 (L) ` ´ λ3N (L) T yR,C⊥ (i) L ⊗ IM yR,C⊥ (i) λ2 (L)
˛ i ” “ h ”` ´“ T e ⊗ IM yR,C⊥ (i) ˛˛ Fi e L ⊗ IM L(i) Eθ∗ yR,C ⊥ (i) L(i) ⊗ IM
»‚“ – ‚2 ” ‚ e ‚ λN (L)Eθ∗ ‚ L(i) ⊗ IM yR,C⊥ (i)‚ | Fi h‚ ‚2 ˛˛ i c1 λN (L)Eθ∗ ‚yR,C⊥ (i)‚ ˛ Fi ‚2 ‚ c1 λN (L) ‚yR,C⊥ (i)‚
≤ ≤ =
´ ` c1 λN (L) T yR,C⊥ (i) L ⊗ IM yR,C⊥ (i) λ2
˛ i h “ ”` ” ´“ ˛ T e e ⊗ IM (b Eθ∗ yR,C L ⊗ IM L(i) xC⊥ (i))R ˛ Fi ⊥ (i) L(i) ⊗ IM
»‚ ‚ ‚ T ‚ Eθ∗ ‚yR,C ⊥ (i)‚
‚“ ”‚ ‚ e ‚ ‚ L(i) ⊗ IM ‚ ‚˛ – ”‚ ‚ ‚` ´‚ ‚“ ‚‚ R‚ ˛ e ‚ L ⊗ IM ‚ ‚ b (255) L(i) ⊗ I x (i)) ‚ ‚ ˛ Fi M ‚ ‚( C ⊥ ‚ ‚ (256) ≤ Rc1 λN (L) ‚yR,C⊥ (i)‚ ‚ ‚2 ≤ Rc1 λN (L) + Rc1 λN (L) ‚yR,C⊥ (i)‚ ≤
≤ Rc1 λN (L)
+ Eθ ∗
b TC⊥ (i) x
” ”R “ ”` ´“ e ⊗ IM (b e ⊗ IM L ⊗ IM L(i) xC⊥ (i))R L(i)
` ´ Rc1 λN (L) T yR,C⊥ (i) L ⊗ IM yR,C⊥ (i) λ2 (L) – ˛ ˛ ≤ R2 c1 λN (L) ˛ Fi
(i + 1)ε1 − iε1
ρ(i + 1)
− ρi
(258) (259)
ε1 (i + 1)ε1 −1
ε2 −1
ρε2 i
bC ⊥ (i))R ≤ R. Using inequalities (251-261), where going from eqn. (255) to eqn. (256) we use the fact that (x
we have from eqn. (250) i h Eθ∗ V (i + 1, yR (i + 1)) Fi − V (i, yR (i)) +2β(i)α(i)
≤ (i + 1)ε1
ε1 λ2 (L) − 2β(i) 2 − 2α(i) 1 (i + 1) λN (L)
λ2N (L) λ3 (L) + β 2 (i) N λ2 (L) λ2 (L)
Rc1 λN (L) T c1 λN (L) yR,C ⊥ (i) L ⊗ IM yR,C ⊥ (i) + 2β 2 (i) λ2 λ2 (L) 2 ε2 −1 2Rc1 λN (L) + R c1 λN (L) + ρε2 i (262)
+α2 (i) + β 2 (i) +
1 2τ2 − ε1
T yR,C ⊥ (i), the coefficient −2β(i)(i+1)ε1 For the first term on the R.H.S. of eqn. (262) involving yR,C ⊥ (i) L ⊗ IM
dominates all other coefficients eventually (τ2 < 1 by Assumption D.5) and hence the first term on the R.H.S. of eqn. (262) becomes negative eventually (for sufficiently large i). The second term on the R.H.S. of eqn. (262) also becomes negative eventually because ρε2 < 0 and 1 − ε2 < 2τ2 − ε1 by assumption. Hence there exists sufficiently large i, say iR , such that, i h Eθ∗ V (i + 1, yR (i + 1)) Fi − V (i, yR (i)) ≤ 0, ∀i ≥ iR
which shows that the sequence {V (i, yR (i))}i≥iR is a non-negative supermartingale w.r.t. the filtration {Fi }i≥iR .
Thus, {V (i, yR (i))}i≥iR converges a.s. to a finite random variable (see [37]). It is clear that the sequence ρiε2 goes to zero as ε2 < 0. We then have i h T (i) L ⊗ IM yR (i) exists and is finite = 1 Pθ∗ lim iε1 yR
h i T Pθ∗ lim yR (i) L ⊗ IM yR (i) = 0 = 1
h i Pθ∗ lim yR,C ⊥ (i) = 0 = 1
yR,C (i) = 1N ⊗ yR,avg (i)
yR,avg (i + 1) = (1 − α(i)) yR,avg (i)
Since iε1 → ∞ as i → ∞, it follows
2 T Since yR (i) L ⊗ IM yR (i) ≥ λ2 (L) yR,C ⊥ (i) , from eqn. (265) we have i→∞
To establish eqn. (243) we note that
eqn. (267)
α(i) = ∞, it follows from standard arguments that yR,avg (i) → 0 as i → ∞. We then have from i h Pθ∗ lim yR,C (i) = 0 = 1 i→∞
which together with eqn. (266) establishes eqn. (243). The claim in eqn. (157) then follows from the arguments above. We now prove the claim in eqn. (158). Recall the matrix P in eqn. (207). Using the fact, P (L(i) ⊗ IM ) = P L ⊗ IM = 0, ∀i
we have
and similarly
e(i + 1) = P x e(i) − α(i) [P x e(i) − P J(z(i))] − β(i)P (Υ(i) + Ψ(i)) Px
b(i + 1) = P x b(i) − α(i) [P x b(i) − P J(z(i))] − β(i)P (Υ(i) + Ψ(i)) Px
e(i)}i≥0 and {P x b(i)}i≥0 follow the same recursion and start with the same initial state Since the sequences {P x e(0), they are equal, and we have ∀i Px
P y(i)
b (i)) = P (e x(i) − x
= 0
From eqn. (239) we then have e ⊗ IM x e ⊗ IM y(i)−β(i) L(i) b(i) (274) y(i+1) = IN M − β(i) L ⊗ IM − α(i)IN M − P y(i)−β(i) L(i)
By Lemma 19, to prove the claim in eqn. (157), it suffices to prove
i h 2 lim Eθ∗ ky(i)k = 0
From Lemma 19, we note that the sequence {b x(i)}i≥0 converges in L2 to 1N ⊗ h(θ∗ ) and hence L2 bounded, i.e., there exists constant c3 > 0, such that, i h x(i)k2 ≤ c3 < ∞ sup Eθ∗ kb
Choose j large enough, such that, for i ≥ j
IN M − β(i) L ⊗ IM − α(i)IN M − P ≤ 1 − β(i)λ2 (L)
e e Noting that L(i) is independent of Fi and L(i)
≤ c2 for some constant c2 > 0, we have for i ≥ j, i h 2 Eθ∗ ky(i + 1)k
h 2 = Eθ∗ yT (i) IN M − β(i) L ⊗ IM − α(i)IN M − P y(i) 2 2 e e b (i) x y(i) + β 2 (i)b xT (i) L(i) +β 2 (i)yT (i) L(i) 2 e b(i) +β 2 (i)yT (i) L(i) x i h i h 2 2 ≤ 1 − β(i)λ2 (L) Eθ∗ ky(i)k + c22 β 2 (i)Eθ∗ ky(i)k i 1 h 1 2 +c22 c3 β 2 (i) + 2β 2 (i)c22 c32 Eθ2∗ ky(i)k i h 1 2 ≤ 1 − β(i)λ2 (L) + c22 β 2 (i) + 2β 2 (i)c22 c32 Eθ∗ ky(i)k 1 +β 2 (i) c22 c3 + 2c22 c32
where in the last step we used the inequality i h i h 1 2 2 Eθ2∗ ky(i)k ≤ Eθ∗ ky(i)k + 1
Now similar to Lemma 16, choose j1 ≥ j and 0 < c4 < λ2 (L), such that, 1
1 − β(i)λ2 (L) + c22 β 2 (i) + 2β 2 (i)c22 c32 ≤ 1 − β(i)c4 , ∀i ≥ j1
Then for i ≥ j1 , from eqn. (278) i h i h 1 2 2 Eθ∗ ky(i + 1)k ≤ (1 − β(i)c4 ) Eθ∗ ky(i)k + β 2 (i) c22 c3 + 2c22 c32
i h from which we conclude that limi→∞ Eθ∗ ky(i)k2 = 0 by Lemma 18 (see also Lemma 16.) Proof: [Proof of Theorem 15] Consistency follows from the fact that by Theorem 14 the sequence {e x(i)}i≥0
converges a.s. to 1N ⊗ θ∗ , and the function h−1 (·) is continuous.
To establish the second claim, we note that, if h−1 (·) is Lipschitz continuous, there exists constant k > 0, such
h (e e2 k , ∀ y e1 , y e2 ∈ RM×1 y1 ) − h−1 (e y2 ) ≤ k ke y1 − y
Since L2 convergence implies L1 , we then have from Theorem 14 for 1 ≤ n ≤ N lim kEθ∗ [xn (i) − θ∗ ]k
≤ =
which establishes the theorem.
lim Eθ∗ [kxn (i) − θ∗ k]
xn (i)) − h−1 (h(θ∗ )) lim Eθ∗ h−1 (e
xn (i) − h(θ∗ )k] k lim Eθ∗ [ke
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