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Varying Excitation Signals for Nonlinear. System Characterization. Alireza Fakhrizadeh Esfahani, Student Member, IEEE, Johan Schoukens, Fellow, IEEE,.


Using the Best Linear Approximation With Varying Excitation Signals for Nonlinear System Characterization Alireza Fakhrizadeh Esfahani, Student Member, IEEE, Johan Schoukens, Fellow, IEEE, and Laurent Vanbeylen, Member, IEEE

Abstract— Block-oriented model structure detection is quite desirable since it helps to imagine the system with real physical elements. In this paper, we explore experimental methods to detect the internal structure of the system, using a black box approach. Two different strategies are compared and the best combination of these is introduced. The methods are applied on two real systems with a static nonlinear block in the feedback path. The main goal is to excite the system in a way that reduces the total distortion in the measured frequency response functions to have more precise measurements and more reliable decision about the structure of the system. Index Terms— Best linear approximation (BLA), Bussgang’s theorem, central composite design (CCD), nonlinear (NL) distortion, NL feedback, NL systems, optimal input design, structure detection.

I. I NTRODUCTION REQUENCY response function (FRF) measurement is very interesting for modeling and identification. FRF analysis is used not only for modeling, but also it can be used to get insight into the internal structure of the system under test. Since nonlinear (NL) identification is usually a very time consuming procedure, it is highly desirable to carefully select an appropriate model structure prior to the actual identification. In this paper, we study block-oriented systems [1], [2], consisting of interconnected dynamic linear blocks and static NL (SNL) blocks. In [1], different block-oriented structure systems, such as Wiener–Hammerstein (WH), parallel WH, and NL unity feedback systems, are studied in the time domain. These structures are analyzed using spectral analysis of Volterra series expansion of the block structured NL system in [3]. A complete review of these methods can be found in [2] and [4]. Here, the internal structure of block-oriented systems is explored, for which already a large number of possible internal


Manuscript received June 19, 2015; revised September 4, 2015; accepted October 8, 2015. Date of publication January 6, 2016; date of current version April 5, 2016. This work was supported in part by the Fund for Scientific Research (FWO-Vlaanderen), by the Flemish Government (Methusalem), the Belgian Government through the Inter University Poles of Attraction (IAP VII) Program, and by the ERC advanced grant SNLSID, under Contract 320378. The Associate Editor coordinating the review process was Dr. Dario Petri. A. Fakhrizadeh Esfahani and J. Schoukens are with the Department of Fundamental Electricity and Instrumentation (ELEC), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 1050 Brussels, Belgium (e-mail: [email protected]). L. Vanbeylen was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 1050 Brussels, Belgium. He is now with KBC Group, 1080 Brussels, Belgium. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIM.2015.2504079

structures can be present. In this paper, the focus is on the detection of the NL structure using the best linear approximation (BLA), such as the presence of NL feedback. The FRF of the BLA [5] is measured for the different excitation signal’s properties. In [6], it is proposed to use nonzero-mean Gaussian distributed signals in combination with a correlation analysis, for recognizing an NL system with a unity feedback structure. In [7], the standard deviation (STD) and bandwidth of the excitation signals are changed to study the internal structure of the system using the BLA analysis. In [8] (this paper is the extension of the article, which authors presented in the I2 MTC conference in 2015), in contrast to [7], amplitude (STD value) level and/or dc level (mean value, offset, or operating point) of a full-band random phase multisine within frequency band of interest are varied to analyze the block-oriented NL structure. In this paper, the idea of varying dc and STDs, as proposed in [8], is extended to find an optimal selection of dc and STD levels, to have a minimum amount of distortions and therefore a set of high-quality BLA measurements (which in turn can serve to get insight into the NL system). The proposed method is based on the central composite design (CCD) method [9]. The novelty of the article is the extraction of an eigenpath using CCD, which gives the best1 strategy for varying the dc and STD levels of the input signal. Multisines are used for exciting systems under test. Multisines are in the class of Gaussian signals by increasing the number of frequencies lines asymptotically [5]. This periodic signal gives the same BLA as a filtered Gaussian (a colored Gaussian process) excitation with the same bandwidth. Simultaneously with the measurement of the BLA, a nonparametric analysis of the NL distortions is done. On the basis of these results, the potential of both properties is discussed. A method is proposed for which both properties (dc and STD levels) are varied. Using this method, FRFs have less distortion, and the structure detection and, furthermore, any postprocessing calculation will be more reliable. The internal NL structure of the system can be identified by changing the excitation’s characteristic values, 1 The strategy is optimal in the sense that—in a local approximation in the dc/STD space—the magnitudes of the total distortions on the BLA are jointly minimized.

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the dc and STD levels. Information about the NL structure of the system can be retrieved by finding the BLA, with different experiments through varying the excitation signal’s dc and STD values. In Section II, Bussgang’s theorem [10] (providing information about the BLA of static systems) is proved to be valid for an excitation that contains dc value. It is shown that varying the dc level of the excitation signal has less NL distortion contributions at the BLA. Therefore, it is a good idea to vary the dc level to retrieve information about the NL structure of the system through variations of the BLA. By calculating and fitting a parametric model on the FRF, we can follow the behavior of the poles and zeros and choose the best internal structure [11]. The following are the main contributions of this paper: 1) extension of Bussgang’s theorem to include nonzero-mean Gaussian inputs; 2) structure detection for block-oriented models through varying the input properties; 3) analysis of the pole-zero behavior of different internal structures; 4) finding the best strategy for varying the dc and STD levels of the signal to measure different high-quality BLAs that can be used to detect the block-oriented structure of the system. A proposition to Bussgang’s theorem for nonzero-mean excitations is presented in Section II. In Section III, blockoriented models are introduced. In Section IV, the concept of the BLA is reviewed. The structure detection method is explained in Section V. In Section VI, an experimental method for selecting the best dc and STD levels of the signal is introduced. Systems under study and the measurement results are given in Sections VII and VIII. Section IX concludes this paper. II. B USSGANG ’ S T HEOREM FOR N ONZERO -M EAN E XCITATIONS Structure detection, based on the BLA of block-oriented models, needs to study the BLA of the static nonlinearity, a memoryless function block. It can be done through Bussgang’s theorem, which, simply stated, means that an SNL system excited with Gaussian signals has a constant BLA (static frequency independent). However, Bussgang did not provide the proof in case the input has nonzero mean. Here, it is needed to analyze the BLAs at different dc levels (nonzero-mean input). According to Bussgang’s theorem [10], if the input signal of an SNL system, is a stationary (colored) zero-mean Gaussian process, the BLA of an SNL block is a constant. The static nonlinearity should fulfill the following property:  ∞ x2 xgx (x)e− 2 d x < ∞. (1) −∞

This condition covers a large class of functions, such as functions with a finite number of discontinuities and functions with a finite number of discontinuous derivatives. Here, we will show that Bussgang’s theorem is also valid for nonzero-mean input.

Fig. 1.

Block diagram of an SNL system with a nonzero-mean input.

Proposition 1: Assume p(t) to be a stationary (colored) nonzero-mean Gaussian process and q(t) = g p ( p(t)), then R pq (τ ) = k R pp (τ )


Ruv and Ruu are the cross covariance and autocovariance, respectively. Proof: It is assumed, that the input process p(t) is a Gaussian process, with a nonzero mean E{ pt } = μ p = pdc p(t) = μ p + x(t)


where μ p is the mean value of p(t) and x(t) is a stationary zero-mean Gaussian process (see Fig. 1). It can be remarked that the SNL g p (•) can be redefined in terms of an offset and a function gx (•) g p ( p) = gx ( p − μ p )


gx (x) = g p (x + μ p ).


or equivalently


Since E{x(t)} to gx (•) [10]

0, Bussgang’s theorem applies

Rxq (τ ) = k Rx x (τ ).


Using the equations corresponding to the block diagram in Fig. 1, a result similar to (6) can be obtained in terms of the signal p R pq (τ ) = k R pp (τ ).


This fact is the simple consequence of R pq (τ ) = E{( p(t + τ ) − E{ p(t + τ )})(q(t) − E{q(t)})} = E{(x(t + τ ) + μ p − E{x(t + τ ) + μ p }) × (q(t) − E{q(t)})} = E{(x(t + τ ) − E{x(t + τ )})(q(t) − E{q(t)})} = Rxq (τ )


and R pp (τ ) = E{( p(t + τ ) − E{ p(t + τ )})( p(t) − E{ p(t)})} = E{( p(t + τ ) − μ p )( p(t) − μ p )} = E{x(t + τ )x(t)} = E{(x(t + τ ) − E{x(t + τ )})(x(t) − E{x(t)})} = Rx x (τ ).


In this paper, multisine excitations are used. Multisines are among the class of Gaussian signals (as the number of the excited frequencies approaches infinity). Gaussian signals are


Fig. 3.


Analogy between the NL system and the BLA.

G BLA ( j ω) is the BLA of the system. Eu denotes the mathematical expectation with respect to the random input. It can be assumed that an NL dynamic system is replaced by the BLA plus an NL distortion term ys (t) (see Fig. 3). ys (t) is uncorrelated with u(t), but not independent (for a detailed discussion, see [5, Sec. 3.4], or [17], [18]). The following equations hold (see Section II) in the time and frequency domains, respectively: Fig. 2.

Few examples of block-oriented NL structures.

separable for separable processes and Bussgang’s theorem, also known as the invariance property, holds [1], [12]. From Proposition 1, it follows that Bussgang’s theorem is also valid for nonzero-mean excitations. Therefore, the BLA of an SNL system even with nonzero-mean inputs is a constant k [see also (11) and (12)] depending on the mean (dc) and the variance (STD2 ) of p(t). This fact will be used in the sequel to detect the internal structure of block-oriented models (see Section V). III. B LOCK -O RIENTED N ONLINEAR M ODELS Block-oriented NL models can be defined as an interconnection of SNL and linear time-invariant blocks [1], [2]. Three types of block-oriented systems that are considered in this paper are as follows. 1) A WH System: Is defined as the cascade connection of two linear dynamic systems and a static nonlinearity in between. 2) A Parallel WH System: Parallel branches of different WH systems. 3) An NL Feedback System: A branch of a WH system in the feedback and a linear time-invariant block in the feedforward path. The WH system can be located either in the feedforward or in the feedback path [13]. In Fig. 2, the three different block oriented systems, which are considered in this paper, are shown. IV. B EST L INEAR A PPROXIMATION The BLA is a tool to measure the FRF [5], [14], [15] of an NL dynamic system (assuming that the response to a periodic input is periodic with the same period as the input). Here, the BLA is used to analyze the block-oriented internal structure of the system. In this section, the BLA is defined in the first part, and next, the estimation method is explained. A. Definition The BLA is defined as [5], [15], [16] G BLA ( j ω) = arg min Eu {|Y ( j ω) − G( j ω)U ( j ω)|2} G( j ω)


where Y ( j ω), G( j ω), and U ( j ω) are the real output of the system, the model, and the input of the system, respectively.

R yu = gBLA  Ruu Syu = G BLA Suu

(11) (12)

where R yu and Ruu are input–output cross correlation and input autocorrelation, respectively.  stands for the convolution operation, and gBLA is the BLA in the time domain (the inverse Fourier transform of G BLA ). S yu and Suu are input–output cross power and input autopower spectra, respectively. The BLA depends on the class of inputs to which u belongs. Here, the class of band-limited Gaussian noise signals, with a certain mean value (dc) and STD, are used. B. Estimation To estimate the BLA easily, it is proposed to excite the system with Gaussian distributed excitations (see Section II), for example, random phase multisine signals. More precisely, with random phase multisines [5], the calculated BLA has less uncertainty, compared with random excitations [5], [19]. The two methods to analyze the NL distortion with the BLA spectrum are called the robust method and the fast method [5], [19]. These methods allow one to separate the noise and the NL distortion ys (t). Hence, from the multisine measurement, the FRF of the BLA, the noise, and the NL contributions can be quantified nonparametrically in the frequency domain [5], [19]. In this work, the robust method is adopted [5], [19]. includes the stochastic NL disThe total distortion σˆ 2ˆ G BLA

tortion σˆ 2ˆ on the BLA and the noise contribution σˆ 2ˆ Gs



By exciting the system with a periodic excitation, the user is . By subtracting able to estimate the noise contribution σˆ 2ˆ G BLA,n

the noise contribution from the total distortion, the NL distortion is calculated. The mentioned quantities are calculated as follows: P 1  [m, p] [m] ˆ U ( j ωk ) = U ( j ωk ) P


P 1  [m, p] Y ( j ωk ) Yˆ [m] ( j ωk ) = P






σˆ U2ˆ [m] ( j ωk ) =

P  |U [m, p] ( j ωk ) − Uˆ [m] ( j ωk )|2 P(P − 1)


P  |Y [m, p] ( j ωk ) − Yˆ [m] ( j ωk )|2 P(P − 1)



σˆ 2ˆ [m] ( j ωk ) = Y


σˆ 2ˆ [m] ˆ [m] ( j ωk ) = Y




(Y [m, p] ( j ωk ) − Yˆ [m] ( j ωk ))(U [m, p] ( j ωk ) − Uˆ [m] ( j ωk )) P(P − 1) (17) ˆ [m] ( j ωk ) Y (18) Gˆ [m] ( j ωk ) = Uˆ [m] ( j ωk ) M ˆ [m]  G ( j ωk ) Gˆ BLA ( j ωk ) = M

σˆ G2ˆ


( j ωk ) =


σˆ 2ˆ ( j ωk ) = U ,n

σˆ Y2ˆ ,n ( j ωk )

m=1 M 

Y U ,n

|G [m] ( j ωk ) − Gˆ BLA ( j ωk )|2 M(M − 1)

M 1  2 σˆ ˆ [m] ( j ωk ) U M

1 = M

σˆ 2ˆ ˆ ( j ωk ) =


1 M

m=1 M  m=1 M 



σˆ 2ˆ [m] ˆ [m] ( j ωk )




m=1 M 

U ,n

1  M m=1  [m]  |Yˆ ( j ωk )|2 − σˆ Y2ˆ ,n ( j ωk )


( j ωk ) − σˆ G2ˆ


( j ωk )


In this structure N1 N2 N1 N2 G1 = , G2 = → G BLA = k (30) D1 D2 D1 D2 where, according to Bussgang’s theorem, k is the BLA of the static nonlinearity q = f ( p). By changing the dc and STD of the excitation signal, k changes, but poles and zeros of G BLA do not change. 2) Parallel WH Systems (Example With Two Branches): (31)

Here, the following equations hold: ⎧ N11 N12 ⎪ ⎪ G 11 = , G 12 = → G 1BLA ⎪ ⎪ D D 11 12 ⎪ ⎨ = k1 G 11 ( j ω)G 12( j ω) N21 N22 ⎪ ⎪ G 21 = , G 22 = → G 2BLA ⎪ ⎪ D21 D22 ⎪ ⎩ = k2 G 21 ( j ω)G 22( j ω) (32) G BLA = k1 G 11 ( j ω)G 12( j ω) + k2 G 21 ( j ω)G 22( j ω)


(33) N11 N12 N21 N22 = k1 + k2 (34) D11 D12 D21 D22 k1 N11 N12 D21 D22 + k2 N21 N22 D11 D12 = D11 D12 D21 D22 (35)

M 1  SˆY0 U0 ( j ωk ) = M m=1   [m] (26) Yˆ Uˆ [m] ( j ωk ) − σˆ 2ˆ ˆ ( j ωk ) Y U ,n ⎛ 2 σˆ 2ˆ ( j ωk ) |Gˆ BLA ( j ωk )|2 ⎝σˆ Yˆ ,n( j ωk ) U ,n 2 · ( j ωk ) = σˆ Gˆ + BLA,n ˆSY0 Y0( j ωk ) ˆSU0 U0( j ωk ) M ⎞⎞ ⎛ σˆ 2ˆ ˆ ( j ωk ) Y U ,n ⎠⎠ −2Re⎝ SˆY0 U0 ( j ωk )


G BLA ( j ω) = kG 1 ( j ω)G 2( j ω).



 σˆ G2ˆ ( j ωk ) = M σˆ G2ˆ

By analyzing the BLA variations that take place, for varying dc and STD [STD of the u(t)] levels of the excitation signal, the internal structure of the system is detected. Applying Bussgang’s theorem to the structures in Fig. 2, the BLA is given in the following. It is possible to select one out of three candidate model structures by varying the excitation signal’s characteristic values. For Gaussian distributed excitation signal for all structures in Fig. 2 and changing the dc and STD of the signal [7] for each mentioned structure, we have the following results. 1) WH Systems:

G BLA = G 1BLA + G 2BLA . σˆ Y2ˆ [m] ( j ωk )

1 SˆU0 U0 ( j ωk ) = M m=1   [m] ˆ |U ( j ωk )|2 − σˆ 2ˆ ( j ωk ) z SˆY0 Y0 ( j ωk ) =



(27) (28)

where M is the number of experiments, P is the number of periods, U [m, p] ( j ωk ) and Y [m, p] ( j ωk ) are the Fourier transform of one period of the input and output signals in one experiment, respectively (for a detailed discussion, see [19, Sec. 6.1]).

where k1 and k2 are the BLAs of the static nonlinearity in the first and second branches, respectively. Here, it can be seen that the overall BLA has a pole set of the union of pole sets of each branch. But the zeros are different from the zeros of branches. Hence, by changing the dc and rms levels, zeros move but poles do not. The detailed identification procedure can be found in [20]. 3) Nonlinear Feedback: As a first approximation,2 we have that G BLA ∼ =

G 1 ( j ω) . 1 + G 1 ( j ω)G BLAFb


2 It should be noted that the input of the SNL in the NL feedback case is not Gaussian anymore. As long as the input’s amplitude is small, the input of the SNL block tends to be Gaussian. In this case, the BLA is the same as the -approximation [11].



In this case, the relations are ⎧ N1 ⎪ ⎪G 1 = ⎪ ⎪ D 1 ⎨ N21 N22 G 21 = , G 22 = → G BLAFb ⎪ ⎪ D21 D22 ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ = kG 21 ( j ω)G 22( j ω) (37) ( j ω) G 1 (38) G BLA ∼ = 1 + G 1 ( j ω)kG 21( j ω)G 22 ( j ω) = =


N1 D1 N1 N21 N22 D1 D21 D22

N1 D21 D22 . D1 D21 D22 + k N1 N21 N22

square errors (MSEs) of BLAs, which can be approximated by a quadratic model. This quadratic model for MSEs is controlled by the dc and STD levels. The eigenpath on the extremum point of the surface gives the set of experimental points. This gives a set of BLAs with less distortion levels. The algorithm is as follows. 1) Normalize the dc and STD according to their range dc (or dcmax − dcmin ) and STD (or STDmax − STDmin ) x1 = x2 =


x1 +1 ⎢ +1 ⎢ ⎢ −1 ⎢ ⎢√ −1 ⎢ ⎢ 2 ⎢ √ ⎢ = ⎢− 2 ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎢ 0 ⎢ ⎢ . ⎣ .. ⎡


In this section, an experimental algorithm is introduced to find a set of dc and STD levels of the input signal to have less distorted BLAs. The first part of the proposed method uses the CCD [9] approach.3 Then on the saddle point of the quadratic model, the eigenpath gives the set of experiments, in which both the dc and STD levels are varied simultaneously. It is expected that the behavior of an NL system is changed with varying dc and STD (amplitude) of the signal. In addition, by exciting the system with low-amplitude signals (STD), the noise distortion is typically more significant in the BLA. This gives a hyperbola, convex, or concave surface to the mean

dc − dcC


dc 2




where dcC and STDC are the center points of the CCD experiment. Make the following experimental plan, where each row corresponds to the settings of an experiment:


Here, k is the BLA of the static nonlinearity in the feedback path. It is seen that the overall BLA has zeros of the union of the zero set of the feedforward path and the pole set of the feedback path. By varying the excitation signal’s characteristics (e.g., dc and STD), the overall zeros do not change, but the poles change. In the special case where G 21 = G 22 = 1, the zeros of the closed-loop system are the same as the zeros of the feedforward path. The results of this section are collected in Table I. Table I allows obtaining an idea of a possible internal NL structure in an early phase (prior to the actual modeling) starting from BLAs. For example, if the estimated poles of the BLA are depending on dc or STD, it can readily be determined that NL feedback is present. The reader should be aware that the mentioned pole–zero behaviors are necessary conditions for the presence of the related structure; in other words, there are different structures other than the above with the same behavior of pole–zero. This is discussed in [11].

3 The standard CCD method is explained through steps 1)–6).


X plan


x2 ⎤ −1 +1 ⎥ ⎥ −1 ⎥ ⎥ +1 ⎥ ⎥ 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ √0 ⎥ ⎥ √2 ⎥ − 2⎥ ⎥⎫ 0 ⎥ ⎥⎬ .. ⎥ l times. . ⎦⎭ 0


2) At each experimental point for the dc and STD levels of the excitation, estimate the BLA and its MSE (which is defined on the total distortion σˆ 2ˆ ) MSE =

1 f k N − f k1




f k1

σˆ G2ˆ




where f k1 and fk Nex are the first and last excited frequencies, respectively, in the multisine signal. 3) Build a full quadratic model for MSEs using a linear least square fit (regression with X plan as the regressor and the MSEs as the dependent vector) ˆ = A20 x 12 + A11 x 1 x 2 + A02 x 22 MSE + A10 x 1 + A01 x 2 + A00 .


4) By doing multiple (l) experiments at the center point, it gives the ability to measure the noise level in MSEs. Based on that, the uncertainty of the estimated parameters can also be estimated n  ˆ i) RSS = (MSEm i − MSE (46) i=1

Var(MSE) = RSS/(n − p)  T −1 Xm Var(MSE) Cov( Aˆ i ) = X m

(47) (48)

ˆ is the where RSS is the residual sum of squares, MSE vector of predicted MSEs, the subscript m represents the


Fig. 4.


NL mass spring damper with a cubic term as hardening effect.

Fig. 5. Block diagram of systems under study. (a) the NL-MSD (Silverbox) system, (b) the NL-XFB system. TABLE II E XPERIMENTAL PARAMETERS

measured values of each variable, n is the number of all experiments, and p is the degree of freedom (number of unknown parameters Ai ), which is equal to the number of parameters in the model. 5) Calculate the signal-to-noise ratio (ti ) for each coefficient according to ti =

Aˆ i


STD Aˆ i

where Aˆ i is the estimated coefficients and STD Aˆ i is  ˆ (50) STD( Ai ) = diag(Cov( Aˆ i )). 6) Drop the coefficients with low absolute signal-to-noise ratio (|ti |). As a rule of thumb, it is recommended to drop the coefficients with t-values less than 3. 7) Find the extremum point of the surface by solving   ∗      A11 x1 A10 0 2 A20 + = . (51) A11 2 A02 x 2∗ A01 0



   A˜ 11/2 x˜1 A˜ 20 = [x˜1 x˜2 ] ˜ x˜2 A11/2 A˜ 02 = A˜ 20 x˜ 12 + A˜ 11 x˜ 1 x˜2 + A˜ 02 x˜22

This system has a spring with an NL cubic term k3 y 3 to model a mechanical hardening spring effect. For this system, we have m y¨ + d y˙ + k1 y + k3 y 3 = r (t)

(54) 3

m y¨ + d y˙ + k1 y = r (t) − k3 y .


The equivalent block diagram of this system is shown in Fig. 5(a) (also known as the Silverbox) [21]. B. Nonlinear System With a Multiplication in the Feedback Path

8) Transfer (45) to the new point (x 1∗ , x 2∗ ). 9) This new equation can be written as 

A. Nonlinear Mass Spring Damper System

(52) (53)

where x˜i = x i − x i∗ (i = 1, 2) is a new transferred variable. 10) The eigenvector of the matrix Q corresponding to the lowest eigenvalue determines the line (through x ∗ ) along which the MSE varies the least and therefore delivers different BLAs of the highest quality. This gives the best strategy for doing the experiments. VII. S YSTEMS U NDER S TUDY Two NL feedback systems are considered in this paper: 1) an NL mass spring damper (NL-MSD) system [see Figs. 4 and 5(a)] and 2) a linear system with a multiplication operation in the feedback path (NL-XFB) [see Fig. 5(b)]. Both systems are implemented as electronic circuits. The proposed methodology will be applied to measurements of these devices (see Section VIII).

The second system, shown in Fig. 5(b), is composed of a dual-amplifier bandpass filter [22] in the forward path with a multiplication in the feedback, which is fed by an independent branch from the input with a squaring device (AD835) followed by a generalized-impedance-converter-derived dual-amplifier biquad as a low-pass filter [23]. VIII. M EASUREMENT R ESULTS The two systems under study are excited with a random phase multisine signal. The settings for the excitation signal are written in Table II and measured with Agilent/HP E1430A data acquisition cards. Both systems are excited by an Agilent/HP E1445A arbitrary wave generator. A. Structure Detection The FRFs (BLAs) of the NL-MSD are plotted in Fig. 6. In Fig. 6 (left), FRFs with different dc levels of the excitation signals are shown, while in Fig. 6 (right), FRFs are plotted for different STD levels. It is seen that by increasing the input amplitude (STD), the resonance frequency shifts and also the damping changes. This behavior points to pole movements and hence to the presence of an NL feedback [24]. It is seen


Fig. 6. FRFs of the NL-MSD (Silverbox). Bold line: Gˆ BLA , light gray curve: σˆ Gˆ , and dark gray curve: σˆ Gˆ . The arrows point from BLA


Fig. 8. Pole–Zero map of varying dc (left) and varying STD (right) experiments on the NL-MSD system. Labels 1 to 4 correspond to dc and STD levels shown in Fig. 6 (low to high).


low to high dc or STD levels. The excitations are multisines with STD = 10 mV and dc levels = 0,50,100,150 mV (left), and STD = 10,20,40,80 mV and dc levels = 0 mV (right).

Fig. 9. Pole–Zero map of varying dc (left) and varying STD (right) experiments on the NL-XFB system. Labels 1 to 5 correspond to dc and STD levels shown in Fig. 7 (low to high). TABLE III S ETTINGS FOR F ULL G RID M EASUREMENT Fig. 7. FRFs of the NL-XFB. The arrows point from low to high dc , and dark gray curve: or STD levels. Bold line: Gˆ BLA , light gray curve: σˆ Gˆ BLA

σˆ Gˆ . The excitations are multisines with STD = 0.02 V and dc levels = BLA,n 0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4 V (left), and STD = 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5 mV and dc levels = 0 mV (right).

[in Fig. 6 (left)] that the total STD (σˆ Gˆ BLA ) and the noise level (σˆ Gˆ BLA,n ) are decreased, by increasing the dc level of the input signal. As the dc level is increased, the total distortion (σˆ Gˆ BLA ) and noise level are decreased, but as the STD level is increased [see Fig. 6 (right)], the total distortion and the stochastic NL distortion (σˆ Gˆ s which is very close to the total distortion curve, and it is hard to distinguish from the total distortion in this figure) is increased (as expected, high amplitude hits the NLs more). Fig. 7 shows a similar picture for the NL-XFB system. In Fig. 7 (left), there are plots of the FRFs with varying dc levels. In Fig. 7 (right), the FRFs are calculated with the different STD levels of the excitation signal. In the varying dc level experiment, the total distortion is decreased, while in the STD sweeping experiment, the total distortion has an

increasing trend. Therefore, it is recommended to use the dc sweeping rather than the varying STD to detect the internal structure. Through parametric fitting on FRFs, using MATLAB FDIDENT toolbox [25], the movement of poles and zeros can be followed. It is assumed that the NL-MSD system has secondorder dynamics (without zeros) and the NL-XFB is a secondorder system with a zero (see the deep antiresonance in Fig. 7 at the frequency 0 Hz). In Figs. 8 and 9, the pole–zero loci of systems under study are shown. In Fig. 9, the movement of poles have all the same natural frequency. As it is observed in Figs. 8 and 9, the poles move in both systems. Therefore, the presence of the NL feedback can be detected in both systems. In Fig. 8, the pole–zero map of the NL-MSD system by a dc sweep (left) and an STD sweep (right) show pole movements of the system. This behavior suggests again the existence of the feedback branch. In addition, in Fig. 9, in both cases



Fig. 10. Surface MSE (dc, STD) for the NL-MSD system (dc and STD levels according to Table III): MSE in decibels as a function of the dc value and the STD. Fig. 12. Extracted second-order surface for the MSEs (with fine meshes), the grid experiment surface (with coarse meshes), the eigenpath (the white line), and the saddle point of the modeled surface (the white circle). TABLE IV D ESIGNED E XPERIMENTAL VALUES (R ESULTS OF THE CCD M ETHOD )

Fig. 11. Contour plot of MSEs for grid experiments (Fig. 10). Here, the MSE scale is linear. Squares () and the asterisk (∗) are the CCD designed experimental points. The circle (◦) at the far left bottom of the figure shows the calculated extremum point of the quadratic model. The dashed line is the eigenpath that is selected as the best strategy.

(STD and dc sweep), the poles are shifting, while the zeros do not change. This behavior allows again one to easily detect the existence of the feedback branch. B. Input Optimization In this section, the results of the proposed method for selecting the dc and STD level of the signal are shown. These results are based on the experiments carried out on the NL-MSD system. 1) Experiments on a Grid in the dc-STD Plane: The 11 dc and 16 STD levels are selected according to Table III. For this set of experiments, the sampling frequency, number of excited frequency, and the frequency resolution are selected according to the NL-MSD column of Table II. Fig. 10 shows the MSEs (in dB) of all signals with permissible dc and STD levels of the excitation signal. The results agree with the fact that by decreasing the STD level, the MSE is decreased because the noise has more contribution to the total distortion. But by increasing the STD level, the MSEs (dB) are increased, because of the NL contribution of the system. It is clear that

Fig. 13. FRFs of the designed excitation signal. The arrows point from the lowest value of dc and STD levels to the highest. Bold line: Gˆ BLA , light gray: σˆ Gˆ , dark gray: σˆ Gˆ , and medium grey is the stochastic BLA BLA,n nonlinear distortion σˆ Gˆ . The excitations are multisines with (dc,STD) levels: s (17,4), (57,5), (97,6), (137,7), (177,8) mV.

varying the dc level of the input signal at a fixed STD level does not have a significant impact on MSE levels. 2) Proposed Method: The CCD method explained in Section VI was applied to find the best strategy to reach to the minimum value of MSEs, based on only ten different values of (dc and STD). Fig. 11 shows the contour plot of all the experiments’ grid (Fig. 10). In Fig. 11, the squares and the star show the designed experiments according to the matrix in (43). The quadratic surface that is built according to these experiments is plotted in Fig. 12. The dashed line in Fig. 11 shows the best strategy we should select to reach to an FRF with a minimum distortion level. In addition, this line is shown in Fig. 12 as a white line.


Fig. 14. Pole–zero map of the designed experiment for the NL-MSD system.

The designed dc and STD levels according to this line are in Table IV. Fig. 13 shows the FRFs of the designed experiment. Comparing Fig. 13 with Fig. 6 (left) (FRFs for varying dc), the noise contribution is slightly increased, but the total and stochastic NL distortions decrease significantly. Moreover, the maximum of the total distortion only varies very slightly, corresponding to slight changes of the MSE on the optimal line. By fitting a parametric model on each FRFs in the optimal experiment, we have the poles–zeros of transfer functions. Fig. 14 shows the pole–zero trend of the new experiment. IX. C ONCLUSION Bussgang’s theorem is still valid for nonzero-mean excitation signals. Using the input/output BLA of a system, with varying input signal properties (dc and STD level), and studying the pole–zero behavior of the BLA, we are able to select a block-oriented structure out of the three different types of internal structures, i.e., series and parallel WH systems, and NL feedback structure (see Table I). By changing the dc and STD levels, it is possible to influence the level of the NL and noise distortions. Varying the dc level is preferable to varying the STD, since it delivers much higher quality (lower distortion) for BLA measurements. An optimal experimental design procedure is proposed, where dc and STD values are varied jointly. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Johan Pattyn for the design, realization and technical supports of the setup in Fig. 5(b).


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Alireza Fakhrizadeh Esfahani (S’14) was born in Esfahan, Iran. He received the master’s degree in electrical power engineering, and the master’s degree in technomathematics (applied mathematics) from the Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland, in 2012. He has been with the Department of Fundamental Electricity and Instrumentation (ELEC), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, since 2013. He is interested in system identification, nonlinear vibration, block-oriented and state-space system identification, nonlinear dynamics, and control.



Johan Schoukens (F’97) received the master’s degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree in engineering from Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium, in 1980 and 1985, respectively, the Geaggregeerde voor het Hoger Onderwijs degree from VUB, in 1991, and the D.Sc. degree from The University of Warwick, Coventry, U.K., in 2014. He was a Researcher of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research with the Electrical Engineering Department, VUB, from 1981 to 2000, where he is currently a full-time Professor of Electrical Engineering. Since 2009, he has been a Visiting Professor with the Department of Computer Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. Since 2013, he has been an Honorary Professor with The University of Warwick. His current research interests include system identification, signal processing, and measurement techniques. Dr. Schoukens has been a member of the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts since 2010. He was a recipient of the 2002 Andrew R. Chi Best Paper Award of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NSTRUMENTATION AND M EASUREMENT, the 2002 Society Distinguished Service Award from the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, and the 2007 Belgian Francqui Chair at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels. In 2011, he received the Doctor Honoris Causa degree from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary).

Laurent Vanbeylen (S’06–M’12) received the master’s degree in electrical engineering and the Ph.D. degree from Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium, in 2005 and 2011, respectively. He was a Doctor-Assistant with the Electrical Measurement Department, VUB, until 2014. He is currently with the KBC Group, Brussels. His current research interests include nonlinear dynamic systems, with the emphasis on the identification of nonlinear feedback models.