This module provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of psychology
with specific emphasis on its application to nursing and midwifery. The content
will ...
Module Name: Introduction to Psychology Module Code: NU1S05 ECTS: 5 No. of Hours: Lectures 15, Tutorials 5 Term: Michaelmas and Hilary Assessment Date: Weeks 36‐38 Module Leader: Dr Jan M.A. de Vries Lecturers: Dr Jan M.A. de Vries
Aims This module provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of psychology with specific emphasis on its application to nursing and midwifery. The content will relate to the biopsychosocial model used in other modules in the course.
Learning Outcomes Following completion of this module the students should be able to: • Identify and describe fundamental theories and research in psychology • Apply psychological principles and concepts to inform and develop their nursing and midwifery practice • Communicate their developing knowledge of the relationship between psychology and nursing, both orally and in writing
Indicative Content • • • • • • • • • • • • •
the development of psychology as a field of enquiry; methods of research in psychology; psychophysiological bases of behaviour; theory of sensation and perception; life‐span development; consciousness and sleep; learning; memory; cognition; motivation and emotion; personality theory; abnormal behaviour and therapies; social psychology.
Reading List Essential Reading Weiten, W. (2008). Psyk.Trek 3.0: A Multimedia Introduction to Psychology (3rd Ed). New York: Wadsworth. Recommended Reading Weiten, W. (2005). Psychology: Themes and Variations, Brief Edition (6th Ed.). New York: Wadsworth. Weiten, W. (2007). Psychology: Themes and Variations (7th Ed.). New York: Wadsworth. Coon, D. & Mitterer, J.O. (2007). Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior (11th Ed.). New York: Wadsworth. Walker, J., Payne, S., Smith, P. & Jarrett, N. (2007). Psychology for nurses and the caring professions (3rd Ed.) Maidenhead, England: McGraw‐Hill / Open University Press.