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Jul 9, 2004 - Tel.: +34 91 885 67 08. Email addresses: [email protected] ... signal coder that is able to obtain a low bit rate whilst maintaining the ...
A low computational complexity algorithm for ECG signal compression Manuel Blanco-Velasco, a,∗ Fernando Cruz-Rold´an, a ´ Francisco L´opez-Ferreras, a Angel Bravo-Santos, a Dami´an Mart´ınez-Mu˜ noz b a Dep.

Teor´ıa de la Se˜ nal y Comunicaciones, Escuela Polit´ecnica, Universidad de Alcal´ a, Alcal´ a de Henares (Madrid), Spain

b Dep.

de Electr´ onica, Escuela Universitaria Polit´ecnica, Universidad de Ja´en, Linares (Ja´en), Spain

Abstract In this work, a filter bank-based algorithm for electrocardiogram (ECG) signals compression is proposed. The new coder consists of three different stages. In the first one – the subband decomposition stage –, we compare the perfomance of a nearly perfect reconstruction (N-PR) cosine modulated filter bank with the Wavelet Packet (WP) technique. Both schemes use the same coding algorithm, thus permitting an effective comparison. The target of the comparison is the quality of the reconstructed signal, which must remain within predetermined accuracy limits. We employ the most widely used quality criterion for the compressed ECG: the percentage root-mean-square difference (PRD). It is complemented by means of the maximum amplitude error (MAX). The tests have been done for the twelve principal cardiac leads, and the amount of compression is evaluated by means of the mean number of bits per sample (MBPS) and the compression ratio (CR). The implementation cost for both the filter bank and the WP technique have also been studied. The results show that the N-PR cosine modulated filter bank method outperforms the WP technique in both quality and efficiency. Key words: Electrocardiogram (ECG), ECG compression, Wavelet Packet (WP), filter bank, subband coding.

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 91 885 67 08 Email addresses: [email protected] [email protected] (Fernando Cruz-Rold´an,).

Preprint submitted to Elsevier Preprint



9 July 2004



ECG processing using subband and wavelet transforms is a subject of great interest. The digitized ECG is most commonly used in applications such as monitoring or patient databases. Furthermore, long-term records have become widely used to extract or detect important information from heart signals. In these cases, large amounts of data have to be either stored or transmitted making compression necessary in order to reduce the bit rate. With this in mind, plenty of data compression techniques have been developed to encode digitized ECG signals. As most of them are unable to retrieve exactly the original signal, they are called lossy compression techniques. Several authors have classified these techniques into two groups [1; 2], but we propose a new classification with three different categories: (1) Direct compression methods, where the ECG samples are processed directly paying attention to the redundancy among them. Several schemes such as the AZTEC (Amplitude Zone Epoch Coding), FAN, TP (Tunning Point) and CORTES (COordinate Reduction Time Encoding System) have been specifically developed for ECG data compression. A summary of these can be found in [3]. Nowadays, research is still focusing on direct compression. An optimized time domain-coding scheme is presented in [1]. (2) Transform methods, where a data transformation is applied as a means of extracting outstanding information by reducing the correlation among samples. The resulting set of coefficients is then encoded using different compression algorithms. Within this group, the methods based on the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) play an interesting role due to their easy implementation and efficiency. In [4] and [5] bit allocation was chosen in a DWT diagram, as was the case in [6] and [7], where both the Embedded Zerotree Wavelet (EZW) and the Set Partitioning In Hierarchical Tree (SPIHT) algorithms, both of which have shown very good results in image coding, were applied to ECGs. In [8] and [9] WPs have been implemented as a valid transformation for comparison with the KarhunenLoeve transform. It is interesting to note that in these two last papers, each heartbeat is treated separately. In [10], compression is performed by linear prediction and QRS detection is required. Recently a SPIHTbased ECG compression was published [11], where the main aim was to maintain the quality of the recovered signal as close as possible to an established value. (3) Other compression methods: In this category, a wide range of techniques can be included. The main feature being that the signal must be pre-processed to extract information. Hence, some are either parameter extractions [12]-[15] such as heartbeat averaging, long-term prediction and vector quantization, or subband decomposition techniques (exclu2

Fig. 1. Overall block diagram for both wavelet and subband-based techniques.

ding those corresponding to transform methods) [16]-[19] where spectral information is divided into a set of signals that can then be encoded by using a variety of techniques. In this paper, we deal with the design of an easy to use and efficient ECG signal coder that is able to obtain a low bit rate whilst maintaining the quality of the reconstructed signal. The novel and main contribution of this work is the application of N-PR cosine-modulated filter banks – included in category 3 – to ECG signal coding. We compare this method with the WP technique, widely adopted by the scientific community [8; 9]. The overall block diagram of the coder is shown in Fig. 1. The above system consists of three different stages. The first stage is based on either a transform method using WP – included in category 2 – or an N-PR cosine-modulated filter bank. The main objective of the system is the quality of the reconstructed signal making it possible to establish which of the two tools is able to present the information to an ECG coder in the best way. To distinguish the approach of both tools, it is worth noting that subband decomposition using conventional N-PR cosine-modulated filter banks is not exactly a transform method. The reason for this being that these filter banks are not transformations, and as such cannot be used to decrease the correlation of coefficients, as is desirable with a transformation. With a N-PR filter bank, the signal is split in the frequency domain producing several subband signals from which the original signal cannot be accurately obtained. The information content of the original signal is consequently transferred to each subband signal, but is not equally distributed among them. Therefore, each subband signal is quantized with differing degrees of precision. The second and third stages of Fig. 1 are the same for both WP and N-PR filter banks. This is because both systems are implemented using filter banks, so the response of both schemes can be applied to a similar compression algorithm. The algorithm implemented in this work is extremely easy: it is based on thresholding and has been developed to continuously process the signal without QRS detection and heartbeat segmentation. The above-mentioned simplicity can be exploited in order to implement the coder in a real system. As there is some information loss, the quality of the reconstructed signal must be assured. The quality measurement must be obtained by objective means, as the waveform of the retrieved signal must be as close as possible to the original in order to guarantee that important information (such as certain kinds of pathologies) is not lost. PRD has been widely used (see as examples [1]-[5]) as an objective measurement that preserves the quality of the original 3

waveform to within an acceptable degree: v uP u (x [n] − x ˆ [n])2 t P RD = · 100. P 2

(x [n])


where x[n] and xˆ[n] are the original and the reconstructed signals, respectively. As the PRD is a global criterion that minimize local effects which are often so significant in medical diagnosis based on signals, the measure of maximum differences has been added too by means of the maximum amplitude error (MAX) which is expressed as M AX = max {|x [n] − xˆ [n]|} . n


The outline of the paper is as follows. Sections 2 and 3 present a brief review of WP and N-PR cosine-modulated filter banks respectively. In Section 4, the implementation cost of the cosine-modulated filter bank is compared with the direct implementation of the WP-based filter banks. In Section 5 the compression algorithm for both schemes is explained, and in Section 6 several examples are shown. Finally, in Section 7 our conclusions are presented. Notation: Letters in bold-type indicate vectors (lower case) and matrices (upper case). Notation AT represents the transpose of A. Matrices I and J denote, respectively, the k × k identity matrix, and the k × k “reverse operator”: 

0   0 J= .  ..  

··· 0 1  ··· 1 0   . . . .. ..  . .

1 ··· 0 0


 

Brief review of the wavelet packets theory

Multiresolution analysis is a very important position from which to understand and apply wavelet analysis [20]-[22]. Using this overall theory, a function f (t) ∈ L2 (R) can be represented as a succession of approximations in several scales. A vector space is generated by scaling and translating two basic functions, ψ(t) and ϕ(t), defined as ³






ψj,k (t) = 2j/2 ψ 2j t − k , ϕj,k (t) = 2j/2 ϕ 2j t − k . 4

Fig. 2. Example of a coefficient calculation using a DWT filter bank of four layers.

The wavelet function ψ(t) contains accurate details of the signal f (t) whereas the scaling function ϕ(t) offers an inaccurate approximation. By combining the two, the function f (t) is precisely obtained as f (t) =


cj0 (k)ϕj0 ,k (t) +

∞ XX

dj (k)ψj,k (t).


k j=j0


In eq. (5), two kind of coefficients, called Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), are used as projections in the vector space: the scaling coefficients cj0 (k) which are rough details, and the wavelet coefficients dj (k) which are finer details. An advantage of multiresolution analysis is that the implementation algorithm can be achieved by using a two-channel filter bank that has the perfect reconstruction (PR) property and whose impulsive responses h0 [n] and h1 [n], are low and high-pass Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters respectively. An example of a four layer DWT can be seen in Fig. 2. If the scaling coefficients cj are introduced as input in a scale j, the output will be the scaling coefficients cj−1 and the wavelet coefficients dj−1 in a smaller scale j − 1 than the previous j. This filter bank is applied successively to the low-pass filter output, which represents the rough details. In this work, Daubechies filters are used as low-pass filters, which define an orthogonal base, and the relationship for obtaining the impulsive responses of the high-pass filters, is given by h1 [n] = (−1)n h0 [L − 1 − n] .


Although other kinds of orthonormal wavelets, such as Coiflet and Symmlet wavelets were tried in our experiments, these were unable to overcome compression degree, so finally Daubechies wavelets were chosen [23]. WP also spread the DWT, decomposing the high-pass filter output, that is, the finer details. This results in a binary tree filter bank with a number of levels depending on the desired scale of resolution. The binary tree can be considered as a library of bases called WPs [24]. The objective is to select the best base to represent the signal by adequately pruning the tree. This is done by using certain criterion of measuring the information cost of each node. In 5

this paper, Shannon entropy has been used [24]: H(x) = −

X³ k






|vk [n]|2 kx [n]k2 log2 |vk [n]|2 kx [n]k2 ,


where vk [n] is the signal at some offspring node and x[n] is the input signal. Information cost must be compared between the root or parent node and the sum of the information cost of the following generations or offspring nodes in the binary tree. The branches with a higher value are removed. Fig. 3a shows an example of a four-layered WP with the Shannon entropy calculated for each node. The pruned tree obtained after entropy sum comparison is shown in Fig. 3b. On the other hand, the input signal is processed by taking non-overlapping blocks of samples whose size is taken to be a power of two [6; 7]. Each segment has its best base, so each one is processed by a different filter bank structure. For instance, there will be filters used for processing a particular segment that will disappear and so will not be used for the following segment. Therefore, in order to recover the signal without information loss, each segment must be processed independently. This is achieved by taking the periodic extension of every segment, which is the same as considering each segment as a period of a periodic signal. In this way, the same periodic signal, and therefore the same segment, must be recovered by applying the corresponding synthesis filter bank.


M -Channel N-PR cosine-modulated filter banks

Fig. 4 shows an M -channel maximally decimated filter bank with a parallel structure. These systems have been extensively studied and they are used in many applications from multicarrier modulation to data compression (see as examples references included in [20] and [25]-[29]). Within these applications, several researchers have applied filter banks to solve biomedical problems such as ECG beat detection [30], analysis/detection of vocal fold pathology [31] and analysis and classification of infarcted myocardial tissue [32]. An important subclass of M -channel filter banks is the modulated filter bank group: all the analysis and synthesis filters are obtained by the modulation of lowpass prototype filters. In this work, we use conventional N-PR cosinemodulated filter banks [25; 33] to divide the incoming signal into separate subband signals. These systems offer almost but not true PR; however, they are an alternative to PR systems because the highly nonlinear optimization to obtain the prototype filter coefficients can be avoided. We will show how this type of filter bank can be used as a viable alternative to WP for compressing ECG signals. 6

Fig. 3. (a) Four level WP filter bank. The number of each node is the Shannon entropy and the broken lines are the discarded branches. (b) The resulting filter bank after pruning.


Fig. 4. M -channel maximally decimated filter bank.

3.1 Scheme of Cosine Modulation

In conventional N-PR cosine-modulated filter banks, the real coefficients impulse response of the analysis hk [n] and synthesis fk [n] filters, 0 6 n 6 N , 0 6 k 6 M − 1, can be obtained as hk [n] = p [n] · c1,k [n] ,


fk [n] = p [n] · c2,k [n] , where ³


π c1,k [n] = 2 · cos (2k + 1) 2M n−



π c2,k [n] = 2 · cos (2k + 1) 2M n−

N 2 N 2



+ (−1)k − (−1)k

π 4 π 4






If the prototype p[n] is appropiately designed, i.e., it satisfies the conditions for approximate reconstruction |P (ejω )| ≈ 0,

f or

|ω| >

π , M


and |T0 (ejω )| ≈ 1,

∀ ω,


where −1 1 MX Hk (z) · Fk (z), T0 (z) = M k=0



all the significant aliasing terms are cancelled [25; 33]. Moreover, if the prototype filter is a linear-phase filter, the filter bank will be free from phase distortion provided that the synthesis filters are chosen according to   0 ≤ n ≤ N ,

fk [n] = hk [N − n] ,


  0 ≤ k ≤ M − 1.

So, at the expense of allowing an acceptable margin of amplitude distortion and aliasing error, i. e., without satisfying the PR property, we simplify the effort of designing the filter bank to that of designing a prototype filter.

3.2 Prototype Filter Design Techniques

Several methods have been proposed that facilitate the design of the prototype filter. Creusere and Mitra proposed one such method [34], in which the prototype filter length, the relative error weighting and the stopband edge are all fixed before the optimization procedure is started, whilst the passband edge is adjusted to minimize the following objective function: ½¯ ³ ¾ ¯ ³ ´¯ ´¯ ¯ ¯ j(ω−π/M ) ¯2 jω ¯2 ¯ −1 , φ = max ¯P e ¯ + ¯P e ω

0 < ω < π/M , (14)

where P (ejω ) is the prototype filter frequency response. Another efficient designing technique, called the Kaiser Window Approach (KWA), was proposed in [35]. The design process is the following. Let p[n] be a linear phase filter obtained by using the Kaiser window technique. Next, G(ejω ) is defined as G(ejω ) = |P (ejω )|2 . The process of designing the prototype filter p[n] is reduced to the optimization of the ideal filter cutoff frequency ωc in order to minimize the objective function given by φnew = max | g [2M n] | . n,n6=0


This condition ensures that p[n] is approximately a spectral factor of a 2M th band filter. Recently, a new prototype filter design method has been proposed [36]. The problem can be stated in several different ways, but the purpose consists in minimizing ¯¯ ¯¯

´¯ ¯


.√ ¯ ¯ 2¯.

φ = ¯ ¯P ejπ/2M ¯ − 1 9


When we use an appropriate FIR filter design technique (by windowing or by means of the Parks-McClellan algorithm), we can guarantee that the frequency response of the prototype filter approximately satisfies the power complementary property. In other words, this technique controls the position of the 3dB π cutoff frequency of the prototype filter and sets it approximately at 2M . In this way, it is possible to reduce the amplitude distortion and the aliasing errors introduced in the filter bank.

3.3 Fast Algorithm of Implementation

One of the reasons why cosine-modulated filter banks are widely used is due to the fact that efficient implementations of the analysis and synthesis banks can be obtained. We express the prototype filter as 2M −1 X

P (z) =




z −ℓ · Gℓ z 2M =

2M −1 X ℓ=0



z −ℓ · Kℓ z 2M .


where Gl (z) and Kl (z) are respectively the 2M types 1 and 2 polyphase components of the prototype filter P (z) [25; 37]. Using eqs. (8) and (9), the analysis filters can be expressed as 

 

 

 H0 (z)   ´  ³     2M −z g H (z)   0 1  =C ˆA ·  hT (z) =   ³ ´  · e (z) ,   . ..   z −M g1 −z 2M


ˆ A ] = c1,k [ℓ] 0 ≤ k ≤ (M − 1) , 0 ≤ ℓ ≤ (2M − 1) , [C k,ℓ


HM −1 (z)



g0 (z) = diag G0 (z) G1 (z) · · ·


GM −1 (z) ,


g1 (z) = diag GM (z) GM +1 (z) · · ·

(20) ¸

G2M −1 (z) ,




and ·

e (z) = 1 z


··· 10


−(M −1)



Fig. 5. Polyphase implementation of the cosine-modulated filter bank.

The equivalent vector of synthesis filters can be expressed as f(z) = [F0 (z) F1 (z) . . . FM −1 (z)] = T

ˆB , = z −(M −1) · eT (z −1 ) · [z −M k1 (−z 2M ) k0 (−z 2M )] · C


where ·

k0 (z) = diag KM −1 (z) KM −2 (z) · · · ·

k1 (z) = diag K2M −1 (z) K2M −2 (z) · · ·


K0 (z) , KM (z)


(24) ,


and h

ˆB C



= c2,k [2M − 1 − ℓ]

0 ≤ k ≤ (M − 1) , 0 ≤ ℓ ≤ (2M − 1) . (26)

The corresponding polyphase realization of the filter bank is shown in Fig. 5. A more simplified implementation of this bank can be derived from the polyphase matrices when the prototype filter length (N + 1) and the number of channels M are related as N + 1 = 2mM.


If we accept the above restriction, and assume that m is an even number, the ˆ A in the analysis bank of the structure in Fig. 5, cosine modulation matrix C can be expressed as [25] ˆA = C



M · ΛC · C · (I − J) − (I + J) .


ΛC is a diagonal matrix with elements [ΛC ]k,k = cos(π · (0.5 + k) · m), 11


Fig. 6. Efficient polyphase implementation of the analysis bank.

and C is the Type 4 Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) matrix defined as [38] [C]k,n =


π 2 cos · (0.5 + k) · (0.5 + n) . M M µ


Therefore, based on eq. (28), the analysis bank structure can be drawn as in Fig. 6.


Implementation cost

In this section, we study and compare the implementation cost – taking into consideration the number of multiplications and additions – of an N-PR cosinemodulated filter bank and a WP filter bank. We only consider the computational cost of the analysis stage, as the cost of the corresponding synthesis bank, given by eq. (13), is similar for both systems. We start by looking at the cost of the N-PR cosine modulated filter bank. The direct polyphase implementation of the analysis bank requires N multiplications and N additions per input sample (see [25] for more details). On the other hand, the implementation cost of the M -channel cosine-modulated analysis filter bank using the structure in Fig. 6 is roughly the following: (1) (N + 1)/M multiplications and N/M additions per input sample in the polyphase filters stage [25]. (2) ((M/2) log2 M +M ) multiplications and (3M/2) log2 M additions to compute the M -point Type 4 DCT [37; 38; 39], 12

Table 1 Computational complexity – multiplications and additions per 16 input samples – for the efficient implementation of the 16 -channel cosine-modulated analysis bank. Prototype filter order









Table 2 Computational complexity – multiplications and additions per 16 input samples – for the 4 -level WP implementation. Wavelet Multiplications Additions Length (best case) (best case)

Multiplications Additions (worst case) (worst case)











(3) As m is an even number, ΛC only changes the signs of the subband signals in special cases. We do not consider these operations to be multiplications. (4) (I − J) matrix requires M additions per input sample if M is an even number, and (M − 1) additions per input sample if M is an odd number. (5) −(I + J) matrix requires M additions per input sample if M is an even number, and (M − 1) additions and 1 multiplication per input sample if M is an odd number. (6) 1 multiplication and M additions per input sample for the rest of the operations. Thus, the total implementation cost of the analysis bank is the following. For M even, (M/2) log2 M + 2M + (N + 1) multiplications and (3M/2) log2 M + N + 3M 2 additions per M input samples. For M odd, (M/2) log2 M + 3M + (N + 1) multiplications and 2 (3M/2) log2 M + N + 3M − 2M additions per M input samples. So, if the prototype filter length satisfies eq. (27) and looking at a 16 -channel filter bank, from a computational point of view, the fast implementation is more interesting than the direct polyphase implementation for the analysis bank. With regard to the WP filter bank, the implementation cost depends on the K number of the two-channel filter banks needed to decompose the incoming signal x[n]. The total number of multiplications and additions per M input samples is K · M · (N + 1) and K · M · N , respectively. In our experiments [23; 40], we have found that the most favourable case in a four-level WP filter bank is that represented in Fig. 2. In this case, the final binary tree has four branches, but we require three more branches (K = 7) to calculate the entropy. Therefore, we need 7 · M · (N + 1) multiplications and 7 · M · N additions per M input samples. Note that we assume that each filter bank is implemented 13

using a direct polyphase implementation, and we have not taken into account the computational cost needed to obtain the Shannon entropy. On the other hand, the worst case occurs when we use all the branches of the binary tree to decompose the incoming signal (Fig. 3a). In this case, we need 15 · M · (N + 1) multiplications and 15 · M · N additions per M input samples. Table 1 shows the computational complexity of 16 -channel cosine-modulated analysis banks designed with prototype filters of different lengths, considering the efficient implementation of Fig. 6. Table 2 also shows the computational complexity needed to implement the four-level WP in its best and worst cases. These tables serve as a comparison of the computational cost of both systems.


Compression scheme

We reintroduce the block diagram of the proposed encoding system shown in Fig. 1. As described before, in the first stage, two schemes for splitting the ECG signals are used: a WP-based transform method using Daubechies filters, where the output samples y[n] are the transform coefficients, and an N-PR cosine-modulated filter bank, where the samples y[n] are now the subband signals. In order to calculate the WP, as explained in Section 2, the incoming signal is segmented into consecutive blocks the lengths of which are power of two. The compression algorithm is applied to a set of coefficients of the same size as the corresponding segment. Therefore, to better compare both methods, the input signal is segmented in the same way as the compression based on the N-PR filter bank. The rest of the system, i. e., the quantizer and the entropy coder are the same for both schemes. When the above schemes of subband decomposition are applied to ECG, most of the energy is concentrated in a few coefficients, so a thresholding technique can be applied in order to obtain a good degree of compression. Coefficients with an amplitude less than a threshold value are discarded. Only the largest are maintained thus assuring the quality for the reconstructed signal, which is selected before the compression is made as a predetermined PRD value. The algorithm begins by fixing an initial threshold value, which is the same for all subbands, to check the target PRD. If it is not reached, a new threshold is chosen iterating the previous procedure until the target PRD is accomplished. The preceding technique is applied to each input segment. This algorithm is used as quantizer for both methods of subband decomposition, i.e., WP and N-PR filter banks. For the entropy coder stage, a run-length coding is used as a means of joining the void samples. The non-discarded samples of each processed segment are sent or stored without varying the original precision. Since the previous section is a thresholding technique, there will be unused codes in each set of processed samples called escape codes. In this case, the threshold value can be used as an 14

Fig. 7. Flowchart of the run-length coding algorithm.

escape code to indicate the zero position. The next sample will be the number of consecutive zeros. Fig. 7 shows the flowchart of the run-length coding algorithm. Two samples must be included as a header in every segment: the first is a word indicating the beginning of the segment and the second is the escape code of the current segment. The next samples are the informative content of the segment. Nondiscarded samples are coded with the original precision (16 bits) until a zero stream appears, which is indicated by the escape code. Then the number of consecutive zeros is coded with different precision. Four bits are used when the number of zeros is less than sixteen. For more than fifteen consecutive zeros (indicated by the bit number ‘1111’ that means overflow), the stream of zeros is coded with the previous 4 bits plus an adequate number of bits to complete the length of the segment. Note that an isolated zero is coded without an escape code. For the scheme based on WPs, the base used to decompose each segment must be considered. In a binary tree library, the number of bases can be calculated recursively [24] and in the particular case of 4 layers, there are 677 different bases. Therefore, to maintain a table with the different kinds of decomposition tree, this information is included as a 16 -bit word in the run-length coding header of the WP scheme. 15



In this section, we compare the behaviour of the WP-based compression scheme with the corresponding N-PR filter bank based scheme. The database 1 used to carry out the test contains two sets of twelve standard leads. Each lead is sampled at 360 Hz and each sample is coded in PCM with 16 bits per sample. Each set has a different length. Every lead of the first set lasts 10 minutes, whereas the signals of the second last 2 minutes. The signals included in the database are cleaned from high frequency noise and some leads have baseline fluctuations. Atrial fibrillation is the pathology contained in the database. We have used two compression degree measurements in order to adequately show the results. The first is the MBPS that evaluates the number of bits by means of each sample is encoded. The second is the CR, which is the ratio between the number of bits of the original signal and the number of bits of the retrieved signal. It can be calculated as follows CR =

N × 16 , B


where N is the number of samples of every segment and B the number of bits needed to encode the corresponding segment. The WP-based compression scheme has been studied previously [23; 40]. It takes into account several free parameters: the order of filters, the number of levels of the decomposition tree, the length of the signal segment and the PRD value. We have found that the CR increases with the filter order. Fig. 8 shows the CR mean value as a function of the length of filters calculated for several target PRD and segment length values. The CR increases up to a filter length of 14 samples. On the other hand, there is no improvement in the decomposition level. Compression remains constant from the 4th layer, though it is not worth increasing the number of layers due to the increase in the number of operations required. Therefore, we chose WP of 14-length filters and a decomposition level up to 4. Afterwards, in order to establish the features of the N-PR filter bank, the WP is considered as a binary tree, which divides the spectral domain into 16 subbands when the decomposition level is up to 4. By using the nobles identities for multirate systems [25], the filter bank chosen to carry out the comparison with the WP of 4 layers must have 16 -channels and the filter order that takes into account a 14 WP filter length must be 196. As the order is greater than 127, it is worthwhile using the fast implementation explained in Section 4. For a 196-filter length eq. (27) does not hold true, so the final 1

This database has been supplied by the Electro-physiology Laboratory (Cardiology floor) group of the General Hospital Universitario Gregorio Mara˜ n´on of Madrid.


6.4 6.3 6.2 6.1


6 5.9 5.8 5.7 5.6 5.5 5.4











Length of filters

Fig. 8. CR mean value as a function of the length of filters.

configuration to be compared is: • N-PR cosine-modulated filter bank: 16 channels and filter length 192. • WP: decomposition level up to 4 and 14-length Daubechies filters. The tests were carried out with a set of filter banks, which were obtained using the three techniques explained in Section 3. They are called as follows: • Clcam16192 when we use the ”Creusere and Mitra” method [34]. • Clkwa16192 when we use the “Kaiser Window Approach” [35]. • Clvb16192, clvk16192 or clvh16192 when we use the method proposed in [36], using respectively the Blackman, the Kaiser or the Hamming windows. • Clpm16192 when we use the method proposed in [36], but with a ParksMcClellan-based algorithm. Apart from the length of the filters for both schemes and the decomposition level for WP, there are still two free parameters: the segment length, that splits the input signal, and the PRD value to select the quality of the recovered signal. As the objective is quality, the recovered signal waveform must remain as close as possible to the original signal. However, the PRD as a performance measure is not sufficient to decide whether the retrieved signal is suitable or not. As a clinical expert will make the diagnosis, a clinical expert must also validate the compression algorithm after visually inspecting the waveforms. High PRD values are unsuitable for ensuring that the retrieved waveform will be within an acceptable error margin of the original. On the other hand, as far as noise is 17

0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 clcam16192 clkwa16192 clpm16192 clvb16192 clvh16192 clvk16192

0.55 0.5


0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0














Fig. 9. PRD obtained without compression for the twelve standard leads tested (numbered from 1 to 12 along the X-axis).

concerned, thresholding-based compressors behave as a low-pass filter so that high CR values could be obtained by smoothing the ECG, which is not our case as the signals have got no high frequency noise added. So to ensure that the retrieved signal will remain close to the original signal, the target PRD selected must be low. For these reasons, we have decided to select only PRD values from 0.5% to 5%. It is interesting to note that unlike WPs, the N-PR filter bank used in this work does not have the property of PR. Fig. 9 shows the quality values of the recovered signals after applying the filter bank without compression. Each lead is numbered from 1 to 12 along the X-axis. Since a PRD value of 0.5% is demanded by our test, the clvh16192 is rejected because it does not meet this requirement. As far as segment length is concerned, the CR improves by increasing the segment length for a thresholding compression technique based on WP [40], and whilst this has proved to be true in this work, the segment cannot be too long due to the delay and the buffer size. Therefore, the maximum segment length is 4096 samples, which is equivalent to 11.38 seconds. Furthermore, we have come to the conclusion that by using an N-PR filter bank, good results are obtained for segment lengths from as little as 512 samples. Thus, the tests have been made using block lengths of incoming signals from 512 to 4096 samples. Fig. 10 shows the global results, as a three-dimensional representation, for both WP and the N-PR cosine-modulated filter bank designed by the proposed method, using a Blackman window (clvb16192 ) for a 10 minute-long AVR 18

Fig. 10. Results for the 10 minute-long AVR lead using WP (transparent surface), and the clvb16192 N-PR cosine-modulated filter bank (opaque surface).

lead. The transparent surface represents the WP. The MBPS is represented as a function of PRD and the segment length This graphic representation clearly shows the behaviour of the compression method. The results presented are the mean compression values of all the segments processed. In order not to falsify the performance, the last segment has been removed, as it was zero padded before compression to lengthen the segment to the corresponding power of two. If we compare both sheets, it can be seen that the one corresponding to the N-PR filter bank (the opaque surface in Fig. 10) is always lower than the WP sheet. This clearly demonstrates that the compression achieved by using the N-PR cosine-modulated filter bank provides better results. Furthermore, the N-PR filter bank does not require a specific length of segment in order to achieve the compression, which makes it of special interest for an on-board implementation. The global results obtained for a 10 minute-long AVR lead remain true for the 2 minute-long leads. A representative example of several 2 minute-long leads can be seen in Fig. 11, where the opaque surface that represents the N-PR filter bank is always at the bottom. So far, we have shown the compression results for several single leads. The following are for all filter banks and WP. Fig. 12 shows the CR mean value as a function of the PRD for all segment lengths. The lower curve corresponds to WP whilst the rest correspond to the N-PR filter bank. With WP, we can see how the compression improves as the segment length increases. Whilst for the N-PR filter bank, the CR remains constant irrespective of the segment length, which makes it of interest for real time implementations. Our aim is to improve the low PRD values, especially those around 0.5%. As can be seen, 19

Fig. 11. Results for several 2 minute-long leads using WP (transparent surfaces), and the clvb16192 N-PR cosine-modulated filter bank (opaque surfaces). Segment length: 1024 samples





CR mean value

CR mean value

Segment length: 512 samples

8 7 6 5 4 0.5

8 7 6 5




2.5 3 PRD




4 0.5









8 7 6








8 clcam16192 clkaw16192 clpm16192 clvb16192 clvk16192 daub14level4

7 6 5

5 1


Segment length: 4096 samples

CR mean value

CR mean value



Segment length: 2048 samples

4 0.5





4 0.5













Fig. 12. CR mean value using WP and N-PR cosine-modulated filter banks.

all filter banks behave the same and improve at a PRD value of 0.5%. The maximum difference has been tested too by means eq. (2). The results are shown in Fig.13 as function of PRD and the segment length. The transparent surface represents the MAX for WPs. As can be seen, both surfaces 20

Fig. 13. Maximum amplitude error for the 10 minute-long AVR lead using WP (transparent surface), and the clvb16192 N-PR cosine-modulated filter bank (opaque surface).

remains close, which means that the maximum differences are similar, except when the segment length is 512 samples. In this case, MAX is higher for N-PR cosine-modulated filter bank (opaque surfaces) within the PRD margin of 2% to 5%. These high values are locals and appear few times along the 10 minutes that the signal lasts. In order to better illustrate this situation, Fig. 14 shows the error signal for both WP (top) and the clvb16192 N-PR cosine-modulated filter bank (bottom) for the 10 minute-long AVR lead, calculated for a target PRD of 2% with a segment length of 512 samples. As can be seen, the error signal for N-PR cosine-modulated filter bank(bottom) is even less than using WP (top) outside the local points where the error signal increases. Particularly in this case, the greatest differences appear only once along 10 minutes. Therefore, the conclusions exposed before about the performance of the compression method are valid taking care of using a segment length greater than 512 samples in order to avoid this effect. The compressor retrieves the incoming signal for a previously fixed quality value. The input signal is processed using two power length blocks and the quality of each block will be within a 5% margin of the chosen PRD value (P RD ± 5%), which is specified by the algorithm. The target PRD is quickly reached with just a few iterations of the compression algorithm. For those cases that do not converge to the specified quality value, the number of iterations is restricted to 25. To appreciate this behaviour, Fig. 15 shows the histograms of both the PRD and the CR for three different target PRD: 0.5%, 1% and 1.5%. As is shown, the PRD spreads around the target PRD selected being wider as the target PRD increases. Nevertheless, it do not overcome the 5% 21

Error signal for Wavelet Packets 0.06


0.02 −0.02 −0.06 −0.1 −0.14 −0.18













time (s) Error signal for N−PR cosine−modulated filter bank (clvb16192) 0.06


0.02 −0.02 −0.06 −0.1 −0.14 −0.18













time (s)

Fig. 14. Error signals for both WP (top) and the clvb16192 N-PR cosine-modulated filter bank (bottom) for the 10 minute-long AVR calculated for a PRD of 2% and a segment length of 512 samples .

of the target PRD chosen. Finally, it is interesting to look at the compression performance. Fig. 16 shows a plot in which the continuous line represents the original AVR lead and the superimposed broken line, obtained for a PRD value of 1%, represents the reconstructed version. The compression was carried out using the clvb16192 bank, obtaining an overall CR of 8.13 (1.9680 MBPS) whereas with WPs, the CR was 7.17 (2.2314 MBPS). The instant 193.42 seconds corresponds exactly to the border between two consecutive segments. As can be seen, there is no more distortion in that instant than in the rest of the area. Our compression algorithm does not introduce too much noise at the border of segments and in any case, this is irrelevant for low PRD values. The original and the reconstructed signal are very close to each other. Therefore, in order to better distinguish both signals, Fig. 17 shows a zoom of the instant corresponding to the border of two consecutive segments.



Two signal processing tools, WP and a N-PR cosine-modulated filter bank have been compared in order to establish which of them is more suitable for use in ECG compression. The same compression algorithm was applied to 22

Histograms for the compression of the 10 minute−long AVR lead taking segments of 1024 samples 100


Target PRD of 0.5%

40 50 20 0











6 7 CR


9 10 11 12






6 7 CR


9 10 11 12






6 7 CR


9 10 11 12

80 Target PRD of 1% 60


40 20 0

20 0.5





50 Target PRD of 1.5%



30 20


10 0





Fig. 15. Histograms of both the PRD (left) and CR (right) for several target PRD. LeadAVR / PRD1% / clvb16192 / CR8.13 0.1






−0.15 192.5







time (s)

Fig. 16. Original (continuous line) and reconstructed (broken line) signal for a target PRD of 1%.






/ clvb16192 / CR






















time (s)

Fig. 17. Original (continuous line) and reconstructed (broken line) signal for a target PRD of 1%.

both schemes whose objective was the quality of the retrieved signal. This algorithm is thresholding-based, so it is very easy to implement in real time. Implementation cost of the subband decomposition stage, for both WP and cosine-modulated N-PR filter banks, has also been studied, with WP once again resulting the less efficient of the two. A lot of results have been obtained as a function of the quality of the reconstructed signal and the segment length of the input signal. In conclusion, the scheme based on N-PR cosine-modulated filter banks always provides the best degree of compression, particularly when a small target PRD value (0.5%) is requested. Increasing the segment length, does not significantly improve the CR for an N-PR filter bank, which makes it of interest for use in real time implementations. The tests were done for the twelve cardiac leads and the system behaved the same for all of them, obtaining similar results under the same conditions of compression.


The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions, which have considerably improved the quality of this paper. This work was supported in part by CAM Grant 07T/0025/2001. 24


List of acronyms and abbreviations

AZTEC Amplitude Zone Epoch Coding. CR Compression Ratio. CORTES COordinate Reduction Time Encoding System. DCT Discrete Cosine Transform. DWT Discrete Wavelet Transform. ECG Electrocardiogram. EZW Embedded Zerotree Wavelet. FIR Finite Impulsive Response. KWA Kaiser Window Approach. MAX Maximum amplitude error. MBPS Mean number of Bits per Sample. N-PR Nearly-Perfect Reconstruction. PCM Pulse Code Modulation. PR Perfect Reconstruction PRD Percentage Root-Mean-Square Difference. TP Tunning Point SPIHT Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Tree. WP Wavelet Packets.

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