Textbook (optional): Introduction to Chemical Principles, 11th ed., H. Stephen
Stoker. You may be able to find the 10th edition online for cheaper. At least one ...
CHEM104 Section 001, Summer 2013 Course Syllabus Instructor:
Dr. Nicholas Grossoehme Office: Sims 302A Office hours: TBA Phone: (803) 323-4955 E-mail:
[email protected]
Meeting Times: Lecture: Online Credit Hours: 3 Course Website: http://chem.winthrop.edu/faculty/grossoehme/link_to_webpages/courses/chem104/chem104home.html Textbook (optional): Introduction to Chemical Principles, 11th ed., H. Stephen Stoker. You may be able to find the 10th edition online for cheaper. At least one copy of the book will be on reserve at the library. Web and Electronic Resources: All important links can be found on the course website. Lectures will be distributed on WUtopia!. Homework will be completed using the ALEKS website. Online office hours will be hosted by Google Hangouts. Once scheduled, you will receive a link via email to join the chat room. Quizzes and exams must be uploaded using the link provided on the course homepage. All electronic resources are tested on as many browsers as possible. However, I do not guarantee that all material will work on all devices. The web platform that I use most frequently is Google Chrome and, to my knowledge, there will be no compatibility issues if you use this browser on PC or Mac. The WUtopia! website is not optimized for mobile devices; I strongly recommend using a laptop of desktop computer when watching the lectures. Course Objectives and Student Learning Outcomes (in accordance with University Level Competency 1): Upon completion of this course, the successful student will be able to: • • • • •
Understand and appreciate the Scientific Method. Understand and apply the basic concepts used in chemistry. Think critically about problems. Use a variety of appropriate problem solving strategies. Understand and communicate scientific topics. Recognize chemistry outside the classroom.
Material Discussed:
• • • • • • • • • • •
Dimensional Analysis and Unit Conversions Periodic Trends Molecular Shape and Structure Nomenclature Chemical Formulas and Equations Stoichiometry States of Matter Energy Intermolecular Forces Gas Laws Acid-Base Chemistry
Tentative Course Schedule: Available on the course website
Grading for the Course: Lecture Questions (15%): Each lecture has several learning artifacts that are designed to help you focus on the lecture material that is most important. To encourage you to get the most out of the lectures, 15% of your grade will come from correctly completing the questions associated with each lecture.
Homework (25%): Homework problems are assigned weekly and due every Friday. During the last week of class, homework is due on Thursday so that there is time for the 3rd exam. Assignments will be completed online via the ALEKS website. There will be a maximum of 15 objectives assigned each week. Each objective requires that you get 3 problems correct before mastering it. Plan accordingly; if you struggle with a concept, this may take you a considerable amount of time. The point of these exercises is to help you understand how approach a problem to determine the correct answer. If you complete all topics within an objective, you’ll receive 100% credit.
Quizzes (20%): Quizzes will be given at the end of non-exam weeks. These will be a multiple choice format and are designed to take a maximum of 30 minutes. I will consider partial credit on incorrect answers if you upload your work using the link that will be provided on the course website. Exams (40%): The exams, each worth 15% of the final grade, are designed to take approximately 75 minutes. At least one day before the exam, you must schedule a time to take the exam. At this time, I will email you the exam and you need to submit it (upload it using the provided link) within 90 minutes. Partial credit will be considered, so you are strongly encouraged to include your work in the upload. Uploading your work for partial credit: Uploading is simple – follow the link that I provide you with. There are several ways to do this – the simplest is to take a picture of your scratch paper. Other options are to do your work on a tablet device and save it as a pdf or type it out. The punchline is that I need to be able to read what you submit, so make sure that it is legible and easy to see.
15%, Lectures
25%, ALEKS
20%, Quizzes Point Distribution Grades: A 90-100
B+ 87-89
B 80-86
C+ 77-79
C 70-76
D 60-69
F < 59
Attendance: This is an online course, so your viewing of course material is inherently optional (although, it is worth points, so you should definitely do it!). Drop Policy: As described in the Winthrop University Undergraduate catalog Student code of conduct: As noted in the Student Conduct Code: “Responsibility for good conduct rests with students as adult individuals.” The policy on student academic misconduct is outlined in the “Student Conduct Code Academic Misconduct Policy” in the online Student Handbook (http://www2.winthrop.edu/studentaffairs/handbook/StudentHandbook.pdf).
Students with Disabilities: Winthrop University is dedicated to providing access to education. If you have a disability and require specific accommodations to complete this course, contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS) at 803-323-3290. Once you have your official notice of accommodations from the Office of Disability Services, please inform me as early as possible in the semester. Study Tips: • • • • • • • •
Prepare for the lectures by reading the corresponding book sections. Know what we will talk about. Stay active during the lectures by taking good notes and writing down question to ask the instructor during online office hours. Read all assigned material before and after hearing a lecture on it. Review other sources of information (textbooks, online, etc). Ask for extra material. Regularly review lecture notes. Think you understand…review the notes one more time. Actively participate in the collaborative group sessions. Do all the work more than once. ASK QUESTIONS!