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MODULE TITLE Research Methods in Bioinformatics ... LEARNING/TEACHING METHODS ... R. Kumar, Research Methodology, Sage Publications, 1999.
MODULE CODE BIOM507 MODULE LEVEL M MODULE TITLE Research Methods in Bioinformatics LECTURER(S) Dr Zheng Rong Yang (Coordinator), Dr Jamie Stevens CREDIT VALUE 30 ECTS VALUE 15 PRE-REQUISITES None CO-REQUISITES None DURATION OF MODULE 6 months TOTAL STUDENT STUDY TIME 300 hours (comprising 40 hours contact time and 260 hours independent study) AIMS This module aims to introduce the student to undertaking independent, but supervised, research at postgraduate level. INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES A student completing this module students will: 1. Module specific: Have made an in-depth survey of the literature in a chosen area, a critical analysis of their research hypothesis and a research proposal, including a ‘case for support’; 2. Discipline specific: Have formulated research hypotheses and designed an experimental or analytical programme to test them; 3. Personal and key: Be able to read and critically assess and present research reports.

LEARNING/TEACHING METHODS Lectures, workshops, tutorials and presentations (scheduled approximately every two weeks). Students will undertake: • 10 x lectures (1 hour duration); • 10 x workshops (each approx. 2 hours duration); workshop schedules will be downloadable via WebCT, additional resources/programmes/tools will: o a) be provided by the assigned GTA prior to commencing each workshop; o b) be made available by directing students to the relevant websites. • 10 x 1 hour tutorials with the module coordinator/assigned GTA at pre-arranged and agreed times. • 260 hours of supplemental independent study: o a) to complete the workshops and associated exercises; o b) to complete the module assignments and assessments. ASSIGNMENTS 1. Literature review on topic of research project (2000 words) as a part of portfolio submission that also includes a critical analysis of thesis hypothesis: ILO1 (assessed); a critical analysis of five bioinformatics research papers (2500 words in total): ILO3 (assessed). 2. Research Proposal (4000 words + supporting data, figures, tables, etc), including Case for Support, based on their selected project: ILO2 (assessed). ASSESSMENT The deliverables for this module are assessed as follows: 1. Portfolio (15 credits) a) Literature review on topic of research project (2000 words), and b) Critical analyses of a set of five themed articles for directed reading (2500 words in total) Both parts presented together as a portfolio submission (2 x 7.5 credits = 15 credits). 2. Research proposal (15 credits) A research grant proposal in BBSRC format, to include: case for support, details of and

justification for all resource requirements (funding, equipment, materials, etc), together with details project management, timeline and project milestones (15 credits). SYLLABUS PLAN 1. Early stages of the module will be concerned with general research methodology skills: literature searching and reviewing. 2. Formulating a research hypothesis, project planning, seminar and poster presentation, writing research papers. 3. Towards the end of the Autumn term, students will attend a project afternoon and subsequently, in conjunction with potential supervisors, choose a research project area. Later students will focus on the literature in the chosen research area and prepare a literature review as a forerunner to their subsequent research project (see BIOM508) and research proposal in standard BBSRC format.

INDICATIVE BASIC READING LIST R. Kumar, Research Methodology, Sage Publications, 1999. Tony Malim, Ann Birch, Research Methods and Statistics, MacMillan Press, 1996. Allan A. Glatthorn , Writing the Winning Dissertation, Sage Publications, 1998. Chris, Hart, Doing a Literature Review, Sage Publications, 1998. BBSRC Research Proposal Guidelines. Additional literature as agreed between student and module coordinator/supervisor. It is likely to include the most recent papers and articles in the field as well as additional background reading.
