Distributed Sequence Pattern Detection Over Multiple Data Streams ...

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Aug 15, 2015 - Abstract. Sequence pattern detection over streaming data has many real world applications. Most of the present work is aimed to process ...
Distributed Sequence Pattern Detection Over Multiple Data Streams Ahmed Khan Leghari1(B) , Jianneng Cao2 , and Yongluan Zhou1 1


Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMADA), University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark {ahmedkhan,zhou}@imada.sdu.dk Department of Data Analytics, Institute for Infocomm Research, A*, Singapore, Singapore [email protected]

Abstract. Sequence pattern detection over streaming data has many real world applications. Most of the present work is aimed to process sequence queries over single data stream. Situations where streaming data arrive from multiple sources have not been explored much. In traditional approaches a single centralized machine handles and processes sequence queries over multiple data streams. While running sequence queries on a single server, even though many of the events in data streams do not lead to successful pattern detection they are still handled and processed by the server. This consumes precious network bandwidth, server’s computing resources and precious time. In this paper we focus on sequence pattern detection, where patterns are defined on chains of events that arrive from multiple distributed data streams. We propose a three layer distributed framework to avoid unnecessary event processing by the server, and to efficiently process sequence queries to detect sequence patterns relying upon chains of events. The bottom layer of data sources sends continuous data streams to the middle layer, which then performs pattern detection locally, and on the basis of the feedback received from the top layer of global server, sends events to the global server to detect complete patterns. Our present work is aimed to detect sequence patterns over multiple data streams, but, our proposed model can be extended to many other areas of distributed stream processing.

Keywords: Stream processing


· Pattern detection · Chain-dependency


Stream processing has gained immense popularity in scientific community still, complex event processing over multiple distributed data streams is relatively less explored area and is focus of the present research. In a typical distributed stream processing environment a single machine provides the interface for query submission, query execution, processing of multiple data streams and for the production of the result. Due to the possible importance and relevance of each c Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015  T. Morzy et al. (Eds.): ADBIS 2015, LNCS 9282, pp. 380–394, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23135-8 26

Distributed Sequence Pattern Detection Over Multiple Data Streams


event in a pattern, the server handles and processes each event in the data stream, even though many of the events do not lead to successful pattern detection. These unwanted events consume precious network bandwidth, and valuable resources at server. Situation can be worse when streaming data arrive from multiple sources and a time critical response is required for the correctness of result, and for the reliability of applications. Therefore, in a single machine distributed stream processing setup [1], the time wasted in processing unwanted events can be a decisive factor in many time critical applications. In complex event processing applications, the events arriving from various distant sources can be correlated and interdependent on the arrival order and time. Consider the scenario of an international stock market, where many of the traders wait for the drop or rise of stock commodities in a particular order. Prices of certain stock commodities can have affect on some other commodities in international markets. This can be described as: if the price of commodity A falls in stock market X at time t1 , which caused the of commodity B to fall in stock market Y at time t2 , here t1 ≤ t2 . Then buy the shares of commodity P , as this commodity is going to be very profitable in near future. This type of chain-dependency of stock events can be detected by running sequence queries over stock streams arriving from distant stock markets around the world. Moreover, stock streams carry information about hundreds of commodities, but, majority of the stock traders just focus on particular shares, and specific market trends as mentioned above, thus, sending continuous data streams containing many unwanted and useless events directly to server is not an optimal method for many reasons, and needs a considerable improvement. To tackle this problem we propose a three layer architecture as depicted in Fig. 1 in Sect. 4 to handle streaming data and process sequence queries without sending unwanted events to the server. The contribution of this paper are as follows. (i) A three layer architecture to detect sequence patterns involving chains of events, arriving from multiple distributed data streams. (ii) A coordination mechanism between machines in three layer architecture that efficiently utilizes the network bandwidth by discarding the unwanted events to be sent to the server. (iii) Inclusion of a middle layer in the traditional distributed stream processing model to minimize the computing load, reduce processing time, and conserve precious resources on the server, by evaluating the sequence patterns in distributed fashion. In remainder of this paper Sect. 2 presents background, Sect. 3 presents related work. Section 4 explains our approach. Section 5 presents experiments and results and Sect. 6 presents the conclusion of our work.

2 2.1

Background Basic Terminology

Data Stream. We consider data stream as a massive sequence of events. Each event is modelled as a (d + 1)-dimensional tuple (ID, ts, A1 , A2 , . . . , Ad ), where


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ID is the stream’s unique identifier, ts is the timestamp showing when the event is generated, and Ai ’s are the attributes for i = 1, 2, . . . , d. Consider a simplified example of stock market. Suppose that the stock trading stream is of structure (ID, ts, name, ask price, bid price, volume), which represents stock’s identity, the timestamp of the event, name, price asked by the seller, price bid by the buyer, and the number of shares that changed hands. Sequence Pattern. A sequence pattern is an ordered sequence of events, which may come from multiple data streams. We define a sequence pattern as ( {e1 , e2 , . . . , ek }, window constraints, event correlations), where – event ei must happen before event ej (i.e., ei .ts ≤ ej .ts) for 1 ≤ i < j ≤ k, – window constraints are the time window, in which all the events should happen, – and event correlations specify the correlations between events. For example, e1 (ask price, Shanghai, ts) and e2 (ask price, Hongkong, ts) are the ask prices of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) in China mainland and Hongkong stock markets, respectively. Suppose that a user is interested in the case that: (a) if the ask price of in Shanghai increases than x and the difference of ask price between the two stock markets is larger than 1 Chinese Yuan, and (b) the time difference of the price asking is within 30 s. Then, the window constraint is “WITHIN 30 s”, and the event correlations are 

 (e1 .askprice > x) − (e2 .askprice) > 1 and |e1 .ts − e2 .ts| ≤ 30 Sec.

Sequence Query. A sequence query is to detect a sequence pattern. Consider the example of stock market again. The SQL-like sequence query to detect the sequence pattern of price difference of ICBC is. SELECT e1 , e2 FROM Shanghai AND Hongkong  WHERE (e1 .ask price>x) − (e2 .ask price) > 1 AND |e1 .ts − e2 .ts| ≤ 30 Sec The example query runs over two different streams and can be processed by a single server, but in a single machine setup a query involving multiple streams can pose serious scalability challenges and processing issues due to the limited resources. Refer to Fig. 1 in Sect. 4 that depicts the distributed three layered architecture of our approach and the example sequence query. When a sequence query detecting a pattern over multiple streams is submitted to the server (Layer-1), it is decomposed into multiple sub-queries, and each sub-query is then placed on a relevant Semi-Global Server (SGS) (Layer-2). An SGS is a regional server that detects a sub-pattern running a sub-query on the streams connected to it (Layer-3). After successful detection of the sub-pattern the detailed information is sent to the global server, which after receiving the information from all the concerned SGSs combines it and marks the detection of sequence successful.

Distributed Sequence Pattern Detection Over Multiple Data Streams


Chain-Dependency. Refer to the example query, if the ask price in Shanghai increases than x, then it would be useful to evaluate the ask price in Hongkong and subsequently calculate the difference of two ask prices. Otherwise, there is no use to evaluate the ask price in Hongkong. The evaluation of event e2 from Hongkong stock stream is dependent on the evaluation of event e1 from Shanghai stock stream. This relationship of events where one of the event in a stream must be evaluated before the other event from a different stream is termed as Chain-Dependency. Local-Chain Dependency. Refer to Fig. 1, suppose that events in the query submitted to the global server are chain-dependent on each other, then an event such as eb (Layer-2) is said to be Local-Chain Dependent on event ea , as they are processed by the same SGS in their dependency order. Global-Chain Dependency. Refer to Fig. 1, when chain-dependent events such as ei that depends on eb arrive from event streams not connected through same SGS (Layer-2), the relationship among them is termed as Global-Chain Dependency.


Related Work

Event stream processing have been studied by many [2–26]. Ramakrishnan et al. [7] discussed importance of sequence queries and suggested a model for sequence data processing. Law et al. [18] discussed the limitations of relational algebra and SQL. They suggested changes in the data model to support sequence and other stream queries. Seshadri et al. [15] presented techniques and query evaluation plans to efficiently process sequence queries. Wu et al. [19] presented SASE (Stream based and shared event processing) to generate query plans and arrange query operators to efficiently handle sequence queries and detect patterns. The work that is most relevant to ours is done by Mei et al. [21], Balkesen et al. [22] and Hirzel [23]. Mei et al. [21] presented ZStream to detect sequential patterns, and other stream operations. Their approach considers many tree based plans and according to the cost model selects the best possible plan to detect a pattern. Their approach is also based on single machine and chooses an optimal plan for pattern detection. While the focus of our work is to detect sequence patterns involving chain dependent events arriving from multiple event streams, and to minimize the number of unwanted events processed by server to reduce the processing load and time on server. Balkesen et al. [22] proposed an intra query parallelism scheme for scalable pattern recognition. Their approach partitions the input stream and distributes the input events among multiple cores for parallel processing. Their work targets the multi-core architecture of a single machine, but a single machine implementation can easily lead to performance bottleneck while handling multiple fast data streams. Hirzel proposed [23] a partitioning scheme for distributed pattern matching based on partition keys. His approach showed high throughput on multi-core


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machines and on clusters. To achieve high throughput Hirzel’s scheme requires a partitioning key, while in our approach multiple streams are handled in distributed fashion without any partitioning.


Sequence Pattern Detection

The sequence queries when submitted to the global server are grouped as follows. (1). Queries that Detect Sequence Patterns Involving Local-Chain Dependent Events (Local Queries). Some of the sequence patterns can be successfully evaluated by processing data streams connected through the same SGS. As the events are local-chain dependent in these sequence patterns therefore, there is no need for query decomposition. (2). Queries that Detect Sequence Patterns Involving Global-Chain Dependent Events (Global Queries). Queries in which the detection of a complete sequence pattern requires involvement of more than one SGS are termed as Global Queries. Refer to Fig. 1, in which global server (Layer-1) receives a query that is further decomposed into three sub-queries. A sub-query such as (ea , eb ) consists of those events that arrive from streams connected though the same SGS. Each sub-query runs over relevant streams and detects a sub-pattern, or partial sequence.

Fig. 1. The architecture of distributed pattern detection

While detecting patterns involving global-chain dependent events the feedback from global server plays a very important role. Importance of the Feedback. A feedback is a two way communication that takes place between SGSs and global server to coordinate and complete the detection of a sequence pattern. Example: Fig. 1 shows that global server has received a query involving global-chain dependent events (global query). Starting from the right in chain dependency order, events ec , ek would be processed by SGS3, which are chain

Distributed Sequence Pattern Detection Over Multiple Data Streams


dependent on events ei , ej processed by SGS2, which themselves are chain dependent on ea , eb . As events in the sequence pattern would be processed by multiple SGSs, hence they are forming a global-chain. To detect a sequence pattern involving global-chain dependent events, the query submitted to global server would be decomposed among SGSs participating in the detection process. Therefore, to detect a sequence pattern such as (ea , eb , ei , ej , ec , ek ) a query and it’s associated time constraints would be decomposed into three sub-queries as (ea , eb ), (ei , ej ) and (ec , ek ) as mentioned in Fig. 1. Each sub-query would be placed on an SGS that receives the relevant events from the connected streams. An SGS would then detects a sub-pattern using it’s sub-query in it’s assigned sub-window. In the Fig. 1, SGS-1 after detecting the sub-pattern ea , eb sends a notification that a sub-pattern has been detected, upon feedback received from SGS-1, the global sever then directs SGS-2 to detect sub-pattern ei , ej and so on. A feedback sent to global server contains the Seq ID, sub-sequence ID, the time when the first and the last event of sub-sequence was detected in the sub-window, and when the notification was sent by a particular SGS. 4.1

Global Query Processing

When a sequence query is submitted to the global server, it inspects the query and places it into the categories according to the characteristics of the chain dependency of the events. The next step is to decompose the query into multiple sub-queries. A sub-query is then placed on a particular SGS that receives a data stream on which the sub-query is required to be run as shown in Fig. 1. Events in global queries are processed according to the order of their chain-dependency, therefore, these queries are further categorized according to the processing orders of the events.

Fig. 2. A simple case of global-chain dependent events in sequence

Fig. 3. Non-interleaved sequence pattern




Cat-(1). One Event Arriving from One SGS. Refer to Fig. 2, the sequence pattern consists of 4 events: ei , ej , ek , el , each would arrive at a different SGS from any of the stream connected to it. An event such as ej that arrives at time t2 on SGS2 is chain dependent on another event ei arrived at time t1 on SGS1 and so on, here t2 > t1 . This is the simplest case of global-chain dependency, as the sequence pattern consists of multiple events, each from a single SGS. To avoid any processing and communication delay, an SGS after detecting the corresponding event would send it to the global server, which then evaluates the


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sequence pattern using the query placed on it within the respective time-window as described in the example query in Sect. 2.1. A time window is generated as follows. Sub windowi = T ime window/(Tavg ∗ # of events)


Here, Tavg denotes the average time required to evaluate an event multiplied by the number of consecutive events to be evaluated at an SGS. Each sub-query and associated sub-window is then provided to an SGS to detect a sub-sequence pattern. Every SGS receives a sub-query relevant to the event streams connected to it. (Cat-2). Non-interleaved Events Arriving from Multiple SGS. If the processing order of events in a sequence pattern is non-interleaved as depicted in Fig. 3, then each SGS receives a sub-query to detect relevant sub-pattern at corresponding SGS along with it’s respective sub-window calculated using the Eq. 1. Therefore, Events ei , ej , ek would be processed by SGS1, events el , em would be processed by SGS2, and SGS3 would process events eo , ej , em . All the SGSs would process their respective events following the chain dependency order. It is possible that events required to evaluate a sub-sequence would appear multiple times in a sub-window, then each time a sub-sequence is detected by an SGS, a notification is sent to global server that the partial evaluation of the sequence is successful. If any of the relevant event in sub-sequence does not arrive

Algorithm 1.

Evaluating a sequence pattern at Global Server

1: Input: Ni is the most recent notification received at server, from an SGSj 2: do 3: if Ni is received then 4: copy Ni into the memory 5: if Ni notifies that a sequence Seqk has been successfully evaluated at SGSj then 6: Mark the evaluation of Seqk successful 7: else 8: if Ni notifies that a sequence Seqk has been partially evaluated at SGSj then 9: evaluate Seqk using information in Ni 10: if evaluation of Seqk completes using information in Ni then 11: Mark the evaluation of Seqk successful 12: else 13: inform concerned SGS to send information required for further evaluation of Seqk 14: end if 15: end if 16: end if 17: end if 18: while(true)

Distributed Sequence Pattern Detection Over Multiple Data Streams


within the specified sub-window then the sub-query and any relevant information is removed from the memory of an SGS. If the global server does not receive a notification after the time assigned as a sub-window it marks the evaluation of the sequence pattern unsuccessful, and removes the relevant information from it’s memory. In the same way all other SGS awaiting to hear from global server also discard the relevant information from their memories. Each time the global server receives a notification from an SGS, such as SGS1, denoting the successful evaluation of a sub-sequence, it inspects it’s sequence ID and sub-sequence ID to determine the query associated to it, and if required then directs the next SGS such as SGS2, that should further continue the process of sequence pattern detection. The SGS2 after receiving a signal from global server starts detecting events in it’s assigned sub-window, and each time it detects a sub-sequence it notifies it to the global sever. The global server after receiving notification denoting the successful evaluation of a sub-sequence at SGS2, directs SGS3 to start and continue the process of sub-sequence detection. The notification based communication is described in Algorithm 1. (Cat-3). Interleaved Events Arriving from Multiple SGSs. Figure 4 shows a sequence pattern (ei , ej , ek , el , em , en ) in which events making up the sequence are required to be processed in interleaved order. The events ei , ek , em would be processed by SGS1, and events ej , el , en would be processed by SGS2. Each event is dependent on the detection of other event except the first event ei . Hence, the processing of event ej at SGS2 requires the detection of event ei by SGS1, and SGS1 requires the detection of event ej at SGS2 before it continues the detection of event ek and so on. To process interleaved events in a pattern as shown in Fig. 4, a straight forward process is that when an SGS detects an event it should send a notification to the global server, who should direct the relevant SGS to detect the next event in the pattern. But, as each successive event in the pattern would arrive at alternating SGS, hence each SGS has to send multiple notifications for events that it detects. The global server also has to communicate back and forth with both SGSs to direct them to carry on the detection process. This would decrease the overall efficiency of the approach due to the higher communication cost, and potential delay while evaluating the sequence pattern.

Fig. 4. Interleaved events in a sequence pattern

Fig. 5. Multiple interleaved events in a sequence pattern

In global queries with interleaved events, size of sub-window would be calculated according the Degree of Proximity (DoP) of events (Algorithm 2).


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The DoP is the number of interleaved events to be arrived between two successive events at a single SGS. In Fig. 4 the DoP between events ei , ek and ej arriving at SGS1 is one, and the DoP between events arriving at SGS2 is also one. Sub windowi = T ime window/[Tavg ∗ (# of events + DoP )]


A careful selection of DoP is important to calculate a suitable sub-window. This can result in simultaneous evaluation of events on multiple SGSs, and reduce back and forth communication between global server and SGSs. For all the events evaluated in a single sub-window, a single notification carrying the relevant information is sent to the global server. However, choosing large overlapping sub-windows can waste precious resources. Refer to Fig. 5, as an event en at time 6 is global-chain dependent on another event arriving at time 5, therefore, assigning a large sub-window at SGS2 to evaluate interleaved event ej arriving at time time 2 in the same subwindow is poor strategy. Because before en there are multiple chain-dependent events after ej which must be evaluated in the arrival order at SGS1, and if any of the chain-dependent event before en and after ej does not arrive, then the arrival of the remaining events have no importance. Therefore, a balanced

Algorithm 2. 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10:

Query decomposition involving interleaved events

Input: Qi is a sequence query submitted to global server do examin the query if events in Qi are interleaved then calculate the Degree of Proximity decompose Qi into sub-sequence queries for each sub-sequence query set the sub-window size according to the DoP distibute sub-queries to repective SGSs end if while(true)

strategy is required while calculating the size of a sub-window using DoP. In case of multiple interleaved events in a sequence pattern a good idea is to generate multiple sub-windows at each SGS for these interleaved events. The processing in Cat-3 queries would take place as follows. Refer to Fig. 4, at the time of query decomposition the sub-windows are calculated as described in Eq. 2. The sub-windows assigned to SGS1 and SGS2 both are overlapped. SGS1 would start detecting the events at time 1 and when SGS1 would detect the first event ei of the sub-sequence, it will send a signal to the global server which then direct SGS2 to start detecting the events relevant to the sub-query assigned to it. The SGS2 would start detecting the relevant events in it’s sub-window, that possibly would start at time 2 creating an overlapping sub-window, and stop at time 6. If SGS1 would successfully evaluate sub sequence pattern using

Distributed Sequence Pattern Detection Over Multiple Data Streams


the sub-query assigned to it, then it would send a notification at time 5 to the global server like in the non-interleaved order of events. The global server after receiving a notification from SGS1 waits for a notification to be received from SGS2 at time 6. After receiving a notification from both of the SGSs denoting the successful partial evaluation of the sequence pattern, it then performs a global evaluation and marks the detection of a sequence pattern successful. 4.2

Local Query Processing

At the system startup time, each SGS receives it’s individual set of local queries as well as another subset of sub-sequence queries from global server to detect sequence patterns which can be partially detected by events arriving on that SGS, but their successful evaluation depends on events arriving at multiple SGS. An SGS detects sequence patterns running sequence queries over multiple streams. None of the SGS sends events to the global server unless an event whose successful evaluation requires global-chain dependent events from multiple SGS. Events which are not relevant to any sequence pattern when arrive at an SGS are simply discarded. Detection of a relevant event at an SGS would lead to the steps described below. (i). If an event ei detected is the very first event of a sequence pattern, then it is checked that, are there other relevant events (making up the pattern sequence) which are local-chain dependent to the very first event. All the relevant events arriving in a time-window are examined for various combinations that can lead to the successful detection of a sequence pattern. If events making up a sequence pattern are local-chain dependent to the SGS, then the present and upcoming events (if there is any) would be evaluated locally by SGS, and a notification is sent to the global server that a sequence pattern has been successfully detected. If events in a sequence pattern are global-chain dependent, and the sequence is partially evaluated at an SGS using a sub-query, then a notification is sent to the server specifying the detail required to carry on further evaluation. (ii). If an event just detected is not the first event in a sequence pattern, then it would be examined whether it belongs to a sequence pattern being evaluated locally, or is a global-chain dependent event. In the latter case, the event can be required to continue the partial evaluation of a sequence pattern. In the former case an event can be the last event required for a successful evaluation of a sequence pattern, or an event that belongs to the middle of a sequence pattern and evaluated accordingly, and if required global server would be notified. On the basis of the information received the global server performs some basic arithmetic operations, and marks the evaluation of a particular sequence successful.

5 5.1

Experimental Evaluation Experimental Setup

In the experimental system there was one global server and three semi-global servers. Each SGS was receiving three event streams. An event stream repre-


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sented stock events from a distinct stock market consisted of NASDAQ’s [27] historical stock quotes. A single SGS received 1 million events in total from three stock streams connected to it. There were 9 input streams in total, 3 at each SGS, and the entire system received 3 million events. The sequence queries were generated randomly and submitted to the global server after a random interval. Each sequence query consisted of a variable set of stock events. The length of a pattern in the sequence query was ranging between 3 to 6. The total number of queries generated in the system was evenly divided among four categories of the queries as per their order of chain-dependent events. Therefore, 25 percent local queries were detecting patterns with local-chain dependent events on multiple SGSs, while rest of the 75 percent global queries consisted of 3 different categories as mentioned in Sect. 4. 5.2

Results and Discussion

Refer to Fig. 6a, in the first experiment a number of 48063 local queries and 144189 global queries were used to detect various stock patterns from nine incoming event streams. The total number of sequence pattern detected locally i.e. at three SGSs were 72, and there was 458 patterns detected globally (Fig. 6b). 151 patterns were detected in Cat-1 queries involving global-chain dependent events. Similarly 145, and 162 patterns were detected in the Cat-2 and Cat-3 sequence queries. Figure 6c shows that in 144189 global queries, 769008 events were required to successfully detect all the patterns. In a traditional approach the global server would have processed 3 million events to detect these patterns, but, in our approach the total number of events received by the global server is 2458, that is 0.0819 % of the total data.


No. of queries used in Exp-1


No. of local and global patterns deteced in Exp-1


No. of relvant events sent to the global server in Exp-1

Fig. 6. Configuration and results of experiment-1

The small number of events received by the global server is due to the reasons that SGSs discarded the events which were not relevant to the sequence patterns, or did not arrive in the time-window mentioned in the sequence query. All the events which were not arriving in the order of chain-dependency were are also discarded by the SGSs. Moreover, queries detecting patterns that relied upon event streams from nearby regions were also processed at SGSs, these all factors

Distributed Sequence Pattern Detection Over Multiple Data Streams

(a) No. of queries used in Exp2

(b) No. of local and global patterns deteced in Exp-2


(c) No. of relvant events sent to the global server in Exp-2

Fig. 7. Configuration and results of experiment-2

contributed to minimize the number of events sent to the global server and thus, conserved precious bandwidth and reduced considerable processing load on the server. In Experiment-2 (Fig. 7a), there were 47967 local queries and 191868 global queries. The total number of patterns detected locally were 83, and there was 464 patterns involving different categories of global-chain dependent events (Fig. 7b). Similarly, (Fig. 7c) a total of 767472 events were required in certain order to detect the patterns by global queries, but the global server just received 2511 events from multiple SGSs. These 2511 events were the actual events of interest and were evaluated successfully. This experiment also shows a considerable gain in terms of bandwidth consumption, as just 0.0837 % events out of 3 million events were sent to the global server. Reducing 99 % of data rate and corresponding processing load on the global server.


Average No. of queries


Average No. of local and global patterns deteced

(c) Average No. of relvant events sent to the global server

Fig. 8. Average results of multiple experiments

We repeated experiments many times. The average number of local and global queries used in the experiment were 47996.25, and 143988.75 (Fig. 8a). The average number of patterns detected locally were 82, and there were 459.75 patterns involving events received from multiple SGSs (Fig. 8b). There were 767940 total events in sequence queries required to evaluate the patterns, and the global server just received 2344.25 events (Fig. 8c).


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Fig. 9. No. of messges exchanged as a feedback

Refer to Fig. 9, in each experiment we also kept the record of total number of messages, exchanged as a feedback between global server and SGSs while processing global queries. The number of messages exchanged while processing local queries are not included, as there was just two messages exchanged between each SGS and global server for each query that successfully detected a sequence pattern. First, when the local query is placed on the SGS, and the Second, when the SGS sent a notification about the successful detection of a pattern. If a local query does not detect a pattern then no message is sent to global server. It can be clearly seen that the number of messages exchanged as a feedback are much smaller than the number of events that would have been received by the global server without removal of unwanted events at SGSs. Thus by adopting a three layer architecture to process queries in which events are chaindependent we have on average saved 95 % of the bandwidth (99 % excluding the feedback) that would have been consumed by useless events.



In this paper we introduced sequence patterns in which events are chaindependent. Our experimental study shows that by establishing a feedback mechanism between two layers of servers to evaluate such patterns and pruning the unwanted events at SGSs can result up to 99 % cutback in the data sent to the global server, and can reduce the overall processing load on server.

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Distributed Sequence Pattern Detection Over Multiple Data Streams


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