A Stochastic Programming Model for the Thermal Optimal ... - CiteSeerX

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Mar 18, 2009 - Key words: Stochastic programming, OR in energy, electricity ..... before being started up again, respectively. 2.2. ...... ios is a critical decision.
A Stochastic Programming Model for the Thermal Optimal Day-Ahead Bid Problem with Physical Futures Contracts Cristina Corchero and F.-Javier Heredia Dept. of Statistics and Operations Research Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain)

DR 2009/03 16 February 2009

Copies of this report may be downloaded at http://hdl.handle.net/2117/2795

Corresponding author:

F. Javier Heredia Dept. Statistics and Operations Research, Technical University of Catalonia, Campus Nord c. Jordi Girona 1-3, 08034 Barcelona, tel. (0034) 934017335 fax. (0034) 934015855 email: [email protected]

A Stochastic Programming Model for the Thermal Optimal Day-Ahead Bid Problem with Physical Futures ContractsI Cristina Corcheroa , F.-Javier Herediaa,∗ a Department

of Statistics and Operations Research, Universitat Politecnica Catalunya. Barcelona, Spain.

Abstract The reorganization of the electricity industry in Spain completed a new step with the start-up of the Derivatives Market. One main characteristic of MIBEL’s Derivatives Market is the existence of physical futures contracts; they imply the obligation to settle physically the energy. The market regulation establishes the mechanism for including those physical futures in the day-ahead bidding of the Generation Companies. The goal of this work is to optimize coordination between physical futures contracts and the Day-Ahead bidding which follow this regulation. We propose a stochastic quadratic mixed-integer programming model which maximizes the expected profits, taking into account futures contracts settlement. The model gives the simultaneous optimization for the Day-Ahead Market bidding strategy and power planning production (unit commitment) for the thermal units of a price-taker Generation Company. The uncertainty of the day-ahead market price is included in the stochastic model through a set of scenarios. Implementation details and some first computational experiences for small real cases are presented. Key words: Stochastic programming, OR in energy, electricity day-ahead market, futures contracts, optimal bid 1. Introduction In recent there has been a reorganization of the electricity industry. The deregulation of the generation and distribution of electricity carried out in most countries in Europe has changed the problems that the generation companies (GenCo) have to face. With the introduction of the Electricity Markets, the price of electricity has become a significant risk factor. One of the techniques for hedging against market-price risk is participation in futures markets (Deng and Oren, 2006) and, for this reason, the creation of Derivatives Electricity Markets has been a natural step in the deregulation process. I The

work of C. Corchero was supported by FPI Grant BES-2006-12311,

On the Spanish mainland, the Electricity Market, which was launched in 1998, includes a Day-Ahead Market, a Reserve Market and a set of balancing and adjustment markets. As the introduction of competition and the deregulation process did not behave as expected, the Spanish market was improved in 2007 with the start-up of the Iberian Electricity Market (MIBEL) and some other new regulations. The MIBEL brings together the Spanish and Portuguese electricity systems and it complements the previous Spanish Electricity Market with a Derivatives Market. Generation companies can no longer optimize their short-term generation planning decisions without considering the relationship between those markets. Among the products that the Derivatives Market offers, we

and the work of F.-Javier Heredia was partially supported by Grants DPI2005-

will focus on the futures contracts. In the MIBEL Derivatives

09117-C02-01 and DPI2008-02153, all of them grants of the Ministry of Sci-

Market, an average 2340GWh are traded monthly (Fig. 1). A

ence and Innovation of Spain ∗ Corresponding author. Address: Ed. C5-206, Campus Nord, Jordi Girona

futures contract is an exchange-traded derivative that represents

1-3 08034 Barcelona. Spain. Tel.: +34-934-017-335. Fax: +34-934-015-855 Email addresses: [email protected] (Cristina Corchero),

agreements to buy/sell some underlying asset in the future at a specified price (Hull, 2002). The main characteristics of a fu-

[email protected] (F.-Javier Heredia) Preprint submitted to Elsevier

March 18, 2009

the optimal bid curves of a hydro-thermal system. Nowak et al.

3000 Month Quarter Year

(2005) and Fleten and Kristoffersen (2007) also distinguish be-


tween the variables representing the bid energy and those corGWh


responding to the matched energy in the case of a price-taker GenCo. In particular, Fleten and Kristoffersen (2007) has some


aspects that are very related to this work; it presents a stochas-


tic programming model to optimize the unit commitment and


the day-ahead bidding of a hydropower producer in the Nord 0 jun − 07

jul − 07

aug − 07

sept − 07

oct − 07 nov − 07 Month

dec − 07

jan − 08

feb − 08

mar − 08

Pool. Finally, Heredia et al. (2008a) and Heredia et al. (2008b), propose an optimal bid function similar to the one introduced

Figure 1: MIBEL Futures contracts traded energy

in this work where, instead of futures contracts, there are bilateral contracts to be satisfied. Moreover, general considerations

tures contract are the asset; the contract size; the delivery ar-

about optimal bidding construction in electricity markets can

rangements and period; and the characteristics of the price. In

be obtained in Anderson and Philpott (2002) and Anderson and

contrast to other Electricity Derivatives Markets, the delivery

Xu (2002). Neither of these studies mentioned includes futures

arrangements of the MIBEL futures contract offer a choice be-


tween a physical or financial settlement. Physical futures con-

Some different approaches to the inclusion of futures con-

tracts have cash settlement and physical delivery whereas finan-

tracts in the management of a GenCo can be found in the elec-

cial contracts have cash settlement only. This physical delivery

tricity market literature. Most of the literature defines forward

option is the feature of the futures contract that interacts with

contracts as contracts with a physical settlement and futures

the GenCo day-ahead bidding process (OMEL, 2007).

contracts as contracts with a financial settlement. The main

In liberalized electricity markets, a GenCo must build an

theoretical differences between these two kinds of derivatives

hourly bid that is sent to the market operator, who selects the

products is the level of standardization and the kind of market

lowest price among the bidding companies in order to match the

where they are traded (Hull, 2002). We focus on the inclusion of

pool load. Some earlier studies give the optimal bidding quan-

physical derivatives products in the short-term management of

tity once the expected distribution of the spot prices is known

a GenCo, other general considerations about futures contracts

(Shrestha et al., 2004; Triki et al., 2005) but do not propose any

can be found in many works, for instance, Hull (2002), Collins

explicit modelization of the optimal bid. Conejo et al. (2002)

(2002), Neuberger (1999) or Carlton (1984).

proposes an optimal stepwise bidding strategy for a price-taker

Prior to deregulation, Kaye et al. (1990) illustrates how phys-

GenCo based on the units characteristics, the expected spot

ical and financial contracts can be used to hedge against the

price, and the optimal generation. Furthermore, Gountis and

risk of profit volatility, allowing for flexible responses to spot

Bakirtzis (2004) considers the approximation of stepwise bid

price. After day-ahead and derivatives markets start-up, Bjor-

curves by linear bid functions based on the marginal costs and

gan et al. (1999) presents a theoretical framework for the in-

the optimal generation quantity. Nabona and Pages (2007) gives

tegration of futures contracts into the risk management of a

a three stage procedure to build the optimal bid based on the op-

GenCo. Also, Chen et al. (2004) presents a bidding decision

timal generation quantity and the zero-price bid. Also, Ni et al.

making system for a GenCo taking into account the impacts

(2004) uses the concept of price-power function, which is sim-

of several types of physical and financial contracts; this sys-

ilar to the matched energy function used in our work, to derive

tem is based on a market-oriented unit commitment model, a 2

probabilistic local marginal price simulator, and a multi-criteria

is developed and its properties are described. In section 4, a

decision system. Furthermore, Conejo et al. (2008) optimizes

detailed case study is solved and analyzed. Finally, in section

the forward physical contracts portfolio up to one year, taking

5, some relevant conclusions are presented.

into account the day-ahead bidding; the objective of the study is 2. Model

to protect against the pool price volatility through futures contracts. Moreover, Guan et al. (2008) optimizes in a medium-

2.1. Coordination between Day-Ahead and Derivatives Mar-

term horizon the generation asset allocation between different


derivatives products and the spot market, taking into account

As stated above, the MIBEL regulation (OMEL, 2007) de-

short-term operating constraints; it considers the known price

scribes the coordination between the physical futures contracts

of the contracts and forecasts the spot price. From another point

portfolio and the Day-Ahead bidding mechanism (Fig. 2). This

of view, Tanlapco et al. (2002) does a statistical study of the re-

coordination is structured in the following three phases:

duction in risk due to forward contracts; it is shown that, for a GenCo, the electricity futures contracts are better to hedge

1. For every derivatives contract in which the GenCo is inter-

price risk than other related futures as crude oil or gas futures

ested, it has to define the Term Contract Units (UCP in the


MIBEL’s notation) which are virtual units allowed to be

As stated above, we are dealing with a new electricity fu-

offered in the Derivatives Market. Each UCP is formed by

tures contract situation due to the MIBEL definition of physical

the subset of the physical units of the GenCo which will

futures contracts, hence, as far as we know, there is no previous

generate the energy to cover the corresponding contract.

work dealing with the short-term management of the GenCo

For each contract, a physical unit can only participate in

which includes the coordination between day-ahead bidding strate-

one virtual UCP.

gies and physical futures settlement. The MIBEL regulation

2. Two days before the delivery date the GenCo receives from

(OMEL, 2007) describes the coordination between this physical

the Derivatives Market Operator, OMIP (OMIP, 2008) the

futures contracts portfolio and the Day-Ahead bidding mecha-

quantity that every UCP has to produce in order to cover

nism of the GenCo. That regulation obliges the GenCo to deter-

the matched futures contracts. This information is also

mine its generation scheduling in order to be able to cover those

sent to the Day-Ahead Market Operator, OMEL (OMEL,

obligations and to determine its optimal offer, taking into ac-


count those futures contracts. Following the idea that the partic-

3. OMEL demands that every GenCo commit the quantity

ipation in the Spot and the Derivatives Markets has to be studied

designated to futures contracts through the Day-Ahead Mar-

jointly, the main objective of this work is to build a stochastic

ket bidding of the physical units that form each UCP. This

programming model which includes the coordination between

commitment is made by the so called instrumental price

physical futures contracts and Day-Ahead Market bidding fol-

offer, that is, a sale offer with a bid price of 0e/MWh (also

lowing the MIBEL rules. In other words, we want to see how

called price acceptant).

the inclusion of futures contracts in the model affects the short

That regulation implies that the GenCo has to determine its

term strategies of the GenCo in the Day-Ahead Market.

unit commitment in order to be able to cover those obligations

In section 2, the stochastic programming model for the co-

and it has to determine its optimal bid by taking into account

ordination between day-ahead bidding and the physical futures

those instrumental price offers. Due to the algorithm the mar-

contract portfolio -taking into account thermal unit operational

ket operator uses to clear the Day-Ahead Market, all instrumen-

constraints- is presented. In section 3, the optimal bid function

tal price offers will be matched (i.e. accepted) in the clearing 3

2.2. First stage binary variables and thermal units operation constraints

UCP contract j j ∈F

Day-ahead market D ,s


Thermal units


uit t∈Tj


The formulation of the start-up and shut-down processes qit t∈Tj

follows Nabona and Pages (2007). Let uit ∈ {0, 1} be a first-

Futures contracts

stage binary variable expressing the off-on operating status of the t th unit over the ith interval (uit = 1 if committed, uit = 0

Lj , λj j ∈F

if uncommitted). The values of uit and u(i+1)t must obey certain operating rules ini order to take into account the constraints


of the minimum in service and idle time. It is necessary to introduce two extra binary variables eit and ait for each uit . Let

Figure 2: Representation of the system under study at period i

eit ∈ {0, 1} be a start-up indicator for the t th unit. It has a value of one in all intervals i where the t th unit has changed from

process, that is, this energy shall be produced and will be remu-

u(i−1)t = 0 to uit = 1, and zero elsewhere. Similarly, ait ∈ {0, 1}

nerated at the spot price.

is a shut-down indicator for the t th unit. It should have a value

Following MIBEL’s rules, if we are optimizing today we

of one in all intervals i where u(i−1)t = 1 to uit = 0, and zero

focus on tomorrow’s Day-Ahead Market because we have to

otherwise. The following three sets of constraints unambigu-

submit tomorrow’s bidding. Thus, the optimization horizon is at 24-hour intervals; this set of intervals is denoted as I. The

ously model the commitment variable uit and the star-up and

proposed short-term bidding strategies are addressed to a price-

shut-down variables eit and ait :

taker GenCo. The generation units to be considered are the thermal units with participation in the auction process. The rel-

uit + u(i−1)t − eit + ait = 0

evant parameters of a thermal unit are:

akt ≤ 1

∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ T


ekt ≤ 1

∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ T



• quadratic generation costs with constant, linear and quadratic

of f


coefficients, ctb (e), ctl (e/MWh) and ctq (e/MWh) respectively, for the


min{i+tton ,|I|}

eit +

t th

∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ T

ait +




2.3. First stage continuous variables and futures contracts cov-

• Pt and Pt the upper and lower bound, respectively, on the

ering constraints

energy generation (MWh) of a committed unit t.

Let qit be the first-stage variable standing for the energy of • start-up, cton , and shut-down, cto f f , costs (e) for the t th

the instrumental price offer, that is, the energy bid by unit t to

unit. e

the ith day-ahead market at 0e/MWh. If variable fit j represents the energy of the jth futures contract allocated to thermal unit t

• minimum operation and minimum idle time, minton and

at period i, then the following constraints must be satisfied:

minto f f respectively, for the t th unit., i.e., the minimum number of hours that the unit must remain in operation

fit j = L j

∀i ∈ I, ∀ j ∈ F


∀i ∈


t∈T j

once it is started up and the minimum number of hours

qit ≥

that the unit must remain idle once it has been shut down

fit j

∀t ∈ T

∀ j∈Ft

before being started up again, respectively.


Pt uit ≤ qit ≤ P uit fit j ≥ 0 4

∀i ∈ I

∀t ∈ T


∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ T, ∀ j ∈ F


where the known parameters Ft , T j and L j are, respectively, the

Definition 2 (Matched energy function). The matched energy

subset of contracts in which unit t participates, the set of ther-

associated to the bid function λitb is defined as the maximum bid

mal units that participates in contract j (the units in all the UCPs

energy with an asked price not greater than the clearing price

that participate in the contract j) and the energy that has to be

λid , and is represented by the function:

settled for contract j. Constraint (4) ensures that the energy of the



d b b b d pm it (λi ) = max{pit ∈ [0, Pt ] | λit (pit ) ≤ λi }

futures contracts L j will be completely dispatched


among all the committed units of its associated UCPs. Con-

The clearing price λid is a random variable that will be mod-

straints (5) formulate the MIBEL’s rule that forces the energy

eled through a set of scenarios S with associated spot prices

of the future contracts to be bid through the instrumental price

λ d,s = {λ1d,s , . . . , λId,s } and probabilities Ps = P(λ d,s ), s ∈ S.

offer. The lower bound qit ≥ Pt uit prevents committed ther-

Each one of these scenarios has, for each period i, a correspond-

mal units from being matched below their minimum generation

ing matched energy that will be represented in the model by


the second stage variable psit . Although our model will be developed without any assumption on the specific expression of

2.4. Second stage variables: matched energy

the bid function λitb it is necessary, for the sake of the model’s

The formulation of the objective function of the present

consistency, to assume the existence of a bid function with a

model will include variables representing the value of the matched matched energy function (9) that agrees with the optimal value

energy for the committed thermal unit t on the ith day-ahead

of variables psit , i.e.:

market. For the moment, the matched energy will be loosely

Assumption 1. For any thermal unit t committed at period i

defined as the accepted energy in the clearing process; that is,

there exists a bid function λitb such that:

the energy that the thermal t should generate at period i and that

d,s s∗ pm it (λi ) = pit

will be rewarded at the clearing price. This matched energy, which plays a central role in our model, is uniquely determined

∀s ∈ S


s with ps∗ it the optimal value of variable pit

by the sale bid and the clearing price. A sale bid in the MIBEL’s Notice that the existence of such a bid function is not evident, as

day-ahead market consists of a stepwise non-decreasing curve

all scenarios must prove simultaneously equal (10). The proof

defined by up to 10 energy (MWh)-price(e/MWh) blocks. As

of existence and the analytical expression of a bid function λitb

usual in this kind of work (see Gountis and Bakirtzis (2004))

satisfying (10) (optimal bid) will be developed in section 3.

we will consider a simplified modelization of the true sale bid

The matched energy psit is related to the rest of the first stage

through the so called bid function λitb , not necessarily stepwise:

variable through the following set of constraints:

Definition 1 (Bid function). A bid function for the thermal unit

psit ≤ Pt uit

∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ T, ∀s ∈ S


that gives, for any feasible value of the bid energy pbit , the asked

psit ≥ qit

∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ T, ∀s ∈ S


price per MWh from the day-ahead market:

qit ≥ Pt uit

∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ T


t is a non-decreasing function defined over the interval [0, Pt ]

λitb :

[0, Pt ] −→ ℜ+ ∪ 0 pbit

7−→ λitb (pbit )

This set of constraints substitutes the bounds on qit defined in



For a given bid function λitb the matched energy associated to the clearing price λid ,

pm it

2.5. Objective function

is defined through the matched energy

The expected value of the benefit function B can be ex-


pressed as: 5

h i Eλ d B(u, a, e, p; λid ) = ³ ´ ∑ ∑ λ jf − λid L j ∀i∈I ∀ j∈F

h i cton eit + ctof f ait



∑ ∑ Ps

∀i∈I ∀t∈T

∀i∈I ∀t∈T ∀s∈S

(DABFC) : minimize ∑


p,q, f ,a,e,u

³ cton eit + cto f f ait + ctb uit

∀i∈I ∀t∈T

h i´ + ∑ Ps (ctl − λid,s )psit + ctq (ptis )2




h λid,s psit


³ ´i − ctb uit + ctl psit +ctq (psit )2 (16)

fit j = L j

∀i ∈ I, ∀ j ∈ F


∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ T


∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ T


∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ T


∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ T


psit ≤ Pt uit

∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ T, ∀s ∈ S


psit ≥ qit

∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ T, ∀s ∈ S


mal units. This term is deterministic and does not depend

qit ≥ Pt uit

∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ T


on the realization of the random variable λid .

fit j ≥ 0

∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ T, ∀ j ∈ F


uit , ait , eit ∈ {0, 1}

∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ T


t∈U j

qit ≥


fit j


(14) is a constant term, which would be excluded from the op-

uit + u(i−1)t − eit + ait = 0 min{i+tton ,|I|}

timization, and corresponds to the incomes of the futures

eit +

contracts. Futures contracts are settled by differences,

akt ≤ 1

k=i of f

i.e., each futures contract has daily cash settlement of the


ait +

price differences between the market reference price λid


ekt ≤ 1


and the futures settlement price λ jf . (15) is the on/off fixed cost of the unit commitment of the ther-

(16) represents the expected value of the benefit from the dayahead market, where Ps is the probability of scenario s.

In the next sections the properties of the optimal solutions

The first term, λid,s psit , computes the incomes from the

of the (DABFC) problem will be studied.

day-ahead market due to a value psit of the matched energy, while the term between parentheses corresponds

3. Optimal Bid

to the expression of the quadratic generation costs. Of course, ctb uit could have been added to the deterministic

The preceding model (17)-(27) is built on the assumption

term (15), as it doesn’t depend on the scenario, but it has

1, which presumes the existence of a bid function λitb with a

been conserved in (16) for the sake of clarity.

matched energy function consistent with the optimal solution of the (DABFC) problem, i.e.:

All the functions appearing in Eqs. (15) and (16) are linear except the term (16), which is concave quadratic (ctq ≥ 0, see

d,s s∗ pm it (λi ) = pit

∀s ∈ S


Table 4.1). The objective of this section is the development of such a bid function, called the optimal bid function λitb∗ (pbit ). In order

2.6. The Day-Ahead Bid with Futures Contracts problem The full model developed in the preceding sections, the so-

to derive this optimal bid function, the properties of the opti-

called Day-Ahead Bid with Futures Contracts problem can be

mal solutions of the problem (17)-(27) will be studied in the

formulated as:

next section and used to derive the expression of the optimal ∗ matched energy ps∗ it in terms of the instrumental energy bid qit .


3.1. Optimal matched energy Let x∗ 0 = [u∗ , a∗ , e∗ , p∗ , q∗ , f ∗ ]0 represent the optimal solu-

(DABFC∗i ) :

tion of the (DABFC) problem. Fixing the binary variables to its

∑∗ ∑ Ps


optimal value u∗ , a∗ and e∗ in the formulation of the (DABFC)

pi ,qi , fi

problem, we obtain the following convex quadratic continuous

∀t∈Toni s∈S

i h (ctl − λid,s )psit + ctq (psit )2




∀j ∈ F

(πi j )


∗ ∀t ∈ Ton i

(µ˜ it )


psit − Pt ≤ 0

∗ ∀t ∈ Ton , ∀s ∈ S i

(µ sit )


qit − psit ≤ 0

∗ ∀t ∈ Ton , ∀s ∈ S i

(µˆ its )


Pt − qit ≤ 0

∗ ∀t ∈ Ton i

(µ it )


− fit j ≤ 0

∗ ∀t ∈ Ton , ∀j ∈ F i

(µ˘ it j )


fit j − L j = 0

∗ t|t∈T j ∩Ton i

(DABFC∗ ) : minimize ∑ p,q, f

i h q s 2 d,s s s l P − λ )p + c (p ) (29) (c ∑ t t it it i

∗ s∈S ∀i∈I ∀t∈Ton i


fit j = L j

∀i ∈ I, ∀ j ∈ F


∗ t|t∈T j ∩Ton i

qit ≥

fit j

∀i ∈ I, ∀t


∗ ∈ Ton i


psit ≤ Pt

∗ , ∀s ∈ S ∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ Ton i


psit ≥ qit

∗ , ∀s ∈ S ∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ Ton i


qit ≥ Pt

∗ ∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ Ton i


fit j ≥ 0

∗ ∀i ∈ I, ∀t ∈ Ton , ∀j ∈ F i


fit j − qit ≤ 0


where π , µ˜ , µ , µˆ , µ and µ˘ represent the Lagrange multiplier associated with each constraint. The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions of the (DABFC∗i ) problem can be expressed as:


∗ := {t ∈ T | u∗ = 1}. Obviously, the optimal solution of with Ton it i

h³ ´ i ctl − λid,s + 2ctq ps∗ it + +µ sit − µˆ its = 0

this continuous problem should coincide with the optimal value

−µ˜ it − µ it +

of the continuous variables of the original (DABFC) problem, p∗ , q∗ and f ∗ . The (DABFC∗ ) problem is separable by inter-

∑ µˆ its = 0


µ˜ it + πi j − µ˘ it j = 0 à !

vals, being the problem associated with the ith time interval in

µ˜ it

standard form (Luenberger (2004)):


fit j − q∗it


∗ ∀t ∈ Ton , ∀s ∈ S i


∗ ∀t ∈ Ton i


∗ ∀t ∈ Ton , ∀ j ∈ Ft i


∗ ∀t ∈ Ton i


¡ ¢ ∗ µ sit ps∗ it − Pt = 0 ∀t ∈ Toni , ∀s ∈ S ∗ µ it (Pt − q∗it ) = 0 ∀t ∈ Ton i

(47) (48)

∗ µˆ its (q∗it − ps∗ it ) = 0 ∀t ∈ Toni , ∀s ∈ S


∗ µ˘ it j fit∗ j = 0 ∀t ∈ Ton , ∀j ∈ F i


∗ , ∀ j ∈ F, ∀s ∈ S (51) µ˜ it , µ sit , µ it , µˆ its , µ˘ it j ≥ 0 ∀t ∈ Ton i

The (DABFC∗i ) problem is convex (ctq ≥ 0) and then the system (43)-(51) represents the necessary and sufficient optimality conditions of the (DABFC∗i ) problem and, consequently, of the (DABFC∗ ) problem. Therefore the solution set of the preceding KKT system defines the value of variables psit , qit 7

(a) Pt < q∗it = ps∗ it = Pt : This is a trivial case, because, by def-

and fit j over the optimal solution of the (DABFC) problem as-

d,s s∗ ∗ inition (53), pd,s it ≤ Pt , and then pit = max{qit = Pt , pit ≤

∗ . The following lemma states this result: sociated with Ton i

Pt } = Pt .

Lemma 1. Let x∗ 0 = [u∗ , a∗ , e∗ , p∗ , q∗ , f ∗ ]0 be an optimal solu-

ˆ its = 0 that, to(b) Pt ≤ q∗it < ps∗ it = Pt : Condition (49) gives µ

tion of the (DABFC) problem. Then, for any x∗ there exists

gether with the non-negativity of the lagrange multipliers

Lagrange multipliers, µ˜ , µ , µˆ , µ and µ˘ such that the value

µ sit and equation (55) sets Pt ≤ θits and, by definition (53),

of variables p∗ , q∗ and f ∗ satisfy the KKT system (43)-(51). Conversely, for any solution (43)-(51) associated with

p∗ ,

∗ Ton i




d,s s∗ ∗ pd,s it = Pt . Then pit = max{qit < Pt , pit = Pt } = Pt

of the KKT system

(c) Pt ≤ q∗it < ps∗ it < Pt : In this case, conditions (47) and (49)

the correspondent solution x∗ is

give µ sit = µˆ its = 0, that, together with equation (55) gives

optimal for the (DABFC) problem.

d,s s s ∗ ps∗ it = θit < Pt . Then, by definition (53), pit = θit > qit d,s ∗ d,s s ∗ and ps∗ it = max{qit , pit = θit > qit } = pit

The fact that any solution of the (DABFC) problem must satisfy the system (43)-(51) will be exploited in the next two lemmas to

(d) Pt < q∗it = ps∗ it < Pt : In this case, condition (47) forces

derive the expressions of the optimal matched energy associated

µ sit = 0 which, in combination with equation (55) and con-

to scenario s:

∗ s dition µˆ its ≥ 0 gives ps∗ it = qit ≥ θit . Definition (53) sets a

Lemma 2 (Optimal matched energy, quadratic costs).

s value of pd,s it that will be either θit or Pt being in both cases

Let x∗

∗ d,s ∗ ∗ less than q∗it , and then ps∗ it = max{qit , pit ≤ qit } = qit

be an optimal solution of the (DABFC) problem. Then, for any unit t with quadratic convex generation cost (i.e. mitted at period i (i.e. t energy

ps∗ it


s (e) Pt = q∗it = ps∗ it < Pt : Condition (47) sets µ it = 0 which,

> 0) com-

by taking into account equation (55) and µˆ its ≥ 0, provides

∗ ), the optimal value of the matched ∈ Ton i

d,s s ps∗ it = Pt ≥ θit . Then, by definition (53), pit = Pt , and

can be expressed as:

d,s ∗ ps∗ it = max{qit = Pt , pit = Pt } = Pt

∗ d,s ps∗ it = max{qit , pit }


Before developing an analogous lemma for those thermal units with linear generation costs, it is necessary to introduce

where pd,s it is the constant parameter    Pt    s pd,s it = θit    P t with

the following assumption:

if θits ≤ Pt

Assumption 2. For every t ∈ T with ctq = 0, λid,s 6= ctl ∀i ∈ I

if Pt ≤ θits ≤ Pt


and s ∈ S.

if θits ≥ Pt



This assumption is not a severe restriction to our model, as for real instances of the problem it can always be accomplished


θits = λid,s − ctl /2ctq

by perturbing, if necessary, the price λid,s , with a small amount


ε ≈ 0 without any practical consequence. Proof As lemma 1 establishes, any optimal solution of the (DABFC) problem must satisfy the KKT system (43)-(51). As ctq > 0,

an optimal solution of the (DABFC) problem. If assumption 2

equation (43) allows variable ps∗ it to be expressed as: ps∗ it =

λid,s − ctl 2ctq


µˆ its − µ sit 2ctq Ps

= θits +

µˆ its − µ sit 2ctq Ps

Lemma 3 (Optimal matched energy, linear costs). Let x∗ be holds, then for any unit t with linear generation cost (i.e. ctq = ∗ ), the optimal value of the 0) committed at period i (i.e. t ∈ Ton i


matched energy ps∗ it can be expressed as:   q∗ if λ d,s < ctl it i s∗ pit =  Pt if λ d,s > cl t i

To derive the relationships (52), the solution of the KKT system will be analyzed in the following five cases, among which any optimal solution of the (DABFC) problem could be classified: 8


Proof As lemma 1 sets forth, any optimal solution of the (DABFC) problem and solution x∗ if the value of the matched energy funcproblem must satisfy the KKT system (43)-(51). When ctq = 0

d,s tion associated to any scenario’s clearing price λid,s , pm it (λi ),

equation (43) can be expressed as:

coincides with the optimal matched energy ps∗ it given by expres-

³ ´ µˆ its − µ sit = Ps ctl − λid,s

sions (52) and (56).


d,s s∗ The equivalence pm it (λi ) ≡ pit assures us that, if a GenCo

with Ps the probability of scenario s. There are two possible

submits systematically optimal bid functions to the day-ahead


market, the expected value of the benefits will be maximized,

(a) λid,s < ctl : in this case equation (57) impllies that µˆ its > µ sit

as long as the actual behaviour of the clearing price λid has

which gives rise to two different situations. In the first one

been captured by the set of scenarios S. The next lemma de-

µˆ its > µ sit > 0, that, together with equations (47) and (49)

velops the expression of the optimal bid function associated to


ps∗ it



= Pt . In the second one

the same KKT conditions forces

ps∗ it


µˆ its



µ sit

= 0 and

the (DABFC) problem:

≤ Pt Lemma 4 (Optimal bid function). Let x∗ 0 = [u∗ , a∗ , e∗ , p∗ , q∗ , f ∗ ]0

(b) λid,s > ctl : now equation (57) sets µ sit > µˆ its , which again

be an optimal solution of the (DABFC) problem and t any ther-

defines only two possibilities. In the first one the strict

mal unit committed on period i at the optimal solution (i.e.

inequalities of µ sit > µˆ its > 0 hold and, considering equa-

∗ ). Then: t ∈ Ton i

∗ tions (47) and (49), set ps∗ it = qit = Pt . In the second one,

µ sit > µˆ its = 0 which, after equations (47) and (49), allows the matched energy to be expressed as

ps∗ it

= Pt ≥ q∗it .

(i) If the generation cost is quadratic convex, the bid function:   0 if pbit ≤ q∗it λitbq∗ (pbit ) = (58)  2cq pb + cl if q∗ < pb ≤ Pt t it t it it


Lemmas 2 and 3 establish the expressions of the optimal matched energy variable for any spot price λid,s at any optimal solution of the (DABFC) problem. The bid strategies consis-

is optimal w.r.t. the (DABFC) problem and the optimum

tent with such a matched energy will be developed in the next

x∗ . (ii) If the generation cost is linear and assumption 1 holds, the


bid function: 3.2. Optimal bid function In section 2.4 the concepts of bid and matched energy func-

λitbl∗ (pbit ) =

tions were introduced. The matched energy function associated with a given bid function λitb was defined as

  0

if pbit ≤ q∗it

 cl t

if q∗it < pbit ≤ Pt


is optimal w.r.t. the (DABFC) problem and the optimum x∗ .


d b b b d pm it (λi ) = max{pit ∈ [0, Pt ] | λit (pit ) ≤ λi }

Proof We will consider first part (i) of the lemma. To illustrate

Assumption 1 supposes the existence of a bid function, coher-

the proof, the expression (58) has been represented graphically

ent with the (DABFC) problem, in the sense expressed in the

in Fig.3(a). It can be easily verified that the matched energy

following definition:

function associated to the bid function λitbq∗ is (Fig.3(b)):    q∗it    ¡ d ¢ d pm∗ λi − ctl /2ctq it (λi ) =     P

Definition 3 (Bid functions’s optimality conditions). Let x∗ 0 = [u∗ , a∗ , e∗ , p∗ , q∗ , f ∗ ]0 be an optimal solution of the (DABFC) problem. The bid function λitb∗ of a thermal unit t committed at ∗ ) is said to be optimal w.r.t. the (DABFC) period i (i.e. t ∈ Ton i




λid ≤ λ it


λ it < λid ≤ λ it


λid > λ it


where the threshold prices λ it and λ it are defined as:

λ it = 2ctq q∗it

+ ctl


λ it = 2ctq Pt



+ ctl

(61) λitbq∗ (pbit )

λ it

d,s s∗ s∗ strate that pm∗ it (λi ) ≡ pit , where pit is the value of the optimal

θitl q∗it

λ it

matched energy at scenario s, given by (52). First notice that, if = λid,s ,


the spot price at scenario s, then the matched energy

Pt q∗it







λ it < λid,s ≤ λ it


λid,s > λ it

λid,l λ it λid,r


λ it


≤ λ it bq∗


Figure 3: Optimal bid function λit (pbit ) (a) and associated matched energy d,s function pm∗ it (λi ) (b) for units with quadratic generation costs.

where θits is the parameter defined in equation (54). Now, the

market, the expected value of the benefit function (??) will be

= max{q∗it , pd,s it } can be easily ver-

maximized. There are two important considerations about these

ified for the three cases of expression (62) (please, refer to Fig.

optimal bid functions. The first one is that the optimal bid func-

3(b) for a graphical interpretation of these three cases):

tions (58)-(59) represent to some extent a generalization of the


d,s pm∗ it (λi ) ≡

θitk λid,k

function (60) can be rewritten as:   ∗  qit   d,s s pm∗ it (λi ) = θit     P t

d,s pm∗ it (λi )


To prove the part (i) of the lemma it is only necessary to demon-


pm it

ps∗ it

classical self-commitment problem treated by several authors

(a) If, for some k ∈ S, λid,k ≤ λ it then θits ≤ q∗it and, by defi-

(Conejo et al. (2002), Gountis and Bakirtzis (2004)). Effec-

k nition (53), pd,k it = max{θit , Pt }, which will always be less

tively, if the thermal unit t doesn’t contribute to covering futures

d,k than or equal to q∗it . Then, we can write that pm∗ it (λi ) =

contracts at period i (i.e., q∗it = 0), then the optimal bid function

∗ k∗ q∗it = max{q∗it , pd,k it ≤ qit } = pit .

offers the complete production of the thermal plant pbit at its

(b) If, for some l ∈ S, λ it < λid,l ≤ λ it then q∗it < θitl ≤ Pt

true marginal cost, 2ctq pbit + ctl or ctl depending on the generation

l m∗ d,l which, by definition (53), gives pd,l it = θit and pit (λi ) =

costs functions. Second, the true bid function required by the

l ∗ l∗ θitl = max{q∗it , pd,l it = θit > qit } = pit

market’s operator in the MIBEL is a stepwise non-decreasing

(c) If, for some r ∈ S, λid,r > λ it then θitr > Pt which, together

function. The optimal bid function (59) satisfies this condition,

d,r m∗ with definition (53), sets pd,r it = Pt and: pit (λi ) = Pt =

but (58) is not stepwise. This is an approximation commonly

∗ r∗ max{q∗it , pd,r it = Pt > qit } = pit

To demonstrate the equivalence

d,s pm∗ it (λi )

adopted in the literature (see Gountis and Bakirtzis (2004)) and ≡

ps∗ it




does not represent a serious limitation on the practical interest

(part (ii) of the lemma), observe that the optimal matched en-

of the model, because it is always possible to built a posteriori

ergy function associated to the optimal bid function   q∗ if λ d ≤ ctl it i m∗ d pit (λi ) =  Pt if λ d > cl t i



a stepwise approximation of the resulting optimal bid (58).


4. Numerical examples The model (17)-(26) has been tested with real data of a

which is represented in Fig. 4(b). Under assumption 2 it be-

Spanish GenCo and MIBEL market prices. The model has been

comes evident that expression (63) is equivalent to expression d,s s∗ (56), and then, pm∗ it (λi ) ≡ pit ∀s ∈ S

implemented in AMPL (Fourer et al., 2003) and solved with


CPLEX (CPLEX, 2008) using a SunFire X2200 with two dual

As mentioned before, the (DABFC) problem assures us that,

core AMD Opteron 2222 processors at 3 GHz and 32 Gb of

if the optimal bids (58)-(59) are submitted to the day-ahead 10

pm it


d,s pm∗ it (λit )

λitbl∗ (pbit )


q∗it Pt












Figure 4: Optimal bid function λit (pbit ) (a) and associated matched energy d,s function pm∗ it (λi ) (b) for units with linear generation costs.





































of f






















































Table 1: Operational characteristics of the thermal units

RAM memory. in the stochastic model, it has to be discretized on a scenario

4.1. Data sources

tree. In particular, the model presented in this work is a two-

All the data of this work is public and it has been either

stage stochastic problem and, for this kind of model, a set of

downloaded directly from the indicated web pages or calculated

individual scenarios with its corresponding probabilities is suf-

by using some other public data. The sources for all data used

ficient . In this work, we have observed the following steps in

in the case studies are:

order to obtain the required scenario set:

• Market data: the Day-Ahead Market price has been avail-

1. Time series model: the Spanish Day-Ahead Market price

able at OMEL’s site (OMEL, 2008) since January 1998

presents the following characteristics: high frequency, non-

until today. In this work we use the data from January

constant mean and variance, multiple seasonality, calendar

1st , 2004 to October 23th , 2007. Generic data about the

effect, high volatility and high presence of picks (Nogales

quantities and clearing prices of the futures contracts is

et al., 2002), which are the common characteristics of a

available at OMIP’s site (OMIP, 2008), this data has been

financial time series. The market price has been charac-

used to define some examples of futures contracts.

terized by an auto-regressive integrated moving average model. We work with the log scale of the price in order to

• Generation Company data: the information about the

avoid the nonconstant variance, specifically:

thermal units in the study belongs to a GenCo that bids daily in the Day-Ahead Market and also participates in

ln(λ d ) ∼ ARIMA(5, 0, 2)(8, 0, 1)24 (3, 0, 3)168

the Derivatives Market (Table 1). Most of the information about the generation units is available at the CNE’s site

The model is fitted based on the data from 2004 to 2007.

(CNE, 2008).

The coefficients are estimated by maximum likelihood estimation. 2. Scenario generation: one of the most usual mechanisms

4.2. Construction of the set of scenarios

for this discretization is the simulation of prices scenar-

The optimization model presented in this work is stochastic

ios for the day in study (Kaut and Wallace, 2003). Thus,

due to the presence of a random variable, the Day-Ahead Mar-

once the model has been fitted we generate 300 simulated

ket price (see Section 2). This random variable has the charac-

scenarios for the 24 hours of the day in study.

teristics of a financial time series and, in order to be introduced

3. Scenario reduction: a set of decision variables is required 11



kxs −x150 k kx150 k








































1.4 7


Expected benefits (x10 )



1.35 1.3

1.25 1.2

1.15 1.1 10















|I| = 24; |T | = 9; b.v. = 720


||x −x




0.15 0.1 0.05 10







Number of scenarios

Table 2: Results for different number of scenarios

for each scenario, so the reduction of the number of sce-

Figure 5: (a) Expected benefits for each reduced set of scenarios (b) First stage

narios will reduce the dimension of the problem and ease

variables convergence evaluated as

kxs −x150 k , kx150 k

xs = [q∗ , u∗ ]0 ∀s ∈ S

the computational resolution. Following the algorithm described in Growe-Kuska et al. (2003), the set of scenarios

when the number of scenarios grows (Fig. 5(a)) and the con-

has been reduced preserving at maximum the characteris-

vergence to zero of the difference in the optimal value of the

tics of the simulated set.

first stage decision variables between each reduced set and the largest one (Fig. 5(b)). Both values converge from approxi-

In stochastic programming models, the number of scenar-

mately 75 scenarios and the computational time is acceptable.

ios is a critical decision. We deal with this problem by in-

Any increase in the number of scenarios from 75 to 100 does

creasing the number of scenarios until the stabilization of the

not improve the optimal solution accuracy enough to justify the

objective function optimal value. The original tree has 300 sce-

50% increase in the CPU time. Therefore 75 will be the selected

narios that have been reduced to sets of 150, 100, 75, 50, 40,

number of scenarios for the computational tests.

30, 20 and 10 scenarios. In table 2 the main parameters of each test are summarized: number of scenarios (S), number of

4.3. Computational results

binary variables (b.v.), number of continuous variables (c.v.),

A set of computational tests has been performed in order

CPU time in seconds (CPU(s)), the value of the expected ben-

to validate the proposed modeling of the day-ahead bid with

efits (E(benefits)(e)), and the difference in the first stage vari-

futures contracts problem. The instances used in the test have

ables value between the reduced set and the one with 150 sces

3 bilateral contracts, 9 thermal and 24 hourly. The computa-


k where xs = [q∗ , u∗ ]0 narios, given in fraction of unit ( kxkx−x 150 k

tional tests are done changing the quantity of energy allocated

∀s ∈ S). The value of E(benefits) only considers the benefit

to physical futures contracts in order to study its influence in

from the day-ahead market (terms (16) and (15)), ignoring the

the results. The status of the units before the first interval is

constant futures contracts income (14), and corresponds to mi-

fixed as all open, allowing them to be closed or remain opened

nus the objective function of the (DABFC) problem. It can be

at hour 1; this is done in order to give more freedom to the unit

observed how the CPU time increases with the number of sce-


narios because of the proportional relationship between them

The quantity allocated to futures contracts is confidential

and the number of continuous variables (the number of binary

and therefore there is no real public data for the units in the

variables is independent of the number of scenarios). It can be

study. The set of computational tests presented is based on

seen also the stabilization of the value of the objective function 12










|I| = 24; |T | = 10; |S| = 75;

Energy (x1000kWh)

c.v. = 720; b.v. = 12960

Table 3: Dependency of the day-ahead market benefits with the fraction of the total generation capacity allocated to futures contracts.

Spot price (euro cents/kWh)


Unit 1

160 0

5% 40% 70%

500 250 0 280

Unit 3

80 0 370

Unit 4

Unit 2

160 0 60 30 0 160

Unit 5

Unit 6

60 0 360

Unit 7

160 0


310 4.45


110 0 310


110 0

Unit 9 2














(160,0) 4.25

Unit 8

(186,0) (256,0)

4.2 0







Figure 7: Optimal instrumental price bid energy q∗it for each unit and interval



(a)) that can be represented as a stepwise increasing curve start-

Figure 6: Optimal offer for unit 1 at hour 12

ing at the point defined by the instrumental price offer (q∗12,1 ,0). the percentage of the total energy generation capacity that the

The following steps are constructed by following the optimal

GenCo has allocated in futures contracts, %P = ∑∀ j∈F L j / ∑∀t∈T Pt bid function, in a way that the coordinates of the points (a) . For this case study, we include the 9 available units distributed

bq∗ b are (pb12,1 , λ12,1 (p12,1 )), with the values of the bid energy pb12,1

in one or more of the 3 UCPs created, each of them correspond-

evenly distributed between q∗12,1 and P12 . Notice that for the

ing to one futures contract. In table 3 the main parameters of the

first case (solid line) the unit has no energy allocated to futures

computational test are summarized for three different values of

contracts so the instrumental offer’s energy is the minimum op-

%P: 5%, 40% and 75%. The computational time for the 3 cases

erational limit (160MW) because, as the unit is committed, the

is approximately the same but the value of the expected benefits

matched energy has to be at least this quantity. For the other

differs. Observe that when %P = 75% the GenCo experiences

two cases the energy allocated to futures contracts is 186MW

a loss in the day-ahead market, which should be compensated

(dotted line) and 256MW (dashed line). In the following analy-

with the futures contracts incomes (14).

sis, the percentage of available energy used for physical futures

Figure 6 shows the optimal bid function for unit 1 at in-

contracts will be fixed at 40%.

bq∗ b terval 12, λ12,1 (p12,1 ) (sec. 3, equation (58)), for the differ-

Figure 7 shows variable q∗it , the instrumental price bid, en-

ent values of %P considered. The plot represents an adapta-

ergy for each unit and interval. The values shown in the or-

tion of the optimal bid function provided by the model to the

dinate axis are the minimum and maximum power capacity of

real bid function that the GenCo has to submit to the MIBEL

each unit. This instrumental price bid can be either the quan-

Day- Ahead Market operator. This real bid function is com-

tity allocated to futures contracts or the minimum operational

posed of ten pairs (energy, price) with increasing price (points

limit of the unit. Fig. 7 also represents the unit commitment, 13

yearly contract, unit 3 has to contribute covering the rest of the Weekly contract MWh


Monthly contract MWh

ered by unit 3, which is the cheapest one, but by unit 1, since


unit 3 is generating for the yearly contract. In the case of the


monthly contract, since the maximum power capacity of unit






6 is insufficient, the contract must be covered with the help of

10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24


the next cheapest unit, unit 4. The results of the peak hours are

Unit 2 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6

400 300

not as easily interpretable because day-ahead market incomes


are greater and its relation with production costs allows all the


units to participate both in futures contracts and day-ahead bid-







10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

Figure 9 shows the optimal bid curves for each committed


Yearly contract MWh

contract. For this reason the weekly contract is not fully cov-

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3


Unit 3 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9

400 300

thermal unit at hour 12. The numerical values shown in the abscissa axis indicate the minimum and maximum power ca-


pacity. The first interval is always the instrumental price bid,

100 0





which is indicated in parenthesis as (price, quantity). Units 3,

10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24


5 and 9 have linear generation costs and its real bid coincides with the optimal bid function λitbl∗ expressed in equation (59). The rest of the units have quadratic generation costs and the

Figure 8: Economic dispatch of each futures contracts, fit j

function represented corresponds to the adaptation of the optibecause if the unit is not producing the minimum operational

mal bid functions λitbq∗ (equation (58) to the real stepwise bid

limit it means the unit is off. We can see that unit 5 starts-up at

function built as in figure 6. Notice that there are some thermal

10 a.m. and units 2, 8 and 9 start-up after 6 p.m. This behavior

units that have qit greater than the minimum power capacity,

is related to the prices structure because in the MIBEL the high-

specifically units 3, 4, 6 and 7, this fact is a direct consequence

est prices are at noon and in the evening, the peak hours being

of the participation of these units in the futures contract being

after 6 p.m.


Figure 8 represents variable

fit∗ j ,

the optimal economic dis-

patch of each futures contract. This representation shows how

5. Conclusions

the contract is settled among the different units of each UCP. This work has developed a new quadratic mixed-integer sto-

Three kinds of physical futures contracts have been considered,

chastic programming model, for the optimal Day-Ahead Bid

200 MWh in a weekly contract, 500 MWh in a monthly con-

with Future Contracts problem (DABFC). The optimal solution

tract and 500 MWh in a yearly contract. It can be observed

of our model determines the unit commitment of the thermal

that every unit of a given UCP contributes to the corresponding

units, the optimal instrumental price bidding strategy for the

futures contract in at least one interval. Notice how in the off-

generation company and the economic dispatch of the commit-

peak hours (lower clearing prices), if possible, each contract is

ted futures contracts for each hour so as to maximize the ben-

settled by the cheapest unit in the UCP, for example unit 7 in

efits arising from the Day-Ahead Market while satisfying the

the yearly contract or unit 6 in the monthly contract. Specif-

thermal operational constraints and the MIBEL’s rules concern-

ically, as unit 7 cannot generate all the energy needed for the

ing the integration of the energy of the Physical Futures Con14

L j : due settled energy of contract j. 6







2 (160,0)

Spot price (c/kWh)

0 0


Thermal 1


0 0




0 0











Thermal 4


Thermal 5


0 0











Thermal 7



0 0

Thermal 8

110 310 Energy(x1000kWh)

λ d,s = {λ1d,s , . . . , λid,s , . . . , λId,s }: clearing prices of the |I| Day-Ahead


λ jf : settlement price of futures contract j. 60

Thermal 6

λ it , λ it : threshold prices used in the definition of the optimal matched


energy function pm∗ it . of f

mint (110,0)

0 0

Thermal 3

Markets for scenario s.





0 0


0 0


2 Thermal 2



0 0

λ d = {λ1d , . . . , λid , . . . , λId }: clearing prices of the |I| Day-Ahead


, minton : operational minimum idle and in service time of unit t.

Ps = P[λ d = λ d,s ]: probability of scenario s.

Thermal 9


Pt , Pt : lower and upper bound on the energy generation of a committed unit t.

Figure 9: Bidding curve for each unit at hour 23

pd,s it : auxiliary parameter used in the definition of the optimal matched energy ps∗ it of unit t at interval i and scenario s.

tract in the Day-Ahead market. As a result of the study of the properties of the optimal solution of the (DABFC) problem, the

S: set of scenarios.

proposed model also provides the analytical expression of the

T : set of thermal units.

optimal bid functions that ensures the maximization of the long

T j : set of thermal units that participates in contract j.

run expected benefits. The expression for the optimal bid func-

∗ : set of committed units at interval i over the optimal solution. Ton i

tions represents a generalization of the marginal cost bid func-

θits : auxiliary parameter used in the definition of the optimal matched

tion for those utilities that must integrate the settled energy of

energy ps∗ it of unit t at interval i and scenario s.

the physical futures contracts within their bid to the Day-Ahead Market obeying the MIBEL regulation. The model was imple-

A.2. Variables and multipliers

mented and solved with real data of MIBEL market prices and

ait : binary variable indicating the shutting-down of unit t at interval

a Spanish generation company with participation in the deriva-


tives and day-ahead markets. The results of the computational

eit : binary variable to indicate the turning-on of unit t at interval i.

tests validate the model and show the influence in the optimal

uit : binary variable representing the on-off operating status of the

bidding strategy of the generation company of the participation

unit t at interval i.

in physical futures contract.

fit j : continuous variable representing the energy of the future contract j allocated to thermal unit t at interval i.

A. Notation

psit : continuous variable of scenario s for the matched energy of unit t at interval i.

A.1. Parameters q

qit : continuous variable standing for the energy of the instrumental

ctb , ctl , ct : constant, linear and quadratic coefficients of the genera-

price offer of unit t at interval i

tion cost function of unit t. of f


π : Lagrange multiplier of the future contracts energy dispatching

, cton : shut-down and start-up cost of unit t.

constraints (37).

F: set of futures contracts.

µ˜ : Lagrange multiplier of the instrumental price offer constraints

Ft : set of futures contracts in which unit t participates.



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