International Journal of Computational Cognition ( Volume 2, Number 3, Pages 63–100, September 2004 Publisher Item Identifier S 1542-5908(04)10305-9/$20.00 Article electronically published on June 16, 2003 at Please cite this paper as: hChing-Hung Lee, “A Survey of PID Controller Design Based on Gain and Phase Margins(Invited Paper) ”, International Journal of Computational Cognition (, Volume 2, Number 3, Pages 63–100, September 2004i.
Abstract. This paper focuses on the PID controller design based on the gain and phase margin (GPM) specifications for a given signalinput-signal-output plant. The basic ideas, techniques, and results are presented in language and notation familiar. Since the definitions of GPM equations are highly nonlinear, an analytical tuning method is not yet available. Approximation and fuzzy neural network (FNN) approaches are adopted to treat this problem. Then, they are used to automatically tune the PID controller parameters for GPM specifications so that neither numerical methods nor graphical methods need be used. Applications of usual used process- first order with time delay plant are extended to general plant by the FNN approach. In addition, the robust PID controller is definition and presented. Finally, a novel PI-PD controller scheme based on GPM is firstly proposed to obtain the better performance. Simulation results are also c presented to show the effectiveness. °2003 Yang’s Scientific Research Institute, LLC. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Even though control theory has been developed significantly, the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers are used for a wide range of process control, motor drives, magnetic and optic memories, automotive, flight control, instrumentation, etc. In industrial applications, more than 90% of all control loops are PID type [45]. Integral, proportional and derivative feedback is based on the past (I), present (P) and future (D) controller. Received by the editors June 12, 2003 / final version received June 15, 2003. Key words and phrases. PID control, frequency response, gain margin, phase margin, Kharitonov theorem. The author would like to thank the Prof. C. C. Teng for the constructive comments and suggestions. This work was supported by the National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C., under Contracts NSC-91-2213-E-155-012. c °2003-2004 Yang’s Scientific Research Institute, LLC. All rights reserved.
Feedback control systems form one such area as witness in part by recent special issues on the subject [1,25,26]. Over the past 50 years, several methods for determining PID controller parameters have been developed for stable processes that are suitable for auto-tuning and adaptive control [1-5,9,12,13,17-26,32-34,41-43,45-49]. Some employ information about open-loop step response, for example, the CoonCohen reaction curve method; other methods use knowledge of the Nyquist curve, for example, the Ziegler-Nichols frequency-response method [3,14,48]. However, these tuning methods use only a small amount of information about the dynamic behavior of the system, and often do not provide good tuning. It is known that gain and phase margins (GPM) have served as important measures of robustness [3,15,29,36,40]. The phase margin is related to the damping of the system from classical control theories, and therefore also serves as a performance measurement. Their solutions are normally obtained numerically or graphically by trial-and-error use of Bode plots. Despite the fact that many PID tuning methods are available for achieving the specified GPM, they can be divided into two categories. Firstly, approximation of tan−1 function is adopt to simplify the problem, but they are only applicable to the simple models [4,9,18-26,45-49]. Secondly, inverse function mapping was done by fuzzy neural network (FNN). The FNN identify the relationship between GPM and PID controllers, which is available for general linear system [13,30,32-34]. For solving the problem, the first obstacle is the difficulty in finding the stabilizing region of PID controllers. The solution is a necessary first step to any rational design of PID controllers based on GPM. This survey focuses on the PID controller design based on the GPM specification for a given SISO plant. We attempt to present the basic ideas, techniques, and results are presented in language and notation familiar. Because the equations of GPM are highly nonlinear, an analytical tuning method is not yet available. Approximation simplified approach has been adopted to treat this problem. To extend the applications to general plant it is important to introduce the FNN for identifying the relationship between PID controllers and GPM. It is used to automatically tune the PID controller parameters for GPM specifications so that neither numerical methods nor graphical methods need be used. In addition, the robust PID controller is definition and presented by the FNN approach. Finally, a novel PI-PD controller scheme based on GPM is firstly proposed to obtain the better performance. Simulation results are also presented to show the effectiveness.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we show the problem formulation. In Section 3, we present the methods for estimating stabilizing region of PID controllers. Section 4 introduces the approximation simplified and the FNN approach for designing the PID controllers to achieve the GPM specifications. In addition, for obtaining a better time-response performance, a novel PI-PD controller to meet the GPM specification is proposed. Also, the so-called robust PID controller and tuning method based on FNN is introduced. Finally, Section 5 contains conclusion and future research. 2. Problem Formulation A block diagram of a simple control loop system is shown in Fig. 1. The system composes a process and a controller, where ddenotes the external disturbance. The process has one input and one output, denotes u and y, respectively. The desired value yr is called the set point (SP) or the reference one. The purpose of the system is to keep the process output y close to the desired one yr in spite of disturbances.
Figure 1. Block diagram of a simple feedback loop. In general, the process is usually modeled by an nth-order one with time delay L (1)
Gp (s) =
bm sm + bm−1 sm−1 + · · · + b1 s + b0 −Ls e . sn + an−1 sn−1 + · · · + a1 s + a0
Here, we assume n > m. For system identification, process coefficients ai and bj can be determined from the step response of process. For simplifying the controller design, system (1) is usually reduced as a lower order system as typical industrial processes [2,3,40]. In general, the usually used process model is described as a first-order with time-delay (2)
KP e−sL . (1 + τ s)
GP (s) =
For time-delay element e−Ls , the Pade approximation can be usually used to replace it, for example, the second-order one is, Ls (Ls)2 + a(s) 2 12 . (3) e−Ls = = b(s) Ls (Ls)2 1+ + 2 12 The PID controller is given by 1−
GC (s) = KC (1 +
1 ki + TD s) = k + + kd s sTI s
and the implementation is Z Z 1 de(t) de(t) u(t) = KC (e(t) + e(t)dt + TD ) = ke(t) + ki e(t)dt + kd TI dt dt where e = yr −y and u is the control signal. Thus, the loop transfer function for system (2) and controller (4) is (5)
GC (s)GP (s) =
KC KP (1 + sTI ) −sL e . sTI (1 + τ s)
There is not surprising as over 90% of the industrial controllers are the PID type [45]. It is well-known that Ziegler and Nichols presented the PID tuning method for system (2) firstly [48]. The method is based on the system’s open-loop step response and is derived for model (2). Obviously, it derived based on time domain performance. On the other hand, the frequency response tuning method was introduced for the closed-loop system later [2,3]. A modification to the Ziegler-Nichols method can give a substantially improved system performance. Consider a first-order lag plus a time-delay model GP (s) =
α −sL e . sL
Utilize the Nyquist diagram, and give a point A, GP (jw) = rP ej(π+φP ) and then try to find a regulator to move this point to B = rS ej(π+φS ) . An amplitude margin corresponds to φS = 0, r = 1/Am and a gain margin corresponds to φS = φm , rS = 1 can be obtained, where Am and φm are the gain and phase margins, respectively. This modification has a better system response [2]. Thus, the PID controller can be designed roughly for a given GPM specifications. Due from it, GPM are typical specifications associate with the frequency response [29]. They not only provide the important indicators of systems robustness but also reflect on the performance and stability of the system and thus are widely used for controller design [2,3,29,36,40]. In this paper, the performance specifications for the PID controller design are GPM. It is also known from classical control that phase margin is related the damping of the system and therefore could also be served as a performance measure. In 1984, PID controller designed to satisfy GPM criteria are presented firstly [4]. They typically have a gain margin of three and a phase margin of 60 degrees. Denote the process and controller transfer functions GP (s) and GC (s) as Fig. 1. The gain margin is given by the solution of the following set of equations: (6)
∠GC (jwp )GP (jwP ) = −π
Am =
1 . |GC (jwp )GP (jwP )|
Correspondingly, the phase margin can be obtained by (8)
|GC (jwg )GP (jwg )| = 1
φm = ∠GC (jwg )GP (jwg ) + π
where the frequency wp at which the Nyquist curve has a phase of -π is known in classical terminology as phase crossover frequency, and the frequency wg at which the Nyquist curve has amplitude of one as the gain crossover frequency. Note that if at least one of pole is negative then the process is an unstable plant. Figures 2(a) and 1(b) show the Bode and Nyquist diagrams of an unstable first-order plus delay process with PI control. Obviously, unstable plant has more than one GPM. As the definitions of the GPM [22,27], Am1 and Am2 are called gain margin (or upward gain
margin) and gain reduction margin (or downward margin). In addition, applying the Nyquist criterion for stability, the Nyquist diagram should encircle the point (-1,0) [in the G(jw ) plane] exactly once in the anti-clockwise direction. Base on the stability criterion, the gain margin Am1 is chosen in this literature. Bode Diagrams Nyquist Diagram
Gm=2.361 dB (at 6.531 rad/sec), Pm=13.011 deg. (at 4.96 rad/sec)
200 150
1/A m2 1
-150 -200
Phase (deg); Magnitude (dB)
0 φm
-200 -250
Gain reduction margin:-12.29dB Gain reduction margin: -12.2900
Am1: Gain Margin Am2: Gain Reduction Margin
-1.5 -450 -500 -5
-2 -6
Frequency (rad/sec)
Figure 2. Bode and Nyquist diagrams of unstable firstorder plus delay process with PI control.
3. Stabilizing and Available GPM Regions As previous discussion, instability is the disadvantage of feedback control system. When using feedback, there is always a risk that the closed-loop system will become unstable. Therefore, stability analysis is primary requirement for feedback system. And the major obstacle is the difficulty in finding the stabilizing region of PID controllers. The solution is a necessary first step to any rational design of PID controllers based on GPM. Thus, the estimation of stabilizing region and available region are introduced here. As description of literature [5], the stabilizing region of systems with monotone transfer function is a convex set, but other transfer functions the stabilizing region may contain several disjoint sets. In this paper, transfer functions of considered plants are of monotone. 3.1. Estimation of the Stabilizing Region. The stability of closed-loop system depends on the PID parameters we chosen. Thus, the method for finding the parameters ranges ensures the overall closed-loop system stable. Here, we introduce the Routh Hurwitz criterion [8,29,36] to present a simple method to estimate the stabilizing region of PID controller. This method is
simple and straightforward that avoids the complicate theoretical analysis [5,17]. (s) Let GP (s) = N D(s) be the plant to be controlled. For a PID controller, GC (s) is of the form (4) ki + ks + kd s2 ki + kd s = . s s Thus, the closed-loop characteristic polynomial is
GC (s) = k +
δ(s, k, ki , kd ) = sD(s) + (ki + ks + kd s2 )N (s).
Now, the Routh Hurwitz criterion is used to propose a method to find the PID controller’s stabilizing region, i.e., available region of parameters ki , k, and kd . The procedure can be described directly as follows and Fig. 3 summaries the concept. Procedure for estimating the stabilizing region. Step 1: Roughly estimate the stabilizing region Ω for two parameters of PID controller, e.g., k and ki . Step 2: Uniformly partition this estimation region of k, ki into n × n subdivision, the intersected points are denoted Ωlm = (k l , kim ), l = 0, . . . , n and m = 0, . . . , n. Step 3: Substitute Ωlm = (k l , kim ) into Equation (12). Then for each point Ωlm = (k l , kim ), the corresponding stabilizing region ¯lm (k lm d , kd ) of parameter kd can be computed by using Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion. Step 4: Sweeping over all points in the estimated region Ω, and finding the corresponding stabilizing region. Step 5: Unite the estimated region and then we can obtain the stabilizing region. In general, a large estimated region (in first step) and small subdivision are usually chosen for accuracy. Other approaches for obtaining the stabilizing region can be found on literature [5,22,30,33] which are based on Nyquist stability theorem, Hermite-Bieler theorem, and trial/error. 3.2. Estimation of Available Region. In addition, note that the performance specification Am and φm for given plant may not be achieved. Therefore, the available region for Am and φm by PID controller should be found. Firstly, there are some restrictions on the choice of Am and φm pairs. One usual requirement is k, ki , kd > 0. Here, a method using approximation
Figure 3. Concept of estimating the stabilizing region method. approach is introduced to find the available region of GPM. For example, consider unstable process model with PI controller (12)
GP (s) =
KP −sL e . sτ − 1
Using approximation of tan−1 function [22], this requirement for unstable plant (12) is given as (13)
φm ≤
A2m − 1 π h − (Am − 1) Am 2
where r π 1 π2 L h= + −4 . 4 2 4 τ Thus, the maximum phase margin can be obtained r p 2 L/τ π L p (14) φm,max = − 2 , and Aφ,max = . 2 τ π/2 − π 2 /4 − 4L/τ Herein, the approach is hard to extend for PID controller. Thus, a simple and straightforward estimation method is presented. Since, the stabilizing region is assumed to be convex. Therefore, we would estimate the available GPM region using the information of the stabilizing region. Every point chosen randomly on the closure of the stabilizing region is used to calculate the corresponding GPM using equations (6)-(9). Then, the available region of GPM specification achieved by PID controller can be obtained. Figure 4 summarizes the approach.
Figure 4. Concept of estimation of available GPM region. Example 1: Estimation of Stabilizing Region. For Unstable plant −0.2s Gp (s) = es−1 with PI controller, firstly, we estimate the stabilizing region of k is [0,10], which can be obtain by open-loop Bode plot. Then the range is then partition to 100 elements uniformly (k l , l = 0, · · · , 100). For each value k l , the corresponding stabilizing region of ki can be calculated by Routh Hurwitz criterion. Finally, we take the union of these regions to obtain the estimated stabilizing region. Figure 5 is the estimated stabilizing region of −0.2s unstable plant Gp (s) = es−1 with PI controller (restriction- ki > 0 and k > 0). And, Fig. 6 gives the estimated available region for the unstable −0.2s plant Gp (s) = es−1 with PI controller. 10 9 8 7 6
5 4 3 2 1 0 0
Figure 5. The stabilizing region of PI parameters.
P , deg.
Available GPM region
Estimated valid range 10
Figure 6. Estimated available GPM region of unstable e−0.2s plant Gp (s) = with PI controller. s−1 4. Controller Design. According to a survey of the state of process control system in 1989 conducted by Japan Electric Measuring Instrument Manufacture’s Association, more than 90% of the control loops were of the PID type [45]. Design and tuning of PID controller have been a large area since Ziegler and Nichols presented their methods in 1942 [48]. PID controllers are widely used and many formulas have been derived. Here, we introduce the PID controller tuning methods to achieve the GPM specifications. Despite the fact that many PID tuning methods are available for achieving the specified GPM, they can be divided into two categories. Firstly, approximation of tan−1 function is adopt to simplify the problem [4,9,18-26,45-49]. Secondly, inverse function mapping was done by fuzzy neural network (FNN) [13,30,32-34]. 4.1. Approximation Method. For system (2), some approximation were taken in order to simplify the calculation of equations (6)-(9), i.e., Am and φm [18-26]. For instance, a PI controller is employed to control the process (2) which transfer function is given by µ (15)
GC (s) = KC
1 1+ sTI
Now, the tuning objective is to determine the controller parameters KC and TI such that the given Am and φm are achieved. Note that the approach is also available for the first order with time delay unstable process [22]. Firstly, for determining Am and φm , the loop transfer function should be obtained (16)
GC (s)GP (s) =
KC KP (1 + sTI ) −sL e . sTI (1 + τ s)
Substituting equation (16) into equations (6)-(9) (17)
1 π + tan−1 wP TI − tan−1 wP τ − wP L = 0 2 s
Am KC KP = wP TI s
KC KP = wg TI
wP2 τ 2 + 1 wP2 TI2 + 1
wg2 τ 2 + 1 wg2 TI2 + 1
1 π + tan−1 wg TI − tan−1 wg τ − wg L. 2 For a given process (KP , τ, L) and specifications (Am , φm ), there are four equations with four unknown variables. Thus, equations (17)-(20) can be solved for the PI controller parameters (KC , TI ) and crossover frequencies (wg , wp ) numerically but not analytically because of the presence of the tan−1 function. However, an approximate analytical solution can be obtained, if we make the following approximation for the tan−1 function.
φm =
1 πx |x| ≤ 1 −1 4 (21) tan x ≈ 1 π π− |x| > 1 2 4x as shown in Fig. 7 (a). The identity 1 1 (22) tan−1 x = π − tan−1 , for |x| > 1 2 x is used in the expression equation (21) when |x| > 1, as Fig. 7(b). Therefore, equations (17)-(20) can be rewritten as follows. (23)
Am KC KP = wp τ
(a) 0.8
___ arctan (x) ...... Approximation
0.5 ) x( n at c a
1.2 ) x( n at c a
0.4 0.3
0.5 x
___ arctan (x) ...... Approximation
Figure 7. Approximation of tan−1 function: (a) |x| ≤ 1 (b) |x| > 1.
KC KP = wg τ
1 π π π− + − wp L = 0 2 4wp TI 4wp τ
φm =
1 π π π− + − wg L 2 4wg TI 4wg τ
Finally, solving for KC and TI in equations (23)-(26) gives (27)
KC =
TI =
wp Am KP
1 4wp2 L 1 2wp − + π τ
1 Am φm + πAm (Am − 1) 2 wp = . (A2m − 1)L
Besides, PI controller (15) can be represented as velocity form
µ ¶ ∆t ∆e + e TI
∆u = KC
and then equation (27) can be set by fuzzy logic system [37,46,47]. In addition, other methods such as Ziegler-Nichols or ISTE were used to find the PI controller parameters. Thus, equations (23)-(26) can be solved to give
πτ = 4KC KP L
à 1+
4L 4L 1− + πTI πτ
1 KC KP L π = π− + 2 τ 4KC KP
µ ¶ τ 1− . TI
Whatever the design method, knowledge of the robustness measures of GPM is certainly useful. The advantage of using equations (31) and (32) to obtain Am and φm is that numerical methods need not to used to solved equations (17)-(20) for Am and φm . Since several approximations are used to derive tuning equations (27) and (28). And then, the true GPM for the chosen controllers are computed numerically from equations (17)-(20). The results are given in Table 1. We observe that the largest error in Am is 19.81% and the largest error in φm is 10.43%. In addition, for obtaining under-damped response for second-order plus dead time plant (33)
GP (s) =
KP e−Ls , 0 < ςP < 1, s2 + 2ςP wn s + wn2
the PID controller can be derived by the same approach [21] (34)
KC =
2wP (πςP wn + πwP − 2wP2 L) , πAm KP
TI =
2wP (πςP wn + πwP − 2wP2 L) πwn2
TD =
π 2wP (πςP wn + πwP − 2wP2 L)
where wP is the same as (29). Similarity of approximation approach [22], it can be applied to the unstable process (12). Note that the frequency
response of unstable process is different from the stable one. Consequently, the tan−1 function is modified as ( (37)
x 1 1 π− 2 x
0≤x≤1 x>1
Similar derivation as previous description, the PI controller KC is the same as equation (27) and TI can be obtained by solving the following equation
TI =
1 π 1 wp − wp2 − 2 τ
4.1.1. Exact GPM Method. Unlike the previous methods, the process dynamics can be made to simplify the nonlinear problem encountered in computation [20,22,43]. For given user specification- GPM, a simple and straightforward controller design method that can simultaneously achieve exact GPM for a general linear plant without any assumptions. Firstly, using the critical point information and the gain margins specification, KP can be chosen immediately. Based on this value and the phase margin specification, another point on the Nyquist plot can be searched and located. And then, TI and TD (or KD and KI ) can be set from the imaginary parts of the two points. Note that there are five unknowns from equations (6)-(9). It is easily found that the unknown number exceeds the equation number leading to an infinite number of solutions. Thus, an additional equation was introduced by considering the bandwidth of system. Denotes wc and wP to be the open-loop and closed-loop bandwidth with (39)
wP = αwc , α ∈ [0.5, 2].
Default value for α is set to be one and wp is available from ∠G(jwc ) = −π. Thus, with (39), wP is readily determined and the unknowns is reduced to four. Therefore, equations (17)-(20) can be solved ·
−1 KP = Re Am GP (jwP )
e−0.1s (s + 1) e−0.2s (s − 1) e−s (s2 + s + 1)
KC 4.9087 3.0543 2.3453 1.7453
Specifications Am φm 3 45 5 60 3 35 4 30 1.14
TI 0.3520 0.5410 6.6120 4.5773 0.88
Result TD A∗m φ∗m 3.3075 40.308 5.9904 58.14 3.2074 35.9332 4.0761 30.1350 8.0%
Error Error of Am Error of φm 10.25% 10.43% 19.81% 3.10% 6.913% 2.666% 1.902% 0.45%
Table 1. Results of approximated method [20-22].
KI = (Im [−1/Am GP (jwP )] wg −Im [−1 exp(jφm )/GP (jwg )] wP ) (42) KD =
Im [−1/Am GP (jwP )] Im [−1 exp(jφm )/GP (jwg )] − wg wP
wP wg − wg wP
wg wP − wg wP
¶−1 ,
and wg satisfies · (43)
¸ − exp(jφm ) = KP . GP (jwg )
Obviously, the design problem is solvable of and only if (43) yields a solution for wg . The value may be identified by sweeping down from w = wP towards w=0 until (43) holds. In addition, the existence condition for (43) about Am and φm is given below (44)
−π + tan−1
1 − Am cos φm π < ∠GP (jwP ) < − . Am sin φm 2
Finally, if the solution exists, then equation (40) gives the controller parameters. 4.1.2. Internal Model Control Method (IMC-PID). The well known internal model control PID formula (IMC-PID) [3,12,40] is also a tuning method related system robustness and performance. If we relate the IMC-PID tuning formula to the GPM tuning formula, new insights into the IMC-PI tuning formula and the choice of the GPM specifications can be obtained. The IMC-PI tuning formula [3,12] for the first order with time delay model is summarized as Table 2, where τcl is a user-specified parameter that corresponds to the closed-loop speed response. When we substitute the expressions (45)
Am =
φm =
π 2
π(τcl + L) 2L µ ¶ 1 1− Am
for the GPM specifications (Am , φm ) into the GPM-PI formula equations (27) and (28), the IMC-PI in Table 2 is obtained. Therefore we can derive
the IMC-PI formula from the GPM-PI formula through appropriate GPM specifications. The IMC-PI design method has only one tuning parameter, τcl , which is related to the gain margin by equation (45). Once the gain margin is obtained, the phase margin is given by equation (46). Since the IMC-PI design only one tuning parameter, it can be expected that only one degree of freedom is possible, since the GPM are not independent but are related through equation (45) to (46). This approach was extended to a self-tuning IMC-PID control [23]. The closed-loop transfer function with the PID controller is firstly approximately given as (47)
1 − 12 sL GC (s)GP (s) ≈ . 1 + GC (s)GP (s) sτcl + 1
Similar to the previous discussion, (2), (47) and values of Table 2 can be substituted into (17)-(20) such that Am , wg , wP , and φm are determined. For guaranteeing the existence of solutions, a fine-tuning of the PID controller parameters are used. Then, the approximated function of tan−1 function is used again to solve the self-tuning IMC-PID controller with interval GPM. Table 2. IMC-PID controller tuning method. Process model KP e−sL 1 + τs
KC µ τ KP
L τcl + 2
Remarks: (1) Obviously, equations (17)-(20) can be solved numerically but not analytically because of the nonlinear tan−1 function. Thus, a piecewise linear approximation of it were used to solve approximately. Methods of [18-26,43] also adopt an approximation, wP = αwC , to help user to find the exact solution. These due to approximated error and may have an unstable controller, see Table 3 and Fig. 8 [33]. For stable processes, controllers such as the IMC [12,23] and approximated method [18-26] that are based on GPM cannot efficiently meet specifications within a 10% error margin owing to the approximation of the tan−1 function. In addition, a similar controller based on approximation for an unstable process improves
performance but still can only meet the specifications within 5% error [33]. (2) In addition, the approximate analytical solutions cannot be extended to the so-called test-batch process because of the limitation on process form (should be first order or second order with timedelay). The test-batch processes as bellows are representative for the dynamics of typical processes [3,40].
G1 (s) =
e−s , T = 0.1, . . . , 10 (1 + sT )2
G2 (s) =
(50) G3 (s) = (51) G4 (s) =
1 , n = 3, 4, 8 (1 + s)n
1 , α = 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, (1 + s)(1 + αs)(1 + α2 s)(1 + α3 s) 1 − αs , α = 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.2. (1 + s)3
(3) Also, the controller tuning method based on the model (2) typically gives a controller gain that is too high [3]. (4) To cover the test-batch processes, it is necessary to develop a tuning method for general system (1). Besides, the approximation error should be reduced. Therefore, another approach using the FNN for general processes is considered below. This approach yields high accurate tuning formulas for controllers including P, PI, PD and PID controllers of stable and unstable processes with time delay. 4.2. Fuzzy Neural Network (FNN) Approach. Considering the nthorder process with time-delay (1) and rewriting as
Gp (s) =
where n =
p P i=1
Kp (1 + wn1 s)n1 (1 + wn2 s)n2 · · · (1 + wnq s)nq −Ls e (1 + wd1 s)d1 (1 + wd2 s)d2 · · · (1 + wdp s)dp
di. Here, if wdi > 0 for all i, system (52) is stable. On the
other hand, if at least one of wdi is negative then the process is an unstable plant. For the PID controller, the loop transfer function is then obtained:
Table 3. Approximation results of unreasonable specifications. Results of [22] Am φm KC 3.0420 41.8603 2.3998 4.0559 42.0461 1.8035 5.0700 35.9405 1.4363 7.0952 -2.6003 1.0090 7.6038 -13.3516 0.9477 8.1117 ∞ 0.8934 7.6012 -12.6772 0.9398 8.1072 -20.2941 0.8796 8.6184 ∞ 0.8390 9.1249 ∞ 0.7909
Specifications P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
(3,40) (4,40) (5,35) (7,15) (7.5,15) (8,15) (7.5,10) (8,5) (8.5,10) (9,5)
TI -17.3642 -13.0428 -29.5354 8.5340 16.4203 101.3638 7.3770 6.6594 32.6130 20.7626
45 P2
P1 40
phase Margin
20 P4
6 Gain Margin
Figure 8. Available region of (Am , φm ) for PI controller: solid line, our result; dash-dotted line: result of [22] (P1 − P10 are outside the estimated available region).
Gc (s)Gp (s) = e−Ls × Kc Kp (1 + sTI + TI TD s2 )(1 + wn1 s)n1 (1 + wn2 s)n2 · · · (1 + wnq s)nq . sTI (1 + wd1 s)d1 (1 + wd2 s)d2 · · · (1 + wdp s)dp (53) Substituting into equations (6)-(9) 1 π + tan−1 (wp wc1 ) + tan−1 (wp wc2 ) + n1 tan−1 (wp wn1 ) 2 + · · · + nq tan−1 (wp wnq ) − wp L − d1 tan−1 (wp wd1 ) −d2 tan−1 (wp wd2 ) − · · · − dp tan−1 (wp wdp ) = 0,
(54) (55)
q q 2 )n1 (1 + w 2 w 2 )n2 · · · 2 )nq (1 + wp2 wn1 (1 + wp2 wnq p n2 q q q Am Kc Kp = wp TI q , 2 2 2 )d1 · · · 2 )dp 1 + wp2 wc1 1 + wp2 wc2 (1 + wp2 wd1 (1 + wp2 wdp q
q q 2 )d1 2 )d2 · · · 2 )dp (1 + wg2 wd1 (1 + wg2 wd2 (1 + wg2 wdp q q q Kc Kp = wg TI q , 2 ) (1 + w 2 w 2 ) (1 + w 2 w 2 )n1 · · · 2 )nq (1 + wg2 wc1 (1 + wg2 wnq g c2 g n1 φm (57)
1 π + tan−1 (wg wc1 ) + tan−1 (wg wc2 ) + n1 tan−1 (wg wn1 ) 2 + · · · + nq tan−1 (wg wnq ) − wg L − d1 tan−1 (wg wd1 ) −d2 tan−1 (wg wd2 ) − · · · − dp tan−1 (wg wdp ),
where wc1 and wc2 are the roots of (1 + TI s + TI TD s2 ). It is note that there are five altogether five unknown, namely KC , TI , TD , wg , and wp in equations. (54)-(57). For a given process (Kp , wn1 , · · · , wnq , wd1 , · · · , wdp , L) and specifications (Am ,φm ), equations (54)-(57) can be solved for the PID controller parameters (Kc , TI , TD ) and crossover frequencies (wg , wp ) numerically but not analytically because of the presence of the tan−1 function. 4.2.1. Structure of the fuzzy neural network (FNN). The FNN system is a network with fuzzy inference characteristics. It is a simple fuzzy logic system implemented by using a multi-layer feedforward neural network. A schematic diagram of the proposed FNN is shown in Fig. 9 [10,11,30-35]. The input-output representation is denoted as:
Figure 9. Schematic diagram of fuzzy neural network (FNN) systems.
yp (x) =
m X j=1
m Y i=1
(x − mij )2 ] 2 σij
where m, σ and w are the mean, STD, and weight of the FNN, respectively. Nodes in layer one are input nodes representing input linguistic variables. Nodes in layer two are membership nodes. Here, the Gaussian function is used as the membership function. Each membership node is responsible for mapping an input linguistic variable into a possibility distribution for that variable. The rule nodes reside in layer three. The last layer contains the output variable nodes. The adjustment of parameters in the FNN can
Figure 10. Construction of the jth component of the FNN.
( Am ,φ m )
Equations (54)~(57)
( K C , TI , TD )
_ FNN ( Kˆ C , TˆI , TˆD ) Figure 11. Block diagram of function mapping using FNN.
be divided into two categories, corresponding to the premise part and the consequence part, of the fuzzy rules. In the premise part, we must initialize the mean and the variance of Gaussian functions. In the consequence part, the parameters are output singletons. These singletons are initialized with small random values, as in a pure neural network. More details about the FNN can be found in [10,11,30-35]. Its construction is directly based on the fuzzy rules without adjustment. For example, if we encounter the jth fuzzy rule described as follows: (59) If x1 is Aj1 and x2 is Aj2 and . . . and xn is Ajn then y is βj . Consider m fuzzy rules for generality which can be considered independently like dealing with the jth fuzzy rule in Fig. 10. The links between the membership nodes and the rule nodes are the antecedent links, and those between the rule nodes and the output nodes are the consequence links. For each rule node, there is at most one antecedent link from a membership node of a linguistic variable. However, all consequence links are fully connected to the output nodes and interpreted directly as the strength of the output action. Using the properties of universal approximation and high speed convergence, the FNN can be tuned to identify the relationship between GPM and PID controllers, i.e., inverse function mapping of equations (54)-(57). 4.2.2. Training of the FNN for PID Controllers and GPM. Considering the nonlinear couple equations (54)-(57), we find that there are five parameters (wp , wg , Am , φm , KC , TI , TD ) in those four equations. If we are given GPM specifications (Am ,φm ), it may not be possible to solve the five parameters because the equations are nonlinear. Now, let us consider another aspect of these equations. First, we could give randomly controller parameters (KC ,TI ,TD ) as the input of equations. Using equations (54)-(57), we could obtain the parameters (wp ,wg ,Am ,φm ) that correspond to the random controller parameters (KC ,TI ,TD ), respectively. For example, in preparation for training the FNN, we gather much enough points (KC ,TI ,TD ) and the corresponding (Am ,φm ) points respectively, and set them as the training data in Fig. 11, i.e., the input data is (Am ,φm ) and the output is (KC ,TI ,TD ). This approach avoids the problem of no solution being yielded by nonlinear equations (54)-(57), and reduces the overall task. Furthermore, this approach is useful for all processes (stable, unstable, high-order, under-damped response, et al ). For training the FNN, considering the single-output case for clarity, our goal is to minimize the error function
1 [yP (k) − yˆ(k)]2 = 12 e2 (k) 2 where yP , yˆ denote the desired output (KC , TI , TD ) and estimated output ˆ C , TˆI , TˆD ), respectively. Then, the gradient of the above error function (K is (60)
E(k) =
∂E ∂e(k) ∂ yˆ(k) = e(k) = −e(k) ∂W ∂W ∂W where W = [m, σ, w] represents the weighting vector of the FNN. By using the back-propagation algorithm [10,11,30-35], we can describe the update law for the linear system as (61)
W (k + 1) (62)
= =
µ ¶ ∂E(k) W (k) + ∆W (k) = W (k) + η − ∂W ¶ µ ∂ yˆ(k) . W (k) + ηe(k) − ∂W
Example 2: PID Controller for Different Plants. The simulation results of FNN approach are listed in Table 4. To illustrate the difference between the tuning method of FNN and approximated method, the parameters of the controller are determined for both cases and listed in Tables 3-5. These tables exhibit the results using FNN approach with different specifications. It is shown that the proposed FNN approach has better accuracy than approximated method. Note that the given specifications in Table 5 are all inside the available region shown in Fig. 8. Here we choose two specifications outside the available region to show the effectiveness of FNN approach. The simulation results of unreasonable specifications are listed in Table 5. Note that the method of literature [22] results negative phase margins for these specifications, see Table 3. Table 5 also shows that the FNN would still find suitable controller’s parameters close to the specifications and retain the stable of system (i.e., Am > 0, φm > 0) even though the specifications are unreasonable. The FNN gives us an acceptable error for specifications. It would still be regarded as “good tuning” based on FNN tuning method. 4.2.3. PI-PD Controller. In literature [6,49], a special control scheme: PIPD controller was proposed to obtain significantly better performance. Here, we extend the FNN based tuning method to this type controller. The socalled PI-PD controller scheme is shown in Fig. 12, where
1000e−0.0005s s3 + 15s2 + 45s − 25
e−s (s2 + s + 1)
e−0.2s (s − 1)
Specifications Am φm 3 35 4 30 5 30 4 40 3 60 2 20 3 30 4 30 KC 2.3595 1.7557 1.5356 0.1012 0.76 0.3125 0.2288 0.1651
Result TI TD 4.2624 3.3538 11.4457 3.0254 0.2301 1.19 0.84 16.364 6.1378 3.1344 Am 3.0092 4.0118 4.9038 3.8737 2.93 2.1231 2.9158 3.9286
φm 34.0366 29.7902 30.7641 40.510 62.12 20.5021 27.0728 30.7463
Table 4. Different cases using FNN approach. Error Am φm 0.306% 2.752% 0.295% 0.699% 1.924% 2.547% 3.157% 1.275% 2.33% 3.53% 6.155% 2.51% 2.807% 9.75% 1.785% 2.487%
Approximation result KC TI Am φm 0.9999 5.0971 7.1238 -5.0841 0.9477 16.4203 7.6038 -13.3516 0.8934 101.3638 8.1117 ∞ 0.9398 7.3770 7.6012 -12.6772 0.8796 6.6594 8.1072 -20.2941
KC 1.3578 2.2576 1.7478 1.6937 1.1481
FNN TI 23.8254 47.6725 34.7266 31.0468 16.3248
φm 29.3807 35.4362 37.4422 36.7577 17.1945
e−0.2s . s−1 result Am 5.3392 3.2172 4.1529 4.2840 6.3001
Table 5. Result of specifications outside available region for Gp (s) = Specifications (Am ,φm ) (7,10) (7.5,15) (8,15) (7.5,10) (8,5)
GC2 (s) = Kf + sTD µ
GC1 (s) = K
1 + sTI sTI
¶ .
Obviously, this controller is a special type of two-degree of freedom controller with constant set point value [3]. Obviously, using the PI-PD controller, there are 6 unknown variables with 4 equations. Therefore, herein, two in addition conditions are used to solve the PI-PD controllers. The first one assumption is similar to literature [43], equation (39) is used and α is set to be one. And the secondly is to minimize the performance index ISTE Z∞ (65)
min J1 (θ) = 0
1 (te(θ, t)2 dt = min 2πj
F (−s)F (s)ds −j∞
where F (s) = L [te(θ, t)] = −
d E(s). ds
Figure 12. PI-PD controller scheme. The design procedure can be described as bellow: Firstly, calculate the phase crossover frequencywp from ∠Gp (jwP ) = −π. And then set TI to be a constant. From equation (7), we have
1 K
jwp TI − (wp TI )2 1 + (wp TI )2
¸ 1 + (jwp TD + Kf ) = −Am . Gp (jwp ) 1+T (jw )
Let the closed-loop gain is denoted as T (s) and Gp (jwpp) = R1 (jwp ) + jI1 (jwp ). Substitute into equation (66). Thus, the real and imaginary parts can be represented as −(wp TI )2 (R12 + I12 )Kf − (wp2 TI )(R12 + I12 )TD = −Am K(1 + (wp TI )2 )(R12 + I12 ) + [(wp TI )2 R1 + (wp TI )I1 ]
(68) (wp TI )(R12 + I12 )Kf − (wp3 TI2 )(R12 + I12 )TD = −R1 (wp TI ) − I1 (wp TI )2 . Define M11 = −(wp Ti )2 (R12 + I12 ), M12 = −(wp2 Ti )(R12 + I12 ) M21 = (wp Ti )(R12 + I12 ), M22 = −(wp3 Ti2 )(R12 + I12 ) Const1 = −Am (1 + (wp Ti )2 )(R12 + I12 ) Const2 = [(wp Ti )2 R1 + (wp Ti )I1 ] Const3 = −R1 (wp Ti ) − I1 (wp Ti )2 . Therefore, equations (67) and (68) and solutions of Kf andTD are · (69)
M11 M21
Kf =
TD =
M12 M22
· =
Const1 K + Const2 Const3
M22 Const1 K + (M22 Const2 − M12 Const3 ) ∆
−M21 Const1 K + (M11 Const3 − M21 Const2 ) ∆
where ¯ ¯ ¯ M11 M12 ¯ ¯ ¯. ∆=¯ M21 M22 ¯ From definition equation of phase margin, we have 1 T (jwg ) (72)
1 K
jwg TI 1 + jwg TI
−e−jφm .
1 + jTD wg + Kf Gp (jwg )
Define 1 + T(jwg ) = R2 (jwg ) + jI2 (jwg ), Gp (jwg ) and 3π Td wg + I2 − tan−1 wg TI + tan−1 = −φm . 2 Kf + R 2 For simplification, the tan−1 approximation is used to solve the solution. We thus obtain (73) (74)
¯ ¶ µ ¯ ¯ TD wg ¯ TD wg 1 ¯ ¯ ≤1 π+ + = −φm if ¯ wg TI Kf Kf ¯ ¯ µ ¯ ¶ ¯ TD wg + I2 ¯ 3 1 Kf ¯ ¯ π+ − = −φm if ¯ ≥1 . 2 wg TI Td wg Kf + R2 ¯ ¯ µ ¯ ¶ ¯1 ¯ jwg TI ¯ ¯ [j(T w + I ) + (K + R )] D g 2 f 2 ¯ = 1. ¯ K 1 + jwg TI
Using the iterative method and let (76)
M22 Const1 K + (M22 Const2 − M12 Const3 ) Kf = = R. TD −M21 Const1 K + (M11 Const3 − M21 Const2 )
− (77)
wg =
1 (π + φm ) + TI R
1 2 4 ) (π + φm )2 − TI R R 2
Substituting into (75) and solve K to find a new value of R. Iterative calculation should be done for finding wg , K, R to meet E = R0 − R < ε, where ε is the user defined accuracy. Thus, we have PI-PD controller parameters TI , K, Kf , TD . Finally, use Astrom’s recursive algorithm to find the corresponding value of ISTE. Here, the value TI is chosen to be changeable variable for minimizing the ISTE. Table 6 and Fig. 13 show the result 2 . From Fig. 13, we have the better perfor unstable plant Gp (s) = 2 s −4 formance using the PI-PD controller comparison with PID controller even if they are based on the same GPM.
specifications Am φm 2 20 3 30 4 35
Kf TI 7.8404 0.1719 0.2742 7.2452 0.3333 0.3017 6.8670 0.2808 0.3251
result TD 1.4845 0.8701 0.8980 1.0612 1.7908 1.0413
Am’ 1.9177 2.0125 2.9432 3.0135 3.9596 3.8891
Φm’ 19.4292 21.6699 29.2901 28.1395 33.5762 36.8343
J1 0.9403 0.9924 0.5200 0.5644 0.2190 0.3512
Table 6. PI-PD controller for unstable plant Gp (s) =
K 3.1748 2.8727 2.6585 2.4116 2.7023 2.1259
2 s2 −4 .
Error Am φm 4.115% 2.84% 1.02% 8.32% 1.89% 2.367% 0.4% 6.20% 1% 5.02% 2.773% 5.24%
Step Response From: U(1) 1.4
To: Y(1)
BackgroundResponseObjectLine 0.6 PI-PD PID PI-D
0 0
Time (sec.)
Figure 13. Comparison result of unstable plant Gp (s) =
2 . −4
4.2.4. Robust PID Controller Design. In the following, the purpose is to determine the PID parameters (k, ki , kd ) for the given robust GPM specifications. Before describing our approach, the following example is introduced to state the motivation. Example 3: PI controller for plant with parameters uncertainties GP (s) = e−[0.1:0.15]s . [0.5 : 1]s + [0.5 : 1] e−0.1s For the nominal plant GP (s) = , we have a stabilizing PI controllers+1 (k = 6.1984, ki = 11.017) based on GPM specification (3, 45) with less 1% e−0.15s error [30]. If the plant parameters vary to G0P (s) = , then the PI s + 0.5 controller results with a large overshoot in step-response, (Am ,φm )=(1.54,
e−0.15s , the PI con0.5s + 1 troller has an unstable result (Am ,φm )=(0.868, -14.929). For interval plant e−[0.1:0.15]s , the PI controller cannot guarantee the sysGP (s) = [0.5 : 1]s + [0.5 : 1] tem’s robustness and performance. Subsequently, a robust controller for parametric uncertainty systems will develop to guarantee the good performance and robustness. Thus, problem formulation and some results of parametric robust control are introduced bellow. For meeting the theorem, plant (1) is rewritten as 23.71). If the plant parameters vary to G00P (s) =
bm0 sm + bm0 −1 sm −1 + · · · + b1 s + b0 Gp (s) = . sn0 + an0 −1 sn0 −1 + · · · + a1 s + a0
Here, we assume n0 > m0 , and the coefficients ai , bj are not exactly known, but are only known to satisfy ai , bj ∈ R, 0 < ai ≤ ai ≤ ai , i = 0, 1, · · · , n0 − 1, 0 < bj ≤ bj ≤ bj , j = 0, 1, · · · , m0 . The plant is called an interval plant family or interval system. Thus, the forward open loop transfer function is (79)
GO (s) = GC (s)GP (s) :=
N (s) ki + ks + kd s2 · . D(s) s
Assume the uncertainty polynomial of degree n0 can be written as (80)
P (s, A) = a0 + a1 s + a2 s2 + · · · + an sn
where the coefficients ai ∈ A, i = 1, · · · , n0 and vary in independent intervals A := {ai ∈ R|0 < ai ≤ ai ≤ ai , i = 0, 1, · · · , n0 }. Polynomial (80) is Hurwitz if all its zeros have negative real parts; the family P is Hurwitz if all its members are Hurwitz. The Kharitonov theorem is introduced here that provides the stability condition for the interval polynomial. Theorem 1: (Kharitonov’s Theorem [6,7,17,30,33,41]) P (s,A) is Hurwitz iff the following four Kharitonov polynomials (or extreme polynomials) are Hurwitz (81)
K11 (s) = a0 + a1 s + a2 s2 + a3 s3 + a4 s4 + a5 s5 + · · ·
K12 (s) = a0 + a1 s + a2 s2 + a3 s3 + a4 s4 + a5 s5 + · · ·
K21 (s) = a0 + a1 s + a2 s2 + a3 s3 + a4 s4 + a5 s5 + · · ·
K22 (s) = a0 + a1 s + a2 s2 + a3 s3 + a4 s4 + a5 s5 + · · · .
Details for the theorem can be found in [6,7,17,30,33]. The Kharitonov theorem states that the stability of an interval polynomial can be determined by testing the stability of just four Kharitonov polynomials. In addition, the so-called Kharitonov rectangle contains the parameters varying in set A, i.e., the interval plant family is in the Kharitonov rectangle at some frequency. Using the value set concept and the zero exclusion principle, the Kharitonov theorem is easily understood [7,17]. We now proceed to state a generalization of Kharitonov’s theorem [7,17,30,33]. Consider the interval plant (80) with the Kharitonov polynomials N1 (s), N2 (s), N3 (s) and N4 (s) for the numerator and D1 (s), D2 (s), D3 (s) and D4 (s) for the denominator. Then, the segments for numerator and denominator are defined (1 − λ)Ni (s) + λNj (s) and (1 − λ)Di (s) + λDj (s), where λ ∈ [0, 1] and (i,j) ∈{(1,2),(1,3),(2,4),(3,4)}. Using these segments for the numerator and denominator polynomials, we can obtain the following 32 extreme systems (85)
GE (s) =
Ni (s) (1 − λ)Nj (s) + λNk (s) ∪ (1 − λ)Dj (s) + λDk (s) Di (s)
where λ ∈ [0, 1], i=1,2,3,4 and (j,k) ∈{(1,2),(1,3),(2,4),(3,4)}. Therefore, for the 32 extreme systems, the Bode, Nyquist, and Nichols envelops of a control plant with PID controller can be constructed to check the stability of the interval plant. Here we introduce the so-called robust GPM. This is used to be the specification for PID controller problem. The difference for the general used GPM is the robust GPM which is calculated from the envelope of GPM of the 32 extreme systems. Also, the FNN system will identify the relation between PID controller parameters and robust GPM of the parametric interval plant. The purpose is to determine the PID parameters (k, ki , kd ) for the given robust GPM specifications. The problem of characterizing all stabilizing PID controllers is to determine all the values of k, ki , and kd for which the entire extreme systems is Hurwitz. By the way, we should first find the Kharitonov 32 extreme systems. And then, use the previous results of [30] to obtain a computational characterization of all PID controllers that stabilize the interval family. Note that there are four parameters (λ, k, ki , and kd ) at the characteristic polynomial. At first, a rough range of these
parameters would be chosen (λ ∈ [0, 1]), it can be estimated by the robust Bode plot without control. Thus, the stabilizing region and available region can be obtained and the training patterns are selected as above. Herein, consider the interval plant (86)
GP (s, A) =
[0.0032 :
[18 : 15] . + [0.072 : 0.1]s2 + [1.28 : 1.305]s
We first plot the robust Bode plot of plant (86) for roughly choosing the parameters range. Here, we choose the rough region as {0 < k < 1, 0 < ki < 5}. Figures 14 and 15 shows envelop of the Kharitonov 32 extreme systems (robust Bode plot) and Movement of the Kharitonov rectangle of system that guarantee the stability of system (86), that illustrates the effectiveness of our approach. We also can demonstrate our result by the other graphic tool, Nichol chart or Nyquist diagram. Bode plots of the 32 K haritonov extrem al plants in dB 100
50 0 -50 -100 -1 10
B ode plots of the 32 Kharitonov ex trem al plants in degree -100
-150 -200 -250 -300 -1 10
w---rad/s ec
Figure 14. Robust Bode plot of system (86) with PI controller.
Im age polynom ial set of K haritonov s egment plant 50 40 30 20
Im ag
10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -50
0 Real
Figure 15. Movement of the Kharitonov rectangle of system (86) with PI controller. 5. Conclusion Remarks The survey was aimed at researchers currently working in the area of PID controllers. This paper has provided a survey of PID controllers design based on the GPM specification for a given stable, unstable, and interval plants. The basic ideas, techniques, and results have been presented in language and notation familiar. Due to the highly nonlinear of definitions of GPM equations, an analytical tuning method is not yet available. Approximation and FNN approaches have been introduced to treat this problem. Therefore, they were used to automatically tune the PID controller parameters for GPM specifications so that neither numerical methods nor graphical methods need be used. Applications of usual used process- first order with time delay plant have been extended to general nth order plant. In addition, the robust PID controller is definition and presented by the FNN approach. Finally, for obtaining the better performance, a novel PI-PD
controller scheme based on GPM was firstly proposed here. Simulation results are also presented to show the effectiveness. Thus, the GPM approach is available for high performance and robustness requirement. In the future, the GPM approach can be extended to the model predictive control, nonlinear control, and intelligent control, two-degree of freedom control, and digital redesign. References [1] ACPA, Special Issue on Advance in PID control, Asian Journal of Control, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2002. [2] K. J. Astrom, T. Hagglund, C. C. Hang, and W. K. Ho, “Automatic Tuning and Adaptation for PID Controllers-A Survey,” IFAC J. Control Eng. Practice, Vol.1, no.4, pp.699-714, 1993. [3] K. J. Astrom, T. Hagglund, PID Controllers: Theory, Design, and Tuning. Research Triangle Park, NC: ISA, 1995. [4] K. J. Astrom and T. Hagglund, “Automatic Tuning of Simple Regulators with Specifications on Phase and Amplitude Margins,” Automatica, Vol. 20, No.5, pp. 645-651, 1984. [5] K. J. Astrom and T. Hagglund, “The Future of PID Control,” IFAC J. Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 9, pp. 1163-1175, 2001. [6] D. P. Atherton, “PID Controller Tuning,” Computing & Control Engineering Journal, April, 1999. [7] S. P. Bhattacharyya, H. Chapellat, and L. H. Keel, Robust Control: The Parametric Approach, Prentice-Hall 1995. [8] F. M. Callier and C. A. Desoer, Linear Systems Theory, Springer-verlag, 1991. [9] T. Chai and G. Zhang, “A New Self-tuning of PID Regulators Based on Phase and Amplitude Margin Specification,” ACTA Automatica Sinica, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 167-172 1997. [10] Y. C. Chen and C. C. Teng, ?A Model Reference Control Structure Using a Fuzzy Neural Network,? Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Vol. 73, pp. 291-312, 1995. [11] Y. C. Chen and C. C. Teng, “Fuzzy Neural Network Systems in Model Reference Control Systems,” in Neural Network Systems, Technique and Applications, Volume 6, Edited by C. T. Leondes, Academic Press, Inc. pp. 285-313, 1998. [12] I. -L. Chien and P. S. Fruehauf, “Consider IMC Tuning to Improve Controller Performance,” Chemical Engineering Progress, Vol. 86, pp. 33-41, 1990. [13] S. Y. Chu and C. C. Teng, “Tuning of PID controllers Based on Gain and Phase Margin Specifications Using Fuzzy Neural Network,” Fuzzy sets and Systems, 101, pp. 21-30, 1999. [14] P. Cominos and N. Munro, “PID Controllers: Recent Tuning Methods and Design to Specification,” IEE Proc. D, Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 149, No. 1, pp. 46-53, 2002. [15] G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell, and A. E. Baeini, “Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems,” Addison-Wesley, 1986. [16] H. W. Fung, Q. G. Wang, and T. H. Lee, “PI tuning in Terms of Gain and Phase Margins,” Automatica, vol. 34, No. 9, pp. 1145-1149, 1998. [17] M. J. Ho, A. Datta, and S. P. Bhattacharyya, Structure and Synthesis of PID controllers, Springer-Verlag, London, UK, 2000.
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