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students succeed in the course and master the biochemistry content so important to ... H. Stephen Stoker. General, organic, and biological chemistry. 6th ed.
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SPC Learning Resource Center SHARES by Mary G. Lariosa

“Happiness is not so much in having or sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

shared bookshelves and various reading  materials  like  books,  magazines,  and  journals  to  Tambobong  Elementary  School  as  well  as  in  Lumatag  Elementary  School  in  order  to  support  their  literacy  program  and  to  build  up                                    Norman MacEwan   library collec�on.    The  LRC,  together  with  the  CES  One of the iden�ed core values of  department,  also  con�nues    its  SPC  which  dene  the  iden�ty  and  uniqueness  of  the  school  is  social    community  extension  project  to  the  responsibility.    With  this,  the  LRC   Davao  Penal  Colony—Correc�onal  joined  the  San  Pedro  College          Ins�tute  for  Women  (DAPECOL‐CIW)  called  “SPC  Books  on  Wheels”.  Last   community  in  fullling  its  mission  to  November 2012, they celebrated its 3rd  extend  help  and  services  to    other  year  anniversary  wherein  books  and  ins�tu�ons and persons in need.  other  reading  materials  were  donated.  During  the  3rd  year  anniversary  In  coordina�on  with  the  celebra�on, the SALIGAN  President Ms.  Community  Extension  Services  Girlie  Marie  Joyce  D.  Suarez  and  Mr.  Department, through the leadership of  Jeffrey W. Tan Jr,  VP for External Affairs   Mrs.  Yolanda  Cortezano,  the  LRC 


were  also  present  to  give  their  dona�ons.    To  facilitate  the  basic  health  care  awareness and educa�on of pa�ents and  watchers in SPC Agdao Health Center the  LRC    Instruc�onal  Mul�media  Center  in  coordina�on with Sr. Louella Bonghanoy,  OP,  Health  Center  Director,  a  monthly  lm  viewing    was  conducted.    Different  topics  as  recommended  by  Dr.    Susan  Abriana  Rubiato  and  Sr.  Louella  B.  Bonghanoy,  OP  were  viewed  every   month  such  as  Dengue    Fever,  Food  Pyramid,  Physical  Exam  and    Health  Assessment,  Respiratory  Diseases,  Communicable  Diseases,  COPD,  Skin  Diseases,  Diabetes,  AIDS,  Rabies,  TB,  pregnancy,  religious  and  recrea�onal  movies.  Con�nue on page 9 


Volume 1, Issue 1

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That Old and ... relaxation and convenience. To add to this, the printing area has reduced the inconvenience to students who have to pass write-ups on a limited time. I, indeed, appreciated the effort the school has done to keep up with the wants and needs of their students. The suggestions I could give is that maybe systems and interior design shall be improved inside

the library. With so, students can be more attracted with the library as to how they were attracted with the LC. Indeed, with innovative changes, an old impression can turn into a new venue of experience and learning.


the campus is the library. Aside from replaced with tablets instead of books the air-conditioned room where you made of bounded paper. SPC library is can avoid the irritating heat outside, now updated with the quick means of this is also a place where you can be doing research. Students can easily access on on-line journals and e‐books. alone if you do not want to be disturbed. I would compare the library As a professor, I �ind it easier to as a swimming pool of books waiting to conduct researches, which had been be explored. This time, you do not just conducted in different parts of the see the concrete books, but books in world, which can be available in just the cyberspace as well. I wondered one click. By just typing the keyword or what it would be if these books were the authors, it will appear on the screen

SPC Learning ..

Through  these  community  extension  projects,  the  LRC  con�nues  to  help  ins�tu�ons who want to put up  reading  centers,  and  of  course  eventually,  develop  informa�on  literacy  and  reading  habit  among  the  people  in  the  community.    To  the  generous  and  kind  Friends  of  the  Library,  the  LRC  personnel  are  grateful  for  their  con�nued  support  and  dedica�on  in  sharing  their  books  and  other reading materials.  


of the computer. It is easy! What we just need is patience and time! When was the last time you visited the library? See for yourself and explore many things! I believe that the library is the source of rich information. Well, with the latest innovation made in the library, you would surely say, “I want to come here every day.”

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The Birth of the SPC Basic Education Library by Jude Pelayre

The much‐awaited SPC Basic Educa�on Library in the heart of  Upper  Ulas,  Bukidnon  Road,  Davao  City,  is  nally  here.  In  six  months, it has catered to  students from Grades 1,2,3,4,7, and  8 from the start of classes last June 13, 2012 up to now. This  Library  is  the  latest  offering  of  the  SPC  Learning  Resource  Center, and is set to serve its clientele deligh�ully. It is a  true  haven  for  bibliophiles,  researchers,  writers,  readers,  faculty,  staff,  administrators  and  students.  Designed  and  built  with  a  unique  ar�stry  and  invi�ng  wall  pain�ngs  by  the  nest  architects  and  developers  in  Davao.      The     existence  of    this   school  library  is  a  product  of  the  benchmarking  project  headed  by  the  Director  of  Libraries,  Ms.  Mary  Lariosa.  SPC  School  Library  is  composed  of  the  School  Librarian  in  the  person  of  Jude  M.  Pelayre  with    Sr.  Rosalina  H.  Lumba,  OP,  Weniecres Say‐a, the Instruc�onal Media Center Incharge and  the  trained  working  students:  Shaira  Ibrahim,  Kristel  Bejel,  Marlo Victor Violeta, and Raffy Ricablanca. The School Library  conducts ac�vi�es like Library Instruc�on and Story telling. It  also  has  twenty  ac�ve  members  of  the  High  School  Book  Lovers Club that meets every Thursday on their club �me.  

FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Friends of the Library are those people who are generous in donating books and other educational materials to the Learning Resource Center in order to support cultural and educational programs of San Pedro College. Some are those who wish to support reading in the community specially the Books on Wheels Project—the LRC’s outreach program. The Following are the Friends of the Library:

. Alexian Brothers

. Mr. Francis Edmund Malot

. Ms. Rose Oconer

. Dr. Carlo Panelo

. Mr. Joseph Yam K. Lau

. Ms. Roselle Agustin

. Dr. Desiderio Noveno, Jr.

. Ms. Alicia Carbonnel –Tullo

. Ms. Yolanda Cortezano

. Dr. Leonore Quemada

. Ms. Angelica June CruIz

. Dr. Marilyn Lim

. Ms. Artemia Tan

. Dr. Nestor Arce

. Ms. Elsie Tee, Ph.D.

. Dr. Ruby Toe Hio

Ms. Evelyn L. Barza

. Dr. Teresita Lo

. Ms. Ma. Corazon CruIz

. Fr. Jacques Bourdages, PME

. Ms. Nancy Brisa A. Fuentes, RN

. Mr. Eufemio Pacardo

. Ms. Rizaline Lendio

. Ms. Mary Ann Wisco . Ms. Susan Amaut . Sr. Aida T. Frencillo, OP . Sr. Esmeralda Ouano, OP . Sr. Indalyn Kuizon, OP

Volume 1, Issue 1

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BOOK BLURB The following titles are available in the SPC LRC. Dr. Stephen Reed's Eighth Edition of COGNITION: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS focuses on the theories that underlie cognitive phenomena as well as empirical data that establish a traditional, information processing approach to cognitive psychology. This structure allows readers to discover the direct relevance of cognitive psychology to many of their daily activities. The text incorporates unparalleled scholarship in a distinctive clear voice that allows for the emphasis of both contemporary and classical research through real-life examples and experiments. Revised and updated throughout to maintain a high degree of currency and accuracy, content reflects the ever-evolving field and is made relevant to students' lives through the inclusion of popular articles from well-known magazines and newspapers. By adhering to three criteria the material must make an important contribution to cognitive psychology, be accessible, and be both understandable and interesting, the book becomes an invaluable tool in understanding cognitive psychology. Reed, Stephen K. Cognition: theory and applications. 8th ed. Australia: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, c2013. The book that defined the liberal arts chemistry course, Chemistry for Changing Times remains the most visually appealing and readable introduction on the subject. The Thirteenth Edition increases its focus on student engagement – with revised “Have You Ever Wondered?” questions, new Learning Objectives in each chapter linked to the end of chapter problems, and new Green Chemistry content, closely integrated with the text. Abundant applications and examples fill each chapter, and material is updated throughout to mirror the latest scientific developments in a fast-changing world. Compelling chapter opening photos, a focus on Green Chemistry, and the “It DOES Matter” features highlight current events and enable students to relate to the book more readily. Hill, John W., Terry W. McCreary, and Doris K. Kolb. Chemistry for the changing times. 13th ed. Boston: Pearson, c2013.

Principles of Chemistry: A Molecular Approach focuses exclusively on the core concepts of general chemistry without sacrificing depth or relevance. Tro's unprecedented two- and three-column problem-solving approach is used throughout to give students sufficient practice in this fundamental skill. A unique integration of macroscopic, molecular, and symbolic illustrations helps students to visualize the various dimensions of chemistry; Tro's engaging writing style captures student's attention with relevant applications. The Second Edition offers a wealth of new and revised problems, approximately 50 new conceptual connections, an updated art program throughout Tro, Nivaldo J. Principles of chemistry: a molecular approach. 2nd ed. Boston: Pearson, c2013.

Emphasizing the applications of chemistry and minimizing complicated mathematics, GENERAL, ORGANIC, AND BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY, 6E, International Edition is written throughout to help students succeed in the course and master the biochemistry content so important to their future careers. The Sixth Edition's clear explanations, visual support, and effective pedagogy combine to make the text ideal for allied health majors. Early chapters focus on fundamental chemical principles while later chapters build on the foundations of these principles. Mathematics is introduced at point-of-use and only as needed. Christensen, Norm. The environment and you. 1st ed. Boston : Benjamin Cummings, c2013. Con�nue on page 12

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Book... The 48 experiments in this well-conceived manual illustrate important concepts and principles in general, organic, and biochemistry. As in previous editions, three basic goals guided the development of all the experiments: (1) the experiments illustrate the concepts learned in the classroom; (2) the experiments are clearly and concisely written so that students will easily understand the task at hand, will work with minimal supervision because the manual provides enough information on experimental procedures, and will allow the performance of the experiments in a 2 1/2-hour laboratory period; and, (3) the experiments are not only simple demonstrations, but also contain a sense of discovery. This edition includes many revised experiments. Bettelheim, Frederick A. and Joseph M. Landesberg. Laboratory experiment for introduction to general, organic, and biochemistry. Australia: Brooks/ Cole Cengage Learning, c2013.

Biochemistry for the Pharmaceutical Sciences is a concise, practical resource for pharmacy students to apply and expand their understanding of biochemistry as it relates to pharmacy practice. With pedagogical features designed to make complex concepts comprehensible, this text presents biochemistry in a clear and comprehensible format with a pharmaceutical focus. Real-world applications of scientific principles allow students to better comprehend and appreciate how biochemistry will impact their professional practice. Chapter Features: Learning Objectives; Glossary of Key Terms; Clinical Application Boxes; Discussion Questions include over 400 figures and tables to help students formulate an understanding of the mathematical, chemical, and biological concepts. Woodbury, Charles P. Jr. Biochemistry for the pharmaceutical sciences.Sudbury, MA: Jones & Barlett Learning, c2012.

This text features: • Tools that help students develop a conceptual understanding of physics: Conceptual Examples, Concepts & Calculations, Focus on Concepts homework material, Check Your Understanding questions, Concept Simulations (an online feature), Concepts at a Glance (available on the instructor companion site). • Features that help students improve their ability to reason in an organized and mathematically correct manner: Explicit reasoning steps in all examples, Reasoning Strategies for solving certain classes of problems, Analyzing Multiple-Concept Problems, homework problems with associated Guided Online (GO) Tutorials, Interactive Learning Ware (an online feature), Interactive Solutions (an online features) • Examples that show students the relevance of physics to their lives: a wide range of applications from everyday physics to modern technology to biomedical applications. There is extensive support for premed and biomedical students including biomedical applications in the text and end of chapter problems marked with a caduceus, practice MCAT exams, and a supplemental book of biomedical applications. Cutnell, John D. & Kenneth W. Johnson Introduction to physics . 9th ed. Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, Inc, c2013.

The book offers students a reliable science foundation, and inspires them to connect the course to the choices they can make as citizens. It's about science-- informed by decades of careful research by generations of scientists and presented in a manner non-science majors understand. It's about solutions-- offering a fresh alternative to "doom and gloom" by emphasizing problem solving and scalable solutions so students can make more informed choices on actions to support the well-being of humans and the planet. It's about today's students-- making navigating information, focusing, and learning easier for a wide range of students. H. Stephen Stoker. General, organic, and biological chemistry. 6th ed. Australia : Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, c2013.

Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 13 BIOLOGY: THE UNITY AND DIVERSITY OF LIFE, 13E, International Edition provides real-world applications and helps you think critically about them. The new edition offers a new Learning Roadmap in each chapter to help you gain a full understanding. You will be able to focus on key concepts, make connections to other concepts, and see where the material is leading. Helpful learning tools like the section-ending "Take-Home Messages" and the on-page running glossary ensure that you will grasp key points. Carefully balancing accessibility and the level of detail, the authors enable you to go beyond rote memorization and prepare you to make important decisions in life that require an understanding of biology and the process of science. Starr, Cecie. Biology : the unity and diversity of life. 13th ed. Australia : Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, c2013.

INTRODUCTION TO MARINE BIOLOGY, 4E, International Edition sparks curiosity about the marine world and provides an understanding of the process of science. Taking an ecological approach and intended for non-science majors, the text provides succinct coverage of the content while the photos and art clearly illustrate key concepts. Studying is made easy with phonetic pronunciations, a running glossary of key terms, end-of-chapter questions, and suggestions for further reading at the end of each chapter. The open look and feel of INTRODUCTION TO MARINE BIOLOGY, 4E, International Edition and the enhanced art program convey the beauty and awe of life in the ocean. Twenty spectacular photos open the chapters, piquing the motivation and attention of students, and over 60 photos and pieces of art are new or redesigned. Karleskint, George Jr., Richard Turner, and James W. Small. Introduction to marine biology. 4th ed. Australia : Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, c2013. Learn. Practice. Assess. Hole's Human Anatomy and Physiology was created for the introductory level student and assumes no prior science knowledge by placing emphasis on the fundamentals. This new edition updates a great A&P classic while offering greater efficiencies to the user. The format for the 13th edition focuses on Learning Outcomes and Assessments. This will benefit the student along with the instructor. The 13th edition of Hole also continues to offer technology that combined with the text offer users an incredible Course Solution! Technology like Anatomy and Physiology Revealed and the new online Homework Manager bring unprecedented opportunities to the classroom whether on campus or at home! Shier, David, Jackie Butler, and Ricki Lewis. Hole's human anatomy & physiology. New York : McGraw-Hill, c2013.

A leader in respiratory care education for more than 40 years, Egan's Fundamentals of Respiratory Care, 10th Edition delivers a comprehensive introduction to the field of respiratory care and keeps you up-to-date on the latest advances and trends in professional practice today. With this new edition, you'll gain a thorough understanding of the role of respiratory therapists (RTs), scientific bases for treatment, and clinical applications. In-depth discussions progress from the principles of respiratory care to applied anatomy and physiology, assessment, discussion of specific respiratory illnesses, basic therapy, acute and critical care, and preventive and long-term care. Egan's is the most recommended and trusted text for NBRC examination preparation. Egan’s fundamentals of respiratory care. 10th ed. St. Louis, MO.:Elsevier/Mosby, c2013

BASIC CLINICAL LAB COMPETENCIES FOR RESPIRATORY CARE: AN INTEGRATED APPROACH, 5E, International Edition continues to bring classroom theory to life at the bedside. Known for its integration of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, this book emphasizes the importance of assessment of need, contraindications, hazards/complications, monitoring, and outcomes assessment in respiratory care. Concise, direct, and easy to understand, this fifth edition has been updated to reflect recent advances in the field in order to ensure that readers have the knowledge and skills needed to practice the art and the science of respiratory care. White, Gary C. Basic clinical lab competencies for respiratory care : an integrated approach. 5th ed. Australia : Delmar Cengage Learning, c2013.

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The following periodical �tles are some of the subscribed journals and magazines of SPC LRC.    BioScience includes articles about research findings and techniques, advances in biology education, professionally written feature articles about the latest frontiers in biology, discussions of professional issues, book reviews, news about AIBS, a policy column (Washington Watch), and an education column (Eye on Education). All content is written and edited for accessibility to researchers, educators, and students alike. BioScience provides peer-reviewed synthetic overviews of current biological research, together with departments about biology education, history, and the profession generally. It is strong in environmental science and integrative biology.

  Scientific American is the world's premier magazine of scientific discovery and technological innovation for the general public. Readers turn to it for a deep understanding of how science and technology can influence human affairs and illuminate the natural world. Its readers are not primarily scientists; to the extent that they have technical backgrounds, they read Scientific American for information about areas outside their expertise. In every issue, leading scientists, inventors and engineers from diverse fields describe their ideas and achievements in clear and accessible prose; the work of select journalists rounds out the offerings. The graphics are rich in content and visual style.

Discover is an American science magazine that publishes articles about science for a general audience. Discover Magazine's mission is to enable readers to lead richer lives by explaining and expanding their universe. Each month we bring you in depth information and analysis from various topics ranging from technology and space to the living world we live in.

           National Geographic, formerly the National Geographic Magazine, is the official journal of the National Geographic Society. It contains articles about geography, popular science, history, culture, current events, and photography.   

Volume 1, Issue 1

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       Pharmacy Times is a clinically-based, monthly journal providing practical information pharmacists can use in their everyday practice. Each issue contains articles and features covering medication errors, drug interactions, patient education, pharmacy technology, disease state management, patient counseling, product news, pharmacy law, and specialty pharmacy.

Hospital Pharmacy features peer-reviewed clinical information applicable to pharmacists in hospitals and organized health systems, managed care practice, nursing homes, pharmacy schools, long term care, and other settings where state-of-the-art practice information is required. Turn to Hospital Pharmacy for essential insight into medication errors, adverse reaction reporting, formulary drug reviews, original research, current FDA-related drug information, off-label drug uses, automation, and more.


Physical therapy (or physiotherapy), often abbreviated PT, is a health care profession primarily concerned with the remediation of impairments and disabilities and the promotion of mobility, functional ability, quality of life and movement potential through examination, evaluation, diagnosis and physical intervention carried out by physical therapists (known as physiotherapists in some countries) and physical therapist assistants (known as physical rehabilitation therapists in some countries). In addition to clinical practice, other activities encompassed in the physical therapy profession include research, education, consultation, and administration. Physical therapy has many specialties including sports, wound care, EMG, cardiopulmonary, geriatrics, neurologic, orthopaedic and pediatrics. PTs practice in many settings, such as outpatient clinics or offices, health and wellness clinics, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, skilled nursing facilities, extended care facilities, private homes, education and research centers, schools, hospices, industrial and this workplaces or other occupational environments, fitness centers and sports training facilities.

The Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation publishes original, peer-reviewed research and clinical reports on important trends and developments in physical medicine and rehabilitation and related fields. This international journal brings researchers and clinicians authoritative information on the therapeutic utilization of physical, behavioral and pharmaceutical agents in providing comprehensive care for individuals with chronic illness and disabilities. h�p://www.archives‐ 

Physics Today, the flagship publication of The American Institute of Physics, is the most influential and closely followed physics magazine in the world, informing readers about science and its place in the world with authoritative features, full news coverage and analysis, and fresh perspectives on technological advances and ground-breaking research. Physics Today informs readers about important developments in the form of overview articles written by experts, shorter review articles written internally by staff, and also discusses the latest issues and events of importance to the science community such as science politics. The physics community's main vessel for new results is the Physical Review suite of scientific journals published by the American Physical Society and Applied Physics Letters published by the American Institute of Physics. The magazine provides a historical resource of events associated to physics, including debunking the physics behind the so-called Star Wars program of the 1980s, and the state of physics in China and the Soviet Union during the 1950s and 70s.