Feb 2, 2013 ... Engine. 3.9 litre Isuzu 4BD1T Turbo Diesel. Gearbox. 4 speed Land ..... Pulling a
load puts more stress on your vehicle; check your oil and ...
In this Issue: More Melrose - Register before 6th March & Save! Wombat State Park, Discovery of a Perentie 6x6, Do’s and Don’ts of Towing, Turner’s Travels…….
The Obsession
The Official Publication of the Land Rover Register of South Australia Inc.
Vol. 25, No. 02 February 2013
Page 2
Land Rover Register of SA Inc
Editor’s Desk
LRREGSA 58 Milner Street Prospect SA 5082 www.lrregsa.org.au
Hi and welcome to February’s offering.
President’s & Secretary’s Reports
Page 5
Dave’s Trips and Event Page
Page 7
Letters to the Editor
Page 9
Wayne Reynolds Award
Page 10
Wombat State Park
Page 11
LRRegSA Honours Board
Page 12
Discovery & History of Land Rover Perentie 6x6
Page 13
Turner’s Travels Part 4 4x4xKrooze Show and Shine
Page 14-16 Page 17 Centre Pages
Photos SA Land Rover Show, Melrose 2013 Information and Registration Form
Page 20-23
Tow the Line - Do’s and Don’ts of Towing
Page 24
News from Capricorn Fuel Dump
Page 25
Next General Meeting
Page 28
Minutes of last General Meeting
Page 29
Classified Ads
Page 30-31
Club Information
Page 32-33 Page 34
Club Calendar SA Land Rover Show, Melrose Event Sponsors
Back Pages
It seems like I only finished putting the last magazine together yesterday, and now I’m flat out trying to get this one ready to send to the printers in the next day or so. That’s the trouble with February, it’s a short month. The plus side of this for Peter & I is that it brings March closer and the arrival of some good friends of ours from the UK to stay with us for most of the month. They are up for a bit of camping & 4WD & we took them to Wilpena Pound last time they were over. Gordon drives a Defender 110 at work so we’ll see what the weather’s doing and head out. Peter and I spent a great Australia Day long weekend bird watching with Andrew & Sandy, and Jan & Mike camped at the Birds Australia, Gluepot Reserve. It’s about 50km north of Waikerie on dirt roads, but quite accessible with campers and small caravans. Well maintained long drops are provided, but you have to be self sufficient otherwise. There are some easy, well marked trails of varying lengths including ‘Whistler Walk’ which appears in the Trails SA booklet ‘40 Great South Australian Short Walks’ You don’t have to be a member of any bird club to go there, and we had the place to ourselves for most of the weekend, except for the friendly Wardens. Try www.gluepot.org/ for further information. In this issue: Wombat State Park, the discovery and history of a Perentie 6x6 Civilian, various letters, more on Melrose 2013 with another chance to register and save money, and the return of Turner’s Travels. Because of the arrival of our friends, Jan Butler is back in the magazine hot seat for the March addition, (she tells me she’s been missing the magazine!) Linda Hayward
Deadline for March magazine is 15th March. For the March Issue please contact: Jan Butler Email:
[email protected] [email protected] Mobile : 04096 77751
Front Cover Steven, Leonie & Thomas Price negotiate a steep descent in Wombat State Park, Victoria in their Defender 130 TD5, (Story - page 11)
Special thanks this month to the following members for their contributions: John Cooper, Paul Wells, Dave Read David & Maureen Price, Ian Turner Kev & Sylvia Long Land Rover Register of SA Inc
Welcome New Members Keith Panton and Kirsty Collett 1999 Disco II Page 3
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Land Rover Register of SA Inc
President’s Review Hi Everyone, Well here goes, another AGM done and dusted and thank you all for allowing me to be President. First of I like to thank John Pointon for being an excellent President over the last 1 ½ years. Thank you also Adrian Beech for your contributions to the committee and the club over the last few years’, and also so for your involvement of the very successful Melrose Motorkhana last year. As you will notice there are a few new names on the Committee list and I like to welcome Kin Roy and Daniel Simpson as new members. Thank you to Peter Small and ‘Trips’ Dave Read for taking on another term as committee members; and Andrew Humpage as Secretary. I had initially put my hand up for another term on the committee, but as it became evident that the Presidency would stay vacant, and after some lobbying I was instantly promoted. I believe it is in the club’s best interest to be able to show a name to that function, not so much for the internal workings of the club, but more important for the external club image. That about sums up the formalities, so now it is back to business with the next committee meeting due in an couple of days where Melrose will be the main topic. On that note there will be another working bee to Melrose on the weekend of 2nd - 3rd March which will be the last one before the event. There is still a bit to do and if you could lend a hand that would be appreciated. Many hands make light work and create more time to relax. We still need to finalize a track on Bartagunyah, and there is some maintenance to do on the trails track, so bring a shovel and pick if you have one.
Hans Wiemers
Secretary’s Review Hi Folks, Welcome to another year. I hope it will be a happy and successful one for you. With another year comes another committee, or bits of it anyway. So welcome to Daniel and Kin, and, of course, farewell to Adrian and John. As Secretary, I would particularly like to thank John for the orderly way he ran meetings – it makes it so much easier to take notes if only one person is talking at once and they are actually talking about the topic under discussion! As we look forward to 2013, planning for the Land Rover Show is well under way and Trips Dave has a number of new destinations on offer (although many are expeditions rather than weekends away, so suggestions for new venues closer to home would be welcomed by the workers amongst us!). However, apart from the LRS, it seems to me we are lacking a focus on the cars themselves, which is after all the reason we are a Land Rover club rather than just a 4WD club. BJ organised a technical day a couple of years ago (which Sandy went to but unfortunately I couldn’t attend) but since then, not a lot. It would be great if we had more such events organised by our more experienced members to pass on their extensive knowledge about Land Rovers to newer members. Just a thought. Best wishes for the new year,
Andrew Humpage Land Rover Register of SA Inc
Page 5
Full Programme and Registration Form Pages 21 - 22 Register before 6th March for discounted fees.
Page 6
Land Rover Register of SA Inc
Melrose Showgrounds Sat 2 - Sun 3 March Working Bee and campout Come for the day or stay for the weekend Contact Hans Wiemers for details 85577929 or 0409 577929
Mystery Sunday Drive 14th April Starts from Two Wells at 09.30 Contact Dave Price for more details, Tel: 0431137767 but he will have to shoot you if he accidentally tells you the destination!
4x4 Krooze Sponsored by Opposite Lock Wigley Reserve, Glenelg Sat 27th April
Dave’s Events Page Dave Read, Trips Manager, phone: 0418 813 490 or 8522 2737
Australian East Coast Land Rover Festival March 8th - 10th Grabine Lakeside Park near Goulburn, New South Wales. Plenty of space for Clubs to set up in Club groups and display Club banners, etc around their site. Park Entry $7.00 per vehicle Camping $5.00 per person, per night Event Entry $45.00 per person Vehicle Events $5.00 per day
For bookings and further details: aeclrf.com.au
Cape York Trip, 2013 Hoping to depart 25 May & return to Adelaide end of July 2013
See page 17 The club will be supporting this event
We are about to start planning this trip so if you would like to come please contact me ASAP
More details Dave Price Tel 0431137767
Land Rover Clubs’ Expo 2013 Sunday, September 15, 2013, from 9.00am Castle Hill Show Ground, Castle Hill The Sydney Land Rover and Range Rover Clubs are keen to welcome owners of Land Rovers, Range Rovers, all 4WD owners and everyone to Expo 2013, again sponsored by Land Rover Australia. This expo will feature many examples of the distinguished brand, from restored Series Ones to everyday bush tourers and urban cruisers. There will also be children's activities, and camping and 4WD displays and demonstrations. Admission is $5 per vehicle. More details to come. Land Rover Register of SA Inc
SA Caravan & Camping Show Weds 20th - Sun 24th Feb Adelaide Show Grounds Wayville Open 10am - 6pm daily Pre purchase tickets online Or Adults $13 Concessions $11 Under 15 Free On the gates Page 7
FF aa ss ffrrei t,t,eeffffiic nt eigghht ts ciie e viceento t to t th haer B serr v eB i ce osas lley Val raoV ssaa ley
Northside Express - established January 1988 37 Samuel Street SMITHFIELD SA 5114 Phone: 8254 3244 Fax: 8254 3277
[email protected] Offering a comprehensive range of services Local, National and International by air, road and sea, plus storage and distribution
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Land Rover Register of SA Inc
Paul emailed me this letter after the article was published but due to problems with the LRRSA Website I did not receive it until the end of last year, and I thank Paul for his understanding in the delay of publishing it, Linda Dear Editor, I would like to draw your attention to the article in the August 2012 edition (Obsession; Vol 24; No. 8; August, 2012) reference fitting Warn locking hubs and I wish to make a number of observations. Firstly, the writer mentions cutting the tip off the axle to facilitate the fitting of the locking hub. This, in my opinion, is just plain stupidity, especially being close to the split pin hole, and as such - contrary to the writers comments - cutting with an angle grinder will definitely weaken that portion of the axle. I have fitted Warn locking hubs and when confronted with the fouling problem mentioned, had the local engineering shop make up spacers and purchased longer Allen key head bolts to suit. It might cost a bit more but it's a lot safer, especially if you intend driving hundreds of Km's from civilization. (I heard of a Nissan Patrol being rescued in the Simpson Desert and taken to Birdsville with the owner presented with an $1800 bill). Another point I wish to make is if purchasing a set of these wonderful hubs insist on having them taken apart in your presence or if not possible insist on a warranty. A friend of mine purchased a set from a Land Rover workshop (out Para Hills way) for $100 and was assured they had been stripped and checked and were in good condition. They had also just been nicely painted when he collected them. Being a mechanic and always a bit sceptical he stripped them when he got home and one had a broken locking ring and damaged splines. Unfortunately, because he had stripped them at home there was no warranty and he lost his money but fortunately a friend had some parts and he was able to make up a good set. Lastly, should you buy a vehicle with or without locking hubs, remove the axle covers and check the axles before you head off into the bush. Many years ago I was an RAA Patrol and received a call to a vehicle (a Series 3 Landy) bogged to the hilt in the sand at West Beach. The front drive shaft was spinning but there was no front wheel drive. I removed one of the front axle covers and found there was no axle and the other side was the same. The owner was a young fellow and this was his first FWD. It was an expensive test drive necessitating a FWD tow truck and the purchase of a set of axles. Luckily he was well above the high water line in the soft sand. Paul Wells, JP Dear Editor The January edition contains an item that really needs to be heeded by all travellers, and that is to carry a replacement fuel pump as well as a repair kit as, like the author says, Murphy finds the unwary and wreaks havoc at the most inopportune time and place. I carry a spare pump as well as an electric pump bought from Sprint for about $60 and, if you are like me and don't mind scrounging, visit one of the U Pullit yards and get yourself a few electric pumps (high and/or low pressure), fuel hose & clamps, fuses, switches, relays, light globes and nuts & bolts etc. I make a fun day of it and they sell coffee now so it's a top day out. I've even added spare voltage regulators to my kit and although I've only ever seen one Landy at a U Pullit yard, if you know a bit about electrics you can wire up a regulator to get yourself out of trouble. Come to think of it, it's possible to use a test lamp (or a globe holder with globe, cut out of a U Pullit wreck) as a regulator on quite a lot of vehicles, generator or alternator models. Paul Wells JP Dear Editor We are currently enjoying ourselves in Tasmania. The dreaded Murphy is still hassling us - had to replace a RH front hub seal and speedo cable in Hobart. Luckily had the help of a good mate who is an ex-fitter so no problems doing the job. We will be back in time for Melrose. Cheers, John Cooper and Jan Bond. Land Rover Register of SA Inc
Page 9
Nominations are now open for the 2013 Award Nominations close at the end of October The Award will be presented at the November General Meeting Guidelines for the Award of the Wayne Reynolds Trophy The Wayne Reynolds Award is presented annually to allow the club to recognise the efforts of a particular member who has undertaken a project which involves significant effort to modify or restore a Land Rover vehicle. It is not a requirement that the trophy be awarded every year and if no nomination is received or the committee decides that, of the projects nominated, none reaches a sufficient standard, the trophy will not be awarded for that year. In order to ensure fairness and consistency in presenting the award, the following rules will guide the committee in making a decision to award the trophy:
The nominee must offer the project for consideration in the calendar year in which it was completed.
Nominations for the award will close at the October general meeting to give the committee sufficient time, prior to the November committee meeting where the final decision will be made, to read the project reports and consider their choice.
A nominee may enter a project only once for consideration (but a vehicle may be the subject of a number of separate projects over time and each project will be eligible for entry, but only project one per vehicle per year may be nominated).
Regrettably, as there is only one Trophy, only one project can be chosen and only one nominee can be declared outright winner of the award; however, the committee may choose to award “Highly Commended” certificates to recognise the ef forts of nominees who are not chosen as an outright winner.
Whilst the nominee should have completed the majority of the work himself, the use of contractors is acceptable, but the nominee must have acted as the project manager for the work and have exercised control over the outcome.
The award will be decided by a quorum of the full committee of the Land Rover Register of SA and the committee’s decision will be final.
The award will, from 2010, be made at the November general meeting, being the last meeting prior to Christmas
For a project to be nominated for the Wayne Reynolds Award it must constitute “significant work” ie it must be more than would be considered “normal maintenance” on a vehicle. It must:
Be beyond, for example, the effort required for a full engine or gearbox rebuild, Meet any applicable safety standards and be roadworthy within South Australia.
Suitable examples would be:
A ground-up vehicle restoration, Replacement of an engine or transmission system by another engine or transmission (differing from the factory fitment), Building from scratch and fitting a significant accessory as, for example, a power winch or fire pump.
The project need not be complete for it to be considered but it should be close to completion (say 90% complete) to give it a fair chance against other, fully complete projects.
The nominee must provide a report of the project (a diary record of progress will suffice) preferably with photos showing progress, as well as an indication of the number of hours spent on the project, to demonstrate the level of effort put into the project.
The nominee should be willing to have his project report published on the club web-site. Approved by LRRSA Committee, 12 March, 2010
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Land Rover Register of SA Inc
Shane Tanner’s 50th & Wombat State Park, Victoria, A great 4x4 experience! We had been invited to Shane Tanner’s 50th birthday celebrations in Werribee, Vic. To those of you who do not know, Shane and his wife Deb have been long time friends of the family, and they joined our club quite some time ago. Shane’s birthday celebrations were to be held on Saturday 8th December at his home, we therefore planned to travel over to Werribee on the Friday to join in the festivities. Three Defenders departed Adelaide at 8.30 am taking a leisurely drive across to Halls Gap where Gerald & Wendy and ourselves were to camp up for the night, whilst Steven, Leonie and Tomas continued on to the hotel they had booked in Werribee. After a quiet night we were up early to take advantage of the cool morning to visit Halls Gap and the surrounding area before re-joining the main highway and heading to the caravan park at Maidstone where we were booked in. The weather was an atrocious 38c and blowing a gale. We set up camp and whilst Gerald & Wendy went off to visit relatives, we busied ourselves with some vehicle reorganisation. Gerald & Wendy arrived back at camp about 5pm. Maureen suggested a dip in the pool might be in order but in the 10 mins it took them to change the temperature had dropped from 38c down to 22c and a gale had blown up! Needless to say they were not gone long, returning to shower and prepare for the trip down to Werribee. The drive to Werribee was quite uneventful, good to see Victoria spends some tax revenue on new roads. On our travels a grey Defender crew cab passed us waving as they went by. We arrived at Shane and Debs to find them busy trying to organise parking for all the Land Rover’s that were arriving one after the other, including the crew cab Defender we had seen earlier. We all enjoyed a great evening, great food, great company, and best of all, Land Rover fanatics who like to talk about their passion for the marque. Sunday morning we were again up early. Shane had organised a trip to Wombat State Park, and we had arranged to meet at the BP Servo at 9.30a.m, arrived in time for a coffee before the rest of the convoy rocked up and we headed out. Kyle was trip leader in his Disco 2 with Shane running as tail end Charlie. Check out the photo’s (center pages) to see what a great driving experience we had, our trip leader kept us fully informed about things to see and watch out for, taking us to many old mine workings, historical buildings, natural springs and a drive along a disused railway line that was quite spectacular. We stopped for a break at one old gold mine where large bits of infrastructure still littered the hillside, giving us the opportunity to clamber down towards the creek to view the remnants of the sluices where the spoil was washed to give up its gold - a great spot to spend an hour. Later in the afternoon Kyle gave us the opportunity to take on some great descents and climbs, and drive through creek beds in the park, a fantastic afternoons driving before heading to meet the wives who had organised a barbeque at a local play area. Many thanks to Shane and Kyle for organising a great days off roading. Dave & Maureen Price
Land Rover Register of SA Inc
Page 11
Land Rover Register of SA - Honours Board 00% Off
Alan Logue
John Verbi
Russell Novice
Alan Logue
John Verbi
Russell Novice
Alister Brownrigg
Rob McPherson
Andrew Tostevin
Alister Brownrigg
Rob McPherson
Chris Moad
Alister Brownrigg
Rob McPherson
Chris Moad
Alister Brownrigg
Rob McPherson
Chris Moad
Alister Brownrigg
Rob McPherson *
Chris Moad
Alister Brownrigg
Alan Logue
Greg Allison
Alister Brownrigg
Alan Logue
Greg Allison
Greg Allison
Alister Brownrigg
Joe Schmid
Greg Allison
Alister Brownrigg
Joe Schmid
Adrian Hemer
Rob McPherson
Alister Brownrigg
Andy Brown
Rob McPherson
Alister Brownrigg
Val Carter
Alan Logue **
Gwen Johnson **
Val Carter
Darrell Evans
Gwen Johnson
Vic Carter
Val Carter
Darrell Evans
Gwen Johnson
Vic Carter
Val Carter
Darrell Evans
Caroline Grantham
Tighe McIntyre
Val Carter
Darrell Evans
Caroline Grantham
Tighe McIntyre
Sylvia Long
Tighe McIntyre
Caroline Grantham
Chris Bain
Sylvia Long
Tighe McIntyre
Caroline Grantham
Andrew Humpage
Sylvia Long
Tighe McIntyre
Andrew Humpage
Andrew Humpage
Sylvia Long
Tighe McIntyre
Andrew Humpage
Graham Grether
Sylvia Long
Graham Grether
Andrew Humpage
John Pointon David Price
Ann Horvath
John Pointon
Andrew Humpage
David Price
Ann Horvath
Hans Wiemers
Andrew Humpage
David Price
Page 12
Vice President
Land Rover Register of SA Inc
Acting on a phone tip-off the week before Christmas, we jumped into the Disco and headed for Port Adelaide. Our caller had spotted a 6x6 Land Rover for sale in one of the many industrial yards around the Port and told us to look near the new swing bridge. We arrived at the port about noon, spotted the 6x6, found access to the compound, and inspected the vehicle which was definitely in need of some care and attention. It proved quite difficult to trace the owner, but eventually managed to contact him and arrange a time for a test drive the following day. Arrived at Port Adelaide the following day, the owner of the 6x6 had already arrived and had the vehicle running. After a quick test drive we agreed a price and the vehicle was ours. Driving the Perentie 6x6 home was quite an experience with Salisbury axle gearing of 4.7:1 a highway speed above 90kph is difficult to maintain, the Isuzu revving at 3000rpm to achieve this. Also, despite having an odometer reading of only 109,000kms the steering wandered from side to side making keeping a straight line difficult. A quick call to Service SA to transfer ownership was the duty for the day before giving the beast a pressure wash. Many thanks go to Peter at Lincoln Land Rover, and Richard at REMLR without their help it would have been difficult to trace the vehicle history, and we have now passed this vehicle on to Peter. Dave & Maureen Price Sold by Land Rover to the South Australian Police Dept in 1990. Decommissioned in 1998 The vehicle was designated as “Bomb Disposal Vehicle” unable to determine who the body was built by. Vehicle Details as follows: Engine Gearbox Rear Axles Rear springs Front Springs Steering Brakes Cab Unladen Mass
3.9 litre Isuzu 4BD1T Turbo Diesel 4 speed Land Rover LR95 Salisbury 8HA Dual rate semi-elliptic leaf springs linked on each side by shackles to a rubber bushed load sharing rocker beam and heavy duty hydraulic dampers. Heavy Duty coil springs available in 2 variants with heavy duty hydraulic dampers. Power Assisted Adwest Varamatic worm & peg type variable ratio. Front Disc, Rear drum brakes on both axles Fully trimmed interior, three cloth trimmed seats ,high capacity heater and air conditioning unit, inertia reel seat belts for driver and passenger with fixed lap belt for centre seat. Front Rear Total
1200kg 1200kg 2400kg
Gross Vehicle Mass
Gross Combination
Dash looks similar but note six wheel drive warning light
Land Rover Register of SA Inc
3.9 litre Isuzu BD1T
Perentie 6x6 December 2012
Gear shift and transfer box lever, note in centre panel knob to select drive on 3rd axle operates using vacuum operated dog clutch system
Cab seating in what is a standard Defender cab a bit squeezy for 3 big blokes
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Turner’s Travels Part 4 - Cape Keraudren to Ningaloo Station We stayed at Cape Keraudren for a week, during this back to 3 gear on some stretches as we were climbing time we had some of the strongest winds (up to 60 kph) I most of the way. have ever been under tent age. Just to make sure we were not blown into the sea, I roped down the Kamper to make sure we and the Kamper were there in the morning. Other times when the weather was good and we walked close to 1 km off shore at low tide, to the middle of the bay were there was a very large rocky structure about 150m long and 5m high, at high tide it was covered by the sea, at low tide you could walk around it.
The Lady in the caravan park was quite a character, asked if she had a powered site, $35 was the answer, no registering, no name, no address, no car rego, no number of people, no nothing. Only told to go and find a site that you are happy with, not even a have a nice day, or good bye. Did notice the money went in her purse, no record was made, found out later she looked after the park for free board and keep, looks as if she kept some for a retirement fund as well. The following day after we had decided to stay another day, the money went the same way, had to pay cash as the card machine was still down. The sea life and large shells were every where in the 30 cm deep water. It took Joy 3 days to be comfortable with the idea she could walk out and be quiet safe at low tide, spend 2 hours on the flats, and be safely back on shore before the tide turned. But once she had found her shells and seeing the sea life in the pools, I could not keep her out of the sea flats, even though I did cut crook about the quantity of Joy's collecting, it was me that one morning found 90% of what she kept, the balers, clams etc. In the meantime I was allowed to go fishing catching Mud Crabs and a fish or two.
On Wednesday morning the 4th of July we left, after saying good bye to our fellow campers, some who had been there for 3 months. On the way out we drove out through a fire which had been burning for 2 Days (was a little worried about very thick blinding smoke for 150m) out to the main road. Turning west towards Pt Headland, we travelled about 50km where we turned south towards Marble Bar. The strong winds on the nose had the car Page 14
The shop keepers out in the bush take locals to the cleaners, a 1.25lt bottle of Coke $6.50, Pies $7.20, box of chips $10.95, carton of mid strength beer $66.00, in saying that they have to spend $1000's making the shops bomb proof, many shops have no windows, only one door, no kids allowed in the shop during school hours, saw one little fellow stuffing his jocks with so many chocolate bars, he looked like King Kong with a major hernia.
So much for that, we are nearly back in the real world. We went out to the Marble Bar and a area were you could fossick, Joy spent a long time finding what she wanted, the car now needs low range to move off. I was in a bit of a grumpy mood because the rock collecting had stretched out and a trip out to the Gold Mine and many $'s later it was nearly mid afternoon and the internal worms were hungry. Land Rover Register of SA Inc
When we arrived back in town the take away was finished at the local shop. We could come back at 5 pm when the cook would be back. Our roast tea was far better than their take away.
trailer Tyre leaking as we left him. Sure enough it was going down, thanked her and her mate, took the Tyre off, out with tools and glue and a plug, and fixed it, pumped it up, back on the trailer, in 20 minutes we were away, Joy was amazed, never seen any thing like it before. Just proves all the bits and pieces you carry do some In the morning we were on the road again heading for Pt times have there uses. Headland. Sailed down the road with that bloody wind up our tail, down hill, 100kph was easy and better than 8lt Later after lunch we arrived at Tom Price, did some shopper 100km. Pt Headland was booked out, so went shop- ping and checked out the Tourist Shop on Karaijini Naping, fuel up and after having lunch down on the bay tional Park, also know as the Hamersley Ranges. Then headed for Karratha. Booked into the Big 4 Park, when booked into the caravan park. After a while in the bush the lady said $52.00 a night I thought she was talking and getting very dirty repairing a Tyre on the reddest about the cabins! However, I thought she was nice when dusty road in Aus. I was looking forward to a nice hot shower. But no, Murphy the Bum made sure I did not, she said I will take 10% for Seniors. arriving at the shower block with another chap we found As soon as you get any where near a mining town every the door lock was broken. The younger chap jumped over thing, food, beer, pubs, accommodation goes through the door, opened same, let the 4 or 5 of us in who had gathroof, but fuel is cheaper. In Headland fuel was $1.54, ered by now. He and I jumped into the shower, turned on cheaper than what I had paid in Adelaide before we left. the tap, only drops came out, the town supply was The mining companies pay what ever is asked and the stuffed, broke, not working, nothing, the young fellow and public are made to do the same. Yesterday on the radio yours truly did not see the funny side at all. In the mornwe were told W.A. have, per capita, the richest 15 towns ing the water was back on and I and others had our shower. in Australia. Dampier topped the lot, average pay is $4,000 a week, think I may get a mature job there. After catching up on the washing, and the car and the droppings the friendly birds left on the Kamper we had a look at Dampier, The ships that are taking the iron ore overseas are massive, 100's of metres long, the trains that bring the ore in are kms long, over 240 cars each weighing 120 tonnes each, the total weight per train including engines is about 30,000t. While we were at Karratha we sat through a 20 minute video on Rio Tinto operations, so we could travel on their railway road, between Dampier and Tom Price. InterestPacked up, headed east in the morning for the Hamersley ingly, I am now qualified to drive on a dirt road. Ranges into Karijini National Park, after about 110km later we arrived at Dales Gorge Camp site, met the camp Monday the 9th we headed off towards Tom Price, down helpers and set up camp. After lunch went to the Forthe rail way road our map showed, except we found we tescue Falls, Fern Pool and Circular Pool and 3 ways. were on a public road, running along side the railway and Spent a long time going down and then down again, their dirt road. since it was bitumen, guess which one we guess what no lifts to get back, had to climb back, same travelled on. After about 100km the bitumen stopped in track, different direction. Checked out the visitor centre, the middle of nowhere, shortly after we turned off for Mill- had a good look round until we kicked out at 4.00p.m. and stream National Park on the Fortescue River, after filling told to come back again. out entry passes we went to the camp site and were meet by the volunteers who stay for up to a month and maintain the grounds for the national parks and paid our fees. After setting up our camp we toured around and checked out the park. Our camp area was well provided with toilets and camp kitchen with hot water and BBQ's. In the morning we set off for Tom Price, travelled on a very rough public road until we could get access to the rail road. At one spot we were stopped for road works, and the passage of a train over a crossing. When we moved off a lady working for the road control people stopped us to say her off sider who had stopped us earlier had heard our Land Rover Register of SA Inc
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In the morning, Thursday the 12th went and saw the other Gorges. Handcock, Weano, Joffre, and Knox. The following morning having seen most of every thing we could we returned to Tom Price, topped up fuel and tucker shopping, drove to Parapurdoo about 100km away, having not been there before we had a look around the town and decided mining towns did not have a lot going for them. We stopped at a 24hr camp site off the road about 180km East of Nanutarra Road House. There are 20 or so of these stops with toilets and rubbish bins for travellers to stop and rest on the Main Roads throughout W.A. This was the first we had used and found it had around 12 campers staying the night. During the night 3 or 4 more cars pulled in as well. One couple had tried to book a Motel Room in Tom Price and found out the only one left was $400.00 a night, another example of prices jacked up because the Mining Companies will pay the asking price. They were told the price doubles when they are down to the last 2 rooms. After a quiet night, we said goodbye to several fellow campers we set off for Onslow about 300km away. Checked out the 2 parks and found the only site was a bull dust bowl in what was loving called the over flow area. Joy said no and that was that, asking around we were told good camping about 40km away could be had on the Ashburton River, for free. We left after lunch, Joy was impressed with area, there would have been some 100 other caravans and campers along a 5 km stretch of the River. We stayed Saturday and Sunday night. On Sunday we had a look around the Old Onslow township, and tried to catch a feed of fish, no luck only little ones and a under size mud crabs. Monday morning left a very pleasant river setting (some of the campers had been there several months) and set off for Ningaloo Station on the Indian Ocean about 100km south of Exmouth about 400km away. On the way we stopped at another road side area and had lunch under a shady area, supplied by the Main Roads of W.A. it is a pity it is not done by other states. The last 35 km into our camp site was something else, Joy was of the opinion it was the roughest track in Australia, I have since heard that some have taken 1 1/4 hours to travel it. The day before we arrived 2 cars broke down, a 20 foot boat trailer broke a coil spring and another chap turned around and refused to go the full distance. The coast (Jane Bay) is a very large bay stretching some 15 km, today we saw what was left of a young Whale calf after the sharks had been feeding for a day or so, I found the fishing slow, have not caught a thing so far, may see the 2 weeks out, or may not. Yesterday I managed to get the Mobile Phone working, even got the Internet going this afternoon on a small sand hill just off the beach. Not bad considering the Telecom Tower is nearly 50km away at Coral Bay. More next time. Ian Turner
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Turner’s Travels Part 4 - Cape Keraudren to Ningaloo Station
Land Rover Register of SA Inc
Sent from the UK- 110 TD5 Defender showing it’s versatility during the recent snow falls “It was very effective. There was an attempt made to use a small snow plough attachment on lawn mowers, but they weren't having it and packed up, leaving the Landy to valiantly do the job” Gordon Campbell, Marwell Wildlife Page 19
Shaping up to be great event
The S.A. Land Rover Show Easter Long Weekend 29th, 30th, 31st March, 1st April, Melrose Showground
Events Throughout the Weekend Art, Craft and Handiwork Stalls Swapmeet Silent Auction (No advance bidding, bids only being taken at Melrose, during the Show) Intensity Driving Lights including wiring Loom Single Swag Recovery Kit Dolium Awning GME Hand Held UHF Radios x 2 Tough Dog Steering Damper gift card Engel Fridge Container Pk Stanley Cooler Warmer
SA Land Rover Show 2013, Melrose – Raffle Tickets Tickets $2.00 each should be available for the February & March meetings, and at Melrose 1st Prize
Lightforce Spot Lights, donated by LightForce Performance Lighting, valued $558
2nd Prize
Engel Accessory Pack, donated by CMV Truck Sales, valued $295 (comprises of 12v Cooler/Warmer box, Chair and Umbrella)
3rd Prize
Carton of Bartagunyah wine, donated by Bartagunyah Estate, valued $200 To be drawn and presented March 31st at the Sunday Night Dinner, Melrose. 600 tickets at $2.00 each
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Tow the Line - Do’s and Don’ts of Towing Re-printed with permission from RAA SA Motor Magazine, Summer 2012-13 Sourced by Dave Read FOLLOWING DISTANCE: If the total combined length of your car and any attached trailer or caravan is 7.5m or more, you must leave at least 60m between you and another long vehicle in front. If you’re in a signed road train area, the minimum distance is 200m. Penalty: $212 fine plus $60 Victims of Crime Levy and one demerit point. LIGHTS: Unless your trailer or caravan has operational taillights and is clearly visible, you can’t drive at night or when visibility is poor. Penalty: $121 fine plus $60 Victims of Crime Levy and one demerit point. PASSENGERS: No person can be in or on the trailer while you’re driving. All passengers must be seated and restrained properly in the cabin of your vehicle. Penalty: $210 fine plus $60 Victims of Crime Levy and one demerit point. VISION: Extra loads can affect your rear vision. Consider getting extensions for your side -view mirrors so you can see all traffic behind you, as well as in front. Tip: Also make sure you take more care to accelerate and brake smoothly, and to ease into turns, in order to reduce the sway of your load. THE MECHANICS: Pulling a load puts more stress on your vehicle; check your oil and coolant levels and tyre pressure before and during your trip. Tip: Towing is also more exhausting on the body and mind than ordinary driving, so try to avoid long trips in one go or driving without a break, and share the driving if possible. STOPPING ZONE: Unless you’re in a built-up area, it’s illegal to pull over in a long vehicle unless you stop on the shoulder of a road. In a built-up area, you can’t stop a long vehicle for more than an hour unless otherwise indicated. Penalty: $101 fine plus $60 Victims of Crime Levy and one demerit point. WEIGHTS: Before you set off, check if your car’s able to legally carry the weight of your trailer or caravan. SA law says the load can’t exceed the towing capacity of the vehicle or the towbar – as specified by the respective manufacturers. If either doesn’t list these specifications, contact RAA’s Technical Advisory Service on 8202 4689 for more details. Penalty: Maximum fine of $2500. PROTRUDING LOADS: Limits apply to how far items can protrude from the back or sides of your trailer or caravan. A load can’t stick out more that 15cm from the sides, and can’t exceed a total width of 2.5m. The total length of your vehicle and attachment can’t be more than 19m, and if any item sticks out more than 1.2m from the back of the trailer, you must have a flag attached during the day, or a red light that’s visible for 200m at night. Penalty: Page 24 $170 fine plus $60 Victims of Crime Levy.
Land Rover Register of SA Inc
News of the fuel left by LRRegSA Capricorn Fuel Dump - Canning Stock Route
This is an email I received from Les & Kay Battle. Re the 2011 Canning Trip when we left spare fuel at the Capricorn Fuel Dump. We wrote "Free Diesel Courtesy of the Land Rover Register of SA" on the drum. Nice to see there are some genuine people out there that appreciated our group gesture. Dave Price Hi David, My wife, Kay, and myself wish to thank your club for the very kind gesture. Our vehicle was the silver Toyota tray-back with silver fully enclosed canopy, travelling south in company with an early red Nissan patrol s/wagon, which passed your club at the flooded well 25 as we all were "bush bashing" through the countryside to get round the flooding. As we stopped at the turn-off to the fuel dump, three vehicles were in front of us, consequently, I obtained approximately 30 litres of diesel, for which I would like to contribute to the cost. If you would be so kind as to forward your banking details, I will EFT some money in appreciation. We would have had to pay for that quantity of fuel on top of our next refill, so we see no problems with paying for the fuel. Once again, thank you to you and your club for their kindness, much appreciated. One question, did the Freelander make it without too much trouble? Just re-read your reply, and we will be doing it again within the next couple of years, with good friends from Tasmania who have a 1999 crew cab Defender (shudder shudder!!!!!) (had to have a dig, ha,ha!!). Kay and I wish to traverse all of Len Beadell's tracks whilst we are able but we have a younger daughter in Germany and the elder daughter with two grandkids in Mandurah, WA, so every time we travel to WA we will try another route. Kay and I conducted tag along tours (lead and feed) in 2000 touring Kimberleys, Coburg Peninsular and three trips to Cape York, other than that, I worked with my father at Whitecar Coaches which my grandfather started in 1926, and now.......!!!!! retired, wow. Anytime in Atherton, please contact us. Regards Kay and Les Battle, Atherton, Adelaide
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NEXT MEETING Friday, 22nd February 2013 Clubrooms open from 7.00pm
‘Trips’ Dave Read Won the two burner camping gas stove which was first prize in January’s Raffle
Stickers Available Various prices, sizes and colours, (plus anything you can dream up, I can get someone to make it !) This is just a small selection of what’s on offer Contact Kevin Long: Tel 0407608061, or email Kev via the club website
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Webmaster’s Report: Kev reported that the Melrose program will be on the website soon, and that all other sections were up to date. Kin Roy noted that some trip reports are now a number of years old. Kevin asked members to send him new reports when sending them to Linda as it was not possible to easily extract then from the pdf of the magazine.
Historic Registration Officer’s Report: Attendance & Apologies: Ian Turner was an apology. Fifty-three people attended the meeting and there were six apologies, as recorded in the attendance book. Hans Social Co-ordinator’s Report: Wiemers chaired the meeting. Maureen reported that the raffle prizes were a 2 burner gas stove (won by Dave Read), a Camp Cupboard (won Visitors: by Leonie Price) and Cook Book (won by Em Wiemers). Nil Editor’s Report: Minutes of Previous Meeting: Linda was an apology. Deadline for the next magazine is A motion that the minutes of the previous meeting are a th 8 February 2013. true and correct record was moved John Pointon and seconded by Jan Butler. All in favour. Trip Reports: Julianne Simpson reported on their recent trip to Business Arising from Previous Minutes: the Victorian High Country and noted that the area Nil. they had travelled through had since been burnt out. President’s Report: Hans Wiemers described his “short-cut” through a Nothing to report. farm which according to BOTH his GPSs was a public route. After passing though many closed Secretary’s Report: gates, he finally met with a new fence that com Magazines from other clubs available as usual. Alpletely blocked progress, so he had to retrace the so LRM magazines donated by Jason Saxby route back to the main road. Letter from Ray’s Outdoors offering trade price on work-wear. Andrew will confirm with Ray’s whether General Business: this offer applies to all club members or just to the Robert Horvath noted that he has now taken over club itself. the Club Shop from Todd Mellors. He also men Advertising for the Copper Coast Cornish Festival tioned that those attending All British Day should go Cavalcade of Cars & Motorcycles, 26 May 2013. via Aldgate rather than Hahndorf so as to avoid Letter from Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs traffic delays. SA seeking confirmation of club contacts. Hans Wiemers noted that there will be a working bee at Melrose on the 2nd and 3rd March. The main Treasurer’s Report: tasks are completing a new track through BartagunAnn Horvath tabled a transaction listing and provided the yah and finishing the trials track. Please come account balances, as at 1/02/13, which were as follows: along if you can. General account: $ 7,812.32 Leonie Price reported that she had won a free entry Land Rover Show account: $ 5,228.08 to the 4WD and Adventure Show by uploading a Floats: $ 200.00 photo to the show’s Facebook site. Total: $13,240.40 Peter Small proposed a vote of thanks to John Pointon for his excellent contribution as President. Trip Manager’s Report: Daniel Simpson is looking for parts for Series I & II Dave Read reported that he has received some suggesLRs. tions for new trips: Eyre Peninsula, Tumby Bay fishing Hans noted that there was a Series II “Game Contrip, Coongie Lakes, Ghan Old Railway Line, Kimberley’s, th figuration” for sale in Willunga. See Hans for the LR Expo in Sydney (16 September). We will need leaddetails. ers for some of these trips as Dave cannot run them all. Tom Jones reported that the meeting at the Rover He also asked members to think about venues for Sunday Club had been well attended by 16 vehicles from drives. our club and that it had been an enjoyable event. He suggested that a return event be organised. Training Manager’s Report: Tighe reported that he is still looking for a venue for rock driving training – any suggestions welcome. He has been Meeting Closed: 9:29 pm in contact with Peake about bookings for sand training. Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held at the MTF Clubrooms on Friday 22nd February 2013 at 8:00pm. Land Rover Register of SA Inc
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2005 DISCOVERY 3 TDV6 SE White 155K FACTORY FITTED. -cubbie box fridge. -rear AC. -E locker rear diff. -factory snorkel. -7 seat. -Modified Expedition Roof Rack. -LR rubber mats for the floor. -Rubbing strips on the doors. -12 months warranty on new TDV6 motor.
OTHER EXTRAS. -ARB Winch Mount Bullbar. -Kaymar rear step with dual wheel carrier. -110ltr LRA long range tank. (200 ltr total.) 1700km range. - Dual batteries. Yellow top Optima. Paranah battery Isolator with solar input. -New Arb 72 ltr per minute Air Compressor mounted under the bonnet. -Mitchell Brothers tow hitch. (Loose the plough!) -Factory 18 inch wheels with General Grabbers AT2 x 5. (80-90% tread) -Steel 17 inch wheels with BFG KM2s x 6 (90-95% tread) 12 months old. 245/70R17 -Icom UHF. (Microphone and speaker in the handle.) -Standard/LED switch for the trailer lights. -Anderson Plug. -Dark Tint. $41000 ono 0408 881 914 Tighe McIntyre
SOMETHING ELSE. Frame to fill in the back of a D3. Fridge Slide and shelving. The ultimate need for the Discovery 3 tourer. This square tube aluminium frame is light and carpeted. The fridge slid will take a 65ltre fridge. It is wired and plumbed to 70 litre stainless steel tank (with submersible pump) that bolts in where the 6th and 7th seats are. Has a tap that is operated by a switch. (No pumping) $3000 ono 0431 137 767 David Price
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Land Rover Register of SA Inc
Classified Advertisements FOR SALE
Warn 9.5XP Winch Removed at wife’s request not required for shopping trips!
Discovery 3 or 4 winch mounting kit
$1000.00 never used Contact: Dave Price 0431137767
Contact: Dave Price 0431137767
Club Member Trades, Services & Supplies: Nutrimetics NO PARTIES REQUIRED Contact: Leonie Price
Ph: 8250 3275 Email:
[email protected] Current catalogue now available
This is a free service to club members — contact the editor to have your business card displayed here Land Rover Register of SA Inc
Page 31
Who’s Who at LRRegSA Committee Members
Club Office Bearers
Hans Weimers ……………………… 85577929 or 0409 577929
Linda Hayward ……………….. ……….
David Price …………………………
82847650 or 0431137767
04096 77751
SECRETARY & MINUTES SECRETARY (& Public Officer) Andrew Humpage ………………………………
Jan Butler ………………………… …….
Ian Turner 8337 6271
………………………… …
ASSET MANAGER David Price ……………… ….
TREASURER Ann Horvath ………………0417 829 744, Only after 6pm please
8260 3791
82847650 or 04311 37767
TRIPS MANAGER Dave Read ……………...………..
0418 813 490 or 8522 2737
CLUB SHOP Robert Horvath ………………………..
0438 500 093
WEBMASTER Kevin Long ……………………….
8289 7785 or 0407 608061
Sandy Dickson …………………….
8337 6271
Maureen Price ………………………
Maureen Price ………………………………………. 82847650 Peter Small ……………………….. …………….. 0430316212 Todd Mellors ............................................................ 412744051 Robert Horvath…………………………………. 0438 500 093 Daniel Simpson ……………………………………. Kin Roy ……………………………………………. ... 83642225
Committee members can also be contacted via the Club Officer’s page on the
TRAINING MANAGER Tighe McIntyre ……………………….
TECHNICAL TEAM Position Vacant
CLUB CHAPLAIN John Drummond ………………………. (08) 70072214 Mobile: 0418843556 Email:
[email protected]
LRRegSA accepts EFT All you need to do is follow these easy steps: 1.
LIFE MEMBERS: Alister Brownrigg - Simon Fleming - Alan Logue Irving Cains
2. 3.
Ensure that your surname & initials are recorded in the appropriate space (e.g. LONG S) Make your payment and record the allocated Receipt No. Send a confirmation email to the Treasurer via the club website—www.lrregsa.org.au—advising her of your payment amount and date of EFT to enable her to reconcile her accounts. If using it for membership fees please complete the membership form and mail it to the club address or hand it to the Treasurer at a general meeting
Club details are: BSB: 105-131 (Bank of SA) Account No: 490703840 (Land Rover Register of SA Inc.)
Club Shop
$2.50 each Also available at the club shop and general meetings:
Discounted Blinman Jamboree T-shirts available, various colours & sizes, Windcheaters, hats, personalised name badges . . . and much more! Printed Page 32 on Reflective Yellow
Land Rover Register of SA Inc
Club Information
The Obsession Magazine
Land Rover Register of South Australia Inc. 58 Milner Street, PROSPECT, SA 5082 Club Website
Correspondence Please send all correspondence to the above address Meetings General Meetings are held on the last Friday of each month at 8.00pm (except December), unless otherwise stated. The format is usually club business, sometimes accompanied by a film, guest speaker or BBQ. Visitors welcome. Committee Meetings are held on the second Friday of each month at 7.30pm, unless otherwise stated. Members are welcome to attend, however, let the Secretary know if you expect to attend. Both meetings are held at the Model T Ford Clubrooms, Port Road, Croydon, (leaving the city, just past the South Road intersection in the median strip). Membership Enquiries Fees due 1st January each year
“The Obsession” is the official magazine of the Land Rover Register of South Australia Inc., and is published monthly by the Register (except for December) & unless otherwise specified, for and on behalf of members. The opinions expressed in the articles published in The Obsession are wholly those of the respective authors and not necessarily those of the Editor, or the Committee of the Land Rover Register of South Australia Inc. The Register takes no responsibility for any actions taken as a result of articles published in this magazine or advice given by club members. All information contained in the Obsession can be reprinted elsewhere (unless otherwise stated) providing The Obsession and the Land Rover Register of SA Inc are acknowledged. We acknowledge the support of our advertisers and ask that members reflect this with their purchases whenever possible. Magazine Submissions for Publication The Editor is always looking for articles and photos for the magazine. These can be something original from you, or something of interest from another publication providing the copy write requirements are met. These can be submitted by email, USB or disc by handing them to me at a meeting or:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] Mobile 0427686991 The Editor, LRRSA, 58 Milner Street, Prospect, SA 5082
The Editor reserves the right to delete or modify where necessary any section of any article or image which has been submitted for publication in The Obsession.
Single Membership: $65 per year Family Membership: $80 per year New members pay a pro-rata fee dictated by when they join Plus joining fee for New Members $10 per year New or existing, change of address or details, contact Membership Officer by phone, at Club meetings, or write to Club's postal address. If you no longer own a Land Rover and leave the Register, we ask that you remove your club sticker.
Magazine Deadline Generally, the published date of the monthly Committee Meeting (unless otherwise specified). No magazine in December Submission Format
Club Services
Please submit your written articles as Word or Publisher documents, with minimal formatting. Photos should be sent separately and not embedded into your written document.
Photographs & Images
Club 4WD Driver Education: Regular courses on how to go four wheel driving safely and correctly contact Training Manager.
Club Equipment: For borrowing by Members only on Club events - contact Asset Manager.
Club Radios: A hand-held UHF CB (minimum) is required on all trips. The Register uses Channel 15.
Club Library: For borrowing by Members only. Also, if you have any old Land Rover Manuals or other Land Rover literature you don’t need, think about donating them to the library - contact Library Officer
Blinman Club Contact Club Secretary
Please submit separately to the written article and send an edited selection relevant to your article. It is very time-consuming reviewing large numbers of photos trying to work out which ones go with the article. If you are emailing them to me please reduce the size of the file, and send me a separate email to let me know you have sent them, as there have been occasions where people have sent me photos and I’ve never received them. Advertisements Full page colour $910 Half page colour $500 Full page black & white $200 Half page black & white $110 Quarter page black & white $65 10% discount on all of the above for members Members can place classified ads in “The Obsession” free of charge, (non-members $10) Members may also have their business card published free of charge. Please contact the Editor
Land Rover Register of SA Inc
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Club Calendar — 2013 SA Caravan & Camping Show General Meeting
Wed 20 - Sun 24th
Adelaide Showgrounds, Wayville 10am - 6 pm daily
Friday 22nd
MARCH Melrose Working Bee
Sat 2nd - Sun 3rd
Melrose Showgrounds Contact Hans Wiemers for details 85577929 or 0409 577929 Come for the day or stay for the weekend
Committee Meeting Australian East Coast LR Festival
Friday 8th Friday 8th - 10th
General Meeting moved to 5th April because of Melrose/Easter Long Weekend
aeclrf.com.au See 5th April
LRRSA Land Rover Show, Easter Melrose 29,30,31 March, 1 April
Melrose Show Grounds
APRIL General Meeting
Friday 5th
Committee Meeting
Friday 12th
Mystery Sunday Drive
Sun 14th
General Meeting moved to 3rd May because of Anzac Day 4x4 Krooze sponsored by OL
Moved from March
Meet 09.30 Two Wells Contact Dave Price 0431137767 See 3rd May
Sat 27th
Wigley Reserve, Glenelg See page 17
General Meeting
Friday 3rd
Moved from April
Committee Meeting
Friday 10th
Cape York Trip Departs General Meeting
Sat 25th
See Trips Page 7 Contact Dave Price 0431137767
Friday 31st
JUNE Committee Meeting
Friday 14th
General Meeting
Friday 28th
Page 34
Servicing & Repairs to all Land Rovers
Full Computer Diagnostics
After Market Accessories Fitted
Vehicle Check over and Trip Preparation
Modifications to Customer Specifications
Located close to City, Airport & Glenelg Tram
Professional, friendly service
Parts & Accessories We stock an extensive range of new, genuine & replacement parts and accessories for all Land Rovers An example of some of the Defender Parts & Accessories we have available Heavy Duty Steering Rods
Distributor for
Bash Plate
Low Coolant Alarm System Specially made, no pipe cutting
Internal white vinyl window sticker
Prevent costly engine repairs Supplied or supplied & fitted Fits all Land Rover models
www.pcblandrovers.com.au Contact Peter Brown Email
[email protected] 19 Starr Avenue, North Plympton SA 5037 Phone (08) 8350 0110 or Mobile 0400 278 407
Land Rover Register of SA Inc
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