Integral Inequalities for Differentiable p-Harmonic Convex Functions

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Recall that the minimum of a differentiable convex function can be characterized by variational inequalities, which unable to study a wide class of unrelated.
Filomat 31:20 (2017), 6575–6584

Published by Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Niˇs, Serbia Available at:

Integral Inequalities for Differentiable p-Harmonic Convex Functions Muhammad Aslam Noora , Khalida Inayat Noora , Sabah Iftikhara a Mathematics

Department, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Park Road, Islamabad, Pakistan

Abstract. In this paper, we consider a new class of harmonic convex functions, which is called p-harmonic convex function. Several new Hermite-Hadamard, midpoint, Trapezoidal and Simpson type inequalities for functions whose derivatives in absolute value are p-harmonic convex are obtained. Some special cases are discussed. The ideas and techniques of this paper may stimulate further research.

1. Introduction It is well known fact that convexity theory has played an important and significant role in the development of several branches of pure and applied sciences. Recall that the minimum of a differentiable convex function can be characterized by variational inequalities, which unable to study a wide class of unrelated problems in a unified and general framework. For the formulation, applications, numerical methods and other aspects of variational inequalities, see the references. It has been shown [17] that a function f is a convex function, if and only if, the function f satisfies the inequality Z b   f (a) + f (b) a+b 1 f ≤ , x ∈ [a, b], f (x)dx ≤ 2 b−a a 2 which is called the Hermite-Hadamard inequality, see [9, 10]. For the applications of the Hermite-Hadamard inequalities, see [1, 5–7, 14, 15, 17–19, 22, 24, 26] and the references therein. Convex functions and convex sets are generalized in various directions using quite different techniques and ideas. An important class of convex functions is called the harmonic convex functions, which was introduced and studied by Anderson et al. [2] and Iscan [12]. Let a real function f be defined on some nonempty interval I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0}. The function f is said to be harmonic convex on I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} if it satisfies the inequality Z b   f (x) f (a) + f (b) 2ab ab f ≤ dx ≤ , x ∈ [a, b]. (1) 2 a+b b−a a x 2 This double inequality is known as Hermite-Hadamard integral inequality for harmonic convex functions [12]. Both inequalities hold in the reversed direction if f is harmonic concave. We note that HermiteHadamard inequality may be regarded as a refinement of the concept of harmonic convexity and it follows 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 26D15, 26D10, 90C23 Keywords. Convex functions, Harmonic convex functions, Harmonic nonconvex functions, Midpoint inequality, Trapezoidal inequality, Simpson inequality, Hermite-Hadamard type inequality. Received: 19 July 2016; Accepted: 08 December 2016 Communicated by Dragan S. Djordjevi´c Email addresses: (Muhammad Aslam Noor), (Khalida Inayat Noor), (Sabah Iftikhar)

M. A. Noor et al. / Filomat 31:20 (2017), 6575–6584


easily from Jensens inequality. For some results which generalize, improve and extend the inequalities, we refer the reader to the recent paper [8] and references therein. Motivated and inspired by the on going research in this direction, Noor et al. [24] introduced and studied an other class of harmonic functions, which is called p-harmonic convex function. Several new integral inequalities for p-harmonic convex functions have been obtained. For suitable and appropriate choice of the parameter p, one can obtain several new classes of convex functions and their variant forms. In this paper, we derive several Hermite-Hadamard, midpoint, Trapezoidal and Simpson type inequalities for differentiable p-harmonic convex functions. From our results, one can obtain a wide class of known and new inequalities for harmonic convex functions and their variant forms. Some of the results obtained in this paper can be viewed as significant and important refinement of the previously known results. We now recall some known results and basic concepts. Definition 1.1. [26]. A set I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} is said to be a harmonic convex set, if xy ∈ I, ∀x, y ∈ I, t ∈ [0, 1]. tx + (1 − t)y Definition 1.2. [12]. A function f : I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} → R is said to be a harmonic convex function, if and only if,   xy ≤ (1 − t) f (x) + t f (y), ∀x, y ∈ I, t ∈ [0, 1]. f tx + (1 − t)y Definition 1.3. [24]. A set I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} is said to be p-harmonic convex set, if   p1 xp yp ∈ I, ∀x, y ∈ I, t ∈ [0, 1], p , 0. txp + (1 − t)yp Definition 1.4. [24]. Let [a, b] ⊂ R \ {0} be p-harmonic convex set. A function f : I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} → − R is said to be p-harmonic convex function, if   p1  xp yp f ≤ (1 − t) f (x) + t f (y), ∀x, y ∈ I, t ∈ [0, 1]. txp + (1 − t)yp Note that for t = 21 , we have  2xp yp  p1  f (x) + f (y) f ≤ , xp + yp 2

∀x, y ∈ I,

which is called Jensen type p-harmonic convex function. Remark 1.5. Let [a, b] ⊂ R \ {0} be p-harmonic convex set. If [a, b] ⊂ (0, ∞) and p ∈ R \ {0}, then Definition 1.4 reduces to definition 2.1 in [3]. Theorem 1.6. [24]. Let f : I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} → − R be a p-harmonic convex function on the interval [a,b]. Then 1  p p  1p       1  2a b 1 4ap bp p 4ap bp p f p ≤ f + f a + bp 2 ap + 3bp 3ap + bp Z   p p  p1  f (a) + f (b)  b f (x) ap bp 1 2a b ≤ dx ≤ f p + 1 p p 1+ p(b − a ) a x p 2 a + bp 2

f (a) + f (b) . (2) 2 Remark 1.7. If p = 1, then p-harmonic convex function reduces to harmonic convex function and if p = −1, then p-harmonic convex functions become convex functions. For other appropriate and suitable choice of the parameter, one can obtain different classes of convex functions. This shows that the p-harmonic convex functions are more general and include harmonic convex functions and convex functions as special cases. ≤

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2. Main results We need the following result in order to prove our main results. Lemma 2.1. Let f : I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} → − R be a differentiable function on the interior Io of I. If f 0 ∈ L[a, b] and λ ∈ [0, 1], then  f (a) + f (b)  p(ap bp ) Z b f (x) 1  2ap bp p + λ − p dx ap + bp 2 b − ap a x1+p  Z 21  1+ 1p   1p  (bp − ap ) ap bp ap bp 0 (2t − λ) f dt 2p(ap bp ) 0 tap + (1 − t)bp tap + (1 − t)bp Z 1  1+ p1   p1   ap bp ap bp 0 (2t − 2 + λ) p f dt . 1 ta + (1 − t)bp tap + (1 − t)bp 2 (1 − λ) f

= +

Proof. Let I

= + = + =

Z 1  1+ 1p   p1  2 bp − ap ap bp ap bp 0 (2t − λ) f dt 2p(ap bp ) 0 tap + (1 − t)bp tap + (1 − t)bp Z 1 1+ p1   1p    ap bp ap bp 0 f dt (2t − 2 + λ) p 1 ta + (1 − t)bp tap + (1 − t)bp 2 Z 1 1+ 1p   p1   2 bp − ap ap bp ap bp 0 (2t − λ) f dt 2p(ap bp ) 0 tap + (1 − t)bp tap + (1 − t)bp Z 1  1+ p1   1p  bp − ap ap bp ap bp 0 (2t − 2 + λ) f dt 2p(ap bp ) 21 tap + (1 − t)bp tap + (1 − t)bp I1 + I2

Now I1

= =

Z 1  1+ 1p   1p  2 ap bp ap bp bp − ap 0 (2t − λ) f dt 2p(ap bp ) 0 tap + (1 − t)bp tap + (1 − t)bp Z 1   1  1p  2 1 − λ 2ap bp p λ   ap bp f p f a − f + dt 2 a + bp 2 tap + (1 − t)bp 0

Similarly, we can show that I2

= =

1+ p1   1p  ap bp ap bp 0 f dt 1 tap + (1 − t)bp tap + (1 − t)bp 2   1 Z 1   1p  λ   1 − λ 2ap bp p ap bp − dt f b + f p f 1 2 2 a + bp tap + (1 − t)bp 2

bp − ap 2p(ap bp )



 (2t − 2 + λ)

Thus 2ap bp I = I1 + I2 = (1 − λ) f p a + bp 

which is the required result.


 f (a) + f (b)  p(ap bp ) Z b f (x) +λ − p dx 2 b − ap a x1+p

M. A. Noor et al. / Filomat 31:20 (2017), 6575–6584


Theorem 2.2. Let I = [a, b] ⊂ R \ {0} be p-harmonic convex set and let f : I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} → − R be a differentiable function on the interior Io of I. If f 0 ∈ L[a, b] and | f 0 |q is p-harmonic convex function on I, q ≥ 1 and λ ∈ [0, 1], then  p p  p1  f (a) + f (b)  p(ap bp ) Z b f (x) 2a b − p dx (1 − λ) f ap + bp + λ 2 b − ap a x1+p  1 1 (bp − ap ) (κ1 (p, a, b))1− q [κ3 (p, a, b)| f 0 (a)|q + κ5 (p, a, b)| f 0 (b)|q ] q ≤ 2p(ap bp )  1 1 + (κ2 (p, b, a))1− q [κ6 (p, b, a)| f 0 (a)|q + κ4 (p, b, a)| f 0 (b)|q ] q , (3) where 1 2

Z κ1 (p, a, b) = 0


Z κ2 (p, b, a) =

1 2

1 2

Z κ3 (p, a, b) =

 2t − λ

ap bp tap + (1 − t)bp

 2t − 2 + λ


κ4 (p, b, a) =

1 2

1 2


 (1 − t) 2t − λ

κ5 (p, a, b) = 0


Z κ6 (p, b, a) =

1 2

 t 2t − 2 + λ

 t 2t − λ


ap bp p ta + (1 − t)bp



1+ p1

1+ p1 dt,

ap bp p ta + (1 − t)bp

ap bp p ta + (1 − t)bp

ap bp tap + (1 − t)bp

 (1 − t) 2t − 2 + λ

1+ p1 dt,


1+ p1 dt,


1+ p1 dt,

ap bp tap + (1 − t)bp

(6) 1+ 1p dt.

Proof. Using Lemma 2.1 and the power mean inequality, we have  f (a) + f (b)  p(ap bp ) Z b f (x)  p p  1p  2a b +λ − p dx (1 − λ) f ap + bp 2 b − ap a x1+p  Z 21 1+ 1p   1p   bp − a p ap bp ap bp 0 ≤ (2t − λ) p f tap + (1 − t)bp dt 2p(ap bp ) 0 ta + (1 − t)bp Z 1  1+ p1   1p   ap bp ap bp 0 (2t − 2 + λ) f dt + 1 tap + (1 − t)bp tap + (1 − t)bp 2


 Z 21 1+ 1p 1− 1q  bp − ap ap bp dt (2t − λ) p 2p(ap bp ) ta + (1 − t)bp 0  Z 12 1+ p1   1p  q  1q  ap bp ap bp 0 (2t − λ) f tap + (1 − t)bp dt p + (1 − t)bp ta 0 Z 1 1+ p1 1− 1q  ap bp (2t − 2 + λ) p dt 1 ta + (1 − t)bp 2 Z 1 1+ p1   p1  q  1q   ap bp ap bp 0 (2t − 2 + λ) f tap + (1 − t)bp dt p + (1 − t)bp 1 ta 2


M. A. Noor et al. / Filomat 31:20 (2017), 6575–6584


= +


 Z 21 1+ 1p 1− 1q  bp − ap ap bp dt (2t − λ) p 2p(ap bp ) ta + (1 − t)bp 0  Z 12 1+ p1 h i  1q  ap bp 0 q 0 q (2t − λ) (1 − t)| f (a)| + t| f (b)| dt tap + (1 − t)bp 0 Z 1 1+ p1 1− 1q  ap bp (2t − 2 + λ) p dt 1 ta + (1 − t)bp 2 Z 1 1+ p1 h i  1q   ap bp 0 q 0 q (2t − 2 + λ) (1 − t)| f (a)| + t| f (b)| dt 1 tap + (1 − t)bp 2  1 1 bp − a p (κ1 (p, a, b))1− q [κ3 (p, a, b)| f 0 (a)|q + κ5 (p, a, b)| f 0 (b)|q ] q p p 2p(a b )  1 1 (κ2 (p, b, a))1− q [κ6 (p, b, a)| f 0 (a)|q + κ4 (p, b, a)| f 0 (b)|q ] q ,

which is the required result. If q = 1, then Theorem 2.2 reduces to the following result. Corollary 2.3. . Let I = [a, b] ⊂ R \ {0} be p-harmonic convex set and let f : I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} → − R be a differentiable function on the interior Io of I. If f 0 ∈ L[a, b] and | f 0 | is p-harmonic convex function on I and λ ∈ [0, 1], then

 f (a) + f (b)  p(ap bp ) Z b f (x)  p p  p1 2a b dx − p (1 − λ) f ap + bp + λ 2 b − ap a x1+p i (bp − ap ) h (κ3 (p, a, b) + κ6 (p, b, a))| f 0 (a)| + (κ4 (p, b, a) + κ5 (p, a, b))| f 0 (b)| , 2p

where κ3 , κ4 , κ5 , κ6 are given by (4)-(7). Theorem 2.4. Let I = [a, b] ⊂ R \ {0} be p-harmonic convex set. Let f : I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} → − R be a differentiable function on the interior Io of I. If f 0 ∈ L[a, b] and | f 0 |q is p-harmonic convex function on I, r, q > 1, 1r + 1q = 1 and λ ∈ [0, 1], then


 f (a) + f (b)  p(ap bp ) Z b f (x)  p p  p1 2a b + λ − p dx (1 − λ) f ap + bp 2 b − ap a x1+p i 1  h  | f 0 (a)|q + f 0 2ap p bpp p q  1q p p  (b − a ) 1 a +b (κ7 (r, p; a, b)) r 2ap bp 4 i 1  h  f 0 2ap p bpp p q + | f 0 (b)|q  1q  1 a +b (κ8 (r, p; b, a)) r , 4


where 1 2

r+ pr ap bp dt, tap + (1 − t)bp 0 Z 1  r+ pr ap bp r κ8 (r, p; b, a) = |2t − 2 + λ| dt. 1 tap + (1 − t)bp 2 Z

κ7 (r, p; a, b) =

|2t − λ|r

(9) (10)

M. A. Noor et al. / Filomat 31:20 (2017), 6575–6584


Proof. Using Lemma 2.1 and the Holder’s integral inequality, we have

≤ +

 p p  1p   f (a) + f (b)  p(ap bp ) Z b f (x) 2a b +λ − p dx (1 − λ) f ap + bp 2 b − ap a x1+ p1  Z 21  1+ 1p   1p  ap bp bp − ap ap bp 0 (2t − λ) p f tap + (1 − t)bp dt 2p(ap bp ) 0 ta + (1 − t)bp Z 1 1+ p1   1p    ap bp ap bp 0 (2t − 2 + λ) f dt 1 tap + (1 − t)bp tap + (1 − t)bp 2

≤ +

 Z 21  1+ p1 r  1r    1p  q  1q ap bp bp − ap ap bp 0 dt f tap + (1 − t)bp dt (2t − λ) tap + (1 − t)bp 2p(ap bp ) 0 1+ p1 r  1r    1p  q  1q   Z 1  ap bp ap bp 0 (2t − 2 + λ) tap + (1 − t)bp dt f tap + (1 − t)bp dt 1 2

= +

Z [ 2ap p bpp ] 1p 0 q  1  Z 21 r+ pr  1r  r  q a +b | f (x)| bp − ap ap bp ap bp (2t − λ) dx dt 1 2p(ap bp ) tap + (1 − t)bp p(bp − ap ) a 0 x1+ p Z Z r 1 1 r+ p  r   1 b r  | f 0 (x)|q  q  ap bp ap bp dt dt (2t − 2 + λ) 1 tap + (1 − t)bp p(bp − ap ) [ 2ap p bpp ] 1p x1+ 1p 2


a +b

Using the p-harmonic convexity of | f 0 |q , we obtain the following inequalities from inequality (1.6) 1

p p

2ap bp p(bp − ap )


2ap bp p(bp − ap )


[ a2ap +bb p ] p

| f 0 (x)|q 1

x1+ p


   1   1 0 q 0 2ap bp p q , dx ≤ | f (a)| + f 2 ap + bp


and b

| f 0 (x)|q p p


[ a2ap +bb p ] p


x1+ p

1 dx ≤ 2

  p p  p1  q  0 2a b 0 q f ap + bp + | f (b)| .


A combination of (11)-(13) gives the required inequality (8).

Theorem 2.5. Let I = [a, b] ⊂ R \ {0} be p-harmonic convex set and let f : I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} → − R be a differentiable function on the interior Io of I. If f 0 ∈ L[a, b] and | f 0 |q is p-harmonic convex function on I, r, q > 1, 1r + 1q = 1 and λ ∈ [0, 1], then

≤ +

 p p  p1  f (a) + f (b)  p(ap bp ) Z b f (x) 2a b − p dx (1 − λ) f ap + bp + λ 2 b − ap a x1+p  r+1 1  1q (bp − ap ) λ + (1 − λ)r+1 r h κ9 (q, p; a, b)| f 0 (a)|q + κ11 (q, p; a, b)| f 0 (b)|q × p p 2p(a b ) 2(r + 1)   1q i κ12 (q, p; b, a)| f 0 (a)|q + κ10 (q, p; b, a)| f 0 (b)|q ,


M. A. Noor et al. / Filomat 31:20 (2017), 6575–6584


where q+ pq ap bp dt, tap + (1 − t)bp 0 Z 1  q+ pq ap bp dt, t p 1 ta + (1 − t)bp 2 Z 1  q+ pq 2 ap bp t p dt, ta + (1 − t)bp 0 Z 1  q+ pq ap bp (1 − t) p dt. 1 ta + (1 − t)bp 2 Z

κ9 (q, p; a, b) = κ10 (q, p; b, a) = κ11 (q, p; a, b) = κ12 (q, p; b, a) =

1 2

 (1 − t)

Proof. Using Lemma 2.1 and the Holder’s integral inequality, we have

≤ +

 p p  1p   f (a) + f (b)  p(ap bp ) Z b f (x) 2a b − p dx + λ (1 − λ) f ap + bp 2 b − ap a x1+ p1  Z 21 1+ p1   1p   bp − ap ap bp ap bp 0 f dt (2t − λ) p 2p(ap bp ) 0 ta + (1 − t)bp tap + (1 − t)bp Z 1 1+ p1   1p    ap bp ap bp 0 (2t − 2 + λ) p f dt 1 ta + (1 − t)bp tap + (1 − t)bp 2

≤ + = + ≤ + = +

 Z 21 1+ p1   1p  q  1q r  1r   ap bp ap bp bp − ap 0 (2t − λ) dt p f dt p p + (1 − t)bp 2p(ap bp ) ta + (1 − t)b ta 0 Z 1 1+ p1   1p  q  1q  r  1r   ap bp ap bp 0 f (2t − 2 + λ) dt p dt p p + (1 − t)bp 1 ta + (1 − t)b ta 2  Z 21 q+ pq   p1  q  1q r  1r  bp − ap ap bp ap bp 0 f (2t − λ) dt dt p + (1 − t)bp p + (1 − t)bp 2p(ap bp ) ta ta 0 Z 1 q+ pq   1p  q  1q  r  1r  ap bp ap bp 0 (2t − 2 + λ) dt f tap + (1 − t)bp dt p + (1 − t)bp 1 ta 2  Z 21 q+ pq h p i 1q r  1r  b − ap ap bp 0 q 0 q (1 − t)| f (a)| + t| f (b)| (2t − λ) dt 2p(ap bp ) tap + (1 − t)bp 0 Z 1 q+ pq h i 1q  r  1r  ap bp 0 q 0 q (1 − t)| f (a)| + t| f (b)| (2t − 2 + λ) dt 1 tap + (1 − t)bp 2  r+1 1 1 λ + (1 − λ)r+1 r h bp − ap 0 q 0 q q × κ (q, p; a, b)| f (a)| + κ (q, p; a, b)| f (b)| 9 11 2p(ap bp ) 2(r + 1)   1q i κ12 (q, p; b, a)| f 0 (a)|q + κ10 (q, p; b, a)| f 0 (b)|q ,

which is the required result. 3. Applications In this section, we obtain some important applications of our main results. I. For λ = 0, Theorem 2.4 reduces to the following result.

(15) (16) (17) (18)

M. A. Noor et al. / Filomat 31:20 (2017), 6575–6584


Corollary 3.1. Let I = [a, b] ⊂ R \ {0} be p-harmonic convex set. Let f : I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} → − R be a differentiable function on the interior Io of I. If f 0 ∈ L[a, b] and | f 0 |q is p-harmonic convex function on I, r, q > 1, 1r + 1q = 1, then  p p  1 p p Z b f (x) 2a b p p(a b ) − f dx ap + bp bp − ap a x1+p i 1  i 1  h h  | f 0 (a)|q + f 0 2ap p bpp p q  1q  f 0 2ap p bpp p q + | f 0 (b)|q  1q   (bp − ap ) 1 1 a +b a +b ≤ (κ7 (r, p; a, b)) r + (κ8 (r, p; b, a)) r , 2ap bp 4 4 where κ7 (r, p; b, a) and κ8 (r, p; b, a) are given by (2.7) and (2.8) respectively. II. For λ = 1, Theorem 2.4 reduces to the following result. Corollary 3.2. Let I = [a, b] ⊂ R \ {0} be p-harmonic convex set. Let f : I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} → − R be a differentiable function on the interior Io of I. If f 0 ∈ L[a, b] and | f 0 |q is p-harmonic convex function on I, r, q > 1, 1r + 1q = 1, then p p Z b f (x) f (a) + f (b) p(a b ) − p dx 2 b − ap a x1+p i 1  i 1  h h   | f 0 (a)|q + f 0 2ap p bpp p q  1q  f 0 2ap p bpp p q + | f 0 (b)|q  1q  (bp − ap ) 1 1 a +b a +b ≤ (κ7 (r, p; a, b)) r + (κ8 (r, p; b, a)) r , 2ap bp 4 4 where κ7 (r, p; b, a) and κ8 (r, p; b, a) are given by (2.7) and (2.8) respectively. III. For λ = 13 , Theorem 2.4 reduces to the following result. Corollary 3.3. Let I = [a, b] ⊂ R \ {0} be p-harmonic convex set. Let f : I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} → − R be a differentiable function on the interior Io of I. If f 0 ∈ L[a, b] and | f 0 |q is p-harmonic convex function on I, r, q > 1, 1r + 1q = 1, then   p(ap bp ) Z b f (x)  p p  1p 2a b 1 dx 6 f (a) + 4 f ap + bp + f (b) − bp − ap 1+p x a i 1  h p p i 1p  q h 2a b 0 q 0   | f (a)| + f  f 0 2ap p bpp p q + | f 0 (b)|q  1q   1q (bp − ap ) 1 1 ap +bp a +b ≤ (κ7 (r, p; a, b)) r + (κ8 (r, p; b, a)) r , 2ap bp 4 4 where κ7 (r, p; b, a) and κ8 (r, p; b, a) are given by (2.7) and (2.8) respectively. IV. For λ = 12 , Theorem 2.4 reduces to the following result. Corollary 3.4. Let I = [a, b] ⊂ R \ {0} be p-harmonic convex set. Let f : I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} → − R be a differentiable function on the interior Io of I. If f 0 ∈ L[a, b] and | f 0 |q is p-harmonic convex function on I, r, q > 1, 1r + 1q = 1, then   p p  1p  p(ap bp ) Z b f (x) 2a b 1 f (a) + 2 f + f (b) − p dx 4 a p + bp b − ap a x1+p i 1  i 1  h h  | f 0 (a)|q + f 0 2ap p bpp p q  1q  f 0 2ap p bpp p q + | f 0 (b)|q  1q  p p  (b − a ) 1 1 a +b a +b ≤ (κ7 (r, p; a, b)) r + (κ8 (r, p; b, a)) r , 2ap bp 4 4 where κ7 (r, p; b, a) and κ8 (r, p; b, a) are given by (2.7) and (2.8) respectively. V. For λ = 0, Theorem 2.5 reduces to the following result.

M. A. Noor et al. / Filomat 31:20 (2017), 6575–6584


Corollary 3.5. Let I = [a, b] ⊂ R \ {0} be p-harmonic convex set. Let f : I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} → − R be a differentiable function on the interior Io of I. If f 0 ∈ L[a, b] and | f 0 |q is p-harmonic convex function on I, r, q > 1, 1r + 1q = 1, then

≤ +

 p p  1 p p Z b f (x) 2a b p p(a b ) dx f ap + bp − bp − ap 1+p a x   1r h  1q (bp − ap ) 1 κ9 (q, p; a, b)| f 0 (a)|q + κ11 (q, p; a, b)| f 0 (b)|q × p p 2p(a b ) 2(r + 1)  1q i  κ12 (q, p; b, a)| f 0 (a)|q + κ10 (q, p; b, a)| f 0 (b)|q ,

where κ9 (q, p; a, b), κ10 (q, p; b, a), κ11 (q, p; a, b) and κ12 (q, p; b, a) are given by (2.12)-(2.15). VI. For λ = 1, Theorem 2.5 reduces to the following result. Corollary 3.6. Let I = [a, b] ⊂ R \ {0} be p-harmonic convex set. Let f : I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} → − R be a differentiable function on the interior Io of I. If f 0 ∈ L[a, b] and | f 0 |q is p-harmonic convex function on I, r, q > 1, 1r + 1q = 1, then

≤ +

p p Z b f (x) f (a) + f (b) p(a b ) dx − 2 bp − ap a x1+p  1r h  1 (bp − ap ) 1 0 q 0 q q × κ (q, p; a, b)| f (a)| + κ (q, p; a, b)| f (b)| 9 11 2p(ap bp ) 2(r + 1)   1q i κ12 (q, p; b, a)| f 0 (a)|q + κ10 (q, p; b, a)| f 0 (b)|q ,

where κ9 (q, p; a, b), κ10 (q, p; b, a), κ11 (q, p; a, b) and κ12 (q, p; b, a) are given by (2.12)-(2.15). VII. For λ = 13 , Theorem 2.5 reduces to the following result. Corollary 3.7. Let I = [a, b] ⊂ R \ {0} be p-harmonic convex set. Let f : I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} → − R be a differentiable function on the interior Io of I. If f 0 ∈ L[a, b] and | f 0 |q is p-harmonic convex function on I, r, q > 1, 1r + 1q = 1, then

≤ +

  p p  p1  p(ap bp ) Z b f (x) 2a b 1 dx 6 f (a) + 4 f ap + bp + f (b) − bp − ap 1+p a x   1r h p p p+1  1q (b − a ) 1+2 × p+1 κ9 (q, p; a, b)| f 0 (a)|q + κ11 (q, p; a, b)| f 0 (b)|q p p p(a b ) 6 (r + 1)   1q i κ12 (q, p; b, a)| f 0 (a)|q + κ10 (q, p; b, a)| f 0 (b)|q ,

where κ9 (q, p; a, b), κ10 (q, p; b, a), κ11 (q, p; a, b) and κ12 (q, p; b, a) are given by (2.12)-(2.15). VIII. For λ = 12 , Theorem 2.5 reduces to the following result. Corollary 3.8. Let I = [a, b] ⊂ R \ {0} be p-harmonic convex set. Let f : I = [a, b] ⊆ R \ {0} → − R be a differentiable function on the interior Io of I. If f 0 ∈ L[a, b] and | f 0 |q is p-harmonic convex function on I, r, q > 1, 1r + 1q = 1, then

≤ +

  p p  p1  p(ap bp ) Z b f (x) 2a b 1 f (a) + 2 f + f (b) − p dx 4 a p + bp b − ap a x1+p   1r h 1 (bp − ap ) 2 0 q 0 q q × κ (q, p; a, b)| f (a)| + κ (q, p; a, b)| f (b)| 9 11 p(ap bp ) 4p+1 (r + 1)   1q i κ12 (q, p; b, a)| f 0 (a)|q + κ10 (q, p; b, a)| f 0 (b)|q ,

where κ9 (q, p; a, b), κ10 (q, p; b, a), κ11 (q, p; a, b) and κ12 (q, p; b, a) are given by (2.12)-(2.15).

M. A. Noor et al. / Filomat 31:20 (2017), 6575–6584


Remark 3.9. For appropriate and suitable choice of p and q, one can obtain several new and known results as special cases for various classes of convex functions and their variant forms. Authors have extended these results for different classes of p-harmonic convex functions including η-harmonic convex functions and p-beta-harmonic convex functions. It is expected that the ideas and technique of this paper may be starting point for further research in this dynamic area.

Acknowledgement. Authors are pleased to acknowledge the support of Distinguished Scientist Fellowship Program (DSFP), King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The authors would like to thank Dr. S. M. Junaid Zaidi(H.I.,S.I.), Rector, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Pakistan, for providing excellent research and academic environments.The authors are grateful to thank the referees for their valuable and constructive comments.

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