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in the tness evaluation of the genetic algorithm, using a neighborhood structure .... selecting the best neighbor (the neighbor with the best likelihood) to be the.
Genetic Algorithms for Genetic Mapping Christine Gaspin and Thomas Schiex




Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Biometry and AI Dept. Chemin de Borde Rouge BP 27, Castanet-Tolosan 31326 Cedex, France

Abstract. Constructing genetic maps is a prerequisite for most in-depth

genetic studies of an organism. The problem of constructing reliable genetic maps for any organism can be considered as a complex optimization problem with both discrete and continuous parameters. This paper shows how genetic algorithms can been used to tackle this problem on simple pedigree. The approach is embodied in an hybrid algorithm that relies on the statistical optimization algorithm EM to handle the continuous variables while genetic algorithms handle the discrete side. The eciency of the approach lies critically in the introduction of greedy local search in the tness evaluation of the genetic algorithm, using a neighborhood structure which has been inspired by an analogy between the marker ordering problem and a variant of the famous traveling salesman problem. This shows how genetic algorithms can easily bene t from existing ecient neighborhood structures developed for local search algorithms. The resulting program, called CarthaGene, has been applied both to real data, from a small parasitoid wasp, and simulated data. In both cases, it compares quite favorably to existing packages.

1 Introduction to Genetic Mapping The aim of genetic mapping is to locate genes, and more generally genetic markers at loci (positions) on the chromosomes. The speci c content of a locus in a given chromosome is termed the allele (in a computer analogy, a locus is a memory location and the allele is the content of the memory location). Given a locus on a chromosome, individuals of diploid species have two alleles, one on each of the corresponding chromosomes contributed by the parents. An individual is said to be homozygous at a locus if the two alleles are identical at this locus, else the individual is said to be heterozygous. Each chromosome contributed by each parent is built, during the meiosis, by using sections of either member of each pair of chromosomes of the parent. Changes in the chromosome used are called crossovers. At a given locus, there is a 50% chance of having either one of the parental allele. However, the \closer" two loci are on the chromosome, the higher the probability that the two alleles on this chromosome will appear together on the contributed chromosome. Two loci (or genetic markers) are thus said to be linked if the parental allele combinations are preserved more often than would be expected by random choice. When a parental allele combination between two loci is not preserved, a recombination

event is said to have occurred (this corresponds to an odd number of crossovers between the two loci). The degree of linkage, or genetic distance, between two loci is a function of the frequency of recombinations. The measurement of genetic distance is expressed in Morgan (or more usually cM for centiMorgan) and is de ned as the expected number of crossovers between the two loci on the chromosome. The idea used to build the genetic map of an organism is to observe the alleles of several loci of interest in a large number of meiosis and to build a map that, in a precise sense, best explains what is observed. In the simplest case, this is done using the so-called backcross pedigree (see Fig. 1) which consists in breeding an individual which is homozygous at all loci of interest with another individual ! which is heterozygous at all loci of interest. After the meiosis, will contribute a chromosome where all loci have the same allele and therefore are not informative on the recombinations. But ! will give a chromosome where each recombination event changes the type of the allele used in the chromosome. In the gure, if we suppose that the order ABCDE is the correct order, the string 01100 indicates two recombinations, one between A and B, another between C and D. This type of measure is done on a large number of descendants of and !. A













α recombinations ω 0



Fig. 1. An exemple of backcross for one individual and 5 markers (noted A,B,C,D,E). We consider N markers, and K descendants. For a given loci ` and a given descendant i, the allele contributed by the heterozygous parent, which can be either 0 or 1 will be denoted X`i . This de nes the observations and we end up with a data set which is de ned by an array of bits X`i . A map is de ned by a linear order of the loci i.e., a one-to-one mapping  from the set f1; : : : ; N g to f1; : : :; N g and a distance between adjacent loci or more precisely, a probability of recombination between two adjacent loci (`) and (` + 1), denoted ^`;` . See g. 2, for an example of a map. +1








N8 A11 L2


10.5 3.1











N4 B5

10.5 2.2

Fig. 2. A genetic map example (parasitoid wasp Trichogramma brassicae ).

The genetic mapping problem is therefore to nd an order of the markers and probabilities of recombination between pairs of markers that best explain the available data set. The task is dicult in several aspects: it is not always obvious to say when a map best explains the data set (criteria to optimize), the space of all maps is de ned both by a very large number of orders (rapidly tremendous since N di erent orders exist) and by N ? 1 continuous parameters (the distances). The best criteria one can probably use to quantify how well a map explains the data set is the so-called multipoint likelihood of the map i.e., the probability of observing the data set. It is a powerful criteria, which uses all the available evidence, but which may be in itself very expensive to compute. It is used in some packages such as MapMaker [Lander et al.87] or Linkage [Lathrop et al.85]. Using the previous notations, one can say that a recombination (resp. nonrecombination) event has been observed for two adjacent markers when jXi ` ? Xi ` j is equal to 1 (resp. 0). If we assume, as it is traditional, that recombination events occur independently in each interval, the probability of the observations given the map is simply obtained by multiplying the probabilities of all the events observed which yields the following formula: !


( )

( +1)

Y Y h(1 ? ^

`=N ?1 i=K `=1

`;`+1 ):(1



? jXi ` ? Xi ` j) + ^`;` :jXi ` ? Xi ` j +1

( +1)

( )

( +1)

( )

The optimization problem is now well-de ned: we have to nd an order of the markers (de ned by ) and probabilities of recombinations (the ^s) that maximize the likelihood. For a given order of the loci, we can easily compute the probabilities ^ that maximize the likelihood. Looking at rst and secondorder derivatives of the logarithm of previous formula, the ^ that maximize the likelihood can be easily obtained : 1

 = ^`;`

Pii K jX i =





? Xi ` j ( +1)

So, in this case, when all X`i are known, and as far as recombination fractions are considered, the logarithm of the likelihood for optimal recombination fractions can be rewritten:

X K:h^ | `;` `

`=N ?1



i }

 ) + (1 ? ^ ) log(1 ? ^ ) log(^`;` `;` `;` +1



elementary contribution to log-likelihood


Thus, the maximum log-likelihood of an order is equal to a sum of elementary contributions which depend only on two loci. One can therefore precompute all 1

This is obtained by solving the simple equations stating that rst-order derivatives are equal to 0. At this point, one can further notice that the matrix of second order derivatives is diagonal negative on the domain of optimization, which shows that this point is a maximum.

these contributions for all pairs of loci and the problem of nding an order that maximizes the maximum loglikelihood is in essence identical to the symmetric wandering salesman problem (a variant of the famous symmetric traveling salesman problem ): given n cities and the distances between each pair of cities, nd a path that goes once through each city and that minimizes the overall distance. The choice of the rst and last cities in the path is free. One can simply associate one imaginary city to each marker, and de ne as the distance between two cities the opposite of the elementary contribution to the loglikelihood de ned by the corresponding pair of markers . This connection is interesting in several aspects: the WSP is known to be an -hard problem and this shows that the marker ordering problem may be dicult in some cases (computational complexity theory tells us that the tremendous number of existing orders is not sucient to conclude this). More interestingly, all the techniques which have been developed for the TSP, and which can easily be adapted to the WSP, can also be applied here. However, real data usually contain missing measures i.e., some of the X`i are unknown. In fact, there can be a lot of extra missing data introduced if the data set has been obtained by pooling several data sets on several di erent families, each family being informative on a di erent set of markers. In order to be able to handle data sets with missing measures, the quality of a map will not be simply obtained by summing elementary contributions as above, but using a dedicated statistical optimization algorithm : the EM algorithm [Dempster et al.77]. The algorithm given an order, computes the maximum likelihood of this order. It is a relatively expensive iterative procedure, each iteration being in O(NK ). Naturally, the pure theoretical connection with the WSP is lost when missing data exist, but our assumption is that the structure of the problem will still be close to the structure of the WSP and therefore, that techniques which proved to be ecient for the TSP will be ecient on the marker ordering problem. 2


2 Genetic mapping solving When missing measures appear, the connection with the TSP is theoretically lost and the best available techniques, like Branch and Cut [Applegate et al.95], cannot be used. In that case, heuristic approaches o er an alternative to solve dicult optimization problems. Because heuristic approaches do not o er any garanty of optimality, we have used two types of algorithms to solve the genetic mapping problem: tabu search (TS) and genetic algorithm (GA). This allows to give more con dence in results when similar optima are found. Genetic mapping software should not only give the most likely map, but also be able to indicate how strongly the best map is supported by the data (if there is another map whose likelihood is very close to the optimal map, then there is no reason to choose one or the other). To o er this service, our software, CarthaGene, maintains a set of xed size containing the k best di erent 2

We would like to acknowledge the fact that the similarity between TSP and simpler two-points criteria is mentioned in [Liu95].

maps encountered during the search (k xed, actually equal to 31). A hash table [Cormen et al.90] is used to eciently test if the map is already in the set, a heap structure is used to eciently manage insertions/deletions [Cormen et al.90]. At the end of the search, the user can browse this set and check for the existence of other maps whose likelihood is close to the best map's likelihood in order to get an idea of how strongly the best map is supported. This is incorporated in all the algorithms presented in the sequel.

2.1 Tabu search algorithm (TS) Tabu search [Glover89, Glover90] repeatedly scans the current neighborhood, selecting the best neighbor (the neighbor with the best likelihood) to be the new solution. The neighborhood we have chosen is the 2-change neighborhood of the individual, a successful well-known neighborhood structure introduced in [Lin et al.73] to tackle the TSP. Adapted to the WSP, the 2-change neighborhood of a map is the set of all maps obtained by an inversion of a subsection of the map. Thus, for N markers, the neighborhood has a size of N: N ? ? 1. To avoid being stucked in local optima, the content of the neighborhood of the current solution is in uenced by a memory mechanism which may forbid some moves (which are said to be tabu) in the neighborhood. In CarthaGene, the tabu moves are the recent moves (i.e., subsections of the map which have been recently inverted). The precise de nition of \being recent or not" varies stochastically during search as advocated by [Taillard91]. A tabu move may eventually be chosen if it leads to a map which improves the best likelihood known (this is called \aspiration" in tabu terminology). We observed that tabu moves, while breaking cycles, weren't able to avoid being stuck in large locally optimum plateaus. We therefore used the hash table that memorizes the best orders encountered to also memorize the number of times each of them is reached. When this count exceeds a xed number, a random jump is performed. This largely enhanced performances. However, since only the best solutions are memorised in the hash table, it is still useless if the algorithm is stucked in a plateau of poor quality (de ned by orders whose likelihood is far from the best likelihoods memorized in the hash table). Further improvement should be possible by adding a new hash table that memorizes recent positions rather than best positions. (



2.2 Basic genetic algorithm (BGA) Genetic algorithms are general adaptative heuristic search algorithms based on an analogy with the genetic structure and behavior of chromosomes within a population of individuals. Individuals represent potential solutions to a given problem. A tness score is associated to each individual and represents its adaptation ability. The algorithm makes the population of individuals evolve maintaining both diversity and favoring the existence of best individuals. Starting from an initial population, a new generation is created by randomly applying

mutation and by crossing pairs of individuals (favoring crosses of good individuals). The hope is that the population will evolve towards one which contains optimal individuals with respect to the tness.

Representation: In CarthaGene, each individual represents one genetic map (an ordering of markers). The crossover operator used is the order crossover [Telfar94] which computes two o spring individuals, I and I from two parents P and P ( gure 3). The parents are cut into three sections by selecting randomly two markers. The middle section of P is copied into the corresponding position of I , the rest of I being lled in with values taken in order from the third, rst and second section of P 2, skipping values that have already been copied from the rst parent. I is computed in the same way by reversing the parents. 1








P1 : 2 3 7 4 1 6 9 8 5 10 P2 : 5 9 1 6 7 3 2 10 4 8 I1 : 7 3 2 4 1 6 9 10 8 5 I2 : 4 1 9 6 7 3 2 8 5 10

Fig. 3. Example of the order crossover operator. I1 is computed from its parents P1

and P2. The middle section of P1 is copied into the middle section of I1. The rest of I1 is lled in with respectively 10 and 8 from section 3 of P2, 5 from section 1 of P2 and 7, 3 and 2 from section 2. I2 is computed in the same way by reversing the parents.

The mutation operator selects two markers and simply exchanges them. The selection relies on a biased roulette wheel [Goldberg89]. For markers ordering, a solution is an order of the markers, and its tness score is the maximum likelihood of the map. Thus a simple tness function is given by the evaluation of the map using the EM algorithm. A comparison of the basic genetic algorithm with tabu search was performed on randomly generated problems . On such problems, the original map used to generate the data, and its likelihood are naturally available. The likelihood of the original map is usually among the highest and gives a generally good lower bound of the optimal likelihood. In our test, we measured the number of times each GO BL algorithm was able to found the original order (noted BGA 59 % 70 % GO, aka Good Order) and the number of times each TS 81 % 100 % algorithm was able to found a likelihood larger than or equal to the likelihood of the original map (noted Fig. 4. Results BL, aka Better Likelihood). The results show that TS gives better results than BGA. We explain these results by the power of the greedy optimization which is performed in TS . This suggested us to embed such a greedy optimization in BGA. 3 Simulated data consist of N = 25 markers per individual and the number of individuals in each data set is 100. The probability p for an allele to be missing is 20%. 3

One hundred problems were solved.

2.3 Incorporating greedy optimization in genetic algorithms There are several di erent possible ways to use the idea of 2-change neighborhood in a genetic algorithm: { A rst question is whether a full greedy optimization should be performed (until a local optima is reached) or if a limited and cheaper optimization (a xed number of greedy steps) would suce. { A second question is when the actual greedy optimization should take place. It could be incorporated in the mutation operator, or applied systematically (eg. inside the tness evaluation function). After several trials, it appeared that performing a full greedy optimization (until a local optimum is reached) on each new individual yields the best performances. In practice, the greedy optimization is performed during tness evaluation: when a local optima is reached, the individual is replaced by this local optimum and its likelihood is used as the tness. This function usually modi es the individual under evaluation. It is expensive, but it yields the best results. With this approach, the genetic algorithm does not perform an optimization in the full space of all orders, but only in the space of local optima, skipping from a local optimum to another throughout the crossover and mutation operators. In the sequel of the paper, the resulting algorithm will be denoted GA. On the previous data sets, it performed exactly as TS .

3 Experimental results CarthaGene has been applied both on simulated and real backcross-like data. In each case, an empirical analysis is used to compare genetic algorithm (GA)

and tabu search. Results now compare the performances of the algorithms when running with their own stopping criteria. In each case, the stopping criteria depends on the number of markers and performances are evaluated with regard to the quality of solutions and the number of EM calls.

3.1 Simulated data In Figure 5 we investigate the relation between the percentage of missing data and the number of individuals needed to nd optimal orders that are original orders. In each individual data set, the number of markers is 10. The number of individuals in each data set is either 25, 50, 100 or 250. The probability for an allele to be missing varies from 0% to 20% by 5% step. One hundred problems are solved for each combination of these parameters. Each curve is associated with a number of individuals and gives the percentage of original orders found by CarthaGene . It appears that 250 or even 100 individuals seem to be largely sucient to nd the good order even with missing data. These curves are similar for both TS and GA.



0.9 T100 %age original orders found

0.8 0.7 0.6 T50 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 100

T25 95

90 %age informative



Fig. 5. Percentage of original orders found. We do not report here the curves giving the percentage of maps found with a loglikelihood equal or better than the loglikelihood of the original map. It was always equal to 100%. Table 1 shows results obtained by running genetic algorithm and tabu search with their own stopping criteria on backcross-like data involving two populations. 2 markers in common Failures EM calls size TS GA both TS GA 25 4 0 0 29998 38433 50 18 3 0 31174 39880 100 13 3 0 32750 41120 250 10 0 0 33903 42961 Mean 11.2 1.5 0 31956 40598

5 markers in common Failures EM calls TS GA both TS GA 4 0 0 20833 25879 6 2 0 21460 28305 2 0 0 21959 29688 4 0 0 22554 30129 4 0.5 0 21702 28500

10 markers in common Failures EM calls TS GA both TS GA 7 4 1 9672 10093 9 7 2 9546 9259 7 6 0 9338 9218 25 8 3 9430 8427 12 6.25 1.5 9496 9249

Table 1. Comparison of GA and TS with an increasing number of common markers and di erent sizes of sample. A failure occurs when the best likelihood found is worse than the likelihood of the original map. Data have been generated as described in [Schiex et al.97]. In each individual data set, the number of markers is 15. The number of common markers is respectively 2, 5 and 10. The size of each data set is either 25, 50, 100 or 250, leading to a joined map built from data sets of 50, 100, 200 and 500 individuals. The probability p for an allele to be missing is 20%. Additional blocks of missing

data are introduced which come from markers available in one individual data set and not in the other. This results in a percentage of missing data always higher than p depending on the number of common markers. The number of markers varies from 20 (15 markers in each population and 10 common markers) to 28 (15 markers in each population and 2 common markers). One hundred problems are solved for each combination of these parameters. Stopping criteria have been tuned so that \good quality" solutions are produced in a \reasonable" amount of time. Tabu search stopping criteria considers the number of iterations which have not improved the likelihood of the best solution. When this number is equal to twice the number of markers in the data set, tabu search stops. Genetic algorithm stops as soon as two generations of individuals produce the same best individual or the maximum likelihood has not been improved. In table 1, it appears that the number of EM calls decreases with the number of common markers for both approaches. This can be explained by the fact that the total number of markers decreases with the increasing number of common markers and the stopping criteria depends on the total number of markers. In all cases GA appears better than TS in nding best maps and this remains true for other values of p (p = 10% and p = 0%, results not given there). Nevertheless, one can note that TS and GA generally do not fail on the same instances. One can exploit this complementarity to obtain a lower failing rate. Nevertheless, in all cases, except for 10 markers in common and sample sizes 50, 100 and 250, TS stops before GA. In spite of the fact that the case of 10 common markers indicates GA as the most powerful approach as well for the number of EM calls as the quality of solutions, these results are certainly strongly linked to the running protocols that have been used and therefore have to be considered with caution.

3.2 Real backcross-like data The real data consist of backcross-like data for the Trichogramma brassicae genome. Full results are described in [Laurent et al.] where TS and GA give similar solutions. One can note there that TS was always less expensive in EM calls than GA. We also compared CarthaGene with existing software on these data. For all the maps, the orders obtained using CarthaGene were more likely (up to 10 more likely) than JoinMap, an existing commonly used software [Schiex et al.97]. 16

Conclusion CarthaGene shows how existing ecient neighborhood structures can be exploited to boost the performances of genetic algorithms. It is likely that the idea of using greedy local search in the tness function could be used for other problems as well.

Experiments show how dicult the measure and comparison of performances between di erent approaches is. On simulated and real backcross-like data tabu search and genetic algorithms give similar results when the number of markers is around 15. In those cases, TS is always less consuming in EM calls than GA. The case of simulated data with a higher number of markers and 20% of missing data gives GA as the most robust approach. This result is to be considered with caution and more experiments remain to do to con rm it. More interestingly, the analysis of the failures suggests to combine the two approaches in order to increase the reliability. In genetic mapping, CarthaGene extends the scope of application of multipoint maximum likelihood criterion to data sets with larger number of markers and larger amount of missing, a situation frequently encountered when the data set is build from several families. In this case, it compares quite favorably with other dedicated packages [Stam93, Schiex et al.97].

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