III.3 Dynamic Testing Techniques

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It is impossible to verify correctness of the product by testing, but you can prove that ...... [Pressman 2005] Pressman, R.S., Software Engineering: A Practitioner's.
University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

III.3 Dynamic Testing Techniques Common definition [Myers1979] : „ Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error. „ A good test case is one that has high probability of finding an undiscovered error. „ A successful test is one that uncovers an as-yet undiscovered error. Also: testing to assess reliability (not considered here)

Dr. Holger Giese

Test: (1) An activity in which a system or component is executed under specified conditions, the results are observed or recorded, and an evaluation is made of some aspect of the system or component. (2) To conduct an activity as in (1). (3) (IEEE Std 829-1983 [5]) A set of one or more test cases. (4) (IEEE Std 829-1983 [5]) A set of one or more test procedures. (5) (IEEE Std 829-1983 [5]) A set of one or more test cases and procedures. [IEEE-610.12-1990]

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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Objectives „




Design tests that systematically uncover defects † Maximize bug count: uncover as many defects (or bugs) as possible † Using the minimum cost and efforts, within the limits budgetary/scheduling † Guide correction such that an acceptable level of quality is reached Help managers make ship / no-ship decisions † Assess quality (depends on the nature of the product) † Block premature product releases; Minimize technical support costs † It is impossible to verify correctness of the product by testing, but you can prove that the product is not correct or you can demonstrate that you didn’t find any errors in a give time period. Minimize risks (especially safety-related lawsuit risk): † Assess conformance to specification † Conform to regulations Find safe scenarios for use (find ways to get it to work, in spite of the bugs)

Indirect objectives „ To compile a record of software defects for use in error prevention (by corrective and preventive actions) Dr. Holger Giese

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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Testing Fundamentals „


Software Testing is a critical element of Software Quality Assurance †

It represents the ultimate review of the requirements specification, the design, and the code. † It is the most widely used method to insure software quality. † Many organizations spend 40-50% of development time in testing. „

Testing is the one step in software engineering process that could be viewed as destructive rather than constructive. †

“A successful test is one that breaks the software.” [McConnell 1993] † A successful test is one that uncovers an as yet undiscovered defect. † Testing can not show the absence of defects, it can only show that software defects are present. † For most software exhaustive testing is not possible. Dr. Holger Giese

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Test Cases & Set of Test Cases Describe how to test a system/module/function „ Description must identify † system state before executing the test † system/module/function to be tested † parameter values for the test † expected outcome of the test Should enable automation! „

Dr. Holger Giese

“Adequate” Set of Test Cases? Objective: „ to uncover as many defects as possible Test set criteria: „ does the set cover the system in a complete/sufficient manner Constraints: „ with a minimum/appropriate of effort and time So, how many? Depends on method!

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Model of Testing (1/2) Input test data


Inputs causing anomalous behaviour



Output test results

Dr. Holger Giese


Outputs which reveal the presence of defects

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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Model of Testing (1/2) The environment

Environment model

The program

Program model

Nature and psychology

Bug model

Dr. Holger Giese

Unexpected outcome


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Expected outcome


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Testing Approaches Black box testing 1.


Testing that ignores the internal mechanism of the system or component and focuses solely on the outputs in response to selected inputs and execution conditions Testing conducted to evaluate the compliance of a system or component with specified functional requirements (sometimes named functional testing)

White box testing Testing that takes into account the internal mechanism of a system or component (sometimes named structural testing) IEEE Dr. Holger Giese

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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

III.3.2 Black Box Testing Techniques „

An approach to testing where the program is considered as a “blackbox”



output events

Black box testing: (1) Function testing (2) Domain testing (3) Specification-based testing (4) Risk-based testing (5) Stress testing (6) Regression testing (7) User testing (8) Scenario testing (9) State-model based testing (10) High volume automated testing (11) Exploratory testing Not orthogonal!

Dr. Holger Giese

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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

(1) Function Testing „ „

Test each function / feature / variable in isolation. Usually start with fairly simple function testing † focuses

on a single function and tests it with middle-ofthe-road values † don’t expect the program to fail † but if it fails the algorithm is fundamentally wrong, the build is broken, or … „ „

Later switch to a different style which often involves the interaction of several functions These tests are highly credible and easy to evaluate but not particularly powerful

Dr. Holger Giese

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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

(2) Domain Testing „ „

Essence: sampling Equivalence class testing: † †

Look at each variable domains (including invalid values) reduce a massive set of possible tests (domain) into a small group by partitioning † picking one or two representatives from each subset. † look for "best representative“: a value that is at least as likely to expose an error as any other „

Boundary value analysis: † † †

A good test set for a numeric variable hits every boundary value because boundary / extreme-value errors are common use the minimum, the maximum, a value barely below the minimum, and a value barely above the maximum † bugs are sometimes dismissed, especially when you test extreme values of several variables at the same time (corner cases)

Dr. Holger Giese

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Equivalence Partitioning Input data and output results often fall into different classes „ Each of these classes is an equivalence partition where the program behaves in an “equivalent” way ÖTest cases should be chosen from each partition „

Dr. Holger Giese

Invalid inputs

Valid inputs



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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Equivalence Partitioning „


an approach that divides the input domain of a program into classes of data from which test cases can be derived.

Example: Suppose a program computes the value of the function. ( X − 1) ∗ ( X + 2) This function defines the following valid and invalid equivalence classes: X < = -2 valid -2 < X < 1 invalid X >= 1 valid „

Test cases would be selected from each equivalence class.

Dr. Holger Giese

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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Boundary Value Analysis (1/2) „


a testing technique where test cases are designed to test the boundary of an input domain. Boundary value analysis complements and can be used in conjunction with equivalence partitioning.

“Bugs lurk in corners and congregate at boundaries…” Boris Beizer

Example (cont.): boundary values of the three ranges have to be included in the test data. That is, we might choose the following test cases: X = 1

MIN, -100, -2.1, -2 -1.9, -1, 0, 0.9 1, 1.1,100, MAX [SWENE]

Dr. Holger Giese

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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Boundary Value Analysis (2/2) „

If an input condition specifies a range [a, b]: Example: [-3, 10], Ö test values: 0 (interior point); 0 is always good candidate! Ö test values: -3, 10 (extreme points) Ö test values: -2, 9 (boundary points) Ö test values: -4, 11 (off points)


If an input condition specifies a number values: Ö minimum and maximum Ö values just above and below minimum and maximum


Also for more complex data (data structures): †


array Ö input condition: empty, single element, full element, out-of-boundary Ö search for element: element is inside array or not You can think about other data structures: list, set, stack, queue, and tree

Dr. Holger Giese

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(3) Specification-Based Testing „

Check the program against a reference document †


Rational: † † †


the specification might be part of a contract products must conform to their advertisements safety-critical products must conform to any safety-related specification.

Observation †


design specification, a requirements list, a user interface description, a model, or a user manual.

Specification-driven tests are often weak, not particularly powerful representatives of the class of possible tests

Different approaches: † †

focus on the specification: the set of test cases should include an unambiguous and relevant test for each claim made in the spec. look further, for problems in the specification: explore ambiguities in the spec. or examine aspects of the product that were not well-specified

Dr. Holger Giese

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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

(4) Risk-Based Testing „

Process (1) Imagine a way the program could fail (cf. error guessing) (2) design one or more tests to check for it

„ „ „

a good risk-based test = a powerful representative that address a given risk. “complete”: a list of every way the program could fail. If tests tie back to † †

significant failures in the field or well known failures in a competitor’s product Ö failure will be highly credible and highly motivating

„ „

However, many risk-based tests are dismissed as academic (unlikely to occur in real use). Test for possible problem Ö carry high information value (We learn a lot whether the program passes the test or not)

Dr. Holger Giese

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(5) Stress Testing „

Different definitions of stress testing: † †


Hit the program with a peak burst of activity and see it fail. Testing conducted to evaluate a system or component at or beyond the limits of its specified requirements with the goal of causing the system to fail. [IEEE Standard 610.12-1990] Driving the program to failure in order to watch how the program fails. „ „


Keep increasing the size or rate of input until either the program finally fails or you become convinced that further increases won’t yield a failure. Look at the failure and ask what vulnerabilities have been exposed and which of them might be triggered under less extreme circumstances.

Discussion: † † †

stress test results as not representative of customer use One problem with stress testing is that a failure may not be easily analyzed (must includes enough diagnostic support) stress-like tests can expose failures that are hard to see if the system is not running with a high load (e.g., many concurrent tasks)

Dr. Holger Giese

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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

(6) Regression Testing „

Process (1) design tests with the intent of regularly reusing them (2) repeat the tests after making changes to the program.


A good regression test is designed for reuse. † †


adequately documented and maintainable designed to be likely to fail if changes induce errors in the addressed part of the program

Discussion: †


First run of the tests may have been powerful, but after passed many times detecting defects is not very likely (unless there have been major changes or changes in part of the code directly involved with this test.) Ö Usually carries little information value Automation can make regression testing very “cheap”

Dr. Holger Giese

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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Regression Testing Process Software Change Analysis

Requirements changes Software Change „ Affect design, coding, and Impact Analysis testing document update Define Regression Design changes Testing Strategy „ Affect coding, tests, associated components, system architecture, Build Regression Test Suite related component interactions Implementation changes Run Regression „ Affect test cases, test data, test scripts, Tests at different levels test specification (see also code change impact) Report Retest Test changes Results „ Affect other tests and test documentation Document changes „ Affect other document Dr. Holger Giese

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Regression Testing Strategies „ „ „

Random: The test cases are randomly selected from the existing test suite. Retest-all: Run all the tests in the existing suite. Safe: The test selection algorithm excludes no test from the original test suite that if executed would reveal faults in the modified program. †

Based on modifications: Place an emphasis on selecting existing test cases to cover modified program components and those that may be affected by the modifications. † Dataflow/coverage based: Select tests that exercise data interactions that have been affected by modifications.

Remark ([Juriso+2004]): „ „

For small programs and set of test cases is small, then retest-all. Use safe techniques for large programs and programs with a large number of test cases.

Dr. Holger Giese

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(7) User Testing „ „

The testing done by real users (Not testers pretending to be users) User tests might be designed by † † †


the users, the testers, or other people (sometimes even by lawyers; acceptance tests in a contract)

Continuum: †

tests can be designed in such detail that the user merely executes them „ „


Leave the user some freedom to „

„ „

reports whether the program passed or failed a carefully scripted demonstration, without much opportunity to detect defects cognitive activity while providing enough structure to ensure effective reports (in a way that helps readers understand and troubleshoot the problem)

detect problems a user will encounter in real use is much more difficult Failures found in user testing are typically credible

Betatests: tests: Beta oftendescribed describedas ascheap, cheap,effective effectiveuser usertests tests „„often butininpractice practicethey theycan canbe bequite quiteexpensive expensiveto toadminister administer „„but youmay maynot notyield yieldmuch muchinformation. information. „„you automationrequired! required! „„automation Dr. Holger Giese

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(8) Scenario Testing „ „

Check how the program copes with a scenario Good scenario test should be † † † †


How often run a given scenario test? † †


Some create a pool of scenario tests as regression tests Others run a scenario once or a small number of times and then design another scenario rather than sticking with the ones they’ve used before

Scenarios help to develop insight into the product † †


credible, motivating, easy to evaluate, and complex.

Early in testing (understand the product at all) or Late in testing (understand advanced uses of a stabilized product)

harsher test: rarely be used by typical users (cf. stress testing)

Dr. Holger Giese

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(9) State-Model-Based Testing „ „ „ „

Model the visible behavior of the program as a state machine Checking for conformance with the state machine model Approach is credible, motivating and easy to troubleshoot Tradeoffs: †


„ „

state-based testing often involves simplification and if the model is oversimplified, failures exposed by the model can be false negatives and difficult to troubleshoot more detailed models find more bugs, but can be much harder to read and maintain

Experiences shows that much of the bug-finding happens while modeling the state models rather than testing coverage criteria / stopping rule (cf. [Al-Ghafees&Whittaker2002])

For much more, see the papers at www.model-based-testing.org

Dr. Holger Giese

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State-Model-Based Testing Uncovers the following issues: „ Wrong number of states. „ Wrong transition for a given state-input combination. „ Wrong output for a given transition. „ States or sets of states that have become dead. „ States or sets of states that have become unreachable. Test sequence: „ Define a set of covering input sequences that † †


starting from the initial state and get back to the initial state

For each step in the input sequence, defines the expected †

next state, the expected transition, and the expected output code

Remarks: „ Completeness: transitions and outputs for every combination of input and states „ Instrument the transitions to also capture the sequence of states (not just the outputs) „ Count the states

Dr. Holger Giese

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Variant: Syntax Testing „ „ „

Test model: BNF-based syntax instead of state machine E.g., for testing command-driven software Dirty syntax testing: a) to exercise a good sample of single syntactic errors in all commands in an attempt to break the software. b) to force every diagnostic message appropriate to that command to be executed.

Example test cases: correct ones 1.54683e5, 1.6548 incorrect without loops: .05 1. 1.1e incorrect with loops: 123456.78901.1 1.12345e6789D-123

Dr. Holger Giese

Syntax Graph for :



e D




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(10) High-Volume Automated Testing „

Massive numbers of tests, comparing the results against a partial oracles. † †

† † †

„ „ „

The simplest partial oracle: crashing State-model-based testing (if the stopping rule is not based on a coverage criterion) or also more general notion of stochastic state-based testing [Whittaker1997]. Randomly corrupt input data Repeatedly feeds random data to the application under test and a reference oracle in parallel [Kaner2000] (back-to-back testing) Run arbitrarily long random sequence of regression tests to let memory leaks, stack corruption, wild pointers or other garbage that cumulates over time finally causes failures. Probes (tests built into the program) can be used to expose problems. [Kaner2000]

An almost complete automation for the testing is required The low power of individual tests is make up for with massive numbers failures might be very hard to troubleshoot Ö support required

Dr. Holger Giese

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(11) Exploratory Testing „ „

any testing which uses information gained while testing to better test [Bach2003a]. continuum between † †


prototypic case/ “freestyle exploratory testing” † † † † †


exploratory testers continually learn about the software, the context, the ways it could fail, its weaknesses, and the best ways to test the software. At the same time they are also test the software and report the problems Test cases are good to the extent that they advance the tester’s knowledge (goal-driven) as the tester gains new knowledge the goals may also change quickly which type of testing: what is most likely to reveal the information the tester is looking for

Not purely spontaneous: † † † † †


purely scripted (the tester does precisely what the script specifies and nothing else) to purely exploratory (no pre-specified activities, not documentation beyond bug reports is required)

studying competitive products, review failure histories of this and analogous products interviewing programmers and users, reading specifications, and working with the product.

state models can serve as an exploratory testing tool

Dr. Holger Giese

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Further Reading [Al-Ghafees&Whittaker2002] Al-Ghafees, Mohammed; & Whittaker, James (2002) “Markov Chain-based Test Data Adequacy Criteria: A Complete Family”, Informing Science & IT Education Conference, Cork, Ireland, http://ecommerce.lebow.drexel.edu/eli/2002Proceedings/papers/AlGha180Marko.pdf [Bach2003a] James Bach (2003a), “Exploratory Testing Explained”, www.satisfice.com/articles/et-article.pdf [Berger2001] Berger, Bernie (2001) "The dangers of use cases employed as test cases," STAR West conference, San Jose, CA. www.testassured.com/docs/Dangers.htm. [El-Far1995] El-Far, Ibrahim K. (1995) Automated Construction of Software Behavior Models, M.Sc. Thesis, Florida Tech, www.geocities.com/model_based_testing/elfar_thesis.pdf [El-Far2001] El-Far, Ibrahim K. (2001) “Enjoying the Perks of Model-Based Testing”, STAR West conference, San Jose, CA. www.geocities.com/model_based_testing/perks_paper.pdf [El-Far+2001] El-Far, Ibrahim, K; Thompson, Herbert; & Mottay, Florence (2001) “Experiences in Testing Pocket PC Applications,” International Software Quality Week Europe, www.geocities.com/model_based_testing/pocketpc_paper.pdf [Kaner2000] Kaner, Cem (2000), “Architectures of Test Automation,” STAR West conference, San Jose, CA, www.kaner.com/testarch.html [Kaner2002] Kaner, Cem (2002) A Course in Black Box Software Testing (Professional Version), www.testingeducation.org/coursenotes/kaner_cem/cm_200204_blackboxtesting/ [Kaner2003] Cem Kaner, "What is a good test case?" Software Testing Analysis & Review Conference (STAR) East, Orlando, FL, May 12-16, 2003. [Nyman 1998] Nyman, N. (1998), “Application Testing with Dumb Monkeys”, STAR West conference, San Jose, CA. [Pettichord2002] Pettichord, Bret (2002) “Design for Testability” Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference, October 2002, www.io.com/~wazmo/papers/design_for_testability_PNSQC.pdf [Whittaker1997] Whittaker, James (1997) “Stochastic Software Testing,” Annals of Software Engineering Vol. 4, 115-131. [Whittaker2002] Whittaker, James (2002) Why Software Fails, Addison-Wesley.

Dr. Holger Giese

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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

III.3.3 White Box Testing Techniques „

Black box testing: † †


Requirements fulfilled Interfaces available and working

But can we also exploit † †

the internal structure of a component, interactions between objects?

Ö white box testing White box testing: (1) Control flow testing (2) Data flow testing (3) Mutation testing Dr. Holger Giese

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(1) Control Flow Testing: Example procedure XYZ is A,B,C: INTEGER; begin 1. GET(A); GET(B); GET(C); 2. if (A > 15 and C > 20) then 3. if B < 10 then 4. B := A + 5; 5. else 6. B := A - 5; 7. end if 8. else 9. A := B + 5; 10. end if; end XYZ; Dr. Holger Giese

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Control Flow Testing a) Statement coverage: The test cases are generated so that all the program statements are executed at least once. b) Decision coverage (branch coverage): The test cases are generated so that the program decisions take the value true or false. c) Condition coverage: The test cases are generated so that all the program conditions (predicates) that form the logical expression of the decision take the value true or false. d) Path coverage: Test cases are generated to execute all/some program paths. Dr. Holger Giese

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a) Statement Coverage „

Statement coverage: The test cases are generated so that all the program statements are executed at least once.

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Dr. Holger Giese

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b) Decision / Branch Coverage „

Decision coverage (branch coverage): The test cases are generated so that the program decisions take the value true or false.

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10 Dr. Holger Giese

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c) Condition Coverage (1/2) „

Condition coverage: The test cases are generated so that all the program conditions (predicates) that form the logical expression of the decision take the value true or false.

Dr. Holger Giese

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10 III-137

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Simple Condition Coverage „


Composed condition: ((A and B) or C) Test cases must cover all the values true or false for each conditions (predicates) of the logical expression combinatorial explosion Ö only coverage for simple condition coverage Simple condition: (A) degenerates to decision coverage but simple condition coverage does not ensure decision coverage

Dr. Holger Giese





Remarks: „ complete condition evaluation assumed „ Otherwise compiler dependent execution semantics

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Other Condition Coverage Types „

„ „ „


Simple condition coverage: require that the tests must cover both true and false for each conditions (predicates) of the logical expression. Condition/decision coverage: require in addition that the coverage w.r.t. the decision is also complete. Minimal multiple condition coverage: also cover all sub expressions of the Boolean formula Modified condition/decision coverage: requires that every atomic condition can influence the overall output (required for level A equipment by RTCA DO-178 B). Multiple condition coverage: test all combinations of the atomic conditions. n conditions Ö 2n test cases (combinatorial explosion!)

Dr. Holger Giese

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d) Path Coverage „

Path coverage: Test cases are generated to execute all/some program paths.

Why path coverage? „ logic errors and incorrect assumptions are inversely proportional to a path’s execution probability „ we often believe that a path is not likely to be executed; in fact, reality is often counter intuitive „ it’s likely that untested paths will contain some undetected defects

Dr. Holger Giese

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Exhaustive Testing Not Possible There are 1014 possible paths! If we execute one test per millisecond, it would take 3.170 years to test this program!! Ö Out of question

loop < 20x

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Basic Path Testing


„ Terminology:

execution path: a path that connects a start node and a terminal node. † Two paths are independent if they have disjoint node or edge sets „ Steps: † convert the unit into a “flow graph” † compute a measure of the unit's logical complexity † use the measure to derive a “basic” set of independent execution paths for which test cases are determined †

Remark: Path coverage set is not unique! Dr. Holger Giese

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Cyclomatic Complexity



Cyclomatic complexity (McCabe complexity) is a metric, V(G), that


describes the logical complexity of a flow graph, G. V(G) = E - N + 2 where E = #edges in G and N = #nodes in G


Studies have shown: † V(G) is directly related to the number of errors in source code † V(G) = 10 is a practical upper limit for testing


modules in this range are more error prone

V(G) Dr. Holger Giese

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Path Coverage Testing Next, we derive the independent paths:


Since V(G) = 4, we have 4 paths Path 1: 1,2,3,6,7,8 Path 2: 1,2,3,5,7,8 Path 3: 1,2,4,7,8

2 4

3 5


Path 4: 7


Dr. Holger Giese


Finally, we derive test cases to exercise these paths, i.e. choose inputs that lead to traversing the paths WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


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Testing Loops simple loop

nested loops Dr. Holger Giese

concatenated loops

unstructured loops

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Loop Testing: Simple Loops Minimum conditions - simple loops 1. skip the loop entirely 2. only one pass through the loop (boundary) 3. two passes through the loop (interior) 4. m passes through the loop m < n 5. (n-1), n, and (n+1) passes through the loop where n is the maximum number of allowable passes

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Testing Nested Loops „ „

Just extending simple loop testing: Ö number of tests explodes Reduce the number of tests: † start

at the innermost loop; set all other loops to minimum values † conduct simple loop test; add out of range or excluded values † work outwards while keeping inner nested loops to typical values † continue until all loops have been tested

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Comparison: Control Flow Testing a) Statement coverage: The test cases are generated so that all the program statements are executed at least once. b) Decision coverage (branch coverage): The test cases are generated so that the program decisions take the value true or false. c) Condition coverage: The test cases are generated so that all the program conditions (predicates) that form the logical expression of the decision take the value true or false. d) Path coverage: Test cases are generated to execute all/some program paths.

a) Statement coverage


b) Decision coverage

d) Basic path coverage

Simple condition coverage

Condition/decision coverage

Minimal multiple condition coverage

Modified condition/decision coverage

Path coverage Multiple condition coverage

Dr. Holger Giese

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(2) Data Flow Testing Basic Definitions: V N E

= the set of variables. = the set of nodes = the set of edges

Definition/write on variables (nodes): def(i)


= { x in V

| x has a global def in block I }

Computational-use of variables (nodes): c-use(i) = { x in V

| x has a global c-use in block i }

Predicate-use of variables (edges):


p-use(3,4) = {i} i2


writeln(“hello”); i:= i+1;

p-use(3,5) = {i} 5

p-use(6,7) = {y} y=0 8


writeln(x); c-use(8) = {x}



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Idea of Data Flow Testing „

Idea: coverage of the a def-clear path between definition and usage



Examples: „ One path per def (all-defs) „ One path per def to all c-uses (all-c-uses) „ One path per def to all p-uses (all-p-uses) „ One path per def to all p-uses or c-uses (all-uses) „ All path (without loops) from defs to all p-uses or c-uses (all dupaths) Dr. Holger Giese

p-use(3,4) = {i} i2


writeln(“hello”); i:= i+1;

def (2) = {i} c-use(2) = {x,y}

p-use(3,5) = {i} 5

p-use(6,7) = {y} y=0 8


writeln(x); c-use(8) = {x}



University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Data Flow Testing 1

All node with an effective path from a def to a c-use for variable x: dcu(x, j) = { j in N | x in c-use(j) and there is a def-clear path wrt x from i to j } All edges with an effective path from a def to a puse for variable x: dpu(x, j) = {(j,k) in E | x in p-use(j,k) and there is a def-clear path wrt x from i to (j,k) } All effective path from a def to use without loops: du-c(x,i,j) = { i,…,k,j in N* | x in def(i), x in c-use(j), the path is def-clear wrt x, and no node is visit twice}


p-use(3,4) = {i} i2


writeln(“hello”); i:= i+1;

p-use(3,5) = {i} 5

p-use(6,7) = {y} y=0 8


writeln(x); c-use(8) = {x}


= du-c(x,i,j) ∪ du-c(x,i,j)

Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Types of Data Flow Testing All-defs: Test cases are generated to cover each definition of each variable for at least one use of the variable. „ All c-uses: Test cases are generated so that there is at least one path of each variable definition to each c-use of the variable. „ All p-uses: Test cases are generated so that there is at least one path of each variable definition to each p-use of the variable. „ All-c-uses/some-p-uses: Test cases are generated so that there is at least one path „

Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Comparison: Data Flow Testing If time is an issue: „ All p-uses should be used instead of all-uses „ All-uses should be used instead of all-du-paths „ to generate fewer tests: †


use the test cases covered by the (stronger) criteria.

All-Paths All-DU-Paths All-Uses All-C-Uses/Some-P-Uses




All-du-paths is usable in practice. [Juriso+2004]

Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control

All-P-Uses decision coverage statement coverage III-153

University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

(3) Mutation Testing „



Strong (standard) mutation: Test cases are generated to cover all the mutants generated by applying all the mutation operators defined for the programming language in question. Selective (or constrained) mutation: Test cases are generated to cover all of the mutants generated by applying some of the mutation operators defined for the programming language in questions. Weak mutation: Test cases are generated to cover a given percentage of mutants generated by applying all the mutation operators defined for the programming language in question.

Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

III.3.4 Comparison Black box tests: „ tester has no access to information about the system implementation

White box tests: „ tester can access information about the system implementation

Characteristics: „ Good for independence of tester „ But not good for formative tests „ Hard to test individual modules...

Characteristics: „ Simplifies diagnosis of results „ Can compromise independence „ How much do they need to know?

Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

III.4 Testing Process & Activities Beforehand: „ Requirement analysis „ design analysis Testing Process & Activities (1) Unit test (2) Integration test (3) Function test (4) Performance test System test (5) Acceptance test (6) Installation test Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Unit code

Unit test

Unit code

Testing Activities

Unit test . . .

Design System specifications functional requirements

Integration test

Function test

Unit code

Integrated modules

Dr. Holger Giese


User Customer Other software requirements environment requirements specification

Performance test

Functioning system

Acceptance test

Verified, validated software

Unit test

Installation test

Accepted system

SYSTEM IN USE! [Pfleeger 2001]

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

III.4.1 Unit Testing „

Individual components are tested independently to ensure their quality. The focus is to uncover errors in design and implementation, including † † † †


data structure in a component program logic and program structure in a component component interface functions and operations of a component

There is some debate about what constitutes a “unit”. Some common definitions: † † †

the smallest chunk that can be compiled by itself a stand alone procedure of function something so small that it would be developed by a single person

Unit testers: „ developers of the components.

Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Example: Test GCD Algorithm „

Testing a unit designed to compute the “greatest common divisor” (GCS) of a pair of integers (not both zero). † GCD(a,b) „ „ „

c is a positive integer c is a common divisor of a and b (e.g., c divides a and c divides b) c is greater than all other common divisors of a and b.

† For „ „ „ „ „

= c where


GCD(45, 27) = 9 GCD (7,13) = 1 GCD(-12, 15) = 3 GCD(13, 0) = 13 GCD(0, 0) undefined [SWENE]

Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Test Planning „


How do we proceed to determine the tests cases? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Determine appropriate equivalence classes for the input data. Determine the boundaries of the equivalence classes. Design an algorithm for the GCD function. Analyze the algorithm using basic path analysis. Then, choose tests cases that include the basic path set, data form each equivalence class, and data at and near the boundaries.

Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

GCD Algorithm note: Based on Euclid’s algorithm 1. function gcd (int a, int b) { 2. int temp, value; 3. a := abs(a); 4. b := abs(b); 5. if (a = 0) then 6. value := b; // b is the GCD 7. else if (b = 0) then 8. raise exception; 9. else 10. loop 11. temp := b; 12. b := a mod b; 13. a := temp; 14. until (b = 0) 15. value := a; 16. end if; 17. return value; 18. end gcd Dr. Holger Giese



5 7 9



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18 III-161

University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Example: GCD Test Planning „


Equivalence Classes † Although the the GCD algorithm should accept any integers as input, one could consider 0, positive integers and negative integers as “special” values. This yields the following classes: „ a < 0 and b < 0, a < 0 and b > 0, a > 0 and b < 0 „ a > 0 and b > 0, a = 0 and b < 0, a = 0 and b > 0 „ a > 0 and b = 0, a > 0 and b = 0, a = 0 and b = 0 Boundary Values †



a = -231, -1, 0, 1, 231-1 and b = -231, -1, 0, 1, 231-1

Basic Path Set †

V(G) = 4 † (1,5,6,17,18), (1,5,7,18), (1,5,7,9,10,17,18), (1,5,7,9,10,9,10,17,18) Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Example GCD Test Plan Test Description / Data Expected Results Basic Path Set path (1,5,6,17,18) 15 Î (0, 15) path (1,5,7,18) 15 Î (15, 0) path (1,5,7,9,10,17,18) 15 Î (30, 15) path (1,5,7,9,10,9,10,17,18) Î (15, 30) 15 Equivalence Classes a < 0 and b < 0 Î (-27, -45) 9 a < 0 and b > 0 Î (-72, 100) 4 a > 0 and b < 0 Î (121, -45) 1 a > 0 and b > 0 Î (420, 252) 28 a = 0 and b < 0 Î (0, -45) 45 a = 0 and b > 0 Î (0 , 45) 45 a > 0 and b = 0 Î (-27, 0) 27 a > 0 and b = 0 Î (27, 0) 27 a = 0 and b = 0 Î (0 , 0) exception raised Boundary Points (1 , 0) 1 (-1 , 0) 1 (0 , 1) 1 (0 , -1) 1 (0 , 0) (redundant) exception raised (1, 1) 1 (1, -1) 1 (-1, 1) 1 (-1, -1) 1

Dr. Holger Giese


Test Experience / Actual Results

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Test Implementation „


Once one has determined the testing strategy, and the units to tested, and completed the unit test plans, the next concern is how to carry on the tests. † If

you are testing a single, simple unit that does not interact with other units (like the GCD unit), then one can write a program that runs the test cases in the test plan. † However, if you are testing a unit that must interact with other units, then it can be difficult to test it in isolation. † The next slide defines some terms that are used in implementing and running test plan.

Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Test Implementation Terms „




Test Driver † a class or utility program that applies test cases to a component being tested. Test Stub † a temporary, minimal implementation of a component to increase controllability and observability in testing. † When testing a unit that references another unit, the unit must either be complete (and tested) or stubs must be created that can be used when executing a test case referencing the other unit. Test Harness † A system of test drivers, stubs and other tools to support test execution

Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Test Implementation Steps


Here is a suggested sequence of steps for testing a unit: 1. Once the design for the unit is complete, carry out † † † †


Complete a test plan for a unit. create stubs for not yet completed referenced other units Create a driver (or set of drivers) for the unit construction of test case data (from the test plan)

Once the implementation is complete, carry out † † †

Use the driver (or set of drivers) to test the unit execution of the unit, using the test case data provision for the results of the test case execution to be printed or logged as appropriate

Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Testing Tools „


There are a number of tools that have been developed to support the testing of a unit or system. † googling

“Software Testing Tools” will yield thousands of results.


JUnit testing (http://www.junit.org/index.htm) is a popular tool/technique that can be integrated into the development process for a unit coded in Java.

Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Further Reading [Beck 2004]

[Binder 1999] [Humphrey 1995] [McConnell 1993]

[Jorgensen 2002] [Pfleeger 2001] [Pressman 2005]

Dr. Holger Giese


Beck, K., and Gamma, E. Test Infected: Programmers Love Writing Tests, http://members.pingnet.ch/gamma/junit.htm Binder, R.V., Testing Object-Oriented Systems, Addison-Wesley, 1999. Humphrey, Watts S., A Discipline for Software Engineering, Addison Wesley, 1995. McConnell, Steve, Code Complete, A Practical Handbook of Software Construction, Microsoft Press, 1993. Jorgensen, Paul C., Software Testing: A Craftsman’s Approach, 2nd edition, CRC Press, 2002. Pfleeger, S., Software Engineering Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2001. Pressman, R.S., Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2005. WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

III.4.2 Integration Testing „ „

A group of dependent components are tested together to ensure their the quality of their integration unit. The focus is to uncover errors in: † † † †

Design and construction of software architecture Integrated functions or operations at sub-system level Interfaces and interactions between them Resource integration and/or environment integration

Integration testers: „ either developers and/or test engineers. Tests complete systems or subsystems composed of integrated components „ Integration testing should be black-box testing with tests derived from the specification „ Main difficulty is localising errors „ Incremental integration testing reduces this problem

Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Integration Testing Strategies Incremental testing strategies: „ Bottom-up testing: Integrate individual components in levels until the complete system is created „ Top-down testing: Start with high-level system and integrate from the top-down replacing individual components by stubs where appropriate „ Outside-in integration: Do bottom-up and top-down testing at the same time such that the final integration step occurs in a middle layer Non incremental testing strategies: „ Big bang testing: put all together and test it Remark: In practice, most integration involves a combination of these strategies Dr. Holger Giese

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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Big Bang Integration Testing „

combine (or integrate) all parts at once.

Advantages: „ simple Disadvantages: „ hard to debugging, not easy to isolate errors „ not easy to validate test results „ impossible to form an integrated system Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Bottom Up Integration Testing Idea: „ Modules at the lowest levels are integrated at first, then by moving upward through the control structure. Integration process (five steps): 1. Low-level modules are combined into clusters that perform a specific software sub-function 2. A driver is written to coordinate test case input and output 3. Test cluster is tested 4. Drivers are removed and clusters are combined moving upward in the program structure Pros and cons of bottom-up integration: „ no stubs cost „ need test drivers „ no controllable system until the last step Dr. Holger Giese

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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Bottom Up Integration Testing M11

Stage 4 Integration B

Integration c

Stage 3



Integration A

Stage 2

Stage 1

Dr. Holger Giese







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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Top Down Integration Testing Idea: „ Modules are integrated by moving downward through the control structure. „ Modules subordinate to the main control module are incorporated into the system in either a depth-first or breadth-first manner. Integration process (five steps): 1. the main control module is used as a test driver, and the stubs are substituted for all modules directly subordinate to the main control module. 2. subordinate stubs are replaced one at a time with actual modules 3. tests are conducted as each module is integrated 4. On completion of each set of tests, another stub is replaced with the real module 5. regression testing may conducted Pros and cons top-down integration: „ stub construction cost „ major control function can be tested early.

Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Top Down Integration Testing Integration D Integration C Integration B

Stage 1

Integration A



Stage 2 Stage 3



Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6 Dr. Holger Giese

M6 M1


M2 M3



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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Test Stubs and Test Drivers Top-down testing of module M8


M8 Stub of M1

Dr. Holger Giese

Bottom-up testing of module M8

Module tested in an earlier stage

Drive of M9

Module on test

Stub of M2

Module on test

M8 M1


WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control

Modules tested in an earlier stage


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Regression Testing & Integration A module firewall: closure of all possible affected modules and related integration links in a program based on a control-flow graph. Ö Reduction of the software regression testing to a smaller scope (the firewall) This implies that: „ re-test of the changed module and its affected modules „ re-integration for all of related integration links „

Dr. Holger Giese

Main 4 M1



3 Changed Module






2 M8

A module firewall: - M5, M1, and Main Re-testing at the unit level: M5 Re-integration steps: 2, 3, 4

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

Comparison of the Approaches Problems of non-incremental integration: „ hard to debugging, hard to isolate errors „ not easy to validate test results „ impossible to form an integrated system Pros and cons top-down integration: „ stub construction cost „ major control function is tested early Pros and cons of bottom-up integration: „ no stubs cost „ need test drivers „ no controllable system until the last step Pros and cons outside-in integration: „ stub construction cost „ major control function is tested early „ need test drivers

Dr. Holger Giese

Architectural validation „ Top-down/Outside-in integration testing is better at discovering errors in the system architecture System demonstration „ Top-down/Outside-in integration testing allows a limited demonstration at an early stage in the development Test implementation „ Often easier with bottom-up integration testing Test observation „ Problems with all approaches. Extra code may be required to observe tests

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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

III.4.3 Function Testing „

The integrated software is tested based on requirements to ensure that we have a right product (validate functional requirements).

The focus is to uncover errors in: „ System input/output „ System functions and information data „ System interfaces with external parts „ User interfaces „ System behavior Function testers: „ test engineers or SQA people.

Dr. Holger Giese

User interface

External interfaces

System User (Operations & Functions & Behavior)

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

III.4.4 Performance Testing „

Performance testing is designed to test run-time performance of software within the context of an integrated system (validate non-functional requirements).

The focus areas are: „ Confirm and validate the specified system performance requirements. „ Check the current product capacity to answer the questions from customers and marketing people. „ Identify performance issues and performance degradation in a given system „ System behavior in the special load conditions

Relevant attributes: „ System process speed (Max./Min./Average) „ System throughput (Max./Min./Average) „ System latency (Max./Min./Average) „ System utilization (Max./Min./Average) „ System availability (component-level/system-level) „ System reliability (componentlevel/system-level) „ System scalability (component-level/system-level) „ System successes/failures rates

Performance testers: „ test engineers or SQA people.

Dr. Holger Giese

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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

III.4.5 Acceptance Testing „

The system software is tested as a whole. It verifies all elements mesh properly to make sure that all system functions and performance are achieved in the target environment.

The focus areas are: „ System functions and performance „ System reliability and recoverability (recovery test) „ System behavior in the special conditions (stress) „ System user operations (acceptance test/alpha test) „ Hardware and software integration and collaboration „ Integration of external software and the system System testers: „ test engineers or SQA people.

Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control


University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group

III.4.6 Installation Testing „

The installation testing is designed to test the installation procedure and its supported software.

The focus areas are: „ Hardware and software integration and collaboration „ Integration of external software and the system Installation testers: „ test engineers or SQA people.

Dr. Holger Giese

WS04/05 – Software Quality Assurance – III Quality Control
