Zames-Falb multipliers for quadratic programming - CiteSeerX

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W. P. Heath is with Control Systems Centre, School of Electrical and Electronic ... University of Newcastle, NSW 2308, Australia. Adrian[email protected] ...
Zames-Falb multipliers for quadratic programming W. P. Heath, Member, IEEE and A. G. Wills

Abstract In constrained linear model predictive control a quadratic program must be solved on-line at each control step, and this constitutes a nonlinearity. If zero is a feasible point for this quadratic program then the resultant nonlinearity is sector bounded. We show that if the nonlinearity is static then it is also monotone and slope restricted; hence we show the existence of Zames-Falb multipliers for such a nonlinearity. We express the results in terms of integral quadratic constraints. The multipliers may be used in a general and versatile analysis of the robust stability of input constrained model predictive control.

I. I NTRODUCTION Recently we proposed a new stability test for constrained linear MPC (model predictive control) [8], [7]. If zero is feasible then the nonlinearity arising from the associated on-line quadratic program is sector bounded. Hence the multivariable circle criterion gives a sufficient condition for closed-loop stability. The results may be used to demonstrate stability against both structured and unstructured infinity-norm bounded model uncertainty [6]. In this paper we show the existence of Zames-Falb multipliers when such a nonlinearity is static—for example when the only constraints are fixed input constraints. In particular we show that the nonlinearity is bounded, monotone and slope restricted in the sense of [12] which summarizes the natural generalization of [17] to MIMO (multi-input multi-output) nonlinearities

φ : RN → RN (in such analysis it is sufficient, without loss of generality, to consider only square systems). We express the results in terms of IQCs (integral quadratic constraints).

W. P. Heath is with Control Systems Centre, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Manchester, PO Box 88, Sackville Street, Manchester M60 1QD, UK [email protected] A. G. Wills is with the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Newcastle, NSW 2308, Australia

[email protected]

The multipliers, together with the results in [6], may be used for the analysis of the robust stability of input constrained MPC. The analysis is general and versatile, but we should note a caveat: the Zames-Falb stability criterion does not necessarily guarantee continuity of the input-output map [11]. N Notation: Let LN 2 be the space of R -valued functions f such that


−∞ | f (t)|


is finite; let

2 1 l2N be the space of RN -valued sequences f k such that ∑∞ k=−∞ | f k | is finite. Write L2 for L2 and

l2 for l21 . Let L1 be the space of real functions f such that


−∞ | f (t)|dt

is finite; let l1 be the

space of real sequences f k such that ∑∞ k=−∞ | f k | is finite. Let < x, y > denote the inner product between x and y, and let x ∗ y denote the convolution of x and y. II. Z AMES -FALB




In [17] Zames and Falb derive multipliers in two parts: ZF1: the first concerns bounded and monotone nondecreasing nonlinearities; ZF2: the second concerns nonlinearities that are also slope-restricted. Both results are derived for single-valued nonlinearities, where it is commented that they can be “easily” generalized to MIMO nonlinearities. It is observed in [15] that, in fact, the first result only generalizes to a MIMO (multi-input multi-output) nonlinearity φ : R N → RN under a further condition. Specifically it is shown that a necessary and sufficient further condition for Zames-Falb multipliers (ZF1) to exist is for the line integral

!B A

φ (x)T dx to be independent of

path, and this is equivalent to the condition that φ is the gradient of some convex potential function. Hence in [12] the term “monotone” is reserved for this case. In this spirit, we say φ is bounded (by c > 0) if #φ (x)# ≤ c#x# for all x ∈ RN ; φ is incrementally positive if [φ (x) −

φ (y)]T (x − y) ≥ 0 for all x, y ∈ RN ; φ is monotone if it is incrementally positive and may be

expressed as the gradient of a convex potential function; φ is slope-restricted to the interval [a, b] if [φ (x) − φ (y) − a(x − y)]T [φ (x) − φ (y) − b(x − y)] ≤ 0 for all x, y ∈ RN . The Zames-Falb multipliers are then given as:

Zames-Falb multipliers: Let φ : RN → RN be bounded and monotone with φ (0) = 0. Let

h ∈ L1 satisfy


−∞ |h(t)|dt

∞ < 1 (or let h ∈ l1 satisfy ∑t=−∞ |h(t)| < 1) and either let φ be odd or

let h(t) ≥ 0 for all t. Then

N ZF1: For any x ∈ LN 2 (or x ∈ l2 ) we have

(φ (x), x) ≥ (φ (x), h ∗ x)


ZF2: If φ is slope-restricted to the interval [α , β − ε ] for some real α > 0, β > 0, ε > 0 with

β − ε > α then for any x ∈ LN2 (or x ∈ l2N ) we have

(φ (x) − α x, β x − φ (x)) ≥ (φ (x) − α x, h ∗ (β x − φ (x)))


Remark: The multipliers can be constructed in the manner of [17], [3], [2]. Note that in [2] a restricted case is considered, and thus more general multipliers are obtained (see also [10]). When the condition ZF2 is derived in this manner, it is necessary to demonstrate that φ˜ = φˆ1 ◦ φˆ2−1 is the gradient of a convex potential function with φˆ1 = (φ − α I) and φˆ2 = (β I − φ ). Since φˆ2 is a

one-to-one mapping and the gradient of a convex function, it follows from Theorem 26.6 of [14]

that φˆ2−1 is also the gradient of a convex function. We may express φ˜ as φ˜ = (β − α )φˆ2−1 − I. Hence φ˜ is the gradient of a potential function, and since φ˜ is non-decreasing it is the gradient of a convex potential: see [15]. III. Z AMES -FALB


Let the function f : RN → RN be given by the quadratic program 1 f (x) = arg min nT n − nT x n 2 subject to Ln + b with b , 0 and Mn = 0


with “+” and “,” denoting term-by-term inequality. We assume L, M and b are fixed so that f is a static nonlinearity. In [8] we showed that the nonlinearity that occurs in constrained linear MPC (model predictive control) can be expressed in this manner, provided 0 is feasible. Furthermore f lies in the sector [0, I] in the sense that f (x)T [ f (x) − x] ≤ 0 for all x ∈ RN


Thus the multivariable circle criterion can be used to ascertain the closed-loop stability of MPC. Here we show that Zames-Falb multipliers may be constructed for f . In particular, we show in the following two lemmas that f satisfies the conditions of [17] and [15] respectively.

Lemma 1: Let f be given by (3). Then f (0) = 0, f is bounded by 1 and f is incrementally positive. Furthermore f is slope-restricted to the interval [0, 1]. Proof: See Appendix. ! Lemma 2: Let f be given by (3). Then f is monotone. Proof: See Appendix. ! Hence our main result: Theorem 1 (Zames-Falb multipliers for quadratic programming): Let f be given by (3). Let h ∈ L1 satisfy


−∞ |h(t)|dt

or let h(t) ≥ 0 for all t. Then

∞ < 1 (or let h ∈ l1 satisfy ∑t=−∞ |h(t)| < 1) and either let f be odd

N 1) For any x ∈ LN 2 (or x ∈ l2 ) we have

( f (x), x) ≥ ( f (x), h ∗ x)


N 2) For any x ∈ LN 2 (or x ∈ l2 ) and for any ε > 0 we have

( f (x), (1 + ε )x − f (x)) ≥ ( f (x), h ∗ [(1 + ε )x − f (x)])


Proof: 1) This follows immediately from applying ZF1 to f . 2) This follows from applying the ZF2 to f (x) + α x with β = 1 + α + ε . ! The results can be extended to quadratic programs with more general positive definite Hessians via straightforward substitution. Let the function f˜ : RN → RN be given by the quadratic program 1 f˜(x) ˜ = arg min n˜T Gn˜ − n˜ T x˜ n˜ 2 subject to L˜ n˜ + b˜ with b˜ , 0 and M˜ n˜ = 0


with G = GT > 0. This can be transformed to the form of (3) by the substitutions f = Gr f˜ x = G−T r x˜


where GTr Gr = G. Hence we may say: Corollary 1 (Zames-Falb multipliers for quadratic programming with generalized Hessian): Let f˜ be given by (7). Let h ∈ L1 satisfy


−∞ |h(t)|dt < 1

1) and either let f˜ be odd or let h(t) ≥ 0 for all t. Then

∞ (or let h ∈ l1 satisfy ∑t=−∞ |h(t)|dt
0 we have



f˜(x), ˜ (1 + ε )x˜ − G f˜(x) ˜




f˜(x), ˜ h ∗ [(1 + ε )x˜ − G f˜(x)] ˜





In [13] a unified approach to robustness analysis via IQCs (integral quadratic constraints) was introduced. Such techniques may be used to analyze the robustness of MPC [6]. Here we express N the various inequalities of the theorems in standard form. In particular, given φ : L N 2 → L2 , we

adopt the notation of [9] and say

φ ∈ IQC(Π) when

" ∞


 

x( jω )

φ (x)( jω )


 Π( jω ) 

(11) x( jω )

φ (x)( jω )

N N for all x ∈ LN 2 . Similarly if φ : l2 → l2 we say

 dω ≥ 0

φ ∈ IQC(Π) when

" π


for all x ∈ l2N .

 

x(e jω )

φ (x)(e jω )


 Π(e jω ) 


(13) x(e jω )

φ (x)(e jω )

 dω ≥ 0


Let H be the continuous (or discrete) Fourier transform of h. Then following [2] we may say: Corollary 2 (Results expressed as IQCs):

1) Inequality (1) may be expressed as φ ∈ IQC(Π) with   0 (1 − H ∗ )I  Π= (1 − H)I 0

2) Inequality (2) may be expressed as φ ∈ IQC(Π) with   ∗ ∗ −αβ (2 − H − H )I α (1 − H)I + β (1 − H )I  Π= α (1 − H ∗ )I + β (1 − H)I (−2 + H + H ∗ )I

3) Inequality (6) may be expressed as f ∈ IQC(Π) with   ∗ 0 (1 + ε )(1 − H )I  Π= (1 + ε )(1 − H)I (−2 + H + H ∗ )I

4) Inequality (10) may be expressed as f˜ ∈ IQC(Π) with   ∗ 0 (1 + ε )(1 − H )I  Π= (1 + ε )(1 − H)I (−2 + H + H ∗ )G !





V. C ONCLUSION We have shown that Zames-Falb multipliers may be applied to the nonlinearity that arises in constrained linear MPC, provided 0 is feasible and the nonlinearity is static. The result may be incorporated into a robustness analysis of input constrained MPC based on IQCs [6]. A PPENDIX : P ROOF



Proof of Lemma 1: 1) Since b , 0, zero is feasible and it follows trivially that f (0) = 0.

2) The Karoush Kuhn Tucker (KKT) conditions [5] for f give

f (x) + M T ζ (x) + LT λ (x) − x = 0 M f (x) = 0 L f (x) + s(x) = b s(x)T λ (x) = 0


with s(x) , 0 and λ (x) , 0. Substituting for x (and y) from the first condition gives: [ f (x) − f (y)]T (x − y) = [ f (x) − f (y)]T [ f (x) + M T ζ (x) + LT λ (x) − f (y) − M T ζ (y) − LT λ (y)] = || f (x) − f (y)||2 + [ f (x) − f (y)]T M T [ζ (x) − ζ (y)] + [( f (x) − f (y)]T LT [λ (x) − λ (y)] = || f (x) − f (y)||2 + 0 + [s(y) − s(x)]T [λ (x) − λ (y)] = || f (x) − f (y)||2 + s(y)T λ (x) + s(x)T λ (y) ≥ 0


3) Given x, suppose f x is feasible with || fx ||2 > ||x||2 and hence || fx ||2 > fxT x. Let f˜x = (1 − ε ) fx with ε > 0. By convexity f˜x is also feasible. Put Jx ( f ) = 12 f T f − f T x. Then 1 Jx ( f˜x ) = (1 − ε )2 fxT fx − (1 − ε ) fxT x 2 1 = Jx ( fx ) − ε ( fxT fx − fxT x) + ε 2 fxT fx 2 < Jx ( fx ) for ε sufficiently small


Hence fx cannot be equal to f (x) and so we must have || f (x)||2 ≤ ||x||2 .

4) Given x, y suppose f x and fy are feasible with ( f x − fy )T (x − y) < || fx − fy ||2 . Let f˜x =

fx + ε ( fy − fx ) and f˜y = fy + ε ( fx − fy ) for some ε > 0. By convexity f˜x and f˜y are also

feasible. Furthermore

Jx ( f˜x ) + Jy ( f˜y ) 1 = Jx ( fx ) + ε fxT ( fy − fx ) + ε 2 || fx − fy ||2 − ε ( fy − fx )T x 2 1 +Jy ( fy ) + ε fyT ( fx − fy ) + ε 2 || fy − fx ||2 − ε ( fx − fy )T y 2 = Jx ( fx ) + Jy ( fy ) − ε (1 − ε )|| fx − fy )||2 + ε ( fx − fy )T (x − y) < Jx ( fx ) + Jy ( fy ) for ε sufficiently small (22) Hence fx and fy cannot be concurrently equal to f (x) and f (y), so we must have [ f (x) − !

f (y)]T (x − y) ≥ || f (x) − f (y)||2, and hence [ f (x) − f (y)]T [ f (x) − f (y) − (x − y)] ≤ 0.

Proof of Lemma 2: It is well-known (e.g. [1]) that f is both piecewise affine [16] and continuous [4]. Within each affine   I   Li  M

region Ri , the KKT conditions give (c.f. [16], [5])     LTi M T   fi (x)   x      0 0   λi (x)  =  bi      0 0 ζ (x) 0


where f = fi within region Ri , where Li and bi correspond to the constraints which are active in the region (i.e. Li is made up of rows of L, and bi is made up of the corresponding entries in b, and we have the equality f i (x) = bi within Ri ), and where λi (x) are the corresponding Lagrange multipliers. Thus the piecewise affine control law is fi (x) = Fi x + ai


with 

Fi = I −  

ai = 

Li M


T   

M T   

Li M


 

M  

Li M


T −1   

M T −1   

bi 0

Li M 

 


In particular Fi = FiT ≥ 0 and within each region Ri we can form the potential function 1 Pi (x) = xT Fi x + xT ai 2


fi (x) = ∇Pi (x)


such that

This is sufficient to show the integral is independent of path within each region [15]. So it suffices to show that if xA and xB lie on the border of adjoining regions Ri and R j , then the integral from A to B is the same via region Ri or region R j —see Fig 1. Let Ii be the integral via region Ri , and R j be the integral via region R j . Thus Ii = and similarly Ij =

" B A

" B A

1 1 (Fi x + ai )T dx = xTB Fi xB + xTB ai − xTA Fi xA − xTA ai 2 2


1 1 (Fj x + a j )T dx = xTB Fj xB + xTB a j − xTA Fj xA − xTA a j 2 2



Ij Rj Ri



Fig. 1.

This illustrates the final part of the proof of Lemma 4. Given xA and xB on the border of adjoining regions Ri and R j ,

the integral from xA to xB is independent of choice of path.

Since xA and xB lie on the boundary of region Ri and R2 we have the relations Fi xA + ai = Fj xA + a j Fi xB + ai = Fj xB + a j


ai − a j = (Fj − Fi )xA = (Fj − Fi )xB


In particular

Thus I j − Ii = = = = =

1 T 1 1 1 xB Fj xB + xTB a j − xTA Fj xA − xTA a j − xTB Fi xB − xTB ai + xTA Fi xA + xTA ai 2 2 2 2 1 T 1 T x (Fj − Fi )xB + xA (Fi − Fj )xA + (xA − xB )T (ai − a j ) 2 B 2 1 (xA − xB )T (ai − a j ) 2 1 (xA − xB )T (Fj − Fi )xA 2 0


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