Research Report
How Do Speakers Resist Distraction? Evidence From a Taboo Picture-Word Interference Task
Psychological Science 22(7) 855–859 © The Author(s) 2011 Reprints and permission: DOI: 10.1177/0956797611410984
Elisah Dhooge and Robert J. Hartsuiker Ghent University
Abstract Even in the presence of irrelevant stimuli, word production is a highly accurate and fluent process. But how do speakers prevent themselves from naming the wrong things? One possibility is that an attentional system inhibits task-irrelevant representations. Alternatively, a verbal self-monitoring system might check speech for accuracy and remove errors stemming from irrelevant information. Because self-monitoring is sensitive to social appropriateness, taboo errors should be intercepted more than neutral errors are. To prevent embarrassment, speakers might also speak more slowly when confronted with taboo distractors. Our results from two experiments are consistent with the self-monitoring account: Examining picture-naming speed (Experiment 1) and accuracy (Experiment 2), we found fewer naming errors but longer picture-naming latencies for pictures presented with taboo distractors than for pictures presented with neutral distractors. These results suggest that when intrusions of irrelevant words are highly undesirable, speakers do not simply inhibit these words: Rather, the language-production system adjusts itself to the context and filters out the undesirable words. Keywords picture-word interference, taboo words, distracting stimuli Received 10/8/10; Revision accepted 3/3/11
One of the most intriguing features of word production is its effortlessness. For example, Levelt (1989) estimated that speakers produce about 150 words a minute, with an accuracy of only one error per thousand words. This effortlessness is even more impressive given that speaking is not an isolated process but rather takes place in a social and perceptual context: Speakers are continuously bombarded with many stimuli that could distract them, but the speech-production system apparently has mechanisms that handle distracting information well. For example, people usually do not have problems speaking when a television or radio is on in the same room, and even though large billboards on the side of the street may be distracting to drivers and their passengers, billboards rarely interfere with speech production (although they can; see Harley, 1984). In the study reported here, we examined how people resist the temptation to name distracting words. To do so, we used the picture-word interference (PWI) task, in which participants see a picture with a superimposed word (i.e., the distractor). Their task is to name the picture and ignore the word. Previous research has shown that participants can easily resist the temptation to name the distractors in this task; that is, error rates are low (e.g., Dhooge & Hartsuiker, 2010). However, distracting information does influence the
time course of word production. For example, compared with a distractor that is unrelated to the picture, a distractor from the same semantic category as the picture (e.g., distractor: “dog”; correct response: “cat”) will slow down picture-naming latencies, whereas a phonologically related distractor (e.g., distractor: “dog”; correct response: “doll”) will generally speed up picture-naming latencies (e.g., Schriefers, Meyer, & Levelt, 1990). Even though many studies have investigated how and up to which level the distractor is processed (e.g., Levelt, Roelofs, & Meyer, 1999; Roelofs, 1997), they have not addressed how distracting information is blocked from the production process and prevented from being spoken out loud. According to the response-exclusion hypothesis (Dhooge & Hartsuiker, 2010; Finkbeiner & Caramazza, 2006; Janssen, Schirm, Mahon, & Caramazza, 2008; Mahon, Costa, Peterson, Vargas, & Caramazza, 2007; Miozzo & Caramazza, 2003), speakers automatically formulate a covert verbal response when they Corresponding Author: Elisah Dhooge, Department of Experimental Psychology, Ghent University, Henri Dunantlaan 2, 9000 Ghent, Belgium E-mail:
[email protected]
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Dhooge, Hartsuiker
see a word. This model suggests that in the PWI task, the name of the distractor always needs to be excluded from an output buffer before the picture can be named. Alternatively, the WEAVER++ model of word production (e.g., Roelofs, 1997, 2003) assumes that irrelevant information is blocked from the production system by an attentional modulation. According to this model, distractor information in the PWI task is filtered out at an early stage, so that interference is reduced and ability to select the correct response is enhanced. The response-exclusion account and the WEAVER++ model both assume that distracting information is processed and excluded from the speechproduction system. However, they differ in the nature of the mechanism that enables speakers to detect and remove erroneous responses from the speech-production stream. Our goal in this study was to assess whether this detection and removal of distracting information is accomplished by the verbal self-monitor, an established speech-production mechanism (e.g., Hartsuiker & Kolk, 2001; Levelt, 1989; Levelt et al., 1999). The verbal self-monitor allows speakers to attend their speech and check it for accuracy, enabling them to intercept errors and correct them. Moreover, it allows speakers to inspect internal speech. Thus, errors can be intercepted and corrected even before they are pronounced (e.g., Dell & Repka, 1992; Oomen, Postma, & Kolk, 2001). The monitor can be easily integrated into response-exclusion accounts because its function is to detect and block out unintended verbal responses. The monitor seems to be sensitive to several criteria, including social appropriateness. Although taboo words are quite common in daily life (estimates for their frequency in daily speech range from 0.5% to 0.7%; see Jay, 2009, for a discussion), the appropriateness criterion is relevant for the speaker because speech errors resulting in taboo words might be highly offensive to the listener and highly embarrassing for the speaker. Indeed, Motley, Camden, and Baars (1981, 1982) found evidence for an appropriateness criterion using the Spoonerisms of Laboratory-Induced Predisposition (SLIP) task. In this task, participants read word pairs, some of which (i.e., target pairs) had to be read aloud. When a target pair and the preceding word pairs shared the same initial consonants but in opposite orders (e.g., “duck bill” and “dart board” preceding “barn door”), participants exhibited a bias to make a spoonerism in reading the target pair (e.g., reading “barn door” as “darn bore”). Motley et al. found that taboo spoonerisms (e.g., reading “tool kits” as “cool tits”) occurred less often than neutral errors. Furthermore, target pairs that were read correctly but could have yielded a taboo error were accompanied by higher galvanic skin responses and longer naming latencies than were neutral pairs. Similarly, Severens, Janssen, Kühn, Brass, and Hartsuiker (in press) showed that such trials elicited an EEG effect; however, there was a floor effect in their error data. The SLIP-task findings suggest that taboo sequences were internally formulated, detected, and corrected, a process that resulted in slowed responses. These slowed responses are mirrored by slowed responses in a taboo Stroop task (e.g.,
MacKay et al., 2004; Siegrist, 1995). In the Stroop task, participants name the color in which a word is written. Experiments using the taboo Stroop task have shown that participants take longer to name the color of socially inappropriate words than to name the color of neutral words. Thus, speech becomes more careful in the context of a taboo word. Up to now, no study has examined the mechanism by which distracting information is filtered out of the speech-production system. To investigate whether speakers handle distracting information by means of the verbal self-monitor, we had participants complete a PWI task in which the distractors were taboo and neutral words. In Experiment 1, we focused on errors (i.e., naming the distractor instead of the picture); in Experiment 2, we examined picture-naming latencies. We distinguish three possible patterns of results. First, assume that distracting information is inhibited by an early, attentional system (e.g., in the WEAVER++ model, this attentional mechanism is implemented as a production rule that reduces the activation of the node representing the distractor word when speakers must name the picture; Roelofs, 2003, p. 101). If this system is sensitive to whether the to-be-inhibited item is socially appropriate or not, taboo words might be inhibited more strongly than neutral words are. In this case, relative to neutral words, taboo words would intrude less frequently in production (so there would be fewer errors) and cause less interference in correct naming (so reaction times would be faster). Second, if instead the attentional system inhibits taboo words less strongly than neutral words (e.g., because taboo words intrinsically capture attention and are difficult to ignore), speakers should make more errors and have slower reaction times on trials with taboo distractors than on trials with neutral distractors. Third, it may be the case that the production system plans the utterance of word distractors, but these utterances are then ruled out by the monitor, which is sensitive to social appropriateness. This account predicts that taboo words would intrude less frequently than neutral words. Additionally, assuming that language production is adaptive to the situation at hand, speech might slow down when a speaker risks making a taboo error. Thus, only this monitoring account predicts fewer distractor intrusions and slower naming times on trials with taboo distractors than on trials with neutral distractors. We tested these predictions in Experiments 1 and 2. The task instructions in Experiment 1 emphasized speed, a manipulation that reliably elicits distractor intrusions in the PWI task (cf. Starreveld & La Heij, 1999). For Experiment 2, we used standard instructions.
Experiment 1: Focus on Speed Method Participants. Twenty participants took part in this experiment. All reported normal or corrected-to-normal vision and were native speakers of Dutch.
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Response Exclusion Design. The independent variable was distractor type, and it had two levels: taboo or neutral. The dependent variable was whether participants named the picture or the word. Distractor type was manipulated within subjects and within items. Because of technical limitations imposed by the recording apparatus used in the study, recording of naming latencies was not possible. Materials. We selected taboo words and neutral words on the basis of a pretest. Sixty-one taboo words and 191 neutral words were presented to 33 participants who did not take part in the main study. One participant was excluded because Dutch was not his native language. Participants were asked to rate how taboo they found the words, on a scale from 1, not taboo at all, to 7, very taboo. On the basis of these ratings, we selected 20 taboo words (score range: 3.94–5.16) and 20 neutral words (score range: 1.00–1.88). Twenty black-and-white pictures were selected from Severens, Van Lommel, Ratinckx, and Hartsuiker’s (2005) database, and each picture was paired with a taboo word and a neutral word that were semantically and phonologically unrelated to the picture. Taboo and neutral words were matched perfectly on the number of letters and phonemes. Furthermore, the two groups of words did not differ significantly in log frequency, number of syllables, number of neighbors, or bigram frequency (all ps ≥ .16). They did differ in taboo scores, t(19) = 41.15, p < .001. Descriptive statistics are presented in Table 1. Pictures measured 300 × 300 pixels. Distractors were presented in 26-point Times New Roman font, in black capital letters. A plus sign served as the fixation point. Procedure. Participants were tested individually in a soundattenuated, dimly lit room. Before the start of the experiment, the experimenter familiarized participants with the pictures’ names by presenting each picture with its appropriate name. The experiment started with a practice phase of 24 trials. Next, the experiment proper started. In each of three blocks, each picture was presented once with its neutral distractor and once with its taboo distractor. On each trial, a fixation cross was presented for 500 ms. After an additional 500 ms, the picture
and a distractor appeared for 350 ms. Trial order was randomized, with the following restrictions: (a) Each picture had to be shown once before any picture could be repeated; (b) stimuli from the same condition (taboo or neutral) could not appear on more than 3 consecutive trials; (c) for each successive sequence of 10 trials, five pictures had to be presented with a taboo word and five with a neutral word; and (d) whether a picture’s first appearance was with its taboo or neutral distractor was counterbalanced across participants. Written instructions appeared on screen before the practice phase and were repeated before the experimental phase. Participants were informed that taboo words would be presented and that they could withdraw from the experiment at any time. They were asked to name the pictures as quickly as possible without worrying about errors (i.e., naming the distractors). They were informed that if they were not making errors, they were not responding quickly enough. Between blocks, participants were allowed to take a break for as long as they wanted. At each break, they were encouraged to speed up even more.
Results and discussion Ten of the 2,400 responses named neither the picture nor the distractor and were removed from the data set. We used the lme4 library (Bates, 2007) in R (R Development Core Team, 2009) to fit responses in a mixed logit model that predicted the logit-transformed likelihood of a picture-naming response. We included a random intercept for subjects and items. Including distractor type in the model significantly increased the fit, χ2(1) = 80.20, p < .001. The main effect of distractor type was significant, β1 = 1.13, SE = 0.13, Wald z = 8.58, p < .001, d = 1.59. Participants were less likely to name the distractor when it was a taboo word than when it was a neutral word: Naming errors occurred in 21% of trials with a neutral distractor, but only 9% of trials with a taboo distractor. Our findings are consistent with those of Motley et al. (1981). Furthermore, our experiment used a different paradigm that elicited many more errors (14.6%) than the SLIP task (sometimes fewer than 1%; e.g., Severens et al., in press).
Table 1. Properties of the Taboo and Neutral Distractors in Experiments 1 and 2 Property Log frequency Number of letters Number of syllables Number of phonemes Number of neighbors Bigram frequency Taboo score
Taboo distractors
Neutral distractors
0.54 (0.49) 5.55 (1.79) 1.65 (0.67) 4.70 (1.66) 8.55 (6.81) 46,179.80 (32,564.11) 4.52 (0.33)
0.54 (0.49) 5.55 (1.79) 1.75 (0.79) 4.70 (1.72) 7.10 (6.04) 46,385.35 (30,996.01) 1.20 (0.21)
Note: Standard deviations are shown in parentheses. Data on log frequency, the number of neighbors, and bigram frequency were taken from the CELEX lexical database (Baayen, Piepenbrock, & van Rijn, 1993). The stimulus list can be viewed at
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Our findings are compatible with one of the attentional accounts (stronger inhibition of taboo than of neutral words) and with the monitoring account. In Experiment 2, we distinguished between them.
Experiment 2: Focus on Accuracy Method Twenty new participants who conformed to the same criteria as participants in Experiment 1 were tested. The design and materials for this experiment were identical to those used in Experiment 1. The procedure was also identical except for the instructions. In Experiment 2, participants were asked to ignore the distractor and to name the picture as quickly as possible without sacrificing accuracy.
Results and discussion All naming latencies that exceeded the participant’s mean by more than 3 standard deviations and all naming latencies under 300 ms were discarded from analyses (1.54% of trials). Errors (voice-key malfunctions, verbal disfluencies, and incorrect naming of the picture; 0.83% of trials; cf. Glaser & Düngelhoff, 1984) were also removed. Participants never made the error of naming the distractor. Linear mixed-effects models, implemented in the lme4 library in R, were fitted to the data, with a random intercept included for participants and items. Including distractor type in the model significantly increased the fit, χ2(1) = 19.25, p < .001. Pictures were named more slowly when paired with a taboo distractor than when paired with a neutral distractor (taboo distractor: M = 841 ms; neutral distractor: M = 803 ms), β1 = −36.78, SE = 8.37, t = −4.40, p < .001, d = 0.90. These findings are in line with the self-monitoring account: Detection of a taboo error led to its interception and to slowed speech production.
embarrassing nature. Thus, the monitor will catch and correct taboo errors more often than neutral errors. Additionally, detection of a taboo word makes speakers more careful, resulting in slowed responses. One might ask whether this monitoring account would predict faster naming latencies for pictures presented with taboo words than for pictures presented with neutral words, because taboo errors can be detected and removed from the buffer more quickly than neutral errors, so that the picture names would enter the buffer at an earlier point. However, we tentatively assume that not only the response to the distractor but also the response to the picture name is subject to monitoring. Moreover, if the monitoring process is adaptive, we expect that it is particularly stringent immediately after it has excluded a taboo word. It would be odd if the monitor were indeed the mechanism that checked responses in the PWI task, but checked only the first response that entered the buffer and shut down when a second response entered. Note that we assume a languageproduction system that adjusts itself fully to the context of speech, not only on a macro level (i.e., by generally slowing responses), but also on the micro level of a single trial. Therefore, our data do not merely reflect a speed-accuracy trade-off. Participants did not simply sacrifice accuracy in order to respond more quickly. On the contrary, our data show that the speechproduction system adjusts itself in a “smart” way to the context of speech, so that the speech that is produced is not at odds with social customs. In conclusion, speakers do not resist the temptation to say something irrelevant by simply inhibiting irrelevant information. Rather, according to our account, they scrutinize what they are about to say and adapt the speech-production system to the situation at hand. Declaration of Conflicting Interests The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with respect to their authorship or the publication of this article.
Funding This research was supported by Research Foundation Flanders Grant FWO08/ASP/070 to Elisah Dhooge.
Discussion In two experiments, we investigated whether the verbal selfmonitor is involved in the elimination of irrelevant information from the speech-production process. In Experiment 1, participants made fewer errors when they named pictures with taboo distractors than when they named pictures with neutral distractors, and in Experiment 2, naming latencies were longer for pictures presented with taboo distractors than for pictures presented with neutral distractors. These results indicate that speakers do not deal with distracting information by ignoring the distractor; thus, our results are inconsistent with the model of an early, attentional mechanism that inhibits distracting information. Our results can, however, be interpreted in terms of the verbal self-monitor. According to this account, speakers want to avoid taboo errors because of their offensive and
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