atau pengubahsuaian yang mungki" timbul. apa-apa ketidaktepatan. ... 461 50
Petalin, Jaya. Puan L Mageswary .... Juga, buat pilihan makanan yang kaya
dengan ..... bahan yang betul, cara masak yang sesuai serta bahan peri sa
nutritional status of adults of two rural coastal villages in Northern Malaysia ... questionnaire was used to interview the villagers concerning their health. Out.
Family Health Development Division, Department of Public Health,. Ministry of Health ... Framingham Risk Scores and anthropometric measurements. Ms Moy ... Prof Dr Rabindarjeet Singh, School of Medical Sciences, Health Campus, ...... outcome among pr
DKI Jakarta Province between September and October 2005, this paper reports the risk factors of exclusive breastfeeding and potential roles of fathers in sup-.
Introduction: There is a lack of information on the trans fatty acid (TFA) content in Malaysian foods. The objective of this study is to determine the TFA content.
Popia Pisang Mentega Kacang. 110. Biskut Lapis .... Kacang Pis (rujuk resipi di
muka surat 36) ..... ramuan ke dalam periuk tanah atau periuk masak perlahan.
Unmarried Female Graduates at the University of Jordan. Hayder A ... Key words: Attitudes, breastfeeding, health, Jordan, knowledge, policy, university students.
This is a cross-sectional study which investigated the association between non-exclusive breastfeeding and maternal, paternal, obstetric and infant factors.
Memberi makanan pelengkap dengan yakin. M o ther's .... Memperkenalkan
makanan pelengkap kepada bayi anda ...... Cara membuat stok (air rebusan).
acceptability) by semi-trained panelists. The mix was analysed for its moisture, energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, fibre, beta-carotene and anti-oxidant content.
The purpose of this study was to determine trypsin inhibitor (TI) activity in ... both of these crops contain some anti-nutrients known as trypsin inhibitors (Lin &.
longitudinal study was conducted on motherâinfant pairs who practised breastfeeding in five cities in Indonesia, selected purposively based on the lndonesia ...