A Latency and Fault-Tolerance Optimizer for Online Parallel Data ...

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Jun 12, 2011 - Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or ... operator can individually recover after failure and it can re- cover using a ... of a plan. Since input data comes from disk, it can be read.
A Latency and Fault-Tolerance Optimizer for Online Parallel Query Plans Prasang Upadhyaya

YongChul Kwon

Magdalena Balazinska

University of Washington

University of Washington

University of Washington

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

ABSTRACT We address the problem of making online, parallel query plans fault-tolerant: i.e., provide intra-query fault-tolerance without blocking. We develop an approach that not only achieves this goal but does so through the use of different fault-tolerance techniques at different operators within a query plan. Enabling each operator to use a different faulttolerance strategy leads to a space of fault-tolerance plans amenable to cost-based optimization. We develop FTOpt, a cost-based fault-tolerance optimizer that automatically selects the best strategy for each operator in a query plan in a manner that minimizes the expected processing time with failures for the entire query. We implement our approach in a prototype parallel query-processing engine. Our experiments demonstrate that (1) there is no single best fault-tolerance strategy for all query plans, (2) often hybrid strategies that mix-and-match recovery techniques outperform any uniform strategy, and (3) our optimizer correctly identifies winning fault-tolerance configurations.

Categories and Subject Descriptors C.4 [Performance of Systems]: Fault tolerance, modeling techniques; H.2.4 [Database Management]: Systems— Parallel databases,Query processing

General Terms Performance



The ability to analyze large-scale datasets has become a critical requirement for modern business and science. To carry out their analyses, users are increasingly turning toward parallel database management systems (DBMSs) [14, 41, 45] and other parallel data processing engines [10, 15, 20] deployed in shared-nothing clusters of commodity servers. In many systems, users can express their data processing needs using SQL or other specialized languages (e.g., Pig

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Latin [30], DryadLINQ [48]). The resulting queries or scripts are then translated into a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of operators (e.g., relational operators, maps, reduces, or other [20]) that execute in the cluster. An important challenge faced by these systems is faulttolerance. When running a parallel query at large scale, some form of failure is likely to occur during execution [9]. Existing systems take two radically different strategies to handle failures: parallel DBMSs restart queries if failures occur during their execution. The limitation of this approach is that a single failure can cause the system to reprocess a query in its entirety. While this is not a problem for queries running across a small number of servers and for a short period of time, it becomes undesirable for long queries using large numbers of servers. In contrast, MapReduce [10] and similar systems [15] materialize the output of each operator and restart individual operators when failures occur. This approach limits the amount of work repeated in the face of failures, but comes at the cost of materializing all intermediate data, which adds significant overhead even in the absence of failures. Furthermore, because MapReduce materializes data in a blocking fashion, this approach prevents users from seeing results incrementally. Partial results are a desirable feature during interactive data analysis now commonly performed with these systems [43]. In this paper, we study the problem of providing users both the ability to see early results as motivated by online query processing [17, 18] and achieve a low expected total runtime. We thus seek to enable intra-query fault-tolerance without blocking and we want to do so in a manner that minimizes the expected total runtime in the presence of failures. Other objective functions could also be useful (e.g., minimize runtime without failures subject to a constraint on recovery time.) We choose to minimize the sum of time under normal processing and time in failure recovery. This function combines high-performance at runtime with fast failure recovery into a single objective. We want to minimize this function while preserving pipelining. Recent work [43] has also looked at the problem of combining pipelining and fault-tolerance: they developed techniques for increased data pipelining in MapReduce. This system both pipelines and materializes data between operators. We observe, however, that data materialization is only one of several strategies for achieving fault-tolerance in a pipelined query plan. Other strategies are possible including restarting a query or operator but skipping over previously processed data [21, 24] or checkpointing operator states and restarting from these checkpoints [11, 21]. Additionally, the

most appropriate fault-tolerance method may depend on the available resources, failure rates, and query plan properties. For example, an expensive join operator may need to checkpoint its state while an inexpensive filter may simply skip over previously processed data after a failure. Given these observations, we develop (1) a framework that enables mixing-and-matching of fault-tolerance techniques in a single, pipelined query plan and (2) FTOpt, a cost-based fault-tolerance optimizer for this framework. Our framework enables intra-query fault-tolerance without blocking, thus preserving pipelining. Given a query plan and information about the cluster and expected failure rates, FTOpt automatically selects the fault-tolerance strategy for each operator in a query plan such that the overall query runtime with failures is minimized. We call the resulting configuration a fault-tolerance plan. In our fault-tolerance plans, each operator can individually recover after failure and it can recover using a different strategy than other operators in the same plan. In summary, we make the following contributions: 1. Extensible, heterogeneous fault-tolerance framework. We propose a framework that enables the mixing and matching of different fault-tolerance techniques in a single distributed, parallel, and pipelined query plan. Our framework is extensible in that it is agnostic of the specific operators and fault-tolerance strategies used. We also describe how three well-known strategies can be integrated into our framework (Section 4). 2. Fault-tolerance optimizer. We develop a cost-based fault-tolerance optimizer. Given a query plan and a failure model, the optimizer selects the fault-tolerance strategy for each operator that minimizes the total time to complete the query given an expected number of failures (Section 5). 3. Operator models for pipelined plans. We model the processing and recovery times for a small set of representative operators. Our models capture operator performance within a pipelined query plan rather than in isolation. They are sufficiently accurate for the faulttolerance optimizer to select good plans yet sufficiently simple for global optimization using a Geometric Program Solver [3]. We also develop an approach that simplifies the modeling of other operators within our framework thus simplifying extensibility (Section 5.3). We implemented our approach in a prototype parallel query processing engine. The implementation includes our new fault-tolerance framework, specific per-operator faulttolerance strategies for a small set of representative operators (select, join, and aggregate1 ), and a MATLAB module for the FTOpt optimizer. Our experiments demonstrate that different fault-tolerance strategies, often hybrid ones, lead to the best performance in different settings: for the configurations tested, total runtimes with as little as one failure differed by up to 70% depending on the faulttolerance method selected. These results show that faulttolerance can significantly affect performance. Additionally, our optimizer is able to correctly identify the winning faulttolerance strategy for a given query plan. Overall, FTOpt 1

As in online aggregation [18], aggregates can occur at top of plans. Our prototype uses a standard aggregate operator but it could be replaced with an online one.

Input data on disk

Compute node Partition 1 of operator 1

Data part. 1


Data part. 2


Data part. N

Partition 1 of operator 2




Fault-tolerance strategy 1







strategy 2

strategy 3

Figure 1: Parallel query plan comprising three operators (O1 , O2 , O3 ) and one input from disk. Each operator is partitioned across a possibly different number of nodes. Data can be re-partitioned between operators. Fault-tolerance strategies are selected at the granularity of operators. is thus an important component of parallel data processing, enabling performance gains similar in magnitude to several other recently proposed MapReduce optimizations [22, 26].



Query Model and Resource Allocation. In parallel data processing systems, queries take the form of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of operators that are distributed across servers in a cluster as illustrated in Figure 1. Servers are also referred to as nodes. Each operator can be partitioned and these partitions then execute in parallel on the same or on different nodes. Multiple operators can also share the same nodes. In this paper, we focus on nonblocking query plans, which take the form of trees (rather than DAGs), where operators are scheduled and executed at the same time, and where data is pipelined from one operator to the next, producing results incrementally. We assume that aggregation operators, if any, appear only at the top of a plan. Since input data comes from disk, it can be read and consumed at a steady pace (there are no unexpected bursts as in a streaming system for example). If a query plan is too large for all operators to run simultaneously, our approach will optimize fault-tolerance for pipelined subsets of the plan, materializing results at the end. Fault-tolerance choices and resource allocation are intertwined: an operator can perform more complex faulttolerance if it is allocated a greater fraction of the compute resources. In addition to fault-tolerance strategies, our optimizer computes the appropriate allocation of resources to operators. Due to space constraints, however, in this paper, we assume that each operator is partitioned across a given number of compute nodes and is allocated its own core(s) and disk on that node. For the resource allocation details, we refer the reader to Appendix A.5. Failure Model. In a shared-nothing cluster, different types of failures occur. Our approach handles a variety of failures from process failures to network failures. To simplify the presentation, we first focus on process failures: i.e., we assume that each operator partition runs in its own process and that these processes crash and are then restarted (with an empty state) independently of one another. We come back to more complex failures in Section 5.5. To make fault-tolerance choices, our optimizer must know the likelihood for different types of failures. If ni is the total number of processes allocated to operator i, we assume that

the expected number of failures during query execution for P that operator is given by: zi = nni Z where n = j∈O nj , O is the set of all operators in the plan, and Z is the expected number of process failures for the query. Z can be estimated from the observed failure rates for previous queries and administrators typically know this number [9]. We assume Z to be independent of the chosen fault-tolerance plan. Z depends on the query runtime, whose order of magnitude can be estimated by FTOpt as the total runtime without fault-tolerance and without failures (we show that results are robust to small errors in Z’s value in Section 6.6). Operator Determinism. We assume that individual operator partitions are deterministic, i.e., an operator partition produces an identical output when it processes the same input tuples in the same order. This is a common assumption [20, 47, 37, 2, 36, 23] and most relational operators are deterministic. In a distributed system, however, the order in which input tuples reach an operator partition may not be deterministic. Our approach handles this scenario.



Fault-Tolerance in Relational DBMSs. Commercial relational DBMSs provide fault-tolerance through replication [6, 34, 40]. Similarly, parallel DBMSs [14, 41, 45] use replication to handle various types of failures. Neither, however, provides intra-query fault-tolerance [32]. Main-memory DBMSs [25, 35, 28] use a variety of checkpointing strategies to preserve the in-memory state of their databases. In contrast, our approach preserves and recovers the state of ongoing computations. Fault-Tolerance in MapReduce-type systems. The MapReduce framework [10] provides intra-query faulttolerance by materializing results between operators and re-processing these results upon operator failures. This approach, however, imposes a high runtime overhead and prevents users from seeing any output until the job completes. In Dryad [20], data between operators can either be pipelined or materialized. In contrast, we strive to achieve both pipelining and fault-tolerance at the same time. We also study how to decide when to materialize or checkpoint data. Recent work [47] applies MapReduce-style faulttolerance to distributed databases by breaking long-running queries into small ones that execute and can be restarted independently. This approach, however, supports only a specific type of queries over a star schema. In contrast, we explore techniques that are more generally applicable. Recent work also introduced the ability to partly pipeline data in Hadoop [43], a MapReduce-type platform. This work is complementary to ours as it retains the use of materialization throughout the query plan for fault-tolerance purposes. Other Fault-Tolerance Strategies. In the distributed systems and stream processing literatures, several additional fault-tolerance strategies have been proposed [11, 21, 37]. All these strategies involve replication. One set of techniques is based on the state-machine approach. Here, the same computation is performed in parallel by two processing nodes [2, 36, 37]. We do not consider such techniques in this paper because of their overhead: to tolerate even a single failure, they require twice the resources. The second set of techniques uses rollback recovery methods [11, 21], where the system takes periodic snapshots of its state that it copies onto stable storage (i.e., into memory of other nodes or onto

disk). We show how to integrate the latter techniques into our fault-tolerance optimization framework (Section 4.2). Recently, Simitsis et. al. [38] studied the problem of selecting fault-tolerance strategies and recovery points for ETL flows. Similar to us they consider using different faulttolerance strategies within a single flow. In contrast to our work, they do not propose a general heterogeneous faulttolerance framework, do not have individually recoverable operators, and do not optimize for overall latency nor show how fault-tolerance choices affect processing latencies. Additional Related Work. Hwang et al. [19] studied self-configuring high-availability methods. Their approach is orthogonal to our work as it is based on a uniform checkpointing strategy and optimizes the time when checkpoints are taken and the backup nodes where they are saved. Techniques for query suspend and resume [4, 5] use rollback recovery but are otherwise orthogonal to our work. Phoenix/App [27] explores the problem of heterogeneous fault-tolerance in the context of web enterprise applications. This approach identifies three types of software components: Persistent, Transactional, and External depending on the fault-tolerance strategy that each uses (message logging with checkpointing, transactions, or nothing respectively). Phoenix/App then defines different “interaction contracts” for each combination of component types. Each contract implements a different protocol with different guarantees. Thus in Phoenix/App, the protocol depends on the faulttolerance capabilities of the communicating components. In contrast, our approach enables the mixing-and-matching of fault-tolerance strategies without changes to the protocol.



We present a framework for mixing and matching faulttolerance techniques. Our framework relies on concepts from the literature including logging, acknowledging, and replaying tuples as previously done in uniform fault-tolerance settings [21, 37] and “contract-based” methods for query suspend-resume [4]. Our contribution lies in articulating how these strategies can be used to enable fault-tolerance heterogeneity. We also discuss how three fault-tolerance techniques from the literature can be used within our framework.



To enable heterogeneous fault-tolerance between consecutive operators in a query plan, we isolate these operators by fixing the semantics of their interactions through a set of four rules. These rules enable each operator to be individually restartable without requiring any blocking materialization as in MapReduce and also without requiring that all operators use the same fault-tolerance strategy. In our framework, as in any parallel data processing system, operators receive input tuples from their upstream neighbors; they process these tuples and send results downstream. For example, in Figure 1, each partition of operator O2 receives data from each O1 partition and sends data to all O3 partitions. If an operator partition such as O21 fails, a new instance of the operator partition is started with an empty state. To recover the failed state, in our framework, the new instance can read any state persistently captured by the operator’s fault-tolerance strategy. It can also ask upstream operators to resend (a subset) of their data. To en-

able such replays, tuples must have unique identifiers, which may or may not be visible to applications, and operators must remember the output they produced. For this, we define the following two rules: Rule 4.1. Each relation must have a key. Rule 4.2. Producer replay guarantee. Upon request, an operator, must regenerate and resend in order and without duplicates any subset of unacknowledged output tuples. Acknowledgments mentioned in this rule help reduce the potential overhead of storing old output tuples by bounding how much history must be retained [21, 37]. In our framework, acknowledgments are optional and are sent from downstream operators to upstream ones. For example, once all operator partitions O21 through O2X that have received an input tuple t from operator partition O11 acknowledge this tuple, the tuple need no longer be retained by O11 . Upon sending an acknowledgment, an operator promises never to ask for the corresponding tuple again. Formally, Rule 4.3. Consumer progress guarantee. If an operator acknowledges a tuple rx , it guarantees that, even in case of failure, it will never ask for rx again. Most parallel data processing systems use in-order communication (e.g., TCP) between operators. In that case, an operator can send a single message with the identifier of a tuple rx to acknowledge all tuples up to and including rx . When a failure occurs and an operator restarts with an empty state, most fault-tolerance techniques will cause the operator to produce duplicate tuples during recovery. To ensure that an operator can eliminate duplicates before sending them downstream, we add a last requirement: Rule 4.4. Consumer Durability Guarantee. Upon request, an operator Od must produce the identifier of the most recent input tuple that it has received from an upstream neighbor Ou . Together, these four rules enable a parallel system to ensure that it produces the same output tuples in the same order with and without failure (the tuples may still be delayed due to failure recovery.) They also enable operators to be individually restartable and the query plan to be both pipelined and fault-tolerant, since data can be transmitted at anytime between operators. Finally, the framework is agnostic of the fault-tolerance method used as long as the method works within the pre-defined types of interactions. From the above four rules, only the “Producer replay guarantee” rule potentially adds a visible overhead to the system since it requires that a producer be able to re-generate (part of) its output.2 A no-cost solution to satisfy this rule is for an operator to restart itself upon receiving a replay request. With this strategy, an operator failure can cause a cascading rollback effect, where all preceding operators in the plan get also restarted. This approach is equivalent to restarting a subset of the query plan after a failure occurs and is no worse than what parallel DBMSs do today. Alternatively, an operator could write its output to disk. Finally, 2 Our framework also requires unique identifiers for tuples. In our implementation, we create unique identifiers consisting of 3 integers [44]; for the 512 byte tuples used in our experiments the space overhead is less than 2.5%.

some operators, such as joins, can also easily re-generate their output from their state without the need to log their output. Each of these solutions leads to different expected query runtimes with and without failures. Our optimizer is precisely designed to select the correct strategy for each operator (from a pre-defined set of strategies) in a way that minimizes the total runtime with failures for a given query plan as we discuss further below.


Concrete Framework Instance

We now discuss how three fault-tolerance strategies from the literature can be integrated into our framework. Even though the operators in our framework are deterministic (see Section 2), in a distributed setting tuples may arrive in different interleaved order on different inputs. We develop a low-overhead method –based on lightweight logging of information about input tuple processing order– to ensure determinism in this case, but we omit it due to space constraints and refer the reader to Appendix A.4. Strategy NONE. Within our framework, an operator can choose to do nothing to make itself fault-tolerant. We call this strategy NONE. To ensure that it can recover from a failure, such an operator can simply avoid sending any acknowledgments upstream. Upon a failure, that operator can then request that its upstream neighbors replay their entire output. This strategy is analogous to the upstream backup approach developed for stream processing engines [21]. As in upstream backup, operators such as select or project that do not maintain state between consecutive tuples (i.e., “stateless operators”) can send acknowledgments in some cases: e.g., if an input tuple r makes it through a selection to generate the output q and is acknowledged by all operators downstream, then r can be acknowledged. Unlike upstream backup, which uses different types of acknowledgments [21], our approach uses only one type of acknowledgments facilitating heterogeneous fault-tolerance. This approach of skipping over input data during recovery has also been used for resumptions of interrupted warehouse loads [24]. To handle a request for output tuples, a stateless operator can fail and restart itself to reproduce the requested data. For stateful operators (i.e., operators such as joins that maintain state between consecutive tuples), a more efficient strategy is to maintain an output queue and replay the requested data [21]. Such a queue, however, can still impose a significant memory overhead and an I/O overhead if the queue is written to disk. We observe, however, that stateful relational operators need not keep such output queue but, instead, can re-generate the data from their state. We implement this strategy and use it in our evaluation. Strategy MATERIALIZE. An alternate rollback recovery approach consists in logging intermediate results between operators as in MapReduce [10]. While CHCKPT speeds-up recovery for the checkpointed operator itself, MATERIALIZE potentially speeds-up recovery for downstream operators: to satisfy a replay request, an operator can simply re-read the materialized data. Since materialized output tuples need never be generated again, an operator can use the same acknowledgement and recovery policy as in NONE. Strategy CHCKPT. This strategy is a type of rollback recovery strategy where operators’ state is periodically saved to stable storage. Because our framework recovers operators individually, it requires what is called uncoordinated checkpointing with logging [11]. One approach that can directly be

applied is passive standby [21], where operators take periodic checkpoints of their state, independently of other operators. Our framework requires that an operator save sufficient information to guarantee the consumer progress, consumer durability, and producer replay guarantees. For this, the operator must log its state (e.g., partial aggregates, join hash tables) and, when applicable, its output queue. The operator can acknowledge checkpointed input tuples. Upon failures, the operator restarts from the last checkpoint. As an optimization, operators can checkpoint only delta-changes of their state [11]. Other optimizations are also possible [11, 19, 23] and can be used with our framework. Unlike NONE and MATERIALIZE, with CHCKPT blocking operators also benefit from fault-tolerance provisioning as they can checkpoint their state periodically and restart from the latest checkpoint after a failure.3 In summary, while our framework imposes constraints on operator interactions, all three of these common faulttolerance strategies can easily be incorporated into it.



FTOpt is an optimizer for our heterogeneous faulttolerance framework. FTOpt runs as a post-processing step: it takes as input (a) a query plan selected by the query optimizer and annotates it with the fault-tolerance strategies to use. The optimizer also takes as input (b) information about the cluster resources and cluster failure model, and (c) models for the operators in the plan under different fault-tolerance strategies. FTOpt produces as output a fault-tolerance plan that minimizes an objective function (i.e., the expected runtime with failures) given a set of constraints (that model the plan). FTOpt’s fault-tolerance plans have three parts: (1) a fault-tolerance strategy for each operator, (2) checkpoint frequencies for all operators that should checkpoint their states, and (3) an allocation of resources to operators. As indicated in Section 2, however, we do not discuss resource allocation in this paper due to space constraints. We assume a given resource allocation to operators. For a given query plan, the optimizer’s search space thus consists of all combinations of fault-tolerance strategies. In this paper, we use a brute-force technique to enumerate through that search space and leave more efficient enumeration algorithms for future work. For each such combination, FTOpt estimates the expected total runtime with failures, the optimal checkpoint frequencies and, optionally, an allocation of resources to operators [44]. It then chooses the plan with the minimum total runtime with failures.


Geometric Model

As it enumerates through the search-space, given a potential fault-tolerance plan, in order to select optimal checkpoint frequencies and estimate the total runtime with failures for the plan, FTOpt uses a geometric programming (GP) framework. GP allows expressions that model resource scaling (for resource allocation) and non-linear operator behavior, but still finds a global minima for the model [3]. In a geometric optimization problem, the goal is to minimize a function f0 (~ x), where ~ x is the optimization variable 3 FTOpt works irrespective of a blocking operator’s placement in a query plan. We focus on online query processing since FTOpt is especially useful for such plans: it enables fault-tolerance without creating unnecessary blocking.

vector. The optimization is subject to constraints on other functions fi (~ x) and gi (~ x). All of ~ x, g(~ x), and f (~ x) are constrained to take the following specific forms: • ~ x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) such that ∀i xi > 0, xi ∈ R. • g(~ x) must be a monomial of the form cxa1 1 xa2 2 . . . xann with c > 0 and ai ∈ R. • f (~ x) must be a posynomial defined as a sum of one or more monomials. with ck > 0 and aik ∈ Pk=K Specifically, a a a ck x1 1k x2 2k . . . xnnk . R: f (~ x) = k=1 The optimization is then expressed as follows: minimize

f0 (~ x)

subject to fi (~ x) ≤ 1, i = 1, . . . , m gi (~ x) = 1, i = 1, . . . , p RD In our case, ~ x = ∪i∈O (ci , Ni , xN , xRS i , xi i ) where O is the set of all operators in the query plan and ∪ denotes concatenation. Each operator has a vector of variables that includes: ci , its checkpoint frequency, Ni , the number of nodes assigned to it (we assume that it is fixed in this paRD , and xRS per), and xN i , which capture the average time i , xi between two consecutive output tuples, requested replay tuples, and “units of recovery” (a measure of recovery speed), respectively. Tables 1 and 2 summarize these parameters (we come back to the tables shortly). Our objective function, f0 (~ x) = Ttotal , is the total time to execute the query including time spent recovering from failures. We define it more precisely in Sections 5.2 and 5.3. Our constraints comprise framework and operator constraints. The former constrain how operator models are composed: (a) the average input and output rates of consecutive operators must be equal since the query plan is pipelined, (b) aggregate input and output rates for operators cannot exceed the network and processing limits, and (c) if an operator uses an output queue, it must either checkpoint its output queue to disk frequently enough, or must receive acknowledgements from downstream operators frequently enough to never run out of memory. Individual operators can add further constraints (see Section 5.3).


Objective Function

FTOpt minimizes the following cost function, that captures the expected runtime of a query plan: ! i=d−1 X X Ttotal = max Tpd + Dp i + zi · Ri (1) p∈P



The first term is the total time needed to completely process the query including the overhead of fault-tolerance if no failures occur The second term is the expected time spent in recovery from failures. Failure recovery can be added on top of normal processing because, with our approach, when a failure occurs, it blocks the entire pipeline. Indeed, even if one operator partition fails, operators upstream from that partition stop executing normally and take part in the recovery. A side-effect of this approach is that recovering a single operator partition or recovering all partitions yield approximately the same recovery time. In more detail, for the first term, P is the set of all paths from the root of the query tree to the leaves. For a given path p ∈ P of length d, the root is labeled with p1 and the leaf with pd ; Dpi is the delay introduced by operator pi

Number of output tuples

Total output

Table 1: Functions capturing operator behavior. Delay to produce the first tuple D N (Θ) Average delay to output first tuple during normal processing (with fault-tolerance overheads). D RD (Θ) Average delay to produce first tuple requested by a downstream operator during a replay. D RS (Θ) Average delay to the start of state recovery on failure. Average processing time Average time interval between successive output tuples xN (Θ) during normal runtime (with fault-tolerance overheads). xRD (Θ) Average time interval between successive output tuples requested by a downstream operator. Average time-interval between strategy-specific “units of xRS (Θ) recovery” (e.g., checkpointed tuples read from disk). Acknowledgement interval, a(Θ), sent to upstream nodes.

Table 2: Operator behavior parameters(Θ). Query parameters |Iu | Number of input tuples received from upstream operator u. |I| Number of tuples produced by current operator. Operator parameters tcpu Operator cost in terms of time to process one tuple. tio The time taken to write a tuple to disk. Runtime parameters N Average inter-tuple arrival time from upstream operator u in xu normal processing. Fault-tolerance strategy. F c Number of tuples processed between consecutive checkpoints. The number of nodes assigned to the operator. N Surrounding fault-tolerance context ad Maximum number of unacknowledged output tuples. xRD Average inter-tuple arrival time from upstream operator u u during a replay.

where the delay is defined as the time taken to produce its first output tuple from the moment it receives its first input tuple; and, Tpd is the time taken by the leaf operator to complete all processing after receiving its first input tuple. Tpd = Dpd + xN pd |I|, where |I| is the number of output tuples produced by the leaf operator. Dpi and Tpd depend on the input tuple arrival rate at an operator, which depend on how fast previous operators are in the pipeline. We capture these dependencies with constraints as mentioned in Section 5.1. For the second term, O is the set of all operators in the tree. For operator i ∈ O, zi is the expected number of failures during query execution, and Ri is the expected recovery time from a failure. We estimate zi using an administratorprovided failure model as described in Section 2. To adapt Ttotal to be a posynomial, we need to eliminate the max operator. For this, we introduce a variable T for Ttotal and decompose the objective to be “minimize T with a constraint for each path such that: (T )−1 ×[expected total time for the path]