ters away. The experiment allowed us to indicate the most tolerant taxa to roadside ... maple (Acer campestre L.) is considered to be the most ...... Adama Mickie-.
2010, vol. 63, 65–75
Tatiana Swoczyna, Hazem M. Kalaji, Stefan Pietkiewicz, Jacek Borowski, Ewa Zaraś-Januszkiewicz
Photosynthetic apparatus efficiency of eight tree taxa as an indicator of their tolerance to urban environments Received: 11 December 2009; Accepted 29 April 2010 Abstract: Urban trees, especially those growing in close proximity to roads, suffer from different kinds of stress. Most of roadside stress factors are impossible to be avoided therefore the selection of tolerant tree species and cultivars is of high importance. In our research we used the activity of photosystem II and chlorophyll relative content to monitor physiological state of 8 species and cultivars growing in urban environments in Warsaw. We compared young trees growing 2–3 m away from the road and others growing minimum 8 meters away. The experiment allowed us to indicate the most tolerant taxa to roadside conditions: Gleditsia triacanthos, Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’, Platanus ×hispanica ‘Acerifolia’ and Acer campestre. We found that Quercus rubra is relatively tolerant. Tilia ×europaea ‘Pallida’, Tilia cordata ‘Greenspire’ and Ginkgo biloba should not be planted in harmful habitats. Additional key words: chlorophyll a fluorescence, Performance Index, salinity stress, street environment, urban trees. Addresses: T. Swoczyna, J. Borowski, E. Zaraś-Januszkiewicz, Department of Environmental Protection, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warszawa, Poland, e-mail: tatiana_swoczyna@sggw.pl H.M. Kalaji, S. Pietkiewicz, Department of Plant Physiology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warszawa, Poland, e-mail: hazem@kalaji.pl
Introduction Poor growth and high mortality of urban street trees is caused by a complex of environmental factors. These factors include air drought and pollution, high temperature, soil drought evoked by insufficient water accumulation near road and pavement surfaces as well as soil compaction, and finally soil pollution, especially soil salinity caused by de-icing salt (Łukasiewicz 1995; Szczepanowska 2001; Zimny 2005). Since improving trees’ growth conditions is a very hard and complicated task, the selection of tree spe-
cies and cultivars tolerant to severe street environments is of high importance (Łukasiewicz 1975, 1995; Bugała et al. 1984; Siewniak and Siewniak 2001; Szczepanowska 2001; Borowski and Latocha 2006). Previous laboratory and field experiments proved that our native species are mostly sensitive to soil and airborne salinity (Pracz 1990; Percival et al. 2003; Percival 2005; Marosz and Nowak 2008; Cekstere et al. 2008). Likewise, in situ research and observations showed leaf chloroses and necroses as well as tree crown damage in roadside trees of our native taxa (Łukasiewicz 1975; Mędrzycki 1982; Supłat
Tatiana Swoczyna, Hazem M. Kalaji, Stefan Pietkiewicz, Jacek Borowski, Ewa Zaraś-Januszkiewicz
1993; Borowski 2008). This forces us to look for introduced species or even specially selected cultivars suitable for harsh streetside conditions. London plane (Platanus ×hispanica Mill. ex Münchh. ‘Acerifolia’) and honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos L.) are commonly grown as street trees in South and Western Europe as well as in the United States. Some American authors consider Platanus ×hispanica ‘Acerifolia’ to be salt sensitive contrary to Gleditsia triacanthos (Beckerman and Lerner 2009), however, primary observations in Poland have indicated sufficient tolerance for soil salinity of these taxa. In Warsaw they were planted in the past, but only occasionally as they had been considered frost-sensitive. Likewise, Ginkgo tree (Ginkgo biloba L.) is found to be a rarity in Poland, which is interesting in parks and gardens but not appropriate for mass plantings. Nevertheless, Ginkgo tree is successfully grown as a street tree in many cities in the world (Handa et al. 1997; Malinowska 1998). Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana Decne ‘Chanticleer’), which is a novelty in Warsaw, is regarded in the USA as one of the most important tree species for street planting (Bassuk et al. 2003). Red oak (Quercus rubra L.) is well known as a soil and air pollution tolerant species (Seneta and Dolatowski 2007) and suitable for planting in cities (Roloff et al. 2009), however, its fitness for roadside application in Warsaw needs to be confirmed. Littleleaf linden (Tilia cordata Mill.) ‘Greenspire’ and Kaiser linden (Tilia ×europaea L. ‘Pallida’) are selected linden cultivars recommended for urban environments in North America (Bassuk et al. 2003) and as they come from Europe’s native species they are widely planted in many European cities. In Warsaw they have been used only during the last 6–7 years and it is worth to test whether these cultivars are tolerant enough to roadside environments. Hedge maple (Acer campestre L.) is considered to be the most tolerant native species of Acer for urban environment conditions (Łukasiewicz 1989, 1995; Siewniak and Siewniak 2001). All these taxa have been planted in Warsaw along the streets in the last 6–7 years due to bibliography review and primary observations. They are the subject of research on the selection of the most appropriate species and cultivars for roadside planting in Warsaw where severe winters force the Metropolitan Authority of Parks, Greenery and Cleaning to use great amounts of de-icing salt on the roads. Evaluation of trees’ tolerance to unfavorable street environments in situ requires longstanding investigations (Supłat 1993; Borowski 2008). Nowadays, chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements have become an often used method for detecting plants’ reactions to different kinds of stress (Robakowski et al. 2000; Percival and Fraser 2001; Hermans et al. 2003; Kalaji et al. 2004; Percival 2004; Pukacki and Kamińska-Rożek 2005; Živcák et al. 2008). It should not be consid-
ered as a measure of photosynthesis, this is given by the gross rate of carbon fixation, which is not clearly correlated with chlorophyll fluorescence under field conditions (Maxwell and Johnson 2000). Nevertheless, chlorophyll a fluorescence can be used to assess the efficiency of photosynthetic apparatus, especially its most sensitive component – Photosystem II (PSII), which generally express the physiological state of any photosynthetising material. This method is a rapid (up to 1 s), nondestructive, noninvasive and easy to apply technique. A measurement realised after 20–30 minutes of plant adaptation in dark allows to obtain more than 50 parameters (Kalaji and Łoboda 2009). However, researches proved that some of these measured and calculated parameters are more useful and sensitive than others in indicating the physiological state of the tested samples. “Performance Index” (PIabs) (Strasser et al. 2004) seems to be the most convenient in comparative studies. It allows to detect changes in photosynthesis caused by drought and salinity stress or pathogen influence prior to visible symptoms of deterioration such as leaf chloroses and necroses or growth reduction (Christen et al. 2007; Živcák et al. 2008; Kalaji and Łoboda 2009). This index consists of three independent components: density of reaction centers per chlorophyll, probability that the absorbed photon will be trapped by reaction centers, and efficiency of electron movement into the electron transport chain beyond the QA (plastoquinone molecule tightly bound to PSII) (Strasser et al. 2000; Strasser et al. 2004; Kalaji and Łoboda 2009). The equipment available in the market is able to calculate automatically PI value and to display it immediately on the screen of the device. This attribute could be very advantageous for urban tree management workers for quick tests in tree maintenance practice. The aim of this work was to estimate the usefulness of photosynthetic apparatus efficiency as biomarker for trees’ tolerance to urban environments. In this study the Performance Index was applied to examine the condition of photosynthetic apparatus in trees of selected taxa recently planted along Warsaw streets. We expected that such measurements will help us to classify the tested taxa according to their ability to tolerate roadside stress.
Materials and methods Material
Young trees of 8 species and cultivars were used for the experiment: Tilia cordata ‘Greenspire’, Tilia ×europaea ‘Pallida’, Acer campestre, Quercus rubra, Gleditsia triacanthos, Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’, Platanus ×hispanica ‘Acerifolia’ and Ginkgo biloba. The experimental material was available due to the partner-
Photosynthetic apparatus efficiency of eight tree taxa as an indicator of their tolerance... ship between the Department of Environmental Protection, WULS, and the Metropolitan Authority of Parks, Greenery and Cleaning conducted since 2005.
Experimental design
The young trees were planted 3–5 years prior to examination (except reference trees of Acer campestre – nearly 2 years before examination, in autumn 2006) in Warsaw streets. Tree pits were filled with standard soil mixture due to the planting procedures accepted by the Metropolitan Authority of Parks, Greenery and Cleaning. Roadside trees grew at 8 sites in close proximity to the road (2–3 m) in lawn strips along streets or in planting spaces of 2 to 4 m2 surrounded by pavement surface. Reference trees had been planted at 8 sites along streets in wide lawns (the minimum distance was 8 m away from the road). During drought periods all the trees were watered once a week with an amount of 20 dm3/tree.
Measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence
Performance Index
The Performance Index values were automatically calculated by the HandyPEA (Hansatech Instruments Ltd. 2006). The PI is defined as: /(1– ) *
Soil moisture and salinity measurements, climatic data
Simultaneously to chlorophyll a fluorescence, the volumetric water content of soil close to the trees’ root system was measured using a LB-797 moisture sensor and a LB-796 moisture sensor reader (LAB-EL Elektronika Laboratoryjna s.j., Reguły, Poland). In June the soil moisture in some locations was not recorded due to technical reasons. In July 2008, soil samples at 0–20 cm depth from the tree surroundings were taken for laboratory analyses and their electrical conductivity was measured using a CX-551 multifunction meter (ELMETRON Sp.j., Zabrze, Poland). Climatic data were obtained from Meteorology and Climatology, Faculty of Engineering and Environmental Science, WULS –Warsaw, Poland. They were analysed using Selianinov’s hydrothermal coefficient k (Skowera and Puła 2004) which was derived as: k = P/0.1*T,
The measurements were done on three terms: 16–19th June, 5–6th August and 4–5th September 2008. The experiments were carried out on randomly selected trees, 5 in each examination site. Measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence and chlorophyll content were provided on the same mature leaves from crown exterior (in June, 3 and 10 replications, respectively, in August and September, 6 and 10 replications, respectively). A HandyPEA fluorimeter (Hansatech Instruments Ltd., King’s Lynn, Norfolk, Great Britain) was used to measure a chlorophyll a fluorescence parameter Performance Index. Chlorophyll relative content was measured using the chlorophyll content meter SPAD-502 (Minolta, Osaka, Japan).
/(1– )
or in fluorescence terms: PI = (V J/(dV/dt0)) * (F V/F0) * (F M–FJ)/(FJ–F0) where: F0 – minimal fluorescence, FJ – fluorescence at 2 miliseconds, FM – maximal fluorescence, FV – variable fluorescence given by the difference FM–F0, VJ – relative variable fluorescence at 2 ms or at the step J.
where: P – the sum of precipitation (mm) within the decade T – the sum of temperatures >0°C within the same decade. A climatic diagram was created using ArcSoft PhotoStudio 5 software (Arcsoft, Inc., Fremont, CA, USA).
Statistical analysis
Student’s two-sample t-test was performed to compare roadside trees and reference trees within each taxon using STATISTICA 8.0 software (StatSoft, Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA), as well as correlation analysis. Correlation significance was based on Zieliński and Zieliński (1987).
Results Climatic conditions, soil moisture and salinity
During the 2008 growing season, a precipitation deficit was noticed, especially in May and June. Average monthly temperatures were reported as 14.1, 19.3, 19.7°C and 19.2°C for May, June, July and August respectively. Selianinov’s hydrothermal coefficient k was below the optimal value (1.3