CS536: Machine Learning Artificial Neural Networks Neural Networks

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CS536: Machine Learning. Artificial Neural Networks. Fall 2005. Ahmed Elgammal. Dept of Computer Science. Rutgers University. CS 536 – Artificial Neural ...
CS536: Machine Learning Artificial Neural Networks Fall 2005 Ahmed Elgammal Dept of Computer Science Rutgers University

Neural Networks Biological Motivation: Brain • Networks of processing units (neurons) with connections (synapses) between them • Large number of neurons: 1011 • Large connectitivity: each connected to, on average, 104 others • Switching time 10-3 second • Parallel processing • Distributed computation/memory • Processing is done by neurons and the memory is in the synapses • Robust to noise, failures

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Neural Networks Characteristic of Biological Computation • Massive Parallelism • Locality of Computation • Adaptive (Self Organizing) • Representation is Distributed

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Understanding the Brain •

Levels of analysis (Marr, 1982) 1. Computational theory 2. Representation and algorithm 3. Hardware implementation

• •

Reverse engineering: From hardware to theory Parallel processing: SIMD vs MIMD Neural net: SIMD with modifiable local memory Learning: Update by training/experience

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• ALVINN system Pomerleau (1993) • Many successful examples: Speech phoneme recognition [Waibel] Image classification [Kanade, Baluja, Rowley] Financial prediction Backgammon [Tesauro]

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When to use ANN

• Input is high-dimensional discrete or real-valued (e.g. raw sensor input). Inputs can be highly correlated or independent. • Output is discrete or real valued • Output is a vector of values • Possibly noisy data. Data may contain errors • Form of target function is unknown • Long training time are acceptable • Fast evaluation of target function is required • Human readability of learned target function is unimportant ⇒ ANN is much like a black-box

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Perceptron d

y = ∑w j x j + w 0 = w T x j =1

w = [w 0 , w 1 ,..., w d ]


x = [1 , x 1 ,..., x d ]


(Rosenblatt, 1962)

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Perceptron Activation Rule: Linear threshold (step unit)

Or, more succinctly: o(x) = sgn(w ⋅ x)

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What a Perceptron Does • •

1 dimensional case: Regression: y=wx+w0

y w0

Classification: y=1(wx+w0>0)



s w0



x x

w0 x


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Perceptron Decision Surface

Perceptron as hyperplane decision surface in the n-dimensional input space The perceptron outputs 1 for instances lying on one side of the hyperplane and outputs –1 for instances on the other side Data that can be separated by a hyperplane: linearly separable

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Perceptron Decision Surface

A single unit can represent some useful functions • What weights represent g(x1, x2) = AND(x1, x2)? Majority, Or But some functions not representable • e.g., not linearly separable • Therefore, we'll want networks of these... CS 536 – Artificial Neural Networks - - 11

Perceptron training rule wi ← wi +∆ wi where ∆ wi = η (t-o) xi Where: • t = c(x) is target value • o is perceptron output • η is small constant (e.g., .1) called the learning rate (or step size)

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Perceptron training rule Can prove it will converge • If training data is linearly separable • and η sufficiently small • Perceptron Conversion Theorem (Rosenblatt): if the data are linearly separable then the perceptron learning algorithm converges in finite time.

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Gradient Descent – Delta Rule Also know as LMS (least mean squares) rule or widrow-Hoff rule. To understand, consider simpler linear unit, where o = w0 + w1x1 + … + wnxn Let's learn wi's to minimize squared error E[w] ≡ 1/2 Σd in D (td-od)2 Where D is set of training examples

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Error Surface

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Gradient Descent Gradient ∇E [w] = [∂E/∂w0,∂E/∂w1,…,∂E/∂wn] When interpreted as a vector in weight space, the gradient specifies the direction that produces the steepest increase in E Training rule: ∆w = -η ∇E [w] in other words: ∆wi = -η ∂E/∂wi This results in the following update rule: ∆wi = η Σd (td-od) (xi,d)

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Gradient of Error ∂E/∂wi = ∂/∂wi 1/2 Σd (td-od)2 = 1/2 Σd ∂/∂wi (td-od)2 = 1/2 Σd 2 (td-od) ∂/∂wi (td-od) = Σd (td-od) ∂/∂wi (td-w xd) = Σd (td-od) (-xi,d) Learning Rule: ∆wi = -η ∂E/∂wi ⇒ ∆wi = η Σd (td-od) (xi,d)

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Stochastic Gradient Descent Batch mode Gradient Descent: Do until satisfied 1. Compute the gradient ∇ED [w] 2. w ← w - ∇ED [w] Incremental mode Gradient Descent: Do until satisfied • For each training example d in D 1. Compute the gradient ∇Ed [w] 2. w ← w - ∇Ed [w]

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More Stochastic Grad. Desc. ED[w] ≡ 1/2 Σd in D (td-od)2 Ed [w] ≡ 1/2 (td-od)2 Incremental Gradient Descent can approximate Batch Gradient Descent arbitrarily closely if η set small enough Incremental Learning Rule: ∆wi = η (td-od) (xi,d) Delta Rule: ∆wi = η (t-o) (xi) δ = (t-o)

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Gradient Descent Code GRADIENT-DESCENT(training examples, η) Each training example is a pair of the form , where x is the vector of input values, and t is the target output value. η is the learning rate (e.g., .05).

• •

Initialize each wi to some small random value Until the termination condition is met, Do – Initialize each ∆wi to zero. – For each in training examples, Do • Input the instance x to the unit and compute the output o • For each linear unit weight wi, Do

∆wi ← ∆wi + η (t-o)xi – For each linear unit weight wi, Do wi ← wi + ∆wi

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Summary Perceptron training rule will succeed if • Training examples are linearly separable • Sufficiently small learning rate η Linear unit training uses gradient descent (delta rule) • Guaranteed to converge to hypothesis with minimum squared error • Given sufficiently small learning rate η • Even when training data contains noise • Even when training data not H separable

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K Outputs

Regression: d

y i = ∑ w ij x j + w i 0 = w iT x j =1

y = Wx

Linear Map from Rd⇒Rk


o i = w iT x yi =

exp o i ∑k exp o k

choose C i if y i = max y k k

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Training • Online (instances seen one by one) vs batch (whole sample) learning: – No need to store the whole sample – Problem may change in time – Wear and degradation in system components

• Stochastic gradient-descent: Update after a single pattern • Generic update rule (LMS rule):



∆w ijt = η rit − y it x tj Update = LearningFa ctor ⋅( DesiredOut put − ActualOutp ut

) ⋅Input

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Training a Perceptron: Regression •

Regression (Linear output):


) ( ( )

) [ (

2 1 1 Et w | xt ,r t = r t −y t = r t − wT xt 2 2 ∆wtj = ηr t −y t xtj



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Classification • Single sigmoid output y t = sigmoid(w T x t )

• K>2 softmax outputs E t (w | x t , r t ) = − r t log y t − (1 − r t ) log (1 − y t )

∆wtj = η (r t − y t )x tj

yt =

exp w iT x t ∑k exp w kT x t




E t {w i }i | x t , r t = −∑ rit log y it



∆w ijt = η r it − y it x tj CS 536 – Artificial Neural Networks - - 25

Learning Boolean AND

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No w0, w1, w2 satisfy:



w2 + w0 w1 + w0 w1 + w2 + w0

>0 >0 ≤0

(Minsky and Papert, 1969)

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Multilayer Perceptrons


y i = v iT z = ∑ v ih z h + v i 0 h =1


z h = sigmoid w hT x =

[ (∑

1 + exp −



d j =1

w hj x j + w h 0


(Rumelhart et al., 1986) CS 536 – Artificial Neural Networks - - 28


x1 XOR x2 = (x1 AND ~x2) OR (~x1 AND x2) CS 536 – Artificial Neural Networks - - 29

Sigmoid Activation

σ(x) is the sigmoid (s-like) function 1/(1 + e-x) Nice property: d σ(x)/dx = σ(x) (1-σ(x)) Other variations: σ(x) = 1/(1 + e-k.x) where k is a positive constant that determines the steepness of the threshold. CS 536 – Artificial Neural Networks - - 30


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Error Gradient for Sigmoid ∂E/∂wi = ∂/∂wi 1/2 Σd (td-od)2 = 1/2 Σd ∂/∂wi (td-od)2 = 1/2 Σd 2 (td-od) ∂/∂wi (td-od) = Σd (td-od) (-∂od/∂wi) = - Σd (td-od) (∂od/∂netd ∂netd/∂wi)

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Even more… But we know: ∂od/∂netd =∂σ(netd)/∂netd = od (1- od ) ∂netd/∂wi = ∂(w · xd) /∂wi = xi,d So: ∂E/∂wi = - Σd (td-od)od (1 - od) xi,d

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y i = v iT z = ∑ v ih z h + v i 0 h =1


z h = sigmoid w hT x =


[ (∑

1 + exp −


d j =1

w hj x j + w h 0


∂E ∂E ∂y i ∂z h = ∂w hj ∂y i ∂z h ∂w hj

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Backpropagation Algorithm Initialize all weights to small random numbers. Until satisfied, Do • For each training example, Do 1. Input the training example to the network and outputs 2. For each output unit k δk = ok(1 - ok)(tk-ok) 3. For each hidden unit h

compute the network

δh = oh(1 - oh) Σk in outputs wh,k δk 4. Update each network weight wi,j

wi,j ← wi,j + ∆wi,j where ∆wi,j = η δjai

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E (W, v | X ) =

Regression H

y = ∑vhzht +v0 t


1 rt −yt ∑ 2 t





∆v h = ∑ r t − y t z ht t

h =1

Backward Forward

( )

zh = sigmoidwhT x

∆w hj

∂E = −η ∂w hj = −η∑ t

∂E ∂y t ∂z ht ∂y t ∂z ht ∂w hj





= −η∑ − r t − y t v h z ht 1 − z ht x tj t






= η∑ r t − y t v h z ht 1 − z ht x tj t

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Regression with Multiple Outputs

E(W, V| X) =


1 rit −yit ∑∑ 2t i





y = ∑vihzht +vi0 t i

h =1



∆vih = η∑r −y z t i

t i

vih zh

t h







 t t t t t − ∆whj = η∑∑ r y v z 1 z xj − i i ih h h   t i 


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whx+w0 zh


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Two-Class Discrimination • One sigmoid output yt for P(C1|xt) and P(C2|xt) ≡ 1-yt

 H t y = sigmoid∑vhzh +v0   h=1 E(W,v | X) = −∑r t logy t + 1 −r t log 1 −y t t


) (



( ) =η∑(r −y )v z (1 −z )x

∆vh =η∑r t −y t zht t




t h h

t h

t j


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K>2 Classes


o it = ∑ v ih z ht + v i 0

y it =

h =1

E (W, v | X ) = −∑∑ rit log y it t




exp o it ≡ P Ci | xt t ∑k exp o k



∆v ih = η∑ r it − y it z ht t





  ∆w hj = η∑ ∑ rit − y it v ih z ht 1 − z ht x tj t  i 

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Multiple Hidden Layers • MLP with one hidden layer is a universal approximator (Hornik et al., 1989), but using multiple layers may lead to simpler networks

 d  z 1h = sigmoid w 1Th x = sigmoid  ∑ w 1hj x j + w 1h 0 , h = 1 ,..., H 1  j =1  H1   z 2 l = sigmoid w 2Tl x = sigmoid  ∑ w 2 lh z 1h + w 2 l 0 , l = 1 ,..., H 2   h =1






y = v T z 2 = ∑ v l z 2l + v 0 l =1

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Improving Convergence • Momentum

∂Et ∆w = −η +α∆wit −1 ∂wi Adaptive learning rate t i

 +a if Et +τ < Et ∆η=  −bη otherwise

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Overfitting/Overtraining Number of weights: H (d+1)+(H+1)*K

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Structured MLP

(Le Cun et al, 1989) CS 536 – Artificial Neural Networks - - 47

Weight Sharing

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Convolutional neural networks • • •

Also known as gradient-based learning Template matching using NN classifiers seems to work Natural features are filter outputs – –

• •

probably, spots and bars, as in texture but why not learn the filter kernels, too?

a perceptron approximates convolution. Network architecture: Two types of layers – – –

Convolution layers: convolving the image with filter kernels to obtain filter maps Subsampling layers: reduce the resolution of the filter maps The number of filter maps increases as the resolution decreases

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A convolutional neural network, LeNet; the layers filter, subsample, filter, subsample, and finally classify based on outputs of this process. Figure from “Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition”, Y. Lecun et al Proc. IEEE, 1998 copyright 1998, IEEE

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LeNet is used to classify handwritten digits. Notice that the test error rate is not the same as the training error rate, because the test set consists of items not in the training set. Not all classification schemes necessarily have small test error when they have small training error. Error rate 0.95% on MNIST database Figure from “Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition”, Y. Lecun et al Proc. IEEE, 1998 copyright 1998, IEEE CS 536 – Artificial Neural Networks - - 51

Tuning the Network Size • Destructive • Weight decay:

∆w i = −η E' = E +

• Constructive • Growing networks

∂E − λw i ∂w i

λ w i2 ∑ 2 i

(Ash, 1989)

(Fahlman and Lebiere, 1989) CS 536 – Artificial Neural Networks - - 53


Bayesian Learning

p (w | X ) =

p (X | w ) p (w ) ˆ MAP = arg max logp (w | X ) w p (X ) w

logp (w | X ) = logp (X | w ) + logp (w ) + C • Consider weights wi as random vars, prior p(wi)

 wi2  p (w ) = ∏ p (wi ) where p (wi ) = c ⋅ exp −  i  2(1 / 2λ )  E' = E + λ w


• Weight decay, ridge regression, regularization cost=data-misfit + λ complexity CS 536 – Artificial Neural Networks - - 54

Dimensionality Reduction

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Learning Time • Applications: – Sequence recognition: Speech recognition – Sequence reproduction: Time-series prediction – Sequence association

• Network architectures – Time-delay networks (Waibel et al., 1989) – Recurrent networks (Rumelhart et al., 1986)

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Time-Delay Neural Networks

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Recurrent Networks

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Unfolding in Time

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The vertical face-finding part of Rowley, Baluja and Kanade’s system Figure from “Rotation invariant neural-network based face detection,” H.A. Rowley, S. Baluja and T. Kanade, Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1998, copyright 1998, IEEE CS 536 – Artificial Neural Networks - - 61


Architecture of the complete system: they use another neural net to estimate orientation of the face, then rectify it. They search over scales to find bigger/smaller faces.

Figure from “Rotation invariant neural-network based face detection,” H.A. Rowley, S. Baluja and T. Kanade, Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1998, copyright 1998, IEEE CS 536 – Artificial Neural Networks - - 62

Figure from “Rotation invariant neural-network based face detection,” H.A. Rowley, S. Baluja and T. Kanade, Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1998, copyright 1998, IEEE

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Sources • Slides by Ethem Elpaydin, “introduction to machine learning” © The MIT Press, 2004 • Slides by Tom M. Mitchell • Ethem Elpaydin, “introduction to machine learning” Chapter 10 • Tom M. Mitchell “Machine Learning”

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