Sparse Inverse Covariance Matrix Estimation Using Quadratic ...

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The non-zero pattern of this inverse covariance matrix Σ−1 can ... ularized by the l1 norm of the entries (off-diagonal entries) of the inverse covariance matrix. The.
Sparse Inverse Covariance Matrix Estimation Using Quadratic Approximation

Cho-Jui Hsieh, M´aty´as A. Sustik, Inderjit S. Dhillon, and Pradeep Ravikumar Department of Computer Science University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX 78712 USA {cjhsieh,sustik,inderjit,pradeepr}

Abstract The ℓ1 regularized Gaussian maximum likelihood estimator has been shown to have strong statistical guarantees in recovering a sparse inverse covariance matrix, or alternatively the underlying graph structure of a Gaussian Markov Random Field, from very limited samples. We propose a novel algorithm for solving the resulting optimization problem which is a regularized log-determinant program. In contrast to other state-of-the-art methods that largely use first order gradient information, our algorithm is based on Newton’s method and employs a quadratic approximation, but with some modifications that leverage the structure of the sparse Gaussian MLE problem. We show that our method is superlinearly convergent, and also present experimental results using synthetic and real application data that demonstrate the considerable improvements in performance of our method when compared to other state-of-the-art methods.



Gaussian Markov Random Fields; Covariance Estimation. Increasingly, in modern settings statistical problems are high-dimensional, where the number of parameters is large when compared to the number of observations. An important class of such problems involves estimating the graph structure of a Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) in the high-dimensional setting, with applications ranging from inferring gene networks and analyzing social interactions. Specifically, given n independently drawn samples {y1 , y2 , . . . , yn } from a p-variate Gaussian distribution, so that yi ∼ N (µ, Σ), the task is to estimate its inverse covariance matrix Σ−1 , also referred to as the precision or concentration matrix. The non-zero pattern of this inverse covariance matrix Σ−1 can be shown to correspond to the underlying graph structure of the GMRF. An active line of work in high-dimensional settings where p < n is thus based on imposing some low-dimensional structure, such as sparsity or graphical model structure on the model space. Accordingly, a line of recent papers [2, 8, 20] has proposed an estimator that minimizes the Gaussian negative log-likelihood regularized by the ℓ1 norm of the entries (off-diagonal entries) of the inverse covariance matrix. The resulting optimization problem is a log-determinant program, which is convex, and can be solved in polynomial time. Existing Optimization Methods for the regularized Gaussian MLE. Due in part to its importance, there has been an active line of work on efficient optimization methods for solving the ℓ1 regularized Gaussian MLE problem. In [8, 2] a block coordinate descent method has been proposed which is called the graphical lasso or GLASSO for short. Other recent algorithms proposed for this problem include PSM that uses projected subgradients [5], ALM using alternating linearization [14], IPM an inexact interior point method [11] and SINCO a greedy coordinate descent method [15]. For typical high-dimensional statistical problems, optimization methods typically suffer sub-linear rates of convergence [1]. This would be too expensive for the Gaussian MLE problem, since the 1

number of matrix entries scales quadratically with the number of nodes. Luckily, the log-determinant problem has special structure; the log-determinant function is strongly convex and one can observe linear (i.e. geometric) rates of convergence for the state-of-the-art methods listed above. However, at most linear rates in turn become infeasible when the problem size is very large, with the number of nodes in the thousands and the number of matrix entries to be estimated in the millions. Here we ask the question: can we obtain superlinear rates of convergence for the optimization problem underlying the ℓ1 regularized Gaussian MLE? One characteristic of these state-of-the-art methods is that they are first-order iterative methods that mainly use gradient information at each step. Such first-order methods have become increasingly popular in recent years for high-dimensional problems in part due to their ease of implementation, and because they require very little computation and memory at each step. The caveat is that they have at most linear rates of convergence [3]. For superlinear rates, one has to consider second-order methods which at least in part use the Hessian of the objective function. There are however some caveats to the use of such second-order methods in high-dimensional settings. First, a straightforward implementation of each second-order step would be very expensive for high-dimensional problems. Secondly, the log-determinant function in the Gaussian MLE objective acts as a barrier function for the positive definite cone. This barrier property would be lost under quadratic approximations so there is a danger that Newton-like updates will not yield positive-definite matrices, unless one explicitly enforces such a constraint in some manner. Our Contributions. In this paper, we present a new second-order algorithm to solve the ℓ1 regularized Gaussian MLE. We perform Newton steps that use iterative quadratic approximations of the Gaussian negative log-likelihood, but with three innovations that enable finessing the caveats detailed above. First, we provide an efficient method to compute the Newton direction. As in recent methods [12, 9], we build on the observation that the Newton direction computation is a Lasso problem, and perform iterative coordinate descent to solve this Lasso problem. However, the naive approach has an update cost of O(p2 ) for performing each coordinate descent update in the inner loop, which makes this resume infeasible for this problem. But we show how a careful arrangement and caching of the computations can reduce this cost to O(p). Secondly, we use an Armijo-rule based step size selection rule to obtain a step-size that ensures sufficient descent and positive-definiteness of the next iterate. Thirdly, we use the form of the stationary condition characterizing the optimal solution to then focus the Newton direction computation on a small subset of free variables, in a manner that preserves the strong convergence guarantees of second-order descent. Here is a brief outline of the paper. In Section 3, we present our algorithm that combines quadratic approximation, Newton’s method and coordinate descent. In Section 4, we show that our algorithm is not only convergent but superlinearly so. We summarize the experimental results in Section 5, using real application data from [11] to compare the algorithms, as well as synthetic examples which reproduce experiments from [11]. We observe that our algorithm performs overwhelmingly better (quadratic instead of linear convergence) than the other solutions described in the literature.


Problem Setup

Let y be a p-variate Gaussian random vector, with distribution N (µ, Σ). We are given n independently drawn samples {y1 , . . . , yn } of this random vector, so that the sample covariance matrix can be written as n n 1X 1X S= (yk − µ ˆ)(yk − µ ˆ)T , where µ ˆ= yi . (1) n n i=1 k=1

Given some regularization penalty λ > 0, the ℓ1 regularized Gaussian MLE for the inverse covariance matrix can be estimated by solving the following regularized log-determinant program: © ª arg min − log det X + tr(SX) + λkXk1 = arg min f (X), (2) X≻0 X≻0 Pp where kXk1 = X. Our results i,j=1 |Xij | is the elementwise ℓ1 norm of the p × p matrix P p can be also extended to allow a regularization term of the form kλ ◦ Xk1 = i,j=1 λij |Xij |, i.e. different nonnegative weights can be assigned to different entries. This would include for P instance the popular off-diagonal ℓ1 regularization variant where we penalize i6=j |Xij |, but not the diagonal entries. The addition of such ℓ1 regularization promotes sparsity in the inverse covariance matrix, and thus encourages sparse graphical model structure. For further details on the background of ℓ1 regularization in the context of GMRFs, we refer the reader to [20, 2, 8, 15]. 2


Quadratic Approximation Method

Our approach is based on computing iterative quadratic approximations to the regularized Gaussian MLE objective f (X) in (2). This objective function f can be seen to comprise of two parts, f (X) ≡ g(X) + h(X), where g(X) = − log det X + tr(SX) and h(X) = λkXk1 .


The first component g(X) is twice differentiable, and strictly convex, while the second part h(X) is convex but non-differentiable. Following the standard approach [17, 21] to building a quadratic approximation around any iterate Xt for such composite functions, we build the secondorder Taylor expansion of the smooth component g(X). The second-order expansion for the log-determinant function (see for instance [4, Chapter A.4.3]) is given by log det(Xt + ∆) ≈ log det Xt +tr(Xt−1 ∆)− 12 tr(Xt−1 ∆Xt−1 ∆). We introduce Wt = Xt−1 and write the second-order approximation g¯Xt (∆) to g(X) = g(Xt + ∆) as g¯Xt (∆) = tr((S − Wt )∆) + (1/2) tr(Wt ∆Wt ∆) − log det Xt + tr(SXt ).


We define the Newton direction Dt for the entire objective f (X) can then be written as the solution of the regularized quadratic program: Dt = arg min g¯Xt (∆) + h(Xt + ∆). ∆


This Newton direction can be used to compute iterative estimates {Xt } for solving the optimization problem in (2). In the sequel, we will detail three innovations which makes this resume feasible. Firstly, we provide an efficient method to compute the Newton direction. As in recent methods [12], we build on the observation that the Newton direction computation is a Lasso problem, and perform iterative coordinate descent to find its solution. However, the naive approach has an update cost of O(p2 ) for performing each coordinate descent update in the inner loop, which makes this resume infeasible for this problem. We show how a careful arrangement and caching of the computations can reduce this cost to O(p). Secondly, we use an Armijo-rule based step size selection rule to obtain a step-size that ensures sufficient descent and positive-definiteness of the next iterate. Thirdly, we use the form of the stationary condition characterizing the optimal solution to then focus the Newton direction computation on a small subset of free variables, in a manner that preserves the strong convergence guarantees of second-order descent. We outline each of these three innovations in the following three subsections. We then detail the complete method in Section 3.4. 3.1

Computing the Newton Direction

The optimization problem in (5) is an ℓ1 regularized least squares problem, also called Lasso [16]. It is straightforward to verify that for a symmetric matrix ∆ we have tr(Wt ∆Wt ∆) = vec(∆)T (Wt ⊗ Wt ) vec(∆), where ⊗ denotes the Kronecker product and vec(X) is the vectorized listing of the elements of matrix X. In [7, 18] the authors show that coordinate descent methods are very efficient for solving lasso type problems. However, an obvious way to update each element of ∆ to solve for the Newton direction in (5) needs O(p2 ) floating point operations since Q := Wt ⊗Wt is a p2 ×p2 matrix, thus yielding an O(p4 ) procedure for approximating the Newton direction. As we show below, our implementation reduces the cost of one variable update to O(p) by exploiting the structure of Q or in other words the specific form of the second order term tr(Wt ∆Wt ∆). Next, we discuss the details. For notational simplicity we will omit the Newton iteration index t in the derivations that follow. (Hence, the notation for g¯Xt is also simplified to g¯.) Furthermore, we omit the use of a separate index for the coordinate descent updates. Thus, we simply use D to denote the current iterate approximating the Newton direction and use D′ for the updated direction. Consider the coordinate descent update for the variable Xij , with i < j that preserves symmetry: D′ = D+µ(ei eTj +ej eTi ). The solution of the one-variable problem corresponding to (5) yields µ: arg min µ

g¯(D + µ(ei eTj + ej eTi )) + 2λ|Xij + Dij + µ|.


As a matter of notation: we use xi to denote the i-th column of the matrix X. We expand the terms appearing in the definition of g¯ after substituting D′ = D + µ(ei eTj + ej eTi ) for ∆ in (4) and omit the terms not dependent on µ. The contribution of tr(SD′ ) − tr(W D′ ) yields 2µ(Sij − Wij ), while 3

the regularization term contributes 2λ|Xij + Dij + µ|, as seen from (6). The quadratic term can be rewritten using tr(AB) = tr(BA) and the symmetry of D and W to yield: tr(W D′ W D′ ) = tr(W DW D)

4µwiT Dwj + 2µ2 (Wij2 + Wii Wjj ).



In order to compute the single variable update we seek the minimum of the following function of µ: 1 (W 2 + Wii Wjj )µ2 + (Sij − Wij + wiT Dwj )µ + λ|Xij + Dij + µ|. (8) 2 ij Letting a = Wij2 + Wii Wjj , b = Sij − Wij + wiT Dwj , and c = Xij + Dij the minimum is achieved for: µ = −c + S(c − b/a, λ/a),


where S(z, r) = sign(z) max{|z| − r, 0} is the soft-thresholding function. The values of a and c are easy to compute. The main cost arises while computing the third term contributing to coefficient b, namely wiT Dwj . Direct computation requires O(p2 ) time. Instead, we maintain U = DW by updating two rows of the matrix U for every variable update in D costing O(p) flops, and then compute wiT uj using also P O(p) flops. Another way to view this arrangement is that we maintain a p decomposition W DW = k=1 wk uTk throughout the process by storing the uk vectors, allowing O(p) computation of update (9). In order to maintain the matrix U we also need to update two coordinates of each uk when Dij is modified. We can compactly write the row updates of U as follows: ui· ← ui· + µwj· and uj· ← uj· + µwi· , where ui· refers to the i-th row vector of U . We note that the calculation of the Newton direction can be simplified if X is a diagonal matrix. For instance, if we are starting from a diagonal matrix X0 , the terms wiT Dwj equal Dij /((X0 )ii (X0 )jj ), which are independent of each other implying that we only need to update each variable according to (9) only once, and the resulting D will be the optimum of (5). Hence, the time cost of finding the first Newton direction is reduced from O(p3 ) to O(p2 ). 3.2

Computing the Step Size

Following the computation of the Newton direction Dt , we need to find a step size α ∈ (0, 1] that ensures positive definiteness of the next iterate Xt + αDt and sufficient decrease in the objective function. We adopt Armijo’s rule [3, 17] and try step-sizes α ∈ {β 0 , β 1 , β 2 , . . . } with a constant decrease rate 0 < β < 1 (typically β = 0.5) until we find the smallest k ∈ N with α = β k such that Xt + αDt (a) is positive-definite, and (b) satisfies the following condition: f (Xt + αDt ) ≤ f (Xt ) + ασ∆t , ∆t = tr(∇g(Xt )Dt ) + λkXt + Dt k1 − λkXt k1


where 0 < σ < 0.5 is a constant. To verify positive definiteness, we use a Cholesky factorization costing O(p3 ) flops during the objective function evaluation to compute log det(Xt + αDt ) and this step dominates the computational cost in the step-size computations. In the Appendix in Lemma 9 we show that for any Xt and Dt , there exists a α ¯ t > 0 such that (10) and the positive-definiteness of Xt + αDt are satisfied for any α ∈ (0, α ¯ t ], so we can always find a step size satisfying (10) and the positive-definiteness even if we do not have the exact Newton direction. Following the line search −1 by reusing and the Newton step update Xt+1 = Xt + αDt we efficiently compute Wt+1 = Xt+1 the Cholesky decomposition of Xt+1 . 3.3

Identifying which variables to update

In this section, we propose a way to select which variables to update that uses the stationary condition of the Gaussian MLE problem. At the start of any outer loop computing the Newton direction, we partition the variables into free and fixed sets based on the value of the gradient. Specifically, we classify the (Xt )ij variable as fixed if |∇ij g(Xt )| < λ − ǫ and (Xt )ij = 0, where ǫ > 0 is small. (We used ǫ = 0.01 in our experiments.) The remaining variables then constitute the free set. The following lemma shows the property of the fixed set: Lemma 1. For any Xt and the corresponding fixed and free sets Sf ixed , Sf ree , the optimized update on the fixed set would not change any of the coordinates. In other words, the solution of the following optimization problem is ∆ = 0: arg min f (Xt + ∆) such that ∆ij = 0 ∀(i, j) ∈ Sf ree . ∆


The proof is given in Appendix 7.2.3. Based on the above observation, we perform the inner loop coordinate descent updates restricted to the free set only (to find the Newton direction). This reduces the number of variables over which we perform the coordinate descent from O(p2 ) to the number of non-zeros in Xt , which in general is much smaller than p2 when λ is large and the solution is sparse. We have observed huge computational gains from this modification, and indeed in our main theorem we show the superlinear convergence rate for the algorithm that includes this heuristic. The attractive facet of this modification is that it leverages the sparsity of the solution and intermediate iterates in a manner that falls within a block coordinate descent framework. Specifically, suppose as detailed above at any outer loop Newton iteration, we partition the variables into the fixed and free set, and then first perform a Newton update restricted to the fixed block, followed by a Newton update on the free block. According to Lemma 1 a Newton update restricted to the fixed block does not result in any changes. In other words, performing the inner loop coordinate descent updates restricted to the free set is equivalent to two block Newton steps restricted to the fixed and free sets consecutively. Note further, that the union of the free and fixed sets is the set of all variables, which as we show in the convergence analysis in the appendix, is sufficient to ensure the convergence of the block Newton descent. But would the size of free set be small? We initialize X0 to the identity matrix, which is indeed sparse. As the following lemma shows, if the limit of the iterates (the solution of the optimization problem) is sparse, then after a finite number of iterations, the iterates Xt would also have the same sparsity pattern. Lemma 2. Assume {Xt } converges to X ∗ . If for some index pair (i, j), |∇ij g(X ∗ )| < λ (so that ∗ Xij = 0), then there exists a constant t¯ > 0 such that for all t > t¯, the iterates Xt satisfy |∇ij g(Xt )| < λ and (Xt )ij = 0. (11) The proof comes directly from Lemma 11 in the Appendix. Note that |∇ij g(X ∗ )| < λ implying ∗ Xij = 0 follows from the optimality condition of (2). A similar (so called shrinking) strategy is used in SVM or ℓ1 -regularized logistic regression problems as mentioned in [19]. In Appendix 7.4 we show in experiments this strategy can reduce the size of variables very quickly. 3.4

The Quadratic Approximation based Method

We now have the machinery for a description of our algorithm QUIC standing for QUadratic Inverse Covariance. A high level summary of the algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1, while the the full details are given in Algorithm 2 in the Appendix.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Algorithm 1: Quadratic Approximation method for Sparse Inverse Covariance Learning (QUIC) Input : Empirical covariance matrix S, scalar λ, initial X0 , inner stopping tolerance ǫ Output: Sequence of Xt converging to arg minX≻0 f (X), where f (X) = − log det X + tr(SX) + λkXk1 . for t = 0, 1, . . . do Compute Wt = Xt−1 . Form the second order approximation f¯Xt (∆) := g¯Xt (∆) + h(Xt + ∆) to f (Xt + ∆). Partition the variables into free and fixed sets based on the gradient, see Section 3.3. Use coordinate descent to find the Newton direction Dt = arg min∆ f¯Xt (Xt + ∆) over the free variable set, see (6) and (9). (A Lasso problem.) Use an Armijo-rule based step-size selection to get α s.t. Xt+1 = Xt + αDt is positive definite and the objective value sufficiently decreases, see (10). end


Convergence Analysis

In this section, we show that our algorithm has strong convergence guarantees. Our first main result shows that our algorithm does converge to the optimum of (2). Our second result then shows that the asymptotic convergence rate is actually superlinear, specifically quadratic. 4.1

Convergence Guarantee

We build upon the convergence analysis in [17, 21] of the block coordinate gradient descent method applied to composite objectives. Specifically, [17, 21] consider iterative updates where at each 5

iteration t they update just a block of variables Jt . They then consider a Gauss-Seidel rule: [ Jt+j ⊇ N ∀t = 1, 2, . . . ,


j=0,...,T −1

where N is the set of all variables and T is a fixed number. Note that the condition (12) ensures that each block of variables will be updated at least once every T iterations. Our Newton steps with the free set modification is a special case of this framework: we set J2t , J2t+1 to be the fixed and free sets respectively. As outlined in Section 3.3, our selection of the fixed sets ensures that a block update restricted to the fixed set would not change any values since these variables in fixed sets already satisfy the coordinatewise optimality condition. Thus, while our algorithm only explicitly updates the free set block, this is equivalent to updating variables in fixed and free blocks consecutively. We also have J2t ∪ J2t+1 = N , implying the Gauss-Seidel rule with T = 3. Further, the composite objectives in [17, 21] have the form F (x) = g(x) + h(x), where g(x) is smooth (continuously differentiable), and h(x) is non-differentiable but separable. Note that in our case, the smooth component is the log-determinant function g(X) = − log det X + tr(SX), while the non-differentiable separable component is h(x) = λkxk1 . However, [17, 21] impose the additional assumption that g(x) is smooth over the domain Rn . In our case g(x) is smooth over p the restricted domain of the positive definite cone S++ . In the appendix, we extend the analysis so that convergence still holds under our setting. In particular, we prove the following theorem in Appendix 7.2: Theorem 1. In Algorithm 1, the sequence {Xt } converges to the unique global optimum of (2). 4.2

Asymptotic Convergence Rate

In addition to convergence, we further show that our algorithm has a quadratic asymptotic convergence rate. Theorem 2. Our algorithm QUIC converges quadratically, that is for some constant 0 < κ < 1: kXt+1 − X ∗ kF = κ. t→∞ kXt − X ∗ k2 F lim

The proof, given in Appendix 7.3, first shows that the step size as computed in Section 3.2 would eventually become equal to one, so that we would be eventually performing vanilla Newton updates. Further we use the fact that after a finite number of iterations, the sign pattern of the iterates converges to the sign pattern of the limit. From these two assertions, we build on the convergence rate result for constrained Newton methods in [6] to show that our method is quadratically convergent.



In this section, we compare our method QUIC with other state-of-the-art methods on both synthetic and real datasets. We have implemented QUIC in C++, and all the experiments were executed on 2.83 GHz Xeon X5440 machines with 32G RAM and Linux OS. We include the following algorithms in our comparisons: • ALM: the Alternating Linearization Method proposed by [14]. We use their MATLAB source code for the experiments. • G LASSO: the block coordinate descent method proposed by [8]. We used their Fortran code available from, version 1.3 released on 1/22/09. • PSM: the Projected Subgradient Method proposed by [5]. We use the MATLAB source code available at˜schmidtm/Software/PQN.html. • SINCO: the greedy coordinate descent method proposed by [15]. The code can be downloaded from • IPM: An inexact interior point method proposed by [11]. The source code can be downloaded from˜mattohkc/ Since some of the above implementations do not support the generalized regularization term kλ ◦ Xk1 , our comparisons use λkXk1 as the regularization term. The GLASSO algorithm description in [8] does not clearly specify the stopping criterion for the Lasso iterations. Inspection of the available Fortran implementation has revealed that a separate 6

Table 1: The comparisons on synthetic datasets. p stands for dimension, kΣ−1 k0 indicates the number of nonzeros in ground truth inverse covariance matrix, kX ∗ k0 is the number of nonzeros in the solution, and ǫ is a specified relative error of objective value. ∗ indicates the run time exceeds our time limit 30,000 seconds (8.3 hours). The results show that QUIC is overwhelmingly faster than other methods, and is the only one which is able to scale up to solve problem where p = 10000. Dataset setting pattern p kΣ−1 k0 chain















random 10000


Parameter setting Time (in seconds) λ kX ∗ k0 ǫ QUIC ALM Glasso PSM IPM 10−2 0.30 18.89 23.28 15.59 86.32 0.4 3028 10−6 2.26 41.85 45.1 34.91 151.2 10−2 11.28 922 1068 567.9 3458 0.4 11998 10−6 53.51 1734 2119 1258 5754 10−2 216.7 13820 * 8450 * 0.4 29998 10−6 986.6 28190 * 19251 * 10−2 0.52 42.34 10.31 20.16 71.62 0.12 10414 10−6 1.2 28250 20.43 59.89 116.7 10−2 1.17 65.64 17.96 23.53 78.27 0.075 55830 10−6 6.87 * 60.61 91.7 145.8 10−2 23.25 1429 1052 1479 4928 0.08 41910 10−6 160.2 * 2561 4232 8097 10−2 65.57 * 3328 2963 5621 0.05 247444 10−6 478.8 * 8356 9541 13650 10−2 337.7 26270 21298 * * 0.08 89652 10−6 1125 * * * * 10−2 803.5 * * * * 0.04 392786 10−6 2951 * * * *

Sinco 120.0 520.8 5246 * * * 60.75 683.3 576.0 4449 7375 * * * * * * *

threshold is computed and is used for these inner iterations. We found that under certain conditions the threshold computed is smaller than the machine precision and as a result the overall algorithm occasionally displayed erratic convergence behavior and slow performance. We modified the Fortran implementation of GLASSO to correct this error. 5.1

Comparisons on synthetic datasets

We first compare the run times of the different methods on synthetic data. We generate the two following types of graph structures for the underlying Gaussian Markov Random Fields: • Chain Graphs: The ground truth inverse covariance matrix Σ−1 is set to be Σ−1 i,i−1 = −0.5 and −1 Σi,i = 1.25. • Graphs with Random Sparsity Structures: We use the procedure mentioned in Example 1 in [11] to generate inverse covariance matrices with random non-zero patterns. Specifically, we first generate a sparse matrix U with nonzero elements equal to ±1, set Σ−1 to be U T U and then add a diagonal term to ensure Σ−1 is positive definite. We control the number of nonzeros in U so that the resulting Σ−1 has approximately 10p nonzero elements. Given the inverse covariance matrix Σ−1 , we draw a limited number, n = p/2 i.i.d. samples, to simulate the high-dimensional setting, from the corresponding GMRF distribution. We then compare the algorithms listed above when run on these samples. We can use the minimum-norm sub-gradient defined in Lemma 5 in Appendix 7.2 as the stopping condition, and computing it is easy because X −1 is available in QUIC. Table 1 shows the results for timing comparisons in the synthetic datasets. We vary the dimensionality from 1000, 4000 to 10000 for each dataset. For chain graphs, we select λ so that the solution had the (approximately) correct number of nonzero elements. To test the performance of algorithms on different parameters (λ), for random sparse pattern we test the speed under two values of λ, one discovers correct number of nonzero elements, and one discovers 5 times the number of nonzero elements. We report the time for each algorithm to achieve ǫ-accurate solution defined by f (X k ) − f (X ∗ ) < ǫf (X ∗ ). Table 1 shows the results for ǫ = 10−2 and 10−6 , where ǫ = 10−2 tests the ability for an algorithm to get a 7

good initial guess (the nonzero structure), and ǫ = 10−6 tests whether an algorithm can achieve an accurate solution. Table 1 shows that QUIC is consistently and overwhelmingly faster than other methods, both initially with ǫ = 10−2 , and at ǫ = 10−6 . Moreover, for p = 10000 random pattern, there are p2 = 100 million variables, the selection of fixed/free sets helps QUIC to focus only on very small part of variables, and can achieve an accurate solution in about 15 minutes, while other methods fails to even have an initial guess within 8 hours. Notice that our λ setting is smaller than [14] because here we focus on the λ which discovers true structure, therefore the comparison between ALM and PSM are different from [14]. 5.2

Experiments on real datasets

We use the real world biology datasets preprocessed by [11] to compare the performance of our method with other state-of-the-art methods. The regularization parameter λ is set to 0.5 according to the experimental setting in [11]. Results on the following datasets are shown in Figure 1: Estrogen (p = 692), Arabidopsis (p = 834), Leukemia (p = 1, 225), Hereditary (p = 1, 869). We plot the relative error (f (Xt ) − f (X ∗ ))/f (X ∗ ) (on a log scale) against time in seconds. On these real datasets, QUIC can be seen to achieve super-linear convergence, while other methods have at most a linear convergence rate. Overall QUIC can be ten times faster than other methods, and even more faster when higher accuracy is desired.



We would like to thank Professor Kim-Chuan Toh for providing the data set and the IPM code. We would also like to thank Professor Katya Scheinberg and Shiqian Ma for providing the ALM implementation. This research was supported by NSF grant IIS-1018426.






10 Relative error (log scale)

Relative error (log scale)























30 Time (sec)






(a) Time for Estrogen, p = 692 ALM Sinco PSM Glasso IPM QUIC





40 Time (sec)


























Relative error (log scale)

Relative error (log scale)



(b) Time for Arabidopsis, p = 834






250 Time (sec)







(c) Time for Leukemia, p = 1, 255




600 Time (sec)




(d) Time for hereditarybc, p = 1, 869

Figure 1: Comparison of algorithms on real datasets. The results show QUIC converges faster than other methods.


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7 7.1

Appendix Algorithm

We present the detailed algorithm description as Algorithm 2.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Algorithm 2: Quadratic Approximation method for Sparse Inverse Covariance Learning (QUIC) Input : Empirical covariance matrix S, scalar λ, initial X0 , inner stopping tolerance ǫ, parameters 0 < σ < 0.5, 0 < β < 1 Output: Sequence of Xt converging to arg minX≻0 f (X), where f (X) = − log det X + tr(SX) + λkXk1 . Compute W0 = X0−1 . for t = 0, 1, . . . do D = 0, U = 0 while not converged do Partition the variables into fixed and free sets: Sf ixed := {(i, j) | |∇ij g(Xt )| < λ − ǫ and (Xt )ij = 0}, Sf ree := N \ Sf ixed . for (i, j) ∈ Sf ree do 2 a = wij + wii wjj T b = sij − wij + w·i u·j c = xij + dij µ = −c + S(c − b/a, λ/a) dij ← dij + µ ui· ← ui· + µwj· uj· ← uj· + µwi· end end for α = 1, β, β 2 , . . . do Compute the Cholesky factorization LLT = Xt + αD. if Xt + αD 6≻ 0 then continue end Compute f (Xt + αD) from L and Xt + αD if f (Xt + αD) ≤ f (Xt ) + ασ [tr(∇g(Xt )D) + λkXt + Dk1 − λkXk1 ] then break end end Xt+1 = Xt + αD −1 reusing the Cholesky factor. Compute Wt+1 = Xt+1 end


Convergence guarantee (Proof of Theorem 1)

In this section, we prove that Algorithm 2 converges to the global optimum. Our proof is based on the proof in [17], which was developed for coordinate gradient descent methods. [17] considers composite objectives of the form F (x) = g(x) + h(x),


where g(x) is sufficiently smooth (continuously differentiable) and h(x) is non-differentiable but separable. Recall, that in our case, g(X) = − log det X + tr(SX) and h(X) = λkXk1 . In [17] it is assumed that g(X) is smooth over the domain Rn . In our case g(X) is smooth over the restricted domain of the positive definite cone Sn++ . We extend the analysis so that convergence still holds under our setting. 10



¯ A are p × p matrices, and I is the identity In the following arguments, capital letters such as X, X, matrix. f (X) is our objective function defined by (2). As is standard [13], the domain of the convex function − log det is extended to S p (p × p symmetric matrices) by ½ Pn − i=1 log(λi (X)), if X ≻ 0 − log det X = ∞, otherwise where λi (X) is the ith eigenvalue of X. We use kXk2 to define the induced two norm of a matrix, and kDkF to denote the 2-norm of vec(D), which is equal to the Frobenius norm of the matrix D. We are only dealing with symmetric matrices, and therefore we restrict our attention to the upper triangular indices denoted by N ≡ {(i, j) | 1 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ p}. The matrix function g(X) can be viewed as an R|N | → R function operating on the vector containing the upper triangular elements of X. The gradient ∇g(X) accordingly becomes an R|N | vector, while the Hessian ∇2 g(X) = X −1 ⊗ X −1 can be represented by an R|N |×|N | matrix. We emphasize that we will treat any symmetric matrix as its vectorization of the upper diagonal elements, for example, we will denote vec(D)T ∇2 g(X) vec(D) by DT ∇2 g(X)D. For any X ≻ 0, we define 1 DJ (X) ≡ arg min ∇g(X)T D + DT ∇2 g(X)D + λkX + Dk1 , D:Dij =0 2


∀(i,j)∈J /

where J ⊆ N is any index set, and in particular DN (X) takes the minimum over all variables. We use X1 , X2 , . . . to denote the sequence of matrices generated by our algorithm, where each Xt+1 is updated from Xt by Xt+1 = Xt + αt DJt (Xt ), where Jt is the index set selected at the kth iteration, and αt is the step size which is the maximum value among {1, β, β 2 , . . . } which satisfies f (Xt + αDt ) < f (Xt ) + ασ∆t ,


where 0.5 > σ > 0 is a constant and ∆t ≡ ∆Jt (Xt ) ≡ ∇g(Xt )T Dt + λkXt + Dt k1 − λkXt k1 . We use Dt ≡ DJt (Xt ) for simplicity. Following the setting in [17], the index sets J1 , J2 , . . . need to satisfy [ Jt+j ⊇ N ∀t = 1, 2, . . .


j=0,...,T −1

for some fixed T . Our algorithm satisfies (16) as mentioned in Section 4.1: we set J1 , J3 , . . . to be the fixed sets, and J2 , J4 , . . . to be the free sets and T = 3 will suffice. 7.2.2


Our first lemma establishes that our iterates are in the set mI ¹ X ¹ M I for some positive constants m and M . p Lemma 3. The level set U = {X | f (X) < f (X0 ) and X ∈ S++ } is contained in the set {X | mI ¹ X ¹ M I} for positive constants m, M > 0. Proof. First, we prove that X ¹ M I for all X ∈ U . The fact that S º 0 and X ≻ 0 implies tr(SX) ≥ 0 and kXk1 > 0. Therefore we have f (X0 ) > f (X) ≥ − log det X + λkXk1


Since kXk2 is the largest eigenvalue of X, we have − log det X ≥ −p log(kXk2 ). In addition, kXk1 ≥ tr(X) ≥ kXk2 . We combine these two facts and (17) to arrive at f (X0 ) > −p log(kXk2 ) + λkXk2 . 11

Since −p log x + λx is unbounded as x increases, there must exist an M that depends on X0 such that kXk2 ≤ M . Next, we prove that mI ¹ X for all X ∈ U . We denote the smallest eigenvalue of X by a and use the upper bound on the other eigenvalues to get: f (X0 ) > f (X) > − log det X ≥ − log a − (p − 1) log M,


which shows that m = e−f (X0 ) M −(p−1) is a lower bound for a. Lemma 4. There exists a unique minimizer X ∗ for (2). Proof. According to Lemma 3, the level set is contained in the compact set S = {X | mI ¹ X ¹ M I}, where ∇2 f (X) = X −1 ⊗ X −1 , ∇2 f (X) º M −2 I. From Weierstrass’ Theorem, any continuous function in a compact set attains its minimum. In addition, f (X) is strongly convex in the compact set, so the minimizer X ∗ is unique. Lemma 5. X ∗ is the optimal solution of (2) if and only if gradSij f (X ∗ ) = 0 ∀i, j, where the minimum-norm sub-gradient gradSij f (X) is defined by  ∇ij g(X) + λ gradSij f (X) = ∇ij g(X) − λ  sign(∇ij g(X)) max(|∇ij g(X)| − λ, 0) Proof. The optimality condition for f (X) is that for all (i, j) ∈ N  if Xij > 0, = −λ ∇ij g(X) = λ if Xij < 0,  ∈ [−λ λ] if Xij = 0.

if Xij > 0, if Xij < 0, if Xij = 0.

It is easy to prove that (19) holds if and only if gradSij f (X) = 0 for all i, j. ∇g(X) = S − X −1 therefore  −1 (S − X )ij + λ S gradij f (X) = (S − X −1 )ij − λ  sign((S − X −1 )ij ) max(|(S − X −1 )ij | − λ, 0)


Notice that in our case if Xij > 0, if Xij < 0, if Xij = 0.

Lemma 6. For any index set J ⊆ N , DJ (X) = 0 if and only if gradSij f (X) = 0 for all (i, j) ∈ J.

Proof. DJ (X) = 0 if and only if D = 0 satisfy the optimality condition of (14). The condition can be written as (??) with (i, j) ∈ J. This is the same as (19) for a subset of indexes. Follow the same argument we can prove that this condition is equivalent to gradSij f (X) = 0 for all (i, j) ∈ J. Lemma 7. ∆J (X) in the line search condition (15) satisfies ∆J (X) = ∇g(X)T DJ (X) + λkX + DJ (X)k1 − λkXk1 ≤ −DJ (X)T ∇2 g(X)DJ (X)., (20) and consequently, ∆J (X) ≤ −mkDJ (X)k2F 12


Proof. For simplicity, and since there can be no confusion, we drop index J. By definition of D in (14), ∀α ∈ [0, 1]: 1 1 ∇g(X)T D+ DT ∇2 g(X)D+λkX +Dk1 ≤ ∇g(X)T (αD)+ α2 DT ∇2 g(X)D+λkX +αDk1 . 2 2 (22) Since k · k1 is a norm, the following holds for all α ≥ 0: λkX + αDk1 = λkα(X + D) + (1 − α)Xk1 ≤ λαkX + Dk1 + λ(1 − α)kXk1 .


Combining (22) and (23) yields: 1 1 ∇g(X)T D+ DT ∇2 g(X)D+λkX+Dk1 ≤ α∇g(X)T D+ α2 DT ∇2 f (X)D+λαkX+Dk1 +λ(1−α)kXk1 . 2 2 Therefore 1 (1 − α)∇g(X)T D + (1 − α)λkX + Dk1 − (1 − α)λkXk1 + (1 − α2 )DT ∇2 g(X)D ≤ 0. 2 Divide both sides by 1 − α to get: 1 ∇g(X)T D + λkX + Dk1 − λkXk1 + (1 + α)DT ∇2 g(X)D ≤ 0. 2 By setting α ↑ 1, we have ∇g(X)T D + λkX + Dk1 − λkXk1 ≤ −DT ∇2 g(X)D, which proves (20). Combine with Lemma 3 to get (21). ¯ Lemma 8. For any convergent subsequence Xst → X, Dst ≡ DJst (Xst ) → 0.

Proof. The objective value is monotonically decreasing and bounded below, therefore f (Xst ) cannot go to negative infinity, so f (Xst ) − f (Xst+1 ) → 0. From (15), we have αst ∆st → 0. We proceed to prove by contradiction. If Dst does not converge to 0, then there exist an infinite index set T ⊆ {s1 , s2 , . . .} and δ > 0 such that kDt kF > δ for all t ∈ T . We will work in this index set T in what follows. Let αt denote the line search step size which satisfies (15), by our line search procedure αβt will not satisfy (15), so we have: αt αt (24) f (Xt + ( )Dt ) − f (Xt ) ≥ σ( )∆t . β β If Xt + αβt Dt is not positive definite, then we define f (Xt + αβt Dt ) to be ∞, so (24) still holds. We have g(Xt + ( αβt )Dt ) − g(Xt ) + λkXt + αβt Dt k1 − λkXt k1 σ∆t ≤ αt β

≤ =

g(Xt + ( αβt )Dt ) − g(Xt ) + ( αβt )λkXt + Dt k1 + (1 −

αt β )λkXt k1

− λkXt k1

αt β

g(Xt + ( αβt )Dt ) − g(Xt ) αt β

+ λkXt + Dt k1 − λkXt k1 , ∀t ∈ T .

By the definition of ∆t we can replace the last two terms and get σ∆t ≤

g(Xt + ( αβt )Dt ) − g(Xt )

(1 − σ)(−∆t ) ≤

αt β

+ ∆t − ∇g(Xt )T Dt ,

g(Xt + ( αβt )Dt ) − g(Xt ) αt β


− ∇g(Xt )T Dt

(by (23))

By (21) in Lemma 7, (1 − σ)mkDt k2F ≤ (1 − σ)mkDt kF ≤ Set α ˆt =

αt β kDt kF ,

g(Xt + ( αβt )Dt ) − g(Xt ) αt β

− ∇g(Xt )T Dt

g(Xt + ( αβt )kDt kF kDDttkF ) − g(Xt ) kDt kF αβt

− ∇g(Xt )T

Dt . kDt kF

and since kDt kF > δ for all t ∈ T we have

(1 − σ)mδ ≤

g(Xt + α ˆ t kDDttkF ) − g(Xt ) α ˆt

∇g(Xt )T Dt . kDt kF


By (21), −αt ∆t ≥ αt mkDt k2F ≥ mαt kDt kF δ, and {αt ∆t }t → 0, so {αt kDt kF }t → 0, so {ˆ αk }t → 0. Since ¯ so ball, there exists a subset T¯ ⊂ T such that { Dt }T¯ → D,

Dt kDt kF

is in the compact 1-norm

kDt kF

(1 − σ)mδ ≤

¯ − g(Xt ) g(Xt + α ˆ t D) ¯ − ∇g(Xt )T D. α ˆt


¯ is positive definite when Our algorithm guarantees that Xt is positive definite. Also Xt + α ˆtD α ˆ t → 0. So taking limit of (26) as t ∈ T¯ and k → ∞ on (25), we have ¯ TD ¯ − ∇g(X) ¯ TD ¯ = 0, (1 − σ)mδ ≤ ∇g(X) a contradiction, finishing the proof. Lemma 9. For any X ≻ 0 and symmetric D, there exists an α ¯ > 0 such that for all α < α ¯ , (1) X + αD ≻ 0 and (2) X + αD satisfies the line search condition (15). Proof. First, when α < σn (X)/kDk2 (σn (X) stands for the smallest eigen-value of X), kαDk2 < σn (X), so X + αD ≻ 0. Second, f (X + αD) − f (X) = g(X + αD) − g(X) + λkX + αDk1 − λkXk1 ≤ g(X + αD) − g(X) + αλ(kX + Dk1 − kXk1 ) by (23) = α∆ + o(α). It follows that for a fixed 0 < σ < 1, when α is sufficiently small, the line search condition must hold. 7.2.3

Proof of Lemma 1

Since the fixed set Sf ixed is defined by Sf ixed := {(i, j) | |∇ij g(Xt )| < λ − ǫ and (Xt )ij = 0}, so gradSij f (Xt ) = 0 for all (i, j) ∈ Sf ixed . From Lemma 6, this implies DSf ixed = 0, therefore the solution of the following optimization problem is ∆ = 0: arg min f (Xt + ∆) such that ∆ij = 0 ∀(i, j) ∈ Sf ree . ∆


Main proof

Theorem 3. Our algorithm QUIC converges to a unique global optimum. 14

¯ Since the choice of the index set Jt selected Proof. Assume a subsequence {Xt }T converges to X. at each step is finite, we can further assume that Jt = J¯0 for all t ∈ T . From Lemma 8, DJ¯0 (Xt ) → ¯ Therefore 0. By the continuity of ∇f (X) and ∇2 f (X), it is easy to show DJ¯0 (Xt ) → DJ¯0 (X). ¯ = 0. DJ¯0 (X) Furthermore, {DJ¯0 (Xt )}t → 0 and kXt − Xt+1 kF ≤ kDJ¯0 (Xt )kF , so {Xt+1 }t also converges to ¯ By further subsetting of T we can assume that Jt+1 = J¯1 for all t ∈ T . By the same argument X. ¯ = 0. Similarly, we can show that DJ¯ (X) ¯ = 0 ∀i = we can prove {DJt+1 (Xt )}t → 0, so DJ¯1 (X) i 0, . . . , T − 1 can be assumed for an appropriate subset of T . According to Lemma 6 and assumption ¯ is a stationary point: (16), X ¯ = 0 ∀i, j. gradSij f (X) Moreover, by Lemma 4, there exists a unique optimal point, so the sequence {Xt } generated by our algorithm must converge to the global optimum. 7.3 7.3.1

Quadratic Convergence Rate Existing results for Newton method on Bounded constrain

The convergence rate of Newton method on bounded constrained minimization has been studied in [10] and [6]. Here we briefly mention their results. Assume we want to solve a constrained minimization problem min F (x), x∈Ω


where Ω is a nonempty subset of R and F : Rn → R has a second derivative ∇2 F (x). Then beginning from x0 , a natural extension of Newton method is to compute xk+1 by 1 xk+1 = arg min ∇F (xk )T (x − xk ) + (x − xk )T ∇2 F (xk )(x − xk ). x∈Ω 2


For simplicity, we assume F is strictly convex and has a unique minimizer x∗ in Ω. Then the following theorem holds Theorem 4. Assume F is strictly convex, has a unique minimizer x∗ in Ω, and ∇2 F (x) is Lipschitz continuous, then for all x0 sufficiently close to x∗ , the sequence {xk } generated by (27) converges quadratically to x∗ . This theorem is proved in [6]. 7.3.2

Proof for the quadratic convergence of QUIC

Again we consider the composite objectives as (13), and g(X) has Lipschitz continuous second order derivatives. Assume X ∗ is the optimal solution, then we can divide the indexes into P = {(i, j) | ∇ij g(X ∗ ) = −λ}, N = {(i, j) | ∇ij g(X ∗ ) = λ}, Z = {(i, j) | −λ < ∇ij g(X ∗ ) < λ}. (28) ∗ ∗ ∗ Notice that Xij ≥ 0 for all (i, j) ∈ P , Xij ≤ 0 for all (i, j) ∈ N and Xij = 0 for all (i, j) ∈ Z. Lemma 10. If the second order derivative of g(·) is Lipschitz continuous, then when Xt is close enough to X ∗ , the line search condition (15) will be satisfied with step size α = 1. Proof. To simplify the notation, here we denote Xt by X, Dt by D, and ∆t by ∆. We bound the decrease in objective function value by the following argument. First, define g˜(t) = g(X + tD), so g˜′′ (t) = DT ∇2 g(X + tD)D. From the Lipschitz continuity of ∇2 g(·), we have k∇2 g(X + tD) − ∇2 g(X)k ≤ tLkDk, where L is the Lipschitz constant. By definition |˜ g ′′ (t) − g˜′′ (0)| = |DT (∇2 g(X + tD) − ∇2 g(X))D| ≤ tLkDk3 . 15

Therefore we can upper bound g˜′′ (t) by g˜′′ (t) ≤ g˜′′ (0) + tLkDk3 = DT ∇2 g(X)D + tLkDk3 . Integrate both sides to get 1 1 g˜′ (t) ≤ g˜′ (0) + tDT ∇2 g(X)D + t2 LkDk3 = ∇g(X)T D + tDT ∇2 g(X)D + t2 LkDk3 . 2 2 Integrating both sides again, we have 1 1 g˜(t) ≤ g˜(0) + t∇g(X)T D + t2 DT ∇2 g(X)D + t3 LkDk3 . 2 6 Taking t = 1 the inequality becomes 1 1 g(X + D) = g˜(1) ≤ g(X) + ∇g(X)T D + DT ∇2 g(X)D + LkDk3 2 6 1 1 g(X + D) + λkX + Dk1 ≤ g(X) + λkXk1 + (∇g(X)T D + λkX + Dk1 − λkXk1 ) + DT ∇2 g(X)D + LkDk3 , 2 6 so 1 1 f (X + D) ≤ f (X) + ∆ + DT ∇2 g(X)D + LkDk3 2 6 1 1L ≤ f (X) + ∆ − kDk∆ (by (20) and (21) in Lemma 7) 2 6m 1 1L = f (X) + ( − kDk)∆. 2 6m And from Lemma 8 we have Dk → 0, therefore when k is large enough, ( 21 − larger than σ (0 < σ < 0.5), so the line search condition holds with step size 1.

1 L k 6 m kD k)

will be

Lemma 11. Assume that the sequence {Xt } converges to the global optimum X ∗ . There exists a t¯ > 0 such that   ≥ 0 if (i, j) ∈ P (29) (Xt )ij ≤ 0 if (i, j) ∈ N  = 0 if (i, j) ∈ Z for all t > t¯.

Proof. We prove the case for (i, j) ∈ P by contradiction, the other two cases can be handled similarly. Assume that there exists an infinite subsequence {Xst } such that (Xst )ij < 0. We consider the update from Xst −1 to Xst . From Lemma 10, we can assume that st is large enough so that the step size equals 1, therefore Xst = Xst −1 + dst . Note that Dst is the optimal solution of 1 min ∇g(Xst −1 )T D + DT ∇2 g(Xst −1 )D + kX + Dk1 − kXk1 . D 2


Since (Xst )ij = (Xst −1 )ij + (Dst )ij < 0, from the optimality condition of (30) we have (∇g(Xst −1 ) + ∇2 g(Xst −1 )(Dst ))ij = λ.


Since Dst converges to 0, (31) implies that {∇ij g(Xst −1 )} will converge to λ. However, by the definition of P , ∇ij g(X ∗ ) = −λ, and by the continuity of ∇g we get that {∇ij g(Xt )} converges to ∇ij g(X ∗ ) = −λ, a contradiction finishing the proof for the case with (i, j) ∈ P in (29). Lemma 12. Assume Xt → X ∗ . There exists a t¯ > 0 such that variables in P or N will not be selected as fixed set (denoted by Sf ixed ) after t > t¯. That is, Sf ixed ⊂ Z = N \ (P ∪ N ).


Proof. Since Xt converges to X ∗ and ∇g(·) is continuous, ∇g(Xt ) will converge to ∇g(X ∗ ). Therefore, ∇ij g(Xt ) converges to −λ if (i, j) ∈ P and to λ if (i, j) ∈ N . Since we select fixed set by testing whether (Xt )ij = 0 and −λ + ǫ < ∇ij g(Xt ) < λ − ǫ, when k is large enough |∇ij g(Xt ) − ∇ij g(X ∗ )| will be smaller than ǫ, then all variables in P or N will not be selected in the fixed set. Theorem 5. {Xt } generated by our algorithm QUIC converges asymptotic quadratically to X ∗ when t is large enough. Proof. First, if we the index sets P, N and Z (related to the optimal solution) are given, solving (2) is the same as solving the following constrained minimization problem. X X min − log det(X) + tr(SX) + λXij − λXij X


s.t. Xij ≥ 0 ∀(i, j) ∈ P, Xij ≤ 0 ∀(i, j) ∈ N, Xij = 0 ∀(i, j) ∈ Z.



Next we claim that when k is large enough, our algorithm is equivalent to applying the Newton method in Section 7.3.1 to minimize (32). Since the objective function values of (32) and (2) are the same if we restrict variables to follow the sign patterns in (32), to prove the equivalence it suffices to show: 1. The sign of the optimal solution for the original sub-problem (5) will always be the same as (32) after a finite number of iterations. This is the result of Lemma 11. 2. The fixed set selection does not affect the Newton sub-problem. This can be proved by Lemma 12 because at each iteration the fixed set Sf ixed ⊂ Z, and Z is the set which always satisfies (Dt )Z = 0 after t large enough. So we will never fix the wrong variables (choose variables in P or N in the fixed set) after t is large enough. Moreover, Lemma 10 shows the step size will always be 1 when t large enough. Therefore our algorithm is equivalent to the Newton method in Section 7.3.1, which converges quadratically to the optimal solution of (32). Since the revised problem (32) and our original problem (2) has the same minimum, our algorithm converges quadratically to the optimum of (2) when the iteration t is large enough. 7.4

Size of free sets in experiments

In Figure 2, we plot the size of the free set versus iterations for Hereditarybc dataset. Starting from a total of 18692 = 3, 493, 161 variables, the size of the free set progressively drops, in fact to less than 120, 000 in the very first iteration. We can see the super-linear convergence of QUIC even more clearly when we plot it against the number of iterations.



x 10 12 objective value size of free set





size of free set

objective value difference to optimum









6 8 number of Newton iterations



0 14

Figure 2: Size of free sets and objective value versus iterations (Hereditarybc dataset). There are total 3, 493, 161 variables, but the size of free set reduce to less than 120, 000 in one iteration, and become about 20, 000 at the end.